CHCDIV003 - Learner Workbook V1.1

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Manage and promote diversity

Learner Workbook

CHCDIV003 Learner workbook V1.1 Page 0 of 39

Instructions to students:

Assessment instructions


The purpose of this learner workbook, assessment workbook, simulation diary or logbook is to provide a guide
of instruction and information in relation to the relevant assessment tasks. As a learner, you will be provided
with information relating to your assessment, including how they are to be completed and submitted.
Therefore, it is important that you fully understand the assessment instructions given by your trainer to avoid
issues such as academic misconduct, submitting past the due date and providing incomplete assessments,
which you will be required to resubmit. If you fail to understand or need more clarification on the assessments,
you are required to contact your trainer/assessor for further information.

Assessment Task

The aim of assessments is to test your knowledge, skills and understanding in relation to the topics being
taught within a given course. This will be done by using an assessment criterion which shows what you need to
do to achieve the appropriate level of competency. For the purpose of completing a written assessment, you
are required to:

 Complete each question, including any sub-questions;

 Provide in-depth research on the topic, using appropriate primary and secondary sources;

 Respond using a clear structure (e.g. Introduction, points of argument or fact, conclusion), including
references to the sources used.

All assessments required to be completed are compulsory as it is a required condition of your enrolment.

Assessment requirements

The assessments within this document can be completed through several approaches such as:

 Observation of real, indisputable actions as they occur;

 Written or oral task such as reports, role play, work samples etc;

 Portfolios;

 Questions, or third-party evidence, in which the relevant document (observation document is to be

completed by the agreed third party.

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All documents relating the third-party observation is to be provided to your trainer/assessor as this will be
used in determining your level of competency. Third-party evidence can be obtained from supervisors (e.g.,
from the workplace), or clients/customers.

Please be informed that all assessments are to be typed up. Any handwritten assessments will not be
permitted unless approved by the trainer/assessor. You must also comply with assessment policy and
procedures at

Simulation diary (if required): You will do the simulation tasks as a part of your course in the designated
simulated environment.

During the simulation session, the student is required to meet the following requirements:

 Follow the dress standards -enclosed shoes, appropriate clothing (no shorts or skirts)

 Be aware of relevant procedures in case of accident, emergencies, evacuation

 Follow the start and finish times, breaks, work routines, etc.

 Follow the policies on personal phone calls and personal emails.

 The attendance for simulation sessions will be monitored as per ‘AIBTGlobal’s Monitoring Student
Attendance and Academic Progression policy and procedure.’

 Students should follow the standards of behaviour and comply with ‘AIBTGlobal’s Student Conduct

 Students should come prepared for the planned activities for simulation.

Observation/demonstration/simulation (if required):

You may be required to perform tasks/works/assessments through observations, simulation, or

demonstrations. Your trainer/assessor will provide you with a list of demonstrations, logbooks, simulation
diary or any other related documents for tasks/works/assessments. The observation, simulation or
demonstration can occur in the workplace, or the training environment such as workshop, or simulation labs.
During observation, demonstration or simulation, you will be provided with necessary information (e.g.,
timeframe) and equipment and/or materials to complete the task. You are required to perform the work, task
or assessment in accordance with the required instructions.

Competency outcome

Upon completing the following assessments, your trainer will either mark the assessment indicating S for
satisfactory or NS for not satisfactory (requires more training). If you, as a learner/trainee, receive satisfactory

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marks for all assessments within this module, you will be graded a “C” for ‘Competent’. In vice versa, “NYC” for
‘Not yet Competent’, in which your trainer will provide adequate feedback and give you a chance to resubmit.
If your second submission of assessments is still NS, you may be required to (i) resubmit assessments on the
third attempt or (ii) redo the course unit again, which requires re-enrolment. Please be aware that the third
attempt of resubmission or re-enrolment to the course can result in additional costs/fees.

Assessment appeals process

As a learner, you have a right to appeal a decision or outcome of an assessment if you feel like it was made
unfairly. However, this complaint must first be resolved with the trainer/assessor before lodging an appeal. If
you are still dissatisfied with the outcome, then a written application of the appeal can be made to the course
coordinator, outlining the grounds for the appeal in accordance with the complaints and appeals policy and
procedures at

Special needs

Learning adjustments can be made for any candidate who has special needs (e.g., a student with a disability).
However, the trainer/assessor must be well informed about this so they can immediately implement the
necessary adjustments and have it ready before commencement.

Additional evidence

If at any event during or after the assessment process, the trainer/assessor requests you to provide additional
information or an alternative submission to establish your level of competency, then you are required to do so.
However, you must do so in a way that avoids any issues of privacy or confidentiality.


All information provided to us regarding your job, workplace and employer will be kept confidential in
accordance with the relevant law. However, it is your responsibility to check that all information provided to us
does not involve details unrelated or not agreed upon for disclosure. For example, information about your
employer, colleagues and other related third parties who might be involved. Although we may require
information about these other parties, it is your responsibility to check that valid consent has been given from
these individuals before providing us with the requested information. This process of obtaining information
from the relevant parties must also be done in accordance with the relevant law.

Recognised prior learning

Any candidate may apply for credit transfer which they wish to count towards their course credit following the
application and assessment process of the credit transfer policy and procedure.

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Academic misconduct

Academic Misconduct includes plagiarism, cheating and/or collusion, or any act or omission by a student which
attempts to circumvent or defeat the integrity of the College’s assessment process. Without limiting the scope
of the definition of academic misconduct, examples of plagiarism, cheating and collusion are provided below:

Plagiarism is defined as taking someone else’s work or ideas and submitting it as their own. This may include
acts such as, but not limited to:

 Copying the direct words of a sentence or paragraph presented in a source, without referencing it or
giving it proper acknowledgement. This also extends to any structure used in completing the
assignment; and

 Submitting the same assignment as another learner who either is currently or has previously
completed it and presenting it as their own work.

Cheating occurs when you behave dishonestly in an attempt to obtain an unfair advantage in any form of
assessment. Examples of cheating include:

 Failing to adhere to examination conditions, for example, speaking or communicating with other
candidates in an examination, bringing unauthorised material into the examination room, reading or
attempting to read other students' answers, leaving the examination or test answer papers exposed
to another student’s view;

 Impersonating another student or arranging for someone to impersonate a student in any assessment

 Purchasing assessment items from a contract cheating or ghost-writing service and presenting them
as the student’s own work;

 Allowing others to complete any assessment task and/or submit an assessment task which is not the
student’s own work;

 Fraudulent representation of any required documentation, for example, prior qualifications, or

medical certificates.

Collusion is defined where a learner collaborates with another learner currently enrolled or graduated to
produce an assessment which is submitted as their own. This may involve two or more learners working
together to produce the content of an assessment before submission.

