Talnar's Rescue

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Talnar’s Rescue

A Star Wars Miniadventure

By Sterling Hershey
DESIGN In “Talnar’s Rescue,” the heroes are assigned to rescue
STERLING HERSHEY Talnar, a Rebel agent who crash-landed on Naalol, a
sparsely populated planet of the Mid Rim. Little is known
EDITING about the planet and less about Talnar’s current situation.
RAY AND VALERIE VALLESE “Talnar’s Rescue” is a Star Wars Roleplaying Game
adventure set during the Rebellion era and is designed for
TYPESETTING six 3rd-level or four 4th-level Rebel heroes. It can be used as
NANCY WALKER part of an existing Rebellion era campaign or adjusted for
campaigns in other eras. This scenario first appeared in Star
Wars Gamer #5 but has been updated to reflect the revised
BART CARROLL game rules.
If you plan to play a character in this adventure, don’t
read any further. The information below is meant for the
Gamemaster’s eyes only.
ROB RAPER Getting Started
The heroes belong to an active Rebel cell or are agents
who have worked together before. Conversely, they might
JANE IRENE KELLY be a team newly assembled for this mission. They should
be provided with transport if they do not have a ship of
their own.

DIRECTOR OF RPG R&D Adventure Background

BILL SLAVICSEK Talnar is an active Rebel procurement agent who was
returning to base with a shipment of droids. Over the planet
Naalol, an Imperial customs cruiser attacked his ship. The
U.S., CANADA EUROPEAN HEADQUARTERS ensuing battle left both ships critically damaged. Talnar
ASIA, PACIFIC, & LATIN AMERICA Wizards of the Coast, Belgium
managed to crash-land on Naalol, leaving the Imperials
Wizards of the Coast, Inc. P.B. 2031
stranded in orbit, unable to land.
P.O. Box 707 2600 Berchem
The Oquan, a group of local bounty hunters short on
Renton WA 98057-0707 Belgium
Questions? 1-800-324-6496 +32-70-23-32-77
cash but not initiative, observed the battle from the planet’s
surface. Recognizing an opportunity, they sent an airspeeder
www.wizards.com/starwars www.starwars.com to Talnar’s crash site, intent on capturing Talnar and selling
him to the Imperials for a few quick and easy credits.
This d20 System™ game utilizes mechanics developed for the new
DUNGEONS & DRAGONS® game by Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, The Oquan discovered Talnar alive and full of fight.
Skip Williams, Richard Baker, and Peter Adkison. Another brief battle ensued. The Oquan managed to subdue
This Wizards of the Coast™ game product contains no Open Game Content.
the agent, but not before he wrecked their speeder. Since
002 No portion of this work may be reproduced in any form without written
permission. To learn more about the Open Gaming License Talnar’s ship was a total loss, the opportunistic bounty
and the d20 System License, please visit www.wizards.com/d20. hunters were forced to call for a ride from their compan-
©2004 Lucasfilm Ltd. and ® & ™ where indicated. All rights reserved.
Used under authorization. Made in the U.S.A. ions. A quick search of Talnar’s hold made them call for a
DUNGEONS & DRAGONS and the Wizards of the Coast logo few extra cargo skiffs.
are registered trademarks owned by Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
The d20 System logo and d20 are trademarks owned by Wizards of the Coast. Inc.
This Wizards of the Coast game product contains no Open Game Content. Customizing the Adventure
No portion of this work may be reproduced in any form Here are some ideas for modifying the adventure for other
without written permission.
To learn more about the Open Gaming License and the d20 System License,
hero types or eras:
please visit www.wizards.com/d20.
This material is protected under the copyright laws of the United States of • Instead of Rebels, the heroes might be a group of
America. Any reproduction or unauthorized use of the material or artwork
contained herein is prohibited without the express written permission of bounty hunters hired to retrieve Talnar, a smuggler
Wizards of the Coast, Inc. This product is a work of fiction. who has run into bad luck with a customs agent. Their
Any similarity to actual people, organizations, places,

employer wants Talnar and his cargo returned intact. In

or events is purely coincidental.
this case, local customs agents replace the Imperials in
the adventure. This is suitable for any era.
• The players take the Imperial side, competing against
the Rebels. To play this option, you will need to
convert some Imperial characters to Rebels, or you may
www.wizards.com www.starwars.com create new ones.

them to leave as soon as possible. Nels can provide the
Scene 1: The Briefing following additional information:
The heroes receive their briefing from Captain Res Nels, a
Human male. The briefing can take place at the heroes’
Naalol: The planet is a sparsely inhabited terrestrial world
base, the local Rebel base, or any other private location you
with few spaceports or major cities. There is a small Imperial
deem appropriate.
presence. The inhabitants do not interfere with the regional
Captain Nels enters the room in a hurried manner. He government, keeping mostly to themselves. It’s a backwater
quickly takes a seat and pulls out a battered datapad. planet, but reasonably modern with little organized crime.
He punches a few keys and says, “I have a mission for The Naalol system has two other uninhabited planets, both
you. We received this report from the Naalol System.” in orbits extremely close to its star.
He sets a holoprojector on the table and activates it.
An unfamiliar light freighter flashes by, pursued by a Talnar: The Rebel agent is a procurement specialist. He is a
Guardian-class Light Cruiser. A brief but spectacular human male of about 45 years. He typically works alone. A
battle ensues. The freighter pilot’s skills are impressive, picture is provided.
and his ship’s armaments are clearly more than the
Imperials bargained for. They are evenly matched, as
shot after shot hits home. In one final volley, both The crash site: The coordinates reveal Talnar went down
ships are critically damaged. The freighter descends to in a mountainous region. It is late winter, so conditions
the planet below. The Imperials are adrift, engines could be difficult. The heroes are provided with system and
disabled and hull heavily damaged. planetary maps.
“The freighter is one of ours, called the Golden
Jewel. Its captain is Lieutenant Talnar, one of our The Empire: There is a small garrison of about 30
agents. We believe he dropped out of hyperspace to Imperial personnel on Naalol, but reinforcements could
transmit a message via our communications satellite in arrive at any time.
the system. Either he had no chance to transmit or he
didn’t want to tip off the Imperials to our satellite’s The droids: Nothing more is known about them.
presence. If his mission was successful, he was return-
ing to base with a cargo of droids.”
“The Golden Jewel crashed on Naalol. We have the Equipment: Nels can provide some basic equipment and
coordinates from the satellite. We want you to bring transport, if necessary. Anything overly expensive or rare is
Talnar and the droids back to us. He doesn’t have left up to the heroes to acquire as best they can.
much time. The Empire will send for reinforcements
soon. You must get to Talnar before they do.” Communications: Nels provides a comlink through
which the Rebels may be contacted via the spy satellite.
Captain Nels entertains a few questions. Above all, he However, he instructs the heroes to use it sparingly, as each
stresses how little time the heroes have and encourages use might reveal the satellite’s presence to the Imperials.
surprise round, as the stormtroopers are not expecting
Scene 2: To the Rescue trouble. If the heroes defeat them, they can commandeer
When the heroes arrive in the system, their scans indicate
a nearby transport.
some light starship traffic in the area. There is no sign of
If the heroes’ ship lands at the spaceport and hasn’t
the damaged Guardian-class Light Cruiser or any Imperial
drawn undue attention, the heroes can easily rent a land-
speeder (100 credits/day) and, using the information
As the heroes approach Naalol, Spaceport Control hails
provided by Captain Nels, reach the crash site in about two
them. The controller asks them if they need landing
hours. A hero with the Trailblazing ability can attempt to
coordinates, though in no way implies they are necessary.
shorten this time with a successful Survival skill check; the
A successful Knowledge (spacer lore) check (DC 15)
information provided by Nels gives the hero a +2 circum-
reveals that a landing permit is not necessary on Naalol.
stance bonus to this check.
If no hero has an appropriate Knowledge skill, a success-
ful Sense Motive check (DC 20) makes it clear that the
Imperial Stormtroopers (8): Male Human Thug 4;
controller is merely offering them a service and not
Init +0; Defense 11 (+1 class), DR 5; Spd 8 m; VP/WP
giving them orders. Otherwise, let the players assume
0/12; Atk +5 melee (1d3+1, unarmed) or +4 ranged
what they will.
(3d8/19–20, blaster rifle); SQ Immunities (see below); SV
If the heroes say they are looking for the downed ship,
Fort +5, Ref +1, Will +1; FP 0; DSP 1; Rep +1; Str 12,
the controller takes a greater interest in them and immedi-
Dex 11, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 10. Challenge Code B.
ately presses for more information. He requests that the
Equipment: Stormtrooper armor, blaster rifle, frag
heroes land at the spaceport in Rigton. If the heroes ignore
grenade, grappling hook, comlink, utility belt.
this request, they have plenty of time to land elsewhere
Skills: Climb –1, Intimidate +2, Jump –1, Knowledge
before any patrol craft reach them.
(politics) +2, Profession (stormtrooper) +2, Read/Write Basic,
If the heroes have alerted Spaceport Control that they
Search +1, Speak Basic, Spot +1.
are looking for a downed starship and choose to land at
Feats: Armor Proficiency (light, medium, powered),
the spaceport, they are greeted by a squad of eight
Weapon Group Proficiencies (blaster pistols, blaster rifles,
stormtroopers (six are armed with blaster rifles, two with
simple weapon).
light repeating blaster rifles). Unless the heroes attack
Immunities: Stormtroopers are immune to being bribed,
them, the squad leader asks them a few questions and lets
blackmailed, seduced, or routed. Any such attempt auto-
them go about their business. If the heroes choose to
matically fails; no check or saving throw is necessary.
attack the stormtroopers, they automatically gain a


