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National Level Guidance and supervision

B.M. Weerasuriya Director –English and Foreign Languages Ministry of Education

National Level Planning and Coordination

Dharshana Wijesinghe Assistant Director of Education Ministry of Education

National Level Reviewing and Editing

B.M. Weerasuriya Director –English and Foreign Languages -Ministry of Education
W. Indumini Darshika Deputy Commissioner - Education Publication Department
DharshanaWijesinghe Assistant Director of Education Ministry of Education

Academic Guidance
Chapa Welagedara Senior Project Officer Department OF English -NIE

Provincial Level Guidance

P.P. Walpolage -Provincial English Coordinator-(Assistant Director of Education
Provincial Department of Education -Western Province

Panel of Editors
1. Dimuthu Kospelawaththa Assistant Director of Education, ZEO , Homagama.
2. Anusha Namarathne Assistant Director of Education, ZEO, Minuwangoda
3. Dulika Manori Assstant Director of Education, ZEO , Horana.
4. Yamuna Perera Director of Education, Zonal Education Office,Kalutara.
5. Deepani Hettiarachchi Assistant Director of Education, Negombo.
6. Hemanthi Ranaweera Assistant Director of Education, Piliyandala.

Panel of Writers
1. R.C. JayasingheIn service Advisor - ZEO, Sri Jayawardenapura
2. A.A. Pemasili In service Advisor - ZEO, Piliyandala
3. P. Gunawardena Coordinator – RESC , Gampaha
4. S.P. Sumanaweera Coordinator – RESC , Gampaha
5. T.D. Hapuarachchi Teacher Trainer, RESC , Hanwella
6. D.M.G.D.N. De Silva Teacher Trainer, RESC , Hanwella
7. Deepika Gunenayake Master Trainer, Zonal Education Office, Colombo
8. B.A.P. Dharmasena Resource person, Zonal Education Office, Kelaniya

Page Layout
Nilani D. Karunaarachchi – Teacher In Charge – RESC , Gampaha

Lesson Page No

Lesson 1 Let’s Say Words 3

Lesson 2 Say theses words 5
Lesson 3 Nouns and Verbs 6
Lesson 4 Singular and Plural Nouns 9
Lesson 5 Writes Essays 13
Lesson 6 Collective Nounds 16
Lesson 7 Compound Nouns 18
Lesson 8 Adjectives 21
Lesson 9 Adverbs 24
Lesson 10 Modals 26
Lesson 11 Synonyms 28
Lesson 12 Antonyms 32
Lesson 13 Describes Places 35
Lesson 14 Affixes 39
Lesson 15 Describes Pictures 43
Lesson 16 Describes a Famous Place 46
Lesson 17 ‘Wh’ Questions 49
Lesson 18 Names of Young Animals 54
Lesson 19 Describes Animals 57
Lesson 20 Let’s Read Poems 60
Lesson 21 Prepositions 63
Lesson 22 Invitations 67
Lesson 23 Constructs Simple Sentences 69
Lesson 24 Writes Simple Compositions 73
Lesson 25 Writes Personal Letters 77
Lesson 26 Writes Applications 79
Lesson 27 Let’s Read Poems 82
Lesson 28 ‘If’ Types 87
Lesson 29 Writes Dialogues 90
Lesson 30 Writes Articles 91

Lesson 1 – Let’s Say the Words

Competency 1 - Identifies the sounds of English Language

Competency level - 1.3 Pronounces English words and phrases properly.

(1) Circle the correct sound for each picture.

2) Look at the pictures with sound sh (/sh/) and name them using the words given in the

shirt ship shoe sheep shell

Shell ………………… …………………

……………………. ……………………. …………………

(3) Identify and write words with sound F (/f/)

farm, pan, shape, fight, height, feet, fun, fool, call, football

1. ………………
2. ………………
3. ………………
4. ………………
5. ………………

(4) Fill in the blanks in the following sentences.

mission, cushion, pension, relation, passion, electrician

1. The cat was sleeping on a ………………..

2. We went to see a ……relation…. who lives in Kandy.
3. He went on a secret ………………..
4. I have a ……………….. for photography.
5. A ……………….. is the money you get once you are retired.
6. The ……………….. replaced the burnt wires .

(5) Read these words aloud. Select and write words for each group.

nation, election, politician, expression, passion, discussion, decision, magician, mention,

optician, admission, electrician, accommodation, promotion, profession, description,
occasion, commission, beautician, session, mathematician, addition, permission, illusion,
condition, technician

-cian -sion -tion -ssion

Lesson 02 – Say these words

Competency 1 - Identifies the sounds in English language

Competency level - 1.3 Pronounces English words and phrases properly.

(1) Look at the pictures and name them

vase / ant / cake / egg / face / clock

clock ………………. ……………….

………………. ………………. ……………….

(2) Let’s read out the words given in the box

May / rain / mail / can / dog / hill /


Now fill in the blanks using the words given in the box.

1) Today I received a letter by ……mail……

2) It was muddy after the ……………….

3) My friend’s birthday is in ……………….

4) I ………………. run fast.

5) He climbed the ……………….

6) We have a pet ……………….

Lesson 03 – Nouns and Verbs

Competency 4 - Building up vocabulary using words appropriately and

accurately to convey precise meaning.
Competency level - 4.7 Uses nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs

What is a noun?
A noun is the name of a person, animal, place or thing.
Person - teacher, mother, Ravi, Malithi
Animal - dog, elephant, lion, tiger
Place - school, market, bank, town
Thing - table, tree, car, door

Activity 1

Make a list of nouns you can see in this picture.

1. _____________________
2. _____________________
3. _____________________
4. _____________________
5. _____________________
6. _____________________
7. _____________________
8. _____________________
9. _____________________
10. ____________________

Activity 2

Underline the nouns in the following paragraph and write them in the given blanks.

Kasun wanted to play cricket with his brother and friends. After coming home from
school, they went to the playground together. Their mother asked them not to get late as the
sky was cloudy. They had an enjoyable time with their friends.
Eg: 1. Kasun 5. _________________ 9. _________________
2. _________________ 6. _________________ 10. _________________
3. _________________ 7. _________________ 11. _________________
4. _________________ 8. _________________


What is a verb?

A verb is a word which shows an action.

E.g.: run sing read eat

Verbs are of three types.


be verbs action verbs modal verbs

am write will
is go would
are come shall
was dance should
were jump must
will be play may
shall be study might
ought to

‘be’ verbs and action verbs can be further categorized into two.


regular verbs irregular verbs

Present Past Past Present Past Past

participle participle
help helped helped do did done
play played played go went gone
work worked worked fall fell fallen
finish finished finished eat ate eaten
bark barked barked fly flew flown
cook cooked cooked write wrote written
punish punished punished give gave given

Activity 1

A) Give the past tense of the following verbs.

a) speak - _________________ d) swim - _________________

b) hide - _________________ e) forget - _________________
c) sing - _________________ f) come - _________________

B) Give the past participle of the following verbs.

a) draw - _________________ d) drink - _________________

b) know - _________________ e) sell - _________________
c) run - _________________ f) steal - _________________

Activity 2

Complete the following table.

Present Tense Past verb Past participle

1. I eat an apple. ate eaten
2. I forget my homework.
3. I sing a song.
4. I drive a car.
5. I ride a horse
6. I make a cake.

Lesson 04 – Singular and Plural Nouns

Competency 4 - Building up vocabulary using words appropriately and

accurately to convey precise meaning.
Competency level - 4.5 Forms the plurals of nouns.

Singular means only one thing or person
plural means more than one thing or person ( two or more )

To change a singular noun into plural, there are changes in spellings as well as pronunciation.
Let’s see the spelling changes.

The singular nouns, which end in -s, -ss, -sh, -ch, -x are made into plural by adding -es to
the end of the singular noun.

house houses bag bags

horse horses glass glasses

Let’s add three more words to the list.

___________ ___________ ___________ ___________

___________ ___________ ___________ ___________
___________ ___________ ___________ ___________
___________ ___________ ___________ ___________
___________ ___________ ___________ ___________

bench benches box boxes

bush bushes brush brushes

Nouns which end with a consonant + o usually add -es to form the plural.

Eg; hero heroes mango mangoes

Let’s add three more words to the list.

___________ ___________ ___________ ___________

___________ ___________ ___________ ___________
___________ ___________ ___________ ___________
___________ ___________ ___________ ___________
___________ ___________ ___________ ___________

Some singular nouns which end with –o are made into plural by adding only -s.

Eg; photo photos piano pianos

Let’s add three more words to the list.

___________ ___________ ___________ ___________

___________ ___________ ___________ ___________
___________ ___________ ___________ ___________
___________ ___________ ___________ ___________
___________ ___________ ___________ ___________

Nouns ending in Consonant+ -y -- drop –y and add -ies

Eg: lady ladies body bodies

Let’s add three more words to the list.

