1796 Brothers RevealedKnowledgeOfThePropheciesAndTimes Etc
1796 Brothers RevealedKnowledgeOfThePropheciesAndTimes Etc
1796 Brothers RevealedKnowledgeOfThePropheciesAndTimes Etc
. . <GOD, .
~IIIIWiWllii l ijl~~~r
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t6 Ttins faith the Lord; Refrain thYt voice 33 But this lhall be the covenant that 1 will
from weeping, and thy eyes from tears : for make '·with the hou~e of Ifrael ; after thofe days,
thy works fhall be rewarded, fays the Lord ; fays the Lord. I wJll put my Jaw io their inward
and they 'lhall come again from the lanJ of the parts, and write it in tbeir hearts; and I will
enemy, · be their God, and they lhall be my people.
17 And there is hope in thy end, fays the 34 And they fhall teach no more everv man
Lord, that thy children JbaU come again to their hi~ neighbor, an,d every man his brother, raying,
own border. Know the Lord : for they aB fuall know me
2 '1 Set thee up way-m~rks, mnke thee high from the leafi: of the~ to the greate!l, fays the
heaps: fee thy heart toward the highway, even Lord : for I will forgtve their iniquity and therr
the way which thou went: turn again, 0 Vir· 1 fin I will remember uo more.
gin of lfrael, turn again to theie thy cities. ~5 Thus fays the Lord, who give!! the fun for
zz How long "tjlt thou go abour, 0 thou . a hght by day, and the ordina ~es of rhe moon
backaiding daughter : For the Lor <;I has crea- a~d of the ll:ars for a light by night : who di-
ted a new thing in the earth, A woman fhall VIdes the fea when the waves of it roar : the
c.ompafs a man. (It t!UaJJJ Chrifl being born of tht Lord of Hofls is his name:
bl~ffed Virgin.)
· 36 If thofe ordinances depart from befor~ me,
2 3 Thus fays the Lord of Ho(ls, the God of
fays the Lord, then the feed of lfrael fball alfo
lfrael : as yet they !hall ufe this fpeech in the ecafe from belng a nation bef£lre me for ever.
1and of Judah, a od in the cities thereof, when I 37 Thus fays th.e Lord ; If heaven above
bricg again their captivity : the Lord blefs thee, ran be mea fur ed, and the foundations of d1e
0 hahitation of JufHce,and mountain of Holinefs. earth fearched out beneath, I will alfo ca(\ oif
2+ And there !hall dwell in Judah itfelf, and the feed of Ifrael, for all that they have done,
in all the cities thereof together, hu!baodmeo, fays the Lord.
ar.o they that go forth with flocks. : .. 38 Behold the. days are coming, fays the
, 2) for I will refrelh. the weary foul, and I ,
Lord, when the cJty fball be bullt to the Lord
will comfort every forrowfol foul. · from the tower of Hananeel to the gate of the
s·• Behold the days a~e co111ing, fays the ~oro, .corner. 39 And the meafuring line fhall yet go fotth
when I will make a new covenant with the houfe
.of lfrnel, and with the boufe of Judah. o•er againfi it on the hill Gareb, and Ll1all com-
32 Not accor<Hng to the covenant I made pars about to Goath.
with their fathers, iu the day that I took thenl 40 And the whole valJey of the dead bodies
hy d1e ·hand to bring them out of tile land of Jod of the albes, and all tbe fields to the brook
l•gypt : which covenant Lhey broke 1 although I of Kidron, t~ the corner of ,the horle gate to-
was a ulba nd to thefi!1 fays the Lord_. 1rard tQe eaU1 fhall be boly to the Lord ; it
t /Behuld the d:lys will come, fays the LOl ' 17 BuF upOfl mount Zion lhaJI be deliver:an~~.
that the plonghm2n fllall.overtake tbe reap~r;
and on i c 013 lll>e holinets : for the ' houle of JJ.•
~ab lhall poffef~ all their pofleffions.
and the tre:ntlcr of grapes lnm lhat rows the fee
18 And the ,houfe of Jacob, H11ll be a fira
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[ 40 J [ 41 J
and the . honCe of Jofeph a flame, ~nd tl~e houfe a.nd thC" Lore. · wi I reign over them in mo' ~nt
of Efuu for llubble : .they fhaH ktndle ln the.m, Zion, from henccf~rth, even for ever.
I 4111 d d,vour them; there (hall no:: be any f{'Olalll·
ing of tbe houfe of Efan : for the Lord has fpo- THE PROPHET NAHUM, ChPp• •
ken it. ~- ·
19 And they of the fouth fhaU po!fcls the . I 5' Behold, upon rhe m.Jnntain~, the fee~ of
mount of Efau ; and they of the plains, the Phi- lum that brirgCJ good tiding~. that publilhes
liHines : they thall poffefs thi'ir fiel~s, ~nd E· p,eace ! 0 }lldah, keep thy iclemn feaf\s, and
phraim the fidds of Samaria, and Benpmm 1hall perform thy vows ; for the wicked ihall I!O
poOefs Gilead, • more pafs through tqee; they are entirely cut off.
20 And lhe captivity of the ho!l: of the ~lnl· The beginuing of this verle means Chri{t,
dren of Ifrael {hall pofrefs that of_r~e Canannttes, preaching !.he Gurpel of peac~ ; tbe latrer pan, •
even to Zerapath, :;~nd the capuvtt:y ~f Jontf~· when tnt: Jews are eUablilhed at }t:rufalem) af·
Jem, which is in Sepharad, fhall pofle.fs the ci- ter their next refroration. '
ties of the foutb. .
.. 2I Aad faviours fhall n "lle up on mount Z:ton, THE PROPHET ZEPHANIAH, chap. iii.
to judge the molln~ of Rfau ; and then the ktng·
dom 01all be the Lord's. · '3 The remnant of lfraelihall not commit in·
The 1 urks are defcend ed from Efau> t~e bro- iquity, r.or fj)eak Jies; neither iliall a deceittuJ
ther of Jacob· but their Emperor, and bts fam· lllngue be tound in theit' moutil ; fo1· they f11Jl1
ily art ce{etnrl~d {ro111 Jon<Athart, the. fin a[ Saul, feed and lhafl lie do\VD, and .none fhall mal{e
~; 11g of I} ael. Told me by revelat1on, them ,afraid.
14 Sing 0 daughter of Zion; lbout 0 Itrae] ;
THE PROPHET MICAH, Chap iv. .be glad. and rt-joice with all thy heart, 0 daugh·
ter of Jerufa1em. ''·
1 But iil tli~ lafi: days it fhall come to pafs , J 5 The Lord bas tnken away thy juclgments, •
that the mountain of the ho\.lfe of th- Lord fh a~l he has cafl: out thy ene~y ; the King of Htael,
he ef\:ablifi1td upon the top of the moun tams ; •t. even the Lord is in the midfl of thee ; thou fhalt
{hall b~ exalted ' hove the hills, ~nd people fi1_l ~l not (ce evil any more. · ' , ''~•
flow to it.' · tr 1ie 16 In that day it {haJJ be faid to Jeruf:ll~~·
, 6 In that day, fays the Lord, I w,ill aa~ m .l Fear thou not ; and to Zion, Let not thy hanas
1Jer thar has hJlted, antl I will gather l~er ,hat lie. flaCk. :· • "' •
was ilriv~n· out, and her that I have afill<:ced. d • 1 7 The Lord thy God in the tnid(\ of thee, is
tion of all men, never made any fach diftinetion i t i And tbc woman was arrayed in purple and
for fome of his apoH:les were married, and fome , carlet colour, and decked with gold and preci-
were not :and he, as God the Father, in the be- eus Roue~, and pearls, haviu.,. a rru!den cup
ginning of the creation, blcffed Adam and Eve, D z o b
r vride and living under names o~.b1afphem~, pra~· A.War, oaths, violence and bloodlhed, in oppo-
iog for the fuccels and aggran(J)zemen~ of part!· con. to the COm:J~ands of Chrill in his gofpel of
cult~r men in war, l t the expeoce of ru1n and de· • ktngdom of peace, t~e~ belong to Satan and
!l:rutlion to orhers.-And yet, the Pope, to im· governruent of dark • ·•
prefs the mu\rirurle rol.lnd him w~rh revere~.:e
and awe is entitle{! Holinefs, tbe Vtcar of Chnfr,
Succefio; to St. Peter, ami is accounted infalli· 8 A • h d, • .
ble ; ·all fuch names are an evident demooftr~tion • • gam t e evtl takes him up :o an exceed-
of pride and fallhood; and a'> titch, he has ne!th:r. hJgh mountain, and fhews him all tbe king-
holinefs from Chri(\: in l.Ji& perfon, oo1· obcdten~o~ of the world, and the g'ory of rbem :
to the Gofpd of Truth in his aaioos. ~nd fays .to him, all thefe things I will give
Jf thou wilt fall down and worfhip me.
Thea fays jefus to him, get thee hc.>.nce1
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[ ,. ] [ 71 ]
Satan: l'or it is written, thou fhall worthip the alluded to in this verfe as II , I
Lord thy, ~od, and him only fhall thou ferve. tary one: allndfd to in the eiw:lh as, the. fir~ mi.Ji.
lo IJtrdaion. . ·g verfe, go~s Jn·
The Popes having rofe to what they are, and J I f
eftabliilied their po'!Ver by' the fword, is the tenl~i And th~ ten horns wbich itl]ou faw are
reafon that God mentions 'in this part of there- 1 l , . bogs, whJ.ch have received ,;o kingdo;
velation to St. John, the beafr : or papal autho- 1et, ut recetve k' · n as .
the beaU. power as ·mgs one hour with .
rity, to a[cend from the bottomlef5 pit : in the
begir.uing they were great military princes, and , 13 Tbefe have one mind and fir •I . . h . ;
governed with large armies : out latterly thrir power and ttrength to the 'oeafi. a. gtv~ Cl r
power bec2me weak, b' their confequence fmall: areTJu:fe
co twod ve r.[Ies mean the cardmals,
yet notwithfianrliug, the va:n titles, pageantry er . b u.par~ . to klllgs • b . pow-
ln name j at not Jn
and military paradt', are (\:il\ preferved an~ dofe· lla;e ~ ty are great but nor i.ndependent ; they
1y embrac~d by the pre(ent. a great name bot . d d
~igmy . tliey at '11 ~o In epen ent fovu.
ors .b e ca ed, hke the German eleB:
fevemh cha
bee r
to t e F.mpe •
ror,. as IS mentioned in the
r r of Dame!, the horns of the beafr.
9 And here is the mi11d which has wifdom. au,e they affifi h p . ,
tod authority. t e ope wnh their counfel
The feven heads are feveo n~oumains on which
the woman fits. lbe14 1 hefe £hall make war with th L b b
The woman ineans Rome : and the feven ' La b fh 11 e am ' ut
mountaios or hills on which the city is built are oflordsm tlld ~· overco~e them; for he is Lord
,.ith l.' mg of kmgs ; and they that are
meant by St. John as the feven heads of the Pope. Thell.mp, are deal led, and cbofc:n, and faithful
to And there are feven kings : fi\•e are fallen,
pratt' our'"• ..an ca rd'lOa Js, by their teaching •
and one i~, and the otb,.r'is not yet con1e : and . and g?vernment, are in a llate of o ,
when·he comes he moft c1;ntinue a fuort fpace. pofi/u,
Jou to hrall '. t1 tat •u, t 1ley praCiiH: and c:nP·
ourag fl
The{e feven kings ,e~n f~veu power ul miH:
tary Popes : they are nommated king!. becaulc s,...e.,rl:~gtont~fP~~ tl~tir form of.g~vernment:
they were "Warlilte en, and in pther refp.;:tb trhlth Cbritt b r ' tile two prmcJpal things
governed with tht fword like them.
r . ' a 0\'&: all other~, probinitsfi •iu tlle
po llJvc term . It is for thi
11 And the bea!l, that was, and ii not, even he omuJands in the G0 {i I I s oppo llJoo to
is the eight, is the fame as the fevcv, and goes littd · as k. pe ' t lat they are re·
ar m.a 10g \\' ar againfi him ·
into perditiun.
This means the Iaft military Pope of Rome :
~ teHnJLted, through the pJtitll,t~
o ~dh, to ~o 1o, until he can Lear
for as the Popedom bas rofe by the fword, lly ' r WJI lhdr rebellron . when to fi I
the fword all'o it will .fall : and the phecy an d 1l!S •
· decreed jlldgment, u•
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[ 72 ) Tbe GOSPF:L of St. MATTHEW, Chap. ~
wlll be enti~ely. cut off. Chrifl, as fupreme bead 9 Blelfed are the peace-makers, for they fi1~ll
of the ct\urch, acknowledges no religion bu~ ~h~t be called the children of God.
he has taught by his Cofpel, which is Chrdhant·
ty ; for there is no kind of chur~b ,but one, and ~kap. rJi: 7 Bot when ye pray,-ufe not 'fain re·
that is vifible man : it conlil\s of one perfon, as tmons, as the bellthen ~o: for they thinK tbat
well as ; whole congregation ; of one juft man they lhall be heard for their mucli fpeaking :
in a rQom as well as a million any where e\fe : 8 Be not ye th rtfore Jike to them ; for your
he came i~to" tne. ~vorfd to fave finners, andre· Father knows what thin gil ye have need of before
deem them from the chaios of eternal death : the je a& him.
blt fled Gofpel is tpe great bond of hjs pto~1ife'S, 9 After this manner therefore pray ye: "Oar
now put into tile hands of all men t:lat w1ll re· Father, who art in hea,·en ; hallowed be t~y
ceive it for tbdr infrriJttion ; for whJth, all that itme;
read or hear it, qug,ht to remember :heir folem.n to- " Thy kingdom come; thy will be dooe·
covenant in baP,tifm 1 and take care that. on t~etr 011 earth as it is in heaven," &c. . ·
part, the terms othis falvation are comp~1ed WJt~
To do which, man mull, to fulfil th! deugn of h1s The kingdom of God, which is afktd for every
creation, endeavor to live long, and live happy ; e this form of prayer is faid, is ro live in
to do that he mufr abolifi1 War, and live in con· ce and rigbtroufncfs: the governmtnt of God
fiant peac'e; be muft like ~ife abolilh [wearing of beaven 1 is peace: and hi• will i.a, that man Of\
every kind, becaule i~ leads to falfebood anj hfbould bave the fame. It it-prayed tor ev- ~
perjury : and make the mnocent words of Yes an 'Sunday throughout Europe; and yet to the
No, the folemn bond of his public truth. • • aibiog lhame of man, in a minute after he for- · '
The men that are called preachers ofChn(h• 1 it, forfakes th~ kingdom of peace, and fer·
anity, infi.ead of aifuming vain ~itle~ and lofty ntly prays te the fzmc compaffionatc God to go
political na1nes ; infiead of affi(l ng m any way ith H:cta and armies.
at councils of fiate they, ought to ltand between
vrinces aod war, between men and firife, be.. PApL to the GALATIANS, Chap. i.
tween nations and bloodfhed ; they fuould be
true teachers of the Golpel, and like the itnme· Grace be to you, and peace fro111 God tht.
diate difciples pf their bleffed Saviour, always and from Ollr. Lord jefus ChrHt.
1 the Minifrers of Peact.
tho we, or an aogtl from he~lVeo 1 pruc:a
' E
fan1i\y, city or nation, that will only ackno\v • • tbe people' will be chan ~a a d
ledge Chrill in word, but in FraB:ice refute to o• •ill be given to tl g 'r. ln anoth~r fpidt
f 1em; to 1U fil h • d
bey hi.s commands. · !0 God, according to tbis prOf\h
ecy.t e JU gment
R E V ~ L 'A T I , 0 N XVII.
