1.make It Happen - Green (L01-L10)

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Checking in at the Airport

You are at an airport to check into your flight. What kind of
conversation would you have with the ticket agent?

Look at the picture and write the matching number in the boxes below.

ticket counter ticket overhead

ticket agent passport compartment
scale mileage card aisle seat
weight boarding pass window seat
baggage luggage cart rear seat
suitcase porter/sky cap front seat
luggage arrival and emergency exit row
garment bag departure monitor seat
middle seat

You are at the ticket counter. You have one suitcase and a
backpack. Make a conversation.

Let’s learn more expressions.

Yoon Ho I’d like to check into my flight.

I’m here to

T.A. Your passport and ticket, please.

Please put your passport and ticket on here.
May I have your passport and ticket, please?

Yoon Ho Okay and here’s my mileage card.

T.A. Thank you. Where would you like to sit?

Which type of seat would you prefer?
Would you like an aisle seat or a window seat?

Yoon Ho I’d like to sit at the front side of the plane.

an aisle seat.
a window seat.
any seat but the rear.
an emergency exit row seat.

T.A. How many pieces of luggage do you have?

Do you have any luggage to check in?
Is there any check-in baggage?

Yoon Ho I have one. And should I check in this bag, too?

can I take this on the plane?
can I take this onboard?

T.A. Maybe. Let me check the weight. Please place your bag on the scale.
We need to weigh your baggage.
You can carry that onboard.

Yoon Ho OK. And when is the boarding time?

T.A. Ticket Agent

Have a conversation with the ticket agent. Catch the clues from
the pictures.
T.A. How many pieces of luggage do you have?
You I have one. Should I check in this bag, too?

There are four sets of situations here. Get in each situation and
talk with the ticket agent face to face.
1. You’re reserving an aisle seat and checking in two pieces of
luggage. You are asking if you should check in your bag.

2. You’re reserving an emergency exit row seat and checking in one

package. You are asking if you should check in the garment bag.

3. You’re reserving a front seat of the plane and checking in two

boxes. You are asking if you can take the golf set on the plane. You
have an airline membership card, too.

4. You’re reserving a window seat and checking in one piece of

luggage. You are asking if you can take your dog onboard and
asking the gate number.

You are at the ticket counter with your boarding pass and

Fill out the boarding pass with your own information. Look at the claim
tags and find out the information on your baggage. Have a conversation
with your partner.

Review what you’ve learned in this lesson. Fill in the blanks.

You _____________________________________________________________
T.A. Your passport and ticket, please.
You _____________________________________________________________
T.A. Thank you. Where would you like to sit?
You _____________________________________________________________
T.A. How many pieces of luggage do you have?
You _____________________________________________________________
T.A. Maybe. Let me check the weight. Please place your bag on
the scale.
You _____________________________________________________________
T.A. Ticket Agent


Missing a Flight
You arrived at the gate late and the gate had already been
closed. What kind of conversation would you have with the ticket

Choose the sentence that you are most likely to say to the ticket agent

Do I have to pay for the ticket again?

Is there any other flight today?
Where should I go to ask?
What will happen to the luggage I checked in?
Is there a penalty fee for reserving another flight?

You just learned that you missed your flight to Chicago. You need
to be there today. Make a conversation.

Let’s learn more expressions.

Yoon Ho Am I too late to board flight 331?

Can I still get on?
Can I get on the flight now?

T.A. I’m afraid the gate for flight 331 has just closed.
we closed the gate just a second ago.
I can’t allow you to get on this flight.

Yoon Ho You mean I missed the flight?

T.A. Yes. Flight 331 has already left. Let me see what I can do for you.
The flight to Chicago has just left.
You were too late for the flight.

Yoon Ho Do you have another flight to Chicago today?

I need to be there today.
for tomorrow’s meeting.
as soon as possible.

T.A. OK. Don’t worry. I’ll try to put you on our next flight.
I can book you on the 7 pm flight tonight for you.
You can be on tomorrow’s earliest flight.

