Drug Name Mechanism of Action Indication Contraindication Adverse Effect Nursing Responsibilities
Drug Name Mechanism of Action Indication Contraindication Adverse Effect Nursing Responsibilities
Drug Name Mechanism of Action Indication Contraindication Adverse Effect Nursing Responsibilities
Simvastatin It works by Simvastatin Hypersensitivity to constipation. Monitor signs of hypersensitivity
slowing the helps lower cholesterol simvastatin stomach pain. reactions, including pulmonary
Generic name : production of production and reduce Active liver disease or nausea. symptoms (tightness in the throat
Statin, cholesterol in dyslipidemia- unexplained headache. and chest, wheezing, cough,
Simvastatin the body to associated transaminase memory loss or dyspnea) or skin reactions (rash,
decrease the complications. High elevation forgetfulness. pruritus, urticaria). Notify
Brand name : amount of concentrations of LDL pregnancy confusion. physician if these reactions occur.
Zocor cholesterol that cholesterol can lead to itchy or red skin In patients with drug-induced
may build up artery damage, myopathy, implement gradual
on the walls of potentially leading to strengthening and other
Classification: the arteries and cardiac complications therapeutic exercises to facilitate
HMG-CoA block blood and stroke. Simvastatin recovery from muscle pain and
reductase flow to the is also used off-label weakness. Use caution during
inhibitors (statin) heart, brain, for prophylactic and early stages to avoid fatigue of
and other parts therapeutic affected muscles, and implement
Route: Oral of the body. indications. assistive devices (walker, cane,
crutches) as needed to prevent
Dosage: falls and assist mobility. Increase
10mg exercise intensity as tolerated;
20mg recovery from myopathy typically
40mg takes 4–6 wk, but can be longer
80mg in older patients or people with
Design and implement aerobic
exercise and endurance training
programs to improve
cardiovascular function and help
reduce the risk of coronary heart
Generic Name: Produce Dinitrate: Treatment Contraindicated with CNS: dizziness, head Physical: Skin color, T, lesions;
isosorbide vasodilation and prevention of allergy to nitrates, ache. orientation, reflexes, affect; P,
nitrates, (venous greater angina pectoris severe anemia, head CV: hypotension, tac BP, orthostatic BP, baseline ECG,
isosorbide than arterial). Mononitrate: trauma, cerebral hycardia, paradoxic peripheral perfusion; R,
dinitrate, Decrease left Prevention of angina hemorrhage, bradycardia, adventitious sounds; liver
isosorbide ventricular end- pectoris hypertrophic syncope. evaluation, normal output; CBC,
mononitrate diastolic Unlabeled use cardiomyopathy, GI: nausea,vomiting. Hgb
pressure and (dinitrate): Used with narrow-angle Misc: flushing, Give sublingual preparations
Brand Name: left ventricular hydralazine in patients glaucoma, postdural tolerance. under the tongue or in the buccal
Apo-ISDN (CAN), end-diastolic with advanced CHF hypotension pouch; discourage the patient
Dilatrate SR, volume Use cautiously with from swallowing.
Isordil, Isordil (preload). Net pregnancy, lactation, Create a nitrate-free period to
Titradose ,Imdur, effect is acute MI, CHF. minimize tolerance.
ISMO, Isotrate ER, reduced WARNING: Give chewable tablets
Monoket myocardial slowly, only 5 mg initially,
Classification: An oxygen because severe hypotension can
tianginal, Nitrate, consumption. occur; ensure that patient does
Vasodilator Increase not chew or crush sustained-
coronary blood release preparations.
Route: Oral; flow by dilating Give oral preparations on an
Sublingual coronary empty stomach, 1 hr before or 2
arteries and hr after meals; take with meals if
Dosage: improving severe, uncontrolled headache
Angina pectoris: collateral flow occurs.
Starting dose, to ischemic WARNING: Keep life support
2.5–5 mg regions. equipment readily available if
sublingual, 5-mg relaxation and overdose occurs or cardiac
chewable tablets, vasodilation condition worsens.
5- to 20-mg oral WARNING: Gradually reduce dose
tablets. For if anginal treatment is being
maintenance, 10– terminated; rapid discontinuation
40 mg q 6 hr oral can lead to problems of
tablets or withdrawal.
capsules; SR,
initially 40 mg,
then 40–80 mg
PO q 8–12 hr.
Used to block Captopril is used alone Allergy to other ACE signs of an allergic reaction: Monitor blood pressure and
the action of or in combination of inhibitors. Aortic hives pulse frequently.
Generic Name: angiotensin other drugs for the stenosis, outflow severe stomach pain Monitor weight and assesses
Captopril converting management of obstruction, difficulty breathing patient frequently for signs of
enzyme (ACE) hypertension. It is also renovascular disease. swelling of your face, fluid overload if with concurrent
Brand Names: which is used in combination Pregnancy and lips, tongue, or diuretic therapy.
Capoten, Acepril, naturally with other drugs in the Lactation. Caution in throat. assessments of urine protein may
Ace-Bloc, Bloc- produced in the treatment of heart cases where patients be ordered. Proteinuria and
Med, Capomed, body. ACE failure after a heart also have Leukemia, nephrotic syndrome may occur
Capotec, produces attack. Also used to COPD, renal or thyroid with therapy.
Captogen, Captor, angiotensin II treat kidney problems disease. Monitor BUN, Crea and
Captril, Cardiovaz which causes caused by diabetic electrolyte levels periodically.
constriction nephropathy. WBC should be monitored prior
Classification: ACE and narrowing to therapy and periodically
Inhibitor of the blood thereafter.
vessels thereby May cause false positive result
Route: Oral increasing for urine acetone
Preparations: blood pressure.
12.5, 25, 50, 100 By blocking
mg ACE,
production of
angiotensin II
allowing the
blood vessels to
relax and widen
resulting in
decrease blood