.t..~~ "Bas not permitt~d to joln this dd"t"
,.ua ook, when firfi . . • . .a l lOD to
this it was palfed prmtea, Which Js the reafon
1\nd bp fnys to me, the waters wbkh thoo faw~ ' · ed by tbe Lord . o~er: bot no~ I am command-
where t\te Whore fits, are people, and multitudes, the former part~~er:~~et~ and join it t~
and na tion~ , and tongues.
16 And the ten bores (meaning tbe cariH'nals) LOHDttN, toth of tlrucHARDBRO
1e mont h l
T R.S.
which· thou faw upon the beall, (meaning the
Pope;) thefe 01alll1ate the whore.~ (meaning Cilled. SEPrr:.ltBER, r 79.4• S . . .
Rome,) and fuall o1ake her defolate and naked, .,
and lhall eat her fiefh, and burn her with fire.
rfbe cardinals will difagree 'and quarrel ;-
then Rome wlll be convul1ed by parties: and
rlundered alteruately ~y each: {wbkh mean~
eating ber fltfu :) in doing this they will fet1 the
city on fire, ~nd almoft defuoy it. In due tim!!
aftt'r this, the latter part of the niueteenth verfe,-
in the ftxteenth chapur, will be fulfilled on Rome,
fpirirua11y Babylon, the capild of Italy : when,
by a mighty earthquake. the city, with the ground
it fhnds on, wi1l be lifted up, fhoo violently to
T .H E L 0 R D G Q, D,
I f
inOruCiion. r:
its facrtd Records, or the tendency of its divine !Dotted to order the fi1drlen rcrturn oft he Hebrews
all ?~~ion~, ana gove_r~ them in the 1 nd of
The few parts of.the Eagli(h tranflatiol", whidl \._ ), Wtlt, With rome reatOil, r. allow excite
n 'fh - and doubt: but from the ' mul-
I sm infiruCted to alter in my writing.,, the pro· IIQth, auom ment
Jiriety will be allowed by every perfon that has 'Utd recorded tefiimonies I product", which no
clif~ernment to perc~ive, orconvittion to believe: tt er on ea ·h c~o, it ought not to prevail with
btyond the limits of my authority, for it is pre· ltperfo~ as a JUfl objection again(l believing
fcribed, l am not fuffered to proceed in any word 1 wnte. ' ·
or in any way whatever. ~ t'or obfene~ fome hoaile profdiion ..was necef.
Tl.e following are the words which the Lord 1 for me robe eng3ged in, to fultil rhe recor·
GoJ fpoke to me in a vifiont foor. after I was ud~ment on he fa t.lily I an1 dt:!ig1ied t!J re-
commanded ro write and make known his judg· Ill the feat of govrrnmtnt: therefore,
menis, (or the gocd of London and general bene• the certain proof~ I have aucl wHl con-
fit of all nations:-There is no other man under. bring forw~rd, with all the jufi reafons f
the whole heaven th :lt I difco;er the ur ,;s of 1 th_~ furpnze and douht, evt('rtaincd at
. tbe BiLle 10, and reveal a knowledge how to cor· g, ought to vanifh in as little time
n a: hem, fo that they may be rdlored as theY be requifite to read again the book whicl~
were in the beginning. but vourfelf. • tlie l!CC(>Unt.
Moreover, when ltJcga?·to writ.e1 1 believe 1' remembeor likewife, from the reco~ds of
'!hat Mofes was taken away in his in·
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[ 8f J
~ancy.• and remained feparated from his brethren ted to order it, was the C'i'eator of the world m
ior eJg~uy years ; the ilrfl: fcrty .of which he was the dluiion of blood ~nd deUruttion of man.
reared m. th~ palace of the l<ing of Egypr, and e- . .
d_ucated 10 ~t~lt language!" cufloms of the country, FIRST OF· CHRONICLE5, Chap. xxii.
:. .f t • ~ )
1tl{e one ot 1ts O\Vn nauve princes : yet he was 7 And David faid to Sol{)mon, My fon, ~s for
reveal~d to the l!r'aelire~ as the prophet of God,
me, it ~vas in ,my mind to build a houfe to the
to order their halty Jt-p3rture from Pharaoh's Dame of the ·L ord my God. · ,
bondage, and afterwards to condua them to the 8 But the word of the Lord came to me fay-
Prom!iecl La1~d • I
tng, thou hart !hed much blood, and· haft mllde
.c. St. Pt:,·t! cwas tll•;:bt t1 lmor:.:Jledge of the Gojpel jJ Of tl:e Prorhecy wh;ch relates /I) tht pnflnl Time if
ttvtlatioli, and ii~/iru~'ied liia·:w~/e how to preach it, be- tht World, th~pr.11{ent :\Var, atJd th1 approaciJ.'
fore be coz.:ld le trl apOJ?Ie, 6nd j~ine4 to the minijlry of it:g ilhefs of 11/i Nations.
Chrifl. '
1 I But I certify to you, hrethrm, tbat tbe Gqfpei which THE PROPHET DANIEL, Chap~ vii.
was prea~ed of me is n1t after rnan; •
.u For I neitlm: receivr:d it of man, neither was I t In the firll year of Bellbnzu, kiog of Ba-
laughtit, but by the rt;:velati"' of Jefus Chrifl. bylon, Daniel had a drean', and vifio?s in ·thc
EPHESIA1VS, Chap. iii. J
ni!!,ht on his bed ; then he .wrote the Vlfiocs, to ,
z If Jf have heard of the dijpenfation of the grtW! of ibew the rubfiance of wh:tr they contair:erl..
God, cwhich is given me towat'd')'Otl: ... 2 Daniel fpake and faid; 1 fa\V in my vifiorr~
3 How tJJat by revelation he made luzown to me tht 15y night, and be.bo!d the four winds of the !lea.
' MJ.flery, ar I wrute bifore iu fiw words. yen !trove on the grt'at fea. •
4 Wherehy r:when ye read, yt may 1/tztkrjJand my kno"t.u·
kdge in the mJ:flery of Chrifl. 3 And jour great beafh came from the fee,
5 if'hich in other a.rsn was net made knattun to th~ different one from another. ~ ,. . ··
f•ns of mnt, as it H now rtveaieli tQ his JJofJ apojli1s ilnd 4- The firff was like a lion, and had e;~gle's
projhetJ by tht Spirit. • · . \\'ir.gs :· I beheld till the... w,ings were .plucked,
\\btu it was iifr-.. d up on the eartbJ and mad~:
rnit England, as he will Rrjfia anJ C r-manr, to :rrchy; anci fro m. the coofufioo it will m::~ke
fucceec\ in the acquifition of d ~lufi v e cor.queft, ., th.t oug~'our the. country, involve almofi: every fa:
but it is the better-the more efft-d ual, aud more w1Iy ot weahlllu beggary and death.
imperceptihle to human forefight, to accom.11i 01
hls jLJdgmeot on her, acconling to the prl)phecy Are yo11 , Wil Ham Pitt, to whom I wrott in
flf Daniel and Revtlatiun of St. J ohn ; after that M3y ~ nd J •ne I 79 2, informing you of the con-
1hort t!me is expired, which j:, nearly {a now, fequence~ Jf ~his war to your country, when the
new en _mies will rife up, fome warri ng :Jgainfr war was not JOf cnded, fo inff-di ble to . our own
her open)y, others pri\atdy : all will prevail, preft:rv ?tion and the be nefit of your b~other, as
un tilfhe that fits now as a queen among the nati{; n>, to ~ ont m ue any longer a war that will involve
is according, to tbe vifion of Gcd : in my fidt bl1ok, b o t~ ) oo 'and hi~n :ncer tain deafh ? What I ac-
. w iLhout a cow: ring on her head) worn threat1- •quatntu! yo.u wi!P in I 79 z, and often fince, was
bare, and rent in many pLaces. 111ade k.\o ~ n t o me by vift ons aJJd rcvelutio,, s front
the Lo. u ~orl . The de.2th rf L ouh XVI. and the
'Viii England contin ue this war any longer a. removal ot the Et~glilb crown from the kinO"'S
gainfr a peo ple tbat have the jLldgment of God in bead, to a leve l \vith th~ g~ouod, according ~ 0
their favor! Wiil lhe by a t.:ontinuance of the the fe venth cha p.t r of Dan rel ; the fall of tl1e
l)re!ent war again!~ Francr, eater in ..o. another, queen's pa ace, and the deftruction of the Tow-
for the fafery of Hanover, againl1 the Emp -ror ~,. • ,you r ow11 removal from admini!lntiun, and
. of GerCt~Py, who will be rendered iovinC' 7\e fur af~ envards de:ll h, was among the things \vhich
a tin1e, as a ,~:c,r~rgt!, to fu11ll the record ed j udg· ~ ..m:orm~d Y•J u of would certainly come to pafs,
lnCnts of God? \\,'i}! n~!.! ~onrinue lhis war ;l(ly l:, me e;:;l C~!:fequence of tb1s clelufive war. 1\lv
longer for her c.lt'hua.ion, that il!>! u1ay tnter i t~· nccount to ~: ou tht n, of f:!turity, conduded with
10 a fr 1h one wi th America to hal\ea it !' · . ~ th.: thcf~ wortls : - '• The vifions are el!ablilhed ami
kir g of England fo n gardlt!s of pis own life, and lhe things mentioned moft.;ertain and true.:'
the ertlervation of hi s fami ly, :ts to invoh·e ~henl .,
· \Vhe'n I infcr'med you that England would en-
witli lumfe!f in cet·tnin mifery and rleath, by a
ter int~ this ~var, ant] the conh:quences which
]on get' continuance of this war: Is tbe goverr. •
:Would , ll1 defpae of all your efforts flow from it
IIlC t, the parliament, tht cltrgy and pevpl•, fq
· infl nfible to tht bldiings of peace, • .d th e b.1ppi·
~CO'i d~Jpij(d me; for at that time rh~ war was no~
Jntended; and to tell of evils that would moO:
nels of fortune, as to pterer tbe ahfdu te ct r tai nty
certainly enfue from a thing, whe n the thing they
of lofing all they l'ofl'-fs, and bei ng drth oytd
Were to proceed from was not de(hucd were to
themfelvt:s, 1o fupport a wat· which, in 1ts confe· 6
queoccs, to fulfil the judgment of God; is il fign~
you tbe effec1s offolly and deceit. ' ·
•d .1lull throw down, f\Jt e~er1 the E:1 glifll n~on· ~ly knowledge of future thingc; is gjven me
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[ IG) ]
from God ; therefore wbat ·t wrot~ was true: A
little time looger, and England w1lt be fo m~ca ~owirg, and 'cquaint tlie oiemhtrs, for 1heir own
~ntttng,led as not to be able to g;o forward \"ft~h· p~rfounl fafety, and the general benefit of the
·out feeling the pains of that colomaJ eonqueft wl~telt 'COUntry- That the time of the orJd w~s come
., is to be the caafe of ber deaih ; nor to ret1re, to f~lfil the fevemi1 chapter of the pl'O}'hecy of
; without falling under that foreign blow, whicll .. Dante~, and fome of the judgments of God in
will break the emp\rea in ?ieee~, and throw he~· the Revelation ; rbat the denth of Loui~ XVI.
· {elf .!cwn on the ground ; ~rom whence {he ts
11ever to rife up any more.
and ~be rf volution in r'ran,·e, for I perpetual
!ddhuClion of irs monarcl:r, wa decreed in the
Scripture of tru.tb ; ann WOtlld' ~o:aio!l: all hn-
Neitl.Jer e~il C;tn bt prevented, ~nd both will man oppcfition, moft ·rurely take ~lace; To in-
take pl~c~, to fulfil the i 'tdgmer.t of Gsd, ac.cord· form them that the war, lju!l goir.~ to be co•n·
iog to t.he prophecy of D:-.nlet and revel:\tlOil of ~en ceo, by Prufiia ai,Jd . ~1Jfi!i.1. <:t~ai£ln France.
St. John; unlefl what I ·write is be i~ved to be tru.e, .W:JsJ the very war alluded tn hy ... St. john. in
-and the ad:~ice jlr:Biy fc!lo ·.vcd. Flv~ts ~r.d a~m· lhe Rt:velation, ch:Jp. xix. which God cailcJ
ies are great th-ings to talk of, bec~ofe ternble a W?r :1gainft himi~lf ;--bec;mfe)t · went to
to dellroy mankind ; but when oppofed by the opnnfe his decree~; and becaufe it would he
power of Heaven, they bec·OI~ weal~, ~h~y ~fe to
to Efron of l. . i11g., overthrow his unnltera-
their force and terror; for mofi of thole .o c.ll· ble judgm~nt. l w:n comnt:mdcd tl) advit:'!
rope Hedefrined for the rocks and flames: T?ey th~!!l, as l wu the /lin; and m:ujkr of flat!, not
ue permitted to conquer a liule for a fuort tlll'!e to join in the war; or cv.cil encouz c;,ge it on :lllv
now; but it is, like Ruffia and. Gcnmmy, to h~f· lt~ount wlntet·cr: To intiJrm th~rn oft!Je a·;.
ten that dreadful fall of human government wh1ch P;oac.hing fall ~>f mo1 at·chy in Earore, the gr;·~t
will foon rake place io the world ~ for tlley ~v· dsftrc:fs this war would be prodntliye of m •
er ha\•e been, in lhe h'and of God, the very 10· ttl n~ti.ons, liot parti~~llarl~ to thote rhat eng 1 -
firuments to effect what princes ddigned to pre· ~d rn u ; and hkewde to mform them of their
venr. •n fud<ten f: It in the jaws ofrhe cn'rth l)y a
•l't·dttermi~ed elrth<tu~Jn~, ac'totdiug tu ;t}l•.:
On the 1 zth of the month c;31led May, I79 1 , ~gment ot God, in cha(>. ~vi. ver. 16, 17, 1G,
I wrote to the king, miniller of fi:ate, and fpeal\· f 'of the Hevebtion :•and laltly, to intreat lhern
~,r of the commons, that no perfon fuoold be nckno\\·l~dge this gr:1cious commuoica~ioJl
able to fay hereafter my conduct: was irregu· God, for their tgh of life ar.d blefiiug, by
• f'orm. tl1elll
' leall difrefpetl:fol, to 10
tar or in lhe
tba't l was commanded, by the L~rd God, to ~~
ience bjs od advice.
ro tlle Parliament fiosf~ on the. ienntetotb f at the door, on the 17th, ·I infonnt'cl t
by a leH~r,. th;rt I waited, and W411
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readY, ~o communic.ate ~u that I was comlna!'IU· weak iaeas or political ·motives. No·, my know-
ed. Jn a few minutes after a mdft!nger return~ 1d • ·
e ge n glveu from God ; 1 fee aJl thing~ now
ed, with my <lw11lttter, who treated me, in f.Jch as they truly are; and kno\v their confeqoences
a pttbli.; fl,ue partic,tfariy, whb uofeeli11g con· to change them to what they really will b 1 :
tempt and incivility. The ,Lord God fpoke to after. , e 1ere
me in{lantly~ on being &rde1·rd to go about n1y .
. 1 am .commanded to keep no company' and
bulinds, and faid-Get away, get away from hve rettred; that I may avoid the' te .
this place ; be nnder no concel'n, it was not yon or porttJca
. 1d'fcJ cu ffiIon, or an(. other :ugument
tbaL was tiefpifed n~d ordered away, but mt>, in Would create auimofity aria flrife. ~
your pedon, that fent you.
Soon arter my return hom~ I \V aS in a vifiol&
---~-~ ~
and raw a large meafur iog rod mo\'e throu~h ~~---
the flreets in great haHe, and (hike m.1 ny of the
hoofd as ,it paffed, mark1ng them for lhtir ap· The ?"wo Parts of the ~evefati~n to b~ ft~~'i!led on
proachiog fall. After this 1 was made ~ o l oa~ London a11d t.Sr: Engl tfh Parliament . . _,.
