Method of Selecting Programming Practices For The Safety Critical Software Development Projects - 36944

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The author of the PhD dissertation: Katarzyna Łukasiewicz

Scientific discipline: Computer science


Title of PhD dissertation: Method of selecting programming practices for the safety-
critical software development projects.

Title of PhD dissertation (in Polish): Metoda doboru praktyk programistycznych w

wytwarzaniu oprogramowania związanego z bezpieczeństwem.

Supervisor Second supervisor

signature signature
prof. dr hab. inż. Janusz Górski
Auxiliary supervisor Cosupervisor

signature signature

Gdańsk, year 2018


First and foremost, I would like to thank my supervisor prof. Janusz Górski, who has
not only guided me through researching and writing this doctoral thesis but has also
been an inspiration and a mentor in my scientific development.

I would like to thank the Argevide NOR-STA team for the support and for the chance
to work with their product.

I would like to thank the Protégé team for sharing their product. This work was
conducted using the Protégé resource, which is supported by grant GM10331601
from the National Institute of General Medical Sciences of the United States National
Institutes of Health.

I would like to thank the students I had pleasure to work with during the experiments,
for their commitment and enthusiasm.

I would like to thank Thor Myklebust, Geir Kjetil Hanssen, Tor Stålhane and Stig Ole
Johnsen very much for their support and the time they dedicated during my visits in
Trondheim and beyond

I would like to thank Frank Aakvik and Ingar Kulbrandstad for their time and honesty.

I would like to thank Jakub Miler for his advice and remarks he gave me during the
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completion phase of this doctoral thesis.

I would like thank Teresa Zawadzka and Wojciech Waloszek for their help and
support with the subject of knowledge bases

Na końcu, ale też najmocniej, chciałabym podziękować mojej rodzinie. Moim

rodzicom za cały czas, jaki poświęcili, abym ja mogła mój czas poświęcić na
przygotowywanie tej pracy. Mojej siostrze, za wsparcie mentalne i podtrzymywanie
na duchu w chwilach zwątpienia. Oraz mojemu mężowi Michałowi - byłeś cały czas
w pierwszej linii wsparcia, dzięki Tobie ta praca w ogóle mogła powstać. Dziękuję.

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Dla Jasia i Adasia
In recent years a plan-driven approach traditionally used in safety-critical
software development has been put to a test by rapidly changing technologies, more
diverse group of clients and volatile market requirements. The need to deliver good
quality systems, faster and at lower cost in comparison to competitors encouraged
companies to look for more efficient solutions. Agile methodologies are known to
successfully address these issues for small, non-critical projects. Presumably agile
practices can reduce both cost and time to market when applied to safety-critical projects
as well. While benefits can be significant, the main concern are quality and safety
assurance. Plan-driven methodologies provide tools for such purpose, which agile
methodologies in their pure form lack. The challenge that arises is to elaborate a more
easily available and ready-to-use solution that would help safety-critical organizations to
streamline their processes with agile practices and to maintain accordance with safety
standards and certifications.
The goal of the research described in this work was to develop an approach
aimed at facilitating the introduction of a more agile approach to the software
development process, depending on the characteristics of the project, while maintaining
compliance with the required safety standards and regulations, and the AgileSafe
method presented in this thesis is the main result of this research.
The information about project and about the regulatory context constraining the
project and its product are the inputs to the method. User is guided through two main
processes of AgileSafe: process which selects the specifications of software
development practices to be applied in the Project and a process which results in the set
of assurance arguments corresponding to the regulations included in the regulatory
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The two main processes of AgileSafe reflect the main objectives of AgileSafe: to
support a hybrid approach to software development based on the tailored practices and
to support continuous monitoring of conformance to the mandatory regulatory
In order to further improve the method and tailor its advice to the User’s needs
more accurately, the knowledge stored in the method should be reviewed and updated
To validate the proposed AgileSafe method, in the course of the research, three
case studies have been conducted in addition to interviews and questionnaires with
participation of experts.

1. INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................... 12
1.1. Context ............................................................................................................ 12
1.2. Problem statement and thesis proposition ....................................................... 14
1.3. Research approach ......................................................................................... 14
1.4. Thesis outline .................................................................................................. 15
2.1. Safety-critical systems domain ........................................................................ 16
2.2. Safety requirements of safety-critical systems ................................................. 17
3. RELATED WORK ........................................................................................ 20
3.1. Motivations for new approaches in development of safety-critical software...... 20
3.2. Models for adopting agile approach to safety-critical devlopment .................... 23
3.3. Reconciling safety requirements and the streamlining of processes ................ 25
4. AGILESAFE OVERVIEW ............................................................................ 27
4.1. AgileSafe main concepts ................................................................................. 27
4.2. AgileSafe process model ................................................................................. 40
4.3. Agilesafe in software development process context......................................... 42
4.4. Tool support .................................................................................................... 43
AGILESAFE................................................................................................. 45
5.1. Project characteristics...................................................................................... 45
5.2. Disciplines ....................................................................................................... 47
5.3. Guidance based on Project Characteristics ..................................................... 48
5.4. Guidance based on Regulatory Compliance .................................................... 50
5.5. Project Practices Set ....................................................................................... 51
6. AGILESAFE PRACTICES KNOWLEDGE BASE ........................................ 53
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6.1. AgileSafe Practices Knowledge Base structure ............................................... 53

6.2. Knowledge Base rules and queries.................................................................. 61
6.3. Introducing new practices ................................................................................ 67
6.4. Selecting practices for Project Practices Set.................................................... 74
7. ASSURANCE ARGUMENTS IN AGILESAFE ............................................. 75
7.1. Assurance arguments in standards conformance ............................................ 75
7.2. Overview of assurance arguments in AgileSafe ............................................... 78
7.3. Practices Compliance Argument Pattern and Practices Compliance Argument 79
7.4. Project Practices Compliance Argument.......................................................... 85
7.5. Project Compliance Argument and Project Compliance Argument Pattern ...... 87
7.6. Monitoring conformance .................................................................................. 90
8. EVALUATION .............................................................................................. 93
8.1. Evaluation Objectives ...................................................................................... 93
8.2. Case Study A: Student’s assessment .............................................................. 96
8.3. Case Study B: Group Project ......................................................................... 106

