Dcs - Chccsm005 - Task 1 Questions.v1.192401

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The key takeaways are that the document outlines an assessment for the unit CHCCSM005 Develop, facilitate and review all aspects of case management. It provides instructions for completing the assessment and questions to be answered.

The purpose of the document is to provide an assessment for the unit CHCCSM005 Develop, facilitate and review all aspects of case management.

To complete the assessment successfully, the student must answer all questions correctly and submit the completed assessment cover sheet and answers. The assessment can be reattempted up to two more times if not completed satisfactorily the first time.


Student Assessment
Task One: Questions
Assessment Cover Sheet
This document must be signed by the student for each assessment completed. Submission of Assessments
will not be accepted for marking/review without a completed and signed Assessment Cover Sheet.

Qualification Title CHC52015 Diploma of Community Services

Unit Code CHCCSM005
Unit Title Develop, facilitate and review all aspects of case management.
Student Name
Student ID
Student Email
Assessor Name
Campus ☐Melbourne ☐Sydney ☐Perth
Due Date Week 6
Submission Date
Assessment Task Task One - Questions

Student Agreement:
By signing this Agreement, I confirm that I understand the Assessment Submission Guidelines, as detailed
in the Student Handbook and Acknowledge Education’s policies and procedures. In particular:
• The work submitted is my own and does not contain another person’s material represented in my
• I understand that I must acknowledge in an appropriate manner all information and sources of
assistance used in my assessment work.
• I have followed all submission, presentation and file name guidelines outlined in the submission
guidelines. I am aware that if I do not follow the required guidelines, this could result in my
assessments being returned not assessed by my trainer/assessor.
• I understand that I must not receive undue assistance or the unauthorised help of others in the
preparation of my assessment work.
• I will not allow other students to access or copy in whole or any part of my assessment work.
• I understand that if I am dissatisfied with the way I have been assessed or with my result, I have the
right to appeal as detailed in the Student Handbook and Acknowledge Education’s policies and

Student Declaration:
I hereby declare that I have read the above statement and that all the material I submit for assessment is
entirely my own and meets all of the college’s assessment requirements.

Student Signature

CHCCSM005 – Student Assessment – Task One: Questions (V.1 – 192401) 2

Assessment Task 1: Questions
Student Assessment Instructions
 This is a written assessment. All questions must be answered for this assessment.
 This written assessment will need to be completed again if it is incomplete or without satisfactory
performance, after further training support. This may be to focus on question areas not achieved in
the prior attempt at the assessment.
 The written assessment may be re-attempted on two further occasions (maximum of three
 This is anopen book assessment.
 Respond to all questions in the spaces provided.
 You must answer all questions correctly for this assessment to be completed satisfactorily. Ask your
assessor to clarify any aspect you are unsure about in this assessment task.

Required Resources
 You will need to have access to relevant legislation, standards and codes, industry practices.

 You must submit the completed assessment cover sheet and your answers to your assessor, either by
handing in written responses or by online submission within the allocated time.
 Ensure you keep a copy of your submitted work. Assessments submitted without a completed cover
sheet will not be accepted.

When and where will this assessment take place?

 Your assessor will provide you with the due date, which can be recorded in the assessment plan.
 Your assessor may also specify the length of time allowed and the expected word count, if applicable.

What if the assessment is not suitable?

 If you are unable to provide sufficient evidence with the written assessment method, your assessor
may be able to provide you with an alternative method. Discuss this with your assessor.

What happens if your answers are not satisfactory?

 If any of the assessment responses are not satisfactory, your assessor will provide you with feedback.
You may need to resubmit some or all the questions. Your assessor will explain the details for your
 In most cases, you will be allowed a maximum of three attempts.
 If you are not satisfied with your assessment result, you have the right to lodge an appeal. Ask your
assessor or contact the Course Coordinator for more information.

CHCCSM005 – Student Assessment – Task One: Questions (V.1 – 192401) 3

Question 1 Provide two methods of collecting information for a case management plan about the
person’s needs and goals.
Answer The two methods of collecting information for a case management plan about the
person’s needs and goals are mentioned below:
 Interviews
 Questionnaires

Result Satisfactory ☐ Not Satisfactory ☐

Question 2 Provide two considerations of evidence-based practice.

