Essay 2 - Independent Essay Timing: 30 Min

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TOEFL Writing

Essay 2 - Independent Essay

Timing: 30 min
● 5 minutes to brainstorm ideas
● 20 minutes for writing
● 5 minutes to proofread
Word count: 300 words
Opinion Essay How to know it is an Opinion
Or Essay?
Agree/Disagree Style
➔ Do you agree or disagree with the
following statement?

Ex. : Do you agree or disagree with the

following statement? Employees should
always try to seek advancement at their
job. Why do you feel this way? Give
specific reasons and examples to support
your answer.
Space exploration is much Plan
too expensive and the
1. Introduction (say the question in other
money should be spent on words) 1 paragraph
more important things. ➔ There is an argument that …(say your
task in other words)
Brainstorm your ideas.
Ex. Exploring space is a waste of money and
● Main reason 1
that there more urgent needs to be spent on
Explanation 1 earth, such as reducing poverty and
Example 1 preventing environmental damage.

● Main reason 2 ➔ Express your personal opinion +

Explanation 2 provide 2 main reasons why you think
Example 2 so

Ex. However, I completely disagree with this

opinion for two main reasons which are the
development of technology and the
possibility of escaping from Earth.
Brainstorm your 2. Body (2 paragraphs)

ideas - take notes First and foremost, (topic sentence of

your first reason) >>>> present it and
explain it

Take …., for example, …… (provide a

global or personal example which is
going to support your idea)

Therefore, ….. (make a slight

conclusion based on the first reason
and related to the topic of the task)
Second, (topic sentence of your
second reason) >>>> present it and
explain it

To illustrate, …. (provide a global or

personal example which is going to
support your idea)

Thus, Hence or It is true that … (make

a slight conclusion based on the
second reason and related to the topic
of the task)
3. Conclusion 1 paragraph

To sum up or In conclusion, I totally disagree

that (say your task in other words again)

Ex. While we undoubtedly face with serious

problems on our planet, it is necessary that we
continue to explore space because

● (say in other words your reason 1) and

● (say in other words your reason 2)

Given this situation, it seems that (give your

final recommendation or suggestion)
Sample Brainstorm

Main idea 1: it’s convenient to keep

Do you agree or disagree with
in touch
the following statement?Some Explanation: phones help us
people believe that cell communicate despite the distance
phones have a negative (wherever we are (different countries
effect on social lives. Why do or cities)
you feel this way? Give specific Example: during the pandemic and
strict lockdown phones helped us
reasons and examples to
keep in touch with our friends and
support your answer. relatives even though it was
prohibited to meet face-to-face

Main idea 2: phones give us an

opportunity to get acquainted with
new people and get more friends
Explanation: expanding our social
Example: “interpals” in order to
exchange cultural experience and
learn another foreign language -
online dating
Introduction: There is currently a
contentious argument over whether
Model answer mobile phones adversely influence social
lives. However, I totally disagree with
this opinion for two reasons which
are the possibility of keeping in touch and
the opportunity of making new friends.
Body (Paragraph 1): First and
foremost, it is convenient to keep in touch
with our friends and relatives by cell
phones. They help us communicate despite
the distance. Take the pandemic and
strict lockdown, for example, which
force us to keep the social distance. Cell
phones are the only way to keep in touch
with our families and friends as it is
prohibited to meet face-to-face. Therefore,
mobile phones have become a must-have
today and actually enhance our social lives.
Body (Paragraph 2): Second,
mobile phones provide us with an
opportunity to get acquainted with
new people and make more friends
because there are many social
networks which help us get to know
new people every day. To illustrate,
InterPals is a handy platform where
its users are able to make friends,
exchange cultural experience and
learn foreign languages together. It
is true that cell phones may cause
negative effects, despite this they
enhance our communication and
improve our socializing activities.
Conclusion: In conclusion, I
completely disagree with the
negative effect that cell phones might
induce on social lives, in particular,
because cell phones admittedly
benefit our communication with new
people and develop close bonds with
relatives and intimate friends as well.
Given the situation, it seems
that people should try to adapt to
the new reality where it is mandatory
today to have a mobile phone
because it serves as an important tool
for developing relationships and
establishing proper communication.

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