Plagiarism, cheating and/or collusion is a behaviour that is strictly prohibited, therefore, prior to completing
your assessment it is advised that you refer to our Academic Misconduct policy and procedure at to ensure relevant compliance. If you are found
committing any of these acts, you will be investigated in which the appropriate disciplinary action will be

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taken. As a result, it is important that you raise any questions regarding plagiarism, cheating and collusion with
your trainer before submitting the final assessment.

Student Details

Student ID:





I declare that

 The content in this document is my own work, based on my own study and research and no part of it
has been copied from any other source, except where acknowledgement/reference has been made.

 The content in this document is my own work and no part of the work has been copied from any
other student who is currently studying or was graduated from the college.

 I have read and understood all instructions and requirements for the work, task, or assessment that is
assessed by my trainers and/or assessors. The understanding includes the submission date and time.

 I will keep a copy of my submitted work (e.g., logbook, or assessment).

I have read and understood the assessment policy and procedures, and academic misconduct policy and

 I will perform my work to the best of my ability.

 I will not commit academic misconduct stated in academic misconduct policy and procedures.
Academic misconduct behaviour may result in ‘not competent’ result of the unit of competency.

 I understand if I receive not satisfactory for my work/assessment/task, it will result in not competent
result for the unit of competency. This can result in work/assessment/task resubmission and re-
enrolment of the unit of competency which can incur additional costs/fees to me.

 I understand that any assessment/task/work deemed unsatisfactory will require me to undergo

reassessment which may be different to the one originally submitted.

 I give permission for my assessment/task/work to be reproduced, communicated, compared, and

archived for the purposes of detecting academic misconduct and to fulfil any related College’s policy
and procedures

 I am aware that if I disagree with the assessment/task/work result, I have the right to appeal the
result. I will follow the complaints and appeals policy and procedures at

 I take full responsibility for the correct submission of this assessment/task/work in the required
place/channel with the correct cover sheet.

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Student Signature: ____________________________________________________________

Date: ____16/09/2020_________________________________________________________

ONLY If assessment/task/work is required to be completed as part of a group or in pairs, details of the

learners involved should be provided below:

If you are NOT instructed to complete the assessment, work, or task in a group or in pairs, you or any other
student will NOT fill or sign this section below and MUST NOT work in a group or in pairs. Failure to comply
will result in not satisfactory result of required work, assessment, or task.

The content of this work/task/assessment is completed by the students named below. All students
acknowledge that the assessment, work, or task must be completed by everyone’s equal contribution and in
accordance with the requirements. All students declare that no part of this assessment, task, or work is taken
from or completed by any other student. If the assessment, work, or task cites or paraphrases information
from other sources, reference and acknowledgement of those sources must be provided.

Student 1:

Student ID: ____________________________________________________________

Student Name: ____________________________________________________________

Student Signature: ____________________________________________________________

Student 2:

Student ID: ____________________________________________________________

Student Name: ____________________________________________________________

Student Signature: ____________________________________________________________

Student 3:

Student ID: ____________________________________________________________

Student Name: ____________________________________________________________

Student Signature: ____________________________________________________________

Student 4:

Student ID: ____________________________________________________________

Student Name: ____________________________________________________________

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Student Signature: ____________________________________________________________

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Activity 1A
Estimated Time 45 Minutes
Objective To provide you with an opportunity to collect and evaluate quantitative and
qualitative workplace diversity data

1. What is meant by ‘diversity’ in the context of the workplace?

Ans: Diversity means accepting the cultures, traditions, race or any
social/cultural factors with the view of sharing knowledge and understanding
for growth. It is always better to have diversity everywhere, especially in the
workplace. In the workplace, people from different age, race, culture, expertise,
all work together in a common environment. Such variation in the workplace is
known as diversity. They all have different experiences and different knowledge
and accounts for growth opportunities, both professionally and personally.

2. Give three examples of each of the following:

 Quantitative data
Ans: The data which deals with figures and numbers are the quantitative
data. These data are mostly used for measuring and comparing. Some of
the examples of quantitative data are:
- Percentage of Non-Australian employees in the workplace.
- Number of Indigenous employees in the workplace.
- Number of incidents happened in a month.

 Qualitative data.
Ans: The data which are not measurable and are assessed at the subjective
levels are the qualitative data. These kinds of data are mostly used for
assessing the quality of the work provided to the customers to measure
their satisfaction level. They normally help in providing an insight into the
emotional wellbeing of individuals. Some of the examples of qualitative
data are:
- Incident reports explaining the cause of incidents
- Complaints from the employees and clients
- Feedback from the clients

3. Why might you use a mix of qualitative and quantitative data when
analysing diversity in your workplace?
Ans: Quantitative data in regard to diversity help in giving the figures of the
number of employees in the workplace while qualitative data helps in
recognising the areas the organisation need improvement. The mixture of both
these data helps in creating a balance which helps in analysing the target of the
diverse group of the organisation. The blended data helps to ensure that the
policies and the strategies adopted by the organisation actually are being
implemented. It helps in recognising the areas that need improvement and also
promotes diversity, equality and respect which are adopted by the

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4. For your workplace, collect data about workplace diversity. Ensure it
incorporates quantitative and qualitative data. Then evaluate the data
and write a short report on the diversity in your workplace.

Ans: My workplace considers a diverse and inclusive workforce; including team

members from different backgrounds, gender, religion and age groups. The
organisation strives for gender balance that is to say that there must be at least
40% females and 40% males in any teams. Considering the report from
2019/20, the total workforce consisted of 57% women and 43% men. The
leadership team is balanced with 42% women and 58% men. The board of
directors is always balanced by 50% women and 50% men. However, the senior
executive level is overpowered by men with 70%. So, the managerial level is
looking for a room for improvement to balance this situation as well.

In the financial year 2020, it is reported that 1.9 % of team member identified
themselves as Indigenous in my organisation and targets to reach the
percentage to 3% by the next two years. The incidents have been reported to
decrease by 20% than the last year as many safety trainings and safety
practices are being implemented [ CITATION Wes20 \l 3081 ]. The customer
satisfaction rate has also been increased compared to last year. This can be
monitored by the feedback the organisation is receiving from the customers.
There have also been cases where customers have personalised their feedback
to the relevant team member and also have sent gifts for their exemplary
customer service.