Answer Any two considerations of evidence-based practice are mentioned below:
 Is accurate and concise.
 Is objective

Result Satisfactory ☐ Not Satisfactory ☐

Question 3 Describe the aim of the strengths-based approach to case management.

Answer It focusses on individual's strengths with three principles that is mentioned below:
 Promoting the use of informal support networks.
 Offering explicit community involvement by case managers.
 And emphasizing the relationship between client and case managers.
It is an approach that helps participants achieve specific desired outcomes. It functions
as an approach that helps people achieve specific desired outcomes. This concerns
primarily with the quality of the relationships that develop between the giver and being
supported, as well as the elements that bring the person seeking support into the
process. Working in a collaborative way allows individuals to be co-creators of services
and support rather than co-consumers of those services.

Result Satisfactory ☐ Not Satisfactory ☐

CHCCSM005 – Student Assessment – Task One: Questions (V.1 – 192401) 4

CHCCSM005 – Student Assessment – Task One: Questions (V.1 – 192401) 5
Question 4 Describe the emphasis of the rights-based approach to case management.
Answer The emphasis of the rights-based approach to case management are mentioned below:
 Human Rights
 Strategies that support people
Rights are the social values and principles that ensure the freedom of an entity. The
rights-based approach is a baffling term in the sense. In fact, here the rights-based
indicating human rights. According to the United Nations, human rights are the
foundation for justice, peace, and freedom. In the case-management or any service we
are giving to a person, should be based on a theme that individuals are the key unit in
their own development. The psychology & social work or the entire professions in this
world will change its attitude & issues they are more emphasizing. Now it's the
generation of a radical development in the case of empathy & humanity. Therefore, in
social work, psychology, & especially in case management, the entire case method is
based on a rights-based approach. Sometimes we say, "it's all about perspectives." Like
that in case management, we can consider the problems & procedures of people in
many ways. But we should focus more on the human rights of the client we are dealing

Result Satisfactory ☐ Not Satisfactory ☐

Question 5 Describe what the person-centred approach to case management relies on.
Answer A person-centred approach recognizes that dementia is only one aspect of persons
and helps to move the focus of a person's and hoper to move the focus from being
safe on their desire to who they as a person. A person-centred approach is where
the individual is placed at the centre of the service and treated as a person first.
The focus is on the person and what they can do, not their condition or disability.

Result Satisfactory ☐ Not Satisfactory ☐

Question 6 Describe two aspects of immediate needs in the needs-based approach to case
Answer The two aspects of immediate needs in the needs-based approach to case management
is mentioned below:
High: ---- Priority Needs
Physiological: ------ Needs for Survival

CHCCSM005 – Student Assessment – Task One: Questions (V.1 – 192401) 6


Result Satisfactory ☐ Not Satisfactory ☐

Questio In order to effectively utilise case management processes, list two underpinning requirements
n7 that must be adhered to.
Answer The two underpinning requirements that must be adhered for an effectively utilization of
case management processes is mentioned below:
 Service planning: Service planning is one of the most critical factors which help in
determining the failure of the success of a client. A service plan should be made to
make it achievable and measurable.
 Need assessment: the other requirement that must be observed to utilize a case
Management process effectively needs evaluation. In this stage, there is an
evaluation of the client's problem, risk, and understanding, which is a critical factor
in a business's success.

Result Satisfactory ☐ Not Satisfactory ☐

Question 8 Provide one situation where mandatory reporting applies.

Answer Any one situation where mandatory reporting applies is mentioned below:
 Safety of Children


Result Satisfactory ☐ Not Satisfactory ☐

Question 9 Describe one way the Australian Privacy Principles impact case management
Answer One way the Australian Privacy Principles impact case management is mentioned
 Can’t share information of client to somebody else without their

Result Satisfactory ☐ Not Satisfactory ☐

CHCCSM005 – Student Assessment – Task One: Questions (V.1 – 192401) 7

Question 10 Describe one way confidentiality impacts case management information.