___________ ___________ ___________ ___________

___________ ___________ ___________ ___________
___________ ___________ ___________ ___________
___________ ___________ ___________ ___________
___________ ___________ ___________ ___________

Nouns ending with a vowel + y take -s to form plurals.

Eg; boy boys monkey monkeys

Let’s add three more words to the list.

___________ ___________ ___________ ___________

___________ ___________ ___________ ___________
___________ ___________ ___________ ___________
___________ ___________ ___________ ___________
___________ ___________ ___________ ___________

Nouns ending in -f or -fe -drop -f /-fe and add -ves

Eg; half halves knife knives

Let’s add three more words to the list.

___________ ___________ ___________ ___________

___________ ___________ ___________ ___________
___________ ___________ ___________ ___________
___________ ___________ ___________ ___________
___________ ___________ ___________ ___________

Nouns which end in -f, -ff, take only -s in their plurals.

Eg; belief beliefs cliff cliffs

Let’s add three more words to the list.

___________ ___________ ___________ ___________

___________ ___________ ___________ ___________
___________ ___________ ___________ ___________
___________ ___________ ___________ ___________
___________ ___________ ___________ ___________

Certain words change their vowels when turned into plurals.

E.g.; foot feet man men

Let’s add three more words to the list.

___________ ___________ ___________ ___________

___________ ___________ ___________ ___________
___________ ___________ ___________ ___________
___________ ___________ ___________ ___________
___________ ___________ ___________ ___________

Now you have a good collection of plurals of nouns.

Let’s try out.
Turn to page number 111 in the textbook. Fill in the blanks with the plural form of the noun.

Lesson 05 – Writes Essays

Competency 7 - Uses English creatively and innovatively in written

Competency level - 7.8 Writes compositions
(1) Guidelines for writing essays.

An essay usually has three main parts.

Essay writing
1. An introduction 3. Conclusion

2. The body

Write key words, phrases and main points.

Four steps of essay writing Select a topic

Prepare a mind map

Write key words

Build up sentences

Look at the following example.

2. Body
(i) features.
(ii) habits
(iii) likes

1. Introduction
(i) name
3. Conclusion
(ii) appearance
My pet (i) Why I like my pet

Task 1
Read the following essay and identify the parts of an essay.

(1) I have a pet animal. My pet animal is a cat. Her name is Kitty.

(2) She is big with white and brown color fur on her coat.

(3) She has a long tail. She has four kittens. They all are very cute.

(4) All of them are white in colour.

(5) Fish is her favourite food. I give her milk every day. She can climb trees.

(6) She likes to play with my toys. I like to play with my Kitty.

(7) I love her very much.



i. ..............................

ii. ..............................

iii. .............................



Task 2

Write 5 sentences about my pet.

1. My pet is a cat………………………………………………………………………..
2. ……………………………………………………………………………………….
3. ……………………………………………………………………………………….
4. ……………………………………………………………………………………….
5. ……………………………………………………………………………………….

Task 3

Read the following paragraph about “My favourite person” and write a similar paragraph
about your favourite person.

My favourite person in my life is my mother. She is my first teacher, my adviser. She

supports me in my work. She is kind and beautiful. She can cook well . She teaches me how
to respect people .She is my role model because she gives me a helping hand in everything.
She is the most precious person in my world. I love her very much and I know she loves me

Now write a similar paragraph about your favourite person. Start with the given sentence.

My favourite person is …………………………………….....................................................


Lesson 06 – Collective Nouns

Competency 4 - Building up vocabulary using words appropriately and

accurately to convey precise meaning

Competency level - 4.6 Identifies collective nouns and compound nouns.

4.8 Uses collective nouns and compound nouns properly.

Collective Nouns

What is a collective noun?

A collective noun is made of many things taken as a whole.

a team of horses a class of students a herd of elephants

Study the following collective nouns.

People Animals Things

an army of soldiers an army of ants a bouquet of flowers
a band of musicians a brood of chickens a bunch of grapes
a board of directors a drove of cattle a chest of drawers
a choir of singers a flock of birds a clump of trees
a crew of sailors a gaggle of geese a fleet of ships
a gang of thieves a herd of buffaloes a group of islands
a group of friends a litter of pups a pack of cards
a staff of teachers a pack of wolves a set of tools
a team of players a swarm of bees a shelf of books
a troupe of dancers a troop of monkeys a string of beads

Now, do the following activities.

Activity 1

Fill in the blanks with the correct collective noun under each picture.

a litter of pups a __________ of bees a __________ of players

a __________ of grapes a __________ of flowers

a __________ of birds

Activity 2

Fill in the blanks of the following sentences using the collective nouns given within brackets.
One is done for you.

(litter of puppies / gang of thieves / fleet of ships / herd of wild elephants / bouquet of flowers
/ bunch of grapes)

a) A herd of wild elephants has destroyed the paddy harvest and a few houses in

b) The head prefect welcomed the chief guest with a _______________________.

c) A _______________________ had robbed the bank last night while the security
guard was away for dinner.

d)The hungry fox got angry because it could not reach the _______________________.

e) Someone has abandoned a _______________________ at the main entrance of the

village temple.

f) The captain of the ship sighted a _______________________ while sailing across the
Indian Ocean.

Lesson 07 – Compound Nouns

Competency 4 - Building up vocabulary using words appropriately

and accurately to convey precise meaning
Competency level - 4.6 Identifies collective nouns and compound nouns.
4.8 Uses collective nouns and compound nouns

Compound Nouns

What are compound nouns?

Compound nouns are words, made up of two or more words.

We write compound words as one word, two words and more words with a hyphen.

Eg: As one word:

butter + fly - butterfly

sun + flower - sunflower
sun + shine - sunshine
cup + board - cupboard
milk + man - milkman

As two words:

foot + print - foot print

fish + tank - fish tank
river + bank - river bank
dinner + table - dinner table
swimming + pool - swimming pool

More words with a hyphen:

passer + by - passer - by
boy + scout - boy - scout
brother + in + law - brother - in - law
teacher + in + charge - teacher - in - charge
justice + of + peace - justice - of - peace

Activity 1

Use a word from the box below and form a compound noun.

a) tooth + ____paste_______ = ___toothpaste___________

b) news + _______________ = _______________________

c) basket + _______________ = _______________________

d) snow + _______________ = ______________________

e) gold + ________________ = ______________________

f) traffic + ________________ = ______________________

g) bus + ________________ = ______________________

h) camp + ________________ = ______________________

i) grand + ________________ = ______________________

j) bird + ________________ = ______________________

k) sun + ________________ = ______________________

cage paper man stop light mother

fly ball fish fire past

Activity 2

Form compound nouns from the words given below as shown in the example.
Eg: book: bookshop class: _____________
book shelf _____________ tennis knife

bus: __________ table: ______________ cloth fly

__________ ______________
station melon

Butter: __________ water: ______________ room teacher

__________ ______________
shop stop

tank shelf

fall shelf
Activity 3

Fill in the blanks using the compound nouns given in the box.

bookshop / milkman / colour light / timetable / head prefect

a) Motorists have to stop when the _________________ turns red.

b) You can buy all your stationery items at the school _________________
c) The prefects’ meeting was cancelled as the _________________ was not well.
d) According to the new _________________ we have two library periods a week.
e) Every morning, my mother buys two bottles of fresh milk from the _________________

Lesson 08 - Adjectives

Competency 4 - Building up vocabulary using words appropriately and

accurately to convey precise meaning.
Competency level - 4.7 Uses nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs


What are adjectives?

Adjectives describe nouns.

Eg: 1. good boy 3. beautiful boy

(adjective) (noun) (adjective) (noun)

2. interesting story 4. kind teacher

(adjective) (noun) (adjective) (noun)

Activity 1

Fill in blanks using the most suitable adjective given the box.

fast, fat, delicious, pretty, high, cute

a b c

___cute___ puppy ________ food ________ runner

d e f

________ girl ________ mountain ________ man

Activity 2

Underline the adjectives in the following sentences. The first one is done for you.

a) The tall gentleman was wearing a blue shirt.

b) Little Mihiri was a pretty girl with rosy cheeks.
c) The sky was dark and gloomy.
d) The old woman spoke in a soft voice.
e) The lost ball was found near the wooden gate.
f) The clever boy won the gold medal.

There are three degrees of adjectives.

1) Positive degree - Used to describe a quality of a person or a thing e.g. tall

2) Comparative degree - Used to compare two or more persons or things. e.g. taller
3) Superlative degree - Used to describe the highest degree of a quality. e.g. the tallest

Gamitha Senuth Ramiru

Eg: 1) Gamitha is a tall boy.

2) Senuth is taller than Gamitha.
3) Ramiru is the tallest boy in the class.

Tips to remember

 If there is ‘a’ or ‘an’ before the blank, you have to fill it in with a positive adjective.
 If you see the word ‘than’ after the blank, you should use a comparative adjective.
 If you see the word ‘the’ before the blank, you should use the superlative adjective.

