Throne Room Events - Pathfinder: Kingmaker Wiki

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The document outlines different events that can occur when an advisor visits the throne room in Pathfinder: Kingmaker. The events cover a range of topics and the player's choices lead to changes in their kingdom stats.

Advisors can discuss various issues like laws and policies, requests from citizens, defense and stability of the kingdom, cultural development, and more. The events allow the player to roleplay as the ruler and make impactful decisions.

The player's choices in how to handle each event and issue raised will increase or decrease their stats in different areas like Loyalty, Economy, Culture, Stability, etc. This allows the player to develop their kingdom according to their preferences.

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Throne room events

This is the a subset of the Kingdom Room Events page.

1 z 18 07.12.2019, 14:27

Throne room events - Pathfinder: Kingmaker Wiki

Event Issue Result

Amiri The visitor has met with

Wants to Amiri insists on meeting t... the baron{ess}. Begins the
Talk quest Pariah.

The baron{ess} granted

the advisor an audience to
discuss the matter at
Councilor hand. Loyalty +1
Awaits in An advisor wants to discuss
the Throne an... Exempt the merchant:
Room No change.
Remind him of the law:
No change.
Execute him: ?

? Enables Curator. Loyalty

Councilor +1
Awaits in An advisor wants to discuss Also unlocks the ability to
the Throne an... build a newspaper print
Room shop for Culture +5 and
-100 Build Points.

The baron{ess} granted

the advisor an audience to
discuss the matter at
Councilor hand. Loyalty +1
Awaits in An advisor wants to discuss
the Throne an... Stop the merchants: ?
Room Let them hire
mercenaries: Economy
+2,Stability +1, enables
The Helping Hand

The baron{ess} granted

the advisor an audience to
Councilor discuss the matter at
Awaits in An advisor wants to discuss hand. Loyalty +1
the Throne an...
Room Free Market: No effect
Guild Trade: ?

The baron{ess} granted

the advisor an audience to
discuss the matter at
hand. Loyalty +1
~Possibly dependent on
supporting merchants

Councilor Executions: ?
Awaits in An advisor wants to discuss Bail by Priests:
the Throne an... Community +3, Loyalty
Room +3, Divine +2
Military service: ?

Schools: Culture +15

Trinkets: ?
Money: ?

2 z 18 07.12.2019, 14:27

Throne room events - Pathfinder: Kingmaker Wiki

The baron{ess} granted

the advisor an audience to
discuss the matter at
Curator hand. Culture +1
An advisor wants to discuss
an... Open schools: Loyalty
Your Help
+2, -100 Build Points,
and free School.
Ignore: No change.

The baron{ess} granted

the advisor an audience to
discuss the matter at
hand. Culture +1
An advisor wants to discuss Invite Larzio to the
an... Palace: Culture +1, -1
Your Help
Build Point, and
enables Improving
Cultural Development.
Turn him away: ???

The baron{ess} granted

the advisor an audience to
discuss the matter at
hand. Culture +1
An advisor wants to discuss Issue own newspaper:
an... Community +2, Loyalty
Your Help
+2, Stability +2, Culture
+1, and -2 BP per
Turn him away: ???

The baron{ess} granted

the advisor an audience to
discuss the matter at
Curator hand. Culture +1
An advisor wants to discuss
Your Help Sponsor Larzio: ?
Don't Sponsor: Culture

The baron{ess} granted

the advisor an audience to
discuss the matter at
hand. Culture +1
An advisor wants to discuss Build University [200
an... BP]: Loyalty -3,
Your Help
Economy +2, Relations
+2, Culture +3, Build
Points -200
Don't : ?

The baron{ess} granted

the advisor an audience to
discuss the matter at
hand. Culture +1
An advisor wants to discuss Fund the production
an... [100 BP]: Culture +1,
Your Help
Build Points -100
(Leads to the Opera being
very successful, earning

3 z 18 07.12.2019, 14:27

Throne room events - Pathfinder: Kingmaker Wiki

Economy +4, Stability +4,

Culture +1, +2 Build Points
per cycle)

Fund the stage [50

BP]: Culture +1, Build
Points -50
Fund nothing: ?