8.4. Case Study C: GlucoMet ............................................................................... 112
8.5. Evaluation: Interviews with domain experts.................................................... 121
8.6. Evaluation conclusions .................................................................................. 132
9. CONCLUSIONS ......................................................................................... 135
9.1. Contribution of the research........................................................................... 135
9.2. Thesis evaluation ........................................................................................... 136
9.3. Validity ........................................................................................................... 137
9.4. Future work.................................................................................................... 138
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Figure 1 The high-level use case diagram of AgileSafe ............................................... 27

Figure 2 A detailed diagram of Apply AgileSafe use case .............................................. 29
Figure 3 Data flow diagram of Apply AgileSafe use case ............................................... 31
Figure 4 A detailed diagram of Improve AgileSafe use case .......................................... 37
Figure 5 Data flow diagram of Improve AgileSafe use case......................................... 38
Figure 6: Data flow diagram of AgileSafe method........................................................ 41
Figure 7: Potential scaling factors for software development (Ambler, 2010)............... 46
Figure 8 AS.AL.1 Algorithm for Practices suggestions based on the Project
Characteristics............................................................................................... 50
Figure 9 AS.AL.2 Algorithm for Practices suggestions based on the Regulatory
Compliance ................................................................................................... 51
Figure 10 AS.AL.3 Algorithm for Suggested Project Practices Set .............................. 52
Figure 11: AgileSafe Knowledge Base class diagram ................................................. 53
Figure 12 SWRL Rules in AgileSafe Knowledge Base (screen from Protege) ................ 62
Figure 13 Adding new Practice in Protege tool - New instance.................................... 71
Figure 14 Adding new Practice in Protege tool - Object property assertions................ 72
Figure 15 Adding new Practice in Protege tool - Data property assertions .................. 73
Figure 16 Adding new Practice in Protege tool - Regulatory requirements .................. 73
Figure 17: The structure of the arguments used in AgileSafe (Argevide, 2017) .......... 76
Figure 18: The assurance argument tree structure (Argevide, 2017) ........................... 76
Figure 19 Practices Compliance Assurance Argument and its Pattern ........................ 80
Figure 20: Presentation of Practices Compliance Argument Pattern in GSN notation.. 81
Figure 21: Practices Compliance Argument Pattern presented in NOR-STA tool ........ 82
Figure 22: Fragment of Practices Compliance Argument for ISO 14971 presented using
GSN notation ................................................................................................. 83
Figure 23: Fragment of Practices Compliance Argument for ISO 14971 4.4a presented
in GSN notation ............................................................................................. 84
Figure 24: Fragment of Practices Compliance Argument for ISO 14971 4.4a presented
in NOR-STA tool ............................................................................................ 85
Figure 25 Project Practices Compliance Argument in the context................................ 86
Figure 26: An excerpt of Project Practices Compliance Argument for SO 14971
standard– 4.4 Risk Analysis: Estimation of the risk(s) for each hazardous
situation – 4.4a presented in NOR-STA tool .................................................. 86
Figure 27 Project Compliance Argument in its context ................................................ 88
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Figure 28 Project Compliance Argument Pattern presented in NOR-STA tool............. 90

Figure 29: An example of Project Compliance Argument for an excerpt of ISO 14971
standard– 4.4 Risk Analysis: Estimation of the risk(s) for each hazardous
situation – 4.4a presented in NOR-STA tool .................................................. 90
Figure 30: Monitoring Conformance processes in AgileSafe ....................................... 91
Figure 31 The GQM structure for AgileSafe evaluation ............................................... 95
Figure 32 A context diagram of the insulin pump ......................................................... 98
Figure 33 A tree of Scrum process stages along with tasks and possible impediments
...................................................................................................................... 99
Figure 34: An example FTA analysis ......................................................................... 102
Figure 35: Risk assessment results for Scrum........................................................... 102
Figure 36: Risk assessment results for eXtreme Programming ................................. 103
Figure 37 An excerpt from the Product Backlog for Doc Beacon (Miszczyszyn and
Naliwajek, 2016) .......................................................................................... 106
Figure 38 DocBeacon Practices Compliance Argument for an excerpt of ISO 14971 109
Figure 39 Risk Backlog template ............................................................................... 110
Figure 40 DocBeacon Project Practices Compliance Argument for an excerpt of ISO
14971 .......................................................................................................... 111

Figure 41 DocBeacon Project Compliance Argument for an excerpt of ISO 14971
standard ......................................................................................................111
Figure 42 An excerpt of Practices Compliance Argument for ISO 14971 in NOR-STA
tool ..............................................................................................................115
Figure 43 A screen from Protege tool with the Suggested Practices Set ...................117
Figure 44 A screen from Protege tool with the Project Practices Set .........................118
Figure 45 An excerpt of Project Practices Compliance Argument for ISO 14971 in
NOR-STA tool..............................................................................................119
Figure 46 An excerpt of Project Compliance Argument for ISO 14971 in NOR-STA tool
Figure 47: The Asssessment feature in NOR-STA tool for Project Compliance
Argument .....................................................................................................120
Figure 48 Scrum's role in safety critical software development (Mycklebust, Stålhane
and Hanssen, 2016). ...................................................................................122
Figure 49 Introduction of SafeScrum practices to AgileSafe Knowledge Base...........123
Figure 50 Metrics with their data sources ..................................................................134
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Table 1. Apply AgileSafe use case: general description .............................................. 28