Yoon Ho How about the luggage I checked in?

the suitcase
the pet

T.A. I’ll contact them and ask them to hold the luggage.
They’ll take care of it.

T.A. Ticket Agent

Have a conversation with the flight attendant. Catch the clues
from the pictures.
You Am I too late to board flight 331?
T.A. I’m afraid the gate for flight 331 has just

There are four sets of situations here. Get in each situation and
talk with the flight attendant face to face.
1. You are too late for flight 701 to Sydney but you need to be there as
soon as possible. You’re wondering about the luggage you
checked in.

2. You’re asking if you can get on the flight to Miami. You need to be
there for tomorrow’s meeting. You’re wondering about the suitcase
you checked in.

3. You have to be in Montreal by tonight, but you’re not sure that you
can still get on the flight. You’re wondering about the pet you
checked in.

4. You are too late for the flight 890 to Denver but you have to be
there for tomorrow’s Halloween party. You’re asking about where to
pick up the luggage that you checked in.

Although you checked in the luggage two hours before the take-
off, you were very late for the boarding time because you were
shopping at a duty free shop.

Choose what you bought at a duty free shop and follow the line. Have a
conversation with your partner with the information you have.

Review what you’ve learned in this lesson. Fill in the blanks.

You ________________________________________________________________
T.A. I’m afraid the gate for flight 331 has just closed.
You ________________________________________________________________
T.A. Yes. Flight 331 has already left. Let me see what I can do for you.
You ________________________________________________________________
T.A. OK. Don’t worry. I’ll try to put you on our next flight.
You ________________________________________________________________
T.A. I’ll contact them and ask them to hold the luggage.
T.A. Ticket Agent


You’re in the airport and trying to transfer to San Francisco. What
kind of conversation would you have with the airport staff?

You are at the information desk to ask about the locations below.

where to transfer
the transit counter
the gate for the connecting flight

You need to transfer your flight to San Francisco but you don’t have
a boarding pass. Make a conversation.

Let’s learn more expressions.

Yoon Ho
Excuse me. Where can I transfer to the flight to San Francisco?
How should I transfer

A.S. Do you have a boarding pass?

Have you got a boarding pass?
Do you have a transit card?

Yoon Ho No, I don’t. I’m not a transit passenger.

I’m changing flights.
Yes, but I missed my connecting flight.

A.S. Then you have to proceed to the transfer counter to get a boarding pass.
the transit staff will book you on the next flight.
ask for the transfer boarding pass at the transit counter.

Yoon Ho May I ask where the transit counter is?

A.S. Just follow the signs and you’ll find it.

Just go straight ahead and you’ll see it next to the Airline desk.
It’s right behind you.

Yoon Ho
Thank you. And I’d like to know the gate for the connecting flight.(?)
which gate do I need to go to

A.S. It’s gate 12 to transfer to San Francisco.

The flight to San Francisco is gate 12.
You can check that when you get the transit card.

A.S. Airport Staff

Have a conversation with the airport staff. Catch the clues from
the pictures.
You Excuse me. Where can I transfer to
the flight to San Francisco?
A.S. Do you have a boarding pass?

There are four sets of situations here. Get in each situation and
talk with the airport staff face to face.
1. You don’t know where you can transfer to the flight to L.A. because
you missed the transit flight. You’d like to know the gate for the
transit flight.

2. You have no idea how you should transfer to the flight to Mexico
City because you’re not a transit passenger. You’re asking which
gate you need to go to for the connecting flight.

3. You’re changing a flight to Paris and you’re not sure where you can
transfer to the flight. You’d like to know the gate for the transit

4. You’re asking where you should transfer to the flight to Toronto

because you don’t have a boarding pass to Toronto. You’re asking
which gate you need to go to for the connecting flight.

You are at the information desk and asking for some help. The
airport staff is looking at the departure screen.

Look at the departure board at an airport. Find any city where you want
to transfer. Then have a conversation with a partner.

Welcome to Houston International Airport

WERTERN 290 ST. LOUIS 22 2:51
EAGLE 163 NEW YORK 05 3:50
WESTERN 295 DALLAS 23 4:10

Review what you’ve learned in this lesson. Fill in the blanks.

