Reflection On Prejudice

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lection Paper on Raul Contreras' debate about Prejudice

Prejudice is a feeling of like or dislike for someone or something especially

when it is not reasonable or logical, an instance of such judgement. We may all have
different views about prejudice, but either ways it still have the same point. However,
I do feel the same vibes with Raul's definition about prejudice. He eloquently
delivered the point of prejudice, where we give judgement to an individual or a group
of people not on the basis of their being persons, but on the basis of their colors,
economic statuses, sex, etc.

Nowadays, prejudices exist in every corner of the world and even more
worse. In today's generation, we call it a judgmental world where everyone is eyeing
on you to what you say, your actions, the way you dress, and even our skin color
matters today. As to what Raul said that even at their time, Filipinos used bleaches
to whitened their skin although their arms or the rest of their bodies still show their
true color. With technology and science everything became possible, which we all
want to get that fair skin, a glass skin, and a flawless skin like a Korean's. Since we
live in a judgmental society we lose the confidence when we have darker skin
because we thought we are ugly and no one would dare to look at us or listen to us,
and look at those who have whiter skin and dresses elegantly, they have that
confidence where somehow they look down to the people opposite to them, that is
the higher tendency.

He also mentioned there about justice and liberty where he questioned the
pledge of the United States of America that where is the justice they say when the
separation of group of people and discrimination exists. It is a matter of fact that for
some individuals there is justice, however to the individuals who belong in the lower
class in the society they cannot have the justice they are striving to find because of
those who have justice they do not want to share them. What also happen is that,
people who belong to those discriminated always looking up at those in higher class,
they are always on the ground, not because they would not get off but they cannot.

Law is there, but justice is not when prejudice exist.

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