CHCCSM005 – Student Assessment – Task One: Questions (V.1 – 192401) 8

Answ One way of confidentiality impacts case management information is mentioned below:
er  To whom data can be disclosed


Resul Satisfactory ☐ Not Satisfactory ☐


Provide two examples of what a policy may apply to regarding case management.
on 11
Answe The two examples of what a policy may apply to regarding case management is
r mentioned below:
 Assistance with health needs
 Assistance with transportation

Result Satisfactory ☐ Not Satisfactory ☐

Question 12 The Australian Community Practice Guidelines 2.3 explains a worker’s role in handling
complaints. What does the guideline require you to do in regards to a client’s right to
make a complaint, and how would you implement this?
Answer Under the Australian community work practice guidelines 2.3, the government
has made it a regular practice to advise people and make them aware of how they
can complain and what are their rights.
The guidelines clearly state that the following are the rights people should not
disrespect or violate:
1. Ethical practice
2. Diversification
3. Development on a professional level
4. Stand of every person in a decision that affects them
5. Maintaining confidentiality in the workplace
If any of these things are being violated, people have the right to complain
against it. To complain the following steps should be followed:
1. The person complaining should be aware of the code of ethics.
2. After knowing about it they should know what is the right exactly thats being
3. The complaint should then be submitted in printable form and also with large
font for the ease of reading.
4. The complaint can then be submitted and the required action would be taken
after further investigation of that case.

CHCCSM005 – Student Assessment – Task One: Questions (V.1 – 192401) 9


Result Satisfactory ☐ Not Satisfactory ☐

Question 13 Provide one example of an area in community services where a statutory mandate
Answer Mandatory reporters square measure needed by law to report suspected
maltreatment and neglect to government authorities. Necessary reporters square
measure those that deliver the following services, all or partially, to kids as a part
of their skilled work or other paid employment, and people in management
positions in these services:
Health care: Registered medical practitioners, specialists, listed and registered
nurses, registered midwives, activity therapists, speech pathologists,
psychologists, dentists, and different allied health professionals operating in sole
observe or public ally or non-public health practices.
Welfare: Registered psychologists, social employees, caseworkers, and youth

Result Satisfactory ☐ Not Satisfactory ☐

Question 14 Provide one example of how you can facilitate a person in goal-setting and
Answer The example is mentioned below:
If clients already have a goal, as a worker, I have to have a meeting with them to
find out our strategies to help clients achieve their goals.


Result Satisfactory ☐ Not Satisfactory ☐

Question 15 Provide a brief explanation of the social cognitive theory of behavioural change.
Answer The social cognitive theory of behavioural change tells that the worker should help the
client identify the factors that impact their ability to achieve the goals they set out

CHCCSM005 – Student Assessment – Task One: Questions (V.1 – 192401) 10


Result Satisfactory ☐ Not Satisfactory ☐

Question 16 Provide an example of how the planned behaviour theory may be put into practice.
Answer An example of how the planned behaviour might be put into practice is
mentioned below:
 Acceptance or the approval from the family, peers, & friends is likely to
influence an individual into developing a positive attitude toward a ,
bolstering, behaviour his intention to see the specific action to the end.

Reference: https://www.cleverism.com/theory-of-planned-behavior/

Result Satisfactory ☐ Not Satisfactory☐

Question 17 Provide one example of a restricted practice that may be used in a non-voluntary
Answer One example of a restricted practice that may be used in a non-voluntary
intervention is mentioned below:
 Force to take medication

Result Satisfactory ☐ Not Satisfactory☐

Question 18 Describe one way that you can work with a person without imposing your values on
Answer Keep up the non-judgemental environment of collaboration with the goal that they
have a sense of safety about the uniqueness & stay away from the conflict decidedly.


Result Satisfactory ☐ Not Satisfactory☐

Question 19 Briefly describe how you can incorporate a person’s value systems into their case
management plan.

