Printed Activity Sheets Grade 8 - Mathematics Weeks 3 & 4

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Printed Activity Sheets

For Special Science

Grade 8 – Mathematics Class (SSC)
Weeks 3 & 4
Most Essential Learning Competencies (MELCs)
MELC #3: Illustrates rational algebraic expressions.
MELC #4: Simplifies rational algebraic expressions.
MELC #5: Performs operations on rational algebraic expressions.
MELC #6: Solves problems involving rational algebraic expressions.

Written Works: _________
Grade and Section:__________________________
Performance Task: ________
Date Submitted:____________________________

Finding the Least Common Denominator (LCD)

3x 2x
Example: 2 and
8x 4 x3
Step 1: Factor each denominator into the product of its lowest terms, and express any repeating
factors as powers.
8x2 = (2)(2)(2)(x)(x) = 23x2
4x3= (2)(2)(x)(x)(x) = 22x3
Step 2: List all the different factors that appear for each denominator. If a factor is common for
any of the denominators, only list that factor to the highest power that it appears. Then find the
(2)(2)(2)(x)(x)(x) = 8x3. Therefore 8x3 is the LCD.
Simplifying Rational Algebraic Expressions

Simplify (x2 – 4) / (x2+ 4x + 4)


Factor both the numerator and denominator to get.

⟹ (x + 2) (x – 2) / (x + 2) (x + 2)

Now cancel out common factors in the numerator and denominator to get.

= (x – 2) / (x + 2)

PROJECT BANGA – Bringing Assessment in the New Normal to Greatness through Academic Ease |1
Average Level

Instructions: Find the least common denominator (LCD) of the following rational algebraic
expressions. Choose your answer on the box below. Write the letter before the number.

3x 2x 5 x−3 3x
1. 3 and 6. and 2
4 x4 2
6x x −8 x+12 x −x−30
1 3 4 2
2. 2 3 and 7. 2 and 3 x −2
12 x y 5 x4 y8 9 x −4
6 x−3 2 x +1 7 x−5 3 x +2
3. x−2
and 2−x
8. 2 and x +3
3 x −27
1 2 4 x−3 2x+9
4. 2 and x−3 9. 7 x−3 and 3−7 x
x −9
5x 3x 5 5 x+ 1
5. 2 and x−4 10. 2 and 2
x −7 x +12 2 x +13 x+15 2 x −5 x−12

A. (X+3) (X-3) C. - (X – 2) G. (X-3) (X-4)

B .60 x 4 y 8 D. - (7X- 3) H. (3X+2) (3X-2)
C . 12 x 4 E. (X-6) (X-2) (X+5) I. 3 (X+3) (X-3)

Difficult Level

Multiple Choice
Instructions: Read each of the following questions carefully. Choose the correct answer from the four

_______1. Which of the following terms describes as the ratio of two integers?
A. Irrational number C. Mixed number
B. Rational number D. Imaginary number
_______2. What is the simplest form of the complex fraction (2/5) / (2/3)?
A. 3/5 B. 5/3 C. 2/3 D. 3/2
_______3. What rational algebraic expression is the same as ( x – 1 ) / ( 1 – x )?
A. x + 1 B. x – 1 C. 1 D. - 1
_______4. When a rational algebraic expression is subtracted from 3/(x – 5), the result is
(-x – 10)/(x2 – 5x). What is the other rational algebraic expression?
A. x/4 B. 4x+10/(x2 – 5x) C. 2/x D. -2/(x – 5)
_______5. What is the product of (a2 – 9)/(a2 + a – 20) and (a2 – 8a + 16)/(3a – 9) ?
A. a/(a – 1) B. (a2 – 1)/(1 – a)
C. (a2 – a - 12)/(3a + 15) D. (a2 – 1)/(a2 – a + 1)
_______6. For which of these values is the rational expression
5 x 2−3
A. 1 B. -1 C. 3 D. 5

PROJECT BANGA – Bringing Assessment in the New Normal to Greatness through Academic Ease |2
8 y+ 2
_______7. Which of the following is the simplified form of the expression ?
A. 1 – 4y B. 4y + 1 C. 4y D. 1 – 2y
3 y−12 y
_______8. Which of the following is the simplified form of the ?

A. 1 – 4y B. 4y + 1 C. 4y D. 1 – 2y

_______9. Which expression below does not simplify to – 1?

2−x y +5 x+ y −5+k
A. B. C. D.
x−2 y−5 −x− y 5−k
5 4
______10. What is the LCD of the expressions and ?
x x+1
A. ( x + 1 )2 B. x (x+1) C. x2 (x+1) D. x+1

Performance Task

Instructions: Solve and reason out each problem/situation completely/logically by showing systematic

1. Your friend multiplied (x – 1)/(2 – x) and (1 + x)/(1 – x). His solution is presented below:
(x – 1)/(2 – x) •(x + 1)/( 1 – x) = (x – 1) (x + 1) = ( x + 1)/(2 – x)
(2 – x) (1 – x)
Is his solution correct? Explain your answer.

2. One number is four less than twice another number. If the smaller number is divided by 2
and the larger number by 3, the sum of the quotients is 8. What are the numbers? Show
your solution.

PROJECT BANGA – Bringing Assessment in the New Normal to Greatness through Academic Ease |3
All the steps and Almost all of the Few of the steps and All the steps and solutions
solutions have no steps and solutions solutions have no have mathematical errors.
Accuracy of Solution
mathematical errors. have no mathematical errors.
mathematical errors.
Explanation /Solution Explanation Explanation/ Solution is a Explanation/ Solution is
Explanation/ is detailed, complete /Solution is almost little difficult to difficult to understand and is
Solution and clear. complete and clear understand, but includes missing several components or
clear. critical components. was not included.
The work is presented The work is The work is presented in The work appears sloppy and
in a neat, clear, presented in a neat an organized fashion but unorganized. It is hard to
Neatness and
organized fashion that and organized may be hard to read at know what information goes
is easy to read. fashion that is times. together.
usually easy to read.

___________________________________ ____________________________________
Signature of Parents Signature of Student

Prepared by: Validated: Approved:

Alfred G. Macni Nanding B. Raquel ELIZA C. VEDANIA

Teacher III Head Teacher III School Principal IV

PROJECT BANGA – Bringing Assessment in the New Normal to Greatness through Academic Ease |4

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