Pre Intermedio 4 WB

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Nouns Expressionsof quantity o nrnethi$/noone...

. . .
Artictes A loaf of bread Food and clothes
. Pronunciation - diphthongs

I High Street shops
Write the shops where you can get these things.


1 a sliced loaf 4 a holiday brochure 7 a t'lat to renl

2 Iamb chops 5 a book to borrorv 8 a book to b'.:-r
3 a magazine 6 a coat cleaned 9 a harr.-ut

rl tl
H H F------l H !-J

Countable and uncountable nouns apple rupr stamp car p€trol rneat HET nury dollar nce
Write the nouns in the correct column. job work potato fruit soup brcad hJ rws information

Countable nouns

Unit 4. Eat. drink and be merry! 25

I Clpcolote or o chocolate?. Expressions of quantity
I Sometimes a noun can be countable and uncountable.
I-ook at the picnrres and complete the sentences with 4 some ot ony?
a + noun or just the noun. I Complete the sentences with some or any.

I I like clottutc . 2
Would vou like adocobtc z.
1 There isnt

3 Can you buy

4 I didn't buv
5 I need to get
milk in the fridge.
2 Is there Detrol in the car?
milk when you go out?

petrol on my way to work.

6 I need change for the parking meter.
7 I havent got money.
8 Did you have problems with this exercise?
3 I drink-snerY 9 Can vou lend me monev?
morning 4 Canlhave 10 Can vou sive me advice?

Correct the mistake in each sentence.

5 lt's made of 6 Iti

ffi ofiuice.
I Can I have/bread, please?
2 I dont want some rice.
3 I'd like an information about hotels in the
town, please.
2 Cornplete the seateoces ritL so,raa + noun or a/an + noun. 4 He has done a very good work recently.
-. 5 I havent got some paper.
6 Can I have any milk in my coffee, please?

How much? or How mony?

Complete the questions with How much or
f I'd like at 'trrg , 2 WolHurlike sotc How many.

1' children do you have?'
'Three. Two boys and a girll

2 '-butter do we need?'
'fust one pack
3' eggs did you buy?'
'Half a dozenl
3 CatrIhave ? 4 Have
4' people are coming for supper?'
5' do you earn?'
'That's none of your business!'

6' bedrooms are there in her house?'

5 Can vou bu1' 6 I need

l5 Ur*t4 ' Eat, drink and be merrY!

6 much, mony, or a lot of't.
Look at the picture. Complete the
sentences with much, many, or a lot of.

I The shop has alol of apples.

2 I carit see nuch bread.
3 There aren t _ sweets.

4 They havent got _ cheese.

5 There are _ magazines, but

there arent newspapers.

6 There isnt milk.

7 Bulthere are yoghurts.
8 'Is there _ salt ?' 'Yes. Lots!'

9 They dont have butter.

10 There are cans ofCola.

11 There isnt olive oil.

12 There's rice.

a few or a- little?
Match a question in A with a reply in B and C.

A B c

I 'Does your tooth hurt?' I'm trying to lose weight.'

2 'Were there many people at the party?' 'Just a few. l'm going to the dentist tomorrow.'
3 'Have some cream with your dessert!' 'Just a little. You can borrow them if you like.'

4 'Have you got any books on Russian history?' I didn't know anyone.'

8 Conversation in a shop
Complete the conversation with your own ideas.

A Good morning! Can ' you?

B Yes. I'? grapes, please. ' they?
A [4 a kilo.
B4 a nice bunch, please. And s

any bananas?
A I'm sorry. I've only got a few left - just three.
B OK. Never mind. I need some vegetables.
any broccoli?
A Yes, it's right next to you. Help yourself. ?

B That's8 ,thanks.e is that?

A f,3.50, please.

@ Listen and compare.