Learn the three degrees of these adjectives.

Positive Comparative Superlative

small smaller the smallest
cool cooler the coolest
large larger the largest
high higher the highest
tall taller the tallest
hot hotter the hottest
noisy noisier the noisiest
lovely lovelier the loveliest

difficult more difficult the most difficult

beautiful more beautiful the most beautiful
dangerous more dangerous the most dangerous
expensive more expensive the most expensive
intelligent more intelligent the most intelligent
generous more generous the most generous
wonderful more wonderful the most wonderful

good better the best

bad worse the worst
many more the most
much more the most
little less the least

Activity 3

Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the adjectives given in the brackets.

a) My mother made a _____________ cake for my birthday. (beautiful)

b) Summer is the _____________ season of the year. (hot)
c) Nuwara Eliya is _____________ than Kandy. (cool)
d) Some students believe that mathematics is _____________ than science. (difficult)
e) Jadeite is the ……………………………..mineral in the world. (expensive)

Lesson 09 - Adverbs

Competency 4 - Building up vocabulary using words appropriately and

accurately to convey precise meaning.
Competency level - 4.7 Uses nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs


What are adverbs?

Adverbs describe verbs.

Eg: 1) run fast 3) shout angrily.

(verb) (adverb) (verb) (adverb)

2) sing sweetly 4) write neatly

(verb) (adverb) (verb) (adverb)

Most adverbs are formed by adding ‘-ly’ to an adjective.

brave - bravely serious - seriously

careful - carefully happy - happily
bright - brightly joyful - joyfully
slow - slowly loud - loudly
easy - easily neat - neatly

There are a few exceptions.

 The following are used as both adjectives and as adverbs

fast, hard, late, , soon

 The adverb of ‘good’ is ‘well’.

Good - well

Activity 1

Underline the adverbs in the following sentences.

a) The story ended happily.
b) The horses run fast.
c) The tall boy won the race easily.
d) The old lady walked slowly.
e) The patients waited for the doctor patiently.

Learn these verbs and the adverbs that are mostly used together.

act - quickly, suddenly injure - seriously, slightly, fatally

answer - correctly, immediately listen - carefully, attentively
eat - greedily, hungrily, quickly, slowly sing - loudly, softly, sweetly
explain - clearly, briefly smile - happily, broadly
fight - bravely, furiously speak - clearly, loudly, slowly, softly
Activity 2

Fill in the blanks using the correct adverbs given in the box.

Carefully , seriously, bravely, joyfully, brightly

a) The Sun shines ________________ in the sky.

b) The soldiers fought ________________ to protect their country.
c) The teacher asked us to listen ________________ .
d) The motorist got ________________ injured in the accident.
e) We spent our holiday in Kandy ________________ .

In the previous lessons, we learnt about nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs.
Now, let us learn how to use nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs in the sentences properly.
Study the following example.

E.g.: The beautiful girls sing songs sweetly.

(adjective) (noun) (verb) (adverb)

Revision Activity

Analyze the following sentences as shown in the example above. Name nouns, verbs ,
adjectives and adverbs just below them.

a) The old woman walks slowly.

b) The kind teacher explains the lesson clearly.

c) The large crowd listened to the speaker patiently.

e) The beautiful bride smiled happily with the guests.

f) The venomous snake glided towards the hen pen stealthily.

Lesson 10 - Modals
Competency 6 - Uses English grammar for the purpose of accurate and
effective communication.

Competency level - 6.3 Uses modals meaningfully.

Modals help the main verb to show the mode or manner of the actions expressed by the main
verb. We can use will, would, may, might, could to say something that is possible,
impossible, probable, certain etc.

1. Will
a. Used in invitations
E.g.; Will you have some tea?
b. Used in requests
E.g.; Will you convey the message?

2. Would
a. Used in invitations
E.g.; Would you have a cup of tea?
“Would you” is more polite than “Will you”.

b. Used in polite requests

E.g.; Would you mind closing the door?

c. Used with “like “ with the meaning of “want"

E.g.; I would like a cup of tea.

3. May
a. Asking for or Giving permission
E.g.; May I go to the canteen? / You may sit here.
b. Possibility
E.g.; He may come today.

4. Might
a. Possibility that is less likely than may.
E.g.; It might rain today. (no dark clouds in the sky)

5. Could
a. Used to express past ability
E.g.; When I was a child, I could run fast.
b. To make a request
E.g.; Could you show me the way?

Let’s tryout.

Use the suitable modal.

1. __________ you lend me your umbrella?
2. Their team is strong, they ___________ win the game.
3. He ___________ play tennis well a few years ago.
4. _______________ you mind giving me a little help?
5. _____________ I take down the note?
6. I wish I _________ help you at that moment.
7. The sky is cloudy, but it ___________ not rain.
8. ____________ you come tomorrow?

 Now turn to page number 113, activity 11 in your text book.

 Use the suitable modal in the blank.

Lesson 11- Synonyms

Competency 4 - Building up vocabulary using words appropriately and

accurately to convey precise meaning

Competency level - 4.3 Finds synonyms and antonyms for given words.

What is a synonym?
A synonym is a word that has the same or nearly the same meaning.

Begin – Start Big – Large Happy – Glad Little – Small

Sad – Unhappy / Mournful Pretty – Lovely Finish – End

Good – Excellent Strong – Stable/Solid Vacant – Empty

That is a big tree. We can say; That is a huge tree. That is a giant tree.

In the above sentences huge and giant are similar words for big. There can be one or more
similar words or synonyms for a single word.

1. Can you write similar words for the following?

1. I got presents for my birthday. (……………...) crawl

2. Her granny is very weak now. (……………...) lucky
3. She was fortunate to win the game. (………….…) feeble
4. These villagers need our help. (………………) gifts
5. The little baby creep under the car. (…………..…) aid

2. Read the following dialogue and try to complete the grid.

a. Dialogue. At the police station.

Mrs. Smith : Excuse me, I’ve come for a complaint.
Police officer : Yes, take a seat please.
Mrs. Smith : Thank you.
Police officer : May I know your name please?
Mrs. Smith : I’m Mrs. Smith.
Police officer : So tell me your problem?
Word Synonym
Mrs. Smith : When I was at my gate this morning,
a little boy came to me and ask a matter problem
name of a road. small l……………..
Police officer : Then?
skinny t……………..
Mrs. Smith : When I turned to show the way he
pulled me and took my hand sad s…………….
bag and ran away.
shabby u…………….
Police officer : Can you explain more about the boy?
Mrs. Smith : Yes, he is a thin boy with a sorrowful trapped c…………….
face. He was wearing a ragged shirt.
define d…………….
Police officer : Well, Is this your hand bag?
Mrs. Smith : Yes, but how did you get it? Can I have lane r……………..
Police officer : The boy was caught while he was running.
You need to describe the things in the bag.

b. Can you write synonyms for the underlined words?

1. The storm destroyed the fishing village completely.
2. If you eat fresh fruits these days you will boost your immunity.
3. The cause behind crop circles remains a mystery until today.
4. These crop circles are considered mysterious.

Read page 44 & 45 in your pupil’s book and match the words with their meanings.

Word Meaning
1. Extinct Roam freely 7
2. Global Warming No longer existing or living 1
3. Endangered risk 8
4. Poaching Threatened with extinction. 3
5. Natural habitant Massive 10
6. Declare Killing or hunting wild animals 4
7. Wander Going down 9
8. Danger Natural environment of species. 5

9. Decreased Say something in a solemn and 6
emphatic manner.
10. Largest Rapid increase in Earth’s average 2
surface temperature due to
greenhouse gasses.

c. Read the following passage and complete the given sentences. Use the underlined
words to fill the gaps.
I got the first prize for the best painting in a school competition and the notice for it, was
published in a magazine. I read the magazine regularly. Next month there’s another
painting competition for teenagers from all over the world. I hope I do well in that too.
My teacher says I should become a painter but I’m not sure. I prefer looking at them. I
like to draw natural beauty, flowers and designs. I hate painting human figures but I like
to draw brave soldiers. I hope to do an exhibition one day.

1. The children in thirteen to nineteen are called ………………..

2. If you are ……………….., you can fight in the war front.
3. We all like to see the ……………….. of our motherland.
4. I ……………….. to go swimming during the Summer vacation.
5. Our school won the ……………….. in the dancing competition of the zone.

Can you match the synonyms? Cross out the odd one.

important significant best vital

funny hilarious comical fun

beautiful attractive tiny lovely

honest proud trustworthy sincere

Hard working industrious diligent tired

Positive Optimistic true constructive

Use the following synonyms in your writings.