Activity 1B
Estimated Time 20 Minutes
Objective To provide you with an opportunity to identify and analyse potential benefits

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of diversity in relation to the workplace objectives

List three workplace objectives that apply to your organisation and/or job
role. Explain how diversity in the workplace would be or has been a benefit to
Ans: The three objectives of my workplace with the benefits of diversity are:

i) Anticipating the needs of customers and delivering competitive

goods and services: To achieve this objective, my workplace
believes in creating a diverse team. Observing the different needs
of people, team members are hired to create an inclusive team.
This gives a competitive advantage of knowing people of different
background and their requirements which can then be used by the
organisation to fulfil the requirements of the people.

ii) Supporting the communities in which we operate: By creating a

diverse working team, it becomes easier for the organisation to
gain a deeper understanding of what actually the people living in
the society wants. There might be various problems in the society
belonging to a specific culture or religion or age group. Identifying
those problems can serve as a means of identifying the ways to
solve that problem. For example: organising a donation event to
provide charity to the Bushfire relief people, organising plantation
programs in the schools and also promoting an actively engaging
event in the aged care facilities that help aged people to recognise
the type of locks and different ways to open them so that they do
not get stuck in the facilities.

iii) Engaging fairly with the suppliers and sourcing ethically and
sustainably: My workplace directly source products from different
suppliers in more than 20 countries including Australia, China,
India, Bangladesh, Cambodia, New Zealand and Pakistan. This helps
in reducing relative income inequalities among countries and
ensuring that no one is left behind in achieving the sustainable
development goals.

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Activity 1C
Estimated Time 30 Minutes
Objective To provide you with an opportunity to analyse how current diversity practice
matches workplace objectives

1. Describe three ways that diversity is practised in your workplace, making

reference to the organisation’s diversity strategy, where one exists.

Ans: Diversity practices relate to the values of diversity that applies in the
workplace. The three different ways of practicing diversity in my workplace are:
i) During recruitment process: According to the inclusion policy of my
organisation[ CITATION Wes19 \l 3081 ], it is the essential to
provide equal opportunities to all the applicants regardless of their
age, gender, ethnicity, Indigeneity, thought, experience, religions,
beliefs, education, age, disability, family responsibilities, sexual
orientation and gender identity.

ii) Providing a safe working environment: The organisation takes the

sole responsibility of providing a safe and respectful working
environment. The organisation promotes an environment that does
not accept or tolerate any inappropriate behaviour including
discrimination, harassment, bullying, victimisation and vilification.

iii) Empowering team members: The organisation empowers all the

team members to manage their productivity, effectiveness and
personal situations. The organisation considers all the requests for
flexible working hours.

2. Describe two ways that you can analyse diversity data.

Ans: The diversity data can be analysed both quantitatively and qualitatively.
Quantitatively: With the percentage or statistics of recruitment figures, gender
involvement rates and minority involvement rates, the evaluation of how the
organisation is meeting its goals can be calculated. Based on these figures, the
organisation can then work on how to improve the diversity in the workplace.

Qualitatively: Looking at the frequency of incident reports, client’s feedback

and also the complaints received, the organisation can improve on the diversity
process. Most importantly, the client’s feedback is very important as it gives an
idea of what the client’s needs are and accordingly the organisation can hire
employees to meet their needs. Also, the complaints received from the
employees themselves can help in determining what areas are lacking behind in
providing a safe working environment to employees.

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Activity 2A
Estimated Time 20 Minutes
Objective To provide you with an opportunity to provide a role model for others
through individual behaviour that demonstrates respect for diversity

Give an example from your own work practice of times when you acted as a
role model for each of the following:

 Inclusivity
Ans: In my organisation, team meetings are held every week to brief about the
work progress, incidents that happened during that week and also to
acknowledge the team members who went above and beyond to help the
customers. As an organiser for the meeting, I invite every team member to the
meeting to equally participate and also allow them to raise their concerns in
the meeting.

 Impartiality
Ans: Once I was given a task to assign the shifts to all the team members for the
whole week. I was assigned the task as my supervisor was on leave and being a
co-supervisor, I had to perform the task. So, while assigning the shifts, I went
through all the KPIs of each and every team member and prepared a list on
what they are good at. According to their performance till date and their field
of expertise, I allocated the days to them.

 Respect
Ans: There was a situation when I had to deal with an angry customer. She had
bought a new product and she came to return back saying it’s not working. The
team member who was dealing with her was newly hired and did not have
much knowledge about the return policy. The customer tried to explain but
seeing the employee confused, she became frustrated and became angry. I
happened to overhear her anger. I approached her and asked to explain her
situation. I first apologised to her and calmly listened her explanation, advised
her that we could replace her product. I replaced her faulty product with the
new one and she was indeed very happy. I also explained my colleague how to
handle the situation in such case and also gave her a detail of our return policy.

 Fairness.
Ans: There was a situation in my workplace where my close colleague had an
argument with the fellow team members. They had a big fight and as an in
charge of that shift, I was called to resolve the issue. I asked them both to put
forward their explanations. I listened to both of them. It turned out that my
close colleague had initiated the argument and the other fellow team member
had nothing to do with it. Regardless of her being my close friend, I did not take
her side. I instead took the actions according to the organisation’s policies,
documented the incident and reported her to the managerial level for further
actions to be taken.
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Activity 2B
Estimated Time 30 Minutes
Objective To provide you with an opportunity to assist and coach colleagues in ways of
accepting diversity in relation to both colleagues and clients

1. List five areas that diversity training might include.

Ans: The five areas that diversity might include are:
i) Mentoring and coaching
ii) Workplace intervention skills
iii) Legislation related to diversity
iv) Respect and inclusion in the workplace
v) Contact officer training

2. What diversity training is in place at your organisation?

Ans: Some of the diversity training in my organisation are:
- Respectful use of language: Every employee in the organisation must
use respectful language to each other. Actions are taken for any kind of
misbehaviour and use of unrespectful language.

- Leading a diverse workforce: People from any background irrelative of

their age, gender, sex is given equal priority in the workplace.

- Respect and inclusion in the workplace: Every employee is encouraged

to participate in the weekly team meeting and encouraged to put
forward their views in the matter. This helps in recognising the issues
that underlay within the organisation.

3. Give an example of each of the following:

 Direct discrimination
Ans: The discrimination which are easy to pinpoint are the direct
discrimination. It is when someone is treated differently than the others.
For example, when someone is given promotion not in the merit basis but
because they are favourable to the managers, then it is direct

 Indirect discrimination.
Ans: It is a kind of discrimination which occurs unintentionally. When the
rule for treating equally everyone applies in the workplace but certain
group might be disadvantageous then, it is known as indirect
discrimination. For example, not allowing to wear caps in the workplace
might affect a religious group of people in the workplace who are required
to wear caps and cover their head all the time. This might arise conflict in
the workplace.
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Activity 2C
Estimated Time 30 Minutes
Objective To provide you with an opportunity to develop work practices and undertake
planning in a manner that shows respect for workplace diversity

1. Identify one of each of the following that applies to your organisation in

relation to diversity law:

 Commonwealth legislation
 State/Territory legislation
 The organisation’s diversity policy and/or strategy.
Ans: There are many legislations and policies in the organisation that ensures
the workplace diversity is being respected.
Commonwealth legislation: The Commonwealth legislation that addresses
diversity in my organisation includes Racial Discrimination Act 1975, Workplace
Relations Act 1996, Privacy Act 1988, Disability Discrimination Act 1992.

