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Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering 7 (2019) 102899

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Fluidized aerobic bio-reactor technology in treatment of textile effluent T

P.U. Singare
Department of Chemistry, Bhavan’s College, Munshi Nagar, Andheri (West), Mumbai, 400058, India


Keywords: The present study highlights the efficiency of fluidized aerobic bio-reactor based technology for treatment of the
Heavy metals textile effluent. The percentage treatment efficiency of COD (93%), total suspended solids (72%), total dissolved
Industrial pollution solids (94%), BOD (88%), pH (25%), alkalinity (98%), electrical conductivity (51%), hardness (99%), chlorides
Physico-chemical parameters (33%), Cu2+ (95%), Cr6+ (49%), Pb2+ (75%), Fe3+ (96%) and Zn2+ (91%) achieved in the present study was
Removal efficiency
better than or comparable with that reported by using advanced treatment technique. The level of pH (6.97),
total dissolved solids (357.63 mg L−1), COD (136.95 mg L−1), Cu2+ (1.06 mg L−1), Cr6+ (0.67 mg L−1), Fe3+
(1.14 mg L−1), Zn2+ (0.47 mg L−1) in the treated effluent was within the limits of FEPA, CCME, CPCB, USEPA
and BIS standards. The level of dissolved oxygen (7.16 mg L−1) was above the minimum level of 4.0 mg L−1
required for the existence of aquatic life in the inland surface water. However, the level of electrical conductivity
(7288 μS cm−1), chlorides (1340 mg L−1), phosphates (7.49 mg L−1), total suspended solids (328.50 mg L−1),
BOD (57.25 mg L−1) and Cu2+ (1.06 mg L−1) were exceeding the above limits. It is expected that the present
effluent treatment technology will help in the treatment and recycling of textile industry effluent for further use
thereby reducing the wastage of fresh/potable water for textile processing which in turn will reduce the in-
dustrial expenditure on water procurement.

1. Introduction order to reduce the cost of effluent treatment, it is usually discharged in

the river creating in the environmental imbalance. The dyes present in
Textile industry is one of the rapidly developing and largest orga- the effluent water not only great impact on plant photosynthesis but
nized industrial sectors in India. There are about 7000 large-scale tex- also impacts the aquatic life reducing the sunlight penetration and by
tile industries situated in Gujarat, Maharashtra, Rajasthan and Tamil reducing the oxygen consumption. The suspended particles of the ef-
Nadu states. Among the textile industries, wet fabric industries generate fluent may also have the harmful effects on certain forms of aquatic life
a large amount of liquid effluents, and the amount of water used and due to the occurrence of metallic component and chlorine. Suspended
discharged from the these industries depends upon the desizing, particles can also kill the fishery by blocking their gills. They also retard
scouring, bleaching, mercerizing, dyeing, printing and finishing op- the algal capacity of producing oxygen and food. Previous studies have
erational processes. With respect to the impact of textile industries on reported that the dyes released in the effluent create hindrance to
the environment at global level, it is estimated that in comparison to municipal effluent treatment by UV decontamination technique [5].
any other industrial sector, the textile processing industries consumes Therefore, many economical and efficient effluent treatment technol-
more water which about 200 L kg−1 of fabric day−1 [1,2 and the ef- ogies like including physical, chemical, biochemical, hybrid treatment
fluent released is heavily polluted containing toxic chemicals like acids, processes are standardized in order to ensure their safe discharge into a
alkalis, dyes, hydrogen peroxide, starch, surfactants dispersing agents river [6].
and soaps of metals [3]. According to the report of the World Bank, it is Previous researchers have adopted various ETP techniques like ad-
estimated that about 17–20 % of effluent water is released during the sorption using saw dust, powdered algal biomass, aquatic and non
dyeing and finishing process of the fabric [2]. To meet the increasing aquatic plants as adsorbent, rice husk as a biosorbent, soil aquifer
demand for cotton and polyester fabrics, the Indian textile uses about treatment [7–11]; TiO2 dosage coupled with photocatalytic method
80% of the overall 1, 30,000 tons of manufactured dye global [4]. [12]; coagulation and flocculation method using FeCl3, poly aluminum
The textile industrial effluent has high BOD/COD ratio, salt content chloride, ferrous sulphate, poly-electrolyte, lime and alum as coagu-
in terms of total dissolved solids and is heavily polluted due to presence lants [13–16]; oxidation techniques like wet air oxidation, chemical
of reactive dyes which can never be treated by biological method. In oxidation using hypo chloride and peroxide, catalytic oxidation,

E-mail address: [email protected].
Received 26 October 2018; Received in revised form 11 December 2018; Accepted 7 January 2019
Available online 08 January 2019
2213-3437/ © 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
P.U. Singare Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering 7 (2019) 102899

ozonation, and Fenton treatment methods [17]; biological treatments forming new bacterial cells with liberation of water and CO2 [19]. The
methods like aeration and activated sludge biological treatment sludge formed due to microbial process is made to settle in second tube
method, membrane bioreactor and bio-sorption [13,17] for the treat- settler. Each tube settler is having the capacity of 224 m3 with retention
ment of industrial effluents. However, in most of the cases, the effi- time of 8 h.The effluent after secondary treatment is given hypochlorite
ciency of the effluent treatment was below the satisfactory level and the treatment in a chlorine contact vessel for killing the pathogens. The
pollution level in the treated effluent was found to exceed the standards treated effluent is then passed to common effluent treatment plant
set for the safe discharge of industrial effluent in the environment. In (CETP) for further treatment. The primary and secondary sludge formed
spite of the efforts taken at global level for the development of various in the first and second tube settler is send to the sludge thickener having
effluent treatment technologies and considering the pollution impact of the capacity of 224 m3 where the sludge is concentrated in a centrifuge
the treated textile effluent on ecosystem, in the present study attempts decanter by poly-electrolyte dosing. The sludge after drying is sent for
were made to study the performance of fluidized aerobic bio-reactor land filling to Mumbai Waste Management Ltd. All though the con-
(FAB) effluent treatment technology adopted in textile industries lo- sumption of various treatment chemical may vary depending on the
cated in the heavily polluted Kalyan-Dombivli industrial zone of concentration and composition of the effluent it is estimated approxi-
Mumbai. It is expected that the present FAB effluent treatment tech- mately that for a peak effluent flow of 55–75 m3 h-1, the HCl dosing
nology will help in the treatment and recycling of textile industry ef- rate is 120–150 kg d-1 with consumption of 0.15–0.19 kg m-3 costing to
fluent for further use thereby reducing the wastage of fresh/potable 0.45 to 1.10 INR m-3; lime dosing rate is 600–800 kg d-1 with con-
water for textile processing which in turn will reduce the industrial sumption of 0.38-0.61 kg m-3 costing to 3.25–6.20 INR m-3; the ferrous
expenditure on water procurement. The ETP efficiency assessment was sulphate dosing rate is 1000 to 1300 kg d-1 with consumption of
performed by analyzing the influent and effluent samples for the period 0.64–0.98 kg m-3 costing to 7.60–13.20 INR m-3; the polyelectrolyte
of one year from June 2017 to May 2018 with an intention to under- dosing rate is 1.5–3 kg d-1 with consumption of 0.0008 to 0.002 kg m-3
stand the trend in various effluent parameters over a period of time. The costing to 0.20–0.54 INR m-3. For a peak effluent flow of 55 m3 h-1, the
results of the present study will help in evaluating about the effec- cost for chlorination is 1.15–1.90 INR m-3, while the nutrient dosing
tiveness of present effluent treatment technique, to understand about was done occasional. Thus estimated total effluent treatment chemical
the future technological advancement required so as to bring about cost will be approximately 13.55–24.80 INR m-3. The approximate
rational and cost effective effluent treatment. Such advancement in the energy consumption and man power cost is estimated to 2.90 INR m-3
effluent treatment technology will help to maintain the standards set for and 3.50 INR m-3 respectively. The schematic diagram of textile in-
the safe discharge of industrial effluent in the environment thereby dustry ETP is shown in Fig. 1.
avoiding hefty penalties and to safeguard the environment against
pollution and contribute in sustainable development. 2.3. ETP inlet and outlet effluent sampling and sample preservation