Unit 4 . Eat, drink and be merryl 27
something/ no one ... Reading
9 Pronouns - someone ... l0 Britaint favourite meal - frsh and chips

Look at the posible combinations. I O Read the introduction and the paragraph How it all
began. Are the sentences true (/) or false (rY)? Correct
some the false sentences.
* | thing t ffi The Belgians invented fish and chips.
where Ths British inventedfish and chips.
L I--l
LI There are 650 fish and chip shops in Britain.
Complete the sentences using the words in bold
once only.
3I foseph Malin's family fried fish in their home to sell.
someone anyone
4T The family lived near fried fish shop.

5 Ll Poor people loved fish and chips because they were

1 There's someone on the phone for you.
delicious and cheap.
2 Did anyone ring me last night?
6E Oliver Twist wrote about fried fish.
everything nothing
3 She has - a rich husband and a big house. Read the rest of the article. Answer the questions.
4 He has - not a penny to his name. 1 Why do people not believe ]oseph Malin's story in the
somewhere everywhere north ofEngland?
5 I can't find mv kevs! I've looked
6 I want to so awav on holidav - hot. 2 Why is there a plaque in Mossley market?
anyone no one
'Who did you speak to at the party?.' 3 How many fish and chip shops were there in 1910?
. I just stayed for ten minutes, then I leftl
8 I couldnt see I knew at the party, so I left.
4 How many more shops were there by the 1920s?
someone eYeryone

9 It was a great concert:

- enjoyed it. 5 What outsells fish and chips today?
10 Could lend me f,5 till the end of the week?

- one of the words in

Complete the sentences with 6 Where are they now fashionable?
exercise 1.

1 Does anyone know whose this book is?

Complete the sentences.
2 Please dont worry about me. I'm fine.
the matter. I TheBelgians invented chips.

3 Is there I can do to help with the meal? was the first person to sell fish and
-'s chips in London.
4 I'm so unhaoov. loves me.
wrote about fried fish.
5 I put my qlasses safe, and now I can't

find them. 4 sold fish and chips in a market in 1863.

6 We're going to singHappy Birthday. has 5 opened the biggest fish and chip shop
to join in. in the world I93I.
serves fish and chips in his restaurant
- in Paris.

28 Unit 4 . Eat, drink and be merry!

The Portuguese gave us fried fish. The Belgians invented chips.
Ihen 150 years ago, the British put them together to create
fish and chips. IIedisrute
Ioday Britain has 10,500 fish and chip shops, which earn over However, there is a dispute about how the dish began. In the
[650 million a year lhis multi-million pound industry grew north of England many people don't believe Joseph Malin's story.
from small beginnings. They say a man called John Lees began selling fish and chips in
a market in Mossley, Lancashire in 1863. Today there is a plaque
Houu it all [egan there in his honour.
150years ago, on the streets ofthe East End of London, a 13-year- Whatever the truth, the dish became extremely popular. By
old boy called Joseph Malin had the bright idea of combining 1910 there vvere more than 25,000 shops across the country
fried fish with chips. and over 35,000 by the 1920s. ln 1931 Harry Ramsden from
Joseph's family were poor, s0 they began frying chips in a Yorkshire opened a fish and chip'palace'modelled on the Ritz
downstairs room of their house to increase the family income. Hotel in London. lt is still the biggest fish and chip shop in
Nearby was a fried fish shop, and Joseph put some fried fish with the world.
his chips and walked the streets. He sold the fish and chips from
a tray, which hung round his neck. lt was a great success. Joseph
opened a shop - the first fish and chip shop.
Fish and chips became
a favourite with many
poor people. They were
tasty, cheap, and quick.
Charles Dickens, the tish and c[iN today
fa mous Victorian novelist.
Nowadays other kinds of fast food such as burgers,
wrote about 'fried fish
kebabs, and pizzas all outsell fish and chips. However,
warehouses' in his book
in Paris, France, lefish and chipsis becoming lhe chic
0liver Twist.
new meal. lt often appears 0n menus in fashionable
restaurants. 'People love them, for Iunch 0r supper,'
says chef 0livier Dupart.

ll My favourite kind of meal

@ Listen to four people talking about their favourite meal. Complete the chart.