1? th e Jud'KTtJenl o.;
..1-· , acccruL'lg
c;,d; bur are inwudialt!IJ
towards the Tteafiery, whih~ the Lord God prot·
nounced, at the Lmc time- AI!Jhatfid~ fhaltfa l. Jufpend::d fqr my Et.tre~ . .
lA nn inll:ant, the ~ hole place was covered with
thicl~ darknel~ ; it r~emed ro be everlafiing cl n k· .Cha~. xi. 3 AND I will give power to my two
nefs; darl{od s that lhould nevet· be ~emovecl ' : WJtnc:iles, and they lhall prophecv a thoufand
And, again, he pronounced, in quick words, a.s if two hundr~d and threefcore c.lay; clothed in
fackdotl~. '
difplealed -The w~ole ilia II fall.
The informatio!l, ~sw ill be plainly feen by th~ 4 Th~~e are th: two olive ·trees, and the two
chte, w3ich fg~ ve to the king and m~~ifler td jlat(, ,. candlcfbcKs, ~and! Jg before the God of the earth.
with what 1 was coom anded to offe r to the par~
Han1ent, \''as not only befor e the pre fcot wa r wilb The two witmffi.r, the f'UIO olive trcu, :tncl the I1.UO'
.~·ranee was e~nered into, bot alfo fame leng'h of ean~lcj!tch, m('an the fame two parts of the ever-
time before it was intendtd: therefore no per· ~jlwg Gofptl 'j Sl11vatirm, as they are Wrote by
fon can fay, with ju(\ice, that either my conduCt r. Matthew and Sr.J ohn; which are the tw~
in obeying th~ pofiti~•J c mands of &od, or mf »poll/a and proper witudles of Chrill.
end~avors to preferve pt c~-to pr(!ferve tb 1' 1 , d'lhis explanation alone .• whi:h has never been
country from the many evils it has now to en• I covered to. OilY be~ore, is fufficient to frrike '
counter with, 'according to the determined judg· man ~•thconv z&ion, lhadllldies the Scrip-
ment of unerring prophecy ; qrigiL'ated fro!U and beheyes in th: Spirit of God 1 that as,
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13 And the fame hour there \Vas a great earth· of the rife, pt·ogrtjs, and perpetual fall of lbe En ..
quake, ar.d the tenth part of the tity felJ, and in gljb g'~t:rm!JefJI.
the earthquake were fiain of men feven tboufnud,
and the r~mainder were affrighted 1 and gave glo· 13 And I faw three UQcle3n fpirtis like frogc;
ry (meanmg honour) to the God of heaven. come oat of the moutb of the dragon, and out of
The recordlfd j11dgmcd ofGCid, accorl.iing to this the mouth of the beaft, and out of the mouth of
lafl verfe, is that London, for indeed it is the ci· the falfe prophet.
ty meant, {ball be vHited by an earthquake, and r 4 For they are the fp,rits of devils, working
a tenth part of it deflroyed ; in that tenth part,. mi~;:cles, which go forth to tl1e kings of the earth,
about feven thoufand perfogs will be killed. and of the whole world, to gather them to the
When the people fee this~ ·they will be convinced battle of ~hat great day of God Almighty.
that it proceeds from the great anger of God, for The thtrtunth v~rfl means the proclap1ation if·
defpifing his offered mercy, and treating his rnef· foed out by the killg and council, to a!femble for
fenge1· ill ; then they will all be frighter.ed, and the laft time the•Eogliili Parliament; they are ro
will all believe : Then the city will honour him meet, but are never to feparate, that all things in
by infl:ant nfonnation, and ail the people wi!J int· this .prophecy relative to tl.... m may be fu!filled ;
plore bim for pity. :nd in the :.tllotted rime wiU, according to the
Lot was laughtd at, and the dar.ger def]Ji(ed judgment of God, be dt:Hroyed by an earth•
by hisfons-in Jaw when he {aid to them, " Up quake.
get you out of this ?lace, for the Lord will de· Reader, confider attentively what I write, and
Uroy this city." . Sod om was burat and they p.e-• remember that lin is alway~ committed by man
rifhed. through the temptation ofSatan, (fo1· there is no
The ki11g of Nhuvah, altho' a profeffed idol· man on rarth that does not do wrone: at tim~,
ater, and ·imrnerfed in wickednef~, believed the neither is there any that is not a finne~ ; look at
judgment of God by his prophtt whfn he hearrl the words of Solomon in bis prayer when the '
it, without th~: additional tcj}imony of fcriptural ~vi· T~mple \~as dedica~e~.) Thi ~ proclamat1on then ·
l.r!nce: he immediately humbled himfelf, refor· b lllg bhlphemoos, IS 111 the J'dme manner dirdl:ed
meJ, at,d entreated for mercy ; by doing fo, the by hii l'ecret :\nd powerfol influenct".
city was forgiven, .1nd all its people faved. 16 And he (meaning the kinrr) g~thereLI 'them
t I .
14 The ftcond woei! pall:.~ and behoi~I - the third
ogeper lnto a p•a' t)
ce, called iu the Hebrew
' • woe comes quickly. tuu;;ue Arrn1rieddon.
Tb,.m me anl'. the Par·liatmnt; ArmagddOfl their
CHAP. XVI. hoult! to all~n.l.le and Jie in. J
Thh part which {&lhws b hngs to th: tl:irtu l;th chap· '.A. ·m;Jged ,lon wac; a valley to bury the dead ~11,
, l-:1 J "'·;/is a ,or. ti:.uali'J1J of Jb~ 'mount h~gtwtb. rt .fnu ~If:~~ 1l .ce or great . mourning near jerufa·
which. were ne~er made known to any man be- world was fo great , and t,he pro ohecies of defo-
fore; tfthey wtll not accept of th is gracious of- Jarion were fulfilllng : for the king and princi•
fer of mercy for their length of life now and the pal mt:mh~rs of the Eng!fh gov ,;rJ~ m~nt, with near-.
good of their children hereafter all l h~ve men- lv all the foreign arnb:~ff.Jdo · s in Loodon,-fol"
tioned, all the prophecies of Da;iel Haggai and their refpeB:ive count ries, h~ve been iRformed :
St. John in the Revelation, which' •·elate t~ the and will all, bdides, recei\'e this additional true
pr.elent time of th~ wotld and the prefent war, but lafl: inf»rolation, in writi ng.
wlll be fu lfilled ;-:the rwo.rd muft go through,
and earthquakes wtll foon follow ; throneJ wi!l
b.e defiroye~, ct~ies levelled with the ground 1 mtl- T H E P R 0 P H E 0 Y 0 F D A N I E L,
ham of pr:op1e wlll he cut off, and A.ingdoms will be
matle dt folate fnr ever. IN THE
The Lt~rd God, the better to make alJ natio ns S E V E N T H C H A P T E R,
believe imn1tdi~tely 1 and the people 1 live among CONTINUED.
regard me as has prophet, for their benefit in fu-
tore, gave me the true aoe of rhe world by which 9 I BEHELD till the thrones were call down ·
he f~lfils ~is reco~ded judgments, and t:ught me, and the Ancient of Days d t~ fit ; whofe garmen~
by duefr mOrottlOn from himfdf how to write was white a~ foow, and the h:1 ir of his he.:t d Jif,e
it down ; th: time of ~ewing hi'~ mercy to the pure wool ; his tbrone wa<o like the fiery flame.
Jews, by th:1r rtfiorauon ; the true rneamng of and his wheeb as burnin1; fire. · '
t~e prophectcs, anc ti~e of fulfilling them, with This verfe alone, unaffi3:ed by any information
• hts commands to pubh1h the information to the from me, is fufficieot to explain the molt necefla-
world ; that '"'hen I am openly revealed to the ry parts of the chapter ro know : every perfort ·
Hebrews and. per.ple of London, (to the farther , tbJt reads it muft confefs that it alludes to the
• J~t~er ~ime of the \\!OrJd, and that the g"· neral
to order t 11e1r Jlltmecliate dt>parture from Eng·
la nd ; undrr my own dtrecHon · to the lattr:r to " ddloluuon of human grandeur, which it mpn ~
conviuce them, the ioud thund~r in Janu;ry J tious, is bur ·the e~peB:t' d nece-ffary preparation
I )
~nd they will be given !n.ro. his h~nd, for a Bear becomes flrong ; until the proper tirrie ar-
rives for him likewife to fall. .
time and times, and the dtvldlng of ume. The
meaning of which is, that the kjngo~Pruffia, al.
26 But the judgRJent !hall fit, (it ought to be
though afring in oppofition t6 the w1ll of God • . But tht jud.~met;t Jhall take place,) and they fiuli
(for every man that reads t?e Scripture? ~nd be- ~ake away his dominion) to con fume and to dellroy
lieves it to be the book of truth, pofieffes from lt to the end, ·
that moment a knowledge of good and e•il, of
right and wrong, of what is merdful, and wl1~t 1 The kin~ of Pru!Iia will have his country de-
is cruel, of what i& p1eafiog to God, and. \~hat IS &royed by fire and[word: his .pow~r will be ra-
offenfive,) is permitted to wage war 9f tnjufike ken away, and aJio his fife: the governmer.t will
againfi the righteous for three TS and a l~alf; be changed) ~nt! the monarchy will be abol'-'led
for ever.
during \'fl1ich time, according to the pro~hecy,
he would conquer and ~eflroy vreat multitudes
of them. Bur my prayers pre~ailed with God, ' Tn the year t 792 I fcnt the commands of God,
even againfi his own recorded judgment b! Dan- as they were give.n to me by revE'lation at night,
iel foJ' I befeeched him to oppofe the UOJU!l: de· totbe king of England, for the king ofPruffia, be: '
fore he invaded france-, defiring him to return
fig'ns of the kjog of Pruffia, before he invaded
france; after he had, to fufpend the propl1ecy, bamc, and have nothing to do \\<itb the people of
and for my fal<e to tllrn him back. Tbe Lo!d ~at country; for tbe change ofgovernment tak-
God .fpoke to me it! a vifion, at '\1igbt, and fa1d, mg place among them was determined, that t~,e
unalterahle judgment of God, in the Scripture of
l'l'tith might be fulfiJled: re:~Itindiog him., at the
"He thall go out of France whh !hame and con·
This promife was fulfilled in the year I 79Z; farne time, as a corroborali.,g tetlimony, that .
for foon after the Pruffian army entered France* ttbat I wrote was from God, of the moniter that
God led it into fuch difficult places ~s to. end a? ·
e~tered his breafr, and fo powerfully Hruggled
\ltth his inclination to keep hi£:1 back, from war
tb;Jt.when he poiltiveJy refolved on it, reproach~
ger its fafety ; he alfo fen the VJfitauon of a
wafting ficknefs, that forced it to go away, alba· td hun firongly with the ivjuiHce.
med and highly difappointed. Althou.gh the O•
ther parts of the prophecy muft necelfaflly be ful• 'that intelligent, internal moniter, was in truth
filled to accompliih the f utpofes of God, and .th~ ~6 Other than the compaffionate Spidt of the lilf-
deflruction of the Proffian monarchy, the kihg ~og God, ilr i viog, to the JaH moment, :o fa v.: a
cannot conquer as the judgment it1tended, but.bt ~llog:man fron1 the dreadful effects of his own
is permitted to oppofe, fometimes defeated ~t~l~ ..,:. ~~~e.n~ ~ bu.t t~e king of Proffia defpHed the
fhame, and fometimes encouraged by deceit 11 1 •led JnumatJon) ~nd refolved au a war; whicll
facccfs ; until his armie~ become weak, and the
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that if there was no -
art of
knowledge of God in the
~ could finJ the
rea on
ptects and cotrfilme other kingdom , , but which
wor ld , no P · frf is to remain itfeJf forever.-lhe n:illne of this u-
) • {l colourable pretence to JU I Y• Di\'erfa1 kingdom i:s Peace ; it has the bleflcd
ea • fE rr Gofpel for its goverumenr, and the Lord Gou
. f writing to the ktng o 0 t1.
At tbe ttme o my " ,. p. rr.. . 1 informed for its king. ,
1 . o the ktog o• I Unll,
' land, n atwe t d d of the <:crtain fai\ure
· s l was co•nman e , 1·
• d.arm ies of Pruffil aod Aulrla. As I knew, in the beginniug of J 792; t}l.at the
vf th~acomhtne
king of England would enttr into th1s war. and
And the k1ngdom, and domHHon, · · a nd . the . by doing fo, fall under the fame judgment from
z1 . the powt>r of aU the kmg: God as the other monarchs lhewn in the vifiou,
greatnefs, (meant~~le heflven ,) will be given to unlefs I could, by a jufr explanation of the pro-
dams under the~- fthe Molt High: hisldng· phecies, purfuade him to remain at peace ; he
the people ancll cl.~~nts:ir1gdom and all dominions will; I trufr, with the qneeb and minifier of fl:ate,
dom is an ever a ~mg . J •
t:~. ferve and obey lnm. do me the juUice hereafte to acknowledge that
tbe da.Jger was fully communicated ; and that I
. . 1 k' drm ofheaven, ofChrifil· ''did not ctafe in my endeavc)urs to prevent him
Th1s 1s that rea lnl? b.:,, God which
. . ~· e to belleve anu1 o ..... , ' r from joining in rhe confederacy "gainfi France,
an1lyt prac tc 'b Cl ·a tepre!ervetheloulo.
not only for '1 long time before he intended irt
was commanded y llrdl ' 0 f h'lmfelf. preached
d d know .. ge
nlan, an a ue d th;o,,gh them the fouodauon
' · bot alfo after he had, even till the defigns of gov-
b~. tble'adp.o{l]l~~n:~ions: tlwug,h determined fro~ eroplent were ready to l>e executed by open pre ..
parations for hoflilhy.
oiH al 111 a d d beg:m mor ..
the firtl tranfgreffion of A an~, an with ail che
h n feventeeu hundred yea.r., ago, 1 . r J in. If this war was like any \Vb;ch has prec~de(l it,
t a . d e a red, fron' the mu tip Je l prince might, as ufual, . fit down ·at his leifure,
matenals re:1 Ypr P h r.. ., · ncident t0
. f . d ot et· caurt:", 1 · aod calculale, from his fuccdlts, how long to
terrupW~Il o ~..: ar ~n tile fecond temple at J rru·
lwman \ongd·n~s, 'll~~e cr-1 his mighty {lruttt~re
flrry ir ;pn ; or by h!s defeats, ho\v foon he
falem-long to JUI IDe;,. • 1 t Hone cut ont inuft, l~ave it off: but the death of Louis XVI,
• fi'Oedvet ThiStSlta ' i· •lid the revolution in Fr<~:nce, having procet'ded
JS not Jill • •
without bands, meotton
• ed bv the \>ropher D:JO
. h d 35th verfcs, fr~tn tbe rtcorded judgment of God, the two
el. 1n bis feconcl chapter, ~ 4t ~a~ the gold ancl ~mgs which have occafioned it, and which huvr: rw-
,,.hich breaks the head and the ee ' l oflhe ~~red it fo ~nti1 dy d~/ftfrCtJI, that its corfiqumces are
the filver·, the br~fs. the iron, and .the c .ay:nc' thi1 IJttady deter111ifud, will be the fame to tbe mo•
.._ f1 nower to pleces . bs etlg::tgeu in it, as it happens to a man un ·
g rea r imn ge o lllm;ln. r •• b l f: lie l1rophet,
d , n•wned v t 1e at
. is that kwg om nf.e 'l' . ., ·:hich is to brea~ 1
·n ~&edly caught in a large trap, on forbi~den
in the 44th verfc o. O" 1 g) w llhd-the pains of death convince him of tran{:.
