RT HSEC Policy
RT HSEC Policy
RT HSEC Policy
Health, Safety,
Environment and
Delivering world class health, safety, environment the effects of our business’ operations. We assess
and communities performance is essential to the impact of our activities and products in
our business success. Meeting our commitments advance, and we work with local communities and
in these areas contributes to sustainable agencies to manage and monitor these impacts.
development and underpins our continued access
to resources, capital and engaged people. Our Our approach starts with compliance with
focus on continuous improvement ensures regular relevant laws and regulations. We have the
renewal and relevance of our policies, procedures courage and commitment to doing what is right,
and activities. not what is easiest. We maintain our focus on
ethics, transparency and building mutual trust. We
We make the safety and wellbeing of our support and encourage further action by helping
employees, contractors and communities our to identify, develop and implement world class
number one goal. Always. Where everyone goes practices through the application of our Group
home safe and healthy every day. wide standards.
Health, Safety, Environment and Communities January 2018
We actively monitor and ensure the security and Importantly, it is a shared responsibility, requiring
resilience of our operations and collaborate when the active commitment and participation of all our
confronted with unwanted events or interruptions leaders, employees and contractors. Our business
to minimise the impact on our people, standards, systems and processes, support
communities, stakeholders and operations. responsible operations, as well as contributions and
innovations that make a positive and sustainable
We work together with colleagues, partners and difference in every region we are part of.
communities globally to deliver the products our
customers need. We learn from each other to
improve our performance and achieve success.
We promote active partnerships at international,
national, regional, and local levels, based on
mutual commitment and trust. We engage with
our joint venture partners to share our practices
and insights. We recognise and respect diverse
cultures, communities and points of view.