1. happy – content, joyful, mirthful, upbeat

2. intelligence – smart, bright, brilliant, sharp
3. outgoing – friendly, sociable, warm, extroverted
4. positive – optimistic, cheerful, constructive, sanguine
5. strong – stable, secure, solid, tough
6. weak – frail, infirm, puny, fragile, feeble
7. awful – terrible
8. about – approximately
9. mean – unfriendly, unpleasant, bad-tempered,
10. beautiful – attractive, pretty, lovely

Lesson 12 - Antonyms

Competency 4 - Building up vocabulary using words appropriately and

accurately to convey precise meaning

Competency level - 4.3 Finds synonyms and antonyms for given words.

What is an antonym?
An antonym is the opposite of a word.
Eg: tall - short
agree - disagree
pleasant - unpleasant

Antonyms may take on the following formats.

1. A different word. (happy - sad, old - new, high - low)

2. Prefixes are used to make the opposite meanings.
(possible - impossible)

1. Read the following dialogue. Then fill the grid using the opposite words from the
Roy: Are you okay?
open close
Tom: No, not really. good
Roy: Why? What’s the matter? early
Tom: Oh! I had a really bad start. I woke up late. departure

Roy: Were you late for school? end

Tom: No, I arrived on time but I forgot my English remember

Roy: Oh, dear.
Tom: Yes, and I didn’t close my bedroom window.

1. Read the following paragraph and find opposites to the given words.

It was a gloomy evening. It was windy too. We were ready to have our evening tea.
Suddenly a loud noise came from the backyard. We all ran to see what it was. Oh, it was
the jak tree. It was fallen on to our neighbour’s store house. Luckily nobody was injured.
All were safe. We all got together and started to clean the garden and the store house. All
of us worked hard and quickly as it was getting dark. We were able to cut and clear the
small branches. Then my mother called us to have some tea with her favourite pancakes.
My father asked all of us to go as we all love them. He finished the rest with uncle Anjo
and had a bath.


Front yard

a. Can you find the opposites? b. Complete the following sentences with
the given words from column B.
1. Hiru was able to finish the project work on
quiet time but her sister was ….unable…. to do
unsafe so.
dirty 2. It’s gloomy. I think it’s going to rain. In the
soft morning it was sunny and
slowly …………………..
unable 3. My sisters love to eat chocolate ice cream
hate but I ………………….. it.
bright 4. You must clean your home environment
daily. Nobody likes it if it is
front yard
5. Although we walked to the hotel quickly
our grandma came …………………..
6. Children are studying so don’t speak so
loud. Be …………………..

2. Rewrite the following sentences replacing the underlined words with their

1. It is healthy to eat fast food every day.

cool happy unhealthy good
…. It is unhealthy to eat fast food every day.…..

2. The day was dull and Rosh was willing to stay at home. Happy-sad /
unwilling good able bright truth-false/
…………………………………………………………… wide-narrow/
dull-bright /
3. We love to see movies with happy endings.
favourite glad sad hate
love- hate/
…………………………………………………………… rude- polite/
4. There was a steady bridge over the wide river.
long narrow unsteady heavy


5. The foolish guard was rude to the visitors who waited at the entrance.
polite happy quiet wise


6. He was dishonest to say the untruth at the court.

wrong truth honest ideas


3. Find suitable words from the box to fill the blanks.

1. She was able to complete all the ....difficult….

empty difficult invisible sums in the exercise. (easy)
2. The bag was light because it was absolutely
hot careful inactive ………….. (full)
shallow unknown straight 3. He is …………….. of doing a job. (capable)
dark incapable smooth 4. She was swimming in the ……………… water.
shallow disappear impatient (deep)
5. They took the …………… road to reach the old
church. (crooked)
6. They served us with a ………… coffee after the
heavy work. (cold)

Lesson 13 – Describing Places

Competency 7 - Uses English creatively and innovatively in written


Competency level - 7.5 Writes simple compositions on different types of



Describing places

1. Let’s write about a village.

Read the following paragraph.

My village

My village is Kaikawala. It is situated in Matale District. It is in the Central Province. It

has a multi-cultural background. Sinhalese, Tamils and Muslims live peacefully in my
village. There are tea estates, paddy fields and vegetable gardens . Many villagers grow
vegetables. Some go for work daily. My village is surrounded by mountains. There are
shops, schools, temples, churches and a post office. We all live happily.

Now complete the paragraph using the facts about your village.

My village is ……………... It is situated in the ……………... district. It is in the

……………... Province. It has a ……………... background. ……………... live
peacefully in my village. There are ……………..., ……………... and ……………... in
my village. Many villagers ……………... Some go for work daily. My village is
surrounded by ……………... There are ……………..., ……………..., ……………... and
a ……………... We all live happily.

2. If you want to write about your school what are the points you collect?
Try and fill the blanks about your school. Then write.

There are ……… children and ………

teachers in my school.

It is a (mixed/boys’/girls’) It has ……… buildings.

It has a ……………, The principal of my school is …...
It is in ……… My school …… is the founder of my school

My school is ……… My school is a good school.

 Use ‘has’ to say

about the things My school
and places in the
school. My school is ..................……
e.g:It has a library / ………………………………
laboratory / ………………………………
playground ………………………………
Also you can use ………………………………
 ‘There is’ and ………………………………
‘There are’ pattern ………………………………
to tell about the ………………………………
school. ………………………………
 There is a library ………………………………
 There are many ………………………………
trees. ………………………………

I love my school very much.

3. Let’s write about ‘Sigiriya’. Use the prompts given in the boxes.
 rock fortress
Sigiriya is….
 the lion’s mouth
It is situated in…..
 enter through lion’s mouth
It is a …..  built by King Kashyapa
It has a ……  water fountains at the top
It was surrounded by ……  an can have a panoramic view. ancient city
Now we can see …….  in the Central Province
There is……  ruins
There are…….  the mirror wall
It is very …..  tourist destination.
It was built by…….  historical Sigiriya frescoes
 Sigiriya graffiti
Sigiriya is a ………..
 water fountains in the garden


Sigiriya is an ancient city.………………

Sigiriya is a famous tourist destination.

4. Now try to do Activity 12 on page 33. Get the help from the following.

1. Galle / capital city Southern

Province/ Sri Lanka.
2. South west coast/ Sri Lanka
3. The town/ a World Heritage
4. Popular/among/ tourists.
5. 300-year-old/ Dutch Fort.
6. historical buildings /museum/
Dutch hospital .

Nallur Kovil

1. Nallur kovil / Jaffna / Northern

2. Scared place / Hindus.
3. Built /1948 / and / development /
13th century.
4. Hindu / pilgrimage site.
5. Daily pooja / 6am / 5pm
6. August / festival

Following words may help you to write your descriptions.

 Famous / devotees / visitors / special events / enjoy / beauty / sea shore / coastal area /
Lord Murugan /
 Use simple present. (you need to use correct tense accordingly)

Lesson 14 - Affixes

Competency 4 - Building up vocabulary using words appropriately and

accurately to convey precise meaning.
Competency level - 4.4 Uses affixes to change the word class and the meaning
of words


What is an affix?

An affix is a letter or a group of letters which is added to the base form of a word to form a
new word.

These affixes are of two types.


Prefixes Suffixes
Prefixes are added before the base Suffixes are added after the base
form of the word. form of the word.

E.g.: E.g.:
happy - unhappy happy - happiness
patient - impatient educate - education

These are some of the prefixes that These are some of the suffixes that
we use in our lessons. we use in our lessons.

In-, mis-, un-, im-, ir-, dis-, re- -ful, -ly, -less, -ness, -tion, -ment,
-ous, -er, -some


Prefixes do not change the word class.

Prefixes only change the meaning.
Word classes
Eg: 1. active - inactive 1.Nouns 5. Prepositions
(adjective) (adjective)
2.Verbs 6. Pronouns
2. use - misuse
(verb) (verb) 3.Adjectives 7. Conjunctions

4. Adverbs 8. Interjections

3. pleasant - unpleasant 6. regular - irregular
(adjective) (adjective) (adjective) (adjective)

7. like - dislike
4. possible - impossible (verb) (verb)
(adjective) (adjective)

5. locate - relocate
(verb) (verb)

Learn some more examples for prefixes.

in - correct - incorrect mis - understand - misunderstand

capable - incapable lead - mislead
valid - invalid pronounce - mispronounce

un - clean - unclean re - write - rewrite

fit - unfit do - redo
tie - untie act - react

im - proper - improper ir - regular - irregular

polite - impolite relevant - irrelevant
pure - impure responsible - irresponsible

dis - connect - disconnect il - legal - illegal

continue - discontinue legible - illegible
advantage - disadvantage literate - illiterate


Suffixes change the word class. Suffixes change the meaning.

