8th STD Chap 3 Ms Access Ex

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A computer is an electronic machine or device that processes data to
information. People use computers to process data. Data simply refers to rar
facts and figures. These may be in the form of numbers, letters, images.
sounds or a combination of these. Data needs to be processed to make it
meaningful and useful. When data is processed for some meaning, it becomes
A collection of related tables with data is called a database. The data remains
in an organised order in a database. A
simple example of a database is the
attendance register of your
class, maintained by your class teacher. It
contains the name of each student of
your class with his/her roll number. A
personal telephone directory is also an example of a simple database.
Databases are very useful in
maintaining data.
Some advantages of database are:
easy retrieval of data reduction in data redundancy
reduction in data inconsistency easy sharing of data
easy manipulation of data
high data security
perform various kinds of operations on a
deletion, modification and updation. database like creatio
Examples Of Databases Used Everyday
Let us have a look at some classic cases of
everyday: databases used
In schools, colleges and
universities, we have to store
students' personal information,
information, information about academic information, fee
various courses,
information, etc. library


materials, financialinformation pertaining to employee

flow, etc., has to be maintained.

In research, extensive data as a part of any scientific
research activity in any field has to be maintained.

In consultancy services of any kind especially job

expertise, the information about job seekers, experts,
prospective employers, etc., have to be maintained for
instant retrieval.

In business and stock markets, stock details, daily trading

details, calculation of stock index, etc., needs to be

Database can be broadly categorised as:
FlatDatabase Relational Database Distributed Database
Flat Database: In this type of database, information is stored as a single file in a
tabular form which has no relation with the other databases. Electronic
spreadsheet is an example of a flat database. Such type of databases are suitable
for storing small amount of information.
Relational Database: A relational database is a set of tables containing data
fitted into some pre-defined categories. Each table (which is sometimes called a
relation) contains one or more data categories in columns. Each row contains a
unique instance of data for the categories defined by the columns.
For example, a typical business order entry database would include a table that
describes the customer details with columns for name, address and phone
There are many RDBMS software available. Some of them are Oracle, FoxPro
and Microsoft Access.
Distributed Database : These type of databases are mainly used in a networked
environment where centralised database is distributed at multiple locations on
the network so that different users can access it without interfering each other.
All objects of a database are stored in a single file. These are managed through
the database window. Let us discuss the main objects of a database:

ans d 8 any two
Table is stored. Micre
the actual data
Table is a part of the database where
row. This
row 1S called record. R.
Access stores the related entries in its Each
of detail in a record is stored in its
columns, known as fields.
the students of your class Can be
For example, in a table the n a m e s of all
and all the data entries und
stored in one field with the field name as Name'
the field names Name', 'Age', 'Address' together form the record of a particular

A query is used to extract information from a database. The output of a quer
is a record or a group of records that fulfill a certain condition. An example of
a query is to "get the record of the student with Roll No. 32".
A form resembles the fill-in-the blank sheet that you fill completely by hand,
such as a job application. Hence, a form is a way to enter data into the
database. Microsoft Access links a form to a table and hence, stores the
information that you entered in the form into the table.
Just forms are designed to be on-screen, reports are
designed to be
printed. With Access, one can design the reports quickly, based on the data of
the table.

Do You Know?
1. The overall design structure of a database is
known as Database Schema. It
describes the records and the relationships
among them.
2. The initial code name of MS Acess was
Microsoft Access is a popular Relational
Database Management System.
one of the
application software of Microsoft Office package. it
Microsoft Access is widely used by
individuals having small scale
within departmnents of
large corporations businesse
programmers to create customised systems and also usedcreation
for handling, by hobby
by hou
manipulation of data. It is a
computer databases for the Microsoft Windows environment used used toto create

In Microsoft
Access, the data is arranged in thefamily of operating systeim
piece of information form of tables. Every spe
in a table is known the
intersection of a column and a
as a value. A value is located
The total mumber of values in a table is the number of rows multiplied by the
number of columns.