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g.reffion, before his eyes could warn him of the ave' b.ee.n fcnt away from London. Its .fall
danger. woul? foon after take place ; and then my re· '
1 know the jt1dgments of God ; by them I am '\elation, as the next great thing to warn the
(1ire8ed; by ' revelation and thtough his Holy wo~Id, .would immediately f~cceed ; bur, pre•
Spirit I write. To fulfil, then, the f.::venth chap- fernng Jh fafety to my own Immediate advan-
ter of Daniel, aod fuch parts of the Revelation tage, tt/ihougk injormtd a/ th:: time that the p~oflt!
as mr ns the prefent time and the fame things, wo.·.- /J 1iot b !uv~ ; that 1 Jhori/J be defpifld, and
the war now carrying on will involve all the na- vJada fi1ft.r ; I obtained its pardon at the
t1ons engaged in it in great dithers, and nearly rifk of my own life, and determ}ned to remain
aU the princes of Europe in death. Ao, 1 kne\v in it until my time to be revealed was entirely
all this a confiderable time before the war, I fet , completed ~
my heart and my mind to intercede with God,
although it was againfi his recorded judgments, I 6'Jd, yes, I feel hy dreadful experience, that
to fa ve the king, and Jpar~ 1/Je cow:try I l1v~ j, :all m;h are infenfible to the ccmfequences of
1 fucceeded with God, and obtained an offer cf tlwfe J.udgment~, recorded i11 the Scripture, and
mercy; but could not with man, to believe and , are. alto exceedllJgly hardened againfi believing
the1r true interpretation aod time to be fulfilled.
accept it.
That I have fuffered, by imprifonment and dif.
I wifh w4:U to the king and quee.n, and like- trefs,. more than is proper no\V to pu.hlifh, jor en·
wife their family; .to know all that 1 have re- , lreatmg, whm I Wtl! tflli that 1/l) entreatie 1 wtr~
)'ate3, and more than I am permitted to teH ; to c.ont~ary to the proph(cies, to fave the king and his
know the unavoidable death of him, and after- fanuly i London and its inhabitants, from re-
wards the c!rtain deftru&ion of an ·amiable ·cord.ed deilruftion; God, who is more generouc;
woman and her ehildren, would, I thought, be to gt\'e mercy, than man is grateful to believe
a crime to reproach for ever the feelings of my
· heart, if 1 did not implore, wben I knew the
great ldodnefs that God had for me, and endea-
1 :r
and ~cc.ept. it, .is by all this rl!vealed knowledge
lu~ prophecies my witne& now, and will, in
ue ttme, in a fi.1ort. time-, be additionally fo by
vor, by all the meaas in my power, to prevent terrible figns and mighty wonders. '
; I have {aid, in the firfl: oook. that the fulfil- ,
But in doing this,! have fubje:led · myfelf to hngr. .of the jud~ments' of God, however de-
the power of human laws, when,. incleed 1 I had fl:rucuve they mtght prove to the nations or
the choice to make them fubjeC1 to me ; for ifi governments, whid1 they are directed againfi,
had not become an interceffor1 by prayer and :would not affect my perfonal fafety, nor operate
fupplication for the people I live among, I Lhould 1n the leatllo my 1 rejudice : my elevation is
< i> l ln that day the branch of the. Lordh w11l b~ , 87 And 1 h<heM, and lo, as it wtre a Roar·
beautiful and glorivun, and the fruit of tu~ urU1 i?g lion chafed out of the wood; and faw lhat i
wlll be excellent and comely for them whtch are lie fe~t out ~ man's voice to the eagle, and faid.
efcaped of lfrad. . . Thss roanng Lion, IJJ it were, .ch:tfed out ~of
3 And it fhall come to pafs, .tha~ heJ wl?~h ts the wood, means m} felf: who am now forced
left 1n Zion, an,\ he that rematns m ero a e~, out of concealment by divin~ commat,d to rebuke
.11... 11 be called Holy ·; e\•en every one that IS t~e ea.~le ~ not her only, but the other princes
~:;itten :.mong the living in Jerula l~m. l1kewtle, 1f they will not believe what I write,
Whf n the Lord has wafhed away the fillh and try to fav~ themfelve~ from the judgment of
of \he dao~hters of Zion, and has p~rged the God, by fpanng the e.flufion of human blood
blood of Je rufJlem from thre mid it; of It, ~y the · This mufl: n~c~!farily be done to _fulfil the pro:
fpirit of judgment and by the fpirit of burm~g. pl~ccy , (For 1t u a trttc one) which JS fuJJy accom-
Th1s verfe alludes to the Jews after tb~•r ~~· phlhed on my part by an explanati on of the fe-
{\:oration, and to jerufa1em in the latte: timP. of Venth chapter of Daniel, and declared aloud to
the world, when rebuilt and inhabited_; the Jews tl~ world by the publication of ir in this book.
will then acknowledge Chri!l: for thelr ~IdEa~, Peace bei ng requefled from God and a fufpen-
apd through the fancHfication of.his bkfii!d Spl· flon of bjs judgments ?.ffered thro~gh me, I ear-
tit they w111 be cleanfed from iin. nefily requt:ft all the prmces of Europe to forfake ~
5 And the Lord will create upon every clwel• wa_r, th 1 ~ they may enjo.y the fub{tantiaj l>ldfings
I' I ce of mount Zion and upon her atfem· of Jong l1fe, and e\·erlaHmg happioefs.
b aes, aacl ouc\ and fmoke
ml;g p by day, and the fuining
l h I 1 • 38 Hear thou, I will ta ik with thee, and the
of a flamit•g fire by night i for upon al t e go~ h1gheflfh;;ll fay to thee;
ry (meaning the people) fhall ll~ a defence. 39 Art thou not it that remainefl of the four
6 And there fuall be a tal>ernade for a fiHl• beaOs, ''hom I made to rtiO'n in my world lhat
the end oft ~eir times migbt come through them ?
dow in the day time from the heat, and ford
p~ ace of refuge and for a covert from (\orm an (lnfl~atl ot rJ!e. word them, it.flwuld Le, as it
' from rain. · Was in the onguJai;_Thec .)
Thi~t is a figurati ve reprefen t:~tion of the _peace 10 And the l!'ounh c~ mr, ar.u o.vercame all
3.nd fnfe ty of tlle J ~w . under th.c prc~t ed..Jon o the beufl 'l, tha t Were p~ fl ; ~ no ll l' d pOWt'r <>Vfr
God after rheir rd\orntton to J erblem 10 l ,- 98· I he ' world with gre~ t featfuln efs, and ovrr rhe
''hole com pnfs of the e.u-th with mot h "' icke<l
AP OCRYPH,'\ .- 11. ESDRAS, C!·~p: ix. oppnffion : ancl fo lon(T time dwel t he ur on tl.lt!-
'36 1 h( n I ·heMd J. voice whid1 f.11d to m t :u t·h \\ ith dec< it. .0
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4 t For th~ earth hafl: thou not judged with ..(Juak to another; jar it is in that m4.'tner all knO'lf1· ,
truth. ·lt.dge of what I wt ite is jit.ft rerual~d ta 1/Je.) " I
42 For tbon hafl affi:Cl:ed the meek, thtu haf\: · paHed by this part witQ Dani rl." It was men.
hurt the peaceable, thou halc loved liars, and tioned as a confirmed certainty to 1ur, that the
def1royerl the dwemngs of the~n hat brought prophecy of Efdras was given from a true viftoo.
forth fruit, and hall: ca(t down the W'llls of fuch 3 r Afld the lion, whom thou faw rifiog up
as did thee no hum. out of the wood ~ anti roal'ing, and fpeaking to
4 3 Therefore thy wrongful dealing io; come up the eag\~, and rebuking her for hes· unrighteouf·
to the Highe(l, and thy gride to the Mighty. nefs ; wllh all the \Vord s which thou haft heard :
"" 44 The Highe!l alfo has looked opon the 32 This i&the Anointed (meaning myfelf, a!
proud times, ~nd behold, they are ended, and pri nce of lfrael) which the highefi has kept for
the11· abominations are fulfilled. them, and for their wickednefs to the end : he
45 t\nd therefore appear no more, t\lou ea- fiu,ll reprove them, and fiull upbraid -them with•
ole : nor ~hy horrible \ving~, nor thy wicked their Lruelty.
· ~athers, nor thy malicious heads, nor tby hurt· 33 Fot' he {hall feL them before him alive in
ful claws, nor all thy vain body. .judgment, ancl lball rebuke them and correCt
46 That all the earth may be refre01ecl, and them.
may return, being delivered from thy violence;· .34 For the refiofmy people lhall he deliver
and \hat (hen' y hope for the jtH~gment aud mer~ wnh mercy, tl ofe which' have been preferved
cy of him tllat made her. upon n:y border~: and he {hall make them joy·
Chap. xii. 10 And he faid to me, This is the ful.unulthe commg of the c!ay of judgment. of
imerprication of the vifion. . \'i'h1ch l have fpoken to thee from the beginning.
1 I The eagl~ , whQm thou faw ~om: np fro~ Chap. ~iii. ~s This is the meaning of the vi.
the fea, jq the kingdom th{\t was icen HI the V1• fion ; whereas thou fa w a man coming up fron1
fion of thy brother O:wi el. the midfl of the fea. '
1 z But it was ex pounde(l ttl him, therefore 26 The fame is he "110111 the H1ghefr has kept
~ gre~t feafon, which, by his own felf, (mean·
now I declare it to thee.
mg lns· own perfon,) thall deJiver his people
I bave inferred th f f~ verre~ not only as a de- (meaning his people the Jews) and he Ihall order
mon(lration of th e1r truth , hnt likewil'e to 01eW ~bern that are left behind.
the lt) tim..1cy between the vifions of Efdr<tS aud .I am the man alJuded to in this chapter; ce·
t hem of 0 J uicl. mtng from the fea, io the twenty.fifth verfe , it
Morcoyer, wh.n God was ,.omm onicati ng by to figoify that I !hould, aJ tht perflm uua,JI, live
rev elation at ni!1'1t ~knowled ge of tl \~ proph~cyl on the oce•ut. I have; having been in th~ &g-
to me~ he f.l1d, w p.'aitz wor ds} as o,, c mcm w,u!. U
li/h navy ; but am now riung from it, to fulfil fhall come to pars, and the figns fhall happen
this ~rophecy! that of lf~iah, Haggai, jeremiah, which I fhewed thee before, and' then fhall •.ny
Ezek1d, Dam ·I Malac1u, and pare of the Hev- fon be declared, whom thou·faw as a man afceod-
eladon to St. Juhn lil<ewife. t'or J was , necef. ing.
farily cngap;t>d with the r~vord, to fulfil the re· 33 And when all the people hear hi!J voice,
corded judgment on the monarch l all) to repre- every man fhall, in his own land, leave the bat•
fc:nt; a!!d profeflionally a feamao, to fulfil the tie they have one againfl: another. _
vifioos from God in this prophecy. 3 4 Ancl an innumerable multitude !hall be ga-
thered together, aa thou faw them, ,,illij)g·to
27 And whrreas thou faw, that out of his
come, and to overcoa,e him by fighting.
mouth there came, as a blaft of wind, and fi&e,
and fiorm: 35 But he fhall ftand upon the top of mqont
And tha: l1e bad neither fword, nor any in- 36 An<l, Sion fuall tome, and fi1a1l be fiJe\~ea
firumeut of war, but lhat the rulliiug in of him to all men, being prepared and builded, like as'
ddlroyed the whole multitude that came to fub· thou faw the hill graven without ha~ds.
due him. This is the interpretation. , 37 And this my fon, fhall r~boke the wicker\
~Q Behold, the days come wt~n the Mofl High 1nventi()ns of thofe natio~s, which, for their
will begin to deliver them that are on the earrh. wicked life, are fallen into d1e tempe!\:.
30 .And he (this meanJ Chrifl, but the r.ext rurf~ 38 And lhalllay before them their evil thcoghta
"lJ[elj. jfJr I am now his prophet and tJu(fengcr : and.the torm~ots ~herewhh tliey (hall begin to
t?e branch of' hi1 family alluded to, ar.d t!Je deji'gned be tormented, which are t:ke to a flarue ; aod he
jig net of peace j or 'p_ll nations ; the pt V,ce ordained . fball deftroy them without labor, by the law
to glVern vijiU)' for him itJ his cifJ', and 011 his throne; vrhich is like to fire.
ther·eftJreJ !Je "dng God, Lord, and Kmg, jhews me I recommend it to every perfon that reads this
to Efdras, as he did to 51 ••/ohn,, {piritually repre- book, to take the Bible, and read from the be-
fintmg,. and j)iritually calld u·nder tbt tlfi we of ginning of the thirteenth chapter to the thir-
hu for, 6ecarife unive•fvl domi1Jion, as his empower· teenth \ erfe, as it means royfeif: and likewife of
td vi(ible nprtflntativf, immediatdy under lJimjeij, th~ fixtceuth chapter, from the eighte~ntb verfe
next to hhJ/'eiJ, will b~ given to mt) .(hall come, to to the thirty.fixrb, as it corroborates th 1.! pro·
th.e-.arlonifbment of them that dwell on tbe earth. phecy of ifaiah, Daniel and Haggai, relative ro
3 r And ooe fba1ltmdertake to fight againH; a- the imnlt'diate, and jull now approaching time of
nother, and on city again([ anothr ; one place 11 e worlo.
againfi another, one people againfi another, one
rtalm againfl another. OF THE REVELATION, Chap."'·
32 And the tjme 1hall be when thefc thivgs The book nleaUJ the prophecies intended to be
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roncealed until this time of the world, which is are' now declared ; the fpiritual feals ar~ opeq-
the time tbry rdate to; its feals, their fpiritual ed, the contents of the fpiricoal book, wluch tb~y
lock or fa.{lening. fbut. is known, and a revealed knowl~ge of 1t
Obferve, the Revelation was given to St. John publifhed iu this 'flifible hoflk, for the good of all
n long ttme after thcdeath ofChri!l:, nottocam- mankind .
mem(Jtate ·thofe things which were btfore, which -~-
\Vere f41Jfilled, .which were known before the
time of writiug it : but to record thofe things The Lord God commands me to acknowledge
wLicb :11 e to be in future, and which are to be the kindnefs of a poor '.Voman, that brought me
fulfiUed : ~ccf>rding to the words of God, decla. a three· penny loof ea~h w~ek, every Mond~y .
red fin the fouath chapter, and fi rfr \erfe which morr].ing, when 1 was· 1n prt[on : He; name IS
are1 " Come up hither, and I will/hew thee the Irabella \Vake. The prifon ti Newgate.
thil1gs which m\1ft be h.:reaftet·." .They were A man that died the day before, of a baa ~e
ihtwn lo him in heaven under fuch wonderful, ver, and from neglec ·~ for the want of prop~r
fvch incompnhen{ible fimilitudes, in vifions, as nuurHhment, as 1 was told, made. a va~~ucy m
to leal their n1eaning a perftct fecret, until the a room with fourteen poor men, httle au, and
tin1e of the worlr] a!lud~d to, came, when the much c~owdcd, for me to come int~ IJis place.
