Questions Bank

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Some of the main topics covered include circuit analysis, electromagnetic induction, AC circuits, batteries, lighting schemes etc.

Circuit analysis, electromagnetic induction, AC waveforms, batteries, lighting schemes, capacitors, resistors, inductors etc. are discussed.

Concepts like impedance, reactance, resonance, power factor, phasor diagrams etc. related to AC circuits are explained.

1. Prove Rt2 = R t1 [1 + α1 (t2-t1)], where notations have usual meanings.

2. Determine the equivalent resistance between the terminals A and B of

network shown in figure 1.

3. Explain KCL and KVL.

4. Derive an expression for the equivalent capacitance of parallel plate

capacitors when they are connected in (i) series and (ii) Parallel

5. A 10 μF capacitor is connected in series with a 1M _ resistor. This

combination is connected across a 100V D.C. supply determine (i)
time constant of the circuit (ii) the initial value of the charging
current (iii) the initial rate of rise of voltage across the capacitor (iv)
time taken for the capacitor voltage to reach 60 V.

6. A circular ring of mild steel has diameter of 20 cm and 2.0 mm side

air gap. The cross section area is 3.2 cm 2 Estimate the M.M.F
required to establish 0.6 mWb flux. Assume relative permeability of
mild steel = 900.

7. Compare Electric and Magnetic circuit.

8. Distinguish statically induced and dynamically induced EMF. Derive

expression for dynamically induced EMF.

9. (i) Explain Magnetic Hysteresis. (ii) What do you understand by

coefficient of coupling between two magnetic coils.

10. Derive the expressions of equivalent inductance, when two

magnetically coupled coils are connected in series in two different

11. State and explain Faraday’s laws of electromagnetic induction.

12. Explain the term (i) reluctance (ii) permeability

13. A series RLC circuit having resistance of 8 _, inductance of 80 mH
and capacitance of 100 μF is connected across 150 V, 50 Hz supply
(Fig. 2). Calculate,(a) the current, (b) the power factor, and (c) the
voltages drops in the coil and capacitance.

14. Define following terms in connection with A.C wave forms : (i)
Frequency (ii) phase & phase defference (iii) Time Period (iv) form
factor (v) R. M. S. Value (vi) Average Value

15. The circuit, having two impedances of Z 1= 8 + j15 _ and Z2= 6 -

j8 _ in parallel, is connected to a single phase ac supply and the
current drawn is 10 A. Find each branch current, both in magnitude
and phase, and also the supply voltage.

16. Define the term (1) reactance, (2) inductive reactance and (3)
capacitive reactance and explain how it depends on frequency in an
A. C. circuit.

17. Derive an expression for the total power for a balanced 3 phase star
OR delta connected load in terms of line voltage line current and
power factor.

18. What is earthing? Explain requirement of earthing for any electrical


19. Draw the wiring diagram for the staircase wiring.

20. List various protective devices used in the electric circuits and
compare working of ELCB with MCB.

21. How do you estimate the life of a battery when charging and
discharging characteristics are available?

22. List lumens requirements for various categories of illumination.

23. Derive an expression for the capacitance of a parallel plate capacitor

with plate area ‘A’ and distance of separation between the plates ‘d’ in

24. Two capacitors having 8 μF and 4 μF are connected in series and

charged from a constant voltage of 210 Volts supply. Calculate
(a) The voltage across each capacitor
(b) The charge on each capacitor.
25. A capacitor of 10 μF is connected to a DC supply through a resistance
of 1.1 M_. Calculate the time taken for the capacitor to reach 90 % of
its final charge.

26. Prove that if a DC current of ‘I’ amperes is super-imposed in a

conductor by an AC current of maximum value ‘I’ amperes, the root
mean square (rms) value of the resultant is (√3/√2)I.

27. Two branches numbered ‘1’ and ‘2’ having impedances of

3 + j4 _ and 3 –j4 _ respectively are connected to a 230 Volt,
50 Hz rms source. Find out :
(i) The total current drawn from the source.
(ii) Power factor of that current.
(iii) Draw the phasor diagram for I1, I2, the total current and
supply voltage.

28. State and explain Kirchoff’s voltage and current laws.

29. Draw Wheatstone’s bridge network ABCD as follows:
Resistance between terminals A-B, B-C, C-D, D-A and B-D are 10,
30, 15, 20 and 40 ohms respectively. A 2 volt battery of negligible
resistance is connected between terminals A and C. Determine the
value and direction of the current in the 40 _ resistor.