Scares Jhod insists you need to inter... ? Divine +1

? Military +1
Requests An advisor wants to discuss Hire Swordlords as
an an... officers: Relations +2
Audience Hire spellcasters as
officers: Arcane +2

The baron{ess} granted

the advisor an audience to
discuss the matter at
hand. Military +1
Requests An advisor wants to discuss Place barracks near
an an... the capital: Enables
Audience Border Training Camps
Place barracks near
the borders: Enables
Training Camps near
the Capital

The baron{ess} granted

the advisor an audience to
discuss the matter at
hand. Military +1
General Prohibit the potions:
Requests An advisor wants to discuss Military +3, Arcane -2,
an an... and Stability +3
Audience Don't interfere: ?
Make everyone drink
them: Arcane +2 and
Alchemical Additive

The baron{ess} granted

the advisor an audience to
discuss the matter at
hand. Military +1
General Hire Mercenaries:
Requests An advisor wants to discuss Military +11, Economy
an an... -5, and -250 Build
Audience Points, enables
Defenders of the Land
Conscription: ?
Do Nothing: ?

General The baron{ess} granted

Requests An advisor wants to discuss the advisor an audience to
an an... discuss the matter at

4 z 18 07.12.2019, 14:27

Throne room events - Pathfinder: Kingmaker Wiki

hand. Military +1

Alkenstar: Military +5,

Audience -3 BP per week
Arcanamirium: Military
+5, -3 BP per week
Kurgess: ?

The baron{ess} granted

the advisor an audience to
discuss the matter at
hand. Military +1
General Choose Warrior as
Requests An advisor wants to discuss General: Relations +5,
an an... enables Swordplay
Audience Mastery
Choose Mage as
General: Arcane +5,
enables Arcane

The baron{ess} granted

the advisor an audience to
discuss the matter at
Grand hand. Relations +1
Wants to An advisor wants to discuss Impress with
Discuss an... Army: ???
Important Impress with
Matters Wealth: ???
Pretend to be Poor:
Relations +1,
Espionage +3

The baron{ess} granted

the advisor an audience to
discuss the matter at
hand. Relations +1
Grand Help Sevenarches: ???
Wants to An advisor wants to discuss Help Kyonin: Relations
Discuss an... +4, Arcane +3, enables
Important Easier Upgrades
Matters Enforce peace:
Relations -6, +2 BP per
week, enables Easier
Buy from anyone: ???

The baron{ess} granted

the advisor an audience to
discuss the matter at
hand. Relations +1

Grand Health
Diplomat Institutions(Neutral
Wants to An advisor wants to discuss Good): ???
Discuss an... Remove from
Important office(Lawful Neutral):
Matters Economy -10,
Relations -4,
Community +3, -4 BP
per week
Hang them(Neutral

5 z 18 07.12.2019, 14:27

Throne room events - Pathfinder: Kingmaker Wiki

Evil): Economy -10,

Relations -4, Stability
+3, -4 BP per week

The baron{ess} granted

the advisor an audience to
Grand discuss the matter at
Diplomat hand. Relations +1
Wants to An advisor wants to discuss
Discuss an... Enables event Exodus
Important to Kyonin; perhaps
Matters dependent on previous

The baron{ess} granted

the advisor an audience to
Grand discuss the matter at
Diplomat hand. Relations +1
Wants to An advisor wants to discuss
Discuss an... Unite against Razmir:
Important Loyalty +3, Relations
Matters +4
Be paid for silence[250
BP]: ?

The baron{ess} granted

the advisor an audience to
discuss the matter at
hand. Relations +1
Diplomat Newspapers: Loyalty
Wants to An advisor wants to discuss +5, Relations +1,
Discuss an... Culture +10
Important Citizenship for military
Matters service: Community
+5, Military +10,
Relations +1
Citizenship for all: ?