Access can use data stored in many popular RDBMS. This is enormously
popular with skilled software developers who use it to develop application
software. Relatively unskilled programmers and computer savvy non
programmers use it to build simple applications due to its flexibility and user
friendliness. Small databases can be effectively managed using Microsoft
Microsoft Access stores data in the form of tables and the relationship among
the data is also stored in the form of tables. In the tables, data is presented as
a collection of rows and columns.
To start Microsoft Access, follow
ans d7 MAS
Step-2: Click
the given steps: All apps

Step-1: Click Start button.

Step-2: Click All apps.
Step-1: Click
Step-3: Click Access. Start button Step-3:
e here to sear e hereClick Access

Access Good morming


ank databas SAAdent Aet auny

Mare kepeahr

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Nate late n p t a d

Opes My delalbese awcdb ANusl 2|


Daabesel ardb

feedleck Databaseda Augul

The Microsoft Access opening screen appears as shown above. Now, you ca
Create a new database or open an existing one.

computers *
Title Bar This is the topmost bar on the window and it displays the title
of the application i.e., Microsoft Access. It also contains Minimize
Maximize and Close buttons.
Ribbon: Ribbon replaces the traditional menus and toolbars. Ribbon is
designed in a manner to quickly find the commands that you need to
complete a task. Ribbon is divided into two parts: Tabs and Groups.
Quick Access Toolbar: This is displayed on the Title bar. This provides
the icons or shortcuts for performing standard operations like Save, Undo,
Redo, etc.
File Tab : It is the tab located in the upper-left corner of Microsoft Access
2016 screen. When you click File tab, you can see Microsoft Office
Backstage view. Backstage view shows the set of commands used to
manage database like creating, saving, opening, printing, etc.
Navigation Pane : When you open a database or create a new one, the names
of your database objects appear in the Navigation pane. The database objects
include tables, forms, reports, pages, macros and modules. It replaces the
database window used by earlier versions of Access.
Tabbed Documents: Microsoft Access 2016 displays your database
objects in tabbed documents instead of overlapping windows.
Status Bar : Status bar is displayed at the bottom of the main Microsoft
Access window. This shows the status of any process in the database.

Do You Know ?
Structured Query Language (SQL) is a programming language used to retrieve
and update information in a database.


Before you create a database in Microsoft Access 2016, you must remember
the following things:
purpose of the database *user of the database
tables (data) of the database queries that the users need
forms and reports
Microsoft Access 2016 provides the following ways to create a database ans d 1
creating a blank database *creating a database using a templae
creating a database by downloading a template

30 J Compute
Creating A Blank Database Step-2: Type ark databere
File name
To create ablank database, follow the given steps:
Step-1: Click Blank databasefrom the
available templates.
Step-2: Type the name of the database in the Step-3:
File Name box.
Click Create

Step-3: Click the Create button. Databrse15:Darabase-

CUersWindows10NDoc Tasie Tols omputer edtor
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Home Create Extemal Data Database Toos Help Fiekds Table P Tell me what you want to do

Calicn (Detai

Al X A *
dpboerd Records Fd Tet Fomatng

Access creates and opens a All Access... « blet X

D alck to Add
blank database. By default, an Tables

empty table is opened (Table l) in
which you can enter the data.

Recort 1of1
Datasheet Ve NUm LOc

Creating A Database Using A Template

A template is a ready-to-use database that contains tables, queries, forms and
reports needed to perform a specific task.
Several templates appear by clicking More templates option in the New window.
You can also download templates from the Office.com Templates.
To create a database using templates, follow the given steps:

Step-1: From the New window, click Studentfrom the available templates.
Step-2 Specify the name for the database in the File Name box.
Step-3: Click the Create button.
Step-1: Click Step-2: Choose
New Student a name


Delanesr acx

Step-3: Click
Create button

computers b 31
Access creates and opens the database for you. By detault, a form is one
where you can enter the data.