State/ Territory legislation: Being located In Tasmania, there are many

legislations adhered to the state. However, one of the legislations that
addresses diversity in workplace is Anti-Discrimination Act 1998.

Organisation’s diversity policy or strategy: The organisation I work for strives

for creating an inclusive environment with particular attention to gender
diversity and the inclusion of Aboriginal people.

2. Give two examples from your workplace of practices that adhere to the
laws/policies/strategies that you have identified.

Ans: As my workplace pays attention to gender diversity, we have the policy of

hiring the employees based on the qualification and experiences they have. We
do not have any positions in my organisation that requires an employee of
specific gender. Every employee is treated as an expertise and treated

Other legislation that my organisation adheres to is the Privacy Policy Act 1988.
No personal information of either the employees or the clients are shared to
the other employee/ clients. They are disclosed just for the purpose of carrying
out the business, including providing services to the clients.

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Activity 2D
Estimated Time 20 Minutes
Objective To provide you with an opportunity to identify and adapt professional
development opportunities to address the needs of a diverse workforce

Give three examples of professional development opportunities and describe

hypothetical scenarios of when and how you would adapt these to meet the
needs of a diverse workforce.

Ans: Skills training: I would take an opportunity to develop my skills. I would

sharpen my skills and broaden my knowledge so that I can widen my area of
service. With the development of new skills, I will be able to help a broader
community. For example: there are many Spanish clients in my workplace.
Some of them do not speak English at all and only few employees speak
Spanish. So, it becomes hard to serve those clients due to language barrier and
there are many times that the employees have misinterpreted their needs.
Hence, I would take an opportunity to learn Spanish so that I can at least help
the clients with their basic needs.

Coaching/ mentoring: If given an opportunity, I would love to mentor my

fellow colleagues. I would like to share my personal experiences and knowledge
with them which they might encounter daily in the workplace. This will not only
help them but also help me as they will be sharing their views as well. This will
also give me an idea of the issues and barriers that are occurring in the

Opportunity to take more responsibilities: I would take the opportunity to lead

a team if provided. I will ensure that I choose the members of the team based
on their expertise and knowledge i.e. I would form a diverse team that covers
people from different age, gender, race and with different physical abilities as

Activity 2E
Estimated Time 20 Minutes

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Objective To provide you with an opportunity to generate a supportive workplace by
valuing and promoting the benefits of a diverse workforce to those working in
the workplace according to relevant policy

1. Identify any organisational policy that relates to diversity. Summarise its

key values, concepts and applications.
Ans: The organisational policy that relates to diversity is Disability
Discrimination Act 1992. The main purpose of this act is snot to discriminate
people on the basis of their physical inability. This act ensures that the person
with disabilities should have the same rights to equality as rest of the people in
the community have.

The main concept of this act is to promote the recognition and acceptance of
the principle that people with disabilities have the same fundamental rights as
rest of the people in the community.

2. What are three benefits of a diverse workforce? How would you promote
these to others?
Ans: There are many benefits of a diverse workplace. Among them, three are
listed below:
i) Cross-fertilisation of ideas: As opinions and ideas vary from person
to person, diversity in the workplace brings in varieties of ideas and
opinions which helps in improving the services.

ii) Promotion of equity and fairness: Involving people from diverse

workforce helps in providing equal opportunities to people from
different backgrounds.

iii) Improved relationship with the community : As there is more

diverse people in the workforce, the area becomes wider. Many
people in the community will be able to get services from the
organisation and clients will also be satisfied as they will be
engaging with the people and getting necessary help they need.
This helps in improving the relationship with the clients.

The benefits can be promoted via

- Reissuing the organisational materials relating to diversity, its values
and beliefs
- Through workshops and group trainings encouraging to involve diverse
people in the workplace.
- Through team building activities encouraging everyone to participate
- Through group challenges
- Inclusive behaviours from senior staff members which will then be
passed to other staff members.

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Activity 2F
Estimated Time 20 Minutes
Objective To provide you with an opportunity to identify and use diversity factors
associated with clients and colleagues to address diversity objectives of the

1. Give two examples from your workplace of when a diversity factor

associated with a colleague helped to meet specific client needs.
Ans: Diversity factors are the aspects that makes a person different from the
other working in an organisation. Some common diversity factors are the
backgrounds/ character that makes a person different. However, they can be
any aspect of a person that makes them different. Some of the diversity factors
- Age
- Culture
- Race
- Sexual orientation
- Education level
- Political views
- Religion
- Marital status
- Lifestyle
- Language

Two examples:
i) Language: There is only one Chinese employee in workplace. One
day, a Chinese client came to my workplace, but he was not able to
interact in English and it was very difficult to understand what he
was trying to say. Fortunately, The Chinese colleague had the shift
the very day and he was able to interact with the client and meet
his needs.

ii) Education level: We sell different products in my workplace and

one client came asking for a digital product which no one was
aware of. Even the mangers were called but they also did not know
what he was looking for. Fortunately, there was an employee who
had completed his Masters in Networking and knew what the client
was searching for. He was looking for a specific router. He showed
the client where the product was and also told him all the features.
The client was very happy with his service.

2. What are the diversity objectives of your organisation? How are they
currently being met? What else could be done to help the organisation
meet its diversity objectives?
Ans: The diversity objective of my organisation is to ensure that the
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organisation nurtures a diverse representation of talents. In my workplace,
there are employees from different countries such as Australia, Nepal, India,
Korea and Sri Lanka. They all have different backgrounds with different cultural
values. The organisation has successfully captured their expertise in the
relevant field and all the employees work as a team regardless of their culture,
religion, race, gender and age.

Another objective is to enable the employees with a good work/life balance. As

the organisation is filled with diverse people, the festivals of each country are
celebrated within the organisation. Also, there is a provision of allowing the
employees to take leave in their main festivals.

Activity 2G
Estimated Time 20 Minutes
Objective To provide you with an opportunity to value and encourage collaboration and
the experience of working with diverse clients and colleagues

How is collaboration amongst diverse clients and colleagues encouraged in

your organisation? What other methods could be used?
Ans: It is first essential to encourage employees to engage with diverse clients
and colleagues. Some of the methods of doing that are as follows:

i) Providing diversity training: It is essential to train the employees on

the benefits of diversity. It is necessary to raise awareness about
the issues that can occur in an organisation if they do not accept
people from different background. Educating employees on the
backgrounds, cultures and lifestyles a people can adapt is very
important for embracing diverse clients and colleagues.

ii) Team- building activities: Any team building activities with a diverse
team can help overcome the language and culture barrier. This
helps in building internal connections within themselves and they
tend to understand each other more.

iii) Addressing issues of conflicts, bullying and harassment quickly :

Organisation should have zero-tolerance policy in this matter.
Educating the team on the signs and symptoms of harassment and
the relevant contact person will help address the issue.

iv) Rewarding collaborative behaviour: Good teamwork or exceptional

services must be rewarded so that every employee is encouraged
to work collaboratively and exceptionally.

v) Creating an atmosphere of collaboration: Environment plays an

important role in any initiative. Creating an atmosphere where
people can share their ideas, rewarding collaborative acts are few
CHCDIV003 Learner workbook V1.1 Page 18 of
examples of creating an atmosphere of collaboration.

