COM3706 ECP Tutorial Letter 001 - 3 - 2021

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ECP Tutorial Letter 001/3/2021

COM3706: Communication Research

Early Completion Programme

Department of Communication Science

Please register on myUnisa, activate your myLife e-mail account and make
sure that you have regular access to the myUnisa module website,
COM3706-2021-ECP-ALL, as well as your group website


Lecturer to contact:
Miss MM Mothiba
[email protected]
Tel: 012 429 3143

Assignment Format Unique Due date Weight of

no number assignment
01 Written 714727 10 May 2021 10% of semester
Individual mark
02 Written 789668 07 June 2021 10% of semester
Individual mark
03 Written 609218 05 July 2021 80% of final mark
Final portfolio
or project




Q1 The following item appears in a self-administered questionnaire. However, it

contains a problem or error that must be avoided. Do you agree with media
specialists' views about the negative impact on the freedom of speech that the
new law will cause? Why is the item problematic?

(1) It is a questionable assumption.

(2) It is a leading question.
(3) It is a double-barrelled question.
(4) It is an incomplete question.

Q2 The following item appears in a self-administered questionnaire. However, it

contains a problem or error that must be avoided. Which of channels of
communication do you use in your company?

Rank the following channels:

Written memos
Electronic mail
Bulletin boards

Face-to-face meetings between two people

Why is the item problematic?

(1) The options are biased

(2) The instruction is incomplete
(3) It contains ambiguous language
(4) The question has one logical answer

Q3 To what does the term "register" applies in the context of reporting

communication research?

(1) Sampling method

(2) Language in the report
(3) Experimental design
(4) Type of questionnaire

Q4 Which type of survey amongst subscribers of an international magazine should

you anticipate that the responses would be limited to a realised sample that is
conveniently available and not a realised sample that is representative of the
target population?

(1) Mail survey

(2) Computer-administered survey
(3) Group-administered survey
(4) Personal survey

Q5 When respondents in the context of mass communication .......... it serves as

an example of a self-report measurement, which you as a researcher analyse
by means of inductive reasoning.

(1) watch television

(2) read a magazine
(3) listen to the radio
(4) keep a diary

Q6 Which option refers to the application of two or more theories, types of

sampling, investigators, sources of data and/or data-collection methods?

(1) Use of triangulation

(2) Formulation of hypotheses
(3) Types of field observations
(4) Demarcation of an accessible population

Q7 A previous study found an inequality in numbers and unequal pay for women
working as editors and executives in print journalism. From an organisational
communication perspective, you want to replicate this study based on three
national newspapers in your country. How would you start your research?

(1) With a pre-post study

(2) With a content analysis
(3) With a survey
(4) With historical research

Q8 The education department in your country wants to introduce English as a

compulsory, additional language. The department requests you to conduct a
RE study of one publication written specifically for grade 10 pupils. Which of
the following statements would apply to your research study when you apply
the Flesch Readability Ease formula?

(a) The units of analysis are individual grade 10 pupils.

(b) It is a longitudinal, panel study.
(c) You analyse, amongst others, human interest of descriptive words,
headings, colour and sentence construction.
(d) With an RE score of 40 you would recommend that the publication
be revised.

(1) a b
(2) a c
(3) b d
(4) c d

Q9 The term variable refers to any aspect of an organism, or of the environment,

to which different values can be ascribed such as age, gender, income,
educational level, and so forth. What describes a variable with a fixed set of

(1) Polytomous variable

(2) Dichotomous variable
(3) Discrete variable
(4) Continuous variable

Q10 What is an appreciation index?

(1) A method of research involving an in-depth study of a single unit.

(2) A quantifiable and examinable entity to determine truth or falsity of a matter.
(3) An instrument that measures entertainment gratification derived by
television viewers.
(4) A collection of data by a researcher who participates with the subject over
an extended period.

Q11 Which characteristic is furthest from describing a qualitative design?

(1) Exploratory and descriptive objectives.

(2) Usually deductive and mainly inductive reasoning.
(3) Descriptive and in-depth techniques to analyse data.
(4) Methods used to collect numerical and statistical data.

Q12 Which statement is true?

(1) The quantitative content analysis categories listed on a coding sheet must
meet the same requirements as nominal variables.
(2) The intensity of responses is measured when counting is used as a
scoring procedure, when tallying responses.
(3) Strata are determined by probability versus non-probability sampling.
(4) A cross-sectional time dimension is conventionally based on a
quantitative research design.

Q13 How many of the following statements is/are true?

(a) When applying scale scoring in a tally sheet you are applying a
ranking scale.
(b) Pre-coded categories will, among others, be determined by the
research problem or issue and the hypotheses or research
(c) Categories used in a content analysis must be mutually exclusive
and exhaustive.
(d) The ordinal level of measurement is applied when you use scale
scoring in a tally sheet.

(1) One
(2) Two
(3) Three
(4) Four

Q14 Randomisation is an important requirement when you conduct research which

is based on … .

(1) a case study

(2) field observations
(3) a content analysis
(4) an experiment

Q15 Which scales/items/questions do the closed-ended items use in the self-

administered questionnaire that are conventionally applied to research the
eight topic areas?

(1) Multiple-choice
(2) Likert
(3) Guttmann
(4) Thurstone

Q16 Which option refers to the utilisation of two or more investigators, sources of
data, data-collection methods, theories, and/or types of sampling?