You ________________________________________________________________
A.S. Do you have a boarding pass?
You ________________________________________________________________
A.S. Then you have to proceed to the transfer counter
to get a boarding pass.
You ________________________________________________________________
A.S. Just follow the signs and you’ll find it.
You ________________________________________________________________
A.S. It’s gate 12 to transfer to San Francisco.
A.S. Airport Staff


On an Airplane
You are on an airplane and you want some help from the flight
attendant. What kind of conversation would you have with the
flight attendant?

Guess what these words would be. Unscramble the words.

1. _________________________________________ (dveorhea pratenctomm)

2. _________________________________________ (ryacr-no-gab)
3. _________________________________________ (varoylta)
4. _________________________________________ (raicsik)
5. _________________________________________ (ownwid hdesa)
6. _________________________________________ (aste koetcp)
7. _________________________________________ (arty)
8. _________________________________________ (alme)

You need help putting your stuff up in the compartment. You feel
airsick so you’d like some medicine. Make a conversation.

Let’s learn more expressions.

Yoon Ho Can you put my stuff up in the compartment?

in the overhead bin?

F.A. All right, sir.

Of course.
Okay. I’ll get it for you.

Yoon Ho Excuse me, but I feel sick. Do you have anything to help?
I have a terrible headache.
I have an upset stomach.

F.A. Oh! Hold on. I’ll give you some medicine.

I’ll bring it over to your seat.
I’ll find something that can help you.

Yoon Ho Can I have something to drink, too?

a wet towel, too?
an extra blanket, too?
Could you straighten the seat in front of me?
pull the shade down?

F.A. Sure. Anything else?

Do you need anything else?
Is there anything I can help you with?

Yoon Ho Yes. Could I have the meal later?

F.A. No problem. Let me know when you’re ready.

Feel free to ask any time.
Do you want something else to eat?

F.A. Flight Attendant

Have a conversation with the flight attendant. Catch the clues
from the pictures.
You Excuse me, but I feel sick. Do you have
anything to help?
F.A. Oh! Hold on. I’ll give you some medicine.

There are four sets of situations here. Get in each situation and
talk with the flight attendant face to face.
1. You’re asking a flight attendant to put your bag up in the compartment.
You feel sick and ask for a wet towel.

2. You’re asking a flight attendant to put your box up in the overhead

bin. You have an upset stomach and ask for an extra blanket.

3. You’re asking a flight attendant if she can put your stuff up in the
compartment. You have a terrible headache and ask for pulling the
shade down.

4. You’re asking a flight attendant to put your bag up in the overhead

bin. You feel airsick and ask the flight attendant to straighten the
seat in front of you.

You’re on an airplane now. You want to ask the flight attendant
for some items.

Check the items that you need to ask for. Have a conversation with your
partner based on your choice.

a pillow a headphone a blanket a glass of wine

meal later meal early an airsickness a customs

bag declaration

take out the bag from the compartment put the bag up in the compartment

Review what you’ve learned in this lesson. Fill in the blanks.

You ________________________________________________________________
F.A. All right, sir.

You ________________________________________________________________
F.A. Oh! Hold on. I’ll give you some medicine.
You ________________________________________________________________
F.A. Sure. Anything else?
You ________________________________________________________________
F.A. No problem. Let me know when you’re ready.
F.A. Flight Attendant


Going Through
You are facing an immigration officer at the immigration. What
kind of conversation would you have with the immigration officer?

How would the immigration officer ask for the information below? What
will you answer for the questions then?

your occupation _______________________________________

people you’re traveling with _______________________________________
the duration of your stay _______________________________________
the type of visa _______________________________________
the nature of your trip _______________________________________
the number of your bags _______________________________________
your local address _______________________________________

You are a foreign student and your I-20 is in the passport. Make a

Let’s learn more expressions.

I.O. What’s the purpose of your visit?

What is the nature of your trip?
What’s the reason for your visit?