30. Show that Rt= R0(1 + α t) . Notations have usual meaning.

The resistance of tungsten filament of a lamp is 20 _ at the room
temperature of 20º C. What is the operating temperature of the
filament if the resistance temperature co-efficient of tungsten is
0.005/º C at 20º C. The base of the lamp is marked 120 Volt, 50 W.

31. Draw the circuit diagram of tubelight with the wiring of choke and
starter. Explain the functioning of the circuit.

32. Explain the biological effect of electric current keeping the electric
safety in view. Explain plate earthing.

33. Sketch the staircase wiring.

34. Give the comparison between electric and magnetic circuit.

35. Give the comparison of series resonance and parallel resonance.
36. State and explain Faraday’s laws of electromagnetic induction.

37. Two coils having 100 and 1000 turns respectively have a common
magnetic circuit of 25 cm. diameter and 625 cm2 cross-section and a
constant relative permeability of 2000. Calculate
(i) The self inductance of both the coils.
(ii)The mutual inductance between them if the co-efficient of
coupling is 0.5.

38. Write down the line value and phase value relationship of voltages
and currents in 3 phase star and delta connected systems.
39. Draw and explain the wiring diagram of supply mains with energy
meter and distribution box.

40. Give the circuit diagram of ELCB. Explain its working in brief. (07)

41. Explain the construction and working of any type of battery you
know. What is its voltage when it is fully charged ?

42. The input power to a 3 phase load is measured by two wattmeter

method. The ratio of the readings of the two wattmeters connected for
3 phase balanced load is 41‫׃‬. The load is inductive. Find the load factor.

43. Define temperature co-efficient of resistance. How resistances of different

materials vary with temperature? Prove that αt = α0/(1+ α0t)

44. Explain the following terms: (i) Magnetomotive force (ii) Magnetic field
Intensity (iii) Reluctance

45. Derive the expression for the voltage across the capacitor at any instant after
the application of dc voltage V to a circuit having a capacitance C in series
with resistance R.

46. An iron ring having a cross sectional area of 5cm × 4cm and a mean
diameter of 18 cm has a coil of 270 turns uniformly wound over it. A
current of 1.27 A flows through the coil which produces a flux of 1.13
mWb in the ring. Find the reluctance of the circuit, the absolute and relative
permeabilities of iron

47. Two inductive coils are connected in parallel. Derive the expression for
total inductance when (i) coils are in parallel aiding connection (ii) coils are
in parallel opposing connection

48. Explain the method of transforming a star network of resistances into delta
network and vice versa.

49. Define (i) form factor (ii) peak factor. Obtain the rms value and average
value of half wave rectified sinusoidal voltage wave.

50. Three currents are represented by i1 = 10sinωt; i2 = 20sin(ωt – π/6);

i3 = 30sin(ωt + π/4).Find magnitude and phase angle of resultant current.

51. A certain waveform has a form factor of 1.2 and a peak factor of 1.5. If the
maximum value is 100, find rms value and average value.

52. Discuss resonance in R-L-C series circuit. Explain how pf, X L and R vary
with frequency.

53. Define power factor. What is the power factor of a pure inductor? Give the
difference between active and reactive power.
54. Prove that power in a 3-phase balanced circuit can be deduced from the
readings of two wattmeters. Draw the relevant connection and phasor
diagrams. Discuss the nature of power factor (i) when two readings are
equal and positive (ii) when two readings are equal but opposite in sign (iii)
when one wattmeter reads zero.

55. Three similar coils each of resistance 28_ and inductance 0.7H are
connected in (i) star (ii) delta. If the supply voltage is 230V, 50Hz, calculate
the line current and total power absorbed.

56. Explain the following methods of charging a battery (i) Constant current
method (ii) Constant voltage method

57. Classify and explain various types of lighting schemes.

58. What is the function of fuse in an electrical circuit? State the desirable
properties of fuse element.

59. Explain the wiring diagram of a tubelight with choke and glow starter.

60. State the different methods of earthing and explain any one of them.

61. Three resistances Rab, Rbc and Rca are connected in star. Obtain their
equivalent for delta resistances.

62. A 100V, 60W bulb is connected in series with a 100V, 100W bulb and
the combination is connected across the 200V mains. Find the values of
resistance that should be connected across the first bulb, so that each
bulb may get proper current at the proper voltage.

63. Compare electric circuit and magnetic circuit by their similarities and

64. Derive an expression for the energy stored in an inductor of self

inductance ‘L’ henry carrying the current of ‘I’ amperes.