/ the ddigned fpirhoal perfon (for no man can be
a prophet of ChrifiJ now under Chriflianity, and The (mall, very fmall pennywoyth of bread,
fpeakzng through the Holy Ghofr, his fpirit, with- with water only, except one day 10 the week,
out bearing (owe fimilarity to li1mfeJf in meek- wht-n there are a few ounces of beef, for. twel!·
nefs and compaffion ;- ( witnefs the apoftles )- ty-four hours, is barely ~ufhc!ent to keep l.1fe ~~d
v,ou~ d be revealrd, to open the fpirituaJ feals, budy together. The pnfon ts very clofe. J tb..:.r~
aml make known the fecret prophecies under
is not room enough to promote health, uy th
tl1em in the book. necelfary exercife ·of ~alking ;_ th~te are no coa!s
allowed fur fireJ nor canrlles tor hght. There HJ
Chap. vi. The four firrl feals are opened, and
no bed to lie on, nor blanket to cover one: The
poor are entirtly ddlitute here. - • :
the ccvering of Jecrecy is removed ; the judg-
mer.ts which are to .punifh the world for tranf· \Vhen th: condicion of prifl,)ns, ~nd the treat·
grdJion, by ra ifi ng n~tion ~gai11flnation, & man ment of prifoners is required for publ!' infor~
jlgainfi -nan, are gone forth jpi,ilfla 1/y tmder the atioo, it is from the poor man, whole be~ltb. ts
fimililttdes ~xprcJJed itJ this c/lapttr, to the eighth verft injured ·by confinement,, who has to J.raw hts ht-
a:Jd are btgnn ro be fulfilled : the concealed tle air through a finall '"Oil·barred wtndowvwho
meaningtoftheprophecies, which have been care- has but a fmall pennywonh of bread a owed for
full~ pre{erved fo for rr.e untH the prefent time Hs ~
for Chrifl'i fake, has forgiven ·you , · bim ; neither can he know them, becaufe ther.
The Lord J~fUJ ChrHt, the better to prevent •re fpiritual~y difcerned. . . .
the commiffion of fin, 1nd rh~ fall of man, for ·15 But he that is· fpiritual JUdge. aU tbtpgs r..
there is no Saviour but h'm, &gins with firictly yet he himfelt i> judged of no man, ,
prohibiting the le[er but poifonous ames of COLOSS1ANS, Chap. ii.
fiattery and falfehood, that they lhould not, by '
.a frequency of ~fe, corrupt the mind, and en-
8 Beware, left . . man fpoU you thr~~gl\
fhilofophv and vain deceit, aft~r the traditLon
creafe to the ~ore da~gerous onea of blafphemy of tnen, :Jfter tht rudiments pf the t;orld, and
and rebellion. . •
. ' not after Chrift. ••
No man ought to advance the wr1tmgs or
FIRST Ox-' 'THESSALONIANS, Chap. ~. •pinion of another to ~fi: his own,. when
what he fays is proved to be in oppoUtiOD to
19 Quench not the Spirit. the _words 9f Chrift; neither ought he to go
~o Defp1fe not prophecyingr back to the Law, which was for the Jews atom~,
1r P.rote all things; hold f&ft that whi~h if In their own country' to loolt for a prt:cfd~ntll
oud. ,lo tavopr his delufive method •f reafontn9~
·hett the thing he wants to j~fiify is quite con. 9 As w.e faid hefor , fo fay I now ~gain, 7
trary to. the bl~ffed Gofpd of peace and falva• . any man preach any: other gofp.el to yo• t all
'ion. , that ye h1ye rec•.ived, let him be ar.curfed.,
1hejo!lowing are ih~ #'lfdJ 'Of St. Paul, in the
fourteenth chapter tfJ tha CorinLki(rn.s, whiciJ 1
.am c~mnianiled to ill{ert. as jufl~' applicrtble to . 6 Seeing it is a righteous thing with ~od tor~
mat~ at"t!ril z.im~; 'PhetJ jome. p.;peffing 111! ' I!Ompence rribulation to them that trouble yo111.
'fpnitual ~nowlcrfge, as the_1 tlioug!Jt, exalted 1 And to you,' who are troubld1 ret wttn
tlum{clveJ_';J_ainft him, 1111d doubted lhf jfirit': ns; when the Lord Jefus fuall be ~e~ealed tram
u~l·ttut/1 OJ 1P~at !11 faid. . hea.ven, \\'ith his mighty ange1i.
8 Jn flaming tire, ttking veng~ance on them
'Perfe x:rxPii. If any man thinks himfelt to~~ that Kno\'\T not God, and that obey not the got:·
I pr~phet, or fpiritual, let hiin acknowledge ·hat ', ' pd of o.ur Lord feCus Chriil. .
the things 1 write to you are the commands of 9 \Vho fbaU be put:1Uhed with everlafting de-
the Lr,rd. ' .. • ' ftrqClion from the prefence of the Lord, and
38 But it any man be ignorant, ' let him he ftom t~e glory of his power.
gn.orant. That b, It any man is not frirltual It is time to awaken all nation; from their
to difcern rhe works of the Spirit ot God, ·let .fieep of dduii~e ftcurity, by in1orming them,
him conceal lm ignorance'; let him nut t1Jea thtt the time llluded to t f St. Paul, in hi.s Se..
againft rbem, becauft! he has not tht! ·fpirit to cond £pi1Ue to the Tbeilalonians, is come.; and,
difcem, faith to beaieve, or ~now ledge to c;oar that ther~ is a grtat alling away from an obe~
prehend·their truth. . • . dicnce to the .bletfe~i Gofpel. And likewifc to
ihform them that Satan has been revealed; the
GALATIANS. Cltap. i,. t • of
age the,gorld is great, and the time is come \
for it; he is now a\lmved raote power) becaufe
6 I marvel that ye ate fo foon removed from lin is increa ed, to influence ana d~<:e-iv,e mltl
lilm that called yea into the grace of Chr1ft to than at any tillle lJ er bef• re. I am the :Prqphet
anot~et gofpel ; ~. ~ to whom the minifter ot fin waa revea~e.a; he is
7 Which is not another; but there is fame • a fpltit, and no man can fee hil · he open
that trouble you, anti would,pervert th~-gofpel . .day·llgh~, unlcfa fanltified by the power ohhe
of Chrift. .- Holy Ghoft', and hi£ eye fight ftcen ~.hened .far
8 But thott~h we, or an angel from heaven. the purpo{e. ' · ·
preach any other gofpel to you than that wh1~b lt i• for this· u fon that I ~m the appointed
,.e have preached to you, Itt h1m be accurfcd• Wi\nef& for iod, and k!s laft Lt:co~~ed prophet
. "'
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I . . .. • d •.
'1mder a. large tree:; foon aft~r 1 ~eheld a man,.
to e ptintecl, and· e~:t:n fotl_le ot tt . one, tne·~
that lay conceal~;d ar:nong the , branches, drop prj me. was ad\'ifed not to do r.. ~~cordt.ng t(; _my
d~~~ fottly, ~nd · wnh a *harp $ieee ofiron." t'onn; f•)r, if he d\d, proft:cuuon, trrlrrlton-
Wtuch ht:: bela tn his hand, ftab tht: Bear ; pro- rnen, and rerhapl hanging, wo~11d lje the con~
~ouncing, ~she did fo, I have watched a long fequence to hiro. For which the. ~.ord ~.od ..
tune for you, bUt now 1 have caught you at lafi. comm:wd!i me to ke-ep back he aodH onal tn-
I know by r~velation from · the Lorn G0cl tormatiol~ that otherways wonld be gtven, and
.that this vifion mean~ the prefent emprefs uf terminilte the book:
R~fifa ; for which, bemg permittrd I give h.:r 1 h;\ve faid already trJat the fixth chapter ...of
1h1s warning. 1 the Re\·datiun w~\s now tulnlling: tht: jaw Pi'fl
Let the death. of 'the kings of Sweden and je.JJ" a e vpcned, and the c~veling, ~\'hich k pt
France, whk~ IS bur a little time paft; 'th~ the me~:ning of the piOfhectes a protound fecrt:t
~ath of the km g of Spain and another • whi ell until the prefept ti!J1e, is temuve~: the rt:.Cofde~
~111 (oon tak~ place, f~ they ar~ purftled; c~n decrees are held up, 01 ,d Gvd hirnfelt c rr~rmndSa
' Vnice the prmc~s afld th~ people of Europe, knqwled~e of heir contents t•.' b~ publllhed for
( 0 , h l
th~ good of aH nations. But 1f I cannot ~vet 1e
that th_e feven.tli dl2pter of Daniel and the fe·
cond ot Hagg1a are now fulfiHing. · cMntnands of God, and a knowledge of his judg..
At a former time, wheJl the Lord God wa1 mellts, printed -ex.l\:ly as l write) how is this ex-
infirulti·fi·g me !n ~ knowledge of the la w,s and . ten Go~ nf mercy to be known over E~rope, and
"<>t~er .trungs; relative to the nation I am ap- .tht people of ~ondon inf?rq:td of any danger
·l'?tnted to ,govern, he ftid, in a vifion of the ' thab is f'aff, ur any dangertnatls to ~ome? A)lthe
~tght, .When l · bri~g princes and people from prophecies in theScriprure were gtvtn throug!t
all nattons to bow down to you; when 1 begin ' men : the Nineviu:s '<\:ere warned thiOllgh one. ,
to exalt you above the kings ofthe ·eanh·-·Be ' is
Haw the kin.,. to fa~e him!~lf from that re.-
fober' be modefi, be Jea{onable. And immedi-
corded ·}c:tcrmir.ed, and unavoidable death,---
~tel~ after h~ added, You ·mar intorm the king ' whicl~, all the power& ot almi~s r_cannot xre..:
()f England that I cal1 ybu m~nepllew. vem? How u ondon a11d the parltam~Ht .to be .
_Oh the 3q of March, 1794, I was in a vifion faved, w he11, thty are ~t;!cvrded ~n the Scrtp~~re
2?d faw _the fun in ;ts full ftrength, dear and , of truth to b~ deAroyed? Hew IS England, Eu-
n ~e, and molt parts of the wor1d tu .be f~ved ,.'
· btgh up m rhe firmament : foon after I faw ano- 1
, ther fun rife on a Judden, equally large as the when tht:y are recorded to be fil1ed ,nth blood
former, .acd fi~Hd clofe by it; both fhone with . by, war~ and to he m.tde defolate .fot ever by
t:q~d bnghtnets, and tbe Iaft, as well as the fir11,' earthquakes, if ti:te perfon 1 emr.l~y ts deter~e~, ·
enl1ghteued the world: . . b}' the fears of ,profecution and ~\·tl,. from pnn ..•
i\.tter.the firft divifion of ~h,is copy was feut ·ng the fu1 copy, euctly as l g~ve at? ,
I . i
on purpofe to fcal the true meaning ot the pro• : I am now commanded to make them puMtdJ
P,hecie;; and revelati"n an entire fec1et. according known for the information and beaefi.t of aU -
"to tile st!z.,chapt~r; antil the full time is accom~ men : in obedien~e tg whicb ai hia fec~ar..t. uA
tr liet,_ 4~ ·
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( t67 ) .~ .
.Heithen, an~ all nations. .The promiff wu That Chrift, the Saviour of the world, lbould
m~de from God w David, to be fully accom- be born of a :Virgii:l; and that he fkould be cal..
~lifhed in ' t:Aat ntan•s deiC'~:ndant ; which de- l~d the Wonderful Counfellor, the M~ghty Go~.,
fctndant, is myfelf; I fh~ll, under God, rule aH the Everlafiing Father, an~ the P:tnc~ of Peace,
nations under the government of the Gofpel to lfaiab th~ prophet filfficrentfy tefirfies : tbat
· fulfil that cuyenant to David, and the promif~ of Chrift was to born, S(. :briatt~ew the Apofiie •
ft by revelation to myfelf. witnefies ir. the firft chapter ot that part of the-
45 Strangers lball fubmit themfe1ves. to me: Gofpel wrota> oy him. · And ~liritl himfelf fa~t
•• foon as they hear, they fball be obedient to lh the 11.d chapter, when fpeakm_g to the Phan..
me.---(1 .e,ming to be /tdji'l~d in hi.r aej&lndatit, fees,···" What think ye of Chnil ~ \Vhofe f~n
1 •; •1
foon they hear of his 1ev1/ation) is he ? They fay to him, Th~ C n ot Dav1d.
~e fays to them, H~w then does David_ in Spirit
46 Strangers' lhall fade away, an9 they ihall
be afraid to C<Jtne out of their dvfe places.. tall him Lora, fayrng, the Lor~ fiud to my,
47 The Lord liv~s, and bldltd be my rock;. Lord tit thou on mv right hand, t11ll make thy
and exalted be the God-the rock of my falva- ~etnfes thy fotltftoo·l ~ H David ~hen call him ·
tion. Lord. how is he his fon ? hnd no ~an w~; ahle
48 It is God. tbat aver.geth me, ~nd that ' to an1·wer him a \vo:-d : ne:ther durftant man,
brings d<lWO the pe ple under me; and that from rhat day forth~ afk ~im any lllore quef..
brings me forth" Jrom my enemies. · tlons:· • '
49 Thou alfo haft lifted me up on high, above The word11 are, " Unto David and to his (~oJea
them that rife up againft me : thou liatt deliver-: for'ever more.'' ,
~ me from the violent ma~ It m ans, to continue in {uc,effion from fat~
vu~ 4 •
2. And many ot them that 1l&.."'J in t'he ~u,,;. Wtll the great anger of God be m~nifefied
of the earth full\ awake; fon e ro everlaihng - ~g~inft_ a wicked world, p~ofefilng Chrifi· with
life, ana fome tQ fu•me and everlai~ing con~ the1~ hps, but teaching r€bellion ~ againft his
• tempt. · · bleflea Gofpel in their public.law& and forms Qt
3 and they th.<t be wife thall thine as the t>rayer.
brightnefs of the . firmament; ~nJ th~y that f Swearing oaths; the Lord's fupper, ()ttalin!
turn rna y to righteoufnefs, as·the thrs ror ~ver the facrament to remember him and comm~:ro o-
-ar.d ever. r~te. the a.~ful momen.t v. ~l en he ·gave it to his
·4 But, thnu, 0 Danielt {but .np the.word~, . difc1ples, .'s ~a de a q~1lification, ev~n n. ·rhe
and feal the book, u.J'en to the tt .<e oftn.e en~ _: · ~oftunrhm~mg, abandoned, and wtcl\ed toierve
many fuaU run to and fro, and knowledge fhtll many public o!fice or employment w!1ate~er. ,
be encreafed. · Of the public prayers. Our Fatht:r t 'hich
8 And 1 heard, but underftood not: thea a~t in heaven; .halloweJ.i be thy name ; thy
· bid I, 0 my Lord. what fhall be the end of ~mgdom come; wlticll i1 the /ringa'om of pepc ~ .
thefe things? . · . Js very. good: but the next form f prayer i~
9 And he faid, Go thy way; ~:m~el ; ~or ~fee&mg God to go forth with fleets and "'ar-
tbe words are clofed up and feakd tz/1 tlte tzme mlt-s: this is very bad, becaufe it is in dirett
of tire n:d. oppofitioo to the former; it encourages ftrife,
to Many fhall be l'urified, and ma~e white. hatred, war• and bl oodllied; it is calling on
and tried; b:ut the wicked ihall ~do wtckcdly; God to keep back his kingdom, and to over-
and none of the wicked fball undertbud ; but throw his own gofpel of pe·ace. Tht worlhip
l~ wife flull undr.rfhnd. of Chriftiam oughl to . be _pure) humble, and
At this time, which is tne t\ir.-: alluded to by P:ace~ble, without any mixture of politica or
the angel informing Daniel, the earth wi~l dueB.10nal conftraint& from human Jaw. · ·
quake, and be rent in many plac~: the he~ven T_he bifuops are called Lords Spiritual.·-·To
or~am a cler~yman, .he mufi kneel down ~fo ·e
wm be convulfed; opeAiDg ar.d. QluttiJlg, an4
" . a btfhop, white he fays, " Receive the _Holy
Digitized by the Center for Adventist Research
( .t86 1 ~ay Qf deftrud:ion to punilh difobedi~nce tG th'
t.;hoft tor the office af\d w~tlt of 1 priell in tne gofpe1 is fo" very nigh, tha~ it will ta;k~ plac;
~hurch of. God, now coro~itt~d unto thte by . ·
~efore tlte expiration ot etght months fron: •thte
the impof1tion ot our , bands. Whofe fins thou ~flY·
' ~oak at your wiv~s, your cbil ren, and all
Ca\oft forgiv~, th~y ar~ f2r~iv~n; ~~d who{e Jins that is dear to you 00; earth; then confi.der
ou daft tetain, they al"e xetain~J.''