CHCCSM005 – Student Assessment – Task One: Questions (V.1 – 192401) 11

Answer  Here the personal value like character, personal and work values are
included in this case management
 A case management process is a series of steps that resolve a case.
 It’s a way of turning a complex problem into a manageable workflow.
Many industries use case management processes to solve various issues, such
1.Processing tickets
2.Tracking bugs
3.Handling employee complaints
4.Screening candidates
5.Customer onboarding



Result Satisfactory ☐ Not Satisfactory ☐

Question 20 Briefly describe what impact the value systems of key stakeholders can have on the
case management plan.
Answer Here comes value system of key stakeholders can have on the case management
plan are:

 Case management is not a profession unto itself. Rather, it is a cross-

disciplinary and interdependent specialty practice.
 It is a means for improving clients’ health and promoting wellness and
autonomy through advocacy, communication, education, identification of
service resources, and facilitation of service.
 It is guided by the ethical principles of autonomy, beneficence,
nonmaleficence, veracity, equity, and justice.
 Case managers come from different backgrounds within health and
human services professions, including nursing, medicine, social work,
rehabilitation counselling, workers’ compensation, and mental and
behavioural health.
 And the primary function of case managers is to advocate for
clients/support systems. Case managers understand the importance of
achieving quality outcomes for their clients and commit to the appropriate
use of resources and empowerment of clients in a manner that is
supportive and objective.
 The managers’ first duty is to their clients – coordinating care that is safe,
timely, effective, efficient, equitable, and client-centered.
 It services are offered according to the clients’ benefits as stipulated in
their health insurance plans, where applicable.

Result Satisfactory ☐ Not Satisfactory ☐

CHCCSM005 – Student Assessment – Task One: Questions (V.1 – 192401) 12

Question 21 Provide one aspect you need to take into account when working with a CALD person.
Answer One of the aspects when working with the CALD person is to suitably consider their
culture & their language that they are talking.


Result Satisfactory ☐ Not Satisfactory☐

Questio Provide two ways to conduct case management in a culturally appropriate way when working
n 22 with Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander peoples.
Answer The two ways to conduct case management in a culturally appropriate way when working with
aboriginal & Torres’s strait islander peoples are mentioned below:
 Extra research upon their family network & duty & responsibility.
 Utilize the socially suitable communication expertise while talking with them, for
instance: cultural convection or eye to eye connection, direct questions & conveying

Result Satisfactory ☐ Not Satisfactory☐

Question 23 Provide two factors to consider when working with people with a disability.
Answer The two factors to consider when working with people with a disability are mentioned
 Have strategies & methodology set up for tending to convenience needs for
individuals with inabilities.
 Ensure your office is open to individuals with portability impairments.


Result Satisfactory ☐ Not Satisfactory☐

Question 24 Provide two aspects to consider when working with people in the LGBTI community.

CHCCSM005 – Student Assessment – Task One: Questions (V.1 – 192401) 13

Answer The two aspects to consider when working with people in the LGBTI community is
mentioned below:
 Feature openings for recognizing, supporting & working with LGBT positive
emotional encounters inside preparing & practice.
 Give procedures & beginning proposals to evaluating, supporting, & developing
character qualities in LGBT customers within preparing & practice.

Result Satisfactory ☐ Not Satisfactory ☐

Question 25 Provide two examples of homelessness.

Answer The two examples of homelessness are mentioned below:
 Individuals living on the street
 Individuals who don’t have a permanent location to live in for a long period of

Result Satisfactory ☐ Not Satisfactory☐

Provide a brief description of cultural invisibility that older people can feel.
on 26
Answe Cultural invisibility among the older people is perceived as their job inside the entire society is
r being neglected, devalued or disregarded. In some cases, it could likewise be in a type of the
absence of understanding their capacities. Another aspect of the social meeting when the staff
doing the case administration is avoiding or then again neglecting the individual's cultural
background they come from. So that the cultural thought about their family background isn't on
the agenda for case management.


Result Satisfactory ☐ Not Satisfactory☐

Question 27 Provide two areas of legislation that are relevant to child protection.
Answer The two areas of legislation that are relevant to child are mentioned below:
 Child Labor Prohibition and the Regulation Act (1986)
 Child Marriage Restraint Act (1929)

CHCCSM005 – Student Assessment – Task One: Questions (V.1 – 192401) 14


Result Satisfactory ☐ Not Satisfactory ☐

Question 28 Provide two aspects of complaints management.