65. A mild steel ring of 30 cm mean circumference has a cross-sectional

area of 6 cm2 and has a winding of 500 turns on it. The ring is cut
through at a point so as to provide an air-gap of 1 mm in the magnetic
circuit. It is found that a current of 4 A in the winding, produces a flux
density of 1 T in the air-gap. Find (i) the relative permeability of the
mild steel and (ii) inductance of the winding. 7
0 410−

66. State coulomb’s law of electrostatics.

67. Define capacitance. Derive an expression for the total capacitance of a

group of capacitance when (i) they are connected in series (ii) they are
connected in parallel.

68. A series combination having R = 2 M Ω and C = 0.01 μF is connected

across d.c. voltage source of 50V. Determine capacitor voltage and
charging current after 0.02 s, 0.04 s and 0.06 s.
69. Explain the variations of watt-meter readings for 3-phase power
measurement by two watt-meter method as power factor takes the values
of unity, 0.5, between 0.5 & 0 and 0.

70. A 3-phase load consists of three similar inductive coils of resistances of

50 Ω and inductance 0.3 H. The supply is 415 V 50 Hz. Calculate:(i) the
line current (ii)the power factor and the total power when the load is star

71. Explain with the aid of a phasor diagram the phenomenon of resonance
in a circuit containing an inductor, a capacitor and a resistor in series.

72. A circuit consists of a 4 μF capacitor in parallel with a coil of resistance

40 Ω and inductance 0.25 H. If the voltage applied to the circuit at
resonance frequency is 230 V, calculate the current in each branch,
supply current and the current magnification.

73. Distinguish between (i) apparent power (ii) active power and (iii)
reactive power.

74. Prove that average power consumption in pure inductor is zero when
a.c. voltage is applied.

75. A capacitor of 100 μF is connected across a 200V, 50Hz single phase

supply. Calculate (i) the reactance of the capacitor (ii) r.m.s. value of
current and (iii) the maximum current.

76. Name various types of wiring systems commonly used in and explain
any one of them in detail.

77. State and explain different illumination schemes used for domestic

78. Briefly discuss following terms:

(i) Luminious Flux (ii) Luminious intensity
(iii) ILLumination (iv) Luminance

79. With help of diagram explain working of Earth Leakage Circuit Breaker

80. With proper circuit diagrams state and explain Kirchhoff’s laws.
81. A coil has a resistance of 20Ω when its mean temperature is 20oC and of
3Ω when its mean temperature is 50oC. Determine its mean temperature rise
when its resistance is 24Ω and the surrounding temperature is 15o C.

82. Explain charging process of a capacitor.

83. Discuss various similarities and differences in detail between an electric

circuit and a magnetic circuit.
84. Explain resonance in a.c. series circuit.

85. Explain the terms: (i) m.m.f. (ii) permeability

86. State and explain Lenz’s law

87. A circular iron ring has a cross sectional area of 15 cm2 and a mean length of
6π cm in iron has an air gap of 0.6π mm made by a saw cut. The relative
permeability of iron is 1300 and the permeability of free space is 4 π x 10-7
H/m. The ring is wound with a coil of 2400 turns and carries 4 mA
current. Find the air gap flux neglecting leakage and fringing.

88. Derive the equation for equivalent inductance of two inductances connected
in series with subtractive polarity connection.

89. Briefly discuss the concept of magnetic hysteresis.

90. Two coils , A of 1000 turns and B of 1250 turns , lie in parallel planes such
that 70% of the flux produced by coil A links with coil B. A current of 3 A
produces a flux of 0.04 mWb in coil A. The same current produces a flux of
0.06 mWb in coil B. Find (1) The mutual inductance between the coils. (2)
The co-efficient of coupling.

91. Define: (1)Frequency (2)phase difference (3) average value (4) Time period
(5) active power (6) power factor (7) impedance

92. Determine form factor for a semicircular current wave which has a peak
value of ‘a’.

93. Define the term (1) Reactance, (2) inductive reactance and (3) capacitive
reactance and discuss how they depend on frequency in ac circuits.

94. A series RLC circuit having resistance of 10 Ω, inductance of 100 mH and

capacitance of 100 micro farad is connected across 200 V, 50Hz ac supply.
Determine: (a) the current , (b) the power factor and (c) the voltage drops
across all three elements.

95. Define line voltage and phase voltage. Derive voltage and current
relationship for a 3 phase star connection.

96. Explain with suitable waveform and vector diagram , the generation of three
phase EMF.

97. Explain method of measurement of power in a three phase balanced circuit

with the help of two watt meters.