Yoon Ho I’m here as a foreign student.

on vacation.
on business.
to go sightseeing.

I.O. May I see your I-20?

Did you get a visa in your country?
Do you have the admission letter with you?

Yoon Ho Yes, it’s in the passport.

here it is.

I.O. What is the duration of your stay?

How long will you be staying here?
How long are you going to stay here?

Yoon Ho I’m planning to stay here until I get a diploma.

I’ll be staying about a month.
For one week.

I.O. Where are you going to stay here?

Where will you be staying?

Yoon Ho I have a homestay downtown. Can you please tell me where the baggage claim area is?
I reserved a room
At my friend’s place

I.O. Immigration Officer

Have a conversation with the immigration officer. Catch the clues
from the pictures.
I.O. What’s the purpose of your visit?
You I’m here as a foreign student.

There are four sets of situations here. Get in each situation and
talk with the immigration officer face to face.
1. You’re visiting the U.S. for a vacation for one week. Your friend lives

2. You’re in Canada as a foreign student and you’re going to stay until

you graduate the university. You have a homestay downtown.

3. You’re visiting the U.K. on a business trip for a month. You reserved
a hotel room downtown.

4. You’re visiting Hong Kong to see your friend. You’re going to stay
about four days. You’re asking where customs is.

You are looking at the empty arrival/departure record form
before going through the immigration.

Fill out the form and change it with your partner. Have a conversation
with the information on the form.

Review what you’ve learned in this lesson. Fill in the blanks.

I.O. What’s the purpose of your visit?

You ________________________________________________________________
I.O. May I see your I-20?
You ________________________________________________________________
I.O. What is the duration of your stay?
You ________________________________________________________________
I.O. Where are you going to stay here?
You ________________________________________________________________
I.O. Immigration Officer


Lost Baggage
You are at the baggage claim area but someone has your luggage.
What kind of conversation would you have with him/her?

Choose the expressions of what each person might say in the picture.
Put the numbers in the balloons. You can choose more than one
expression per person.

1. This is mine! 6. It looks exactly like mine!

2. I thought it was mine. 7. Someone took my bag!
3. I can’t find mine! 8. I lost my luggage!
4. Here’s my name on the bag! 9. What should I do?
5. My luggage is damaged. 10. Oops! I’m sorry.

A woman comes to you at the baggage claim area and tells you
that the baggage you’re carrying is actually hers.
Make a conversation.

Let’s learn more expressions.

Woman Excuse me. I’m afraid this is my luggage.

This must be my bag.
I think it should be mine.

Yoon Ho Oh, I’m sorry. I thought it was mine.

Woman That’s OK. These things always happen at an airport.

I’ve been in the same situation many times.
I did exactly the same thing on my last trip.

Yoon Ho It looks exactly like mine!

It’s the same as mine!

Woman Yeah, that’s why we put a name tag on the luggage.

But see, here is my name on the tag.
So I always check the name tag before I take it out.

Yoon Ho I see. By the way, I can’t find mine. I think I lost my luggage!
my suitcase isn’t here.
my suitcase hasn’t come out yet.

Woman Are you sure? Don’t panic.

Don’t worry.
Calm down.

Yoon Ho What should I do?

Where should I go and ask?
I have the baggage claim ticket though.

Woman Go to the lost and found across the lobby.

You should report that to the lost and found.
Keep the baggage claim ticket and ask for help.

Have a conversation with the woman. Catch the clues from the
You What should I do?
Woman Go to the lost and found across the lobby.

There are four sets of situations here. Get in each situation and
talk with the woman face to face.
1. You thought the luggage was yours because it looks exactly like
yours. You can’t find yours, so you’re asking what you should do.

2. The woman’s bag is the same as yours and your suitcase hasn’t
come out yet. You’re asking where you should go and ask.

3. The woman’s luggage looks just like yours. Your suitcase isn’t at
the baggage claim area but you have the claim ticket though.

4. You thought the bag was yours because the color is the same as
yours. You can’t see your bag anywhere so you’re asking what you
should do.

