Matsuda and Ohara (1991)

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Missouri University of Science and Technology

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International Conferences on Recent Advances 1991 - Second International Conference on
in Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering and Recent Advances in Geotechnical Earthquake
Soil Dynamics Engineering & Soil Dynamics

14 Mar 1991, 10:30 am - 12:30 pm

Settlement Calculations of Clay Layers Induced by Earthquake

Hiroshi Matsuda
Yamaguchi University, Japan

Eiichi Hoshiyama
Yamaguchi University, Japan

Sukeo Ōhara
Ube Technical College, Yamaguchi, Japan

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Matsuda, Hiroshi; Hoshiyama, Eiichi; and Ōhara, Sukeo, "Settlement Calculations of Clay Layers Induced
by Earthquake" (1991). International Conferences on Recent Advances in Geotechnical Earthquake
Engineering and Soil Dynamics. 45.

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'*" Proceedings: Second International Conference on Recent Advances In Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering and Soil Dynamics,
March 11-15, 1991, St. Louis, Missouri, Paper No. 3.35

Settlement Calculations of Clay Layers Induced by Earthquake

Hiroshi Matsuda Eiichi Hoshiyama
Associate Professor of Civil Engineering, Yamaguchi University, Graduate Student of Yamaguchi University, Japan

Sukeo Ohara
President of Ube Technical College, Yamaguchi, Japan

SYNOPSIS: A procedure to calculate the seismic settlement of clayey layers is developed based on the
strain-controlled cyclic simple shear test results. By using this procedure the seismic ground
settlements are estimated and also the results are compared with the observed ones. In the calcula-
tions, six types of accelerogram are used. As a result of estimations, following conclusions are ob-
tained. (1) In the case of a horizontal soil layer of 5 m in height, the settlements are in the
range from 3 to 6 em for a maximum acceleration of about 340 gal. (2) In the case of clay deposits
in Mexico City, the settlements of about 0-3 em are obtained for the maximum acceleration of 34 gal
and these values reasonably agree with the leveling results after the Mexico Earthquake on 1985. (3)
Seismic settlements are affected by the differences in the accelerograms.


In recent years, the injuries of such structures
as underground pipes, culverts and so on have It has been shown in the previous study(Ohara
serious effects upon the functions of society, and Matsuda,1988) that when normally con-
and this must be caused mainly by the solidated kaolinite clay is subjected to cyclic
earthquake-induced ground settlement. Practi- shear strain under the undrained condition,
cally, such a settlement especially for the the excess pore water pressure ud is accumu-
clayey ground has been noticed in the Miyagiken- lated with the number of strainy~ycles n, and
oki Earthquake on 1978 (Suzuki, 1984), Mexico that the relation between the excess pore water
earthquakes on 1957 (Zeevaert, 1972) and 1985 pressure ratio and n is formulated by a hyper-
(Jaime, 1987). So, this problem should not be bola, as follows,
disregarded in the present situation that the
structures have become to be precise. On the n
other hand, in regard to the settlement estima- - - - - - 'l' ( 1)
tion, the calculation methods for sand layers a~ 0 a + 8 · n
have been discussed (Seed and Silver, 1972), but
not for clayey layers.
where a is a vertical effective stress, o: and
From the experimental results on kaolinite clay B are d~~ined as follows,
obtained by the strain-controlled c~clic
simple shear tests, it has been shown (Ohara
and Matsuda, 1988) that the seismic settlement a A • (Ydyn)m ( 2)
of a clayey ground depends on the excess pore
water pressure induced by cyclic shear and on
the overconsolidation ratio. Even when the over-
consolidated clayey layer is subjected to cyclic Ydyn
shear, the excess pore water pressure is s
produced, and the settlement, which is con- B + c • Ydyn
siderably large compared with the settlement due c
to the secondary compression, occurs. So, it is ( 3)
Ydyn >
important to clarify the characteristics of B
seismic settlement of clay layers and also it is
necessary to develop the calculation procedure
for the seismic settlement. where Yctyn is a uniform shear strain amplitude,
and A,B,C and mare constants. In Eq.(l ), 'l' is a
In this paper, a calculation procedure for the correction factor for the initial negative
earthquake-induced settlement of clayey layers excess pore water pressure which is produced in
is developed based on the results of strain- the case of overconsolidated clay and expressed
controlled cyclic simple shear tests. Further, as follows,
this procedure is applied to the two types of
clayey layer and the estimated settlements are
compared with the observed results. 0 + E · log Ydyn ( 4)

where D and E are constants.