2. Materials and methods In order to understand the working efficiency of the ETP, the ef-
fluent samples were collected from the five representative textile in-
2.1. Study area dustries having the identical ETP process. The samples were collected
from the inlet and outlet of the effluent treatment plant. The sampling
The Kalyan-Dombivli industrial belt having river Ulhas flowing to procedure was followed randomly every month in the morning, after-
its south and about 45 km away from Mumbai lying along the latitude noon and evening sessions at an interval of 15 d. The polythene bottles
19.204° N and longitude 73.118° E cover an area of 347.88 ha. The belt of 2.5 L capacities were pre washed with dilute acid and then with
consists of many large and medium scale heavily polluting textile distilled water till acid free washings were used for collecting the grab
processing units along with other chemical and engineering industries water samples. The bottles were completely filled with the water
discharging 14 million litres of waste water every day. There are a few samples by keeping small air gap between the top. The grab water
textile processing industries having their effluent treatment plants from samples thus collected was subsequently used for the analysis of various
where the treated effluents are passed to the common effluent treat- physico-chemical parameters. Before carrying the polythene bottles
ment plant from where the effluent is released into the open drainages filled with effluent samples to the laboratory for further analysis, they
which ultimately enter the Ulhas River [18]. were sealed with paraffin wax. In order to prevent the precipitation of
heavy metal before and during the analysis, the treatment of effluent
2.2. Effluent treatment samples was done by adjusting the pH to 2.0 using concentrated nitric
acid and was filtered using Whatman filter paper No. 41 having 0.45 μm
The effluent released after various textile fabric processing steps is pore size. The treated effluent water samples were stored in a re-
passed to the screening chamber designed for a surge flow of frigerator at 4 °C before actual analysis.
1950 m3 h−1 in order to remove the larger insoluble floating materials.
The effluent further comes to the equalization vessel equipped with air 2.4. Analysis of effluent samples
blowers for oxygen supply which helps in preventing the suspended
solids in the effluent from settling down by ensuring the proper mixing The standard protocols were adopted for initial analysis and further
of the effluent thereby maintaining the quality and quantity of the ef- interpretation of results of analysis of physico-chemical parameters like
fluent. The effluent then enters the first pH correction vessel in which pH, electrical conductivity (EC), hardness, salinity, chloride (Cl−), cy-
pH correction is made by HCl treatment. Further the effluent is passed anide (CN−), phosphate (PO42-), total dissolved solids (TDS), total
to the flash mixer having volume of 19 m3 designed for a flow of suspended solids (TSS), dissolved oxygen (DO), biochemical oxygen
1140 m3 h-1 with a retention time of 60 s in which lime and ferrous demand (BOD), and chemical oxygen demand (COD) in the effluent
sulphate treatment is given and the effluent is detained in a flocculation samples collected from the inlet and outlet of textile ETP [20–22]. The
tank. The floc gets settled along with a certain portion of suspended flame atomic absorption spectrophotometer (AAS) technique using
organic matter forming primary sludge in the first tube settler resulting suitable calibration standards was adopted for analysis of heavy metals
in reduction of TSS and BOD load. The effluent then enters the second like lead (Pb2+), copper (Cu2+), nickel (Ni2+), iron (Fe3+), zinc (Zn2+)
pH correction vessel in which pH correction is made by HCl addition. and chromium (Cr6+) present in inlet and outlet of ETP effluent sam-
The effluent is brought in contact with the culture media of aerobic ples, for which Perkin-Elmer AAS Model 2380 having an air/acetylene
microorganisms in the FAB. The microbial growth occurring on the flame was used. Considering the concentration level of heavy metals in
media will bring about the oxidation of organic matter in the effluent the effluent samples and limited sensitivity of the instrument, the

P.U. Singare Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering 7 (2019) 102899

Fig. 1. Flow diagram of ETP operating in the textile industry.

samples were digested using acid mixtures by microwave technique and 2.6. Statistical analysis of experimental data
diluted with distilled water as explained previously [23].
The statistical information on the experimental results was done by
using one way analysis of variance (ANOVA) method. The significance
2.5. Quality control and quality assurance of the experimental results was based on P < 0.05 and P < 0.01 cri-
teria. The statistical calculations were performed using the IBM SPSS
Heavy metal analyses of the inlet and outlet ETP samples were statistics version 20.
performed in triplicate under standard operating conditions. In order to
overcome the error due to the impurities introduced from the reagents 3. Results and discussions
and other environmental sources, analytical grade acids and reagents
were used. For the same reasons, the blank readings were also sub- 3.1. Physico-chemical characteristics of textile ETP effluent
tracted from the sample readings. Also after the analysis of every 5
sample, one blank solution is aspirated followed by two standards so- The performance efficiency of ETP operating in any textile in-
lutions of respective metal. During the heavy metals analysis, the ca- dustries can be very well understood by studying its inlet and outlet
libration curves were prepared separately by aspirating different con- effluent physico-chemical characteristics. The results of such studies not
centrations of standard metal solutions prepared by dilution of only help in evaluating the ETP efficiency in treating the pollution load
1000 mg L−1 certified standard solutions Fluka Kamica (Buchs, but also help in up-gradation of existing pollution control technology.
Switzerland) using double distilled water. Taking in to account the The experimental data on variation in physico-chemical parameters of
reproducibility of 97% confidence limit recorded during the analysis, inlet/outlet ETP effluent and working efficiency of ETP in terms of
the average value of each effluent sample were considered for further percentage treatment of various physico-chemical parameters is given
interpretation. The standard reference material of water used was SRM- in Table 1.
143d supplied by the National Institute of Standards and Technology. The pH of inlet effluent ranges from 8.05 to 10.59 with an average
During the analysis of different metallic impurities in the effluent value of 9.28 which was reduced to 6.6–7.2 with an average value of
samples, the recorded mean recovery was 95%, detection limit 1.0 μg 6.97 in the outlet effluent. The pH value of the ETP outlet effluent was
L−1 and calculated precision of 1.2% (n = 5). The verification of cali- within the textile waste water pollution limits of 6–9 set by federal
bration graph linearity was performed by plotting a graph of instru- environmental protection agency, USA (FEPA); 6.5–8.5 set by Canadian
mental signal against concentration of standard solution to less than or council of ministers of the environment (CCME) [25] and central pol-
equal to ± 5% acceptable deviation. For each calibration graph, sta- lution control board (CPCB) for the propagation of wildlife, fisheries in
tistical verification of selected operating range was performed using a inland surface water [26]. Based on the results it was observed that the
Snedecor’s F test in order to check the homogeneity of variances [24]. percentage pH treatment efficiency of ETP was in the range of 16–36 %