Access provides different views to work with your data. You can easily swito
from one view to another. There are two views to work with a table

DatasheetView Design View (ans d 2)

Datasheet View Design View

It displays the view in a row/column format I t displays the view which allows you to enter
which allows you to view, enter or manipulate field names, datatypes and the descriptioninto
data. your table.
To switch between Views, simply click View from the Views group of Home
tab. From the drop down list, choose the view you want.
TABLE STRUCTURE (DATA TYPES) ans d 5 (main heading only)
The table structure indicates what kind of table has to be
created. A table
structure identifies the name, size and type of fields in a table.
A table stores various types of data. The data
entry varies according to the
type of fields in a table. Some data types are as follows:
Short Text: The data type Short Textt contains
letters, numbers and symbols
The numbers in a text field considered as text and cannot be used
calculation. It can contain a combination of upto 255 characters.
example: Aman, Vita13, 9852305888 and A258297T.
Number: The data type Number contains
numeric values used n
used in
mathematical calculations. It does not
numbers. For
accept letters or other symbols exceP
example: 46, 2004, 1989 and 12345.
Currency : The data type Currency contains symbols for currency,
and commas wherever needed. For decima
example: F100, $45 and ¬20.
Date/Time: The data type Date/Time
example: 01/01/2018, 01-01-2020 and 11:45 the date and For
Long text :The data type
Long text
with all kinds of data. For contains
characters) lengthy text (up to o
am 10
years old and I live in New Delhi. example: Hello! My name is Rarne

Yes/No: The data type Yes/No

True/False or Yes/No or On/Off. represents only one of two valu es

a cnit
In the datasheet view. you can enter the data in the table
To ereate a table using datasheet view, follow the given
Step 1 Click the Create tab on the Ribbon.
Step 2 Click the Tablefrom the Tables group. Access creates a table and
selects Click to Add column, by default.
Step 3: Click in the column and type the data in it. Press Tab key to add a
new field to the table.

a 12
Step-1: Click All Acc..
on Create tab
Step-2: Click
on Table

Step-3: Type data

New Table createdand press Tab key

Step-4: Now, save the table by clicking the Save button on the Quick Access
Step-5: Give a suitable name to the table in the Save As dialog box.

Step-6: Click the OK button.

Specify Name

Sve As All Ac. S «|

Step-4: Click
Save button Step-6:
Click OK

Entering Data: The Datasheet View the

To enter data into the table in the Datasheet View, type the value in
respective fields. Press the Tab key to move to the next field to type its value
point moves to
When you press the Tab key in the last field, the insertion
first field in the next line.

Practice Time
Create a database named Reminder which contains all the details of vo
friends Create a table Friends in it, which will have the following fields: ID
Step-1: Open Microsoft Access 2016 and click Blank database.
Step-2: Give database name as Reminder and click the Create button.
Step-3: Give the name of the fields and type the data in it.
Step-4: Save the table and name it Friends.


In design view, you have to create the Database3 Database- ClUte
table's structure first. To create a table File Home Ceate Btenal Det D
Step-1: Click
using design view, follow the given steps: create Tab
Applcation SharePoint Quy Qu
Step-1 Click the Create tab on the Ribbon. Perts Desigr ists Ward Deg

Step-2: Click the Table Designfrom the Tables AllAcc...

Step-2: Click
group. A new table in design view opens Tables
Table Design
up. Let us create the table structure.

Step-3: Type the name ofa field in the Field Name column and press the Tab
key to move to the DataType column.

Step-4: An arrowappears for the drop down list in the Data Type column.
Click the arrow and select the data type according to your field name
from the list.

Mame Creae Etemal Osta Detabese Tools Me De P uht yau want to do

f Pimay y en Ro

All Access. 0 Red Name Descin(

Names This c a n cortains e nemes at e
hisd containshe ral abern af e

Step-3: Type
fieldname and Step-5: Click
press Tab key
vM e
oStep-4: Select here to type a
Data Type Description

Step-5: Press Tab key to move to the Description column and type a
description of the field. The description of the field is optional

34 Im Computeri- 6
Step-6: Save the table after
adding all your fields by clicking the Save button
on the
Quick Access Toolbar. The Save As dialog box appears.
Step-7: Type the table name and click the OK button.
Database15: Database- CtUiersi Windowst0,Doc TableTools
computer editor
File Home Create Extemal Data Database Tools Help Design PTell me what you want to do
Primary Key iInsert Rows
View Delete Rows Property Inderes Create Data Rename/ Relationships Object
Modity Loolaups Sheet Macros Delete Mecro
Views Tools Shom/ide Feld, Record & Table bvents Relsdons
All Access... «Tablet x
Seorch Field Neme Data Type Descriptlon (Optional)
Murt This column conteins the nemes of the stuc
Step-6: Roll No Number This field contains the roll numbers of the s
Click Save Field Propertes
General Lool1p
Field S
Format Step-7: Type
input Mask Table Name
Defult value
Save As
»Click OK
valldstion Rule
Validation Te
Required TbleMeme:
Allow Zero Length Sauden
Unicode Compresslon
IME Mode Control
a*e* ** 1dada

Do You Know 2
The bottom half of the design view window
displays the Field Properties for the field
typeyou have selected. The Field Properties Outa Type

can be set to control the appearance of

formation, prevent incorrect entries and
also specify the default values.