Some of the other methods that can be used are:

- Celebrating the main festivals of different cultural background
- Acknowledging the issues brought by the clients and addressing them
- Enhancing respect and openness among the employees.
- Respecting and acknowledging the commitment of employees.

Activity 1A to 2G checklist – for assessor

This should be used by the trainer/assessor to document the learner’s skills, knowledge and
performance as relevant to the unit activity. Indicate in the table below if the learner is deemed
satisfactory (S) or not satisfactory (NS) for the activity or if reassessment is required.

Learner’s name
Assessor’s name
Unit of Competence
(Code and Title)
Date(s) of assessment

Has the activity been answered and performed fully, as required to assess the Yes No
competency of the learner? (Please circle)

Has sufficient evidence and information been provided by the learner for the Yes No
activity? (Please circle)

The learner’s
Not yet satisfactory Satisfactory
performance was:

If not yet satisfactory, date for reassessment:

Feedback to learner:

CHCDIV003 Learner workbook V1.1 Page 19 of

Learner’s signature

Assessor’s signature

Activity 3A
Estimated Time 30 Minutes
Objective To provide you with an opportunity to use communication strategies to meet
the diverse needs of individuals within the workplace

1. Identify your organisation’s communication strategies and summarise

their contents in relation to your own job role.
Ans: A communication strategy is a method of sharing the organisations goals
and objectives to the team members and with the relevant stakeholders. My
workplace incorporates the written form of communication more than verbal
method of communication.

The communication strategy incorporates a statement of purpose stating that

the communication to the team members are to be performed via email. As the
working hours have been changed due to the pandemic situation, it becomes
easier for all the team members to be on the same page as every task will be
documented. The strategy also explains who I should be reporting to and what
tasks should I be performing on the daily basis.

2. A team member confides in you that they have been struggling to absorb
all that is being said in group meetings due to English being their second
language. What could be done to help meet their needs?
Ans: It is essential for group meetings to be held in English as English is the
universal language and everyone should have a common language to speak in a
meeting. However, in the above-mentioned scenario, the team member can get
help from his/her fellow team members who speak the same language to brief
him/her above the meeting agenda and the discussion held. He/ she should
also ask for a minute that records every important topic so that he/she can go
one by one in his/her own time. Moreover, he/she can forward the issues to
the manager/ leader and they can speak slowly to keep up with the pace of
everyone else.

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Activity 3B
Estimated Time 20 Minutes
Objective To provide you with an opportunity to implement tailored communication
strategies for targeted individual and group needs

How would you adjust your communication style for each of the following:

 A group of young and restless interns

- For such groups, kinaesthetic form of communication will be useful. As
the workforces are young and restless, they will be energetic and will
enjoy more on doing things rather than listening. As they will be
anxious, low tone of voice with kind and friendly manner will be
appropriate for them.

 A person with English as a second language (use interpreter, translate into

their language)
- For person with English as a second language, Visual form of
communication such as presentations or videos will be effective. This
will help them in understanding and grabbing the jest of the
communication. Also, setting up subtitles in the presentation will be
effective. An interpreter can be assigned as well to help in translation.

 A mature employee who is hard of hearing

- For such employee, adapting to both visual and kinaesthetic method
will be useful. The things which they do not understand by visual
method can be understood by doing the tasks. However, it is also
important to implement the copy-and-repeat approach so that they
understand the tasks completely.

 A person from a cultural background different to your own?

- For colleague with different cultural background, visual and written
form of communication would be effective to gain better
understanding of the tasks.

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Activity 3C
Estimated Time 20 Minutes
Objective To provide you with an opportunity to identify and/or develop and use
resources that facilitate effective communication in the workplace

1. What kinds of resources can be used to help facilitate effective

communication? Identify at least five.
Ans: To facilitate the effective communication in the workplace, it is essential
to identify the resources available in the workplace. Some of the resources can
i) Intranet: the information can be circulated via intranet to ensure
that they go only to the employees within the organisation.
ii) Websites: Websites is another source which help in extracting
information about the organisation.
iii) Newsletters: they are effective source as the recent events and
news can be circulated via newsletters.
iv) Booklets: Booklets are also effective as they contain only the
relevant information about the organisation.
v) Emails: Emails is another source that can facilitate effective
communication. All the relevant information, news, events can be
passed through the medium of emails.

2. What resources to help facilitate effective communication are available in

your organisation? Where can they be found or how can they be
requested? How can they be integrated?
Ans: The resources available in my organisation to help facilitate effective
communication are emails, group meetings (both team meetings and
departmental meetings), newsletters, booklets, information sheets.

Mostly the booklets, newsletters and information sheets are available in hard
copy as well within the organisation. However, a soft copy of each are handed
to the employees during the start of their employment. Information on the
policies and procedures are also available in the websites of the organisation.

CHCDIV003 Learner workbook V1.1 Page 22 of

The newsletters or any important events or news can be updated via emails. A
progress report for each department should be circulated via emails either
monthly or at least annually so as to keep track of how the organisation is
working and what areas need improvements.

Activity 3D
Estimated Time 20 Minutes
Objective To provide you with an opportunity to reflect on use of communication
strategies with regard to workplace diversity and identify potential

Review the communication strategies in place at your own organisation and

assess whether they are:

 Effective
 Appropriate
 Being utilised.

Identify the potential improvements from your review.

Ans: Emails have been an effective and appropriate means of communications

in my workplace. It ensures that the tasks are being completed and also send to
the relevant person. This method also ensured that all the tasks are being
documented. Also, using respectful language while addressing the person helps
in removing the stereotypic behaviour in the workplace.

The online app log system for logging in and logging out of the shift has been a
utilised method. Transformation from manual to digital log in enables staffs to
log in from their own device from their own desk and helps in keeping track of
the available team members in the organisation. The data are also not lost.

The potential areas for improvement might be handing the minutes to each
employee who attended the meeting so that everyone is on track with the
agenda of the meeting and also can follow up if they tend to forget their tasks
in the near future.