Table 1
Physico-chemical analysis and percentage treatment efficiency of the ETP for textile effluents.
P.U. Singare

Physico-chemical pH EC Alkalinity (mg L−1) Hardness Salinity Cl− CN−

parameters (μs cm−1) (mg L−1) (mg L−1) (mg L−1) (mg L−1)

Sampling Months 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2
June 17 8.4 6.9 29,600 8,500 235 12 17,322 52 155.42 24.6 2,230 1,754 0.01 0.01
% treatment 18 71 95 99 84 21 0.00
July 9.08 7.1 25,885 9,214 357 17 15,756 43 158 33.8 2,090 1,413 0.05 0.03
% treatment 22 64 95 99 79 32 40
Aug 9.3 7.2 26,750 11,245 439 18 12,671 41 146.95 23.5 1,348 861 0.04 0.02
% treatment 23 58 96 99 84 36 50
Sept 8.62 6.8 29,800 9,325 828 21 12,011 33 145.5 14.1 1,251 658 0.03 0.01
% treatment 21 69 97 99 90 47 67
Oct 10.08 6.9 7168 5124 1,408 22 9,823 25 143.37 14.2 1010 541 0.07 0.05
% treatment 32 29 98 99 90 46 29
Nov 9.85 7 8,046 5,854 1,570 25 15,123 28 134.15 13.8 1,490 1,036 0.08 0.05
% treatment 29 27 98 99 90 30 38
Dec 9.4 7.2 7,201 6,354 2,058 28 17,735 33 155.63 24.7 1,780 1,124 0.06 0.03
% treatment 23 12 99 99 84 37 50
Jan 18 10.59 6.8 8,118 5,286 1,978 23 18,943 38 244.25 33.5 2,371 1,423 0.09 0.05
% treatment 36 35 99 99 86 40 44
Feb 9.5 7.2 8,160 6,120 2158 25 19,848 69 235.61 24.1 2765 1949 0.08 0.05
% treatment 24 25 99 99 90 30 38
Mar 9.0 7.1 9,675 6,987 1,981 26 18,963 52 254.97 33.6 2,541 1,814 0.07 0.05
% treatment 21 28 99 99 87 29 29
April 8.05 6.8 8,201 7,125 2,055 23 19,795 64 185.45 24.2 2,387 1,721 0.06 0.02
% treatment 16 13 99 99 87 28 67

May 9.5 6.6 8,165 6,324 2,147 20 17,764 58 165.64 14.1 2,750 1,788 0.03 0.01
% treatment 31 23 99 99 91 35 67
Mean value 9.28 6.97 14,731 7288 1435 22 16,312.8 44.7 177.08 23.18 2001 1340 0.06 0.03
Mean %treatment 25 51 98 99 87 33 43
range 8.05- 6.6-7.2 7168- 5124- 235-2158 12-28 9,823- 25-69 134.15- 13.8-33.8 1010- 541-1949 0.01-0.09 0.01-0.05
10.59 29,800 11,245 19,848 254.97 2765
Range % treatment 16-36 12-71 95-99 99 79-91 21-47 0-67

Physico-chemical PO43− TDS TSS DO BOD5 COD

parameters (mg L−1) (mg L−1) (mg L−1) (mg L−1) (mg L−1) (mg L−1)

Sampling Months 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2
June 17 5.78 0.8 6530 412.5 222 55 4.5 6.5 430 54 486 142
% treatment 86 94 75 44 87 71
July 9.36 1.3 5607 369.5 450 41 4 7.3 564 51 544 184
% treatment 86 93 91 82 91 66
Aug 8.43 1.2 6706 478.2 784 36 5.33 7.1 520 69 875 215
% treatment 86 93 95 33 87 75
Sept 9.79 1.6 4905 396.5 810 41 4.26 7.2 432 40 1,440 85.1
% treatment 84 92 95 69 91 94
Oct 10.38 3.8 4790 214.5 980 35 3.96 6.9 536 48 2,436 124.5
% treatment 63 96 96 74 91 95
Nov 15.78 2.5 4876 214.5 996 47 4.75 7.2 400 47 2,265 113.6
% treatment 84 96 95 52 88 95
Dec 20.64 3.2 5097 236.5 1360 157 4.24 7.9 432 65 2,300 127.6
% treatment 85 95 88 86 85 94
Jan 18 80.76 13.6 5982 385.4 1549 236 4.21 6.9 439 68 2,320 124.1
% treatment 83 94 85 64 85 95
Feb 105.53 16.3 6000 401.2 1740 822 4.85 7.8 445 66 2,359 149.7
(continued on next page)
Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering 7 (2019) 102899
P.U. Singare Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering 7 (2019) 102899

with an average treatment efficiency of 25%. The percentage pH

treatment efficiency observed in the present study was higher than 3–9



% by using sawdust as an adsorbent [7,27]; 11% by using coagulants
and aquatic/non aquatic plants as adsorbents [9]; 16% by using pow-
dered algal biomass [8]. The percentage pH treatment efficiency was
comparable with that of 23% achieved by using aquatic macrophytes

(mg L−1)

and algae [28]; 22–31 % achieved by using ferric chloride as coagu-

66 -95


lating agent [14,16] (Table 2). It is important here to note that pH





values generally decide the quality of effluent and any change in pH
value of the effluent alters the chemical reactions taking place in
aquatic environment. The toxicity behaviour of many metals towards
the aquatic species gets enhanced in acidic medium. The safe discharge

of effluent in the aquatic environment requires proper monitoring and




control of pH. This is important particularly because many young

aquatic organisms like fish are pH sensitive and at a pH of 5 the eggs
cannot hatch. Different aquatic species like fish, shellfish and aquatic
(mg L−1)

insects have different tolerance level in acidic aquatic environment and



their diversity will generally reduce with increase in acidity [29].








The EC of inlet and outlet ETP effluent varies in the range of 7168-
29,800 and 5124-11,245 μS cm−1 with an average value of 14,731 and
7288 μS cm−1 respectively. The average EC value of the outlet ETP
effluent as recorded in the present study exceeds the limit of 1000 μS

cm-1 set by CPCB for propagation of wildlife, fisheries in inland surface



water [26]. Based on the results it was observed that the percentage EC
treatment efficiency achieved by using FAB effluent treatment tech-
nology in the present study was in the range of 12–71 % with an
(mg L−1)

average treatment efficiency of 51%.The EC treatment efficiency

33 -86



achieved in the present study was above 6% treatment efficiency







achieved by using sawdust as an adsorbent [7]; 33% efficiency achieved

by using powdered algal biomass [8] and comparable with 40–58 %
achieved by using FeCl3 as coagulating agent [14] (Table 2). There
exists a strong positive correlation between percentage treatment of EC

and TSS (r = 0.448) which indicate that the EC value in the effluent



decreases after the removal of TSS. This indicates that the high EC value
of the inlet ETP effluent was due to the suspended particulate matter
(Table 3). There exist a good negative correlation between the per-
(mg L−1)


centage treated EC and alkalinity (r = -0.872); EC and pH (r = -0.271)




(Table 3). The result indicates that in the present study still reduction in





EC was possible by increasing the pH and alkalinity of the effluent. It is

well known that measurement of EC not only gives valuable informa-

tion about the suspended particulate matter in the effluent but also help
in estimating the amount of chemicals and reagents to be added during



the effluent treatment process.