98. Discuss advantages of poly phase system over single phase system.
99. Find the resistance between the terminals A and B in the network shown in the Fig. 1.

100. A carbon colour coded resistor has first ring of orange, second of blue, third of red
and fourth of golden colour. Find the specifications of the resistor.

101. Define temperature co-efficient of resistance. How does the resistance of different
materials vary with temperature? Prove that α t = α0/(1+ α0t) and α 2 = 1/ [(1/ α1) + (t2-t1)]

102. (i)Give the circuit diagram of ELCB. Explain its working and applications.
(ii) Discuss any one method of earthing.

103. In the RC circuit shown in the Fig. 2, R= 2 M5 and C= 5μF. The capacitor is
charged to an initial potential of 50 V, when the switch is closed at t=0+. Calculate
1. Initial rate of charging of the capacitor voltage.
2. Capacitor voltage after time = 5λ seconds.
If the polarity of the capacitor voltage is reversed, calculate,
3. The values of the above quantities.
4. Time taken for Vc to reach -10 V, 0V and 95 V.

104. Two square conducting plates having a cross sectional area of 2500 cm 2 and 1 cm
distance between them are connected across a 600 V supply voltage. They have a
dielectric, 0.8 cm thick having a relative permittivity of 4 between them. The
remaining space is filled with air. Calculate the capacitance of the condenser and
the energy stored in it.

105. Describe “Ceramic Capacitors”.

106. An iron ring of 40cm mean diameter and a cross section of 3 cm diameter, has an
air gap of 2 mm. It is uniformly wound with 750 turns of wire and carries a current
of 3 A. The iron path takes 60 % of the total mmf. Neglect magnetic leakage. Find
the total mmf, magnetic flux, reluctance and flux density in the ring.

107. Discuss the forces acting between two parallel current carrying conductors.

108. Compare electrical circuit with magnetic circuit.

109. Derive the equation for the co-efficient of coupling of two magnetically coupled
coils A and B.

110. Two coils having 200 and 100 turns respectively are wound side by side on a closed
iron circuit of cross section 140 cm2 and mean length of flux path135 cm. The
current in the first coil increases steadily from 0 to 7 A in 5 milliseconds. Assume
the co-efficient of coupling equal to 1 and the permeability of iron equal to 1800.
Find the self inductance of each coil and the induced emf in the second coil.

111. A series RLC circuit consists of a resistance of 500 5, inductance of 50mH and a
capacitance of 20 pF. Find
1. The resonant frequency.
2. The Q-factor of the circuit at resonance.
3. The half power frequency.

112. Discuss different methods of representation of vector quantities.

113. Calculate the RMS and average value of the sinusoidal waveform shown in the
Fig.3 From them, find the peak factor and form factor.

114. Discuss how the inductance of a choke coil can be measured using a rheostate, a
voltmeter and an ammeter.

115. Derive the equation of power in a single phase AC circuit in vector form only.

116. In a series parallel circuit, the parallel branches ‘A’ and ‘B’ are in series with
branch ‘C’. The impedances are ZA = (4+j3) 5, ZB= (4-j16/3) 5 and ZC= (2+j8) 5.
If the current Ic = (25+j0) Amp., determine the branch currents and voltages and
the total voltage. Hence calculate the complex power (the active and reactive
powers) for each branch and the whole circuit.

117. Three identical coils each of (4.2 +j5.6) 5 are connected in star across a 415 V, 3
phase, 50 Hz AC supply. Find
1. Phase voltage.
2. Phase current.
3. Readings of two wattmeter’s W1 and W2 when they are connected to
measure the total power.

118. Discuss staircase wiring.

119. 1. Discuss electrical characteristics of batteries.

2. Give connection diagram of a battery charging circuit
120. A delta connected load having branch impedances of (15 +j20) 5 is connected to a
220V, 3 phase AC supply. Find
1. Line currents.
2. Per phase power consumed.
3. What is the phasor sum of the line currents? Why does it have this value?

121. Draw the connection diagram of a tube light and explain its starting and working.

122. Explain the construction of a three phase cable.

123. Derive an expression for temperature coefficient at temperature t, αt = α0 / (1+

α0.t). Where notations have usual meanings.

124. State and explain the Kirchoff”s current and voltage laws

125. Derive an expression for the voltage across the capacitor during charging
through the resistor at any instant Vc = V (1-e-t/T) where V is the battery source
voltage and T is the time constant of the circuit.

