Comparison-R407c and R410a

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A Technical Note from the Experts

in Business-Critical Continuity™

Technical Note: Comparing R407C and R410A as Alternatives for R22

Purpose As the manufacture of R22 is phased out
over the coming years to end production of
The purpose of this document is to provide HCFCs, alternatives such as R407C and R410A
a brief overview of refrigerants R410A will be manufactured.
and R407C, describe their characteristics
and compare their environmental impact, R407C and R410A
regulatory compliance and resulting
system efficiency. R407C is a non-ozone depleting blend of
three HFC refrigerants (R32, R125, R134A)
Background and was designed to match as closely as
possible R22 pressure and performance to
Chlorodifluoromethane (R22 or HCFC22) allow a smooth transition from R22 to R407C.
has been used as a refrigerant within It exhibits performance characteristics similar
refrigeration, industrial cooling, air to R22.
conditioning and heating applications
for many years. The low ozone depletion R410A is a non-ozone depleting blend of
potential of R22 compared to CFC11 and two HFC refrigerants (R32, R125) and was
CFC12 combined with its excellent refrigerant designed to provide benefits in efficiency
properties have helped facilitate the and system size by increasing system pressure
transition away from CFCs. However, even and taking advantage of thermodynamic
if HCFCs, such as R22, are less damaging to and transport properties. It exhibits higher
the ozone layer than CFCs, they still contain pressures and refrigeration capacity
ozone-destroying chlorine. In addition, R22 than R22.
is a greenhouse gas and the manufacture
of R22 results in a byproduct (HFC23) that The properties and performance of R407C
contributes significantly to global warming. and R410A are compared in Table 1.
Therefore R22 is being phased out and
replaced with ozone-friendly refrigerants.

Under the terms of the Montreal Protocol,

the U.S. agreed to a phase-out schedule
as follows:
January 1, 2010 – Equipment
manufacturers can no longer
manufacture equipment that contains
R22. Chemical manufacturers may
still produce R22 to service existing
equipment, but not for use in
new equipment.

January 1, 2020 – Manufacturers will no

longer be able to produce R22 to service
existing equipment.

R407C and R410A Comparative Data

Properties/Performance R407C R410A Comments

Ozone depletion 0 0 ODP value for R22 is 0.055.
potential, ODP, The lower the value, the
(CFC11=1.0) better the environmental
Global warming 1600 1725 GWP value for R22 is 1600.
potential, GWP, The lower the value, the
(CO2=1.0 [100 yr better the environmental
integrated time horizon]) performance.
Maximum allowable 1000 1000
concentration in the
workplace (ppm)
Flammable No No
Toxicity Very Low Very Low
Relative energy efficiency -7 to -3 b
-2 to +2 c
ratio, EER (%) a
Change in discharge -15 to -8 b -9 to -11 c
temperature (°F) a
Change in discharge +15 to +40 b +131 to +150 c
pressure (psi) a
Compared with R22.
 alues compared with HCFC-22 in unmodified split system heat pumps and an unmodified window air conditioner using
the Department of Energy cooling test conditions A and B.
Values compared with HCFC-22 in split system heat pump with capacity-matched compressor using the DOE cooling test
conditions A and B.
Source: DuPont Fluorochemicals

Table 1. Properties and performance of R407C and R410A .

Advantages and Disadvantages of • Exhibits thermo-physical properties that

R407C and R410A are similar to R22, so when changing
from R22 to R407C, minimal alterations
R407C in the refrigeration system are required.
An R22 system and an R407C system use
Advantages many of the exact same components.
• Less harmful influence on the
environment than R22. Value of global
warming potential of R407 is similar to
• Multiple significant leaks (50 wt. %), and
that of R22 but ozone depletion potential
recharges, can in some cases cause the
is zero.
refrigerant composition to change, which
could have a minor impact on energy
efficiency and heat transfer conditions.

R410A Conclusion

Advantages Both R407C and R410A are less harmful

• Less harmful influence on the to the environment than R22 and they
environment than R22. Value of global offer equivalent performance and higher
warming potential of R410A is higher capacity alternatives to R22. They have the
than that of R22 but ozone depletion same designation (A1) in ASHRAE Standard
potential is zero. 34 – Designation and Safety Classification
• Characteristics of R410A permit using of Refrigerants. Because both refrigerants
a smaller displacement compressor, are widely available, their resulting system
less coil and less refrigerant while performance is very similar and they have a
maintaining system efficiencies common classification within the Montreal
comparable to current R22 equipment. Protocol, they are equal alternatives for
projects where compressorized cooling is
included. Currently R410A is being used
Disadvantages extensively for most new, small residential
• Operating pressures more than air cooled systems.
50 percent higher than R22, which
requires thicker walled tubing, high
pressure compressors and use of
components capable of withstanding
these high pressures. An R22 system and
an R410A system use none of the same
components. A complete redesign of an
R22 system is required to use R410A.The
high operating pressures can also restrict
the use of R410A to smaller systems,
especially on water cooled systems.

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