Imperial Nen-Carvon PX-7 Troop Transport don’t show any signs of life. A few large clearings within 60
Class: Ground (Tracked) Crew: 2 meters of the wrecks make suitable starship landing sites
(Normal +2) (landing requires a Pilot check against DC 10). If the heroes
Size: Gargantuan (13.25 m long) Initiative: –2 are using a surface transport, they can land within 20
(–4 size, +2 crew) meters of the crash site.
Passengers: 6 Maneuvers: –2 There is no one at the crash site. The Oquan have
(–4 size, +2 crew) removed Talnar and the droids. The heroes can make a
Cargo Capacity: 100 metric tons Defense: 12* single Search check, with each member aiding the hero with
(–4 size, +6 armor) the highest Search bonus, or they can break off into groups
Speed: 60 m Shield Points: 0 and make individual Search checks. It takes 30 minutes
Maximum Velocity: 130 km/h Hull Points: 30 (divided by the number of groups searching) to scour the
(DR 10) entire crash site. The level of success determines what they
Cost: Not available for sale find. Read all of the appropriate information below,
*Vehicle provides three-quarters cover to its crew and passengers. depending on the heroes’ degree of success.
Weapon: Twin light blaster cannon (fire-linked); To determine what the heroes find at the crash site,
Fire Arc: Turret; Attack Bonus: +0 (–4 size, +4 fire compare their Search check result(s) to the following table:
control); Damage: 2d10; Range Increment: 100 m.
Result Information
The Crash Site
If the heroes decide to land near the crash site, they 10–14 There was a battle at the site. Blaster and grenade
discover the area is extremely rugged with high peaks and damage is apparent all around the speeder, plus
winding ridges. A strong winter storm passing through the inside and outside the ship. Talnar most likely
survived, though he might be wounded. Talnar’s
area makes the approach even more hazardous. Fortunately,
cargo is gone, although the damaged hold had to
the crash site appears to be on the trailing edge of the be cut open to remove it.
front. The wind is very gusty, and it is snowing lightly.
The conditions complicate flying, confound sensors, and 15–20 Many people have been in the area, leaving tracks
hamper visibility. throughout the ship and on the ground, all lightly
Whether they use their ship or a hover transport, the covered by the recent snowfall. There are four
medpacs and some basic tools aboard, but nothing
heroes can survey the area with a low pass, requiring a Pilot
of real value. There is little worth salvaging. The
check (DC 10) to avoid crashing. Sensors or a successful airspeeder—a MandalMotors Shadow V Combat
Search skill check (DC 15) reveals that the Golden Jewel Airspeeder—was destroyed by weapon fire; it shows
struck and skidded along a ridge, coming to rest in a fissure no sign of impact damage from a crash. It was a
halfway down a narrow valley. The wreckage of some kind modified civilian craft, not an Imperial transport.
of speeder lies near the ship. No one can be seen. Sensors
20+ Tracks lead to various points around the site, then
disappear completely, most likely onto waiting
REPAIRING THE DROID CONTROL PAD speeders. Within the wreckage of the cockpit are two
portable control pads. Both are heavily damaged,
and neither seems to have anything to do with the
An hour of work and a successful Repair skill check (DC 15) ship. A successful Repair check (DC 10) or other
reveals that the droid control pad will not work without obtaining appropriate skill check reveals they are droid control
several new parts (an encrypted multi-signal transmitter, mini- pads, likely for Talnar’s cargo. Neither works, though
it might be possible to cannibalize parts from one to
viewscreen, keypad, and indicator lights). If the check result is 20
make the other operational.
or more, the heroes also discover that the control panel contains a
voice recognition package used to give verbal commands.
Heroes searching for replacement parts for the droid control Imperial Patrol
pad can easily find shops selling all except the encrypted multi- If the heroes decide to take 20 on their Search checks or spend
signal transmitter. The transmitter, though legally obtainable, is more than 20 minutes at the crash site, they encounter an
uncommon. The heroes have a few options. They can try to find a Imperial patrol of four biker scouts. While on their way to
black market supplier (Gather Information check, DC 20), who inspect the crash site, the patrol observed the heroes’ approach.
takes three hours to locate, and pay him 1,000 credits for the Choosing to abandon their speeder bikes at the bottom of the
device. Conversely, they can attempt to jury-rig a normal encryp- valley, they’ve been making a slow ascent through the fissure
tion transmitter (Repair check, DC 22). Though they don’t know it to sneak up on the heroes. One of the biker scouts will try to
at the time, this will only allow them to give identical orders to all gauge the group’s numbers and strength, using the Hide and
the droids via the control pad. Move Silently skills as appropriate.
The heroes must enter the correct access code (Talnar knows it) The patrol’s main weapons are stealth and surprise. Their
or succeed at a Computer Use check (DC 20) to activate the pad. white armor also helps camouflage them in the blowing
There is currently one voice pattern stored in the pad, but others snow (+2 circumstance bonus to Hide skill checks), the cold
