Episode 3 fs6

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On Becoming a Teacher

My Learning Episode Overview

The Teacher in a School

Rafallo, Mark Anthony N.


A teacher as a professional will always be found in a school setting. A
teacher’s official working place is a school. A school is an institution where
learning occurs under the guidance of a professional called the teacher.

How does a teacher operate or function in a school setting? How will a

teacher manage the learning environment in the school setting?

My Map
This experiential learning episode will take you to the school setting. You will
spend more time making observations and talking to your resource teacher. Here
are the steps that will guide you in your journey today.

Visit a particular teacher in a school.

Study the time schedule and the activities.
Secure the teacher’s program. St

Make a school setting observation at a certain period of the day’s

Based on the daily program, find out what the teacher is supposed to do during the
time of your visit. Observe what the teacher is doing. Take note of the different activities.

My Learning Activities

Teacher in the school setting: Encounter of the First Kind

Mrs. Edlyn R. Magdato

Lanigay High School
3rd District
Division of Albay
7:00 -7:15 Flag Ceremony
7:15 - 8:15 Project Dear

8:31-9:30 M-TH AP Grade 9-Krypton

9:30-9:45 BREAK
9:45-11:45 M-T AP Grade 10-Charity
9:46-11:45 M-Th AP Grade 9-Neon
1:30:-3:30 M-T AP Grade 10-Faith
1:31 - 3:30 M-Th AP Grade 9-Argon

Areas of Focus for My Observations

Observation in the School
Physical Setting

The chairs are arranged properly. Size of the
every classroom is enough to cater a number of
1. Classroom
students and very conducive for learning.
They have a bulletin board which displays all
2. Bulletin Board queries about the classroom, students
Display achievements, classroom and PTA officers.
Colorful enough and appealing to the eyes.
3. School Playground
4. Learning Resource Not available, but they have a student’s lounged
to stay during their vacant hours.
They have a computer room but they only used it
for actual learning purposes (examination).
Books, magazines and other reading materials
are also available in the library.

Socio-Psychological Setting
They have a class schedules like assigning
group cleaners every day. Have designated
1. Class Schedules
students to distribute their textbook in orderly
2. Teacher’s Activities manner.
3. Learners Activities Teachers are sent to seminars and training
4. Co-Curricular
The activities that they have inside the
classroom are drill, role playing, and simulation,
5. Extracurricular games that make their learning more enjoyable
and fun.
They have a different contest and also engaged
in participating MTAP and Science Quiz bee

The activities that they have in their school are

camping activity. They also attend Regional and
District meet.

My Reflections/Insights
Based on the teachers program and your observations,
1. Would you consider teaching as a full time job? Why? Why not?

Yes, while on observation, I see myself working as full time teacher because as
one of them needs passion and enthusiasm for teaching. Teaching learning
experience doesn’t only happen in the four corners of the classroom. It could
happen anytime, anywhere in which the student’s needs you.

2. Are the conditions in the classroom conducive to the welfare of both the
learners and teacher? How will you improve on it?

Yes, it is conducive to learning for both teacher and students because of the
school environment. The physical environment of the classroom make the teaching
learning process attainable in a peaceful situation.

3. After closely observing the teacher in the school setting, are you motivated to
continue on becoming a teacher? What in the teachers practices inspire you
to become a professional teacher?

Yes, absolutely! Becoming a teacher is a hard vocation, I should be manifest

positive virtues and attitudes to touch the heart of my students, teach their minds to
do work and transforms their lives by making myself as their role model.

4. How can I improve the school setting that I have observed when I become a

a. Classroom Arrangement
I think there is need to renovate the chairs in order for students relaxation and
comfortable for discussion.

b. Bulletin Board Display

I should make it more colorful and attractive to make the display livelier for the

c. School Playground
Need to trim the grasses is very important, provide benches and drinking water

Integrating Theory and Practice

What previous learning or concepts are affirmed by this learning episode? Let’s find

1. A classroom teacher comes to school early in the morning and goes home
late. Officially, the number of hours spent in school should be _________.

A. 6 Hours
B. 8 hours
C. 4 hours
D. 3 hours

2. As required, all teachers should eat lunch at exactly 12:00 noon because its
their noon break.

A. This statement is true.

B. This statement is false.
C. This statement is doubtful.
D. This statement is a rule.

3. As observed, all teachers in the whole school ________.

A. Begin classes at the same time at 8:00 am

B. Ends classes at the same time at 5:30 pm
C. Wear the same school uniform
D. Live in the same village

4. Which of these activities is NOT required of a teacher in school?

A. Come to class on time

B. Attend the flag ceremony
C. Attend school activities
D. Take a nap at noontime

5. Aside from teaching and guiding the learners in the classroom, a teacher has
to do other things. This one activity should be to __________.

A. Fed the children everyday

B. See to it that the classroom is conducive for learning
C. Provide school materials for the whole year
D. Sell snacks in the classroom

My Learning Portfolio

My Learning Rubric
Field Study 6, Episode 3 – The Teacher in a School Setting
Name of FS Student: Mark Anthony N. Rafallo Date Submitted: July 21, 2018
Year & Section: 4-B Course: BSED
Learning Episodes Exemplary Superior Satisfactory Needs
4 3 2 Improvement
All tasks were done with All or nearly all tasks Nearly all tasks were Fewer than half of
outstanding quality; work were done with high done with acceptable tasks were done; or
Learning Activities exceeds expectatio quality. quality. most objectives
were met but need
4 3 2 1
All questions were Analysis questions were Analysis questions were Analysis questions
answered completely; in answered completely. not answered were not answered.
Analysis of the Learning depth answers; completely.
Episode thoroughly grounded on Clear connection with Vaguely related to the Grammar and
theories. Exemplary theories. theories spelling
grammar and spelling. unsatisfactory
Grammar and spelling Grammar and spelling
are superior. acceptable 1
3 2
Reflection statements Reflection statements Reflection statements Reflection
are profound and clear; are clear, but not clearly are shallow; supported statements are
Reflections/ Insights supported by supported by by experiences from the unclear and
experiences from the experiences from the learning episodes shallow and are not
learning episodes learning episodes supported by
experiences from
the learning
4 3 2 1
Portfolio is complete, Portfolio is complete, Portfolio is incomplete; Analysis questions
clear, well-organized and clear, well-organized; supporting were not answered.
Learning Portfolio all supporting; most supporting documentations are
documentations are documentations are organized but are Grammar and
located in sections available and logical and lacking spelling
clearly designated clearly marked locations unsatisfactory
3 1
4 2
Submission of Learning Submitted before the Submitted on the Submitted a day after Submitted two days
Episode deadline deadline the deadline or more after the
4 3 2 1
Over-all score (Based on


Score 20 19-18 17 16 15 14 13-12 11 10 9-8 7 below
Grade 1.0 1.25 1.5 1.75 2.00 2.25 2.50 2.75 3.00 3.50 5.00
99 96 93 90 87 84 81 78 75 72 71-below

Signature of FS Teacher Date: _________________

Above Printed Name


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