1. use - useful 2. care - careless
(verb) (adjective) (verb/noun) (adjective)

3. sad - sadness 4. soft - softly

(adjective) (noun) (adjective) (adverb)

5. exhibit - exhibition 6. manage - management

(verb) (noun) (verb) (noun)

7. clean - cleaner 8. fame - famous

(verb) (noun) (noun) (adjective)

9. trouble - troublesome 10. general - generalize

(noun) (adjective) (adjective) (verb)

Learn some more examples for suffixes

–ness: kind - kindness -less: use - useless

polite - politeness care - careless
quiet - quietness meaning - meaningless

-ful: hope - hopeful -ly: slow - slowly

beauty - beautiful neat - neatly
success - successful friend - friendly

-fully: thank - thankfully -tion: invent - invention

wonder - wonderfully educate - education
peace - peacefully create - creation

-er: drive - driver -ize: visual - visualize

bake - baker normal - normalize
teach - teacher symbol - symbolize

-sion: divide - division -ment: develop - development

decide - decision engage - engagement
conclude - conclusion govern - government

-ous: joy - joyous -some: tire - tiresome

poison - poisonous quarrel - quarrelsome
glory - glorious awe - awesome

Now, let’s do the following activities.

Activity 1

Form new words using the correct prefixes.( un-, re-, in-, dis-, mis-, im-)

a) mix - __________________ d) mortal - __________________

b) known - __________________ e) understand - __________________
c) accurate - __________________ f) qualify - __________________

Activity 2

Use the word in the bracket with a prefix to fill in the blanks.

a) The teacher was not happy about my essay. She asked me to ______________ it.(write)
b) It is ______________ to walk on the left of the road. (legal)
c) You will get stomach problems if you drink ______________ water. (pure)
d) ______________ attendance to school may affect your examination results. (regular)
e) Water, milk and oil are examples for ______________ nouns. (countable)

Activity 3.

Form new words using the correct suffixes given in the bracket. (-ful, -ly, -ness, -less, -ment,
a) harm - __________________ d) help - __________________
b) cricket - __________________ e) silent - __________________
c) tired - __________________ f) improve - __________________

Activity 4

Use the words in the brackets with a suffix to fill in the blank.

a) You should not go near the lion’s cage. It is a ______________ animal. (danger)
b) Switzerland is a ______________ country. (peace)
c) The ______________ imposed curfew to protect people from Covid-19 pandemic.
d) Our new English teacher is a very ______________ person. (friend)
e) The traffic police officer fined the ______________ driver. (care)

Lesson 15 – Describes Pictures

Competency 7 - Uses English creatively and innovatively in written


Competency level - 7.2 Describes pictures.

Describing Pictures

1. What is this picture?

 A picture of a classroom
2. What are there in the classroom?
 Desks, chairs, a smart board, a cupboard, a laptop, a bookshelf
3. Who are there in the picture?
A teacher, some students
4. What are they doing?
 Teaching, answering, reading, talking, listening.

Let’s see, how to describe a picture. Study the sentence patterns given below.

 To introduce a picture, we use the following pattern.

We use ‘This is …’
E.g.; This is a picture of a classroom.

 When there is one thing/one person, we use:

There is a ____________.
What are there in the classroom?
E.g.: There is a teacher.

There is a smart board on the wall.

 When there are more than one thing/more than one person, we use:
There are ____________.
E.g.: There are some students in this class.
There are a lot of desks and chairs.

When the subject of the sentence is singular, we use:

Is + verb + ing

 What are they doing?

He is teaching a lesson.
He is showing something on the board.

 When the subject of the sentence is plural, we use:

Are + verb + ing

The students are looking at the board.

They are listening to the teacher.

Let’s look at the picture again. Try to complete the description.

1. This is a ______________________.
2. There is a ______________________.
3. There are ______________________.
4. The ______________________ is ______________________.
5. The ______________________ are ______________________.

Let’s describe this picture.

 Who are in the picture?
children, a boy, two girls
 What are in the picture?
kites, field, clouds, trees
 What are they doing?
Flying kites, having fun, enjoying,

Study the picture and complete the blanks.

1. This is a picture of a _______________.

2. There are ________________________.
3. There is only one __________________.
4. There are two _____________________.
5. They are _________________________.
6. There are _________________________.
Now, try to describe this picture.

Lesson 16 – Describes a Famous Place
Competency 7 - Uses English creatively and innovatively in written

Competency level - 7.2 Describes pictures

Look at the picture and the five sentences that describe it.

(1) This is a picture of Taj Mahal.

(2) It is in India.
(3) It was built by Emperor Sha Jahan.
(4) It is made of white marbles.
(5) It is a world famous place.

(1) Look at the picture and match “A” with “B”


This is a picture of stones, bricks and wood.

It is in Chinese people.
It was built by protect China from enemies.
It is made of the Great Wall of China.
It was built to China.

(2) Look at the following picture and fill in the blanks with the given words in the box.

built, Sigiriya, frescoes, Central, fortress

(1) This is a picture of ______________ .

(2) It is in ______________ province.
(3) It was ______________ by king Kashyapa.
(4) It is a rock ______________
(5) There are ______________

(3) Look at the following two pictures, read the given sentences below and write the relevant
sentence under the correct picture.
a. It is located in Sabaragamuwa and Southern Provinces.
b. Animals are in cages.
c. It is in Western Province.
d. It is a world heritage site.
e. We can see lots of animals in cages.
f. There are a lot of trees.
g. It is a rainforest.
h. It is one of the oldest zoos in Asia.

Dehiwala Zoo

Example: This is a picture of Sinharaja This is a picture of Dehiwala zoo.

(4) Look at the following picture of Galle Fort and describe it in your own words.

(1) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------.

(2) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------.

(3) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------.

(4) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------.

(5) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------.

Lesson 17 – ‘Wh’ Questions
Competency 5 - Extract necessary information from various types of texts
Competency level - 5.2 Extracts specific information from various types of simple
‘Wh’ questions

Read the paragraph.

Today is November 16th It’s Deshani’s birthday. She is seventeen years of age. She is
seated in the living room. Deshani is expecting all her friends to come. They will be here
very soon. They are going to bring many beautiful presents with them. Deshani’s mother
has made a cake and some sweetmeats for them. The young people are going to play
games. They will have a wonderful time together.

1. When is Deshani’s birthday?

………… on 16th November. …………

2. What is she wearing?

………… a frock …………

3. Where is Deshani seated?

………… in the living room …………

4. Who has made the cake?

………… her mother (Deshani’smother) …………

5. Why are her friends coming?

………… because it is her birthday …………

2. Look at the “Wh” question words.

3. Look at these questions and answer

1. Where is your mother? In the kitchen

Where 2. Where is the tree? near the house

1. What is your father? a policeman

What 2. What is this? a kite
3. What are you doing? reading a book

When 1. When did you get up? at 6.30 am

2. When are you going to India? in 2021

Who 1. Who is this? my sister

1. Why are you sad? I lost my purse


1. Underline only the words that you can see in the following picture.

fence woman house girls

fruit birds spade flowers
bucket boys ponds plants
garden frock pots can

2. Look at the picture and answer the questions.

1. Where is the woman and the children? …………………………………………….

2. What are they doing? ………………………………………………………………
3. Who is carrying a bucket?…………………………………………………….
4. Who is watering the plants? ……………………………………………………….
5. Are they happy or sad? …………………………………………………………….

3. Read the dialogue. Use a suitable ‘wh’ word in the blank.

Rohith: Did you see the notice on the board? Where

Anjana: No Rohith, what is it about?
Rohith: It is about a drama.
Anjana: ………….. is the drama? Why
Rohith: “Friends Forever”. Shall we watch it? What
Anjana: Why not, but ………….. is it? Who
Rohith: It’s in our school main hall.
But, there’s a small problem with the date.
Anjana: Why? ………….. is it?
Rohith: It’s on 26th November. I’ve got my cricket tournament that day.
Two of us will not be able to come.
Anjana: ………….. is the other one? Is it Kusal?
Rohith: No, it’s Manula.
Anjana: ………….. can’t he come?
Rrohith: He is sick.
Anjana: So sad, but you can watch the evening show then.

Rohith: Let’s see.
4. Read the sentences. Write True or False.

1. Rohith saw the notice. -------------

2. Three friends are talking. -------------
3. The notice is about a sportsmeet. -------------
4. Anjana and Manula have tournaments. -------------
5. The event is in November. -------------

5. Underline the correct answer.

What is the notice about?

a. a drama b. a festival c. a film
Who saw the notice on the notice board?
a. Rohith b. Manula c. Anjana
When will the drama be held?
a. on 16th November b. on 26th November c. on 26th December
Why can’t Rohith come?
a. he is sick b. he has a tournament c. he has classes
Where will the drama be held?
a. in the main hall b. in the auditorium c.in the play ground

6. Read the note and do the activities.

I am going to the library tomorrow to find information for the
project. I have to return a book too. Manjula and Siheth are
coming too. Can you come around 9.30 a.m.? Better if you
can. We can select some reference materials too.

1. ……………….. are going to the library tomorrow.

