LP - Idiomatic Expressions

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College of Teacher Education (Co-Ed)

4A's Semi-detailed Lesson Plan


At the culmination of the class, students should able to:
 Explicate and identify what is idiomatic expressions.
 Create and give examples of idiomatic expressions.
 To share thoughts and opinions by using idioms.


Topic: Idiomatic Expressions (Figurative Language)
Reference: English: Meaning, Forms and Functions by: Alfonso D. Perez
Instructional Materials: Powerpoint Presentation, Laptop, Projector, Marker and
Visual Aids.

A. Classroom Routine
1. Prayer
2. Classroom management
3. Checking of attendance
4. Recap of the past lesson

B. Activity
The teacher will show pictures of illustrated idiomatic expressions. The
teacher will group the students into two and each group should guess its
meaning just by looking at the pictures. The first group who will guess the
fastest will receive a bonus point for the quiz later on.
Then after collecting each groups answers, the teacher will reveal the
meaning of each pictures and explains its meaning by giving some examples
when you use it in a sentence.
 Jump at your own shadow means to be overly frightened.
Example: “You will be so scared after watching the movie that afterwards
you'll jump at your own shadow!”
 Jump off the page means something that stands out and very noticeable
and interesting.
Example: "The characters are so real that they jump off the page."
 On the rocks means a relationship experiencing problems.
Example: "It is not a great surprise that they are getting divorced. Their
marriage has been on the rocks for quite some time.
 Lovey-dovey means making an excessive display of affection.
Example: "Now the lovey-dovey Obamas are driving couples everywhere

C. Analysis
The teacher will show the students some sentences with idiomatic
expressions. Let them analyze it and guess what is the meaning of the
underlined idiomatic expressions based on its sentence.
1. He tells his girlfriend that he loves her, but he never actually does anything
nice for her. Someone should teach him that actions speak louder than
2. I wanted to intervene when they were yelling at each other, but that would
have just added fuel to the fire.
3. I kept trying to steer the conversation back to his alibi, but he wouldn't stop
beating around the bush, bringing up topics totally off-topic.
4. It was raining so hard and we're late for our reservation at the restaurant.
Turns out everyone who ate there that night got food poisoning. I guess
the bad weather was a blessing in disguise!
5. Is tonight your big performance? Break a leg!
o What did you notice with following phrases?
o Is it familiar to you? Have you ever heard it?
o When did we usually use this kind of phrases in our everyday life?

D. Abstraction
1. What is the meaning of the underlined expressions in each sentence?
 Right answers:
 Number one refers to the idea that it's better to do something than just
simply talk about it.
 Number two refers to something that worsens an already bad situation.
 Number three refers to avoiding the main issue of the topic.
 Number four refers to something good and and beneficial that did not
initially seemed that way.
 Number five refers to something you say to someone if you want to
wish them luck for their specific agenda.
2. What do you think would be our topic for today?
3. What is idiomatic expressions?
An idiomatic expression is a common phrase which means something
different from its literal meaning, but can be understood because of their
popular use. Idiomatic expressions are not the same thing as slang.
Idiomatic expressions are made of normal words that have a special
meaning known to almost everyone.
Idiomatic expressions are commonly use to make the statement more
pleasing and witty at the same time. It is an expression that cannot be
defined by the meaning of its words, but has a seperate meaning of its
Another examples:
 Curiousity killed the cat.
Being too curious and get you into trouble.
 When hell freezes over.
Something that will never happen.
 Get off my tail.
Stop following me.
 Sit on the fence.
Avoid taking sides.

E. Application
The teacher will group the students into four. The students will perform a skit
and act as if they are in a real scenario conversation while using some
idiomatic expressions. Each group should use a total of five idiomatic
expressions in their lines. They will have a span of 5 minutes for
brainstorming and preparing and 3 minutes for the actual presentation. The
group with the highest grade based on the criteria will be exempted for the
quiz later on.
Group 1- Telephone conversation
Group 2- Meeting old friends
Group 3- Family get together
Group 4- Alumni homecoming

TOTAL: 100%
Comprehension Questions:
1. Can you define what is idiomatic expression?
2. What is its advantage and disadvantage when it comes in writing?
3. Will you use idiomatic expressions in your daily conversations? Why or why

Direction: Read the following statements and fill in the blanks with the correct
idiomatic expressions through analyzing the given meaning. Write your answers
in the space provided. Make sure to be sure with your answers before answering
to avoid erasures. Answer this is in a 1/2 sheet of paper. (2 points each)

cat nap- a short sleep cats got one's tongue- shyness

apple of the eye- center of attention keeps the pot boiling- avoid hunger
far cry from- very different from

1. Although Eric and Emel are twins, Eric is ______ Emel.

2. He has been jobless for several months, and it is his wife who ______.
3. Briggette is our younger sister. She is the ______ in our family.
4. I will get a ______ at the back stage, just wake me up if it's my turn.
5. It looks like ______ Margarette. Are you always this quiet?

Direction: Draw a poster that looks like a comic strip that shows conversations
with idiomatic expressions. Make your poster neat, interesting and creative at the
same time. Give emphasis for the idiomatic expressions that you used to add
intensity to it. The setting of the conversation you will use is as if you are in a
Masquerade Ball Prom. Use a light colored cartolina with a creative border in it.
(50 points)

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