1. The table structure is created in the Design view ofa table.
2. Toenter dataintoatable, use Datasheetview.

Practice Time
Create a table structure as given. Field Name Data Type
Guidelines: Name Text

Step-1: Click Create tab > Table Design from Address Text
the Tables group. City Text
Step-2: Use the field names and data types as given. DOB Date/Time
Step-3: Save the table. PIN

Computers 8:
A table should have atleast one field that has a unique value for each record
For example, in a school database, the Roll Number of each student uniquelv
identifies each student of a class. You might have the same name but you
never have the same Roll Number as your friend. So, in the school database,
the Roll Number field is the primary key.
A primary key does not allow Null Values and must always have a unique value.
ans d 3 A primary key is used to relate a table to foreign keys in other tables.

Setting A Primary Key

Open the table in Design View, select the field and click on Primary Key from
the Tools group of Design tab. OR Right click on the field and select Primary
key option from the context menu.
Ootabarel 0alebete- CUiesWindows 101Doumenti|Datebaved onputer edtor X
o Osttend Date Dutebae bots D Ted me what you want to do
Detabevël Database CiUherviWindew 10\Decmanh Database3 computer edito

Fle Home Ceate Extema Data Database Toos

De Help Design Tell me what you want
to do
Modily Lookups y ndes Dea tionshs obct
She Macos Deete Mao nert on
RddRecond a e ds Dee Aow
S d one Np caModily Lookps y des t Deta eneme
All Ac... MeCOS Dte Maoro
Reld Namne Data Iype Depuon (oplonal) Shoswde
Short Text
This column contalns the names of the stude All Acc... «
This column contalns the roll numbers of the
See Reld Name
Fed Prupe0 Data 1ype Description (Optlonal)
Click here to set bies Nanmes
Roll no
Short Text hs column contalns the names of te
Number Tha column contains the rol numbers of he st

a Primary Key Aea Propertes

laya Vele
A Bed neme an be o 4 c n c n
vaianefe ddng a a F1 hip on led namet

Oeauva ae
Vaidason Rule A Nd nemean beLp n4rcnen

YesNo Dpas
ncode cormprnon


Do You Know ? Microsolt Access

If you do not define a primary key, There l e y hey dened4

Microsoft Access asks you to create it dein aronship beeen ths le nd eepimay y for you t
Doyou wn to creeaprlmay y now
when you save the table.

A Candidate Key is used to identify a database record uniquely. There can he onao r
more than one candidate keys in a table, out ofwhich we can select a Primar
To view a table and its data, simply double-click the table name presens .
left pane. The table opens in the right pane displaying all its records. the
The horizontal rows are called records and the vertical columns are
are called
called fields.
e hwe


Show Or Hide Fields In A Datasheet

Hiding is an option used when you do not want certain data to be visible to all
at all times.

To hide or unhide columns, follow the given steps.

Step-1: Open a table in Datasheet View. y databare Detabose C1UheniWndows10NDocms

File Home Oeate Bternal Data Detabese Rbols Melp

Step-2: Select the columns you want to hide.

Step-3: Right-click to get shortcut menu and Applkation abl b e Sheeoint

Design Ust
Quy uery
Werd Dealgn
Fom Fom lank
Deslgn Form

click Hide Fields option. All Acc... O «

Clheck toAdld
Step-4: To show a hidden field or fields, right- 1Kanlshk
2 Kanchan
click to get shortcut menu and click Hitesh
Unhide Fields.