o\. 0 =49(kPa)
n n OCR=l
200 0 200 0
100 0
100 0
;:.., 50 0 50 0
~ .;.: 0• 5 10 6
::::> 10 6 co
- - : Ca 1cul a ted
...., 0.5 Vl
<lJ co u
"'::::> OCR=l
<lJ o,:. 0 =49(kPa) 0
)( .... >
w 0..
0 0
1.0 0.1 1.0
Shear Strain Amplitude Ydyn(%) Shear Strain Amplitude Ydyn(%)

Fig. 1 Relationships between Yctyn and udyn/0~ 0 • Fig. 3 Settlement in strain induced by cyclic
shear strain.
In Fig.1, the ratios of the excess pore water
pressure induced by cyclic shear ud n to 0~ 0 are Therefore the settlement in strain Ev due to the
plotted against the number of cycles n for the dissipation of the excess pore water pressure is
specimens with OCR=1. In the same figure, sym- given by
bols show the observed results and the solid
curves show the ones calculated by Eq.(1 ).
Ev - - - - • log - - - - - - -
When the accumulated excess pore water pressure ( 6)
in the clay specimen is dissipated, the void
ratio reduces gradually. It has been shown that
there is a linear relationship between the where e 0 is the initial void ratio.
change of the void ratio 6e and the logarithm of
the increment of effective stress log(1/(1- Since ud n in Eqs.(S) and (6), is expressed by
udy1/0~0)), regardless of the number of strain Eq.(1 ), Ythe settlement in strain induced by
cyc~es and the vertical effective stress. In cyclic shear is obtained as a function of the
Fig.2, the gradient of solid line (=Cd nl cor- shear strain amplitude Yctyn and the number of
responds to the compression index in theye-log p strain cycles n.
The relations between the settlement in strain
By using Cd n' the change of the void ratio 6e E and the shear strain amplitude yd are shown
is able to be expressed as follows, i~ Fig.3, which are the results foryg=10,50,100
and 200. In the same figure, symbols corresponds
to the observed results and the solid curves to
the calculated ones by using Eq.(6). So, it is
- Cdyn · log - - - - - - - ( 5) possible to estimate the settlement of clay
1- (Udyn/o,:.o) layer induced by cyclic shear with a constant
strain amplitude.


Ova n OCR=l
zoo 0 In estimating the earthquake-induc ed settlement
49kPa 100
of soft clay ground, it is necessary to deter-
mine the equivalent number of uniform strain
10 6 cycles for an earthquake which has irregular
98 " 200 • strain-time history. In regard to the soil
liquefaction of granular soils, some studies on
the relations between the irregular stress-time
histories and the uniform stress cycles have
been performed (Seed and Idriss, 1971, Ishihara,
1977, Annaki and Lee, 1977), but not for strain-
time history. So, in this study, a method to
evaluate the equivalent number of uniform strain
cycles for the irregular strain-time history was
0 developed.
1.0 10.0
1/(1-udyn/o,:. 0 ) Apparatus and Test Procedure

Fig. 2 Change of void ratio due to the dissi- The apparatus used in this study is the dynamic
pation of excess pore water pressure. simple shear test apparatus (Ohara and Matsuda,

1988) with the Kjellman type of shear box (75mm 100 and 200), Pattern (2) shows that the strain
in diameter and 20mm in height). The shear amplitude reduces from a predetermined maximum
deformations are applied to the specimens by shear strain amplitude Ymax to zero during N
using the servo-controlled electro-hydraulic cycles (N=10, 50, 100 and 200), Pattern (3)
loading unit. shows that the strain amplitude increases from
zero to a predetermined maximum value Ymax
The sample is Kaolinite clayey powder. It's during N cycles (N=1 0, 50, 100 and 200). In
specific gravity G is 2.70, the liquid limit wL these tests, the maximum shear strain
is 53.5% and the plastic limit wp is 28.5%. amplitude Ymax was varied in the range from
0.05% to 3.0% and the period was kept constant
In tests, normally consolidated clay specimens as 2.0s for all strain patterns, because it has
were subjected to the dynamic shear strain with been reported (Matsuda and Ohara, 1989) that the
the wave forms as shown in Fig.4, under the earthquake-induced settlement of clayey layer is
undrained condition. Then the horizontal dis- independent of the periods of cyclic shear.
placement, shear resistance and the pore water
pressure were measured. In Fig.4, Pattern (1) In the tests, after the undrained cyclic shear
shows that the wave form is a uniform sine wave was stopped, the drainage from the top of the
with the number of cycles n ( n=10, 30, 50, specimen was allowed and then the settlement was
measured with time.