You are about to leave the baggage claim area with the baggage
you found, but a person comes to you and tells you it’s his/hers.

Choose one from the baggage below and take each role. Have a
conversation with your partner as if you are in a real situation.

Review what you’ve learned in this lesson. Fill in the blanks.

Woman Excuse me. I’m afraid this is my luggage.

You ________________________________________________________________
Woman That’s OK. These things always happen at an airport.
You ________________________________________________________________
Woman Yeah, that’s why we put a name tag on the luggage.
You ________________________________________________________________
Woman Are you sure? Don’t panic.
You ________________________________________________________________
Woman Go to the lost and found across the lobby.


Reserving a Room
You want to reserve a hotel room by phone. What kind of
conversation would you have with the front clerk?

Look at the reservation slip and answer the questions.

1. Reserved by Phone √
1. May I have your full name, please?
- Grand Ville Hotel - 2. How long will you be staying?
2. Name:
3. How would you like to pay?
3. Rm. No.: 315
4. Rm. Type: a double bed.
4. What kind of room do you have in
5. Price per day: $150 mind?
6. Days of staying: Sat. Sun.
7. Method of payment: Credit Card

Below are the different kinds of rooms at a hotel. Do you know what to
call them?

You’re calling to make a reservation. You’ll be staying for the

weekend. Make a conversation.

Let’s learn more expressions.

Yoon Ho Hello, I’m calling to make a reservation.

Clerk For how many nights?

How long will you be staying?
How many days would you like to reserve?

Yoon-Ho I’ll be staying for the weekend.

I’m planning to stay for two nights from this Tuesday.
from next Monday to Friday.

Clerk What kind of room do you have in mind?

How big does the room have to be?
Would you like a double or single?

Yoon-Ho I want to reserve a double bed.

a single room.
a suite with a view.
a double room with a Jacuzzi.
a standard room with a kitchen.

Clerk No problem. May I have your name, please?

Can I have your name, please?
Would you tell me your name, please?

Yoon-Ho My name is Yoon Ho Lee. And what’s the price of that room?
what’s the daily rate?
how much is it per night?

Clerk That would be $150 a night. Can I have your credit card number, please?
The total comes to $300 for two nights.
We charge $150 per day.

Have a conversation with the front clerk. Catch the clues from the
Clerk What kind of room do you have in mind?

You I want to reserve a double bed.

There are four sets of situations here. Get in each situation and
talk with the front clerk face to face.
1. You’re reserving a room with a double bed for the weekend. You’re
asking the price of the room.

2. You’re reserving a single room for two nights from this Saturday.
You’re asking how much the room per night is.

3. You’re reserving a suite with a view. You’re planning to stay from

next Monday to Friday and asking the daily rate.

4. You want to stay in a standard room with a kitchen for a month.

You’re asking what the total will be for the month.

You are calling a hotel to reserve a room.

Look at the mission below and have a conversation based on it.

Remember to ask the total amount you have to pay at the end of the

Mission to Guest Mission to Clerk

You need to reserve You need to calculate the

1 room in high season and total amount that the guest
1 room in low season. has to pay. Refer to the
table below.

The Total amount=daily rate X staying nights

The total comes to $______________ .

Season Single Double Standard Suite Deluxe

(Low) $ 65 $ 95 $ 120 $ 140 $ 260
Feb.~Jun. W/ View W/ Kitchen W/ Jacuzzi
Sep.~Nov. $ 110 $ 136 $ 150

(High) $ 80 $ 110 $ 145 $ 170 $ 350

Jul.~Aug. W/ View W/ Kitchen W/ Jacuzzi
Dec.~Jan. $ 125 $ 160 $ 190

Review what you’ve learned in this lesson. Fill in the blanks.

You ________________________________________________________________
Clerk For how many nights?

You ________________________________________________________________
Clerk What kind of room do you have in mind?

You ________________________________________________________________
Clerk No problem. May I have your name, please?

You ________________________________________________________________
Clerk That would be $150 a night.
Can I have your credit card number, please?