Table 2. Improve AgileSafe use case: general description .......................................... 29
Table 3. AS.A.2 Practices Knowledge Base ................................................................ 32
Table 4. AS.A.9 Project Compliance Argument Pattern ............................................... 33
Table 5. AS.A.3 Project characteristics ....................................................................... 33
Table 6. AS.A.6 Project Practices Set ......................................................................... 33
Table 7. AS.A.8 Project Practices Compliance Argument............................................ 33
Table 8. AS.A.10 Project Compliance Argument ......................................................... 34
Table 9. AS.A.11 Project ............................................................................................. 34
Table 10. AS.A.13 Suggested Project Practices Set ................................................... 34
Table 11. AS.P.1 Analyse the project ......................................................................... 34
Table 12. AS.P.3 Select practices ............................................................................... 35
Table 13. AS.P.4 Generate Project Practices Compliance Argument .......................... 35
Table 14. AS.P.5 Prepare Project Compliance Argument............................................ 36
Table 15. AS.P.6 Assert conformance......................................................................... 36
Table 16. AS.P.7 Apply practices ................................................................................ 36
Table 17 AS.P.9 Choose practices.............................................................................. 37
Table 18. AS.A.1 Regulation ....................................................................................... 38
Table 19. AS.A.12 New Practice ................................................................................. 39
Table 20. AS.A.14 Practice description ....................................................................... 39
Table 21. AS.A.4 Practices Compliance Argument Pattern ......................................... 39
Table 22. AS.A.5 Practices Compliance Argument...................................................... 39
Table 23. AS.P.3.1 Update practices........................................................................... 40
Table 24. AS.P.2 Develop/Update Practices Compliance Argument ........................... 40
Table 25. AgileSafe processes in software development models context .................... 42
Table 26.Project Characteristics Analysis.................................................................... 48
Table 27. hasName .................................................................................................... 54
Table 28. hasDescription............................................................................................. 54
Table 29. hasId ........................................................................................................... 54
Table 30. AS.KB.1 Practice ......................................................................................... 54
Table 31. AS.KB.2 Discipline....................................................................................... 55
Table 32. AS.KB.3 Regulatory Requirement ............................................................... 55
Table 33. AS.KB.4 Factor............................................................................................ 56
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Table 34. AS.KB.5 Factor_Capability .......................................................................... 56

Table 35. AS.KB.6 General Practice ........................................................................... 57
Table 36. AS.KB.7 Project........................................................................................... 57
Table 37. AS.KB.8 Fact ............................................................................................... 57
Table 38. AS.KB.9 Regulation ..................................................................................... 57
Table 39. AS.KB.10 fulfilsRegulation ........................................................................... 58
Table 40. AS.KB. hasCapability .................................................................................. 58
Table 41. AS.KB. hasPracticeFactorSuggestion.......................................................... 58
Table 42. AS.KB.13 hasPracticeRegulationSuggestion ............................................... 58
Table 43. AS.KB.14 hasPracticeSuggestion................................................................ 59
Table 44. AS.KB.15 isUsedWithin ............................................................................... 59
Table 45. AS.KB.16 worksWithin ................................................................................. 59
Table 46. AS.KB.17 requiresRegulation ...................................................................... 59
Table 47. AS.KB.18 hasPractice ................................................................................. 60
Table 48. AS.KB.19 hasFactorValue ........................................................................... 60
Table 49. AS.KB.20 actsWithin ................................................................................... 60
Table 50. AS.KB.21 fulfilsGroup .................................................................................. 60
Table 51. AS.KB.22 detailsRequirement ..................................................................... 60
Table 52. AS.KB.23 detailsRegulation......................................................................... 61

Table 53. AS.KB.S.1 hasTeamSizeSuggestion ...........................................................63
Table 54. AS.KB.S.2 hasGeographicalDistributionSuggestion.....................................63
Table 55. AS.KB.S.3 hasDomainComplexitySuggestion..............................................63
Table 56. AS.KB.S.4 hasOrganisationalDistributionSuggestion ...................................64
Table 57. AS.KB.S.4 hasTechnicalComplexitySuggestion...........................................64
Table 58. AS.KB.S.4 hasOrganisationalComplexitySuggestion ...................................65
Table 59. AS.KB.S.4 hasEnterpriseDisciplineSuggestion ............................................65
Table 60. AS.KB.S.4 hasPracticeFactorSuggestion ....................................................65
Table 61. AS.KB.S.4 hasPracticeRegulationSuggestion..............................................66
Table 62. AS.KB.S.4 hasPracticeSuggestion ..............................................................66
Table 63. AS.A.14 Practice Description template..............................................................67
Table 64.Hazard Stories description ............................................................................69
Table 65: An example of a simple hazard analysis (based on Designsafe layout) .....100
Table 66: A template for the additional practices description .....................................101
Table 67 DocBeacon Project Analysis .......................................................................107
Table 68.Project Characteristics Analysis – GlucoMet ...............................................114
Table 69: SafeScrum Backlog Splitting Practice description ......................................123
Table 70.Autronica Autrosafe Project Analysis ..........................................................128
Table 71.Autronica AutroMaster Project Analysis ......................................................128
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The ultimate goal of the software development process is to produce high quality
software that would please the customers and bring a satisfactory income. The success
of the project, however, is a combination of multiple factors and the right choice of a
software development method is a crucial one.
The software development methods “provide the technical how-to’s for building
software” (Pressman, 2009). They offer guidelines on applying specific activities and
tasks and organising them into a software development process. Presently there are
numerous methods available, ranging from rigid, plan-driven, process-oriented ones to
more flexible, people-oriented agile approaches.
Plan-driven methodologies, as the name itself suggests, are concentrated on the
planning aspects of the software development. These “methods approach development
in a requirements/design/build paradigm with standard, well-defined processes that
organizations improve continuously” (Boehm & Turner, 2003). Examples of such
methodologies include waterfall process methodologies and SW-CMM (Software
Engineering Institute, 1993). On the other end of the spectrum lie agile methodologies.
As stated in the Agile Manifesto (Agile Manifesto, 2001), which outlines the principles
behind this group of methodologies, in the agile approach working software, collaboration
and flexible responding to change are valued more than the documentation, processes
and following plans. Scrum (Schwaber, Beedle, 2001) and eXtreme Programming
(eXtreme Programming, 1999) are examples of such methodologies. In between the two
extremes, hybrid methodologies can be identified. Looking at methodologies as a
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collection of practices, activities and guidelines, they identify the potentially beneficial
elements in both plan-driven and agile approaches and combine then in a new way.
In this thesis, a term practice is used to describe “a collection of concepts,
principles, methods, and tools” (Pressman, 2009), which may origin from a software
development method, combining its suggested activities into a practical purpose. More
precisely, following Päivärinta’s and Smolander’s conclusions (Päivärinta and
Smolander, 2015), “in the software development context, practices may include both
thoroughly organized use of predefined development methodologies and loosely
organized and even emergent activities that may use individual tools or techniques at
hand”. What is important, a practice “populates a software process model with the
necessary technical and management how-to’s to get the job done” (Pressman, 2009).