Pattern(l) Procedure for Estimating the Equivalent Uniform

y dyn J}\ (\ (\ (\ (\ (\ (\ (\ (\ (\ Strain Amplitude
QIV QrV VVVIV V'V Typical records of the cyclic shear strain and
the excess pore water pressure during tests are
Pattern ( 2) shown in Figs.5(a),(b) and (c), for strain pat-
Ymax rf\V'V'V
A f\. 1\ f\ 1\ ,... " 0
v-v~~o u
terns (1 ), (2) and (3), respectively. Fig.6
shows the relationships between the excess pore
water pressure and the number of cycles N for
patterns (2) and (3). It is seen that the dif-
ferences in the cyclic strain patterns con-
siderably affect the excess pore water pressure.
In Fig.7, however, the relationships between the
VV'l\T\J\TV V VJYmax excess pore water pressure ratio accumulated
during N cycles and the maximum shear strain
nor N=200,100,50,30,10 amplitude y ax' are independent of the strain
T=2.0sec patterns. T~erefore, by comparing Fig.7 with
Fig.1 for the excess pore water pressures, the
uniform shear strain amplitude Yd equivalent
Fig. 4 Cyclic strain patterns. to the irregular cyclic shear stt~in might be
estimated for an arbitrary number of uniform
strain cycles.
Strain o~ 0 =49(kPa)
The relationships between Yctyn/Ymax and Ymax
are shown in Fig.8, especially for n=50. Similar
results for another n can also be obtained by
Fig.1. So, for an irregular strain-time history
Excess Pore Water with y and N, it is possible to obtain the
-~ T; i equivaT~~t uniform shear strain amplitude y yn
for an arbitrary number of uniform strain cyc~es
n. (Ex. n=10, 30, 50, 100 and 200)

Shear Strain o{, 0 =49(kPa)

r r·· · 1" T -• T : •

2 0
----~ 1.0
OJ :::>

3"' .,....
OJ "'
"- OJ
Vl :::>
Vl Vl
OJ "'
u OJ

X 5-

""' 0
0 50 100 150 200
Number of Cycles N

Fig. 6 Relationships between number of cycles

Fig. 5 Typical records of dynamic shear tests. N and udyn/a~ 0 •

l.O Table I. Comparisons of the estimated excess
pore water pressure with observed
0 N ( 2) (3)

200 0
100 0
•• Ymax N
n Ydyn/Ymax Ydyn
Udy,n n:,, error
(calculated) (observed) (%)
50 0 200

10 !::::, 100
0 402
0 080
"' ...., 0.5
3: •r 0.200 ll 0 074 0.063 17 0
50 0477 0 095
"' 30 0.515 0.103 0.092
200 0.240 0.139 ~
"',_ 100 0.255 o. 148 0.303 0.217 ~
Vl "'
"'(/\ (/\ 0.580 ll 50 0.310 0.180 0.295 ~
u ,_ 22 4
>< "' 30 0 360 0 209 0 266
...._, 0..
200 0 225 0 249 0 571 ~
100 0 250 0 276 0 534 0.380 ~
l. 105 16 0 285 0 315 0 474
0 50 ~
0.1 1.0 30 0.390 0.431 0.478
200 0.224 0.452 0.750
Maximum Shear Strain Amplitude Ymax(%) 100 0.258 0.521 0. 725
2.020 23 50 0.576 0.659 0.593 ~
0.285 ~
Fig. 7 Relationships between Ymax and Udyn/ 0 ~o. 30 0.420 0.848 0.680 14.7

