Cot Lesson Plan June 2021
Cot Lesson Plan June 2021
Cot Lesson Plan June 2021
II. CONTENT Determining the truthfulness and accuracy of the material viewed.
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide None
2. Learner’s Materials Grade 7 Learners’ Material
3. Internet
4. Additional Materials None
from Learning
Resource (LR) Portal
5. Additional Learning Modality:
Materials Instructional video, Messages thru GC
Strategies: Interactive Activities, Inquiry-Based Instruction
Explicit teaching – scaffolding, modelling, games
A. Reviewing previous I. Preparation
lesson /Motivation A. Review/Motivation:
Let the students listen a TAGLINE of a local media, after listening to it, they will
provide the correct template or logo of the said Local media.
D. Discussing new
concepts and practicing Flash a video taken from YouTube, the video is a news from Baguio City about the
new skills 1 community Panty. After watching the Video , students will analyze the video based
from the guide questions on Accuracy , Relevance , Authority, Purpose and Objectivity.
E. Discussing new Processing the video, they have watched and answering the activity on analyzing the
concepts and practicing material (the video) based from the guide questions on Accuracy, Relevance, Authority,
new skills 2 Purpose and Objectivity.
Enrichment Ask questions to the students regarding the topic discussed to them.
F. Developing mastery 1. What is the importance of determining first the material viewed if it is truthful and
accurate? |
2. How would you determine if the material viewed is not fake , or if it is true and
G. Finding practical Not everything we see or read in the internet or in any social media platforms are true
applications of concepts and correct. Evaluate always the materials we are viewing like news , post in fb and
and skills in daily living others for us to determine if those are really true and correct.
Listening news in Radio , Reading articles in the differents sites or in social media
H. Making
generalizations and WRAP UP! Remember that not everything we see and read in social media is
abstractions about the true and accurate. If we are in doubt of the materials we viewed, we can always check in
lesson fact checking websites or organizations. Also , always consider Currency , Accuracy ,
Authorship , and Purpose and Objectivity of the material you are viewing to guarantee
its truthfulness and accuracy.
I. Evaluating Learning
Evaluation: Performance Task!
Watch the documentary video of Apo Whang-Od, the oldest Mambabatok living in
Kalinga, Philippines. After watching the documentary video, students will analyze
/critique the material based on the guide questions on ACCURARY, RELEVANCE,
J. Additional activities Students will accomplish the task “What I Have Learned “on their module, quarter 4,
for application or week 4.