The alkalinity of inlet ETP effluent ranges from 235-2158 mg L−1
with an average value of 1435 mg L−1 which on treatment gets reduced
to 12–28 mg L−1 with an average value of 22 mg L−1 in the outlet ETP
(mg L−1)


effluent. Based on classification of effluent as weak alkaline (alkalinity




≤50 mg L−1), medium alkaline (alkalinity ≤100 mg L−1) and strongly







alkaline (alkalinity ≥200 mg L−1), it appears that the initial strong

alkalinity of inlet effluent was reduced to the level of weakly alkaline
on ETP treatment. There exist a strong positive correlation between
percentage treatment of alkalinity and salinity (r = 0.687); alkalinity

1= inlet ETP effluent 2 = outlet ETP effluent.

and CN- (r = 0.439); alkalinity and TDS (r = 0.348); alkalinity and





Cu2+ (r = 0.933); alkalinity and Ni2+ (r = 0.403); alkalinity and Cr6+

(r = 0.428); alkalinity and Zn2+ (r = 0.537) (Table 3) which indicates
that the high alkalinity in the inlet ETP effluent might be because of
(mg L−1)

soluble alkaline cyanide compounds of Cu2+ Ni2+, Cr6+ and Zn2+. The





positive correlation between alkalinity and pH (r = 0.432) while ne-






gative correlation between alkalinity and TSS (r = -0.404) gives an

indication that decrease in pH value of the effluent will result in de-
Table 1 (continued)

crease in alkalinity of the effluent due to increase in the precipitation

Range % treatment
Mean %treatment

metallic impurities which remain suspended in the effluent (Table 3).

% treatment

% treatment

% treatment

% treatment

From the results it was observed that by using FAB effluent treatment
Mean value

technology in the present study, 95–99 % reduction in alkalinity was


achieved with an average value of 98%. The reduction in alkalinity of


the textile effluent obtained here was higher in comparison to 44%

P.U. Singare Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering 7 (2019) 102899

Table 2
Comparative data showing textile ETP efficiency achieved in our study with other previously reported ETP processes during the treatment of physico-chemical

ETP Process COD TSS TDS BOD pH Alkalinity EC Hardness Chlorides References

Sawdust as adsorbent 37 13 – 3 – 6 16 17 [7]

powdered algal biomass 58 62 76 78 16 44 33 64 50 [8]
TiO2 dosage and Photocatalytic Method 75-91 43-69 – 32-53 – 33-66 – 65-79 – [12]
Coagulants and Aquatic/Non Aquatic Plants as Adsorbents – – 4 – 11 – – – [9]
Sawdust as adsorbent – 46 27 – 9 – – – – [27]
Aquatic Macrophytes and Algae 65 – – – 23 – – – – [28]
FeCl3 as coagulating agent 44 - 78 63 - 83 65 - 87 – 31 – 40- 58 33- 74 46- 60 [14]
Coagulation Precipitation Method using polyaluminium chloride 90 – 74 – – – – – – [40]
and solution mixture of the salts of iron(II), Mn(II) and
coagulation and flocculation process, aeration and biological 87 95 61 85 – – – – – [41]
extended aeration activated sludge Biological treatment system 88 45 44 98 – 93 – – – [13]
Poly aluminum Chloride (PAC) and lime coagulation 36 38 24 – – – – – – [13]
Reverse Osmosis 98 88 97 99 – 99 – – – [13]
Ferric chloride [FeCl3] as coagulating agent 40- 48 77- 82 78- 81 – 22-25 – 509- 54 51- 55 – [16]
coagulation and flocculation process 87 – 20 89 – – – – – [52]
neutralization, 78 41 24 80 – – – – – [53]
coagulation, flocculation and
biological treatment
Lime (10% Sol) + Ferrous Sulphate (5% Sol) + Poly-electrolyte 60 50 −32% – – – – – – [15]
(0.1% Sol)
Lime (10% Sol) + Aluminum Chloride (5% Sol) + Poly-electrolyte 50 40 −29% – – – – – – [15]
(0.1% Sol)
Caustic (10% Sol) + Ferric Chloride (5% Sol) + Poly-electrolyte 40 40 −12% – – – – – – [15]
(0.1% Sol)
Lime (10% Sol) + Alum (5% Sol) + Poly-electrolyte (0.1% Sol) 50 41 −37% – – – – – – [15]
Ozonation (3%ozone generator –contact time 0.5 – 2.5) 50-55 – – 46-50 – – – – – [17]
Wet air oxidation 35-60 33-42 – 30-55 – – – – – [17]
Chemical Oxidation –hypo chloride (50-500 mg L−1) 55-68 – – 45-63 – – – – – [17]
Chemical Oxidation – peroxide (5 vol soln dosage (15 – 220 mg L−1) 53-62 – – 45-60 – – – – – [17]
Catalytic Oxidation (Hypo Dosage (50 – 200 mg L−1), silver catalyst 60-78 – – 50-67 – – – – – [17]
dosage (20 – 50 mg L−1)
Fenton treatment (Peroxide Dosage (20 -250 mg L−1), FeSo4 (100 – 44-52 – – 45-60 – – – – – [17]
400 mg L−1)
Membrane bioreactor 76 100 – 83-86 – – – – – [17]
Bio-sorption 23-32 55-65 – 25-35 – – – – – [17]
Fluidized aerobic bio-reactor technology 92 72 94 88 – 98 51 99 33 In the present

alkalinity reduction achieved by previous researchers using powdered FeCl3 as coagulating agent [14,16].
algal biomass [8]; 33–66 % reduction achieved by using TiO2 dosage Increased salinity level of water is one of the important stress factors
and photocatalytic method [12]; comparable with 93% and 99% al- of the crustaceans and fresh water organisms affecting their survival,
kalinity reduction by extended aeration activated sludge biological reproductive pattern, swimming and feeding rate when the salt con-
treatment system and reverse osmosis process respectively [13] centration exceeds the tolerance limits [31]. Freshwater fishes are more
(Table 2). affected by increase in salinity level particularly during their early
The classification of effluent water based on hardness as soft water stages of development which is indicated by soft eggs. Increase in
(hardness value between 0–60 mg L−1); moderately hard water (hard- salinity level of water beyond the tolerable limit has resulted in changes
ness value between 61–120 mg L−1); hard water (hardness value be- in community composition and ecosystem functioning of bacteria in
tween 121–160 mg L−1); and very hard water (hardness value freshwater [32]. The survival of amphibians is not possible in saline and
≥180 mg L−1) is due to the existence of bivalent calcium and magne- brackish water as they are poor osmoregulators and highly sensitive to
sium cations [30]. In the present study, the extreme hardness of the saline aquatic environment. The amphibian eggs in the larval stage are
influent having the average value 16,312.8 mg L−1 was reduced to the highly sensitive to salinity [33]. Full grown aquatic plants, although
level of soft water effluent having the average value 44.7 mg L−1 by tolerant to salinity are highly sensitive during their initial stages
using the FAB effluent treatment technology. There exist a strong po- thereby showing variable tolerance to saline conditions. Thus overall it
sitive correlation between treated percentage hardness and TDS is observed that the freshwater ecosystem is highly influenced by the
(r = 0.521); hardness and TSS (r = 0.578); hardness and Pb2+ rise in saline conditions showing biodiversity losses [32,34]. The results
(r = 0.568) (Table 3) which indicates that the high hardness in the inlet of the present study indicate that the salinity of inlet ETP effluent was in
ETP effluent might be because of soluble and insoluble salt of hardness the range of 134.15–254.97 mg L−1 with an average value of
causing ions along with the lead salts. From the results of the present 177.08 mg L−1 which in the outlet effluent got reduced to
study it was observed that by using the FAB effluent treatment tech- 13.8–33.8 mg L−1 with an average value of 23.18 mg L−1 after FAB
nology, 99% reduction in hardness was achieved. The efficiency in effluent treatment technology.
hardness reduction achieved here was much greater than 16% hardness The excess concentration of chloride is generally decided by its
reduction attained by using sawdust as adsorbent [7]; 64% reduction by corrosiveness and there are reports on atherosclerosis in the wild ani-
using powdered algal biomass [8]; 65–79 % reduction by using TiO2 mals and retarded growth of the aquatic plants in chlorinated water
dosage and photocatalytic method [12]; 33–74 % reduction by using [35]. In the present study, the level of chloride in ETP inlet effluent was