By using the maximum shear strain amplitude Ymax

2.0 and the number of irregular strain cycles N
'I 'I which is obtained for strains larger than the
OCR=l n=50 threshold shear strain Ytp (Matsuda and Ohara,
-....c:: 1989; in this case Yt is 0.05%), the equivalent
:>, o~ 0 =49(kPa) N uniform strain amplit~de rd and the equivalent
;>- 200 0 number of strain cycles n at~ evaluated and then
100 0 the excess pore water pressures are able to be
•r 0 50 0
"' estimated by Eq.(1 ).
V) 1.0 f- '~
0 -8-8--·~r-----o
0 ~- - -
""- 10 6
,_ ', , .9 c9 o N=200 In Table I, comparisons between the estimated
' ' 0
. =100 excess pore water pressure and the observed ones
are shown, for Ymax=0.20%, 0.58%, 1.11%, 2.02%
0 6' ''""fro __ : -g>--- --n=50 and n=30, 50, 100, 200. It is seen that the es-
timated values have a tendency to be greater
~"' 0
,, lS - - --"=10
than the observed ones ; this means that the es-
timated results might be in the safety side, and
0.1 1.0 10.0 it is possible to minimize the error by taking
the number of uniform strain cycles n as the ap-
Maximum Shear Strain Amplitude Ymax(%) proximate value of the number of irregular
strain cycles N.
Fig. 8 Relationships between Ymax and shear
strain ratio rdyn/rmax·
To investigate the reliability of this method, Outline of the Calculation Procedure for
the strain-controlled cyclic simple shear tests Earthquake-Induced Settlement
were carried out for irregular strain waves. The
testing procedures were almost the same as men- A procedure to calculate the earthquake-induced
tioned above. In the tests, the maximum shear settlement of clay layers was developed. The
strain amplitude was varied in the range from outline of this procedure is as follows: 1)
0.1 to 2.0%. Typical records of test are shown Divide the soil layer with the thickness H into
in Fig.9. n layers with the thickness Hi. 2) Observe the

Fig. 9 Typical records of cyclic simple shear test.

shear moduli, damping ratios and densities. 3) QJ 0.5
Calculate the shear strain response in each <:::
layer. 4) Evaluate the equivalent uniform strain 0.
0.4 Simulated EarthC]uake
amplitude Ydyn and the equivalent number QJ
Dmax= 771 . l em
V1 0.3
- - - - r - - - - - - - G. L. 0 h=O 02
-a 0.2
N h=O 05 ~=0.00
G=4.9MPa <0
0. l ~ l
L{") h=O. 10 0
z: 0 "-.....(
0 2 3 4 5
Period (S)

Fig.12 Normalized displacement response

Spectrum for the simulated earthquake.

Fig.10 Soil layer with the thickness of Sm.

of strain cycles n for an irregular strain-time
history. 5) Calculate the settlement in strain
6£i in each soil layer by Eq.(1 ). 6) Calculate
.?) El Centro the total settlement by 6H=L£i • Hi .


+-' Calculation of the Earthquake-Induced Settlement

~ of a Clay Layer
"'uu The procedure for estimation of the seismic

settlement was applied to a soil profile as

Time Cs) shown in Fig.10, which was a horizontal soil

400 layer of Sm in height underlain by a rock
[ Hachinohe material. In this case, the shear
~ o '-.,j\·/'fv.f\\J'N~\~.,/V../'''·'v-.:,. .j""-v.rv\. "'\i'\I\J\r\l\l\f~~j1\bv\rv'V'',-
modulus(G=4.9MPa) and the damping ratios (h=5%
or 10%) were assumed to be constant in the ver-
tical direction.
"'~ -400
<( 0 10 15
The underlying rock layer was subjected to such
seismic motions as El Centro Earthquake of 1940,
Tokachi-Oki Earthquake of 1968, Miyagiken-oki
Earthquake of 1978, Niigata Earthquake of 1964,
Taft Earthquake of 1952, and the simulated
earthquake which was generated by random num-
bers. The accelerograms are shown in Fig.11,
and the normalized displacement response
spectrum for the simulated earthquake is shown
Time Cs) in Fig.12.
400 The shear strain-time histories of clay layers
were calculated by the lumped mass type of ap-
proach. In calculations, to compare the effects
0 of the wave forms on the settlement, the maxi-
"' mum acceleration for each accelerogram was
::; -400 equalized to that of El Centro Earthquake
0 10 15 20 (amax=341.7 gal).
Time Cs)
.?) Table II. Calculation of the settlement induced
0 by an earthquake. (for the simulated
';;; 0 earthquake and n=30 )
"' -400
::; Layer Thick- Ymax N Ydyn/Ymax Ydyn Udyn/O~o Ezi L'IHi

Time (s)
10 15 20 ness(m (%) en (%) (em)
l 0.50 0.062 12 0.924 0.057 0.000 0,000 0,000

