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Nama : M.

Adhito P
NRP. : 02511940000129

Tugas Polimer Chapter 14 Buku Callister

14.1 On the basis of the structures presented in this chapter, sketch repeat unit structures
for the following polymers:
(a) polychlorotrifluoroethylene, and
(b) poly(vinyl alcohol)
Answer :
Struktur polimer berulang digambar sebagai berikut :
(a) Polychlorotrifluoroethylene




(b) Polyvinyl alcohol




14.4 (a) Compute the repeat unit molecular weight of polypropylene.

(b) Compute the number-average molecular weight for a polypropylene for which
the degree of polymerization is 15,000.
Answer :
(a) The repeat unit molecular weight of polypropylene is called for in this portion of the



For polypropylene, each repeat unit has three carbons and six hydrogens. Thus,

m=3 ( A C )+ 6 ( A H )
Nama : M.Adhito P
NRP. : 02511940000129

¿(3)(12.01 g/mol)+(6)(1.008 g /mol)=42.08 g /mol

(b) We are now asked to compute the number-average molecular weight. Since the degree of
polymerization is 15,000, so we using Equation :

M n=(DP) m=(15,000)(42.08 g /mol)=631,000 g /mol

14.5 Below, molecular weight data for a polytetrafluorothylene material are tabulated.
Compute :
a) the number-averange molecular weight,
b) the weight-averange molecular weight
c) the degree of polymerization

Answer :
(a) From the tabulated data, we are asked to compute Mn, the number-average molecular weight.
This is carried out below.

Molecular Wt Mean Mi Xi XiMi

10,000-20,000 15,000 0,03 450
20,000-30,000 25,000 0,09 2250
30,000-40,000 35,000 0,15 5250
40,000-50,000 45,000 0,25 11250
50,000-60,000 55,000 0,22 12100
60,000-70,000 65,000 0,14 9100
70,000-80,000 75,000 0,08 6000
80,000-90,000 85,000 0,04 3400

M n=∑ x i M i=49,800 g /mol

(b) From the tabulated data, we are asked to compute M w , the weight-average molecular

Molecular Wt Mean Mi Xi XiMi

Nama : M.Adhito P
NRP. : 02511940000129

10,000-20,000 15,000 0,01 150
20,000-30,000 25,000 0,04 1000
30,000-40,000 35,000 0,11 3850
40,000-50,000 45,000 0,23 10350
50,000-60,000 55,000 0,24 13200
60,000-70,000 65,000 0,18 11700
70,000-80,000 75,000 0,12 9000
80,000-90,000 85,000 0,07 5950

M w=∑w i M i=55,200 g /mol

( c ) Now we are asked to compute the degree of polymerization, which is possible using
Equation 14.6. For polytetrafluoroethylene, the repeat unit molecular weight is just which
polymer structure of polytetrafluoroethylene is :



So with we solve with equation :

m=2( A C )+ 4 ( A F )

¿( 2)(12.01 g /mol)+(4)(19.00 g/mol)=100.02 g/ mol

Mn 49800
DP= = =498
m 100,02

14.16 The number-average molecular weight of a poly(acrylonitrile-butadiene) alternating

copolymer is 1.000.000 g/mol; determine the average number of acrylonitrile and
butadiene repeat units per molecule
Answer :
We are asked to determine the average number of acrylonitrile and butadiene repeat units
per molecule. Since it is an alternating copolymer, the number of both types of repeat units will
be the same. Therefore, consider them as a single repeat unit, and determine the number-average
degree of polymerization. For the acrylonitrile repeat unit, there are three carbon atoms, three
hydrogen atoms, and one nitrogen atom, while the butadiene repeat consists of four carbon atoms
and six hydrogen atoms. Therefore, the acrylonitrile-butadiene combined repeat unit weight is
Nama : M.Adhito P
NRP. : 02511940000129

m=7 (A C)+9( A H )+1(A N)

¿(7)(12.01 g/mol)+(9)(1.008 g /mol)+(14.01 g / mol)=107.15 g/mol

From Equation 14.6 in Callister , the degree of polymerization is just

Mn 1,000,000
Dp= = =9333
m 107,15

Thus, there is an average of 9333 of both repeat unit types per molecule.

14.25 The density and associated percent crystallinity for two poly(ethylene terephthalate)
materials are as follows;

a) Compute the densities of totally crystalline and totally amorphous poly(etyhylene

b) Determine the percent crystalline of specimen having a density of 1.382 g/cm3
Answer :
a) The densities of totally crystalline and totally amorphous polytetrafluoroethylene (ρc and
% crystallinity
ρ ( ρ −ρ )
C= c s a
ρs (ρ c −ρa )

Rearrangement of this expression leads to :

ρc ( C ρ s−ρs ) + ρ c ρa −Cρ s ρ a=0

In which ρc and ρa are the variables for which solutions are to be found. Since two
values of ρs and C are specified in the problem statement, two equations may be
construscted as follows
ρc ( C1 ρs 1− ρs 1 ) + ρc ρa−C 1 ρ s 1 ρa =0
ρc ( C2 ρs 2− ρs 2 ) + ρc ρa−C 2 ρ s ρa=0
In which
ρs 1 = 2.144 g/cm3
ρs2 = 2.215 g/cm3
C1 = 0.153
C1 = 0.742
Solving the above two equations for ρa and ρc leads to :
Nama : M.Adhito P
NRP. : 02511940000129

ρs 1 ρ s 2(C 1−C 2)
ρa =
C1 ρs 1−C 2 ρs 2

(2.144 g/cm 3)(2.215 g/cm 3 )(0.513−0.742)

(0.513)(2.144 g/cm3 )−(0.742)(2.215 g/cm3 )
¿ 2.000 g/ cm3
ρ s 1 ρ s2 (C 1−C 2)
ρc =
ρ s2 ( C 2−1 )− ρs 1 ( C 1−1 )

(2.144 g/cm3 )(2.215 g /cm3)(0.513−0.742)

(2.215 g/cm 3)( 0.742−1)−(2.144 g /cm3)(0.513−1)
¿ 2.301 g /cm3

(b) % crystalline for ρs = 2.26 g/cm3.

ρ ( ρ −ρ )
% crystallinity= c s a ×100 %
ρs ( ρc −ρ a )
(2.301 g /cm )(2.260 g/cm 3−2.000 g /cm3 )
¿ ×100 %
(2.260 g/cm 3)( 2.301 g/cm 3−2.000 g /cm3 )
¿ 87.9 %

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