'tik~\:ffe, ~t the ~on[ecration of ~ bilbop,.. it
how great th~ bleffing to have them, to liv~ with~
:and poifefs them; but how terrible the evil tG
is faid, "Receive the Holy G~oft, for the office
and wortcc.f a biiliop in the church of God
fepuat~, to be burn~ with fir~-- .. ~~. die, and lofe
no~v committed unto thee by the rinpofition oi them for ever. .
Remember, -God created man in hie own im-:
OlH hands; in tlie ~Lame of the Father, ~nd of
the Son, an_d of the Holy <;Tho~. ' .Ame;1. ~JmJ· age ~nd Jikeriefs, and created the earth for hit
ttmt , ber that thou Hir up the grace of God, ule ; that man might believe in him, and obefs
'Yhich is g\v~n thee' by t~i.s impojition of out his corniRan·dJ.
He brought the cltildren of lfra~l out of E-: ·
.fa:zd.r,. ·
A~ there is in truth no Lord but God, no man
gypt to ~-ondutt them to the promifcd Iapd~--:.
oughr to a:fume hia~ facred name. No man is_ but when they difobeyed him in the wildernefs~
Spiritul:l h2.t as no~ the HolT Ghoft, ihe divtne
be dettroyed' thoufu,ds of them. He burnt So-
Spirit of Truth; it it hy Chrilt that it is given;
.. dam and Goniorr'\hs. oeca.ufe the people were
and he \vi1l riot gi~e it to any that promotes the' \vicked; but ·he faved Nineveh• which waa alfG
evil of wa,r ·and difobedience to his g•) p'=!l. A, -denounced, tlecau[e rh~ p~ople repented. ·
prince may g~ve to a maR a titl~. bat it Iii Go<l . Tlie ·Lord God is great, merciful, and com;
only that can make him' Spiritual: he cannot pafiionat~ ~o furgive ·an thit oo: entrea~. ancl
give th.~t m,ighty -Spirit wh~ ch he, has not th~, obey his commands ; but be affured) he ia al(o
p;wer to cvmmand, an~ which he n~ver receiv- great, mighty, and po~erfuT, jea1ous of his fi•
ed the gift of ~imfelf. :ro purf~ then'~ny long- c:red name and honor when given to men: ~n!l
er 1uch a fa fe form of ordination aftQ confecr.._~ . lie can do n~w what he.diel ofe1d, tlzey'are te•.
~orded for t5ur · exampl~ rmd wa~ning, that is,
tion, is not~ ~nly dithonorable to the king~, par..
liament. a~d teople of En~land, but alfo a r~ m:erthrows cities,··· ·and d.eftroy multitudes in all
inftant. · ' · ' ··
proacn tp th~ bifuops to. attempt to giv.~, ~nAt~ ·
• '
g.reat regard, your property, connCcated fl\ . ' the fun lle thall call upon my name: and he fllall
. Fr;t...nce, will a 1 be reitortld with intereH:, nd come upon princes 24 upon mortar, and as the
~uch kiodnefs lliewn to you oy the members ot potter treads day.
lt~ government : they wi!l reftor~ the property lfaiah ftooJ at jt:tufaiem when this prophecy
(lt ~very other peaceable indirzduallike ~ire: by • W~s given, :writing and recording it by the di-
the fam~ divine rule of juflice, Spain) England, redion of God, he looked to the northern part
l'ruffia, Germany, Holland, and all the nations Ofthe \TOdd, 'w httre thiS diftingui{he() perf._,n, .
~ of Europe. muft tellore theirs. For th time a
which he fo clearly mentiom, is fir ro rife, and
ff the world is juft now cumt', and ~od is firm· then come to Jerufalem, calli~g on the name of
ly determine~ to m~nifeft ~i& mighty power, for the Lord, from th>! riting to the ferting ot the
the prerervatiOn of hli peopla and fain~, by ftd· ' iun; as 2.~.llOi!i for an obedi~qce to tli~ ·Gofp4;l,
I -
when I afi:ed of them, could znfwer a word.
or the numbor ,
of ht' s name. " e n~me
· of the beait, . vilible ·:-lt comprehends-aU of H -brew extrac-
tion thilt w11l b~\ieve· in the teftiloony oi Go~
x8 He~ is wifdom L t h' h
Jerftanding coun~ the •. be . lCl t at lias un-: ~y me. • · ·
· . h
U IS t e number of
.,. num er of thP be ft f
• · · ~- ; or 6 And.I faw another a,ngel fly in the ~\dfi: 1
~ix !Ju?dre~ three fccie~~~·hx~nd his n9mber is. of heaven,' h ving the ev.erld\ingearth, Gofpel, to, ,
and tO, .
preach to em tlttt dwell on the
'Phi& vrtfe means the lt' r .
and altho it exceed' th ' ?"ng l 01 p~rl~am~nt ;··- every nation, and · kindreti, and t(\ng\le, and ·' \
,· yet, notwithltandin e.n?mber men_tt n~d here, people; f~ying, with a 1oud voice, Fear God, .
fembly of men all d ~- It ~s ~he real ~nd v~ry at- ~nd ii"e glory,to him., for the hom of hit judg~
~he number 'of 66~. e . to ~~ the revel~t~o·n, by m~nt is come~ and worlhip him otth.at made ·
Becaufe the r h.eaven and earth, ·and the fea., and the fou.r~~
4refs t t kina 6 a~~~~~~t acknowle~~e an~ ad·
nl to GOdo 1 Ivme.n2mes Wlllch be\on
· S~x-~
ta\ns ot warer•. · ·
8 And the!e followed another angel, 'f4yinjj,
... Y •r
. . ; fuch
• •
a$ Our' Mott
·~~~l.on b fallen, i&, tallen j ,t~t ~rea~ ~ity, r
r '
Digitized by the Center for Adventist Research
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( . ~~0 J .,
waters fay, Thou art righteous, 0 Lord.
he~ure !he maae aU nations drink of the wine hich art,· and was, rand (halt be; beaufe th01.1
~ of the wrath of her fornication. ft jucfged thus.. For they have ilied the blood
· .9 And the th!rd an~~l.followed them, fa'ying, faints and prophets, and thou haft given
wtth a lou~ ~ ice, at any man worfuip ~he them blood to. drink; for they are worthy. .
bean, an.d h1s 1mage, and receive his mark in 10 A11d the fifth angel ~oured out his vial
llis forehead, or . in his hand, the fame fuall upon the feat ot the beaft, and his kingdom waa
drink of the wine of the wrath of ~d, which ttill of darknefs, and they gnawed their tongues
is pouted out without mixture into the cup of for pain l and blafpbetned the God of heaven,
his indignation; and he fuall be to'tmented \ecau{e of their pain and th~::·r forea, an&tre"!
with fire and brimione, in the pre fence of the ted no.t of their deeds.
holy angels, and in 'the prefence of the lamb:
tnd the fmoke ot their torment afcendsu~ for ChaP.· xxi
e~er and ~ver; a~d they bave no reft day 11or 6 And J1e raid to rne, It isdooe, I am Alpha
ntgbt, who worfbtp the beaft and his image, .and Omega, the beginning and the end: I will
and whofoe ..•er receives the mark of his name. give to him that is a-thirft of the fountain of
u Here isthe patl~nce ·of the faints: here he waters oflife freely, He that overcoilteth
tre they that keep the commandm.ents ot God, aaU inher\t. all thing~; and I will be his God 1
and the faith of ]efus. ' and he {hall be my fon: · ·
8 Bnt the fearful and unbelieving, and the.
Chap. xvi. 'ho'minable, tnd murderers, and whoremonge~s,
and forcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, £ball
t And I heard a great- voice out of the tem· have their 'Part in tbe lake 'which burns with
ple~ faying to the · ftven a.ngeb, Go your ways, fire and' brimflor.e; which i~ the fecond death.
tnd pour OUt the vials of the wrath of God up· The . Lord God comn1ands me to fay to you,
on the earth. · George the Third, king of England, 'that im·
2 And tht: firft went, and poured out his vial lnediately on my being revealed, in London, to
upon tke eanh; and there fell a, noifome ~nd the Heorews as tbeir Prince, and to all nations
• grievous fore on the m~n which had -the mark ot tttheir Governor, your crown muft be deliver-
the ~aft, and on _them which wor1hip his im:ige.' ed up to me, that .all your power and authority
An~ the fecond angel poured out his vial upon the lllayinftantly ceafe. On my being revealed, the
fea, and It became as the ·btood of a dead maa; lnvifible power of the angels of God, wkJch
, and every living foul died in the fea. I guards me no\vt will then become· vifible as a ·
4 And the third ;lOgel poured out his vial ilame of fire; the very fame that accompanieli
upon the rivers and fountains of wateri; and . ltlu!q aad the childieq oi Urael out of EtrJPt~
they be~ame blood. hnd·I he.ard the angel of
Digitized by the Center for Adventist Research
( Ol )
.I muft not acknowledge any fupeHor but th_ , as a plfvention, in future, t~ their a&tng
Lord Ch;ift; who is the Lo1d God: and as a unneceffary queftions, that 11lthat ts proper nd
man raiff:d up, lilceDavid, by hitn to l)e a Princt ' allow able fot me to relate irom him, is publithed
he commands me to allow no equal, but inftant~
tb this book. •
]y to turn Ollt ,o f nis kingdom the rtbellious and
difobedient. Read the •li. chap. and ve!fe lS;
of Ifaiah, Tlte Copy o/a l~ettei,to Jfilliam _Pitt ClzatJ:d!tJr
Be' ad vi ted ~y this, fo: evii is going to be Ie; oj the Exchequer, which thJJ Lord Goa ?Jm-
loofe • when Jt Is, the k&ng of England ,\\'-ill no· mtmds me no;;· ro puh/iJk~
· more belieV'e the figns of God by rite than the IN obedience to the berea comm~nd of the
• king of Egypt would by Mofts; therefole, de- Lord God whofe fervant and prophet I am, 1
fir~ your fervams to dt1iver direCtly ro you all inform th; Chanc1llor of th~ Exchtquer, t~~t
• letters and meffages frolil me; for, it is for your the prifo'nf!rs now m confiner_nent, an~ on,tt!al,
con~empt to fr!e that your country is orde;ed to charg,ed with the crime of Htgh T.reaion ~gaLnit
be •nvad!d. and y'bur power to be defirojed, the Kint;'s i~e, are innocent~ . •
The tstll oak, with all its branches cut off, ·men- I am liRewif~ commanded to ttrform you, be·
tioned ln bne of the "lions of Gad, in the pre- ttu e God is very merciful and cofupaffion. te,
ceding part of this book, means yowfelf and that the feventh chapter of the prophecy of Dan..
family. • iel,andlaftpart ottbe fix:thcbapterofthe Re'9ela:. ·
The L.ord God commanos me to fay to you, tion to St. John, will.be fulfilled before the ex-
. . ~ath~nitl Bnffey Haih~d, that as yon are re- tJirat\on of f~ven tnonths from this.oay ...tin~ al~
, . ~lle.d 1nd cc_>nfidered. by yult former acquaint- fo my revelati~n to the Htbrews, as thetr Prtnce
;ances, as rwned 11no lofr; for fpeaking the truth and Leader, according to the twelfth ditpter
ts I:e manifelled it , to you, for publithing your ofthe prophecy of Danie1; to the king and peo-
tefbmony of me, hi£ ftrvant, you tba.ll, bv the ple of England, ~nd t~ peop!e of all nations,
, expiration of thre~ monthb, from this day,· ha'ie :at their Ruler---for-- and tmme€t tely under God,
your choiee et being either Governor General Qf according to the ~wenty-fecond t:hapt~r of he
India, or Pr~fident of the Board ot Control in Seccnd Book of Samuel; to tll rtattc..tns as the
"England; tl~at all men may be condnced, tl;at promi~ d !,j~r,tt of }\~·ace, according ro ~!-!e feqnd
he,th:u r~1its it, h~a·;en is able to exalt or to a· chapter of'H~~~gai; and ~s Elij'ah, to t~H~ 1 Wi k
baf~ i that he is Hill able, even \t this late hour !d t e . r~villrs, 11qd bllfpbemers agam God,
' t \I ) !"
~cc'ording to Lhe fou th ch<~p t',r o, 1.. ~ :>. .\cu.
of a wicked. world, to' rew~rd the obeditnt to
his ~lefftd Spirit, aQd giVe the rnoit emi r. nt .. RICHARD BROTHER~ . ..
'}?laces on earth Ci hom1aever 11e pleafes.
('I No·. '57, Paddingtou Str~t,
~he Lord God <om_t11aod w~ t inf rS}l tll tho the 1J!onth ~a!1~d Notentber.
. REVELATION, ,Chap. xi. Q F·
IS And the feventh angel founded, and ther
were great voices in ~eaven, raying, the king- ICHARD BROTI1BRS
doms of this world are become tke kingd&ms of
our Lord, .and ot his Chrlfi; and he fhall reign THE PRORFIET.
for ever and e~er.
Tnt man that will he reJ•taled to t!J~ Hihrrw.r
· as their PritJCI ; tr1 all natirmJ tzJ tlzeir Gov·
. ernor; according to,the covenant to king Davil.
immediately under GoJ. ·
· London, No. 57, Paddington Street,
J.Oth ot the month ~ed Fwhrnary, 1'i9S ~
I (
• tered ml\n, a moft wonderful trait of ctaratler.. ncity Of his predittipns, or his being the , hofeu
Allowing him to be a h'ypocrite, to blind an reftorer of the lfradite! to their kingduUl.
- ~ppearance ottruthfo artfully, with the reality
of f:.1Ifehood, as to ~on(ound the moil learned in
fctlpture, .evinces a facn1ty th~t few men,. how-
~ver powerful in the arts of 'deluiion, in the Witl1 regard to the particulars ~hat h~ve tranf-
· courfe of age&, are found to poffefs. As a mad- pired refpetting Rich4rd J3rotheu,---we have to
man, ther~ is fuch an urbanity of manners, fudi · ftatethe tollowing: .
a piety of r"rinciplt, fuch a forbearance of felf· In q81, he was a lieutenant on board the
patification, fuch a ~: nifotm p·erfev~rance in Albion, of 64 gurr5. This fhip being paid o:tf .
attending to the welfare of human n~ture.-·• in 1783, he was reduced to btS half· pay, on '
that we think it impofiible.for ~u the faculty, . ~hich he fupported himfelf until 1789, when
, verfed in the ditferent kinds of Mania, to define fome religious fcruples •nifing in his mind a-
the ·nature of Mr. Brothers's madileta, and to 1 gainft the t~lting of o~ths, he was prevented
.,lafs it under its refptdive fpecies. Suppofing receiving his arrears unt!l th~ie were two )'ears
llim an enfuufiafi, be is equally extraordina:i'y. due, in 1791. At 1this peHod lre lodged with a
~uch perfoos are generally impelled to the moil Mrs. Green, in Dattmcuth · ftttE.'t~ with whom
ftrenuous and violent of bodily and m?!Ud · he had then refided three years. Dmlng this ·
effort~ Their faculties are in 1 a ihte of per- time, he behaved w.ith honefty; affable temper,
petual agitation. Their paffion s feldom find a and morality of principle.
quie(cent paufe from continual cicitemenr.-·- Although he fuffered the greatefi eiftrefs from
~fheir objett, whatever it may be, fo powerfully not receiving his arrears ot pay, an ountina to
interel1s. all their thonghts. th•t they are nev'er 13ol. by refufing to · take the neet-Irc~ry o~ths
becalmed, . by reft or peace, Qntil nature, ex· 'bef<J:"e the'Agent, yet he'perfifred in refufin;; to
~2ufted, 'fubmits to their foothi~ influen~; bt1r, -b.e guilty ot the crimet ,~, hich. b.e calls '{_olu~ra
~ontrary to this, Mr.}?rothers has appeared to rtly fwearing.·--The re.~fon he ftat d ·for his
• lle almoft diveited of tht!. common paHio11• of refufal was, that he co.~fide_red fw,b.ring, everr .