P.U. Singare Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering 7 (2019) 102899

in the range of 1010-2765 mg L−1 with an average value of

Zn2+ 2001 mg L−1, which after FAB effluent treatment got reduced to 541-
1949 mg L−1 having an average value of 1340 mg L−1. There exist a

strong positive correlation between percentage treatment of Cl- and TSS

(r = 0.567); Cl- and pH (r = 0.508) (Table 3). These indicate that fur-

ther reduction in chloride content of the effluent was possible by re-

ducing the pH and TSS content of the effluent. The concentration of Cl-

in the outlet effluent of the present study was very much above the

United States environmental protection agency (US EPA) limits of

250 mg L−1 for surface waters [36]. The results show that FAB effluent

0.702 a
treatment technology used in the present study was successful in 21–47


% reduction of chloride with an average reduction of 33%. The re-

duction in the level of chloride attained in the present study was much

better than 17% reduction efficiency achieved by using sawdust as an




adsorbent [7]; but less than that achieved by giving algal biomass
treatment (50%) and by treatment with FeCl3 as coagulating agent
b (46–60 %) [8,14] (Table 2).
0.265 b
0.352 a


The average level of CN− in inlet and outlet ETP effluent of the
present study was found to be 0.06 mg L-1 and 0.03 mg L-1 respectively
which correspond to 67% CN- reduction efficiency. There exist a good




positive correlation between percentage treatment of CN− and Cu2+


(r = 0.487); CN− and Cr6+ (r = 0.358); CN− and Zn2+ (r = 0.225)

(Table 3). From the results it seems that the CN- content of the influent



might be because of cyanide salts of copper, chromium and zinc. The



removal of CN- from the effluent is essential due to the fact that it will
result in suffocation due to blockage in oxygen absorbing cells in the

0.195 a
0.261 a

aquatic species. The concentration of CN- in excess will result in growth




retardation, respiratory, reproductive problems, disruption in osmor-


egulation and swimming capacity of fishes, thereby affecting their



growth and long term survival [37–39].





In the present study it was observed that the PO42− (as phos-

phorous) concentration in the inlet ETP effluent ranges from 5.78 to

125.7 mg L-1 with an average value of 51.01 mg L-1 which after treat-

0.143 a
0.240 a


ment by using FAB technique was reduced to 0.8–16.3 mg L-1 with an




average value of 7.49 mg L-1, which was above the maximum limit of
CCME (< 4.0 mg L-1), FEPA (5.0 mg L-1), CPCB (5.0 mg L-1) and BIS
−0.443 a

−0.252 a



(5.0 mg L-1) set for the textile effluents [25,26]. The results of the pre-



sent study give an indication of 63–88 % PO42- reduction efficiency

with an average value of 85%. There exists good negative correlation

between the percentage pH and PO42− removal efficiency (r = -0.436);



0.422 a
0.229 a

0.212 a


Correlation coefficient between percentage treated parameters of the textile effluent.




pH and Cl- (r = -0.581), indicating that still higher PO42− removal


efficiency can be attained by decreasing the pH and removal of chlor-

ides from the ETP effluent. However, a good positive correlation exists
−0.581 a


0.567 a

0.412 a
0.357 a

0.357 a

between PO42− and Ni2+ (r = 0.519); PO42− and Cr6+ (r = 0.488)




(Table 3). These indicate that the high level of PO42− in the inlet ETP
effluent was because of its Ni2+ and Cr6+ salts. There also exist good
−0.128 a


negative correlation between phosphate removal efficiency and BOD (r






0.312 a
0.273 a




= - 0.463); phosphate removal and DO (r = -0.252). It is important to

Correlation is significant at the < 0.05 level (2-tailed).
Correlation is significant at the < 0.01 level (2-tailed).

note that rise in concentration of PO42− (as phosphorous) will result in

a depletion of bioavailable oxygen, thereby promoting the massive
−0.108 a
−0.222 a


0.521 a
0.578 a
0.296 a

0.373 a

0.254 a


growth of phytoplankton resulting in the biological death (eu-





trophication) of freshwater ecosystem. The increase in level of phos-

phorous as phosphate will encourage the growth of algal blooms



thereby promoting the growth of less desirable fish as compared to that









of desirable fish species of more commercial and recreational value

thereby imposing threat to the fisheries. The eutrophic conditions of the
water bodies will further promote the development of cyanobacteria in










the form of blue-green algal blooms which are responsible for secretion



of neurotoxins and hepatotoxins which will further impact the nervous

system and liver of aquatic life. Development of phytoplankton and



algal blooms will hinder the sunlight from penetrating below the water








surface, thereby disturbing in the photosynthesis of submerged aquatic


grass and vegetations causing threat to their survival. The unconsumed


algae which are unconsumed will undergo bacterial decomposition at

Table 3




the bottom of the water, resulting in fall in DO level.