can be added in 10 minutes with a successful Computer Use check weather muffles sounds (–4 penalty to Listen skill checks),
(DC 15) once the pad has been activated. However, the droids can’t and the ground is difficult terrain (movement is halved). The
be activated or controlled until part 2 of “Talnar’s Rescue.” patrol has not reported in for fear of alerting the heroes
with a comlink transmission. They’ll try to ambush the
Late in the afternoon, a convoy consisting of one
heroes as they exit the Golden Jewel. Make a Spot check for
modified landspeeder and four armored hover trucks
each hero and compare the result to a Hide check for the reaches a bridge spanning a canyon. Two speeder bikes
Imperials. Any heroes that fail do not act during the surprise deploy from one of the larger transports. Each bike
round of this encounter. If the fight turns against the carries a driver and a passenger. They zip across the
scouts, one attempts to call in the situation. bridge at high speed. Upon reaching the first switch-
If the heroes quickly search the ship and depart, they do back, the two passengers fire their jet packs, launching
not encounter the biker scouts. The Imperials, however, have themselves high in the air. Using sensor packs, the two
been alerted to the heroes’ presence. They’ll report in with a hovering Humans sweep the area looking for any signs
description of the group. of pursuers.
According to the heroes’ intelligence briefing, Rigton
is the closest city to the crash site. If they are traveling If the Oquan discover the heroes or are attacked, they try
on land, they encounter the Oquan before they reach to escape as quickly as possible. If the heroes attempt to
Rigton (see Scene 3 below). If the heroes travel by star- stop the Oquan convoy by creating a roadblock, read the
ship, any hero monitoring the sensors locates the Oquan following:
convoy with a successful Computer Use check (DC 15). If
the heroes decide to leave Naalol, the mission is a fail- The convoy doesn’t slow down as it approaches the
ure. It’ll be the last important mission they get for the blocked section of roadway. The large armored hover
Rebellion. trucks blast the roadblock with heavy weapons and
barrel right through. The top hatches of both vehicles
If the heroes decide to check out the convoy, there are
pop open, and four Humans wearing jet packs launch
many opportunities to do so along the route. The rocky into the air.
outcroppings of Mount Mogaar provide many places to hide
and observe or ambush anyone on the road. If the heroes
Once the convoy clears the final switchback up the
hurry, they might be able to reach the mountain before the
mountain, the speeder bikes form a rearguard. The lead
convoy clears the storm.
landspeeder and four hover trucks accelerate, trying to
outrun their pursuers. If this proves impossible, the Oquan
Imperial Biker Scouts (4): Male Human Thug 2/Scout
drop smoke bombs, hurl thermal detonators, and fill the
2; Init +6 (+2 Dex, +4 Improved Initiative); Defense 15 (+2
tunnel with blaster fire as they flee. Finally, the Mogaar
Dex, +3 class), DR 4; Spd 8 m; VP/WP 16/16; Atk +4 melee
Tunnel divides into multiple branches before it reaches
(1d4+1, knife) or +5 ranged (3d6, blaster pistol) or +5
Rigton. The various branches lead to different areas of
ranged (3d4, hold-out blaster); SQ Immunities (see below),
town. The Oquan divide up. If the heroes are close enough,
trailblazing; SV Fort +8, Ref +4, Will +3; FP 0; DSP 1; Rep
they can still pursue one or more speeders; otherwise, the
+0; Str 13, Dex 14, Con 16, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 8.
chase is over.
Challenge Code C.
If a battle ensues for more than a minute (10 rounds),
Equipment: Scout trooper armor (statistics given below),
it attracts the attention of three nearby TIE fighters (see
blaster pistol, hold-out blaster, field kit, knife, 2 frag
Chapter 11 of the Star Wars Roleplaying Game core
grenades, Aratech 74-Z speeder bike.
rulebook) sent to the area to aid the Imperial search. The
Skills: Climb +6, Hide +4, Jump +6, Listen +3, Move
TIE fighters fire only in self-defense as they close in for
Silently +4, Pilot +4, Read/Write Basic, Repair +2, Ride +7,
006 Search +3, Speak Basic, Spot +4, Survival +3.
a better look. From the biker scout’s report, the TIE
fighters should be able to identify the heroes. If fired
Feats: Armor Proficiency (light, medium, powered), Track,
upon, the patrol will attempt to disable as many craft as
Weapon Group Proficiencies (blaster pistols, blaster rifles,
possible, delaying any escape until reinforcements arrive.
simple weapons).
The fighters otherwise focus on stopping anyone from
Immunities: Biker scouts are immune to being bribed,
getting away.
blackmailed, seduced, or routed. Any such attempt auto-
If at any point the heroes attempt to contact the convoy
matically fails; no check or saving throw is necessary.
and negotiate a deal, the Oquan play things very close to
the vest and remain highly suspicious of the group. They
Scout Trooper Armor (Powered): Cost 6,000; DR 4;
will not admit to having Talnar or the droids. They
Maximum Dex Bonus +3; Armor Check Penalty –2; Speed 8
constantly watch the heroes, waiting for a surprise attack.
m or 4 m; Weight 12 kg. The helmet, which is included in
They will not negotiate on the road, insisting instead on
the armor’s cost, provides a +2 equipment bonus on Search
meeting in a neutral location in Rigton. The lieutenants,