A process model of software development reflects the methodology chosen for a

given project, organizing the project in a more rigid or a more flexible way. The core
traditional disciplined model is called the waterfall (Royce, 1970). Its name stems from
the waterfall-like flow of the activities performed in a sequential way. It has been
introduced in the 1970’s and for decades has been treated as a state of the art. However,
it has become infamous over the years, as its rigidness and heavyweight documentation
was becoming increasingly inadequate for the industry needs (Pressman, 2009). A need
for an updated approach to the software development process resulted in new models
being proposed. More modern models include the V-model (Forsberg & Mooz, 1991)
and the spiral model (Boehm & Hansen, 2000). The former is an updated version of the
waterfall model, with an additional stream for quality assurance actions, forming a V-like
shape when presented on a diagram. The latter, is an evolutionary process model,
combining the iterative development with a more disciplined approach, trying to balance
the two. Finally, the agile process model focuses on the incremental and iterative
development, reducing the initial planning and analysis stages known from the other
process models.
It is widely accepted that there is no silver bullet as far as software development
is concerned and no one-suits-all development methodology (Brooks, 1987). Both, agile
and plan-driven approaches have their strengths and weaknesses depending on the
specific project domain.
The foreseen application domain of a system is an important factor influencing
the decision on the choice of software development method for a given project. Some
domains, such as safety-critical systems domain, have such important and specific
constraints and requirements, that they become crucial in deciding, which of the software
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development methods to use. Safety-critical systems are systems “whose failure might
endanger human life, lead to substantial economic loss, or cause extensive
environmental damage“ (Knight, 2002). Such systems can be found in transportation,
health care, energy industry and many other fields where certain critical responsibilities
are transferred to technological solutions. Potential harm in case of the system
malfunction can have a profound impact on its environment and context of use. For this
reason, safety-critical systems are subject to numerous regulations and standards, which
advise what to do to ensure that the final software is acceptably safe. Some standards
also regulate the development process and define its necessary actions and artefacts.
In recent years a growing competition in the IT market has also influenced the
safety-critical domain. With widespread use of software, for example in cars or planes,
everyone is a potential user of safety-critical software, which naturally changed the
perspective for companies providing such software. For example, when it comes to


medical software companies, they have evolved from supporting only hospitals and
doctors to providing personalized e-health software solutions and equipment for
individual patients. It has become crucial to offer better software, more appealing to a
user while keeping cost as low as possible in order to compete in this fast changing and
growing market. Consequently, there is a strong demand for increasing efficiency of
software development processes (in terms of effort and time) while still respecting the
safety requirements imposed by relevant standards and regulations.


The goal of the research described in this work was to develop an approach
aimed at facilitating the introduction of a more agile approach to the software
development process, depending on the characteristics of the project, while maintaining
compliance with the required safety standards and regulations, and the AgileSafe
method presented in this thesis is the main result of this research.
The thesis proposition is formulated as follows:
The proposed method makes it possible to reduce the effort devoted to
software development processes in safety related projects, without compromising
the requirements of applicable norms and standards.


The research presented in this dissertation included the following steps:

Step I. Analysis of the recommended and currently applied (rigorous)
practices of developing software for critical applications.
Step II. Analysis of the recommended and currently applied agile practices for
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software development and their impact on software development

Step III. Analysis of the constraints resulting from the present regulations and
standards related to the safety-critical software domain (with a
particular focus on medical devices)
Step IV. Development of a new, hybrid approach – the AgileSafe method -
which is the main contribution of this research.
Step V. Experimental identification of candidate agile practices to be included
in the scope of the proposed method.
Step VI. Development and integration of tools supporting AgileSafe in order to
demonstrate the method.
Step VII. Selection of criteria for the evaluation of the proposed method.


Step VIII. Evaluation of AgileSafe – by case studies and assessments with active
expert involvement.


The thesis is organised as follows:

In Section 2 the domain of safety-critical software has been analysed. The context
has been presented as well as the problems this domain is facing and some attempts to
answer these problems have been investigated.

In Section 3 the works related to this research have been analysed, outlining the
motivations and proposed solutions.

In Section 4 an overview of the AgileSafe method, the outcome of this research,

has been presented. Main elements and algorithms have been described along with the
ideas for ensuring safety level while introducing some new optimising practices.

In Section 5 the Project Analysis and Practices Selection Processes, the

elements of AgileSafe method, has been described in more detail. It was explained what
are the basic incentives for the project analysis and for the selection process.

In Section 6 a more detailed description of the AgileSafe Knowledge Base has

been presented. A structure of the Knowledge Base was outlined along with the
specification of its elements and the Suggestion Algorithm.
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In Section 7 Assurance Arguments have been introduced as well as their use in

the AgileSafe method. They form a crucial part of the monitoring of safety and
conformance of the project.

In Section 8 the process of Evaluation of the method and its results have been



The key to distinguish a safety-critical system from a non-critical one is the

consequences of failure (Knight, 2002). A safety-critical system can be defined as
“computer, electronic or electromechanical system whose failure may cause injury or
death to human beings” (Palanque et al., 1998). Such systems can be found in medical
devices, aircrafts, military equipment, nuclear plants – in domains, where human health
or life depends on the correct operations of a system.