2. They need information for a …………..….…..
3. Ruwangi wants to return ……………….……..
4. Ruwangi is inviting …………………. to come.
5. They will be selecting some …………………..

7. Join the words with the meaning.

1. library search
2. information to give back what was borrowed
3. return facts about a topic
4. find a place to read and refer books

So happy that you have completed the tasks.

Are you happy or very happy with your work?

Lesson 18 – Names of Young Animals

Competency 4 - Building up vocabulary using words appropriately and

accurately to convey precise meaning

Competency level - 4.2 Uses terms referring to young ones of animals

Young animals

Activity 1 Underline the young animals that you know the names.

Some of the adult animals and their young animals are given below

Some names are common to several young animals.

calf – camel, cow, dolphin, donkey, elephant

hatchling – crocodile, bird

joey – kangaroo, koala

cub – bear, fox, lion, panda, tiger

Activity 2 Match the young animals with their adult animals. Write the names.

Activity 3 Match the adult animals with the young animals.

Let’s see how these words change in pluralization :

Singular Plural
1. dog dogs
2. lamb lambs
3. calf calves
4. puppy puppies
5. kitten kittens
6. cub cubs

Activity 4 - Read the story and mark whether the given statements are True (T) or False

Mr. Robert has a large farm. In that farm he has a lot of animals. Some of them are
cows, pigs, chickens, sheep, horses and ducks. He has farm dogs to look after the
other animals. These days Mr. Robert is really busy as he has lots of young animals.
Now he is going to sell 20 young cows. Yesterday he sold 10 young pigs as the sty
was crowded. He has built a new pond for young ducks and a hut for young sheep. He
repaired an old stable for young horses. There is a separate place for young chickens
in his farm. Recently he hired a trainer to train his new young dogs.

1. He is going to sell 20 calves. (………)
2. He sold 20 piglets yesterday. (……....)
3. He has built a new hut for lambs. (………)
4. There is a new pond for ducks. (……....)
5. Foals have a newly built stable. (……....)
6. He is going to sell the puppies. (…..…..)

Lesson 19 – Describes Animals
Competency 7 - Use English creatively and innovatively in written

Competency level - 7.1 Writes description of people, animals, places and

Describes animals

Activity 1

Put these under the correct column.

dog /cat / rabbit / lion / deer / elephant / man / leopard / stag / cow
horse /tiger / bear / tiger /goat

Herbivores Carnivores Omnivores

(animals that eat leaves) (animals that eat meat) (animals that eat both plants
and animals)

Activity 2

Trizvi likes elephants very much. He describes an elephant.

Elephant is a very large animal. It is grey in colour. It has large ears, a long trunk and
a long tail. It has very small eyes. We can see elephants in forests. It eats leaves. It
helps people.

Describe the animals given.

 very colourful
 long feathers
 eats grains and worms
 believed to be the vehicle of
the god Kataragama


 black and white

 can run but cannot fly
 short fore legs
 long hind legs
 live in cold climate


 short fore legs
 long hind legs
 pouch to carry kids
 can run fast
 found in Australia


Activity 3

Write a description of any animal you like. Include the following.

Colour - red / green / black / yellow

Where it lives - Sri Lanka / India / Africa / cold climate
What it eats - leaves / fruits / meat /
Any special features - ferocious / timid / dangerous / helpful
Why you like it -


Lesson 20 – Let’s Read Poems

Competency 5 - Extract necessary information from various types of text

Competency level - 5.4 Reads and responds to simple poems.

Let’s read poems

1. Read this poem.

Way Down South

Way down South where bananas grow

A grasshopper stepped on an elephant’s toe,
The elephant said with tears in his eyes,
“Pick on somebody your own size.

Now write the underlined words here.

1. grow - ……………….
2. ……. - ……………….

Look at the underlined words. These words end with the same sound. They are RHYMING
1. grow ………. Toe 2. eyes ………. size.

Let’s look at more rhyming words.

my / buy
boat / coat
see / me
go / for
2. Look at the picture. Let’s write the words that we know.

bear b……………….

honey p………………

money t………………

Write the rhyming words from the above words.

1. honey - …………………. 2 pill - …………………

Now let’s look at the poem

Honey Bear
There was a big bear
who lived in a cave,
his greatest love
was honey.
He had two pence a week
which he never could save,
so he never had
any money.
I bought him a money till
red and brown,
in which to put his money.
He saved and saved
till he got a pound,
then spent it all
on honey.

Read the poem again and complete the sentences.

1. The big bear lived ……...in a cave……………….

2. He loved ………………………………..

3. He never had any ……………………. .

4. The poet bought him a …………………… .

5. He saved a …………………………………

6. He spent all the money for ……………………

Read the poem and answer the questions.

1. Who lived in a cave?

2. What did he love to eat?
3. How much did he save?
4. What did the poet buy with the money?

Lesson 21 - Prepositions

Competency 5 - Extracts necessary information from various types of texts

Competency level - 5.3 Transfers information into other forms

in January
in 2020
in the office
in the morning


at the bank
on Monday
at the meeting
on poyaday
at 2.30 pm
on 25th July
at midnight

1. Can you match them?

1. in 9.30 a.m. to 1.30 p.m.

2. on the main hall
3. at 2020
4. from 2.30 p.m.
5. in 12th July

2. Read the following notice and complete the grid given below.


Social Services Club - Meddagama

A Dengue Awareness Camp will be held on 12th December from 8.30 am to

1.30 pm at Meddagama Vidyalaya Auditorium.

This programme will give you an awareness on dengue, its causes and

All are welcome.


Fill in the grid

Event Dengue Awareness Camp

Time Lions Club
Purpose Meddegama.

Now, answer the questions.

1. What is the notice about?

about a Dengue Awareness Camp
2. Where will it be held?
3. Who is invited for the camp?
4. When will it be held?
5. Why is the club organizing the camp?

4. Lasith couldn’t attend the last Social Services Club meeting. His friend has sent this note
to him. Read the notice once again, and complete the note.

28th Monday


Hope you are fine. You were not there at the last meeting. We decided to
organize a 1.Dengue Awareness Camp. It is on 2. …………………………
from 3. ………………………… The camp will be at 4.
……………………………….. This camp will give an awareness on
5. ………………………… its causes and prevention. Come a bit early to
arrange the place.


7. Read the following note and complete the dialogue.

Dear Praween,

We are moving to our new house on Monday. It’s in Beligala. Our house is next to
the famous Beligala Temple. I want you to come with Sudeera. My father will come
in his vehicle to take both of you. Can you get permission from your parents?


Praween: I got a note from (1) ……………………
Sudeera: Where is he? He was absent for two days.
Praween: They are moving to a (2) …………………… It is in (3) ……………………
Sudeera: Where about is it?
Praween: His new house is near the (4) …………………… By the way I forgot to tell
you. He wants (5) …………………… of us to come.
Sudeera: When are they shifting?
Praween: They are going on (6) …………………… He says that he would send his
father to pick us up. So we have to take (7) …………………… from our
Sudeera: Ok, let’s ask them and be ready

So happy that you have completed the tasks

Are you happy or very happy with your work?

Lesson 22 - Invitations
Competency 7 - Uses English creatively and innovatively in written
Competency level - 7.3 Writes for personal purposes

Look at the following invitation and notice the underlined phrases. They are the main
components of an invitation.

The English Literary Association
Dharmapala Maha Vidyalaya
cordially invites
The Principal, Rajasingha Maha Vidyalaya
to the Event – English Day 2020
English day – 2020 Date – 6th of December
on Thursday 6th of December Time – 9. 00 a.m.
at 9.00 am Venue / place – the school main
in the school main hall hall
Your presence will be a great motivation for us! Invitee – The Principal
Rajasingha Maha
Organizing Committee. Vidyalaya

(1) Now look at the following invitation and complete the grid.

The Nature club
Buddhagosha Maha Vidyalaya
cordially invites
The President of the Nature Club,
Sri Sangamitta Girls School
to the
Art Exhibition – 2020
on Friday 10th December.
From 9.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m.
Your presence is a great encouragement for us.
Organizing Committee

Event Date / Time Venue (place) Invitee

(2) Read the following invitation and fill in the blanks with the phrases given in the box.

the auditorium, cordially invites, Debate competition, Monday 08th of December

The Debate Association
Sirisumana Maha Vidyalaya
The Teacher in charge, Debate Association
Mahamaya Vidyalaya
to the
in -----------------------------------------
on -----------------------------------------

(3) Write an invitation on following guidelines.

Event – sports meet
Date – 5th December
Time – 8.30 am
Venue / place – Mahanama Vidyalaya
Invitee – Sports in charge
, Gurukula Maha Vidyalaya


Lesson 23 – Constructs Simple Sentences

Competency 6 - Uses English grammar for the purpose of accurate and

effective communication
Competency level - 6.1 Construct simple sentences.

Simple Present Tense

1. For habitual actions - what we do as a habit.

Eg. : 1) I get up at 5.30 a.m.