Answer The two aspects of complaints management are mentioned below:
 It should be customer-focused.
 It should offer complete visibility and traceability.


Result Satisfactory ☐ Not Satisfactory☐

Question 29 Describe two ways that you can establish a rapport with a person.
Answer The two ways that you can establish a rapport with a person is mentioned below:
 Raising question
 Understanding

Result Satisfactory ☐ Not Satisfactory☐

Question 30 Provide two aspects of a formal meeting process.

Answer The two aspects of a formal meeting process are mentioned below:
 Brief taker
 A president

Result Satisfactory ☐ Not Satisfactory ☐

Question Provide one reason why it is important to specify roles and responsibilities of people
31 involved in the case management plan.

CHCCSM005 – Student Assessment – Task One: Questions (V.1 – 192401) 15

Answer One reason why it is important to specify roles and responsibilities of people involved in the
case management plan is mentioned below:
 Coordinate everybody functions appropriately together
 Give an organized way to deal with support

Result Satisfactory ☐ Not Satisfactory☐

Question 32 Provide one reason why a case manager needs to be familiar with a range of available
Answer Large numbers of the case management jobs are a similar regardless of the setting, for
example, patient supporter, assessor, & teacher. For instance, a case manager
managing with a customer who has AIDS would should be familiar with the study of
disease transmission, transmission routes, the disease's clinical movement, progress in
therapy regimens, payment & legitimate consequences, accessible social services, just
as psychotherapeutic ways to deal with AIDS patients' distress & fear. Given the
numerous other unique necessities the case manager faces, it is evident that nobody
can be a specialist around there. Without such extensive information, a few general
perspectives & abilities give an essential establishment to the professional conveying
case management services to "special necessities customers." The case manager
serving uncommon necessities customers should make every effort & comprehend the
scope of customers' responses to the difficulties related with specific exceptional
conditions. Thusly, it is significant motivation behind why case manager needs mindful
of information & mastery about the scope of accessible services.

Result Satisfactory ☐ Not Satisfactory☐

CHCCSM005 – Student Assessment – Task One: Questions (V.1 – 192401) 16

Question 33 Describe how the Universal Declaration of Human Rights underpins the rights of people
involved in the decision-making process.
Answer A individuals have every right to choose, own decision, self-determination.


Result Satisfactory ☐ Not Satisfactory ☐

Question 34 Provide one right of an organisation when providing services.

Answer Restrictive practice is meant by the use of any kind of means to prevent or restrict a
person from doing a particulate thing in order to prevent any kind of harm that
he/she might do to herself or himself or to others.


Result Satisfactory ☐ Not Satisfactory☐

Question 35 Describe why is it important to understand family dynamics when providing case
management support.
Answer It is important to understand family dynamics when providing case management
support is mentioned below:
 Right to expect employee to follow organisation
 Policies & measures

Result Satisfactory ☐ Not Satisfactory☐

Question 36 Provide an example of a long-term need.

Answer An example of a long-term need is mentioned below:
 Education

Result Satisfactory ☐ Not Satisfactory☐

CHCCSM005 – Student Assessment – Task One: Questions (V.1 – 192401) 17

Question 37 Provide one indication that a plan may need to be revised and/or adjusted.
Answer Retirement funds are a long time need that helps a person survive after his/her
retirement when there is no steady flow of income. These times of funds are
maintained over time while working to secure a steady retirement. Although not an
immediate need it is a great example of long term need.


Result Satisfactory ☐ Not Satisfactory ☐

Question 38 Provide one behavioural indicator that may suggest abuse.

Answer Going to parties where drugs and alcohol are involved is a high-risk situation. A
person can avoid these situations by employing certain strategies like making
excuse of attending a family funeral, an unavoidable family function, illness tec.