The celebrations were

spectacular! Everyone
Happy participated in the revelries
Birthday to The baron{ess}'s birthday is – from the peasants to the
You, a... baron{ess}'s entourage.
Baron{ess}! Community +1, Military +1,
Relations +1, and Build
Points +20

? Divine +1
High Priest Destroy idols: Divine
An advisor wants to discuss
Seeks Your +3
Allow idols: Community
+1 and Loyalty +2

The baron{ess} granted

the advisor an audience to
discuss the matter at
High Priest hand. Divine +1 and
An advisor wants to discuss
Seeks Your enables Divine Protection
Advice from Poison project.

Allow the preacher to

6 z 18 07.12.2019, 14:27

Throne room events - Pathfinder: Kingmaker Wiki

stay: Loyalty -1, Divine

+3, and Stability -1.
Throw the preacher
out: Loyalty +2 and
Stability +2.
Execute the preacher:
Community +1 and
Stability +3.

The baron{ess} granted

the advisor an audience to
discuss the matter at
hand. Open's the position
of Magister. Divine +1
High Priest
An advisor wants to discuss Build the library:
Seeks Your
an... Relations +2, Arcane
+2, -100 Build Points,
and free Nethys'
Don't build it: No

The baron{ess} granted

the advisor an audience to
discuss the matter at
hand. Divine +1
High Priest
An advisor wants to discuss
Seeks Your Allow peasants to push
Advice out silent cult: ?
Stop the peasants:
Community +2, Loyalty
-5, and Divine +4.

The baron{ess} granted

the advisor an audience to
discuss the matter at
hand. Open's the position
of Magister. Divine +1
High Priest
An advisor wants to discuss Cayden: ?
Seeks Your
Advice Abadar: Enables
project Divine
Protection from Fear
Gorum: ?
Asmodeus: ?

The baron{ess} granted

the advisor an audience to
discuss the matter at
hand. Open's the position
of Magister. Divine +1
High Priest
An advisor wants to discuss
Seeks Your ~Likely dependent on
allowing idols earlier
Activates event: Cult

The baron{ess} granted

the advisor an audience to
High Priest
An advisor wants to discuss discuss the matter at
Seeks Your
an... hand. Open's the position
of Magister. Divine +1

7 z 18 07.12.2019, 14:27

Throne room events - Pathfinder: Kingmaker Wiki

Prohibit Atheism:
Loyalty -1, Relations
-1, Divine +4, Arcane
Permit Atheism:
Loyalty +2, Relations
+2, Divine -5, Arcane
Execute Atheists
(Chaotic Evil): ?

The visitor has met with

Honor the the baron{ess}.
It's time to pay tribute to th...
Fallen Community +1 and Loyalty

Essay An interesting article awaits ... ? Community +1

? Relations +1 and begins

Invitation the next chapter, Season
for the The Embeth Travelers sent ... of Bloom, and the quest
Baron An Amusement for the

? Economy +1 and
Letter From Relations +1 You receive
A neighboring baron heard of
Maegar Message from Maegar
Varn Varn, Wand of Prayer, and
Wand of Good Hope.

The visitor has met with

Linzi Has a The bard is worried about one
the baron{ess}. Begins A
Suggestion ...
Feast of Feasts.

The baron{ess} granted

the advisor an audience to
discuss the matter at
hand. Arcane +1
Magister Control weather and
An advisor wants to discuss
Asks for an luck: Community +1,
Audience Loyalty +1, Divine +1,
and Arcane +1.**
Dominate animals: ?**
Influence the minds of
subjects: ?**

The baron{ess} granted

the advisor an audience to
discuss the matter at
Magister hand. Arcane +1
An advisor wants to discuss
Asks for an
an... Leave him alone: ?
Buy the Charm: Arcane
Seize the Charm: ?

The baron{ess} granted

the advisor an audience to
Magister discuss the matter at
An advisor wants to discuss hand. Arcane +1
Asks for an
Forbid Necromancy:
Community +2, Loyalty

8 z 18 07.12.2019, 14:27

Throne room events - Pathfinder: Kingmaker Wiki

+2, Divine +3, and

Arcane -2. Enables
Arcane Lobby.
License Necromancy: ?