2) My mother gets up at 5.00 a.m.

Now write 2 things that you do every day.

(Lets write the verb in red)

Eg: 1. I do my studies.
2. ___________________________________.
3. ___________________________________.

Now write 2 things that your mother does every day.

Eg: 1. My mother sweeps the house in the morning.

2. ____________________________________.
3. ____________________________________.

Now write another 2 sentences to talk about that happens every day.

Eg; 1. The train leaves for Kandy at 6 0’ clock on Monday.

2. _________________________________________.
3. _________________________________________.

Present Continuous Tense

1. For an action happening at the moment of speaking.

1. I am learning English now. 2. The teacher is teaching a grammar lesson.

I am
We are
You verb + - ing
He is

Now write 2 sentences, what you are doing now.

Eg: 1. I am reading the instructions.

2. ________________________________.

3. ________________________________.

Write another 2 sentences what other members of your family are doing now.

Eg: 1. My mother is preparing breakfast.

2. __________________________________.

3. __________________________________.

Write 2 sentences what others are doing.

E.g.: 1. Some people are working from home during this pandemic period.

2. _____________________________________.

3. _____________________________________.

2. For an action happening at Present but not necessarily at the moment of speaking.

Eg 1. I am following online lessons these days.

2. __________________________________________.

3. __________________________________________.

We use present continuous for planned future actions.

Eg: 1. I am sitting for the exam in January.

2. ____________________________________.
3. ____________________________________.
Let’s answer: (Say “yes” or “no")

Present Continuous Tense can be used to talk about:

1. What is happening now

2. Future arrangement.
3. Intention or a plan.
4. Make a prediction. (Eg: It’s going to rain).

Present Perfect Tense

1. We use present perfect tense to describe recently happened actions which have a
present result. The recently happened action has a connection with now or at
least it is important to the present moment.

Let’s look at the time line.

Mali cut her hair last week. Mali has cut her hair.

 Did something happen in the past?

 Is there a result in the present?

past participle
You have cleaned
They finished
He has
Let’s see what we have done today.
Eg: 1. The teacher has taught a grammar lesson.
2. You have learnt three tenses.

Now write 2 things that you have learnt in this lesson.

E.g.: 1. First, I have learnt Simple Present Tense.
2. ___________________________________.
3. ___________________________________.

Write 2 other things your family members have done today.

Eg; 1. My mother has prepared our meal.
2. _____________________________.
3. _____________________________.
Present Perfect Continuous Tense

For actions that began in the past and are still continuing or just stopped.

E.g.: 1. It has been raining since 8 o' clock.

Write 2 things you have been doing.

Eg: 1. I have been reading a book.

2. ____________________________________________.
3. ____________________________________________.
Present Perfect Continuous Tense is used to talk about;

 An activity that started in the past and continues up to now.

 Is the action still continuing?

Now turn to page number 63, and do the activity 5 in your textbook.

Lesson 24 – Writes Simple Compositions

Competency 7 - Uses English creatively and innovatively in written


Competency level - 7.5 Writes simple compositions on different types of


Writes Simple Compositions

1. Let’s write about yourself.

My Self

1. My name is ………
2. I am ……… years old.
3. I have ……… brother/s and ……….
4. I live in ………
5. I go to ………
6. My hobby is ………
7. My favourite dish is ………
8. I want to be a ………

You can also write about your favourite subject , school ,about your father and mother etc.

1. Now write about your best friend.
You need to know the pronouns.

He/ him / his/ She / her/ hers/

himself herself

He is ….. She is……….

He has ………… She has ……..
His hobby …….. Her hobby …………..

My best friend

My best friend is …..…….


2. Read the following paragraph about Ruwan’s father.

Now write about your father. Change the underlined words.

My father is Dharmasiri Perera. He is a farmer. He is fifty years old. He lives in Ampara.

He is tall and energetic. He is kind and helpful. He has two brothers and a sister. He likes to
eat red rice with coconut sambol. Every day he goes to the paddyfields in the morning and
works until 11 o’clock.Then he comes home and works in the home garden. He grows
vegetables too. Sometimes he sells his harvest in a small hut in front of our house. He has a
motorcycle. Every Sunday he goes to the village fair and brings everything we need.I love
and respect my father very much.


Now write about your mother.
You can get the help of the pronoun chart.

My mother
* She is…. ……………………………………………………
* She has….
* She likes …. ……………………………………………………
* Her leisure ……………………………………………………
activity is …. ……………………………………………………

Let’s write about your class teacher.

1. Who is your class teacher? …………………………………………………..

2. What does she/he teach you? ………………………………………………..
3. What does she/he wear to school? …………………………………………..
4. How does she/he look like? …………………………………………………
5. Where does she/he live? ……………………………………………………..
6. How does she/he come to school? …………………………………………..
7. Write something special about your teacher. ………………………………..
8. Write something about her/his likes and dislikes. …………………………..
9. Write something about her/his qualities. …………………………………….
10. Write something about her/his family. ………………………………………

b. Now write a small paragraph about your class teacher.


c. Write few sentences about your favourite person.

1. Name ……. Get the My favourite person

2. Age ………… help
y 3. Living place …... ……………………………………………
4. Occupation/job… ……………………………………………
F p 5. Appearance …… ……………………………………………
a e 6. Qualities …….. ……………………………………………
v r 7. Special areas ….. ……………………………………………
o s 8. Is he/she a popular ……………………………………………
u o person ……………………………………………
r 9. Why you like… ……………………………………………
i (because…..) ……………………………………………
t 10. What can you gain ……………………………………………
from his character?
e ……………………………………………
4. Let’s write the following.

When you are asked to write about a person you should collect all the facts. Arrange
them in a logical order. Then recall the sentence patterns we have learnt. Then write

Select one of the following topics and write a paragraph.

a. My sister / My brother.
b. My parents.
c. The person I like most.

Lesson 25 – Writes Personal Letters

Competency 7 - Uses English creatively and innovatively in written


Competency level - 7.3 Writes for personal purposes

Writes personal letters

Personal letters are written to relations, neighbors etc.

The followings are the parts of a personal letter.

(1) Sender’s address

(2) Date
(3) Salutation
(4) Body of the letter
(5) Ending

(1) The following letter is not in the correct order.

Read the parts of the letter and put them in the correct order.

10- 11- 2020

With love
261 B
Vihara Mawatha
Dear Menula
How are you? Think you are in good
health. I have a good news to tell you.
My pen friend Harris visits Sri Lanka
next year. He is going to stay at my
place. I would like you to come and
stay with us. Then we can plan our
stay. What are you doing these days?
We have lots of online classes. What
about you? Please write me when you
are free. I will remain now. May the
triple jems bless you.

(2) Read the following letter and fill in the blanks with the words given in the box.

Please send me your paper, Thank you very much for it, Looking forward to
hearing from you, Think you are okay, I got 85 marks.

13 B,
Vihara Road,
13- 11-2020.

Dear Diana,
How are you? --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
I received your letter. --------------------------------- Last week we had our English
monthly test.
It was easy for me. ------------------------------------------------------------------. What
about you? Did you have yours? ----------------------------------------------------------------
I will send mine. We can get together and discuss the difficult questions. I’ll remain
now. --------------------------------------------------------------------.
With love,

(3) The following is a letter written by Samitha about what she did during the Covid 19
pandemic. Read the letter and write what you did.
36 c,
Mallahawa Road,

Dear Anuttara,
How are you? Think you are in good health. What are you doing these days? We can’t go
out of the house because of the Covid 19 pandemic. We have online classes these days.
We have created a WhatsApp group and teachers send work through that. How about
your parents and sister? Give my love to them. I’ll remain now.
With love,

Lesson 26 – Filling in Applications

Competency 7 - Uses English creatively and innovatively

Competency level - 7.7 Writes for official purposes
Filling in Applications.

Activity 1

Study the application forms. What details do you want to fill in them ?

Now fill in the application form with your information.

Activity 2

This is Dinuka. Name: Dinuka Asanka Perera

First Name: Dinuka
Middle Name: Asanka
Surname (Last Name): Perera
Full name/ Name in full: Gamage Arachchige Dinuka Asanka
Name with initials: G. A. D. A. Perera

Gender / Sex: Female √ Male

Nationality: Sri Lankan

Activity 3

Write the name in block capitals.


Write the following names in block capitals.

1. Thenmoli Nadaraja
2. Ihalagedara Nadeeka Pathirana

Write your full name.


Now write your full name in block capitals.


Activity 4 -Fill in the following application for the post of a sales manager.