and Spot checks.

“Patch” and Selana, are bluffing and have no intention of
dealing with the heroes.
Scene 3: The Bridge
The Oquan are familiar with the region. They are experi- Oquan Lieutenants (2): Male and Female Human Scout
enced bounty hunters and are not about to go walking into 4/Scoundrel 2/Bounty Hunter 2; Init +6 (+2 Dex, +4
a potential ambush without checking things out. If the Improved Initiative; Defense 17 (+2 Dex, +5 class), DR 3;
heroes decide to ambush or observe the Oquan, read the Spd 10 m; VP/WP 47/12; Atk +6/+1 melee (2d4, vibrodag-
following: ger) or +8/+3 ranged (3d8, heavy blaster pistol); SQ
Trailblazing, heart +1, uncanny dodge (Dex bonus to

Defense), illicit barter, lucky (1/day), target bonus +1, sneak Feats: Armor Proficiency (light), Improved Initiative, Quick
attack +1d6; SV Fort +5, Ref +9, Will +6; FP 2; DSP 4; Draw, Track, Weapon Group Proficiencies (blaster pistols,
Rep +3; Str 10, Dex 15, Con 12, Int 13, Wis 14, Cha 10. blaster rifles, simple weapons).
Challenge Code D.
Equipment: Combat jumpsuit, heavy blaster pistol, Mitrinomon Z-6 Jet Pack
vibrodagger, Mitrinomon Z-6 jet pack (see below). The Mitrinomon Z-6 jet pack is perhaps best known as the
Skills: Computer Use +11, Gather Information +10, model used by the infamous bounty hunter Boba Fett. Though
Hide +12, Intimidate +5, Listen +11, Move Silently +13, inexpensive to purchase, the Z-6 is costly to keep fueled.
Pilot +12, Read/Write Basic, Repair +7, Search +8, Speak
Basic, Spot +11. The Z-6 has enough lift to carry the user plus an additional
Feats: Armor Proficiency (light), Improved Initiative, 100 kg. A fully charged fuel cell provides either 20 short
Quick Draw, Track, Weapon Group Proficiencies (blaster bursts or enough fuel to travel 500 meters. One burst can
pistols, blaster rifles, simple weapons, vibro weapons). carry the user up to 30 meters straight up or up to 60
meters horizontally as a full-round action. Multiple bursts
Oquan (15): Male and Female Human Scout 4; Init +6 (+2 can be used to sustain movement in the same direction or
Dex, +4 Improved Initiative); Defense 15 (+2 Dex, +3 class), hover in place, both of which are move actions that use a
DR 3; Spd 10 m; VP/WP 25/12; Atk +3 melee (1d4, knife) burst of fuel. Landing requires a successful Pilot check (DC
or +5 ranged (3d6, blaster pistol); SQ Trailblazing, heart +1, 12). If the user fails, he gets no actions for one full round
uncanny dodge (Dex bonus to Defense); SV Fort +3, Ref +4, while trying to regain his bearings.
Will +4; FP 1; DSP 1; Rep +1; Str 10, Dex 15, Con 12,
Int 13, Wis 14, Cha 9. Challenge Code C. Cost: 300 (jet pack), 150 (fuel cell); Weight: 30 kg.
Equipment: Combat jumpsuit, blaster pistol, knife,
Mitrinomon Z-6 jet pack (see below). Speeder Bikes (2)
Skills: Computer Use +8, Gather Information +6, Hide Use the Ikas-Adno 22-B Nightfalcon from Chapter 10 of the
+9, Intimidate +2, Listen +8, Move Silently +9, Pilot +9, Star Wars Roleplaying Game revised core rulebook.
Read/Write Basic, Search +4, Speak Basic, Spot +8.
Modified SoroSuub LLS-3 Landspeeder plains below. Like many cities on Naalol, Rigton is reason-
(Lead Speeder) ably self-sufficient and isolated. There is no visible Imperial
presence, although local officials cooperate with the
Class: Ground (Speeder) Crew: 2 (Skilled +4)
Imperials. Imperial law is enforced, if leniently.
Size: Large (4 m long) Initiative: +3 (–1 size,
Rigton appeals to all kinds of isolationists: rich, poor,
+4 crew)
political refugees, criminals, and anyone who wants to be
Passengers: 4 Maneuvers: +3 (–1 size,
left alone. The criminal underworld tends to be just that—
+4 crew)
operating under the surface, within the tunnels. Except for
Cargo Capacity: 50 kg Defense: 14* (–1 size,
a few isolated areas, they don’t dominate the city.
+5 armor)
Late in the evening, the storm reaches Rigton. Snow falls
Speed: 100 m Shield Points: 0
heavily and the wind is strong. Temperatures plunge to well
Maximum Velocity: Hull Points: 22 (DR 5)
below freezing. Most of the city’s inhabitants take to the
200 km/h
tunnels, leaving the surface streets virtually deserted.
Cost: 12,000 (new), 5,000 (used)
*Vehicle provides one-half cover to its crew and passengers.
Talnar is impossible to find. If the heroes try looking for
him or ask about the Rebellion, they get the cold shoulder.
Weapon: Heavy repeating blaster; Fire Arc: Turret;
There are no Rebel operatives in Rigton, but you might want
Attack Bonus: +5 (+2 crew, –1 size, +4 fire control);
to invent one if the players need a hand or a favor. The
Damage: 4d8/19–20; Range Increment: 30 m.
Oquan, however, are infamous in Rigton. Everyone has heard
of them, but few actually know how to contact them directly.
Modified Ubrikkian Speeder Truck
QL-2a Landspeeder (4)
Investigating the Oquan
Class: Ground (Speeder) Crew: 2 (Skilled +4)
A Gather Information check provides the heroes with infor-
Size: Huge (12 m long) Initiative: +2 (–2 size,
mation about the Oquan. The level of success determines
+4 crew)
what they find. Read all of the appropriate information in the
Passengers: 2 Maneuvers: +2 (–2 size,
following table, depending on the heroes’ level of success.
+4 crew)
Cargo Capacity: Defense: 11* (–2 size,
Result Information
50 metric tons +3 armor)
Speed: 70 m Shield Points: 0 5–9 “The Oquan, huh? I know a few things about that
Maximum Velocity: Hull Points: 25 (DR 5) greedy crew. Some of the best bounty hunters
150 km/h around here, to be sure. Well, they were, anyway.
I guess we’ll see how they come off now that
Cost: 20,000 (new), 10,000 (used)
*Vehicle provides one-half cover to its crew and passengers. there’s been a few changes. If you’re looking to hire
them, talk to an info broker named Cotan. The best
Weapon: Heavy repeating blaster; Fire Arc: Turret; place to find him is at Prit’s Free Pit.”
Attack Bonus: +5 (+2 crew, –1 size, +4 fire control);
Damage: 4d8/19–20; Range Increment: 30 m. 10–14 “They love money. They can’t get enough credits. They
even wear it like a badge of pride. Take a look at one
of ‘em and you’ll see a credit chip or coin stuck on
An Unexpected Success?
their armor somewhere. It’s supposed to be the first
If the heroes manage to defeat the bounty hunters, they find credit they earn when they join up. In fact, it’s the only
008 Talnar stunned and unconscious in the lead speeder. The credit they get from their first job. Their Number-Two
Oquan hunters have packed all of Talnar’s droids into the guy wears his on his eye patch. It’s disturbing to see.
four hover trucks. If the heroes rescue Talnar but not all of Like the credit’s looking at you.”
the droids, the Rebel will do all he can to convince them to
15–19 “They fly really well, though. Not ships. I’m talkin’ jet
obtain the droids. Continue to Scene 4: City Search, below.
packs, here. They add a whole ‘nother dimension to
If the heroes get one or more of the droids, they cannot
the Oquan’s tactics. You think you got ‘em cornered
activate them without a working control pad. and BOOM! They shoot straight at you. Or up. Or
Scene 4: City Search 20–24 “From what I hear, the Oquan took on a high-paying
Once the Oquan bounty hunters reach Rigton, they quickly job to capture a Hutt. The Oquan succeeded, but
take secret tunnels to their hidden hideout. If the heroes follow we figure they lost a third of their people, ships, and
them in a ground vehicle, the Oquan simply seem to disappear equipment in the final grab. I think they had to
spend every credit fixing themselves back up and to

around a corner. No matter how hard they try, the heroes are
unable to find the concealed tunnel entrance the Oquan used. pay off some Hutts who were suddenly very inter-
Rigton is a small city, built against a crescent shaped ridge. ested in seeing them eliminated.”
Tunnels honeycomb the mountainside, effectively giving the 25+ “Since Rel Acoi took over, he’s been tryin’ to prove
city two sets of streets—one above ground, one below. Fully that the Oquan are still great. He’s quick on the
half the city exists below ground, and many buildings have uptake, and always after a quick credit, too. Acoi
levels both above and below the surface. The tunnels are would like a little fame to go with his creds. He’s
always busy, particularly during the winter months. loud. He brags. He taunts. He loves to gloat over his
With the exception of a few roads into the mountains, captives. He’s always wavin’ his blaster around when
he’s on a tirade. Don’t underestimate him.”
the main roads run down the valley to larger cities on the