The level of TDS and TSS in the inlet ETP effluent was in the range

P.U. Singare Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering 7 (2019) 102899

of 4,790-6,706 and 222-1,890 mg L−1 with an average value of 5805.17 oxidation using hypo dosage coupled with silver catalyst dosage (50–67
and 1187.42 mg L−1 respectively, which on treatment using FAB ef- %); fenton treatment (45–60 %); bio-sorption (25–35 %) and membrane
fluent treatment technique get reduced to 214.5–478.2 and bioreactor (83–86 %) [8,12,17] (Table 2). The good positive correlation
35–881 mg L−1 with an average value of 357.63 and 328.50 mg L−1 between percentage treated BOD and EC (r = 0.528); BOD and Cl-
respectively. From the results of the present study it was observed that (r = 0.412); BOD and TSS (r = 0.544) (Table 3). These indicate that
the average TDS value was below the maximum tolerable limit of high BOD level in the inlet of ETP effluent fall with a decrease in Cl- and
1000 mg L−1 set by US EPA [36] and above the maximum TSS limit of suspended solids responsible for increase in electrical conductivity of
100 mg L−1 set for the discharge of effluents in inland surface water the effluent. The average level of BOD (57.25 mg L−1) in the treated
[26]. The TSS level achieved in the present study was also above the outlet effluents as reported in the present study was found to exceed the
CCCME limit (40 mg L-1); bureau of Indian standards (BIS) limit maximum limit (30.0 mg L−1) set for the safe release of effluents in
(100 mg L-1) and FEPA limit (30 mg L-1) [25]. The present FAB effluent inland surface water.
treatment technique was successful in achieving the TDS and TSS re- The information about impact of pollution can be very well ob-
duction efficiency of 94% and 72% respectively which was better than tained on the basis of reduction in dissolved oxygen level due to pol-
or comparable to that achieved by using various other ETP techniques lutants for which BOD and COD values are often used together in
as shown in Table 2. A strong positive correlation exists between per- combination. The average level of COD in the inlet ETP effluent as
centage treated TSS and hardness (r = 0.578); TDS and hardness recorded in the present study was 1847 mg L−1 which after treatment
(r = 0.521); TSS and Cl- (r = 0.567) (Table 3) indicating that the was reduced to 136.95 mg L−1. The level of COD in the treated effluent
hardness causing chlorides of calcium and magnesium are responsible was well below the tolerable limit of BIS (250 mg L−1), however, the
for increasing the dissolved and suspended solids in the effluent. The level was found to exceed the CCME and FEPA limits of 80 mg L-1 [25].
corresponding TSS and TDS content in the inlet ETP effluent decrease The treatment efficiency achieved in the present study was 93% which
after reduction in the level of hardness and Cl- in the outlet effluent of was well above that achieved by giving treatment using sawdust as an
ETP. The untreated effluent containing high concentration of suspended adsorbent (9%); powdered algal biomass (58%); TiO2 dosage coupled
and dissolved solids when discharged into the aquatic environment will with photocatalytic method (75–91 %); aquatic macrophytes and algae
result in reduction of desirable food plants and plant species forming (65%); coagulation process using FeCl3 (44–78 %); coagulation method
habitat. The high level of dissolved and suspended solids in the effluent using polyaluminium chloride and solution mixture of the metallic salts
when discharged untreated in the fresh water will lower its DO level, (90%); biological treatment coupled with coagulation, flocculation and
affect the osmoregulation of freshwater organisms, and ultimately aeration (87%); aeration coupled activated biological sludge treatment
makes the water unsuitable for drinking, irrigation and industrial ap- (88%); ozonation method (50–55 %); wet air oxidation (35–60 %);
plications. chemical oxidation using hypo chloride (55–68 %); chemical oxidation
DO levels give important information on physical and biological using peroxide (53–62%); silver catalytic oxidation using hypo dosage
processes responsible for existence of biological life in fresh water (60–78 %); fenton treatment (44–52 %); using membrane bioreactor
systems. The level of DO in the fresh water system is mainly affected by technique (76%); bio-sorption technique (23–32 %)
the quality of the discharged industrial effluent. The level of DO in inlet [7,8,12–14,17,28,40,41] (Table 2). A strong positive correlation exists
and outlet ETP effluent as recorded in the present study was found to between percentage treated COD and alkalinity (r = 0.957); COD and
vary in the range of 3.96–5.33 mg L−1 and 6.5–7.9 mg L−1 with a mean salinity (r = 0.789); COD and CN- (r = 0.422); COD and Cu2+
value of 4.41 and 7.16 mg L−1 respectively which gives an indication of (r = 0.955) gives an indication that the reduction in COD level can be
62% enrichment in the DO level. The level of DO in the treated ETP achieved by lowering the alkalinity, salinity and also by removal of
effluent was very well above the minimum level of 4.0 mg L−1 required Cu2+ and cyanide salts in the effluent (Table 3). These indicate that the
for the growth and development of aquatic life in the inland surface high COD values in the inlet effluent were because of alkaline salts of
water [26]. There exists a good negative correlation between the per- copper and cyanide.
centage DO enrichment and salinity (r = -0.128); DO enrichment and
PO42-(r = -0.252); DO enrichment and EC (r = -0.315); DO enrichment 3.2. ETP treatment for removal of heavy metals
and Ni2+(r = -0.238) (Table 3). These indicate that in the present study
still higher percentage of DO enrichment was possible by reducing the Metallic elements when present at relatively low concentration are
level of salinity, PO42- and salts of Ni2+ responsible for increasing the required for normal functioning of biological life. However, excess
electrical conductivity of the effluent. concentration of some heavy metallic elements like Cr6+, Ni2+, Zn2+,
The presence of putrescible organic pollutants in effluent water is Cu2+, Pb2+ and Fe3+ will create abnormalities creating adverse health
generally indicated by its BOD level. It measures the amount of O2 effects on human and biological life.
utilised for aerobic degradation of dissolved organic pollutants by mi- They are called heavy metals on the basis of their densities in me-
crobes present in water during the period of 5 d. The level of BOD in tallic form which is greater than 4 g cm−3.The results of the present
water is directly related to the dissolved O2 level of water, as a result study showing month wise variation in level heavy metals in inlet and
high level of BOD will bring about lowering of DO level in water outlet ETP effluent and their corresponding percentage removal effi-
making it highly polluted and unsuitable for the growth of biological ciency is presented in Table 4.
life in water. The BOD level in inlet ETP effluent recorded in the present In the present study the level of Cu2+ in inlet effluent was found to
study was found to vary from 400 to 564 mg L−1 with an average value vary from 0.52 to 45.58 mg L−1 with a mean value of 22.13 mg L−1.
of 458.17 mg L−1. By application of FAB treatment technology in the After application of FAB effluent treatment technology, the level of
present study, the level of BOD in the outlet effluent was found to vary Cu2+ in the outlet of ETP effluent was reduced to 1.06 mg L−1 which
from 40 to 69 mg L−1 with an average value of 57.25 mg L−1 which corresponds to 95% reduction efficiency. Based on the previous re-
correspond to 88% reduction efficiency. The BOD level in the treated search on adsorption of Cu2+ on multiwalled carbon nanotubes, the
outlet ETP effluent was found to exceed the CCME and FEPA limits researchers have reported that adsorption effect was pH dependent and
(50 mg L−1) and also the CPCB, BIS limits (30 mg L−1) [25,26]. The increases at the pH below 7.5 in presence of humic acid/fulvic acid
BOD reduction efficiency achieved in the present study was much better [42]. Thus it appears that in the present study, it was possible to have
than that achieved by application of TiO2 dosage and photocatalytic better Cu2+ reduction efficiency above 95% by using a suitable ad-
method (32–53 %); powdered algal biomass (78%); ozonation (46–50 sorbent at a reduced pH in the presence of humic acid/fulvic acid in the
%); wet air oxidation (30–55 %); chemical oxidation using hypo effluents. In the present study, a strong positive correlation was ob-
chloride (45–63 %); chemical oxidation using peroxide (45–60 %); served between percentage removal of Cu2+ and alkalinity (r = 0.933);

P.U. Singare Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering 7 (2019) 102899

Table 4
Percentage removal efficiency of heavy metals from the textile effluent.