With an intensive progress and expansion of technology in the 20th and 21st
centuries, devices and solutions in many domains have become increasingly software
reliant. Computers have been able to execute tasks that used to rely on humans or were
not possible before due to the human limitations. However, the responsibility for the
outcome of these computerised actions have been transferred to another human beings
– the creators of such systems.
In order to ensure that the system is safe to use in its destined environment, the
concern about its safety begins at its conception and lasts throughout its lifecycle. The
system should be analysed in terms of potential risks, with risk being understood as “a
possibility of loss, damage or disadvantage” in terms of the software development and
final operating in its environment (Miler and Górski, 2001). There are activities and
techniques, presented through the years that can be performed in order to analyse the
potential failures thus increasing chances of avoiding them. For example, an assessment
of hazards can be implemented, traditionally using methods such as Fault Tree Analysis
(FTA), Failure Mode Effect Analysis (FMEA) etc. (Smith and Simpson, 2016).
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Nevertheless, the sole fact of using such methods does not ensure that the required level
of safety will be met.
As with many engineering domains (Kelly, 1998), it has been the failures that
provided the incentive for more thorough software safety policies. Procedures for
airborne software are still subject to updates, especially after dangerous malfunctions
such as Airbus A340-642 accident with fuel control and monitoring computer and its
warning system (AAIB, 2005) or Boeing 777-200 software component analysing data
from a known faulty accelometer (ATSB, 2005). A very explicit example of a disaster
caused by a software error is the case of Therac-25, a radiation therapy machine
(Leveson, 1995). Due to the malfunction of its software several people have died or been
disabled. Policies concerning medical software in the United States have been updated
based on this incident (Leveson, 1995). Nevertheless, software accounts for


approximately 25% of adverse events (Jones, Górski, 2017) recorded in the

Manufacturer and User facility Device Experience database (MAUDE, 2017). Still, if an
algorithm implemented in the software for insulin infusion pump used by a diabetic
miscalculated the patient’s insulin dose, which is then successfully administered to the
patient’s body it could lead to loss of health or even death (Chen, Lawford, Wang, 2014).
The computers and software are more commonly used in medicine than most people
realize (Knight, 2002). It is of great importance to ensure that the solutions the software
companies deliver are safe enough to operate in the target environment without causing
The safety-critical software domain will likely expand in the future, with dropping
cost of hardware and new possibilities presented by the software (Knight, 2002). As
such, the importance of safety assuring solutions will grow, especially with time and cost
playing an increasingly important role in this domain.


The increasingly widespread use of computer systems in safety-critical domains

has led to the analysis and research concerning the safety assurance for such systems.
This section outlines the requirements imposed on safety-critical systems by selected
guidelines, norms and standards, which aim at assuring the necessary level of safety.

2.2.1. Regulations and standards in safety-critical domain

With the technological progress some new domains have been born, such as
nuclear or automotive industries and the new areas became a catalyst for researching
advanced computer-based solutions. Such solutions needed to increase the safety of
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the products rather than pose another potential threat. For this reason, nuclear industry
was one of the first advocates for safety assurance solutions (Bloomfield, Bishop, 2010).
In 1970’s the European Working Group on Industrial Computer Systems (EWICS)
started to work on a series of guidelines and a collection of best practices for
development of safety related systems (Bloomfield, Bishop, 2010). This work contributed
to the IEC 880 standard on software for nuclear systems (IEC, 1986). Since then, an
increasing number of domains adapted the idea of a common safety regulation and many
standards have been issued.
The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) defines standard as
“a document that provides requirements, specifications, guidelines or characteristics that
can be used consistently to ensure that materials, products, processes and services are
fit for their purpose” (International Organization for Standardization, 2017).


Standards are issued by internationally recognized bodies, for example the

aforementioned ISO, International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC), Institute of
Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), European Committee for Electrotechnical
Standardisation (CENELEC). International standards have often their counterparts at
the national level, for instance UK British Standards Institute (BSI), Polish Committee for
Standardization (PKN) and others.
The subjects of standardization range from generic concepts such as quality
management i.e. ISO 9000 family (International Organization for Standardization,
2015c), which are applicable in various domains, to domain-specific, presenting more
detailed requirements like ISO/TS 16949 (International Organization for Standardization,
2009), which concerns quality management for automotive production. The IEC 61508
standard (International Electrotechnical Commission, 2010), concerning functional
safety, has also been the generic base for more domain specific standards. Standards
may also address specific issues considered particularly important, an example is ISO
14971, the standard on risk management for medical devices (International Organization
for Standardization, 2007). Other standards can be more product-oriented, examples
include the IEC 60601-1-11 (International Organization for Standardization, 2015)
standard, which concerns medical electrical equipment.
A complementary form of control over safety-critical systems are the criteria
imposed by the national or regional organisations, which declare the conditions of
admission to the local market. If a manufacturer wishes to introduce his/her product to
the specific market and the product is a subject to local regulations, she/he needs to
prove compliance with these regulations. In European Union such regulations function
as European Norms (EN) and, in essence, are often standards interpreted into norms by
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the CENELEC. In the United States the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) provides a
list of guidance and regulatory requirements for specific products (, 2017).

2.2.2. Regulations and safety requirements for medical devices

E-health is a domain of high potential of bringing added value to the stakeholders.

The ecosystem of health-related electronic devices prospers in hospitals, homes, and
pharmaceutical companies and has safety relevance in many contexts. Software is
becoming an indispensable component of medical devices and in most cases, they can
be considered as being software intensive. The market of the suppliers of medical
devices and e-health services is growing, as is the demand for the related software. Most
of such products need to be compliant with appropriate standards e.g. GAMP 5
(International Society for Pharmaceutical Engineering, 2008), ISO 13485 (International
Organization for Standardization, 2016), IEC 62304 (International Organization for


Standardization, 2006), and others. For this reason, the medical safety-critical software
domain was chosen for demonstration and calibration of the AgileSafe method proposed
in this thesis.
Medical certificates and standards concern both hardware and software parts of
the product. This thesis concentrates on the standards that apply to the software
components of medical devices, specifically ISO 14971:2007 Medical devices --
Application of risk management to medical devices (International Organization for
Standardization, 2007) and IEC 62304:2006 Medical device software -- Software life
cycle processes (International Organization for Standardization, 2006). All of the further
mentions of ISO 14971 and IEC 62304 will refer to these versions. While the latest
version of ISO 14971 is EN ISO 14971:2012, it applies only to European market and
what is more, the core text of the standard stayed unchanged with only three added
annexes. For this reason, the version of reference in this thesis is the ISO 14971:2007.
When it comes to IEC 62304, in 2015 an amendment to the standard was issued, with
details concerning legacy systems (International Organization for Standardization,
2015b). Due to its limited impact on the core text of the standard, in this thesis the IEC
62304 version of reference is IEC 62304:2006.