Scene 5: Prit’s Free Pit “Don’t bother trying to hide anything. We’ll find it.
Prit’s Free Pit is a hole—literally. Located deep in Tunnel 329, Our scanners are the best. We do this every day, all day,
the establishment is carved from the surrounding mountain. so don’t even think about it.” A notification near the
The raw, unfinished rock face matches the Pit’s clientele. inner entrance warns that cybernetic weapons must be
Nominally a bar and restaurant, the Pit’s actual business is to deactivated.
serve as a neutral location for “sensitive” business deals. For “Your items will be returned to you,” says the guard.
a not-so-modest fee of 50 credits per person, the Pit
provides a weapons-free environment for deals and discus- If the heroes ask about Cotan the information broker, a
sions—over a drink or light meal, if so desired. guard says he believes he’s still inside. If the heroes delay,
Aveton Prit, the owner, is an Imperial informer. The local several individuals enter Prit’s, obediently following the
Imperial Security Bureau (ISB) operative, Nir Rinit, pays Prit directions. They might provide a bit of information about
well—so well, in fact, that the cash keeps Prit supplied with the place, if questioned.
hi-tech surveillance and security gear. Prit uses the gear to A large box sits in an alcove near the door. The box is
monitor his clients and glean whatever information he can very sturdy and has an electronic combination lock in its
from them, then sells it. Prit’s favorite ploy is to plant hinged lid. The heroes may type in any combination they
recording devices on his servant droids. wish, after which the panel reads, “Secured.” The alcove
When the heroes arrive, Rinit is already inside. He knows closes and reopens with a new, empty box. The heroes then
that the heroes were poking around Talnar’s ship and pay their 50 credits to a control pad next to the door.
believes they could lead him to Talnar. When the heroes Passing through the doors (marked “Weapons-Free Zone”),
reach the Pit, read the following: the heroes walk down a hall through a series of scanners.
Anyone concealing a weapon (or anything that looks like a
Perhaps unsurprisingly, Tunnel 329 proves to be dingy weapon) is stopped by a guard and ordered to dispose of the
and dark. Flickering bluish lights provide a little illumi- item. Something very exotic (such as a lightsaber or organic
nation. A few beings hurry along, wishing to spend as weapon) might escape the detectors, at your discretion.
little time in the tunnel as necessary. There are pockets The next set of doors leads into the Pit itself. Read the
of activity around the various businesses along the way. following:
A few speeders scream by, riding the boundary of the
tight speeder lane. The Pit proves to be just that—a bowl-shaped cavern.
A bright yellow sign advertises “Prit’s Free Pit” above The entrance overlooks a large room. Tables on
a smaller, flashing red sign declaring “Guaranteed concentric terraces surround two circular bars in the
Weapons-Free” over a doorway. As you approach, the center of the room. The room is illuminated primarily
doors silently glide open. The lobby is brightly lit, utili- by glowlamps on the tables. The place is busy but
tarian, and cold. To one side, two heavily armored quiet. Some beings look nervously about, while others
Humans sit behind a thick transparisteel barrier. talk intently in hushed voices. Here and there, gleaming
One of them says, “You’re new here. Welcome to silver servant droids deliver drinks and food.
Prit’s. If you want in, put all of your weapons in that An SE-4 servant droid approaches you. “Greetings
box over there, close it, and key in your own combina- gentlebeings. How may I help you?”
tion. Then deposit 50 credits each—cash or chip—and
go through that door.” He points to a door across from
The droid takes the heroes to a bar or table, if so
the entrance.
desired. If the heroes ask about Cotan, the droid
escorts them to his table. If not, Rinit approaches
them after 10
minutes or so.
Cotan is a pudgy
male Twi’lek with
pink-gray skin. He’s
impeccably dressed
and enjoys a
constant flow of
fine food and drink.
Throughout his
conversation with
the heroes, droids
constantly refill his
plate and glasses.
Nothing is offered
to the heroes.
Cotan is very direct
with the heroes,
once they declare
their needs.
The heroes have a moment to react. If they delay or do
“You’re looking for the Oquan. I can help you there,
nothing, Rinit reaches the table.
certainly. Easily. Right now. For 300 credits. I wish I
could charge more, but my services are very limited
The Human stops next to the table. The Twi’lek looks
where the Oquan are concerned.”
annoyed. “I’m engaged at the moment. Come back
later.” The well-dressed man responds, “I have no inter-
est in you. I have a great interest in them.” He glances
If the heroes pay, he continues in a friendly manner. A
at you and proclaims, “You will come with me, now.”
successful Diplomacy check (DC 20) or successful use of the
Affect Mind Force skill allows the heroes to negotiate a
If the heroes attack Rinit or try to run for it, each must
lower price (although Cotan refuses to accept fewer than
make a successful Spot skill check (DC 15) or be caught
150 credits). If they haggle, Cotan admires their negotiating
flat-footed by Rinit’s hired goons, who are “mingling”
acumen and gets down to business.
nearby. There is one unarmed goon for each hero. Rinit
“Thank you. I’ll let the Oquan know you wish to speak fights defensively and lets the hired help take the brunt of
with them.” Cotan gives you a comlink frequency that the heroes’ attacks. Fifteen of the Pit’s armored guards will
the Oquan will use to contact you. He then waves your break up a fight after six rounds.
credits at one of the servants. “Another plate of crushed If the heroes defeat more than half of Rinit’s goons, he
oceshells, please.” Cotan looks past you at an approach- attempts to escape while they’re distracted. If he gets away,
ing well-dressed Human 10 meters away. “Quickly, give the remaining goons flee. If Rinit is captured, the goons
me 100 credits and I’ll tell you who that is.” make an attempt to free him. The next goon who is
defeated will be enough encouragement for any remaining
If the heroes oblige, Cotan continues. If they haggle, he goons to run, abandoning Rinit. If Rinit escapes, the heroes
surreptitiously declares, “This one’s on me.” are marked as wanted felons by the Empire. Feel free to use
that as an opportunity to arrange encounters with Imperial
“He’s Nir Rinit, an ISB agent. I don’t know whether forces once the heroes leave Prit’s.
he’s looking for you or me.” Regardless of whether the heroes resist or agree to leave
quietly, Prit doesn’t want to be seen allowing free access to