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Os Son Smelest to iagest Mr&Code

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Fle Home Extemal Deta Detabese lools Help Felds able P Tel me whet you want to do
Aapen pon Mer
Lst Waard Design Desn Fom Mee Forma
hide Feids
asis Son Ato 2

Fe Fa All Ac... Na
P Erd epes
Click hereto ancha
Hitesh Eed Wdtn
hide fields (New Eeids
Uide fidd

unteee Feid


Click here to
unhide fields
Kageme ed
Oete Ped

Computers a
Manipulating The Data
to the data. The following
make followino changes in
modifications can be done on a table in Microsoft Access
: To add a new record, place
the cursor at the
Add a new record/row
last value of the last field/column and simply press the Tab key.
Add a To add a new column, right-click on the
new field/column :
A n e w field is inserted
column header and choose the Insert Field option.
to the left of selected field.
a record, simply click in the cell
Update a record: To update o r modify
the new value.
you want to update and type
Delete a row/column: To delete a particular row/column, select the
the row header column or
entire record or entire column by clicking on
header and press the Delete key. OR Right-click the mouse on row/column
header and select the Delete Record or Delete Field option. Click Yes to

(Access 2007-2016 computer editor CE
My database: Database CUsersiWindows 101Documents\My databaseacdb
Fle Home Create Ertemal Data Database oos Help Felds 1able P Tel me wnat you wan My database : Database CAUsersiWindows 10\ DocumentsiMy database accdb
(Acress 2007-2016 compute ednar

Fiekds Table Te me what you wat to doo

O* Cbri De File Create Extermal Data Databese Tools Help
Aendng e Home 11 v

Copy Descending DReresve

fnd Acending O C ea
AXDeete - A Copy A Decending
Descenóin9 r eXDriee
A l l Access « Mews dpboerd
« x
10 Kenshk AlI ACcess.. Roll no ames Class Cick to Add
Tables Moni Sr P 10 Kanshk
25 Kanchen ables 31Morka
28 Somesh Kenchen
35 Geurav
Dete Becord Somesh
Haesh 5 Grv
Freeze ies
Lteeze s e s L 5ongí-
Click here to Click here to
Delete Column Delete Row

eTe Fe'c
Delete Field serd

Practice Time
database 'Reminder
71. Open the records in the table 'Friends.
2. Select some
on this table.
different modification
3. Apply

Moving A Field
i n a taoie a s needed at any pointof time
Access allows to change position the of a field
follow the given steps:
To m o v e a field,
D a t a s h e e t View.
Step-1: Open the table in the
Click on the field header which is to be moved and drag it horizontally
Step-2: towards left or right to point the new position of the field
R e l e a s e t h e m o u s e b u t t o n to d r o p n e neld a t i t s n e w l o c a t i o n

38 Can
To move across the records of a table, Access provides an easy to use Navigation
bar that appears at the bottom when the table is opened in Datasheet View. The
various buttons present on the navigation bar are:
First Record 4Used to take you quickly to the first record ofthe table.
Previous Record |4 : Used to move backward by one record everytime when
Next Record :Used to move forward by one record everytimewhen clicked.
Last Record : U s e d totakeyouquickly to the last record ofthe table,

New Record I t inserts a blank row at the end ofthe table to add a new record in
the the table.
Access provides a sorting feature to arrange the table records in an ascending or
descending order ona particular field value.
To sort the table data, follow the given steps
Step-1: Open the table in Datasheet View.
Select the field on which the records are to be arranged by clicking on
the column header.
Step-3: Select Ascending or Descending command as
needed from the Sort Filter group on the Home Remcve Sot
tab to arrange the table records. Sort &Fiber


You can use the Filter option to temporarily hide the unwanted records in your
table by applying the suitable conditions. wStep-2: Click
My dakabase
: Detabaie
O Eem Duta Datbe To
on the arrow
To create a simple filter, follow the given steps: L
Daign wd Den

Step-1: Open the table in Datasheet View. AllAc...

Srh Son Smel to l g

Sot Lgest toSme

Step-2: Click the drop down arrow in the field TeSM

header on which data is to be filtered.

Step-3: A checklist will appear. Uncheck the Step-3: Uncheck

values whose records you don't want the values
to display.

Step-4: Click OK button to display only the selected records.