(1) Process of operationalisation

(2) Distinction between different variables
(3) Manipulation of mapping
(4) Application of triangulation

Q17 Complete the following statement by filling in the two spaces with the most
appropriate phrase/word(s):

One of the main reasons ………. is to ……….. .

(a) external validity is considered

(b) specify the research goal
(c) a relationship hypothesis is formulated
(d) predict outcomes
(e) research hypotheses are formulated
(f) investigate unknown sources
(g) inductive reasoning is used
(h) measure covariance

(1) a f
(2) e b
(3) g d
(4 c h

Q18 What is triangulation?

(1) Using two or more theories, types of sampling, investigators, sources of

data and data collection methods.
(2) An extent to which findings can be generalised.
(3) A method that seeks what influence the dependent variable.
(4) Choosing one research method over another.

Q19 Which statement best describes a public relations audit?

(1) It is a demarcation and description of external publics.

(2) It is a narrow focus on the means of and/or external communication.
(3) An analysis of the public relations communication functions of individuals
and of dyadic organisational networks.
(4) A study of the public relations position of an organisation from the
perspectives of internal and external publics.

Q20 How can internal publics be defined best within an organisation?

(1) Consumer publics that have a bearing on the products produced by a

(2) Groups of individuals found within and outside a particular organisation.

(3) Groups of individuals who are members of an organisation such as
employees and management.
(4) Shareholders and consumers whose lives revolve around the



As stated, Assignment 03 is the portfolio that replaces a written examination. The

portfolio is a report on the research which you have done on the topic as set for
Assignment 01. It consists of the detail that you provided in Assignment 01 PLUS the
detail relating to data-collection, data analysis, findings and the conclusions. That
means all items on the mark scheme have to be addressed in the portfolio, and all
information provided needs to relate to the authentic research that you have done in
practice. Ensure that you submit all the documents required with the portfolio as you
will not be able to submit anything afterwards.

Formulate the main issue with the 5 criteria required. Does the statement identify
the nature of study (research design), time dimension, action(s), issue, method(s)?
How is your issue investigated relevant to communication? Why is your issue
researchable? What makes your research feasible and ethically acceptable?
Which publications and editions are used, where (geographical boundary) will
research be done?; when will research be done and what is the nature of the time
What are your target and accessible populations? List at least 4 population
characteristics that you will report on in your findings. What are the units of
analysis in your research?
Formulate 4 assumptions and 4 related sub-issues based on relevant factors (eg
population characteristics and units of analysis). Ensure the sub-issues are aimed at
solving the main issue. Are your 4 assumptions appropriate, logically linked to sub-
issues and the main research issue?
Indicate what the nature of the goal is. Indicate the nature of the objectives.
Explain why and how your goal and objective(s) are related to your main issue.
Formulate 4 RQs which are appropriate and related to your main issue. Are your
research questions linked to the goal, objectives, 4 assumptions and 4 sub-issues?
Do the research questions differ from the sub-issues?
Have you explained each creative concept in your own words, and have you
provided examples of advertisements related to each concept explained?.
Specify the nature of your research design (qualitative/quantitative or a
combination of both). Explain how the characteristics of (each) identified design in
Du Plooy (Sections 2.5.2 and 2.5.3) are applicable to your own research.

Specify your research method; discuss the method, and provide examples to
indicate how content analysis was done (what did you do?)
• Which level of measurement is applicable and why? List the creative
concepts to be analysed and described.
• What sampling method (for both the publications and advertisements)
was used? How was sampling done in both instances? (describe steps
followed in detail).
• What is the sample size drawn (of the publications and of the
advertisements)? Contextualise the sample sizes against your accessible
populations (publications and advertisements).
• How was data collected? Describe the data-collection
procedures/techniques applied in detail (steps followed).
• How did you analyse the qualitative (and quantitative) data? Describe
the process(es) in detail.
• Can your study be replicated? Why/why not? (consider the size of
samples and sampling method).
• Describe how coding/tallying of data was done. Include a frequency
table or tally sheet, and explain what it contains or represents.
• What are the qualitative findings of your research/analyis related to
each of the advertisements and creative concepts in detail (provide evidence
from analysed advertisements). Describe characteristics of concepts identified
in detail.
• Answer your sub-issues, and provide evidence from analysed
advertisements in support of each claim or statement made.
• Include eight different advertisements; identify the advertisements and
institutions, or concerns, and acknowledge the sources. Include scanned (or
hard copies of) advertisements under this heading. (only advertisements
included = 1 mark). No detail = 1 mark only
• Answer the research questions, provide evidence from analysed
advertisements in support of each research question’s answer.
• Formulate at least one conclusion based on research done.

Total rating ............... (max 110) / 22 = ............... average x 18 ............... (max 90%)

Declaration ............... ToC ............... Sources in text ................ Sources ...............

Other ................

Technical presentation ............... (max 5%) Self-evaluation ............... (max 5%)

FINAL PERCENTAGE ...............


For all other information regarding COM3706, you should still refer to Tutorial letter
Do not hesitate to contact us by e-mail if you experience problems with the content of
this tutorial letter or with any academic aspect of the module.

We wish you a fascinating and satisfying journey through the learning material and
trust that you will complete the module successfully.

Enjoy learning about international communication issues with us!



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