The baron{ess} granted

the advisor an audience to
discuss the matter at
hand. Arcane +1

Stop experiments:
Community +2, Arcane
-3, Stability +2.
Magister Enables Arcane
An advisor wants to discuss Protection from
Asks for an
an... Compulsions.
Continue experiments:
Community -2, Arcane
+5, Stability -2. Arcane
Experiments in the
Capital trait and
enables Arcane
Protection from

The baron{ess} granted

the advisor an audience to
discuss the matter at
Magister hand. Arcane +1
An advisor wants to discuss
Asks for an
an... Refuse: ?
Employ Golem Mage:
Arcane +1, enables
Eternal Guardians.

The baron{ess} granted

the advisor an audience to
discuss the matter at
hand. Arcane +1
Magister Drive them out:
An advisor wants to discuss
Asks for an Community +2, Loyalty
Audience +2, Divine -2, Arcane
-1, enables Spell
Resistance Discovery
Accept their service: ?
Execute them: ?

The baron{ess} granted

the advisor an audience to
discuss the matter at
hand. Arcane +1
An advisor wants to discuss
Asks for an Enables event Silent
Audience Death; perhaps
dependent on previous
magical experiment

The baron{ess} granted

the advisor an audience to
Magister discuss the matter at
An advisor wants to discuss hand. Arcane +1
Asks for an
Allow free use of
magic: ?

9 z 18 07.12.2019, 14:27

Throne room events - Pathfinder: Kingmaker Wiki

Regulate magic:
Community +4, Loyalty
+4, Arcane -9, Stability

The baron{ess} granted

the advisor an audience to
discuss the matter at
hand. Arcane +1

Magister Share knowledge:

An advisor wants to discuss Relations +15, Arcane
Asks for an
an... +1
Train Priests: Divine
+15, Arcane +1
Produce magical
weapons: Military +15,
Arcane +1

The baron{ess} granted

the advisor an audience to
discuss the matter at
hand. Arcane +1

Magister Reject wizard of Nex's

An advisor wants to discuss golems: Community
Asks for an
an... +1, Loyalty +1,
Economy+1, Arcane -3
Allow wizard of Nex's
golems: Arcane +1,
enables Eternal

The baron{ess} granted

the advisor an audience to
discuss the matter at
hand. Espionage +1

Guards watch:
Community -1, Stability
-1, Espionage +1.
Enables Scouting the
Central Regions and
Scouting the Northern
A Minister Threaten Merchants:
Demands An advisor wants to discuss Economy -2,
Your an... Espionage +1. Enables
Attention Support the Minister's
Endeavors, Scouting
the Central Regions
and Scouting the
Northern Regions.
Torture Merchants:
Loyalty -1, Economy
-1, Espionage +1.
Enables Support the
Minister's Endeavors,
Scouting the Central
Regions and Scouting
the Northern Regions.

A Minister The baron{ess} granted

Demands An advisor wants to discuss the advisor an audience to
Your an... discuss the matter at
Attention hand. Espionage +1

10 z 18 07.12.2019, 14:27

Throne room events - Pathfinder: Kingmaker Wiki

Take hostages: ?
Spellbind her: Arcane
+2, Espionage +2,
enables Loyal Spies
Follow her: ?

The baron{ess} granted

the advisor an audience to
discuss the matter at
hand. Espionage +1

Send on to Galt:
A Minister Relations +2,
Demands An advisor wants to discuss Espionage +3, enables
Your an... project Scouting the
Attention Eastern Regions.
Send to Gralton:
Relations +2,
Espionage +3, enables
project Scouting the
Eastern Regions.
Sell in Daggermark: ?

The baron{ess} granted

the advisor an audience to
discuss the matter at
A Minister hand. Espionage +1
Demands An advisor wants to discuss
Your an... Pass information:
Attention Relations +2,
Espionage +3
Assist Vengeance: ?
Make peace: ?

The baron{ess} granted

the advisor an audience to
discuss the matter at
hand. Espionage +1

Honor the dead: ?

A Minister
Demands An advisor wants to discuss Take care of families:
Your an... Espionage +5, -1 BP
Attention per week
Renounce spies: ?
Turn Galt citizens into
undead: ?
Turn Galt citizens into
regular dead: ?