a known Imperial agent. Before they reach the exit, Prit’s
armored guards seize both groups. Go to Scene 6: Ejected,
below. If they escape before the guards can subdue them,
give them some time to collect themselves, then skip to Nir Rinit is a local Imperial Security Bureau (ISB) operative who keeps
Scene 7: Meeting the Oquan. an eye on the local criminal population, passing useful information to
his superiors and occasionally handling a few operations on his own.
Cotan: Male Twi’lek Fringer 2/Scoundrel 2; Init +6 (+2 He anxiously awaits any opportunity to impress his superiors. He is
Dex, +4 Improved Initiative); Defense 16 (+2 Dex, +4 class); arrogant and tends to underestimate his opponents. With a small
Spd 10 m; VP/WP 27/14; Atk +3 melee (1d3+1, unarmed) Imperial presence on the planet, Rinit often must find his own help.
With the reported Rebel activity, he’s eager to make a big score.
or +4 ranged; SQ Barter, illicit barter, lucky (1/day), low-
Rinit often hires a small gang of Human thugs when he needs
light vision; SV Fort +6, Ref +7, Will –1; FP 1; DSP 0; Rep some extra muscle. He pays them well, so they don’t mind. He also
+0; Str 12, Dex 15, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 9, Cha 13. holds enough evidence on their criminal activities to ensure their
Challenge Code B. arrest, should they ever turn on him—and they know it.
Equipment: Blaster pistol (not in possession), knife (not
in possession). Nir Rinit (ISB Agent): Male Human Scoundrel 2/Scout 2; Init
Skills: Bluff +4, Gather Information +4, Hide +6, +1 (Dex); Defense 13 (+1 Dex, +2 class); Spd 10 m; VP/WP 14/8; Atk
Intimidate +3, Knowledge (streetwise) +3, Listen +4, Pilot +2 melee (1d3, unarmed) or +3 ranged (3d6,
+6, Read/Write Basic, Read/Write Ryl, Repair +4, Search +4, blaster pistol); SQ Illicit barter, lucky (1/day),
Speak Basic, Speak Lekku, Speak Ryl, Spot +5, Survival +3. trailblazing; SV Fort +1, Ref +6, Will +4; FP 1;
DSP 1; Rep +0; Str 10, Dex 13, Con 8, Int 12,
Feats: Alertness, Improved Initiative, Point Blank Shot,
Wis 14, Cha 16. Challenge Code C.
Weapon Group Proficiencies (blaster pistols, primitive Equipment: Blaster pistol, comlink, elec-
weapons, simple weapons). tronic listening device, Imperial ID, credstick
(10,000 credits).
Prit’s Guards (15): Male Human Thug 4; Init +0; Skills: Bluff +7, Computer Use +8,
Defense +11 (+1 class), DR 3; Spd 10 m; VP/WP 0/15; Atk Disable Device +8, Disguise +8,
+3 melee (1d6+1, baton) or +2 ranged; SV Fort +6, Ref +0, Forgery +6, Gather Information +11,
Will +0; FP 0; DSP 0; Rep +0; Str 13, Dex 11, Con 12, Int 8, Hide +8, Knowledge (technology) +6,
Wis 10, Cha 9. Challenge Code B. Listen +7, Pilot +7, Read/Write Basic, Search +7, Speak Basic, Spot +7.
Equipment: Combat jumpsuit, baton, comlink. Feats: Dodge, Low Profile, Skill Emphasis (Gather Information), Track,
Weapon Group Proficiencies (blaster pistols, blaster rifles, simple weapons).
Skills: Climb +5, Intimidate +3, Read/Write Basic, Speak
Basic. Nir Rinit’s Hired Goons (1 per hero): Male Human Thug
Feats: Armor Proficiency (light), Great Fortitude, 4; Init +0; Defense +11 (+1 class); Spd 10 m; VP/WP 0/18; Atk +3 melee
Toughness, Weapon Group Proficiencies (blaster pistols, (1d3+1, unarmed) or +2 ranged (3d6, blaster pistol); SV Fort +4, Ref
simple weapons). +0, Will +0; FP 0; DSP 0; Rep +0; Str 13, Dex 11, Con 12, Int 8, Wis 10,
Cha 9. Challenge Code B.
Equipment: Blaster pistol, comlink, 400 credits.
Scene 6: Ejected Skills: Climb +5, Intimidate +3, Read/Write Basic, Speak Basic.
The guards throw the heroes and Rinit’s goons out separate Feats: Armor Proficiency (light), Toughness (2), Weapon Group
“troublemaker” exits at either side of Prit’s and into the Proficiencies (blaster pistols, simple weapons).
tunnel. The heavy blast door slams shut behind them. While
the heroes are brushing themselves off, read the following:
The Miniad is Rinit’s modified freighter. A less popular Corellian craft,
its appearance is ambiguous enough to pass for a light freighter, offi-
Looking around, you see Rinit and his men similarly
cial transport, or a pleasure yacht, whichever Rinit needs for a cover
thrown out of a far doorway.
story at the time. While on Naalol, the Miniad is berthed at docking
With a high-pitched whine, two small panels slide
bay 21 of the Rigton Spaceport.
away between the center doors of the Pit. There’s a
loud bang as a rectangular metal box drops out of an CORELLIAN ENGINEERING CORPORATION
opening 8 meters away from the door and smashes into FA-504S TRANSPORT
the side of a passing speeder, knocking off its engine Class: Space transport Crew: 1 (Nir Rinit +7)
cowling. The speeder wavers and then accelerates down Size: Small (28 m long) Initiative: +8 (+1 size, +7 crew)
the tunnel. The box spins crazily through the air, rico- Hyperdrive: x1 ) Maneuvers: +8 (+1 size,
chets off the far wall, and crashes noisily to the floor. (backup ”12) +7 crew)
It rests square in the middle of the speeder lane. Passengers: 10 Defense: 20 (+1 size, +9 armor)
You see Rinit running for a similar box near the door Cargo Capacity: Shield Points: 60
his group came through. 100,000 metric tons
Consumables: 2 months Hull Points: 110 (DR 10)
Cost: 100,000 (new), 30,000 (used)
The box closer to the heroes contains their stashed
Maximum Speed in Space: Attack (8 squares/action)
weapons. If, by some chance, the heroes used more than
Atmospheric Speed: 1,000 km/h (17 squares/action)
one box, all of them are ejected in a similar fashion on their Weapon: Laser cannon; Fire Arc: Front; Attack Bonus:
side of the tunnel. Rinit and his goons are running toward +5 (+1 size, +4 fire control); Damage: 4d10”2; Range
their own box. It takes them 1 round to open it and retrieve Modifiers: PB +0, S +0, M/L n/a.
their weapons.
A speeder has a 25% chance of screaming by while some- to detain the heroes. The goons also know the location of
one is in the speeder lane, forcing them to make a Rinit’s starship, the Miniad.
successful Reflex saving throw (DC 10) to dodge out of the If all the heroes can turn a corner without Rinit seeing
way or be run over (see Ramming and Collisions in Chapter them or reach a lift tube without being threatened by an
10 of the Star Wars Roleplaying Game revised core rule- opponent, they escape. Once they’ve had a chance to get
book). The heroes’ box is damaged. It takes a full-round their bearings, regroup, and rest for two hours, they receive
action to force the box open with a Strength check (DC 15) a call from the Oquan.
or to disable the damaged lock with a Disable Device check
(DC 15). The heroes cannot take 10 or 20 on these checks.
Rinit continues pursuit until he captures one or more of
Scene 7: Meeting the Oquan
The Oquan plan to meet the heroes in an abandoned store-
the heroes or his men are defeated as described in Scene 5:
front. They send one representative, fully armed, to discuss
Prit’s Free Pit, above. If the heroes flee into the tunnels, use
terms. Though the heroes have no way of knowing this, the
the table below to run the chase. Each stretch of tunnel is
representative is Rel Acoi, leader of the Oquan. There are
10 meters long.
four snipers within 30 meters of the meeting location (Spot
check, DC 25, to detect) just in case the heroes try anything
1d20 Type of Tunnel
1–10 Straight (add +4 to the next roll)
Acoi’s demands are simple. He wants 5,000 credits for
11–13 Four-way intersection
14–16 Three-way intersection Talnar and 12,000 for each droid. The heroes can negotiate
17 Left turn with Acoi if they wish. If the heroes protest, Acoi reminds
18 Right turn them that the Empire will pay far more for Rebel scum like
19+ Lift tube to surface Talnar. After all, “Rebels are good money.” Even if they
don’t, the droids will fetch a pretty centicred on the black
If any of the heroes are captured, Rinit takes them to his market. If the heroes agree, Acoi arranges for the swap. If
ship at Rigton Spaceport. The remaining heroes can either they cannot agree on an amount, Acoi attempts to leave
try to rescue their captured comrades or wait to hear from them with a warning: “Watch your backs. I hear the Empire
the Oquan. If Rinit or any of his goons is captured, they is looking for you, too.”
voluntarily reveal nothing. If interrogated, the heroes learn Whether the heroes actually intend to pay the Oquan or
that Rinit is an Imperial Security Bureau agent with orders not doesn’t matter. The arranged swap is a trap. The Oquan
plan to take the heroes’ money and turn them over to the
Empire for a reward. If the heroes do not trust Acoi, let
them make a Sense Motive check opposed by Acoi’s Bluff
skill. If they fail, they find no reason to believe the swap is a
trap. If they succeed, they don’t believe he’s being honest
with them.

