Learning Activity Sheet (SHS) Contemporary Arts From The Philippines and The Regions
Learning Activity Sheet (SHS) Contemporary Arts From The Philippines and The Regions
Learning Activity Sheet (SHS) Contemporary Arts From The Philippines and The Regions
III. Instructions
1. Answer the following activities and do not forget to fill in the learner’s information
2. Read the directions very carefully.
3. Avoid erasures.
IV. Activities
Activity 1 Local Material Checklist!
Directions: Fill in the table below with different local materials present in your community.
Write their names and descriptions in the columns below.
Abaca It belongs to banana family. Its fibers have
a natural luster with colors ranging from
white to ivory dark brown.
Bamboo It is used in creating many products. It is
used in construction, textiles, musical
instrument etc.
Sea shells Hard exoskeleton of marine mollusks such
as snails, bivalves and chitons that serves
to protect their bodies. Usually used in
making ornaments and house decoration.
Rattan Belong to the palm family. There are
different types of rattan palms such as high
or low climbers, single stemmed or
clustered ratan species.
Tanguile wood These are wood from a Philippine
mahogany tree tanguile that is usually use
in making furnitures and decorations.
Coconut leaves or fronds These are leaves that are harvested in a
coconut tree use for weaving and creating
art products.
CRITERIA 5 4 3 2 1
SHADING Your Shading is smooth Your Shading is smooth You Shaded You Violated You Violated
and strictly follows the and strictly follows the the artwork the principles the principles
principle of light. Effort principle of light. Effort and tried of light and of light and
and excellence is seen and excellence is seen have bad has a bad
applying the
in the output arts. in the output arts. blending of pencil shading
principles of shades.
Shading is
and nice.
SPACE Your drawing occupied Your drawing occupied Your Your drawing Your drawing
the best proportions a good position in the drawing is in is small and is so small that
and sizes of objects drawing space. the good not in the spaces are
drawn. size but has proper wasted.
not occupied side/area of
the best fit. the paper.
LINES Your lines are fine and Your lines are clean Your Lines Your lines are Your lines are
bold, clean and fair. and fair. Line shows the are unclean and vague and
The lines portrayed object drawn. acceptably overlapping. dirty.
greatly the image visible and
drawn. expressive
V. Reflection
1. Why is it so important for you as a young artist to use the local materials in making an
VI. References
Ganzon, Carlo Luis C., Journey: Contemporary Arts of the Philippines, Phoenix
Publishing House Inc., Quezon City, Philippines , pp.
Electronic Sources
Answer Key
1. BAMBOO - This local material is used a raw material in creating many products. It is
used in construction, textile, musical instruments, weapons, and many more. The
products that can be made out of it are the following kubing, bungkaka, tongatong,
angklung, pateteg, gabbang.
2. BUNTAL - It is a cylindrically shaped fiber. The supple ivory white strands are quite
durable, pliable, and have good dyeing qualities. The products that can be made out of it
are the following bags, shoes, desk accessories like pen holder, picture frames, file trays,
wallets, place mats, braid, lampshades, window blinds.
3. ABACA - This local material belongs to the Banana family. Its fiber has a natural luster
with colors ranging from pure white to ivory and dark brown. The products that can be
made out of it are the following slippers, ropes, twine, hammock, frame, display jar, jars,
Chelsea chair.
4. BAKBAK - It is the outermost covering or leaf sheath of the abaca stalk. It is a flat thick
durable sheath as twine or braided. The strong brown fiber used to make furniture. The
products that can be made out of it are the following mat, bangkuay bin, boxes, bin,
display, jar, Cecilia dining table, and arm chair.
5. COIR - This local material is the fibrous material surrounding the fruit of the coconut tree.
The products that can be made out of it are the following indoor or outdoor fiber carpets,
wall covering, doormat, trellises, and geo textiles.
6. BURI - This is extracted from the matured leaves of the palm. The fiber is durable and
resistant to moisture. The products that can be made out of it are the following hats,
bags, baskets, memorabilia boxes, perfume tray, & other woven products.
7. NITO - This is a plant belonging to the fern family that grows abundantly in the
hinterlands of Mindanao. The products that can be made out of it are the following bags,
bread tray, lampshade and decorative jar.
8. PANDAN - It is a tropical plant. It is processed and transformed into splints that are being
used as raw material. The products that can be made out of it are the following baskets,
hats, picture frames and bags.
9. TIKOG - This belongs to sea grasses. It is a native reed plant used as a raw material for
mat weaving. The products that can be made out of it are the following bags, decorative
mats, hampers, newspaper racks, table mat, waste bin, tower candle holder, wall décor.
10. TIKIW - This is a large, erect, and aquatic or marshy herb plant. It is found in central
Luzon to Mindanao. It abounds in fresh water swaps, and in newly opened rice land at
low altitudes. The products that can be made out of it are the following baskets, hampers
with lids, bags, rugs, carpets, placemats, jar, and other decorative items.
11. RATTAN - It belongs to the palm family. There are different types of rattan palms, such
as high or low climbers, single stemmed or clustered rattan species. The products that
can be made out of it are the following baskets, picture frames, furniture and other
novelty items, Zoya lounge chair, Valencia queen size bed, Rest divan.
12. RAFFIA - This material is a fiber extracted from unopened buri leaf in 3 stages. It is loom
woven into fabrics or used as wall coverings, upholstery material, folding doors and
window hangings. The products that can be made out of it are the following hats,
placemats, folder, shoes, slippers, boxes, portfolio and ladies bags, placemats, circular,
boxes, document boxes.