When does he/she have it?

Why does he/she like it?

Unit 4 . Eat, drink and be merry! 29

Articles Vocabulary
t2 o,the,or nothing?. 13 A loaf of bread

I Complete the sentences with alan or the. Write a word from the box before the nouns.
There may be more than one possible answer.
1 Pat and Peter are a lovely couple. She has a shop
and he's a[ engineer. slice packet can bunch bottle piece

We went to cinema to see film about Tolstoy,

1 a loaf ofbread
_ -
Russian writer. - 2a ham
It was my friend's birthday yesterday. I bought her
bunch offlowers and box ofchocolates. She put
3a beer

- flowers in Iovely - vase.

glass 4 a -of bananas

4 'Where are - children?' 'They're playrng in gardeni 5 a -of crisps

5 - shoes?' 'They're on
'Where are my - floor in kitchenl 6a -of of olive oil
6 I'd love to live in -
house with a-balcony near sea. 7 a -of paper

7 -
Before you go to bed, can you feed cat and -
turn 8 a-ofCoke
off_ lights? - 9 a -of ofsraoes
- Hil'
8 We drove into
countryside last weekend and found
lovely restaurant next to River Thames. food
10 a-offrozenpeas
11 a chewing gum
-was excellent. - -
12 a flowers
Match a noun in A with a verb in B and an ending in C
to make general statements. 13 a -of ofcake
14 a -of biscuits
A B c
I Bees eat lies. 14 Food
2 Children make honey. Write the words in the correct box. There are five
3 Mechanics
4 Politicians


with toys.
.$@ words for each box.

€ffien lemon melon turkey ham

5 Butchers tell flsh. courgette beef pea carrot onion
6 Cats sell meat. peach raspberry lamb plum cauliflower

tl,l' Vegetablei

ory,,, rydllt
Correct the mistakes in the sentences.

I lhady'htnch with Michael yesterday.

2 Give Maria a ring. She's at the home.
3 I go to the schoolbybus.
4 My sister's doctor.
5 We have best teacher in world.

6 I usually go to the bed at midnight.

30 Unit 4 . Eat, drink and be merry!

Pronunciation J^tt far fun!
15 Diphthongs 15 Word pairs
Look at the phonetic symboh for diphthongs (two vowel Find the pairs of words.
sounds together).

leil name no lal my

laul laolhow butter
lctlboy lrclhear leelwhere epps *ftivEs-- e hips
laaltour -+€'r'&ri tig
*nt*i" fish salt
I bacon pepper
Write a word from B next to the phonetic symbols bread
knives and
I /sterk/ steak pre
7 lkeukl toy
3 lpatl pear
4 lkaul steak

5 lttl beer

6 lbte(r)l Coke and

7 lpeel more

8 /me:(r)/ cow l7 Crossword - plural nouns

Complete the crossword. The answers are all plural
@ Liste, and check.
nouns that end in -s.

Which words rhyme? Match a word in A with

a word in B.


I steak a f sign

2 phone u I uoit

3 wine c f cake

4 Loud dI here

5 oil eI crowd

6 near f ! grown

7 hair gI srr.
Across Down
8 poor hf care
I Trousers made of denim 2 Glasses to protect your
usually blue. (5) eyes from the sun. (10)
@ Listen and check.
6 The things that you 3 A piece of womens ctothing
wear, such as shirts, that covers the feet and
@ Listen and practise saying the sentences.
trousers etc. (7) legs up to the waist. (6)
1 I'd like a rare steak, please. 7 Steps built between two 4 You use these to cut
2 Can I have four ripe pears? levels in a buitding. (5)
I Short trousers that end 5 You wear these in bed. (7)
3 Five more beers, a white wine, and a Coke, please. above the knee. (6)
4 A slice of white bread goes well with mild cheese. 9 A suit cbnsists of a jacket
5 I like the same meal every day - olive oil, potatoes, and . .. (B)

and soy sauce.

Unit 4 . Eat, drink and be merry! 3l

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