Checking In
You are checking in a hotel room. What kind of conversation
would you have with the front clerk?

What kind of questions would you ask the front clerk? Check the words
below. Try to make the questions about them.

reservation pool service

vacancy gym open hours
breakfast spa/sauna
rate valet parking
method of payment transportation

You already reserved a room by phone. You’d like to know if the

hotel provides breakfast at that rate. Make a conversation.

Let’s learn more expressions.

Clerk Hello. I’m afraid we have no vacancies.

we have no rooms available.
we’re fully booked right now.

Yoon Ho I made a reservation under Yoon Ho Lee by phone.

I have a reservation under
I already reserved a room under the name

Clerk Oh! I have it right here. Would you fill this out, please?
Please fill out the check-in slip.
I need you to complete this registration form.

Yoon Ho Sure, and do you provide breakfast at that rate?

a shuttle to the airport
a ticket for the swimming pool

Clerk If you didn’t book for the package, then it’ll be charged.
No. But for 50 dollars you can enjoy our restaurants and facilities.
Yes, it’s included in the rate.

Yoon Ho OK. I’d like to pay using the card number you already have.

Clerk Yes, sir, that won’t be a problem.

I’ll take care of that.
that will be fine.

Yoon Ho I need some help with my bags, please.

I need someone to help me

Have a conversation with the front clerk. Catch the clues from
the pictures.
Clerk Sure, and do you provide breakfast at that
You If you didn’t book for the package,
then it’ll be charged.

There are four sets of situations here. Get in each situation and
talk with the front clerk face to face.
1. You made a reservation under your name by phone. You’re asking if
they provide breakfast at that rate. You need some help with your

2. You have a reservation under your name. You’re asking if they

provide meals at that rate and you need someone to help with your

3. You already reserved a room under your name by phone. You’re

asking if they provide a ticket for the swimming pool. You need
some help with your bags.

4. You have a reservation under your name. You’re asking if they

provide a coffee maker in the room. You are looking for the elevator.

You are at the hotel front desk and checking in a room.

You have to ask about the hotel facilities. Ask if they’d be included in
the rate.

Review what you’ve learned in this lesson. Fill in the blanks.

Clerk Hello. I’m afraid we have no vacancies.

You ________________________________________________________________
Clerk Oh! I have it right here. Would you fill this out, please?

You ________________________________________________________________
Clerk If you didn’t book for the package, then it’ll be charged.

You ________________________________________________________________
Clerk Yes, sir, that won’t be a problem.

You ________________________________________________________________


Asking for Service

You are asking for service in a hotel room. What kind of conversation
would you have with the clerk?

Find these items in the picture and ask for the items on the phone.
What would you say? Make a note if necessary.

1. towel ________________________________________________________
2. late check-out ________________________________________________________
3. wake-up call ________________________________________________________
4. breakfast ________________________________________________________
5. blanket ________________________________________________________
6. pillowcase ________________________________________________________
7. sheet ________________________________________________________

You are in room 315. You need to ask for extra towels and a
wake-up call. Make a conversation.

Let’s learn more expressions.

Clerk Hello, may I help you?

Front desk, how may I help you?

Yoon Ho Hello, this is room 315. I need extra towels up here, please.
I need more blankets
bars of soap
toilet paper

Clerk Okay, we’ll send someone right over.

we’ll bring them up for you.
we’ll have a house keeper take care of it right away.

Yoon Ho And is it okay to check out an hour late?

could I delay my check-out time to 2 pm?

Clerk I’m sorry, but we’ll need to charge you extra after our noon check-out time.

Yoon Ho Alright then. May I have a wake-up call tomorrow morning at seven?(.)
I’d like

Clerk Sure. We’ll give you a wake-up call. Is there anything else I can help you with?
We’ll set up that time for you.
We’ll call you at that time.

Yoon Ho When is breakfast available?

Have a conversation with the clerk. Catch the clues from the
Clerk Hello. May I help you?
You Hello, this is room 315. I need extra towels up
here, please.