The applied filter can be removed by choosing the Select All Click OK
option in the drop down list on which the filter is applied.

data value you
or, you
you ae not about the location of your
sure b e s i d e the
can make use of search box which appears
at the bottom
bar to search it quickly in the table.
To searcha datavalue, follow the given steps
Step-1 Open the table in Datasheet Viewu Eternal Da Oatabse Toots p ete
Fil ome

Enter the text or value which is

Step-2: Fo Fom an
to be searched in the search box ppiatio
b be Sherefbint Queny Cuery
Weard Desgn Design Fomm Morefom

and press Enter key.

All Acc. Roll no
NamesCilek to A
Step-3: The value in the first record 10 Kanishk
25 Kanchan

which matches the search 65

result will get highlighted.
If you want to see the other records which
Rerort 4Jof
match the entered text/value, press Enter
CLOSING A DATABASE ans d 4 My databese:Dl

Click Close
To close a database click File
Close option from the
view. Microsoft Access will close the database for
Backstage New

Opem My databae


ans d 6
Save A

To open an existing Access database, follow the given steps: Vnt Cone


Step-1: Click the File tab.

Step-2: Click Open option from the Backstage View. The Open window appears
Step-3: Click on Browse option. The Open dialog box appears

Step-4: Select the required database to open and click the Open button. The
selected database is opened.

Opep Click Open ThsK Oeaaments


Step-4: Select
the database
Step-3 Step-5
Click Browse Click Open

Kevboard Shorteut
Press Ctrl + S to save a
2 Press Ctrl O to open an existing database.

33 Press F2 to rename a table.

Press ALT + F4 to quit Mierosoft Access.

More Fun In Lab

Perform thefollowing tasks
Create a database having the following two tables : Cricketer Register and
Cricketer Profile.
Set Cricketer ID as the primary key for both the tables.

Field NameCricketeriDName AgeCategory Strong Rnnts| Weak P'oints Average
Data Type Tet Text NumbrTet Tet Tet Number
Field Name Match ID Cicketer ID Runs Scored Wickets Taken Catches
Data Type Text Text Number Number Number

Database is a collection ofrelated tables with data.
Microsoft Access is a powerful program to create and manage databases.
Table is a collection of data about a specific topic.
A table structure identifies the name, size and types of various fields.
Primary key refers to afield (column) which uniquely identify each record in a table.

Multiple Choice Questions
1 Data is entered in. VleW.

(a) Design (b) Datasheet (c) Both (a) and (b)

is the shorteut to rename a table.
(a) F2 (b) F4 ( ) F8
3 Microsoft Access provides Views to see data in a
(a) 3 (b) 4 (c) 5

B. Fll in the blanks

In Microsoft Access, the data is arranged in the formof table

Several templates appear by clicking..more templates from the Availabled

Templates. or new window.
Primary Key does not allow... repeation
4. There are two
views to work with a table.
C. Write T for true statements and F for false statements

1 There are two ways to create a table in a database.

2. A value is located at the intersection of a column and a row.

3. The initial code name of MS Access was Cirrus.

4. The reports are designed to be printed.
5 Microsoft Access is a popular Relational Database Management
D. Answer the following
1. Mention the different ways to create a database.

2 What is the difference between Datasheet View and Design View in a table?

3 What is a primary key? State its use in a table.

4. How do you close a database?
Name different
5 Explain the data types in Microsoft Access.
6 Write the steps to open an existing database.
7. Write the steps to start Microsoft Access 2016.
8. Discuss any two objects of a database.

E. Computer In Everyday Life (Application-based Questions)

1. The Principal of a school requires to store the information about the

students of his/her school. Which application sottware should he/she use to
create a database? MS ACCESS
2. Nidhi created a table named School (with fields including Admission N
Roll No, Name and Class). Which field out of these should be set as tha

Primary key and why' admission no

Computer 8
A. Activity
Name the data type that can be used to store the following data:
1. Agra Fort

2 [email protected]
3. 128
4. $127.00 *****

5. 3/11/2016 ****

6. True/False

B. Project Work

Design a table for school management system to maintain information about your
school's staff. It should have staff name, staff ID and the classes they are teaching,
as fields. Enter at least 5 records in these fields. Select a suitable field as the
primary key of the table and state your reason for choosing it.


Ramesh 101251 VI, VIl, VI

icoiputers P 4

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