Steven Paul Jobs

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Steven Paul Jobs; February 24, 1955 – October 5, 2011) was an American entrepreneur and

business magnate. He was the chairman, chief executive officer (CEO), and a co-founder of Apple
Inc., chairman and majority shareholder of Pixar, a member of The Walt Disney Company's board of
directors following its acquisition of Pixar, and the founder, chairman, and CEO of NeXT. Jobs and
Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak are widely recognized as pioneers of the microcomputer
revolution of the 1970s and 1980s.
Jobs was born in San Francisco, California, to parents who put him up for adoption at birth. He was
raised in the San Francisco Bay Area during the 1960s. He attended Reed College in 1972 before
dropping out that same year, and traveled through India in 1974 seeking enlightenment and studying
Zen Buddhism. His declassified FBI report states that he used marijuana and LSD while he was in
college, and he once told a reporter that taking LSD was "one of the two or three most important
things" that he did in his life.
Jobs and Wozniak co-founded Apple in 1976 to sell Wozniak's Apple I personal computer. Together
the duo gained fame and wealth a year later for the Apple II, one of the first highly successful mass-
produced personal computers. Jobs saw the commercial potential of the Xerox Alto in 1979, which
was mouse-driven and had a graphical user interface (GUI). This led to development of the
unsuccessful Apple Lisa in 1983, followed by the breakthrough Macintosh in 1984, the first mass-
produced computer with a GUI. The Macintosh introduced the desktop publishing industry in 1985
with the addition of the Apple LaserWriter, the first laser printer to feature vector graphics. Jobs was
forced out of Apple in 1985 after a long power struggle. Jobs took a few of Apple's members with
him to found NeXT, a computer platform development company that specialized in computers for
higher-education and business markets. In addition, he helped to develop the visual effects industry
when he funded the computer graphics division of George Lucas's Lucasfilm in 1986. The new
company was Pixar, which produced Toy Story, the first fully computer-animated film.

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