~attt;e. Ever 'Callll··-ev ·r colletted··-ever aaa- I fix ~qnhs, as a q~1ahncauon .to rel!ei~·e ·pa): ,
»le and commuriicative of (entirnmns~ dichred by was unne..:elfary, un1ufi, and wtcked. H.1vic tr
. a lJoundlefs attachtncnt to ttu:! peace 'Of man, if flared what he conflder~d th(;' cbnceal!:d and
aii enthufiaft, he is, of -aU entlm ialls,-.:·the 1noft \lnh':!ect:d cruelty of the o~th) in :addition to ob..
\'t'Ondcrfu 1. jediona ~gai:nft the fo;m, he {:vn, to! ',. the;c
·The above obfervations arc ftated tllerelv as was ~n ot\1er of couricil to talle'tbe oath. and
Eviden<:e ot his fln gula riry of ch~raCtt>r. Tl ry that it wa-. not in the power of,the alimirairy ~o
~UC not meant !0 Viudicau: Qf tli.ft>Nie
,. tile ve·' 1iifpenfe wtth it. ' " ·
Digitized by the Center for Adventist Research
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[ . 1.09 ]
He foon after fupported his former obje ftiP.DJ:l
. nd made another re.quei!, th~t he mig t recei-te may be admitted as a proof at his bcing, at te.a!l;
lt pay without being obliged to t~ke the qath. 11 ncere in his religious pr6feflions. huw~ver he
( n this occafi'on, he obferved, that if the orde~· may be. the dupe of his own vUionary d¢lufiona.
.;>f council in forced an oath, in any ffi;ltlncr or Mrs. Green being greatly diftretled for the
• nv f9rm whatever, and that the man it was di• money due to her trom Mr. Brothers, applkd
r tl ·~ tO (Jperate up.on, tWOt8 that be was not to [he work houfe board O\ the United l)arilhe•
forced, but that the oa h he. took wag a volun- of St. Margare~·s and St. John·s the Evangelift~
tu;r ~a. he refalt of his own free wil1·-·WOt11d Wellminfier. The WNk-howe boar~ Col\!ider-
it not, in the fight of God in he1ven, ~nd every ing the difirefa lhe muft fuffer, as well as what
man of difcerument undet him oR -eanh, amount tppe~n~d to them, the lamentable fituation of
tu a f~lfe oath? Thefe reafonS' <1n« objeClions our Prophet himfdf, refoh·ed to rec lve him u
:1e pubr.a~ed, at the time. in the l)u 1ic Adver- 2 cafual pauper. Agreeably to n ;order from
lifer. He a~fo pnblifued the lc~ter h~ received the board, he, ~vas brought abo a week af~er
fro the admir<ti~y, ~hting their infuffident to the work-houfe. He entered the room with
ower to difocnfe with th u·~,al form or wear.. his hat on, a.nd requetted they would exctife hi
ina. Know!o't:; rh~ prefident of the 'ol.dm r:~lty' taking it off, as that haq1age- he confide red only
w sa mctn1cr of the counc.ii, l1e ':rote W·h;m: due [O the Almighty. ·
I 1 thig.,. he 1hted, that as me-a;l, ;vt • ~!~i fe\' !n :At firft he appeared offended with his e11:~mj
11 l!Dber, Oi the inc:'eafed multiJUdP Of a fena:c:.. nation; hut being efired to take :t chair, nl.;
.w~re n t ·nraliible, they nu ft <.:cwft.. ,t~l.!ntly b· goo~ temper returned. He then took oft' bii
fuhjeeho error.. To enfruce th·s Jue~1i01, h{.· hat, and laid, lie 'knew when he was treated
ailuaed to the dedfion of the ,pliv~t ut ,,ciJ, rer- . with that refpeet his cbaratler demanded. In
l.ati • to a native or Glafgow·, ' ! o ha hi 111 • this infiance, .he appears to have refufe<i taking
.·.!iZ'?rl in the V.7eft Ind;es, fotwt1:n, he con(\de . . off his bar, more from id~s of perfonal confe ..
· d, ~h a:l undefigned:infrmgement of he ~a i- quer.-ce, than any peculiar homage he meant to
g.a.• on ..'\!ft. . ' ' te[e:,·c for the Almighty. .Hiti examination con ..
Such w~i t-~l$ averlon to taking the o.. th,that tamtng fentimenu; which fe1ve to difphy hh'tem
.e ·• ~ured. the w3nt of eve~ a bi of bread. per, (lnd the . f!~te Gf his mind, '"e inf~rt it •~
\\";thout confidering.him a Prophet, but merely follows. Pray, fir. do yuu know the rcafun of
~s a man of purity and piety qt prindplel he· ii your being brought to tbis houfe ? lnrle d ~ do
w ihtl adrn1red for th~ fo1titude with whifl\~e '• De'".. All that l know of the ma~~cf'i;:, t.Y<l J
endured h's futferin;s, ratbttr than obt~n re.ief w h ou ·ht (n 3' Vcry "' tpug!t manner; but a_
bv committin at ~ 1 , which apn a to him
~.t!ernal ebjccb affed me b t lit , 1 acq iefce..
t:n.oil offeQiive h.\ Q~Jd aJd n 3.n. This condu.a.
1 hu1 1lr, you are ·in l$ ~~~jdty 's ft: ;ice:
m France, from tts commencement to the death A perfom anee of. iuch dUm~tion, that its noble
of the Qu:-en, and the execution of the der• uti~s u~hor lived to fee five o fix ~it1ons of it;
of the G1runde pany. _One ~pology ~rl aps :ano iiuc~ his dtath itha run tbroug~ ~s many,
may he req:1ir~d. T~e hlftory may ~ppear too more; DOt IO mention ttaniJations.
If;tiah. A n w tranilatioo; B\~ th~ late Ro·
clrcumtt~ntla! m 1om~ mOances in recording dates.
Tke ob~tous anfwer ts, that the book is intended bert Low h, D. D. BHb· p ot London. To
ai a book of iaCtt, as a \york that may be {)Ct:a- which i& ad ed, :.l v ain, concife and particular
?onally referred to with ;1 aegree of confid •nee. Eip anatiWl f ach Ch'J·pter. :F:xuaaed' cHief-
fhat being the ctft:. t~e aulhor hopes to fla~d ly frqm '' A Treatift: 0:.1 the l)rcph~.:~s,'' ~11
John ~mith: D. D. MinUter of the ,Gofpd at Vice her o,Vn in:tagt, tnd t'h~ very age and body ·
of the time his form and prelfure. .
Campbleron, Scotland. , .
Etrays Moral and Literary•. By Vi<:elitnus · Mo fe's 0niverlal.Geography: Do. -abridg'd:
Knox, M. ~· late fellow of St. Jolin's college P-ik~'$ titithmttic. • 1 .
Oxford. Ther neat' on the pPC>priety 'Of adorn· Moofw's jour,nal in France, in French and
ing Life,· and fefving Society• by laudable Ex· Englith. Th'e Gazetteer of France. ,
ertion. Oo the importance of a good Charac- I Pilgrtm•sProgreis: Teftamenu•
. ter, confidered oo1y with refpett to lnteJeft. . The Life, Exploits and Precepts ofTAMA-
On the folly and Wickednefs of neg1ecting a NY, the famous Indian Chief. •'
Family and Chilrlren, for the Pleafures of Dif· LETTERS from FRANCE ; containing a '
"6pation. On forming Cqnnettiont. great variety of intere\ling and original informa-
The Commerce ot America with Europe. tion concerning the molt important events that
pnticu1arly with France . and· Great-Britain: ., have occurred jn that country--:~ To which are
comparatively ftated and explaitied. Shewing annexed, the 'torrefpondence of D~ourier witli
the importance of the American Re\7olution to Pache, the war minuter and the commitfaries--
the mlerefts of France, and pointing out the . . ~tters from Bournonville, Miranda, Valence,
·aCtual fituation of tne United States of North icc. &c. ,
Amer1ca, in reg-ard to Trade, Manufatlures and The American SPELLING BOQK.
Population. Br J.P. BRISSOT DE WAR- c~ R. & G. Vlf:bfter, having t~e exclufive
VILLE,andETlENNECLAVIERE. Tranf- . right of printing the American, or WebHer•
lated from the laft French Edition, Revifed by· "Spelling Book, tor all parrsuf this State, except
BrHfot, and caHed the Second Yo!ume of his !
.'the City /of New- York, acquaint the public,
that they. have juft completed - an edition of
VIew of America. Witli the Life of Britlot,
tnd an. Appendix, by the Tranfiator. · · lo.ooo of faid Book, which they are det~rmi-
Quarto, odavo, fchool and pocket Bibles1 . ned to fell, by the rooo,. !Oo, or -doz. for rea- '
Pfalrru and Hymns, Watt'i Pfaims, pliin, gilt ~y pay, as !o~ as can be purchafed at N.- York •..
and eleogant in.Morocco; the Scotch Verfion, . - !~Y have a}fo, Th~ Copx Right ?f the
do. do.. by the fiogle, do~ or hnndred; Hymn Tktrd Part ~f !J·ebJe't' s (1rammatka~ itlj/1/:Jte of
Books fer. Chriilians of ail denominal.ions. ~he E17glhb ! .aNgur:ge '; or, the Ame:rkan Se-
The Mirmr, a ph i0dical paper, in two vol- Ie~ion of Le ~r tns in reading and fpealdn a; .
umes, \Htnen ~n Edenbu;gh, in 1779 and nBo, calculated to improve t~e· Minci and refine t~e
in the ilYtle . nct ipi r!t o.hhe Spe~ator, 1n which wralle of YoHd: ·- whic~ they 'lv.t-;e cnu!hi Jy
the :~u:hor hase ndt:.wnuredto bold the MIRROR ' Nr fale by tlie q\!.Uitit~'.
up' tJ nature, to sl&t:w \'irtue lier ow11 feann-:~,
t "
. I
P. A L L-M A L L .
N ~bedience to the faered ~om~and of the Lord
IformGod,yqu,whofe Servant and Prophet l am, I in·
that youare defcended from his anci•
ent people the Hebrews, of the tribe of Judah,
and of the family of. David, King of lf'raei. .His
f~cred commanJ~t ddivered to 1 me by revelation
for yon, are, T,bat you publi01. and declare to the
worl~ in wrjting, without the le~ll fear of any
hutnan power whatever, that the reveal d know·
ledge of hii judgm~nrs given to riJe, and pub·
lifi1ed by h~s tacr~d cb.tnmand io two boo!<s (ca\4
[ 19 ]
.to fix any one of them with accur.acy and preci~
I()O. ' I •
GOD lnmfelfthe key fer that purpoj':. puuirhment of everlal\ing fire.n H~ entc:rs. m~-
Our Author has l·nten·tl much more into the . putely into pardculars in anether part ot hts-
('e.cail ref~,ecting the fourth heaft, than :lOY of the book, where he tells us.1 " ilu· Imperbl family ·
former, for wlJich reafon 1 01alltake fo milch the wiil all u~ cut ofl, . a~ld no fucceflor will for ever
ld~ notice of him. But it h impoffihle nor to feel after a.r ife."-And again," 1h1s is Francis 11.
the full force of his application of lhe prophecy lhe pre!'eur Emptror ofGeqnany. ~robe rdattd
to the King of Pruffia, i11 that little horn that to him now, will-be conftderedhereafter as a ca-
grew up af~tr the former,'' in which were eyeJ tU pital crime!'- To come at this uwfi tremendous
the C)'I!I cj a 111011," \'iz. perpetual:y oa the watch, ~urfe, and alfo to find the pardcu hr defign-ation
~ ~~ looking lharp out after every profpect of ad· of the death of the King of PruHiu, and the ll1 te~
dlllonal territory, or immedic~te profit, without downfal of the Pop.edom, we mu!l ha\e rrcourfe
reg:nd to tbe means :-whether in ~'ranee, or iu to the :d Book ofEturas.-Now tb1s 2d Book 'of
England, or iri Poland, or any other where elfe- Etoras-has hitherto been dteemed an apl' Cl'J'J
neither an acre nor a JoJJu comes amifi to him. phal compdition of the lowdi or.d~r, anrl fo it is
" Ar.d I beheld!" fays Daniel, " becuuft: of lhe 'ermed ill our church Bibles -;. where it is faid to
gt'"eat words which the horn fpake."-The pro~ llave b.een written · about the: titne of Domitian
Jlhet himfdf feems here to fympad1ile with lhe by fome learned H-ebrew, to be extant only in the
01Honiflunent of aH Europe, .a t &be mon(hous at·· .Latin, an{) to be fiuffcd full of jewifh fables and
t_rocities and intolerable ulafphemies uf th~ Duk.e l\abbinicaiJ·bapt{>rlies •. But I have always confl·
elf Brunfwidt s famous manifcllo, ..,..,·bicb l am {or· dercd th1s fame book of EfJras as one of \he molt
I'J 1 haH not hue by rne, to infcrt as a comment ' fUblime, the mofr compreheniive, and~the mofl: tf'•
ori the dh ine texr. The ruin at:d death 9f t.his plicit of all the ancient prophecies. And when·
<~leih-ble horn 1 fh:~ll prefently {hew from Ef· 'We fball have heard his beauliful allfgory of the
d r;ts : 1> .w iel g,i vcs it us i 11 the 26th \'erfe : " 13u~ wbole Hom3n empire, from its fia {l republican
th<; judgment ihall fit, and they 1l1all take away form to its atlual fl:ate at this moment, I am fure ·
h i~ Juminion 1 to confu!lle and to defiroy it, unto we fhall agree that, whether Efdras lived iu the
t he rnd ;~·- ~~ w~ll .,.~ io tb~ lumr with tJut Qf time of Domitian, in that of Daniel, or in that of
tlu b~ n f! , · Aiam., there never was a more truly wonderfal
Digitized by the Center for Adventist Research ~
( 27 J
Q~tt ruper.lmman. epitome of a long nnd evtntfu
lullory revealed trom tht pen of man. It is iD ~gle be allrgorical, tbe fea from wh~nce it arirer
tht' xith chapter. s allegorical :1lfo. We have the dirctt explana·
" Then l faw a dream, and behold there ,Jme ion of it in the Revelations, where men: ion is
np from the fea an l"agle, which lwJ twelve fea• ade of tbe great Whore that fitteth upon many
therfcl wings, :tnd tlnee heads. An(l I faw and ~aters.-And in the r 5th verfe of the fame chap-
hehold lhe fprt:td her wjng~ ovt>r all 1 he e~rth, t.er, the angel fays ; " the waters which thou
:ind nll the winds of the air blew on her arrd , where the Whore fitterh, are peiJpln, 2nd
'''e!'e- gather~d tog~tlJer. And I hehelrf, a11d out !f414ilWuaes, and n!Jtiom, and tongu~s." This eagle
other tc-athers tl~ere gre\v other c1mtrary feath· erefore coming tljl from the fea, is the dty of
ere:, 3nd they became little feathers, and fmt~lf, gradual1y rifiog among the nations ol Italy-
But her hea~h were xt refl: ; rhe head in the midlt Prophet fir!l is made to behold all the fiac-
w~~ grrater than the other, yet rdled it with t11e viciffitucles of her fate, wrought up into
refirl·•e: l\tor~ver, 1 beheld, nnd Io! rhe eagle ope compact atfemhlnge. Her extent of domin•
flew wllh her Jt>athers, and reignrd upt•tl earth, ton ia marktd by her wings over the whole earth.