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Activity 4A
Estimated Time 45 Minutes
Objective To provide you with an opportunity to develop and document diversity
strategies in consultation with stakeholders including people from key target

1. Who are the key target groups for any diversity strategies in place at your
Ans: The key target groups are people who will be affected by the diversity
strategies which are being implemented in the organisation. The key target
groups that may be affected in the workplace by any diversity strategies are the
staff members working in the organisation who are non-Australian. The other
groups will be the staff members from entry level to the managerial level, staffs
with physical inabilities and also staff members with different level of
educational background as the organisation incorporates different

Incorporating key target groups mean cre4ating an inclusive and diverse

workforce to ensure the needs of the clients are met.

2. List at least five stakeholders in your organisation.

Ans: The five stakeholders in my organisation are:
- Staffs (Internal)
- Clients who are taking the service (Internal)
- Government and non-government organisation who are directly or
indirectly bringing the clients to the organisation (External)
- Community (External)
- Board of management (Internal)

3. Why is it important to consult with stakeholders when developing

CHCDIV003 Learner workbook V1.1 Page 24 of
diversity strategy?
Ans: Stakeholders are people who will be directly or indirectly affected by the
service provided by the organisation. Consulting with stakeholders prior to
developing diversity strategy helps in understanding the targeted/ key focus
group. The suggestions from the group who will be affected will directly
participate in the strategy development which will help in covering the broad
area of issues that can be affected by the strategy. It helps in removing the bias
in the decisions and also promote inclusion, equality, fairness and respect.
Minority groups of people should also be involved in the strategy process as
they help in understanding their needs and their expectation from the
organisation and services can be provided accordingly.

4. Role play:

In groups, develop and document diversity strategies in consultation with

stakeholders including people from key target groups.

Half of you will act as a team developing the strategies and the other half
will act as the stakeholders.

This activity will need to be observed, and a signed record of this

observation (completed by the assessor or third party) should be
uploaded in your answer. It should detail what was done, when it was
done, the time it was completed in, the completed actions and the overall
outcome of the tasks.

Ans: The task will be covered in simulation or placement.

For this task, the stakeholders will be the Board of Directors, Managers,
Leadership team, Service Advisor representing Indigenous group of community
and a representative of local community. The main objective of consulting and
involving stakeholders in developing diversity strategies is to ensure that we are
covering each and every aspect of the community and also the organisation
aligning with the codes and policies of the organisation.

In developing the diverse policy, first it is important to evaluate the previous

quantitative and qualitative data regarding our recruitment process; data based
on percentage of people hired from different backgrounds, age, gender,
religion, education etc. Also, the complaints and grievances reports reported
within the organisation and what methods the organisation used to solve the
problem. Then, the advice, suggestion and recommendations from the
stakeholders should be documented on their views and opinions in our process
and what areas they think need improvement.

Involving Service Advisor from Indigenous group helps in identifying their needs
and also helps in aligning their needs with the organisational policies.
Representative from local community helps in identifying what the community
expectations are and if the service provided by the organisation aligns with their
needs. This helps in identifying the organisation is covering a diverse area and
CHCDIV003 Learner workbook V1.1 Page 25 of
using the diverse workforce to implement the strategy is in place.

Activity 4B
Estimated Time 30 Minutes
Objective To provide you with an opportunity to advocate for diversity strategies to be
implemented in accordance with workplace policies and procedures

1. Summarise your organisation’s diversity strategy and any workplace

policies and procedures with which it must comply. Be prepared to
reference your sources.

Ans: The organisation I work in belongs to Wesfarmers groups and adheres to

the Wesfarmers policies and procedures. The organisation encourages the
diversity and inclusion in the workplace which helps in meeting the objectives
of the organisation. The organisation adheres to the ‘Inclusion policy’ which
states that the diversity of team members is valued across the organisation and
a culture of inclusion at all levels enables to achieve the goals of the
organisation. The organisation also empowers team members for their own
productivity, effectiveness, personal situation and flexibility in the methods of
working. The Board of members are also obliged to approve this policy and
monitor its effectiveness taking into consideration of the gender diversity in the
composition of the board and also in the senior level of management. The
Corporate office and each division have to prioritise their business areas and
implement plans so that diversity is increased including the gender diversity. A
regular and timely report on gender and Indigenous Australian representation
across the total workplace, pay equity and Workplace Gender Equality Agency
should be submitted to the Wesfarmers Board [ CITATION Wes20 \l 3081 ].

2. Write a proposal wherein you are an advocate for diversity strategies and
are suggesting how they can be implemented in accordance with
workplace policies and procedures.

Ans: As an advocate for the diversity strategies in Wesfarmers groups, I am

CHCDIV003 Learner workbook V1.1 Page 26 of
stating few problems and the strategies that can help in solving those

As per the annual report of 2019 and also based on the monthly report, it
seems that there are only 30% participation of women in the senior executive
level. It seems like there have partiality on the decision regardless of many
women in the leadership and executive level. We should openly promote the
vacancies for senior executive level through our intranet and to some instance
should also be prioritising the women applicant to maintain the gender balance
in our workforce.

The percentage of the Indigenous people seems to be low as well (1.9% of the
total workforce). As the percentage seems to be better than previous year, we
should till target to reach more Aboriginal and Indigenous group. Our Service
advisor representing Indigenous group can surely help in this matter. We can
target to appoint more advisors from the Indigenous group and actively involve
them in every group meeting we have. This provides them a sense of priority
and respect to them as well.

Activity 4C
Estimated 30 Minutes
Objective To provide you with an opportunity to develop measures for evaluating the
outcomes of workplace strategies, policies and procedures for diversity

Identify the original objectives of your organisation’s current diversity

Ans: The original objective of my organisation is to create an inclusive
workforce regardless of age, gender, cultural background, religion, family
responsibilities or any other potential differences. The objectives are:
i) Fostering an inclusive culture: seeking to leverage individual’s
unique skills, backgrounds and perspectives.
ii) Improve talent management: embedding gender diversity initiatives
into broader management processes to support the development of
all talents.
iii) Enhance recruitment practices: commitment to hiring the best
person for the job considering diverse and broad talent pool.
iv) Ensure pay equity: ensuring equal pay for equal work across

My organisation recognises and acknowledges the value that diversity can

bring which includes but are not limited to:

- broadening the skills and experience of the pool from which

Wesfarmers can draw and attract top talent to our businesses;
CHCDIV003 Learner workbook V1.1 Page 27 of
- providing greater alignment to customer needs;
- improving creativity and innovation; and
- modelling responsible corporate citizenship.

My organisation mostly focuses on gender equality and providing

opportunities to the Indigenous people [ CITATION Wes20 \l 3081 ].

Create an evaluation matrix to show which methods you would use to

evaluate whether your organisation’s diversity plans have met their original
objectives. An example is provided in section 4.3 of this Unit. Attach this to
your workbook.