There are four sets of situations here. Get in each situation and
talk with the clerk face to face.
1. You need extra towels in room 403. You’re asking if it’s okay to
check out an hour late. You’re asking for a wake-up call tomorrow
morning at seven.

2. You need some more blankets in room 502. You’re asking if you
could delay your check-out time to 1 pm. You’d like a wake-up call
at eight.

3. You need extra bars of soap in room 201. You’re asking if it’s okay
to check out two hours late. You’re asking for a wake-up call
tomorrow at nine.

4. You need more toilet paper in room 608. You’re asking if you could
delay your check-out time to 2 pm. You’d like a wake-up call at
eight and have breakfast at 8:30 in your room.

You are in the hotel room after your trip. You will take a bath and
have a rest.

This is the service check list. Check the items that you need. Call the
front desk and ask for the service.

Service Check List

For a suite
extra blankets
more bars of soap
extra pillows
more towels
more toilet paper
wake-up call __:__ am/pm
laundry service

burger set
chef’s special

Review what you’ve learned in this lesson. Fill in the blanks.

Clerk Hello, may I help you?

You ________________________________________________________________
Clerk Okay, we’ll send someone right over.

You ________________________________________________________________
Clerk I’m sorry, but we’ll need to charge you extra after our noon
check-out time.
You ________________________________________________________________
Clerk Sure. We’ll give you a wake-up call. Is there anything else I can
help you with?
You ________________________________________________________________


Asking about
Famous Places
You’re at the hotel lobby and trying to find a famous restaurant in
town. What kind of conversation would you have with the

You’d like to find some places in town. What kind of questions can you
ask about these places below?

famous restaurant traditional restaurant

well known bar good place to buy souvenirs
big store a list for the popular places

You are trying to find a famous restaurant. You are asking a

doorman where the restaurant is. Make a conversation.

Let’s learn more expressions.

Doorman Are you new here?

Are you from out of town?
Are you looking for something?

Yoon Ho Yes, I’m trying to find a famous restaurant in town.

some excellent cuisine
a well known bar

Doorman Have you tried the Pork Ribs at Rosy? The food there is very good!
Camille’s? The dishes there taste great!
Abbey? The hot wings there are hard to beat!

Yoon Ho Oh! I really want to try it. Can you tell me where it is?

Doorman Yes, it’s behind our building. There’s a live performance every night, too.
across the mall.
in the MC tower.

Yoon Ho Good. And do you know a good place to buy souvenirs?

a big store to buy gifts?
a famous mall?

Doorman Hmm, try Downtown. That’s where most tourists go to shop.

the duty free shop downtown. That’s where most tourists shop cheap.
the souvenir shop on Main. That’s the biggest store in town.

Yoon Ho Thank you. Is there a list that shows the popular places?
a brochure
a map

Doorman Well, you can ask it at the front desk.

Have a conversation with the doorman. Catch the clues from the
Doorman Are you new here?
You Yes, I’m trying to find a famous restaurant in

There are four sets of situations here. Get in each situation and
talk with the doorman face to face.
1. You’re trying to find a famous restaurant in town and a good place
to buy souvenirs. You need a list of the popular places.

2. You’re trying to find some excellent cuisine in town and a big store
to buy gifts. You need a map for the popular places.

3. You’re trying to find a well known bar in town and a famous mall.
You need a brochure for the popular places.

4. You’re trying to find a good place to have dinner and a big outlet
store to buy clothes. You need a book for the popular places.

You are asking the doorman to get some information about hot
spots in town.

This list shows the popular places in town. The doorman should
recommend these famous places.

Review what you’ve learned in this lesson. Fill in the blanks.

Doorman Are you new here?

You ________________________________________________________________
Doorman Have you tried the Pork Ribs at Rosy?
The food there is very good!
You ________________________________________________________________
Doorman Yes, it’s behind our building. There’s a live performance
every night, too.
You ________________________________________________________________
Doorman Hmm, try downtown. That’s where most tourists go to shop.
You ________________________________________________________________
Doorman Well, you can ask it at the front desk.


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