The Swap
The Oquan instruct the heroes to meet in docking bay 22 of
the Rigton Spaceport at midnight. If the heroes bring (or
0012 have already brought) their starship, they are berthed
nearby. The spaceport is built into a large rocky outcrop-
ping, with bays lining each side.
When they approach docking bay 22 at the appointed
time, read or paraphrase the following:

As you approach the docking bay, the 8-meter-wide

door before you parts at the middle and slides noisily
aside. You see an armored figure standing 6 meters
ahead of you—the same representative who arranged
the meet. Like all of Rigton’s docking bays, this one is
irregularly shaped. There are two closed connecting
hangar doors, presumably to the neighboring docking
bays. Off to one side is a cargo lift in the floor. On the

opposite side of the chamber, the glow of a magnetic

containment field rings the large hangar exit. You see
the weather has not improved this morning. Wind-
driven snow evaporates as it hits the field. There are a
few containers scattered about the bay, but little else.

The cargo lift is in its lowered position, 3 meters down.

The lift leads to tunnels connecting the landing bays to
warehouses within the spaceport.

Acoi invites the heroes in. He stays where he is, near the
door to docking bay 21. Built into his gauntlet is a trans- beyond them in docking bay 23. The magnetic
mitter that operates all of the doors in the room. Acoi will containment field drops, and four Humans wearing jet
packs rise up from the mountainside below.
move to another area of the bay if the heroes insist.
The Oquan agent looks at you and says, “I told you,
Otherwise, he tries to complete the transaction where he is. Rebels are good money.” He fires stun blasts from his
When the heroes reach him, he asks to see the money. If the wrist, aimed at you.
heroes insist on seeing Talnar and the droids first, Acoi obliges
by opening the door to docking bay 21. Read the following:
The Ambush
The large doors to the adjoining bay slide open. Before rolling initiative, each hero that failed to hear the
Beyond, you see a hangar filled with containers of stormtroopers must make a successful Spot skill check (DC
every size and shape. Near the door, however, you see a 10) or be caught flat-footed by these new arrivals at the
man bound to a chair and gagged. Six nearby crates
beginning of combat. The Imperials and the Oquan want to
have one side removed. Each contains what appears to
be a droid. It is indeed Talnar and the droids. He’s capture the Rebels, if possible. Each group of five or fewer
conscious, but helpless. opponents will combine fire (see Chapter 8 of the revised
core rulebook) with weapons set to stun.
There are 10 stormtroopers hidden around docking bay
Acoi knows he can take the money off the heroes after
23. Five more run in from docking bay 21. Rinit (or an
they’ve been captured but would prefer to have it in hand
Imperial officer, if he has been eliminated) stands ready in
first in case they escape. Secretly make a Listen check (DC
docking bay 21, letting the stormtroopers handle things.
26) for each hero to see whether any of them hear someone
There are four Oquan hunters with jet packs backing up
hiding behind the nearby crates. Once Acoi is certain all the
Acoi. They fly into the hangar bay and either land or fly up
heroes have entered the docking bay, or one of the heroes
to the high ceiling using lights and other equipment for
makes a sudden move, read the following:
cover while firing their weapons.
Suddenly, you hear docking bay 22’s blast door slam The heroes have plenty of cover, and the containers are
shut. In the blink of an eye, stormtroopers appear from strong enough to stop energy weapon blasts. There are also a
behind crates and through the adjoining door on the few control pads and large pieces of equipment. If the heroes
opposite side of the docking bay. You see a ship attempt to run from bay to bay using a narrow ledge outside
the main hangar exit, they must succeed at a Dexterity check
(DC 10) or slide down the side of the mountain. At your Commands may be keyed in or spoken (using the built-in
discretion, you can kill any heroes who fall down the side of microphone). Voice commands can be paraphrased, but are
the mountain or give them a chance to survive with 0 wound more open to misinterpretation by the droid. The droid might
points if they succeed at a Fortitude save (DC 10). even ask for clarification, though they will work out things on
If the heroes try to free Talnar, Acoi stuns him. He can be their own as well. The order, “Attack the stormtroopers” works.
easily carried, however. The crates cannot be moved without The order, “Attack the bounty hunters” will fail, as the droids
a cargo sled, and there are none around. can’t distinguish the bounty hunters from the heroes. A prefer-
able command would be, “Attack anyone wearing a jet pack.”
Controlling the Droids If a hero fails a Computer Use skill check to command a
At some point, the heroes might try to activate the droids. droid manually, the droid ignores the command.
They must have the control pad repaired or revive Talnar
long enough to order the droids into battle. Modified Baktoid Combat Automata Protector
Commanding the droids with the control pad takes practice. Series (6): Walking military droid, Thug 15; Init +2 (Dex);
The heroes can learn a little by fiddling with the pad ahead of Defense 16 (+2 Dex, –1 size, +5 class), DR 4 (10 with shield
time. While various commands seem easy enough to send, in generator); Spd 8 m; VP/WP 0/17; Atk +18/+13/+8 melee
the heat of a battle, they may not be specific enough or might (1d8+4, claw) or +12/+12/+12/+7/+2 ranged (4d8/19–20, 2
be misinterpreted by the droid. Issuing commands manually modified heavy repeating blasters on multifire) or 10/+10/+10/-
with the droid control pad is a full-round action that requires a +10/+5/+0 ranged (4d8/19–20, 2 modified heavy repeating
Computer Use skill check. Use the table below to determine the blasters on autofire); SV Fort +12, Ref +7, Will +4, SZ L; Rep 3;
DC. Anyone except Talnar suffers a –2 penalty to this check. Str 19, Dex 15, Con 17, Int 10, Wis 8, Cha 6. Challenge Code E.
Equipment: 2 heavy repeating blasters, medium armor
Order DC (DR 4), shield generator (DR 6).
Simple command (Stop, Retreat) 5 Skills: Climb +8, Jump +8, Listen +6, Speak Basic, Spot +6.
Attack easily identifiable specific target 10 Feats: Ambidexterity, Armor Proficiency (light, medium),
Cover another droid or person 10 Multishot, Point Blank Shot, Rapid Shot, Two-Weapon
Keep firing while you pick up Talnar,
Fighting, Weapon Group Proficiency (heavy weapons).
shield him, and bring him to me 20