Observatio Benchmarks Impact Well-being

n assessment monitor
Is there any  
impact of the
new policy?
What methods   
have been
adopted to
include the
Indigenous group
in the workforce?
What other    
solutions are
there that can be
included in the
diversity policy?
How much are  
the stakeholders

CHCDIV003 Learner workbook V1.1 Page 28 of

Activity 4D
Estimated Time 20 Minutes
Objective To provide you with an opportunity to report on workplace diversity
strategies within appropriate context

1. What are some of the things you should consider when ensuring that a
report on diversity strategy is given with the appropriate context?
Ans: The report on diversity strategy should be written in correct format with
appropriate context. The report might cover the areas of success and failures,
difficulties in implementation and the areas for improve4ment. So, below are
few of the things that should be considered when writing the diversity strategy
report with appropriate context:
i) Context of specific interactions such as the person involved,
circumstances, the resources used, and the methods of resources
utilised and the outcomes of the interaction.
ii) The observation result during the implementation.
iii) Possibility of bias in the feedback and how the personnel can be
affected by it.
iv) Sufficient training and resources provided to support the
implementation of diversity strategy.

2. Now, write a report on your workplace diversity strategies, covering areas

of success and failure, difficulties in implementation, and further areas for
Ans: My workplace diversity strategies include fostering inclusive culture in the
workplace, enhancing recruitment processes and ensuring pay equity. The
successful implementation of fostering inclusive culture in the workplace
helped in creating a diverse environment in the workplace and getting an
opportunity to know different background of people inclusive of their age,
gender, religion. The diverse workforce helped in solving more queries of the
clients providing excellent customer service as the clients are from diverse
group as well. It also helped in removing the cultural and language barrier
between the clients and the organisation which increased the number of clients
to take the service provided by the organisation.

Apart from the successful implementation of the inclusive strategy, my

workplace is still not able to provide as many opportunities to the people with
disabilities in their workforce. There are few people with physical disabilities
working but the data is not so high. Also, it is taking a lot of time for diverse
people to get blended with each other.

The difficulties for the implementation of people with disability is due to the
necessity to lift products in the workplace. Also, the people do not seem to be
informed about our diversity policy that our organisation is adopting. Due to
the mixed culture in the workforce, people are not opening themselves up
which provides a sense of discomfort in the workplace.

To improve these difficulties, promotional campaigns about the job vacancies

CHCDIV003 Learner workbook V1.1 Page 29 of
and the involvement of people from all the areas should be marketed
extensively. Team building activities should be conducted in the workplace to
let the employees know each other. Monthly dinner or gatherings can also be
organised to encourage employees to get together and know each other which
help in getting to know each other.

Activity 3A to 4D checklist – for assessor

This should be used by the trainer/assessor to document the learner’s skills, knowledge and
performance as relevant to the unit activity. Indicate in the table below if the learner is deemed
satisfactory (S) or not satisfactory (NS) for the activity or if reassessment is required.

Learner’s name
Assessor’s name
Unit of Competence
(Code and Title)
Date(s) of assessment

Has the activity been answered and performed fully, as required to assess the Yes No
competency of the learner? (Please circle)

Has sufficient evidence and information been provided by the learner for the Yes No
activity? (Please circle)

The learner’s
Not yet satisfactory Satisfactory
performance was:

If not yet satisfactory, date for reassessment:

Feedback to learner:

CHCDIV003 Learner workbook V1.1 Page 30 of

Learner’s signature

Assessor’s signature

Summative Assessments
The summative assessments are the major activities designed to assess your skills, knowledge and
performance, as required to show competency in this unit. These activities should be completed
after finishing the Learner Guide. You should complete these as stated below and as instructed by
your trainer/assessor.

Skills, knowledge and performance may be termed as:

 Skills – skill requirements, required skills, essential skills, foundation skills

 Knowledge – knowledge requirements, required knowledge, essential knowledge,

knowledge evidence

 Performance – evidence requirements, critical aspects of assessment, performance


CHCDIV003 Learner workbook V1.1 Page 31 of

Section B: Knowledge Activity (Q & A)

Answer each question in as much detail as possible, considering your organisational requirements
for each one.

1. Why is cultural awareness important?

Ans: It is expected that the workplace contains a diverse group of people from different cultural and
religious backgrounds. With different culture comes different values, customs, traditions, beliefs,
thoughts, perceptions. So, it is obvious that there are high chances of making mistakes if one is not
aware of the cultures. Cultural awareness helps in reducing the mistakes and misunderstandings
generating a greater cross-fertilisation of ideas and improved client services. For example: Mr. X is a
manager and transferred from Nepal to Australia in the same post as his office being in Australia as
well. He accepted the offer happily but was surprised to find his desk with all the interns and junior
staffs and calling him by his name without any designation. He decided to move his office to a
separate room and felt somewhat better after that. However, his colleagues and staffs were
outraged by his behaviour and after a while resisted his presence in the office. This scenario clearly
gives an idea about not having the cultural awareness. Mr. X being from Nepal grew up in a culture
where the hierarchy is important, and status are respected. Due to lack of cultural awareness in the
employees and in Mr. X himself, a misunderstanding was created which impacted the environment
of the whole workplace. Has they all been aware of the culture differences, they could have adapted
with each other’s approaches, thoughts and decisions and a positive outcome could have been
generated from this cross-cultural interaction.

2. List five different types of diversity.

Ans: The different types of diversity are:
- Cultural diversity
- Religious diversity
- Age diversity
- Sexual orientation
- Racial diversity
- Political diversity
- Sex/ Gender diversity

3. Which types of diversity will you most often have to consider in the workplace?
Ans: In the workplace, it is important to consider all the diversities. However, in my opinion, the
gender diversity and cultural diversity should be considered the most. Australia, being the multi-
cultural country, equal opportunities should be provided to people from different cultural
backgrounds. The hiring and recruitment process should be fair based on the experience, education
qualifications and should not be biased. Also, with most of the female coming forward to grab the
job opportunities, they should be given priority as well. There should be equity ion the number of
males and females in the workplace. Moreover, the LGBTI community should be promoted as well.

4. Describe the role of leaders and managers in encouraging diversity in work practices.
Ans: Organisation are characterised by diversity in age, gender, culture and race in the workforce.
Accordingly, diversity strategies and policies are developed to incorporate all the diverse groups. The
main role of leaders and managers is to develop a strategic plan that exemplifies the diversity
principles of the organisation. A study performed by Downey (2011) has shown that employees tend

CHCDIV003 Learner workbook V1.1 Page 32 of

to follow the rules and suits that their leaders are following. So, if a leader is supporting the
diversity, it is more likely that employees will follow as well. Leaders and managers are found to be
more influential than any trainings [ CITATION Rah19 \l 3081 ].
5. How can diversity practices positively improve employees’ experience in the workplace?
Ans: Whilst diverse workforce can have its challenges, there are many advantages of having a
multicultural team. The more diverse the workforce, the more ideas and creativity the organisation
has. This helps in giving the customers the best possible experience. The organisation in turn should
acknowledge the effort of the employees which encourages them to perform better and better.
Similarly, there should not be any discrimination based on gender, age, race or religion. Providing
equal opportunities and treating everyone fairly leave a sense of being listened and employees tend
to feel respected. In such cases, they work sincerely and actively which helps in increasing the
efficiency towards the clients’ services.