The baron{ess} granted

the advisor an audience to
discuss the matter at
A Minister hand. Espionage +1
Demands An advisor wants to discuss
Your an... Attack their wallets:
Attention Economy -3,
Espionage +1
Attack their agents: ?

The baron{ess} granted

A Minister the advisor an audience to
Demands An advisor wants to discuss discuss the matter at
Your an... hand. Espionage +1
Destroy reputation:

11 z 18 07.12.2019, 14:27

Throne room events - Pathfinder: Kingmaker Wiki

Espionage +1
Deceive ruler: ?
Offer Peace: Relations
+1, Espionage +1
Destroy headquarters
(Chaotic Evil):
Espionage +1

The baron{ess} granted

the advisor an audience to
discuss the matter at
A Minister hand. Espionage +1
Demands An advisor wants to discuss
Your an... Army: Military +10,
Attention Espionage +1
Embassies: ?
Magic schools: Arcane
+10, Espionage +1

The visitor has met with

the baron{ess}.
Monster Monsters are erupting from Community +1 and Loyalty
Invasion the... +1. Reveals Shrine of
Lamashtu and gives
Kesten's Letter.

Regent The baron{ess} granted

Demands An advisor wants to discuss the advisor an audience to
Your an... discuss the matter at
Presence hand. Community +1

The baron{ess} granted

the advisor an audience to
discuss the matter at
hand. Community +1
Demands An advisor wants to discuss Pardon Criminals
Your an... (Chaotic Good): ?
Neutral): Economy -5,
Stability +5

The baron{ess} granted

the advisor an audience to
discuss the matter at
hand. Community +1
Regent Appoint Nobility(Lawful
Demands An advisor wants to discuss Neutral): Enables
Your an... Stability by Nobility,
Presence Blue Blood Community
No Aristocrats(Chaotic
Neutral): Enables
Loyalty of the Masses,
Community of Loyalists

The baron{ess} granted

the advisor an audience to
discuss the matter at
Regent hand. Community +1
Demands An advisor wants to discuss
Your an... Merchants: Economy
Presence +15
Poor sailors: Loyalty

12 z 18 07.12.2019, 14:27

Throne room events - Pathfinder: Kingmaker Wiki

Celebration: ?

Renown The barony has gained

Across The news of the Stag Lord'... some renown across
Golarion Golarion. Relations +1

The baron{ess} granted

the advisor an audience to
discuss the matter at
hand. Economy +1

Treasurer Lower taxes: -2 Build

Requests An advisor wants to discuss Points per cycle and
Your an... Low Taxes
Attention Raise taxes by 1/3rd:
Community -1, Loyalty
-2, and Economy +3
Double taxes: +2 Build
Points per cycle and
High Taxes status

The baron{ess} granted

the advisor an audience to
discuss the matter at
hand. Economy +1
Requests An advisor wants to discuss Fund Leymar Tinch:
Your an... Economy +2, Relations
Attention +2, -100 BP, and Free
Halflings Brewery
Don't fund him: No

The baron{ess} granted

the advisor an audience to
discuss the matter at
hand. Economy +1

Order the 'Taxmasters'

to stop oppressing the
Treasurer people: Loyalty +5,
Requests An advisor wants to discuss Economy -2, and
Your an... Stability -3
Attention Let them continue with
guard assistance:
Loyalty -5, Economy
+4, and Stability +3
Denounce them but let
them continue: Loyalty
-1, Economy +3, and
Stability +2

The baron{ess} granted

the advisor an audience to
discuss the matter at
Treasurer hand. Economy +1
Requests An advisor wants to discuss
End Shadow Trade:
Your an...
Community +2,
Economy +1, Relations
+2, and Stability +2.
Enables Customs and

13 z 18 07.12.2019, 14:27

Throne room events - Pathfinder: Kingmaker Wiki

Improving Economic
Leave things as they
stand: ?