~nd over them th:~t dwfl[ therdn. Lind 1 fa\f ijer twelve feathered wmg'i are the twelve Cre-
that all rhing~ undt'r hcnvt'n were fnbje~t nnra C.us, and her three heatls art, the Pof'~' the Em·
'her, snd no II!MI fpake ::IO''{in(l hrr no no~ one ~eror of Germany, :tnd King 'Of Pruffia. Well
.:re:aure upon earth. AnJ b '
J behttH,' and lo . the Indeed mighr it be faid, that the heads njltd, for
\"t~gle rofe upr'ln her tr~lons, and fpoke to her f~·<~· as ye~ th~y were nothing but embryos in the
ther~, r:'l~ ing, Watch nnr all at once; fleep eYe ry yomb of tuturi:y. '' And 1 beheld,'' fays the
nn~ an h1~ own placr, ~md watch by co\Jrfe. B l! ~ t, ''and lo ! the voice went not out of her
, let the head~ ue prtfen·ed unto th~ hfl. An J i , but from the midfl of h:r body.''- This it
b~held, :iltl{l lo ! the \'oice went not out of her true fpiri~ of prophetic lore, this is the gen-
l1eaos, bin from rh~ midfl ofh~r bo«lv." · ae fpark of Promethean fire! How was it pof-
1-Jt'r~ in thete firfl rtn verf.-s we h<~"e an Jllaa. irlfuch few word!!, and yet whh fuch afton·
~nc! more than an lliad, in a nt~t1hei1.-The e~g · ' ng accuracy, to ddioeate the focus from whence
is the tyre nf Home. In this at leafl l {hall ~ot ,emanate all the ray~ of republican authority ~
be in ddnger of contrC~ditlion. Ver. 1 2. 1 ' And I looked, and behold! on the
Lut wh:lt is the meani:-tg, in tl1is and fpv eral fide ~here arole one feather, and reigned
"ther raffi•gt"s of the Prophtt, nfthe wonlf a .:.--. all the earth: and fo it was, that wh~n it
Jt c:mnot he taken lirerallv ; for P tlme h an i11· gned, the end of it came, aod the pl.:1ce thereof
ja"d chy.-1 t molt ther~fore be oh{erveil ~~ a p~ared no more."
w·nef~.d ru1f', .that i.n allegorical writing' tt·ery The feather that now rof.• up on the right fide
»""'I JS a pottlOn of the all!'J;cry; :ul(! thus if lke "a~Julius Cre(•r; and the Prophet's upreffioll
very zemark~ble-cc J\nd fo it was, that when
Digitized by the Center for Adventist Research
c 2s ·n I 29 3
•t relgn!d, the ~nd ofit came, and the place thel'e
llbe mid(l, for that was greater tHan the two oth•.
er heads , and then I faw that the t\YO other hea~s
of np~nnd no more!'- e l~e clearly ,that this
1reign txpirrd tuddenly, alrnoCl at 1its very com· . were joined with it. A1d beh.old! the hea~ .waa.
·turned with lhem that were With H., and d1d ~at
\11Ctlcement; ancl was folio-we~ by a ~ertain pe•
Tiod of interregnum. · "P the two feathen under the wing '.that wou),l
have reigned. But this head put the whole euth
''So the naxt following flood up 1na reigne~ 1
in fear and bare· rule in it over all thofe th1t
dwelt ~pon the earth, with much oppreffion •
l8nd had a great time; and it liappentd, that when
"t reigned, the cond of tl came alto, like a-s the firfi,
and it had the gover·nance of the world 1110r~
fo that ir appeared no m:>re. Then there came
tha11 all tht whtgs that had been." ,
~ voice unto it, ancl faid : Hear thou, that ba(t
Npw we come to the Pap:::cy~ to that great
~borne rule over the earth fo lorJg : :h1S I f3y un-
head in the n1idfi: 7 .to which were joinetlthc two
o thee, O«!forethou beginne!l to ap~ear no more, \
other heads .; na mclv, the States which wer~
There fhall none attel' thee attam unto thj
the-reafter to form the ·dominions o£ the Empire
'(imt",neither unto the half tlicreof.''
.and the King of Pruffia. The gradual encroach·
~he next feather after tliis interval is /\ugufi·
·~Dents of the fpiritual predominence over ~U th•
tl'i. iTo ,put the matter nut of all doubt, the in•
temporal authorities ot the time. are adm1nbly
Jj>irtd writer takes particu~ar c~r~ to •Jnrorm us
.defcribed by the head eatmgup th~.twofeathe~s
of the great length of his rcign: a drcumfiance
tint wonlrl have reigned, And thJ ~uzJoput th~
~markaole enough of ir felf, but .rendereO. pwch
fVhole earth ilz ft:ar. How~ By launchm_gns mofl
"'1ore fo, by his bting fo minutely accurati as to
(tcne with p-yecifion, that the ·re-ign of no other
blafphemous thunders in i.nterdiClions~ t.xcomm~
r.ications, and every fpectes of ecclefia{ltcal ~·ul~
rrince Who fhould ever after govern. that ~OUOtrj
}try, with much, very much oppre!fion, as fays .the
lhould attain even to h1lf the dur~non of that of
Propb~t. Now for the clo.fe of the pro1>heuca 1.
~uguJtus. And therefore it is imp ~} flible tbH '
drama: ·
verle ilioald ' be interpreted of any oilier emperor l
H And after this, I beheld, 3'3tllo! the head
bur him. · )
that was in the midll fuddenly appeared ll~ morr,
I.lhaJI not .here follow the Pr!>phet thro' the
like as the WJ'lg~ ~ bl.}t there rea1ainec.l the l wo
n.e:11 t ren verfes, from t be 17th to the 27th-
h~ads which alfo in like fort rnied upon t~
( fhey defcribe the rdl of the Crefus, and th~ . ·~
earth ' aud over thofe that dwelt thereto.
r~.hfequent commotions in the ftate)-but thaU gd
on to the z3Lh ver(~. I
Th~ reformation and revolt of fo many nati-ons
from the- Pope's power, b.1tb tern poral and fj)i •
H And 1 behtld, and Jo ! the two that remain•
ritual, are fiefcribed in thefe verf~s : and h1s
ed tho\1ght ::~lfo in themfelves to reign: and when
downfal is e1(preC,Iy m~ntioned to precede that
tbey fo lhought, bthold! there awaked one of the
· ~f .ttl~ otaer. tWQ heads ; n:tmely1 the E~.,c:r~
heads th4:.t were at rea, uamely 1 it that waa itt
Digitized by the Center for Adventist Research
. l\ ~
[ ~0 1
D a.. H 0 R. N E 's P A M P H L E T,
'' iour.J .Argunzent, dilfated hy Com111orJ Smje.~
G U R S 0 R r 0 B S E R VA1' I 0 N S
M I~ L L E N ~ I U M.
ers, having generally attraaed public notice, l It fhou]d recover and in two or three days,
think it my duty to O:ate fome of them a" they r:onquer like wife. ,but ever fince the allied
have been already fu)filled, and let the world p. 124. At the time of armies hav~ retreated 1
judge of them according to th~ir own knowledge y writing to the king and b~en beat.en beyond
aod belief. The ttuth of them ought to be care· :Of England, relative. to any examp}e m the an-
fully examined. That fuch a man will come there be king.ofPruffia, I JC· nals of h1ftory ; and
can be no doubt of and is exprefsJy mentioned, formed him, as I was few will now. I believe,
Jerem. xxviii, 9• '' The Prophet which propliefi· commanded, of the cer· aOert that they can ev·
eth of PEACE, when the word of the prophet ~ain failure of the com. er repenetrate France,
fhall .come to pafs, then finll the prophet be ined armies of Pruffia and reilore monarchy.
known, that the Lord hath trul) Cent him." nd Aufiria. ·
Page 98. The kilag of It is reported he bas
Richard Brothers prophefieth of univerfal pearer roffia will acknowl. already made peace ; if
that 1h'ortly will.~ rellored to all kingdoms upon 1
fdge the ~·rench repub- he has not, in all prob·
earth. lic, and alfo make peace ability he foon will.
•ith it. .
Book II. page 103. The war enfued. On 99· Rllffia will aJio In the Leyden Ga·
Richard Brothers fays, the z 1ft of Jan. 1 79 3• 'uarre l with the Poles, zette, :£.?ec. 26, 1794, it
"Are yoa William Pitt, the king ofr'rance was I nd devour great nom. fays, in the= accounts
to whom I wrote in beheaded. This pro• ors of them; Warfaw from Watfaw, " Tha~
:May afld June, 1791, pbecy has been fulfilled. _,ill be fet on fire, and the attack began at five
informing you of the · the government -entire· o'clock in the morning,
· confequences of this iy changed. at nine the enemv was
war to your country, The above has been in pofieffion of the· place
when the war was not ' too fully and too fatal· -five thoufand Poles
intended, and of the ly fulfilled furely for 2· were flain in ll .: af·
death of Louis the J 6th, one to deny. Pruf. fault the remaining
which was intpoffible to was not-able to con.. sood were taken prifo·
Digitized by the Center for Adventist Research
•uer the Poles, but Ruf- · ners or difperred. On the 27th of June The French iftands
fia, the defiinecl power, ter tbis was over, and 1 79 2, I wrote to the have been conquered hy
foQu conquered them. every thing appeared l.t'rench ambaflador ,then the Englifi1, according
to be quiet, ten hours in London, by command to the former part oi
after all ref1fiance had of the Lord God, ac· this prophecy. The lat-
ceafed, about nine o' • quaint1ng him with the ter part remains to be
clock at night, they fet future lols of the French fulfilleq,.
fire to the town, and be~ ifiands, and likewile the
,l gan to butcher the in- fall of the Englifu.
habitant ~ . The fick and · Page 1 S4· After this I The king of Sweden
wounded peri!hed in the W!lS in a v ifion in Lhe was fhot at a mafquer-
fLtmes ;-the re(l, old month of January 179!, ade , March 10, and di-
men, wom ~n & children~ ar.d was cart·il'd away ed March :9, 1792.
perifhed by the fword. by the Spirit of God to
Nine thoufand perfons, Sweden, &e. The King
of every age and of both of Sweden is delivered
texes, art computed to over for death, and that
have fallen in the O'.Jf- is tbe very man that
,, , facre, and the whole of will fhoot him.
the {uburb, except a few ·•55· And when you Richard Brothers was
! •
fcattering houfes, was write hereafter of other taken up by government
reduced lU allies., things io this country March f, 1 79 5; that be .
)OU will be r.alled an has been reckoned all
1 oo. The Sp.anifl1 mo- Holland is entirely impoUor, a fool, and impo!tor by many, the
l)archy will ceafe uy this couqoc:rcd, & th~ Sud~· ·a liar. world itf~lf mq(t allow~
war, and the St&dlhol· holder is now in this When I fee this it
derlhip of Holland w1ll COilOlfJ· wi\1 make me angry;
• be cut oif clofe to the I'll then be-gin 10 kill
g:ound, according to the people, and 1 fball
(be vifions of God to me ., furely defirt>y this city •
in 1 792, and which I Page t8o. oa. z6, Mr. Halh~u pubJilh·
commnnicated at that J 794, the Lord God ed b]s tdlimony Janua·
time, by his facred com- commands me to fay to ry zc;, J 795·
mands: to the King and you, William Bryan, Mr. Bryan pub\ilhed
Q.ueen of. England. that you are appointtd his tefiimolly Feu. •o,
Digitized by the Center for Adventist Research
. [ 26 ~ · [ '-7 ] .
and will be command· I 79 S; wherein he .&C• either as an · impofior or madman. If he has
ed by him, to teftify . know1edges that he was not wrote thofe lette~s to government, as he af-
publicly to the world compelJed by the Spirit ferrs, then he is ,a falfe prophet, and the 011us
wbo J now am, and to write, being againlt probandi lays with the minHlers, &c. If thora
· what my fu ture ~ef,g - his natural will. Sey. letters are ellablilhed, I think his prophecies l:Offi•
Jlation is. Tlte Lord eral others have publith- ing true, abfolutely prove him a true prophet.
God witl influence and ed and are publi1hit1g I have taken every fiep to detett him in impofitiosa
commaP.d numbers of their temmonies. Ma- or madnefs, but cannot in either.
his people, both men ny alfo have given their
and women, to give telHmonies by letter. CANDID US.
the fame public telli· .., John Wright p~blifhed March 26, 179)· :
D:Jonies. his teRinwny Aug. 1,
192. oa:.26; 1 7Q4· ] he prifoners were \.
Ee informed the Eng· all tried and acquitted.
lith government , Judg-
es, &c. that the prifo· F I Y IS.
Jters now in confiotment
and on trial for th~ ir
lives, &c. are innocent.
...• * •••••
Thefe things having been already fulfilled, • • * ••• *
• lli • • * •
()Ugbt to be a caution to every body how they
deny Re~e)ation and Prophecy, and it behoves
every perfoo to examine inro the revealed prO<>
pheciu very carefully and judge impattiaHy •
... ,.
• * •••
• **
.Afts v. 39. " Butif thefe 1hin gs be of God, ye ·
c:snnot overthrow them.'•
Ri,hard Brothers O:ands in the Court Calen-
der as a naval vfficer, Jan. 3, 1783. Surely then .
his character and behaviour during bis cominu-
. ance in the navy are very eafily to bt enctuired
hy chofe that doubt his fanity. Becaufe he quotes
Scripture and believes in Gon, is too rid icol.ms,
auo would thi11k1 for •oy pt~on to fc:t him dow•
Digitized by the Center for Adventist Research
ju.fl Publi/htd, ~'l Charles R. 0' G('(.rge Webfler,
l'!ice 3-4ths of Dollar, neatly bound and lettered,
A New Tranflation of the PrGphecies of.
ISAIA H,-by BiH1op Lowth.
To which is added, A plain, concife and particular
Explanation of eacb Chapter, by the Rev. Dr. R. Srmth.
IN the explanations, the ttmc anl occa!ion whCL1 the.
prophecy w:ts written, the peculiJr ftilc of ISAiAH, the
beauty and fublimity of particular pafsages, the allufion
to ancient cufl:oms and manners, the connection & fcope
of the feveral pares of the prophecy, and the events in
which the pred.i8:iop.s feem ro have had. their accom-
plishment, arc occa1ionally afccrtained ~nd illu(hared:
The whole forming an agreeable and in1l:ru6tive Expofi-
tion of this SEI,{APHLC l'ROPI;!ET.
THE de!ign of this pul>li~ation is to excite Chrifl:iarts
to a. more d~ligent peruL1l of the Scnprures, and to rcn.
dcr the perufal more a~rreeable and protlt.lblc. Tlll:y arc
here prcfcnted with or~e of tltc molt J.ignitietl. arJd t:v.m~
gelic.1l ~ortions of HOLY \V'Rl r, un1kr a TranU.uion.
which, 1n refpea of fidelity&. elcg.1nce, is held in high.
e(bmuiort. The d.ifl:in"'uished Trantl.uor:'by [uccd'sful-
ly tr.msfnting th"'e m.l.n~er, the fpiric ttnd. the f?rce, as
well a~ the llgniticarion, of the original, into bts copy.
h:1s a~<iell the charms of eloquence co thl! d.lvt~dt ~n~
i\:,·u!tlOns. The glo .vino- 6 .!ltres, tb-:: p.ulu:nc n.:fcrtp-
tion~. them 1jdtic fe11d~eLl;s, and the unutterable con-
J.dc\!ntron and n-race, which div~:rllfy antl :ltlorn thcfc
pag.:s, m 11k :tt o~ce arrcit, afl:uni~h. enrapture ami en-
ibm.:, ..:very read.er of tafte, of judgment a~d devotion.