2.2.3. Assurance arguments

Along with the evolution of safety guidelines and standards in 1970’s and 1980’s
a need for a method to demonstrate conformance with these requirements emerged. The
idea of presenting logically organised declarations of compliance with a supporting
evidence material has been developed and eventually a concept of safety case has been
introduced (Bishop, Bloomfield, 1995). Among various methods of representation of such
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safety cases the argument representation is the one, which has gained most popularity,
hence the use of the term safety arguments in some of the later works (Ge, Paige,
McDermid, 2010; Greenwell, Knight, Holloway, Pease, 2006) and more general
assurance arguments (Ankrum and Kromholz, 2005; Stephenson, McDermid, Ward,
2006; Weinstock and Goodenough, 2009), used as a wider term.
Such arguments are built using a specific notation. Some of the most
acknowledged approaches to argument structure are based on the ideas proposed by
Stephen Toulmin in 1958 (Toulmin, 2003). Toulmin’s model of argument organises
reasoning supporting a good argument using a set of claims, warrants and data.
Examples of structures based on this model are Trust-IT (Górski, 2005; Górski et al.,
2005; Górski, 2007), Goal Structuring Notation (GSN) (Kelly, 1998) and Claims-
Arguments-Evidence (Bishop, Bloomfield, 1998).



While plan-driven methodologies have proven their value and usefulness in

safety-critical projects, the evolving market of software products of the last few years
puts this approach to the test (Ge, Paige, McDermid, 2010). Growing competition, ever-
changing technologies and more diverse groups of customers have changed the
expectations towards software development methods. The need to deliver systems of
acceptable quality, faster and at lower cost in comparison to competitors evoked seeking
an alternative (Petersen, Wohlin, 2010).



Medical devices are nowadays highly software intensive and the suppliers of such
devices may need to be compliant with various standards and certification programs. At
the same time medical software is used in diverse environments extending the range of
potential stakeholders from hospitals and medical experts to regular patients and e-
health services users. With growing competition in the domain, fast paced changes in
technology, and customers demanding innovations as well as highest safety standards,
medical software companies are motivated to employ hybrid approaches where agility is
combined with necessary safety assurance.

3.1.1. Agile practices and reduction of effort

Agile methodologies have grown in popularity since the presentation of the Agile
Manifesto in 2001 (Agile Manifesto, 2001). They were introduced as an alternative to
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plan-driven and waterfall methodologies, which were considered as being too restrictive
in some circumstances, in particular, while dealing with volatile requirements and ever-
changing market demands. In such situation, heavyweight documentation and low
flexibility associated with plan-driven approach could have an impeding effect on a
software development process (Boehm, Turner, 2003; Ge, Paige, McDermid, 2010).
In response to these concerns agile methodologies have offered practices which value
close relationship with customers, allow more relaxed approach towards documentation
and provide a flexible development lifecycle based on short iterations (Abrahamsson et
al., 2002). Successfully combined, agile practices can potentially reduce the cost of
production as well as time to market (Drobka, Noftz, Raghu, 2004; Lindvall et al., 2004)
According to the CHAOS report (Standish Group, 2015) from years 2011-2015,
projects, which followed agile methods, resulted in 39% success rate as opposed to 11%
with projects following waterfall approach. Moreover, only 9% of the agile projects failed,


while the waterfall projects failed in 29% of the cases. Interestingly, the higher success
rate for agile projects is even more remarkable when it comes to medium and large
projects than it is for smaller ones.
What is more, VersionOne in its 10th State of Agile Annual Report presents the
benefits of agile according to their respondents, based on 3,880 responses collected
(VersionOne, 2016). With respect to our research the most interesting results were those
concerning reduction of effort: 85% of respondents noticed increased team productivity,
80% faster time to market and 79% enhanced software quality when they introduced
agile in their projects.

3.1.2. Research on hybrid approaches

While agile approach has gained an almost immediate acclaim among SMEs and
companies involved in non-critical projects, they were received with much distrust by
larger companies and software engineers engaged in long-term and/or safety-critical
projects. In case of such projects, the predictability and stability of plan-driven
methodologies can bring expected profits (Paige, Charalambous, Ge, Brooke, 2008) by
facilitating the certification processes and establishing a repetitive quality. The up-front
analysis and rigorous documentation provide valuable foundations for further risk
management and process traceability (Boehm, 2002). What is more, some companies
have years of experience in managing their projects following plan-driven practices and
therefore they have acquired the know-how that increases the trust towards this
approach (Ge, Paige, McDermid, 2010; Rottier, Rodrigues, 2008).
For many years it has been prejudicially believed that agile methodologies are at
odds with maturity models and certification schemes (Glazer et al., 2008). This point of
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view might stem from the outdated notions based on inflexible models such as Capability
Maturity Model (replaced with Capability Maturity Model Integration (Software
Engineering Institute, 2006)) and an oversimplification of agile values (Glazer et al.,
2008). In fact, present-day maturity models provide more freedom than their
predecessors while agile methodologies are not about the lack of documentation and
Attempts to combine the best of the two approaches, the agile and the disciplined
one, have been presented as early as in 2003 (Boehm, Turner, 2003) and reflected a
global discussion about the need and applicability of such hybrid methodologies. As a
result, some models adapting agile practices into maturity models such as CMMI have
been introduced since then (Fritzsche, Keil, 2007; Marçal et al. 2008; Diaz, Garbajosa,
Calvo-Manzano, 2009; Bulska, Miler, 2010) providing new possibilities for companies
engaged in long-term and critical projects. What is more, case studies and evidences of


