Test Questionnaire (Pelpinosas, Hazel Faith N.)

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Basic Algebra- Grade 8

Quarter 1- Module 1B Quiz
October 5, 2021
Topic: Factoring Perfect Square Trinomials and General Trinomials
Learning Objectives: 1. Determine patterns in factoring polynomials; and
2. Factor perfect square trinomials and general trinomials completely
Learning Outcomes: 1. Use your prior knowledge and skills in multiplying and dividing
2. Processed students’ knowledge and skills acquired
3. Deepened and transfer the students understanding from the techniques
in factoring polynomials

Test I. [Multiple Choice]

Choose the letter of the correct answer. Show your solution and write it on a separate sheet of
1. What is the result when you square binomial?
A. binomial C. difference of two squares
B. sum of two squares D. perfect square trinomial
2. Which of the following is the expanded form of ( x−5)2 ?
A. x 2−25 B. x 2−5 x−25 C. x 2−10 x+ 25 D. x 2−10 x−25
3. Which of the following is perfect square trinomial?
A. x 2−2 x+ 4 C. x 2−4 y+ 2 y 2
B. 4 x2 +1 2 x +9 D. 9 x 2−6 x y − y 2
4. All of the following are perfect square trinomials EXCEPT one. Which is it?
A. 4 x2 +12 x y +9 y 2 C. x 2 y 2−4 x 2 y 2 + 4 x 2 y 2
B. 9 a 2−36 a+36 D. a 2 b2 −4 a3 b+4 a2
5. What is the complete factored form of 4 x2 +16 xy +16 y 2 ?
A. (2 x+ 4 y )2 C. (2 x−4 y)2
B. (2 x+ 4 y )(2 x −4 y ) D. (2 x−4 y)(2 x−4 y)
6. What are the two numbers whose sum is 1 and whose product is −12 ?
A. 3 and −4 B. −3 and 4 C. −3 and 4 D. 3 and 4
7. What are the two expressions whose sum is 7 x and whose product is 10 x 2 ?
A. 2 x and 5 xB.−2 x and 5 xC. 2 x and−5 x D. −2 x and −5 x
8. If one factor of x 2−5 x−24 is x +3, what is the other factor?
A. x−3 C.x +8
B. x−8 D. 2 x−8
9. The rectangle has an area of 2 x +8 x +8. If the length is represented by 2x+4, find the
binomial that represents the width of the rectangle.
A. x +2 C.−x−2
B. x−2 D.−x +2
10. All of the following trinomials are factorable, EXCEPT one? Which is it?
A. x 2−2 x−3 C. 2 x2 +3 x−2
B. x 2+ 5 x +6 D. 3 x 2−6 x+ 12
Test II. [Essay Type] 5 points.
Factoring general type of trinomials are divided into two forms. This are trinomials in the form
ax 2 +bx +c where a=1, and ax 2 +bx +c where a ≠ 1. Write what you have learned about each one,
including the step-by-step process on how factoring is done. Write your answers on separate
For ax 2 +bx +c where a=1 For ax 2 +bx +c where a ≠ 1
Concepts Learned: Concepts Learned:

Give a trinomial of the form ax 2 +bx +c where Give a trinomial of the form ax 2 +bx +c where
a=1 and factor it completely. a ≠ 1 and factor it completely.

Rubrics for easy:

5 points- Complete understanding and answer of the problem. Identify all elements of the problem. Thorough and
concise written explanations that justifies why and how it was done. Organize thinking using multiple
representations(numbers) based on what is necessary.
4 points- Basic understanding of the problem and has minor flaws on answer. Identifies most elements but has
minor flaws. Understandable written explanations of why and how it was done. Organizes thinking skills by using at
least one representation.
3 points-Limited understanding of the problem and has incorrect answer. Identifies some of the elements of problem
but incomplete or inappropriate strategy. Unclear, difficult and incomplete written explanations of what us
necessary. Disorganized thinking with non- existent of representation.
2 points-No understanding and fails to use mathematical terms with incorrect answer. Focuses on irrelevant
information. Minimal or totally incorrect to explain.
1 point- No answer attempted.

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