126. Two capacitors C1= 4μF and C2= 2 μF are connected in parallel across a
200V DC supply find (1) Equivalent capacitance (2) charge across each
capacitor (3) If this parallel capacitor combination connected in series with
6μF then what would be the equivalent capacitance of circuit becomes?

127. A magnetic circuit is existed by a 90 turn coil. The cross sectional area and
length of the magnetic circuit is 5 square cm and 25cm respectively. When the
current is 2A, the total flux is 0.3mWb. Find (1) H (2) Relative permeability of

128. Explain Magnetic Hystersis phenomena using hysteresis loop.

129. Compare similarities and dissimilarities between electrical and magnetic


130. Explain different types of capacitors in brief.

131. State the Lenz’s law and explain statically induced emf.

132. What are the faraday’s laws of electromagnetic of induction and derive an
expression e = -N dΦ/dt where notations have usual meanings

133. Define (1) MMF (2) Magnetic flux density (3) Retentivity (4) Reluctance

134. Explain the phenomena of generation of Alternating voltages and currents and
derive expression for it with suitable diagrams

135. Two impedance Z1= (10 +j15) Ω and Z2= (6-j8) Ω are connected in parallel
and this combination takes 20A find the supply voltage?

136. Define the following terms with respect to AC waveforms (1) Form factor (2)
137. A resistance of 10Ω, an inductance of 0.2H and a capacitance of 100μF are
connected in series across 220V, 50Hz mains. Determine the following (1)
Impedance (2) current (3) voltage across R,L,and C (4) Power Factor

138. A circuit consists of a resistance of 4Ω and inductance of 1H and a variable

capacitance in series across a 100V, 50Hz supply calculate (1) the value of
capacitance to produce resonance (2) the voltage across capacitor

139. Define the following terms with respect to AC waveforms (1) phase (2) Time

140. A balanced star connected load of (4+j3) Ω per phase is connected to a balance
3 phase 400V supply. Fine the line current, power factor, active power and
reactive power.
141. What is Battery? Explain the construction and working of any battery.

142. Draw the stair case wiring diagram. Which protective devices are utilized to
protect house wring against overload/ short circuit?

143. Explain the types of lighting schemes with suitable diagrams

144. Explain the construction of a cable with functions of its various parts with the
help of neat diagram.

145. What is an electric shock? Why grounding is required?

146. Explain effect of temperature on resistance. Define temperature co-efficient

& obtain expression αt2 = 1 —————— 1/ αt1 + ( t2-t1 )

147. Explain KCL and KVL.

148. Why are domestic appliances connected in parallel

149. Derive expression for delta to star conversion of resistive network.

150. A parallel plate capacitor has a plate area of 4 cm2.The plates are separated by
Three slabs of different dielectric materials of thicknesses 0.3, 0.4 , & 0.3 mm
With relative permittivities of 3, 2.5 and 2 respectively. Calculate the
capacitance of each material and the voltage across them if the supply is 200 V

151. Derive equation for charging of capacitor in RC circuit. also define time constant
of circuit.

152. An iron ring of 40 cm mean diameter and 7 cm2 cross section has an air gap of 2
mm. It is informally wound with 750 turns of wire and carries a current of 3A
The iron takes 60% of the total mmf. Neglect magnetic leakage. Find the total
mmf, magnetic flux , reluctance and flux density.

153. State & explain Faraday’s laws of electromagnetic induction.

Explain magnetic hysteresis.
154. Define following terms with respect to a.c.waveform
(i) Frequency (ii) Power factor (iii) R.M.S. value (iv) Amplitude
(v) Average value (vi) Form Factor.

155. A circuit takes a current of 3A at a power factor of 0.6 lagging when connected
to 115V, 50Hz supply. Another circuit takes a current of 5A at a power factor of
0.707 leading when connected to same supply. If the two circuits are connected
in series across 230V, 50 Hz supply. Calculate the
(i) current (ii) power consumed (iii) Power factor.

156. Explain the method of measuring 3-Φ power by two wattmeters.

157. Prove that current through pure inductor is always lagging by 90o to its voltage
and power consumed is zero.

158. Three impedances Z1 = 5-j10 F, Z2 =2+j20 F and Z3 = 4+j2 F are connected in

parallel. If the total current is 20A, Find the current shared by each.

159. Explain in brief (i) self inductance (ii) Mutual inductance

160. Compare series and parallel resonance.

161. Discuss the various types of lighting scheme

162. Explain various types of grouping of cells, also discuss rating of battery.

163. Draw staircase lighting schematic diagram.

164. What is the importance of earthing in electrical laboratory ?

165. Explain working of ELCB &MCB

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