Activating the Droids

Furthermore, while the droids have been upgraded and
If the droids are activated, read the following:
modified, the control pad software has not. The droids will
respond to voice commands, which require an attack action Inside the crates, tiny lights start blinking. You hear the
to issue. No skill check is required to issue verbal commands droids’ servos whining louder, and the containers begin
to the droids. However, they are programmed to respond to to bulge. The droids strain to unfold. With a loud
Talnar’s voice only, unless the heroes have modified the bang, the crates split, sending panels and bolts flying
voice recognition unit of the control pad.\ in all directions. The droids stand at their full 2.5-meter
height, snapping weapons into place.


Anyone standing within 2 meters of the exploding crates Imperial Stormtroopers (15): Male Human Thug 4;
must make a successful Reflex save (DC 10) or be knocked Init +0; Defense 11 (+1 class), DR 5; Spd 8 m; VP/WP 0/12;
prone by flying debris. The droids enter combat the follow- Atk +5 melee (1d3+1, unarmed) or +4 ranged (3d8/19–20,
ing round using the initiative count they were activated on, blaster rifle); SQ Immunities (see below); SV Fort +5, Ref +1,
firing immediately at any stormtrooper or Human in Imperial Will +1; FP 0; DSP 1; Rep +1; Str 12, Dex 11, Con 12, Int
garb. The droids ignore Talnar and whoever is using the 10, Wis 10, Cha 10. Challenge Code B.
droid control pad. Anyone else is fired upon if they attack Equipment: Stormtrooper armor, blaster rifle, frag
the droids. The droids cannot distinguish the Rebels from the grenade, grappling hook, comlink, utility belt.
bounty hunters and have no orders regarding them. Skills: Climb –1, Intimidate +2, Jump –1, Knowledge
The droids will use their maximum firepower on their (politics) +2, Profession (stormtrooper) +2, Read/Write Basic,
targets, unless ordered otherwise. They are quite capable of Search +1, Speak Basic, Spot +1.
wrecking the hangar. Feats: Armor Proficiency (light, medium, powered), Weapon
The Oquan fight until half their number are unconscious Group Proficiencies (blaster pistols, blaster rifles, simple weapon).
or Acoi is defeated. They flee the way they came. The Immunities: Stormtroopers are immune to being bribed,
Imperials fight until ordered otherwise. They’ll flee on board blackmailed, seduced, or routed. Any such attempt auto-
the ship in docking bay 21. matically fails; no check or saving throw is necessary.
Once the heroes have Talnar and have activated the
droids, they can try to retreat at any time. If their ship is Talnar: Male Human Fringer 5; Init +1 (Dex); Defense 16
docked in Rigton Spaceport, a quick escape is possible. (+1 Dex, +5 class);
Otherwise, the heroes will have to figure out how to return Spd 10 m; VP/WP
to their starship with Talnar and the droids. 31/15; Atk +3
If the heroes manage to reach their ship (or steal a ship in melee (1d3,
another docking bay) quickly, the remaining Imperials will unarmed) or
dispatch three TIE fighters to shoot down the heroes’ ship. + 5 ranged;
SQ Barter,
Rel Acoi: Male Human Scout 4/Scoundrel 2/Bounty Hunter bonus class
6; Init +3 (Dex); Defense 19 (+3 Dex, +6 class); DR 7; Spd 6 m; skills
VP 73/12; Atk +10/+5 melee (1d4, knife) or +12/+7 ranged (Astrogate,
(3d8 or DC 18 stun, heavy blaster pistol); SQ Trailblazing, heart Computer Use),
+1, uncanny dodge (Dex bonus to Defense), illicit barter, lucky jury-rig +2; SV
(1/game session), target bonus +3, sneak attack +3d6; SV Fort Fort +6, Ref +4,
+6, Ref +11, Will +7; FP 3; DSP 9; Rep +5; Str 10, Dex 16, Con Will +2; FP 1; DSP
12, Int 13, Wis 14, Cha 10. Challenge Code E. 0; Rep +1; Str 10,
Equipment: Heavy battle armor, heavy blaster pistol, laser Dex 12, Con 15,
gauntlet, vibroblade, comlink (built into gauntlet), binders, Int 16, Wis 12,
jet pack, medpac. Cha 12. Challenge
Skills: Astrogate +8, Bluff +7, Computer Use +10, Code C.
Demolitions +5, Gather Information +10, Hide +8, Equipment: None.
Intimidate +9, Knowledge (streetwise) +5, Listen +10, Move Skills: Astrogate +13,
Silently +9, Pilot +12, Read/Write Basic, Repair +4, Search Climb +8, Computer Use +13,
+8, Sense Motive +6, Speak Basic, Spot +10. Hide +9, Listen +9, Pilot +14,
Feats: Armor Proficiency (light, medium, heavy), Point Read/Write Basic, Repair +13,
Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Track, Starship Operation (space Search +11, Speak Basic, Spot +9,
transport), Weapon Group Proficiencies (blaster pistols, Survival +9.
blaster rifles, simple weapons). Feats: Gearhead, Skill Emphasis
(Pilot), Spacer, Starship Operation
Oquan Hunters (4): Male Human Scout 4; Init +6 (+2 (space transport), Weapon Group Proficiencies (primitive
Dex, +4 Improved Initiative); Defense 15 (+2 Dex, +3 class), weapons, simple weapons).
DR 3; Spd 10 m; VP/WP 25/12; Atk +3 melee (1d4, knife)
or +5 ranged (3d6, blaster pistol); SQ Trailblazing, heart +1,
uncanny dodge (Dex bonus to Defense); SV Fort +3, Ref +4,
Once away from the Imperials and the Oquan, the heroes
Will +4; FP 1; DSP 1; Rep +1; Str 10, Dex 15, Con 12, Int
are free to return to base with Talnar and the remaining
13, Wis 14, Cha 9. Challenge Code C.
droids. Talnar thanks the heroes for rescuing him and tells
Equipment: Combat jumpsuit, blaster pistol, knife, jet pack.
them he owes them one (this could be a “favor” for noble
Skills: Computer Use +8, Gather Information +6, Hide
+9, Intimidate +2, Listen +8, Move Silently +9, Pilot +9,
If the heroes successfully complete this adventure, they
Read/Write Basic, Search +4, Speak Basic, Spot +8.
earn 2,000 XP multiplied by the average hero level and
Feats: Armor Proficiency (light), Improved Initiative,
divided evenly among the surviving heroes. If any of the
Quick Draw, Track, Weapon Group Proficiencies (blaster
characters’ actions were particularly heroic, feel free to
pistols, blaster rifles, simple weapons).
award Force Points at your discretion.

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