~ ": r~~~~~~~~:~~
2 0,50 0.181 33 0.710 0.129 0.150 0.268 0.134
3 0.50 0.286 41 0.698 0.200 0.253 0.483 0.241
4 0.50 0.379 43 0,690 0.262 0,322 0,642 0 321
5 0.50 0.472 44 0.679 0.321 0.378 0.785 0.393
6 0.50 0,559 44 0.659 0.368 0.418 0,896 0.448
:;_ -400 [ 7 0,50 0.640 43 0.642 0.411 0.451 0.991 0.495
0 10 15 20 8 0.50 0 717 44 0 648 0.465 0.488 l. 107 0.553
Time Cs) 9 0.50 o. 771 43 0.630 0.486 0.502 l. 151 0.576
10 0.50 0.801 41 0.620 0.497 0.509 1.174 0.587
Fig.11 Accelerograms used in the calculations. Total 5.00 - - -- - -- - 3.749

Table III. Estimated settlements in the case of Table IV. Estimated settlements in the case of
soil profile as shown in Fig.10. soil profile as shown in Fig.13.

Input Max. Input Max.

Input Max.a=34l.7gal
a=34.4 gal a=34l. 7gal
h=O.lO n=30 h=0.05 n=30 lh-0.054 n~30 h=0.0~4 n~Jo
amax 6H i\H
amax i\H IIH
(gal) (em) (em) (gal) (em)
(NS) 341.7 3.37 4.69 ElCentro
(NS) 341.7 0.32 52.52
6,06 Haehinohe
(NS) 232.7 4.46 232.7 48.77
(NS) 2.83
5/16/'68 5/16/'68
Kaihoku Brid.
Kaihoku Brid.
(Tr) 286.8 4.18 5.16 25.98
(Tr) 286.8 0.18
Ni i ga ta 6!12/'78
(EW) 3,99 Niigata
156.9 2.99 3,00 63.25
6/16/'64 (EW) 156.9
( N2l S) Taft
152.7 4.53 5.63 41.47
71_21/_' 52 (N21S) 152.7 0. 75
Simulated l/21/'52
356. l 3.75 5.17 Simulated
356. l 0.85 49.67

A calculation procedure for the simulated

earthquake is illustrated in Table II, and calculations were also carried out for 6 types
results for all accelerograms are shown in Table of accelerogram as shown in Fig.11 and the
III. It is seen that the settlements are in the maximum acceleration for each accelerogram was
range from 3 to 6 em and that these values dif- established as 34.4 gal or 341.7 gal: the former
fer with accelerograms. value was determined based on the accelerograms
at hilly zone in Mexico City.
Earthquake-Induced Settlements of Clay Deposits
in Mexico City The estimated results are shown in Table IV. For
the case that a maximum acceleration is 34.4
A large earthquake with a magnitude of 8.1 oc- gal, calculated results are in the range from
curred on September 19, 1985 and did great 0.3 to 3.0 em and these values reasonably agree
damage to Mexico City. As for the seismic with the leveling results of 1985. On the other
settlement of the ground at lake-bed zone in hand, for the case of a maximum acceleration
Mexico City, the settlements of 0-3cm were ob- of 341.7 gal, it is seen that the settlement
served by leveling after the earthquakes of Sep- reaches 47cm in average and is considerably af-
tember (Jaime, 1987). fected by the differences in the accelerograms
or displacement spectrums.
Fig.13 shows the damping ratio, shear modulus
and density profile in Mexico City. Settlement

A procedure for the calculation of earthquake-

G.L. - - - - - - - - - - induced settlement of clayey layer was developed
(1) h=0.054 G=3.19MPa based on the results of strain-controlled cyclic
Y=l .23tf/m 3 simple shear tests. Especially in this proce-
dure, the irregular strain-time histories were
h=0.054 G=lO.l2MPa converted into the equivalent uniform strain
(I I) Y=l .25tf/m 3 cycles.

The important conclusions obtained in this study

are as follows:
III) h=0.054 G=l5.25MPa
( Y=l .37tf/m 3 (1) In the case of a horizontal soil layer of 5
m in height, the estimated settlements were in
h=0.054 G=320.6MPa the range from 3 to 6 em for the maximum ac-
(IV) Y=l. 75tf/m celeration of about 340 gal.

(2) In the case of soil profile in Mexico City,

the settlements of about 0-3 em were obtained
h=0.054 G=l9800.0MPa for the maximum acceleration of 34 gal. These
(V) Y=l. 76tf/m 3 values reasonably agree with the leveling
results at the Mexico Earthquake on 1985.

Fig.13 A soil profile in Mexico City. (3) The settlements induced by earthquakes are
( after Herrera, 1965) considerably affected by the differences in the

accelerograms or the displacement spectrums.


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