Heavy Metals (mgL−1) Cu2+ Ni2+ Cr6+ Pb2+ Fe3+ Zn2+

Sampling Months 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2
June 17 0.52 0.11 0.87 0.1 0.59 0.31 0.17 0.1 2.06 0.05 1.14 0.25
% removal 79 89 47 41 96 78
July 0.87 0.21 0.6 0.1 0.68 0.42 0.46 0.1 1.24 0.05 1.96 0.31
% removal 76 83 38 78 96 84
Aug 3.59 0.41 0.9 0.1 0.59 0.36 0.37 0.1 5.64 0.05 1.5 0.41
% removal 89 89 39 73 99 73
Sept 7.39 0.47 0.88 0.1 0.55 0.31 0.56 0.1 6.87 0.05 2.08 0.67
% removal 94 89 44 82 99 68
Oct 9.89 0.65 0.58 0.1 0.69 0.47 0.53 0.1 12.38 0.63 2.65 0.78
% removal 93 83 32 81 95 71
Nov 12.78 0.87 1.05 0.1 1.5 0.87 1.32 0.1 20.56 1.06 3.76 0.71
% removal 93 90 42 92 95 81
Dec 20.56 1.14 1.12 0.1 1.49 0.75 1.4 0.1 34.66 0.54 5.6 0.1
% removal 94 91 50 93 98 98
Jan 18 35.4 1.51 1.1 0.1 1.7 0.69 1.45 0.1 40.12 1.85 7.89 0.47
% removal 96 91 59 93 95 94
Feb 42.11 1.97 1.14 0.1 1.8 0.79 1.47 0.1 54.38 2.48 7.56 0.43
% removal 95 91 56 93 95 94
Mar 43.9 1.53 1.23 0.1 2.5 1.52 1.98 0.18 55.3 2.14 7.55 0.74
% removal 97 92 39 91 96 90
April 45.58 1.87 2 0.3 1.72 0.81 2.06 1.05 50.23 2.31 9.2 0.21
% removal 96 85 53 49 95 98
May 42.94 1.94 1.75 0.10 2.05 0.77 1.98 1.32 52.29 2.41 8.54 0.52
% removal 95 94 62 33 95 94
Mean concentration 22.13 1.06 1.10 0.12 1.32 0.67
Mean % removal 95 89 49 75 96 91
Concentration Range 0.52-45.58 0.11-1.97 0.58-2.00 0.10-0.30 0.55-2.50 0.31-1.52 0.17-2.06 0.10-1.32 1.24-55.30 0.05-2.48 1.14-9.20 0.10-0.78
Range of % removal 76-97 83 -94 32-62 33-93 95-99 68 -98

1= inlet ETP effluent 2 = outlet ETP effluent.

Cu2+ and salinity (r = 0.740) and Cu2+ and CN- (r = 0.487) (Table 3). than absorption rate.
These give an indication that further Cu2+ reduction efficiency was Although no reports are available on short term human health im-
possible by removing the alkalinity and cyanide salts in the effluents. pact of Ni2+, previous study have reported adverse health impacts like
The Cu2+ reduction efficiency achieved in the present study was found loss in body weight, skin irritation, and negative impact on heart and
to be much higher than 89% reduction efficiency achieved by using liver on long term Ni2+ exposure [46]. In the present work, the
zeolite and giving 10 mg L−1 of alum treatment [43] (Table 5). The Ni2+concentration in the inlet ETP effluent was in the range of
level of Cu2+ as recorded in the treated ETP outlet effluent of the 0.58–2.00 mg L−1 with a mean value of 1.10 mg L-1. On application of
present study was found to exceed the CCME and FEPA limit of FAB based effluent treatment technology the level of Ni2+ in the treated
(< 1.00 mg L−1) but was well below the CPCB and BIS limit ETP outlet effluent was reduced to 0.12 mg L−1 which corresponds to
(3.00 mg L−1) [25,26]. Previous reports have pointed that in compar- 89% Ni2+ reduction efficiency. The treated concentration level of Ni2+
ison to other toxic metals, Cu2+ and Hg2+ are highly toxic to most of in the effluent was very much within the limits of < 3.00 mg L−1 which
the aquatic life including fishes, invertebrates and aquatic plants. The is essential for the safe release of industrial effluents in the inland
chronic level of Cu2+ 0.02–0.2 mg L−1 is reported to have adverse surface water. In one of the study reported previously on removal of
health impact on both plants and animals resulting in reduced growth Ni2+ by adsorption of on oxidized multiwalled carbon nanotubes, the
and reproduction rate [44]. In case of aquatic plants, the Cu2+ ab- researchers have demonstrated increased Ni2+ removal up to 99% at
sorption rate is three times higher in comparison to the dry land plants pH 2–9 [42]. Comparing these results with the results of the present
which are indicated by damage to the normal structure of the cell study, it appears that further increase in Ni2+ reduction efficiency
membrane thereby inhibiting the growth of roots, formation of brown above 89% was possible in the present study by increasing the pH of the
coloured short secondary roots, causing damage to the structure of effluent to 9.
normal cell membrane [45]. The high level of toxicity in the organisms Chromium exists in trivalent and hexavalent stable oxidation states.
due to accumulated Cu2+ is observed when the excretion rate is less The conversion of trivalent to hexavalent chromium in the effluent

Table 5
Comparative data showing ETP efficiency achieved in our study with other previously reported ETP processes during the removal of heavy metals from textile

ETP Process Cu2+ Fe3+ Cr6+ Pb2= Ni2+ Zn2+ References

powdered algal biomass – – 71 96 – 55 [8]

Zeolite with 10 mg L−1 of alum 89 – 54 61 – – [43]
Rice Husk as a Biosorbent – – 58 59 – 57 [10]
Soil Aquifer Treatment (clayey sand with peepal leaf adsorbent) – – 97 – – 98 [11]
Soil Aquifer Treatment (silty sand with peepal leaf adsorbent) – – 95 – – 96 [11]
Burnt Brick Particles 95 75 95 95 – 97.5 [49]
Fluidized aerobic bio-reactor technology 95 96 49 75 89 91 In the present study

P.U. Singare Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering 7 (2019) 102899