6. List relevant pieces of legislation which will affect your organisation’s diversity policies.
Ans: The legislation affecting the organisation’s diversity policies are:

o Racial Discrimination Act 1975

o Sex Discrimination Act 1984
o Disability Discrimination Act 1992
o Workplace Relations Act 1996
o Privacy Act 1988
o Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission Act 1984

7. List five benefits of workplace diversity.

Ans: Workplace diversity refers to respecting and valuing the skills and differences that each
employee brings to the organisation. Some of the benefits of workplace diversity are:
- Increased productivity: Diverse workforce allows diverse ideas and processes with the
increase in cross fertilisation of ideas. This means broader range of skills with the potential
for increased productivity.
- Increased creativity: Working in a diverse group, there are different perspectives and
thoughts allowing for greater chances of workable solutions to a problem.
- Improved cultural awareness: With a diverse range of culture, there is high chances of
getting to know each other’s culture which allows to deal with different nuances within a
global marketplace.
- Positive reputation: Organisations with diverse workforce are considered to have better
employees and are reputed to treat everyone fairly and respectfully.
- Increased market opportunities: A diverse organisation leaves a sense of relativeness to the
people and they want to do business with such organisation opening up the market

8. List two types of direct and indirect discrimination.

Ans: Direct discrimination refers to treating unfairly to someone because of their different
characteristics such as sex, race or culture. For example: discriminating people based on their race,
not offering job to the old-aged people because of their age and thinking that they are not aware of
the modern world.

CHCDIV003 Learner workbook V1.1 Page 33 of

Indirect discrimination, on the other hand is when there is rule or requirement to treat everyone
fairly but unfairly affects people of certain characteristics. For example: rule of not letting people to
cover their head in workplace affects the people from Muslim background who should cover their
head because of their cultural beliefs, rule that employees should shave their beards impact people
of certain religious groups that are not allowed to shave their beard.

9. Describe how you would ensure fair treatment to diverse clients.

Ans: As much as it is important to acknowledge the diverse workforce, it is equally important to
acknowledge the diverse clients. Our community is made up of people from different age, culture,
gender, race and sexual orientation. It is important not to discriminate them based on any of these
factors. Everyone should be treated equally, and the services should be provided according to their
needs. For example: if a person from Non-Australian background comes to my organisation to
receive the service, I should treat them equally as I would do my Australian clients. I should not be
biased and judge them. There should be policies in place in the organisation that explains that
immediate actions to be taken if any discrimination occurs in the organisation with the clients.

10. Outline the professional development opportunities that exist within your workplace. Identify
any potential barriers to inclusivity that relate to these. How could professional development
opportunities be adapted to remove these barriers?
Ans: The professional development opportunities in my workplace are:
- Skills training to sharpen skills and knowledge. Various online trainings on the products are
available in the store for all the team members.

- Coaching/ mentoring: Coaching/ mentoring services are available in the workplace by the
leadership t3eam members. Even the psychological mentoring is available if someone is
feeling low and needs mental and moral support.

- Opportunity to take more responsibilities: Opportunities to grow in the workplace and

learning and trainings on other departments are also available. This broadens the area one
can be expert on. As the workplace consists of many departments like IT, Accounting,
Management etc., there are many possibilities for one to share their knowledge and

The potential barriers to inclusivity are:

- Selective mentoring: This relates to informal mentoring process that are difficult to build due
to differences in the thoughts.
- Inconsistent response to mistakes: People tends to make mistakes but the perseverance of
the other employees towards that particular employee says it all. There might be cases that
due to a single mistake that employee might be called lazy and incompetent.
- Bullying: How much you try to avoid, there might occur some bullying in the workplace that
tends to suppress the voice of other employees.
- Perceived underperformance: People are influenced by their thoughts and beliefs; they
might think that all the other people different to their thoughts and beliefs are less skilled
and less qualified.

To overcome all these barriers, all the employees should be provided with professional trainings.
Any areas of skills development should be provided to each and every employee. Formal mentoring
sessions should be conducted within the workplace so as to build trust and respect. Everyone should
CHCDIV003 Learner workbook V1.1 Page 34 of
be given equal opportunities to show their talent and let them show that even a small difference in
thoughts can show huge improvement in the needs and other areas of organisation. There should be
strict policies and procedures to stop harassment and bullying in the workplace.

11. What cultural differences may you have to take into consideration when planning
Ans: Communication plays an important role as it is a medium to understand each other. While
communicating with people from different cultural background, it is first important to maintain the
etiquette. For that, it is important to have cultural awareness if possible. If not, then it is important
to consider that they are not offended by your actions. It is also important to speak slowly, calmly
and clearly so that the other person can understand. Use of any slangs or jargons should be avoided.
Using short and simple sentences might be best to use. It is also equally important to listen to them
and try to understand what they are trying to say.

12. Describe inclusive behaviour.

Ans: Inclusive behaviour refers to respecting and giving values to individuals and groups that belong
to different cultural backgrounds. It is important to acknowledge each and every culture and involve
them in every activity within the organisation. Inclusion is not only related to culture. There are
diverse group of people in the organisation like people from different age, sex, gender and race.
Inclusive behaviour includes involving all these people into the team and working together
collaboratively irrespective of the differences.


AIBT Global. (2020). Manage and promote diversity. Learner Guide, V1.1, 10-81.

Rahman, U. (2019). Diversity Management and the Role of Leader. Open Economics, 2(1), 30-39.

Wesfarmers. (2019, September). Inclusion policy. Retrieved from

Wesfarmers. (2020). Sustainability at Wesfarmers. Retrieved from

CHCDIV003 Learner workbook V1.1 Page 35 of

Summative Assessments: Section B checklist
This should be used by the trainer/assessor to document the learner’s skills, knowledge and
performance as relevant to the summative assessment. Indicate in the table below if the learner is
deemed satisfactory (S) or not satisfactory (NS) for the activity or if reassessment is required.

Learner’s name
Assessor’s name
Unit of Competence
(Code and Title)
Date(s) of assessment

Has the activity been answered and performed fully, as required to assess the Yes No
competency of the learner? (Please circle)

Has sufficient evidence and information been provided by the learner for the Yes No
activity? (Please circle)

The learner’s
Not yet satisfactory Satisfactory
performance was:

If not yet satisfactory, date for reassessment:

Feedback to learner:

Learner’s signature

Assessor’s signature

CHCDIV003 Learner workbook V1.1 Page 36 of

CHCDIV003 Learner workbook V1.1 Page 37 of

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