The situation of an abuse, especially avoiding a situation where a sexual abuse

occurred previously needs some strategy. The person who is called upon by the
abuser can avoid going, inform someone responsible or can call a child line social



Result Satisfactory ☐ Not Satisfactory ☐

Question 39 Provide one example where you may need to apply a strategy to deal with a complex or
high-risk situation.
Answer Going to parties where alcohol & drugs are complex is a high-risk situation. The
individual can avoid this kind of situations by employing certain strategies like
making excuse of attending a family funeral, an unavoidable family function, illness

The situation of an abuse, especially avoiding a situation where a sexual abuse

occurred previously needs some strategy. The person who is called upon by the
abuser can avoid going, inform someone responsible or can call a child line social



CHCCSM005 – Student Assessment – Task One: Questions (V.1 – 192401) 18

Result Satisfactory ☐ Not Satisfactory ☐

Question 40 Describe a case manager’s duty of care in regard to child protection.

Answer Compulsory reporting to police by dialling 000 is the fundamental duty of care for the
case manager.


Result Satisfactory ☐ Not Satisfactory ☐

41 Describe a case manager’s duty of care in regard to domestic violence.

Answer  A case manager needs to check the safety is protected by ensuring no aggressive
behaviour at home. Be that as it may, it is a need to have a solid understanding of
issues identifying with domestic & family brutality.
 Prioritize the security & prosperity of ladies & youngsters through all stages just as
components of safety & hazard evaluation, case arranging, improvement, & audit.
 Meet with customers who are in emergency with the scope of choices, assets,
counsel, & data
 Support to get to mental & actual health services, legitimate/migration issues, &
other important services.
 Work cooperatively with different administrations in the advancement & execution
of support plans where suitable & educated assent given

Result Satisfactory ☐ Not Satisfactory ☐

Describe a case manager’s duty of care in regard to suicide.
Answer The safety of the individual being surveyed & of the clinician is the essential concern
consistently all through the appraisal process. At every possible opportunity, evaluations
ought not to be led in an individual's home in circumstances that show dangers to safety.
Evaluations ought to be led where support is promptly accessible, for example emergency
office, local area health centre. The safety of two
staff leading the appraisal, making sure security faculty are close nearby or
Mentioning police help are also strategies that might be considered to guarantee safety.
Individuals surveyed to be in danger of self-destruction ought to be referred to applicable
expert clinicians for an exhaustive psychological health hazard evaluation & further the
executives where required. Research recommends that self-destructive conduct normally

CHCCSM005 – Student Assessment – Task One: Questions (V.1 – 192401) 19

results from a combination of numerous inclining & simultaneous risk factors that join to
raise the danger of suicide: late significant life occasions particularly including losing
someone, embarrassment, 'in danger' mental, sadness, psychosis Assessment of individuals
in risk of suicide is an unpredictable & requesting task that requires association of an
accomplished clinician at some level. Health staffs have professional & lawful commitments
to keep customer data private. All details of risk evaluation, the executive’s plans &
perceptions are to be unmistakably reported in the individual's clinical record. Standard
surveys, including reassessment of risks & reaction to clinical interventions ought to be
noted. The evaluation & the executives of suicide hazard intend to help the individual
through a time of quick or up and coming risk of suicide. At the point when the individual's
risk can be reconsidered down to generally safe or no predictable danger, levels of care can
be securely & properly diminished. The individual can be surveyed for get back to routine
subsequent care as well as released from the care of the mental health services. At the point
when an individual is released from a mental health services, or released from a specific
setting inside a mental health services there are precautionary measures that ought to be
set up & recorded in the release plan.

Result Satisfactory ☐ Not Satisfactory ☐

Question 43 Describe a case manager’s duty of care in regard to elder abuse.

Answer You are obliged to report if there is any abuse to the police depending upon the level that
they are having.


Result Satisfactory ☐ Not Satisfactory ☐

Question 44 Describe a case manager’s duty of care in regard to people with disabilities.
Answer As a case manager, you are to answer to the police of any kinds of misuse, hurts or
carelessness for people with disabilities.


Result Satisfactory ☐ Not Satisfactory ☐

Question 45 Explain why it is important to match the needs of the person with the experience,
workload and geographical location of the worker or service provider.

CHCCSM005 – Student Assessment – Task One: Questions (V.1 – 192401) 20

Answer It is important to match the needs of the person with the experience, workload and
geographical location of the worker or service provider is mentioned below:
 To help & have a decent outcome from customers

Result Satisfactory ☐ Not Satisfactory ☐

Question 46 List two aspects of a target for change or action.