The baron{ess} granted

the advisor an audience to
discuss the matter at
hand. Economy +1
Treasurer Only tax Luxury
Requests An advisor wants to discuss goods: ?
Your an...
Attention Tax Luxuries and craft
materials: Community
-2, Loyalty -5
Tax Everything: ?
Tax Nothing: ?

The baron{ess} granted

the advisor an audience to
discuss the matter at
hand. Economy +1
Requests An advisor wants to discuss Trade with
Your an... Daggermark:
Attention Community -2, Loyalty
-5, Stability -3, enables
Trade Agreement with
Refuse: ?

The baron{ess} granted

the advisor an audience to
Treasurer discuss the matter at
Requests An advisor wants to discuss hand. Economy +1
Your an...
Attention Begin minting coin:
Enables Minting Coin
Don't bother: ?

The baron{ess} granted

the advisor an audience to
discuss the matter at
hand. Economy +1
Requests An advisor wants to discuss Weather Mage:
Your an... Loyality +5, Arcane +5
Attention Tuition: Relations +5,
Trade Houses:
Economy +5,
Espionage +5

Tristian wants to share ? Begins Kingdom of the
Has Some
someth... Cleansed.

The visitor has met with

Unrest in The people are gradually
the baron{ess}.
the Streets losin...
Community +1

? Relations +1 Begins The
Waits in A traveler insists on seeing t...
Curse of Candlemere.
the Castle

14 z 18 07.12.2019, 14:27

Throne room events - Pathfinder: Kingmaker Wiki

Visitor The visitor has met with

Waits in It's time to discuss the event... the baron{ess}. No
the Castle change.

Visitor The visitor has met with

Waits in It's time to discuss the event... the baron{ess}. No
the Castle change.

The visitor has met with

A noble visitor requests an the baron{ess}. Relations
Waits in
au... +1 and begins the quest
the Castle
The Lost Brother.

The baron{ess} granted

the advisor an audience to
discuss the matter at
hand. Stability +1 and
Warden enables Laying the
Needs An advisor wants to discuss Foundation project.
Your an...
Advice Order a curfew: Loyalty
-2 and Stability +3
Double guards: Military
-2 and Stability +3
Do nothing: Stability -2

The baron{ess} granted

the advisor an audience to
discuss the matter at
hand. Stability +1
Warden Search for the
Needs An advisor wants to discuss Merchant's Daughter:
Your an... 4000 gold, Military -3,
Advice Stability +1 and
enables Crimefighters
Follow normal
orders: ?

The baron{ess} granted

the advisor an audience to
discuss the matter at
hand. Stability +1
Needs An advisor wants to discuss Protect Bulette
Your an... Territory: ?
Advice Eradicate Bulettes:
Community +2,
Relations -5 and
Stability +5. Enables
Kingdom Defense.

The baron{ess} granted

the advisor an audience to
discuss the matter at
hand. Stability +1
Warden Renovate Slums:
Needs An advisor wants to discuss Community +3,
Your an... Stability +5 and -200
Advice Build Points.
Patrol Slums: ?
Tear Down Slums: ?
Ignore Slums: ?

15 z 18 07.12.2019, 14:27

Throne room events - Pathfinder: Kingmaker Wiki

The baron{ess} granted

the advisor an audience to
discuss the matter at
hand. Stability +1
Warden Take Initiative:
Needs An advisor wants to discuss Community -1, Loyalty
Your an... -1, Stability +2
Double Defense:
Community +2,
Stability +1, enables
Fortifying the

The baron{ess} granted

the advisor an audience to
discuss the matter at
hand. Stability +1

Warden Give them a raise:

Needs An advisor wants to discuss Loyalty +3, Stability +1,
Your an... -2 Build Points per
Advice cycle
Time off: Loyalty +3,
Stability -5
Execute slackers and
replace with
mercenaries: ?

The baron{ess} granted

the advisor an audience to
discuss the matter at
hand. Stability +1
Warden Wigmold's
Needs An advisor wants to discuss Survelliance: Stability
Your an... +1, enables the project
Advice Kingdom Protection.
Rohan's Justiciars:
Stability +1, enables
the project Kingdom

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