(a) in full : /Mr./Mrs./Ms.
(b) with initials:
3. Address:

4. Permanent address ( if different from above)

5. Age-
6. Date of birth-
7. Civil status-
8. Whether Citizen of Sri Lanka:
9. Record of education
(Names of schools
10.Educational qualifications

11. Any other academic distinctions, scholarships, medals, prizes etc.

12 Proficiency in languages
a. Sinhala
b. Tamil
c. English
13. Extra-curricular activities

14. Work experience

15. Any further relevant particulars ( not included above )

16. Referees
Name 1………………………………. 2. ……………………………………….
Address ………………………………. ………………………………………
………………………………. ………………………………………
Tel- ………………………………. ………………………………………

17.Character certificates obtained from-

18. signature –

Lesson 27 – Let’s Read Poems

Competency 5 - Extract necessary information from various types of text

Competency level - 5.4 Reads and responds to simple poems

Let’s Read Poems.

1. Read the poem . Draw your attention to the bold words.

Ex. after

We Are Opposites

We are opposites
And I’ll tell you more.
I say after,
And you say before.

I look up
And you look down
I like to walk
You run to town

I say stop
And you say go
We are opposites
I told you so

2. Look at the bold words. Can you write them in the space given?

1 after 5
2 6
3 7
4 8

3. These are opposite words (write them in order)

1. after ……before………………
2. ……………… …………………………..
3. ……………… …………………………..
4. ………………. ………………………….

Let’s look at more opposite words

4. Read the poem. Draw your attention to the highlighted words .

Synonym song

Synonym is similar

Do you know,

Truth and fact

Nice words to know

Huge and big

We’ll never forget

House and home

That’s where we live

5. Write down the highlighted words. They are synonyms.

1. synonym similar

2. truth ………………….

3. huge … ………………….

4. house ………………….

6. Let’s look at more synonyms (similar words)

fast - quick

garbage - trash end - finish

Split – crack gather – collect

Present – gift walk –strawl

End - finish

7. Let’s match some similar words.

1. rich same
2. beautiful middle
3. quiet wealthy
4. alike pretty
5. center silent
6. round circle

8. Read the poem. Pay attention to the underlined words

Grammar Poem
Every name is called a noun
As field and fountain, street and town
In place of noun the pronoun stands,
As he and she can clap their hands
An adjective describes something
Like magic wind or bridal ring
A verb means action, something done
To read, to write, to jump and run

How things are done adverbs tell

Like quickly,slowly,badly and well

Look at the examples and write more words from the poem

noun verbs adverbs adjective pronouns

1. field read quickly magic he
2. …………….. ……………….. ……………….. ……………… ……………..
3. …………….. ……………….. ………………. ………………... ……………..
4. …………….. ……………….. ………………. ……………….. ……………..

9. Read the poem and answer the questions.

The Quarrel

I Quarrelled with my brother,

I don’t know what about,
One thing led to another
And somehow we fell out
The start of it was slight,
The end of it was strong,
He said he was right,
I knew he was wrong!

We hated one another

The afternoon turned black
Then suddenly, my brother,
Thumped me on the back,
And said,”Oh, come along!
We can’t go on all night-
I was in the wrong,
So he was in the right.

Written by - Eleanor Farjeon

Select the most suitable answer.

1. The start of the quarrel was …………………………….. (strong, slight)

2. He said he was …………………………………. (wrong, right )

3. Write 3 pairs of rhyming words.

a …………………… b…………………… c. ……………………

4. Write an opposite word for

a. start - ……………… b. right - ………………

5. Write a similar word for

a. – fight - ……………….

So happy that you have completed the tasks

Are you happy or very happy with your work?

Lesson 28 – ‘If’ Types

Competency 6 - Uses English grammar for the purpose of accurate and

effective communication.

Competency level - 6.10 Uses the conditional clauses appropriately

If type 1

If I study hard, I will pass the exam

If clause main clause

present tense future tense

The above sentence implies that if the condition in the if clause fulfilled, that the action in
the main clause is likely to follow.

(1) Match “A” with “B”

If it rains he will send me a ticket
If I have money you will win the race
If my uncle goes to America we can’t go out
If you eat a lot, I will buy a car
If you run fast you will be fat

(2) Fill in the blanks in the following sentences with the words in the box.

will, comes, eat, practice, gets

(1) If you read books, you -------------- improve your knowledge.

(2) If my mother ----------------- late, I will cook dinner.
(3) If we ---------------- healthy food, we will not get diseases
(4) If they -----------------, they will win the match
(5) If the teacher ----------------- today, she will give our meals

If type 2

If I studied hard, I would pass the exam

Past tense past tense of will

If type 2 is used to explain unrealistic conditions. The condition in the if clause is impossible
to happen or unlikely to be fulfilled. Here if clause refers to the present or future. The simple
past tense that is used in the if clause does not refer to the past. Here past tense is used to
indicate improbability (not likely to be true or to happen).

(1) Match “A” with “B”

If I knew the answer I would travel around the world
If I had money we would cure Covid 19
If I had time I would tell it
If we had a vaccine I would call him
If I knew his phone number I would lend you some

(2) Fill in the blanks in the following sentences with words given in the box.

passed, sang, came, went, would

(1) If Gimhana ------------------ well, he would participate in the singing competition.

(2) If I --------------------- on the trip, I would enjoy.
(3) If I got a holiday, I ------------------ go on a trip.
(4) If Kapila ------------------- the exam, he would go to America.
(5) If the teacher ----------------- to the class, she would start the lesson.

If type 3

If I had studied hard, I would have passed the exam

Past perfect would + have + past participle

We use if type 3 to talk about past situations that did not happen. We can also use
should, could or might instead of would. Past condition that did not happen is given in
the if clause and what could have happened is given in the main clause.

(1) Match “A” with “B”

If I had run faster, there would have been floods
If Ruwani had come late the teacher would have appreciated him
If it had rained heavily I would have won the race.
If you had called me I would have answered
If he had completed his homework she would have missed the lesson

(2) Fill in the blanks in the following sentences with the words given in the box

gone , left read , passed, earned

(1) If we had gone to the library, we would have ……………….books.

(2) If Navindu had ------------------ the exam, he would have gone to the university.

(3) If Malith had gone to America, he would have ----------------- a lot of money.

(4) If Chandana had finished his task, he would have ………………….. early

(5) If Mr. Pathirana had earned a lot of money, he wouldn’t have ……… the country.

Lesson 29 – Writes Dialogues

Competency 7 - Uses English creatively, innovatively in written


Competency level- 7.8 Writes compositions

Writing dialogues

There are many functions and utterances in English Language,

Such as,
1. Asking for information
2. Introducing someone
3. Confirming
4. Greeting
5. Agreeing
6. Expression an opinion
7. Making suggestion
8. Ending a conversation
9. Inviting
10. Disagreeing

Activity 1

Match functions with utterances and complete the grid given.

Functions Utterances

1. Confirming a. Let me introduce my family first.

2. Asking for information b. Would you like to come to a party?
3. Inviting c. I think , You should ask the teacher.
4. Making suggestion d. Hi, good morning how are you today?
5. A greeting e. I don't think so.
6. Greeting f. Let's go for a walk.
7. Ending a conversation g. Bye for now.
8. Introducing someone h. Where is the post office?
9. Giving Information i. Yes, certainly.
10. Expression an opinion j. Ok I will come to the meeting
11. Disagreeing k. It's just opposite the bank

Activity 2
Complete the following dialogue.
Thanu : Hello dear, what are your plans for the next school vacation?
Shall we go on a trip to Sigiriya?
Sahan : Well it's a good idea. Shall we ask other friends too? ……………………..

Lesson 30 – Writes Articles

Competency 7 - Uses English creatively and innovatively in written

Competency level - 7.8 Writes compositions

Writes articles
 Article is written to a magazine or newspaper.
 It informs and enlightens the reader about current issues.

Main parts of an article

1. Introduction
2. Body
3. conclusion

Activity 2

Read the following article and identify the introduction, body and the conclusion.
Arrange them in the correct order.

Uses of water

(1) Moreover, our body itself comprises of 70% water. This, in turn, helps our body to
function normally. Lack of sufficient water can cause serious health problems for
humans. Therefore, the amount and quality of water which we consume is essential for
our physical health plus fitness.

(2) When we talk about our personal lives, water is the foundation of our existence. The
human body needs water for the day to day survival. We may be able to survive without
any food but not without water.

(3) Water plays a major role in every living being’s life. It is the home for aquatic animals.
From a tiny insect to a whale, every organism needs water to survive.

(4) Therefore, we see how not only human beings but plants and animals too require water.
The earth depends on water to function. We cannot be selfish and use it up for our uses
without caring about the environment.

(5) Further, our daily activities cannot be fulfilled without water. From the moment we get
up, till we go to bed we consume water for many activities which are important for our

Number Paragraph
1- Introduction 3
2- …………….
3- ……………..
4- ………………
5- ……………….

Activity 3

Write an article on “How to protect the environment”

Include – The components of the environment

 How it helps human beings to survive?

 How people destroy the environment?
 How people suffer from this destruction?
 Steps that can be taken to protect the environment?


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