EDEM 506 Activity No. 1 - Compare and Contrast Matrix

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Name: Lyca Fea P.

Course & Section: MAED-EM & Section D
Subject: EDEM 506 Management of Curriculum and Instruction

Compare and Contrast Matrix

Person Interviewed Answer to Question: What is Curriculum to you?

 ‘For me, curriculum is a set or a guide that would

serve as the basis for the teachers in order to teach
the pupils or students and eventually acquired by
the pupils in accordance with the standard set by
the higher authority --- the Department of
1. School Education.’
- Verleto C. Florentino, Principal III
in Apolinar Franco Sr. Elementary
School of Santa Cruz South
District Division of Davao del Sur

2. School  ‘In my 28 years in the Department of Education, a

Principal Teacher, a Trainer and a Facilitator, and a
Provider of Technical Assistance in terms of
elementary education, I experienced changes of
I can say that I am a product and a producer of
a changing curriculum, from Henny Penny (in
1976, when I was Grade I pupil) to Roy and Joy in
1992 (my first year in Deped), to Kamatis ni Peles
in 2000 (the start of Basic Education Curriculum
or BEC) , then, Ang Mata ni Tata in 2012 (which
was my second National attendance as Trainer of
K to 12 in Tagaytay), to the famous SLM in today’s
Philippine Education amidst Pandemic, the
introduction of the DepEd’s Basic Education
Learning Continuity Plan.
Why is there a change? I have to tell you first
what is curriculum.

A curriculum is considered the “heart” of
education. This means that schools or universities
cannot exist without a curriculum.
Beyond creating shared goals between teachers
and students, curriculum also standardizes the
learning goals for an entire school and provides a
clear path for students to progress from one grade to
It also describes the importance of curriculum
development in school, country, and society, in
general. ....
Curriculum is the outline of concepts to be taught
to students to help them meet the content standards. It
is what is taught in a given course or subject. It refers
to an interactive system of instruction and learning
with specific goals, contents, strategies, measurement,
and resources.
In education, a curriculum is broadly defined as
the totality of student experiences that occur in the
educational process. The term often refers specifically
to a planned sequence of instruction, or to a view of
the student's experiences in terms of the educator's or
school's instructional goals.
It is a collection of lessons, assessments, and other
academic content that's taught in a school, program,
or class by a teacher.
It is a standards-based sequence of planned
experiences where students practice and achieve
proficiency in content and applied learning skills. It is
the central guide for all educators as to what is
essential for teaching and learning, so that every
student has access to rigorous academic experiences.
It serves as a reference to ensure that you're on the
right track. Its components are designed to develop
concepts, from a basic level to increasingly complex
topics or skills. It's important to remember that a
curriculum is not an isolated signpost for a single
school year.
A curriculum refers to a defined and prescribed
course of studies, which students must fulfill in order
to pass a certain level of education. ... It gives a
reason why such learning is considered necessary and
what educational aims it would serve.

A teacher is a curriculum maker. He/she writes a
curriculum daily through a lesson plan, a unit plan or
a yearly plan. The teacher addresses the goals, needs,
interests of the learners by creating experiences from
where the students can learn.
As I’ve said earlier, that Curriculum in the
Philippines is changing. It is because it needs to be
reviewed and revised on a regular basis so that it is
able to serve the changing needs of both students and
society. Like the introduction of the Mother Tongue
Based Multilingual Education in the K to 12
Curriculum, it is the product of the assessment and
the studies of the Scholars of the Deped in the
Philippines, particularly, the former Deped
Undersecretary and our present Bureau of Learning
Delivery Rosalina Villaneza. Why, it seems I know
them? Because I’ve met them in person in several
Deped National trainings.
Our present curriculum is the K -12 Enhanced
Basic Education Curriculum. It aims to enhance
learners' basic skills, produce more competent
citizens and prepare graduates for lifelong learning
and employment.
The current curriculum has been enhanced for K
to 12 and now gives more focus to allow mastery of
learning. For the new Senior High School grades
(Grades 11 and 12), core subjects such as
Mathematics, Science and Language will be
The basic education curriculum in the Philippines
contains mother tongue- based multilingual
education, universal kindergarten, college and
livelihood readiness and specialized upper secondary
The purpose of the curriculum is encapsulated in
the four capacities - to enable each child or young
person to be a successful learner, a confident
individual, a responsible citizen and an effective
Effective curriculum ensures that important
concepts are taught through projects, every day
experiences, collaborative activities, and an active
curriculum. Goals are clear and shared by all. ... To

support effective teaching, curriculum should be
linked to on-going professional development for
The most important question for an effective
curriculum is not what should be taught but how
could a teacher teach - what methods and procedures
are best for educating a child.
I believe that the heart of the curriculum is the
child, that is why the learner or the child is at the
center of the curriculum.
When a child is at the heart of the curriculum, they
are the life force of that curriculum as it puts the child
as being the paramount focus behind forming
relationships, planning and activities.’

- Leonila D. Berdin, Principal I in

Matutungan Elementary School of
Santa Cruz South District Division
of Davao del Sur

 ‘For me, curriculum is a standardized set of

competencies and planned activities for the
students. Being an educator, it enables me to
identify the learning outcomes that I wish to see
among my students, so with this also, I will be able
to identify what are the essential things in the
teaching and learning process. So, whether or not,
the students were able to demonstrate what is
3. Elementary being asked out of the core competencies in a
Grade Teacher certain level. So, with this, I will be able to assess
my students soundly and this would be my basis for
them to be promoted to the next level.’

- Lilian Guia B. Burgos, Teacher II in

Apolinar Franco Sr. Elementary
School of Santa Cruz South District
Division of Davao del Sur

 ‘For me, a curriculum is a detailed plan instruction

set by policy makers, it can be both written or
4. College
unwritten and it is a course of study that will
enable the learner to acquire specific knowledge
and skills. Also, it is a combination of learning
experiences and instructional processes and
student’s performance assessment that will bring
out and evaluate the target learning outcome of a
particular course.’

- Rena Jane T. Mangaga, a part-time

faculty in Davao del Sur State

 ‘Based on what I have learned, curriculum is the

outline of concept to be taught to the students to
help them meet the content standards and it also
gives a reason why such learning is considered
necessary and also what was the educational aims
to be served. In short, curriculum aims to provide
knowledge therefore, without it the institution
5. Student Teacher would be lost cost because for me curriculum
serves the basis of any academic institution.’

- Maeha T. Suwaib, 3rd year college

taking Bachelor of Secondary
Education Major in Social Studies
in UM Digos College

 ‘For me, curriculum is a system in education for

improvement. Thus, it focuses on studies which
consist of different courses to reach a particular
6. Non-Education
College Student - Hellah P. Salasain, 2nd year college
taking Bachelor of Science
Accountancy in UM Digos

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