successful applications of such balanced approaches have been provided as well

(Glazer et al., 2008; Lindvall et al., 2004; Poppendieck, Poppendieck, 2003; Babuscio,
2009; Potter, Sakry, 2009; Pikkarainen, Mantyniemi, 2006).
Agile methods are not immediately associated with risk management (Siddique,
Hussein, 2016). One of the foundations of the Agile Manifesto is to reduce the
documentation only to the necessary scope which seems to imply that there is no place
for extensive analysis and risk assessment reports. However, a lack of separate risk
analysis stage in the agile methods does not mean that the idea of risk itself is ignored.
It is worth mentioning that the concepts of incremental software development and close
cooperation with customers are in their essence the means to minimize the risk imposed
by volatile requirements (Nyfjord & Kajko-Mattsson, 2008; Siddique, Hussein, 2016).
Many agile methods were in fact proposed as mechanisms reducing the risk that
burdened projects led with plan-driven methodologies and thus claim to be risk-driven
(Nyfjord, 2008).
While many risk management practices were primarily designed for plan-driven
approach and cannot be fully transferred into the agile ground, agile methods are flexible
enough to accommodate the necessary amount of additional ceremony and indeed can
benefit from a more structured approach to risk (Nyfjord, 2008; Nyfjord & Kajko-Mattsson,
2008; Gary et al., 2011). Having said that, the word „necessary” is crucial here. Because
in the agile approach there is no space for „just in case” or „maybe we will need this”, the
risk management practices have to be carefully chosen to cover just what is needed
(Gary et al., 2011).
After years of plan-driven methods being used as default it may be difficult to
notice that in fact most standards do not explicitly require the use of such methods. The
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language and scrutiny represented in guidelines indeed suggest that the plan-driven way
is the smoothest way to comply, nonetheless it is not a requirement. In fact, in 2012 FDA
recognized the AAMI TIR45:2012 - Guidance on the use of AGILE practices in the
development of medical device software (Association for the Advancement of Medical
Instrumentation, 2011). It concludes that agile practices can be successfully used in
safety-critical software development and that such practices can be compliant with IEC
62304 standard. It also provides a mapping between agile methods and IEC 62304
activities (Association for the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation, 2011).




There is a growing body of evidence supporting the theory that incorporating agile
practices into safety-critical projects is not only feasible but also potentially profitable. In
2003 Alleman et al. (Alleman, Henderson and Seggelke, 2003) presented an approach
combining eXtreme Programming practices (eXtreme Programming, 1999) with Earned
Value Management (Earned Value Management, 1967) that was successfully
implemented in a government contracted project. In their article they described their
experiences and improvements obtained by using this approach, although the approach
itself was not sufficiently illustrated and little was mentioned about which features of the
product and its certificates had influenced the choice of practices.
Consecutive reports were more specific about successful implementations of
their hybrid approaches. Rasmussen et al. (Rasmussen et al., 2009) described the
application of a tailor-made agile approach in a Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
regulated project in Abbott Company (Abbott, 2017). As a result of the rapid expansion
of the market, which demanded responding to the changing requirements as well as
reducing production cost, the Abbott Company decided to employ a software engineering
organization AgileTek (AgileTek, 2011), which developed the Agile+ solution. The Abbott
Company managed to improve their processes and achieved the financial goals by
introducing more agile approach while still maintaining the acceptable level of FDA safety
assurance. Unfortunately, because of a commercial aspect of the Agile+ it was only
briefly described in the article, making it difficult for other companies to benefit from
Abbott experiences without external help.
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Another interesting case study was presented in an article by Petersen and

Wohlin (Petersen, Wohlin, 2010) in which they described the application of agile
practices at Ericsson AB, which is certified with ISO 9001:2000. While the project in
question was not safety-critical, the need to follow the requirements of the standard
imposed significant constraints. They focused on comparing how the perceived
impediments have changed owing to the introduction of agile practices. The
improvements were noticeable as most of the concerns raised in relation to the plan-
driven methodologies were alleviated as well as the number of perceived impediments
was reduced (Petersen, Wohlin, 2010).
The increasing number of reports suggesting that adapting agile practices to suit
safety-critical processes can bring measurable profits provoked the need for a model of
such adaptation. In the literature some attempts to propose such models can be found.
Weiguo and Xiaomin (Weiguo, Xiaomin, 2009) presented an approach suitable for FDA


compliant medical devices projects. Their method was based on an idea of combining
an incremental character of code development with a classic, waterfall-like way of
preparing project documentation. Unfortunately, the model was insufficiently described,
and we know very little about its possible implementations.
Stephenson, McDermid and Ward (Stephenson, McDermid, Ward, 2006)
presented another model for tailoring agile practices to suit safety-critical systems. They
called it the Agile Health Model and it was built around the idea of modular structures
and risk management techniques known from plan-driven methodologies. However, the
model was in the preliminary stage, introduced mainly in order to prove the possibility of
applying agile practices into safety-critical projects, and no case study was provided as
A more complex and well-described model was presented by Paige et al. (Paige
et al., 2008). They collated agile and safety principles and demonstrated the key
challenges that need to be addressed when formulating a hybrid approach. Their main
concerns were the different approaches towards communication, documentation,
customer participation, multiple-domain engineering, testing, and incremental
development. Indeed, as much as agile methodologies value an active customer
participation, in safety-critical systems development it is often impossible to keep in touch
with every group of stakeholders, in particular if we take external certification
organizations into consideration as well. Testing and incremental development, both
crucial to the agile approach, are also difficult to reconcile with safety requirements. Agile
testing strategy is based on unit and black-box tests while in order to satisfy certification
bodies it is important to incorporate costly and time consuming white-box and
acceptance tests. What is more, the incremental product development, one of the key
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attributes of all agile methodologies, can impede the process of certification and
preparation of safety arguments as they should be addressed up-front with all of the
requirements and risks known beforehand.
Paige et al.’s solution concentrates on the following ideas: pair-programming of
software and system engineers, the introduction of risk management techniques, usage
of tools for generating documentation from source code and tackling the incremental
development by using “pipelined iterations” consisted of the minor and major iterations
with acceptance tests at the end of every major one. Their model was implemented in a
case study in which an Integrated Altitude Data Display System (IADDS) for aeroplanes
was developed. As a result, their approach was put to the test as their solutions proved
to be insufficient in some aspects. They concluded that although “XP and Aps [agile
practices] in general were not designed with safety-critical systems development in mind,
they can be adapted to that sort of development, [...] it is rather unlikely that level A