takes place in presence of strong oxidants [47]. According to the report The Fe3+ concentration of inlet ETP effluent as reported in the
of the study made by [48], chromium exists in trivalent state at the pH present study was found to vary from 1.24 to 55.30 mg L−1 with a mean
less than 3.6; in the pH range of 4–6.5 it exist as Cr(OH)2+ Cr(OH)2+ value of 27.98 mg L−1; while in the outlet ETP effluent the concentra-
and it exist as neutral Cr(OH)3 species in the pH range of 7-12. The tion was found to vary from 0.05 to 2.48 mg L−1 with a mean value of
extreme toxicity of Cr6+ species depends on the invertebrate species 1.14 mg L−1. The removal efficiency achieved after the application of
while among the aquatic plants the toxicity is indicated by development FAB based effluent treatment technology in the present study was 96%
of narrow leaves having reddish brown discoloration with small ne- which was much better than 75% reduction efficiency achieved by
crotic blotches and retarded root growth with the formation of small using burnt brick particles [49] (Table 5). A strong negative correlation
roots [44,45]. In the present experimental work, the level of hexavalent exist between percentage removal of Fe3+ and pH (r = -0.448); Fe3+
Cr in inlet ETP effluent was found to vary from 0.55 to 2.50 mg L−1 and alkalinity (r = -0.475); Fe3+ and TDS (r = -0.482). The good
with a mean value of 1.32 mg L−1 and after the application of FAB positive correlation exist between Fe3+ and TSS (r = 0.366) (Table 3).
based effluent treatment technology, it was reduced to 0.67 mg L−1 These indicate that increase in pH and alkalinity of the effluent will
which corresponds to Cr6+ reduction by 49%. The level of hexavalent result in increase in TDS level thereby reducing the concentration of
chromium in the treated outlet ETP effluent as reported in the present suspended ferric contaminants in the ETP outlet effluent. It is observed
study was below the limits of 2.00 mg L-1 set for the safe release of that oxidation of Fe from bivalent to trivalent state and its hydrolysis
industrial effluents in the inland surface water [26]; however the con- producing insoluble Fe(OH)3 colloidal flocks is favoured by increase in
centration level was found to exceed the CCME limit (0.001 mg L−1) as pH and the pH value will also determine the charge on the colloidal
well as BIS and FEPA limits (0.1 mg L−1) [25]. The Cr6+ reduction surface. Due to the charge on the surface, these colloidal particles do
efficiency of 49% achieved in our study was less than the reduction not flocculate easily as a result the removal of such charged colloidal
efficiency achieved by using powdered algal biomass (71%); clayey particles is possible by application of catalytic surface adsorptive fil-
sand soil aquifer with peepal leaf adsorbent treatment (97%); silty sand tration technique [51]. Thus, it appears that in the present study it was
soil aquifer with peepal leaf adsorbent treatment (95%); rice husk as a possible to improve Fe3+ reduction efficiency above 96% by adopting
biosorbent treatment (58%); burnt brick particles treatment (95%) and filtration technique involving adsorption of colloidal Fe3+ flocks on the
zeolite coupled with alum treatment (54%) [8,10,11,43,49] (Table 5). surface of suitable catalysts. However, the concentration level of Fe3+
A strong positive correlation exists between percentage removal of Cr6+ in the treated effluent was found to exceed the tolerable limits of CCME
and alkalinity (r = 0.428); Cr6+ and PO42- (r = 0.488); Cr6+ and Ni2+ (0.3 mg L−1) but was found to satisfy the maximum limits of CPCB and
(r = 0.605); Cr6+ and Zn2+(r = 0.702) (Table 3). These indicate that it BIS (3 mg L−1) and FEPA limits (20 mg L−1) set for the textile effluents
was possible to have still better Cr6+ reduction efficiency by simulta- [25,26].
neous removal of alkaline phosphate salts of Ni2+ and Zn2+. Previous In the present study the Zn2+ concentration of the inlet ETP effluent
study has reported that maximum Cr6+ removal efficiency was possible was varying from 1.14 to 9.20 mg L−1 with a mean value of
at pH < 2 by adsorption on multiwalled carbon nanotubes [42,48]. 4.95 mg L−1; while in the outlet effluent the concentration of Zn2+ got
Based on these studies it can be predicted that the comparatively low reduced in the range of 0.10-0.78 mg L−1 with a mean value of
Cr6+ reduction efficiency of the present study was due to the fact that 0.47 mg L−1 which correspond to 91% reduction efficiency. The Zn2+
the pH of the untreated effluent was in the range of 8.05 to 10.59 while reduction efficiency achieved in the present study by using FAB based
on treatment the pH was reduced in the range of 6.60 to 7.20. ETP technology was much better than that achieved by using powdered
In the present study, the concentration of Pb2+ in the inlet ETP algal biomass (55%); rice husk as bio-adsorbent (57%) [8,10]. How-
effluent was in the range of 0.17–2.06 mg L−1 with a mean value of ever, still higher Zn2+ reduction efficiency was achieved by using
1.15 mg L−1 which on treatment using FAB based ETP technology got clayey soil aquifer treatment along with peepal leaf as an adsorbent
reduced to 0.29 mg L−1 in the outlet ETP effluent which correspond to (98%); silty soil aquifer treatment coupled with peepal leaf as an ad-
75% treatment efficiency. A previous study has reported efficient re- sorbent (96%) [11]. A good positive correlation exists between per-
moval of Pb2+ by adsorption on multiwalled carbon nanotubes and the centage removal of Zn2+ and alkalinity (r = 0.537); Zn2+ and Ni2+
adsorption rate was found to rise with increase in pH from 3 to 7 [50]. (r = 0.412); Zn2+ and Cr6+ (r = 0.702). While a strong negative cor-
Comparing these results with the results of the present study it seems relation exists between Zn2+ and TSS (r = -0.663) (Table 3). These
that still higher Pb2+ reduction efficiency was possible in the present indicate that removal of Zn2+ was facilitated along with the removal of
study by reducing the pH of the treated effluent. The Pb2+ reduction suspended alkaline salts of Ni2+ and Zn2+ in the effluent. The con-
efficiency achieved in the present study was better than the reduction centration level of Zn2+ in the treated outlet effluent of the present
efficiency achieved by using rice husk as an adsorbent (59%); and study was found to satisfy the maximum limits of CPCB and BIS
zeolite coupled alum treatment (61%) [43,10], however, higher Pb2+ (5 mg L−1) and FEPA limits (< 10 mg L−1) for the textile effluents
removal efficiency was achieved by using powdered algal biomass [25,26], but exceeds the CCME limit (0.03 mg L−1) set for safe dis-
(96%); and by effluent treatment with burnt brick particles (95%) charge of the industrial effluent in the fresh water. The presence of
[8,49] (Table 5). A strong positive correlation existing between per- Zn2+ in excess concentration in the fresh water bodies may reduce the
centage removal of Pb2+ and hardness (r = 0.568) indicate that it was plant growth and induce necrosis and chlorosis in the aquatic plants
possible to facilitate the Pb2+ removal efficiency by reducing the [46].
hardness causing ions in the effluent. The level of Pb2+ in the outlet
effluent of ETP after treatment was above the safe limits of 0.10 mg L−1 3.3. Statistical analysis
set for the release of industrial effluents in the inland surface water
[26]. The acute toxicity of Pb2+ on the aquatic plants is visualised in The statistical correlation between the percentage ETP treatment
the concentration range of 0.1–5.0 mg L-1 which is indicated by re- efficiency of heavy metals and various physic-chemical parameters of
tarded plant growth with decolouration and abnormal morphology of the effluent was done by application of univariate Pearson correlation
the plants. At higher concentration of Pb2+ above 5 mg L-1 adverse ef- coefficient. It was observed that excellent correlation exist between
fects are observed on photosynthesis, respiration and other metabolic most of the effluent treatment parameters having correlation coefficient
processes in plants. In case of vertebrates, acute Pb2+ toxicity is ob- values often greater than 0.4. In majority of cases, the correlation va-
served in the concentration of 0.1–10 mg L-1 [44]. lues were significant having P < 0.01 or P < 0.05 (Table 3).

P.U. Singare Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering 7 (2019) 102899

4. Conclusions [9] A. Islam, A. Guha, Removal of pH, TDS and color from textile effluent by using
coagulants and Aquatic/Non aquatic plants as adsorbents, Resour. Environ. 3
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