Answer The two aspects of a target for change or action is mentioned below:
 practical target
 attainable target


Result Satisfactory ☐ Not Satisfactory ☐

Question 47 Describe one way you could assist a person to achieve their targets.
Answer I can assist a person with achieving their target from multiple points of view which
relies normally upon the kind of target the person has, all targets are to be met with
various methodology & consequently subjective. However, as a rule, I can do the
following options Ask them to make solid daily to list & set mini targets to reach
towards the fundamental target I will mentor & guide them to accomplish that target
Legitimate convenient advancement of the progress of the target can help in keeping
the target in line.


Result Satisfactory ☐ Not Satisfactory ☐

Describe how feedback forms are used as a monitoring strategy.
n 48
Answer From feedback, we can be familiar with how pleased clients are & we can analyse the

CHCCSM005 – Student Assessment – Task One: Questions (V.1 – 192401) 21



Result Satisfactory ☐ Not Satisfactory ☐

n 49 Describe one way you can use feedback forms to assess the need for change.

Answer One way that I can use feedback forms to assess the need for change is mentioned
 Leave some room for suggestion sections.


Result Satisfactory ☐ Not Satisfactory ☐

Question 50 Describe the priority of the negotiation process when changing the case management
Answer When working with individuals through the process of progress, it is essential to help
set reasonable & reachable targets. Motivating customers to define targets & to work
towards accomplishing them can be a significant part of the way toward evolving. In
request to design 'activity', and target should be envisioned. Customers might be
diverted effectively if there is no unmistakable vision, reason & plan of action. Setting
little advances will engage. The means can be just about as basic as going to a
treatment session. In the event that customers are accomplishing little targets, they will
be bound to focus on & accomplish longer-term targets. It is significant for them to
have the option to see progress.

Result Satisfactory ☐ Not Satisfactory ☐

Question 51 Provide two documentation requirements that may apply when documenting an inter-
agency agreement.
Answer The two documentation requirements that may apply when documenting an inter-
agency agreement is mentioned below:

CHCCSM005 – Student Assessment – Task One: Questions (V.1 – 192401) 22

 Background information of the customer.
 Principle & aims of the partnership.

Result Satisfactory ☐ Not Satisfactory ☐

Question 52 Provide a brief explanation of the goal of evidence-based practice.

Answer Evidence-based practice also involves integrating the best available evidence with
clinical knowledge and expertise, while considering patients’ unique needs and
personal preferences. If used consistently, optimal patient outcomes are more likely
to be achieved. Using Evidence-based practice means abandoning outdated care
delivery practices and choosing effective, scientifically validated methods to meet
individual patient needs. Health care providers who use evidence-based practice
must be skilled at discerning the value of research for their specific patient


Result Satisfactory ☐ Not Satisfactory ☐

Question 53 Provide one criterion that must be met before a case can be closed.
Answer Customers who are not at this point occupied with active case management
services ought to have their cases shut dependent on the standards & convention
illustrated in a program's Strategies & Procedures. A conclusion summary
generally diagrams the advancement toward meeting recognized targets & case
disposition. The Positive Case Closure Structure ought to be finished when there
has been a positive conclusion of the case the executive’s relationship
A positive case closure is distinct by the following three factors:
 Support plan goals are completed.
 An aftercare preparation is agreed & the service user is able to
independently access supports
 Plan for potential re-engagement agreed.

Result Satisfactory ☐ Not Satisfactory ☐

Question 54 Describe two approaches to service delivery that address the experience, skills, values
and development of participants.

CHCCSM005 – Student Assessment – Task One: Questions (V.1 – 192401) 23

Answer The two approaches to service delivery that address the experience, skills, values and
development of participants are mentioned below:
 Person-Centred approach: the client should be at the centre to make their
decision & empower themselves.
 Strength-based approach: helping the client for finding out what is their
strengths & skills that they are good at, which & facilitate their case plan

Result Satisfactory ☐ Not Satisfactory ☐

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Student Name
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CHCCSM005 – Student Assessment – Task One: Questions (V.1 – 192401) 24

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