software can be produced in the near future with the modifications made to the process
so far” (Paige et al., 2008).
Another relevant approach is AV-Model (McHugh, McCaffery and Coady, 2014)
combining the traditional V-Model with Scrum and focusing on medical device software
development and the IEC 62304 standard. While the AV-Model present some promising
solution, its focus as well as potential applications are restrained and as such cannot be
universally recommended.
A more comprehensible and practical solution has been proposed by a joint
research group of SINTEF (SINTEF, 2017) and the Norwegian University of Science and
Technology (NTNU, 2017). They proposed a method called SafeScrum (Mycklebust,
Stålhane and Hanssen, 2016), which concentrates on adapting Scrum into safety-critical
software development. The method has been already applied in real life projects
(Stålhane, Myklebust and Hanssen, 2013). The standard that has been mainly used in
conjunction with SafeScrum is IEC 61508 (International Electrotechnical Commission,
2010) (Hanssen, Myklebust and Stålhane, 2012), which is focused on functional safety.
The safety-oriented SafeScrum practices include Backlog Splitting, Backlog Refinement
and Quality Assurance Role (Mycklebust, Stålhane and Hanssen, 2016). While the whole
method is very promising, it may need various adjustments when applied to other
standards. What is more, it does not provide any actual tools to control the conformance
with standards.



While process optimization is vital to the business and economical part of a

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software development project, in the safety-critical software domain its profits will not be
visible unless a company is able to conform to standards and guidelines, which regulate
a particular industry. Clients demand their products to be of high quality, on time and
within a reasonable budget but at the same time the software need to be certified by an
appropriate authority in order to be approved for use in its destined environment. For
this reason, in safety-critical software domain it is not enough to streamline the process
and make people work in a more efficient way, it is not enough to prove the financial
profits to the company – a mechanism needs to be employed to ensure that the safety
level did not suffer in the process.
Attempts to provide a hybrid, disciplined-agile, approaches bringing together best
of the two worlds are already in effect for several years. A growing body of evidence,
including industrial reports, shows that obtaining the right balance is doable and


profitable especially if the companies decide to employ competent experts to develop a

custom-made approach.
While these models of adapting agile practices to suit safety-critical projects are
valuable sources of knowledge there is still a need to develop an easier to use and
thorough set of guidelines for safety-critical software companies, that would like to adapt
agile practices into their project development. AgileSafe method, which is the result of
this doctoral research, is an attempt to provide such solution, a more comprehensible
one than the analysed approaches and enabling both safety assurance and process
effectiveness at the same time.
In order to ensure that the required (by the selected regulatory documents) safety
assurance has been built into the Project, AgileSafe uses assurance cases. The main
idea is to provide assurance cases for both, the software development process and for
the end product itself. While the latter is the essence of demonstrating product
conformance with a given standard or a guideline, the former is a mean to obtain it. It is
a technique that will allow a company to ensure the practices they’re choosing are
suitable for this particular project with its safety requirements imposed by standards.
The method has been designed to be applicable to various safety-critical
domains. In this thesis we concentrate on the medical software domain, but it can easily
cater for other fields. In order to keep it independent from the type of product being
produced in the analysed process, the assurance arguments are based on the standards
structure. It means that instead of treating specific product-related list of risks as a base
for an assurance argument, it is being built upon the applicable standard and then
specified for the given project. The motivations behind this are explained more in-depth
in the section 7.
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In the previous chapter the motivations behind seeking new solutions for
development of safety-critical software have been described. With growing competition
in the domain, fast paced changes in technology and clients demanding innovations as
well as the highest safety standards, safety-critical software companies are tempted to
employ hybrid approaches where agility is combined with necessary safety assurance.
In this research we attempt to answer their needs by introducing AgileSafe method.


AgileSafe is applied with respect to a chosen software development project (the

Project). Most of the activities related to the method are performed in the preparation
stage of the Project. The additional workload imposed on the development stage is kept
to minimum and focuses on the regulatory requirements as well as the practices
introduced to the Project. Most of the elements of the method, once prepared, can be
reused or adjusted later for other projects.
There are two main uses of AgileSafe. The first and fundamental one is applying
AgileSafe and obtaining an advice on software development process, with suggestions
on which practices to use and how to assert conformance with selected standards. The
second way is improving the method by updating the knowledge stored in the method,
providing the feedback and information about new practices.
The high-level use case diagram of AgileSafe is presented in Figure 1
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Figure 1 The high-level use case diagram of AgileSafe


It is assumed that User is a person or a team with a good knowledge of the

Project, in which the selected practices are to be implemented. He or she needs to be
able to specify the characteristics of the Project as well as to decide upon the final set of
practices. The suggested practices will carry some information that should facilitate the
decision but in order to increase a chance of success of the AgileSafe implementation
the User need to have a good knowledge of the software development process as well.
In order to follow the Improve AgileSafe use case, User should be a person with
good knowledge of the standards and the safety aspects of software development.
Taking all of the above into consideration, the User could be a Project Manager,
Process Engineer, Scrum Master (or the whole Team), RAMS Engineer or similar roles,
depending on the company applying AgileSafe method.
The use cases are introduced in the tables below:

Table 1.
Apply AgileSafe use case: general description

1. Apply AgileSafe
Description The information about Project and about the regulatory
context constraining the Project and its product are the inputs to
the method. User needs to specify the characteristics of the Project
and the regulations the Project needs to comply with. Based on
these, the User is guided through the two main processes of
AgileSafe: process which selects the specifications of software
development practices to be applied in the Project and a process
which results in the set of assurance arguments corresponding to
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the regulations included in the regulatory context.

The two main processes of AgileSafe reflect the main
objectives of AgileSafe: to support a hybrid approach to software
development based on the tailored practices and to support
continuous monitoring of conformance to the mandatory regulatory


Table 2.
Improve AgileSafe use case: general description

2. Improve AgileSafe
Description In order to further improve the method and tailor its advice to the
User’s needs more accurately, the knowledge stored in the method
should be reviewed and updated regularly.
User can introduce new software development practices to the
pool of the practices from which the candidate practices are
selected. They can also be added to the AgileSafe assurance
User can also add another standard to the assurance arguments.

A more detailed description of these use cases is given in the following paragraphs.

4.1.1. Use case: Apply AgileSafe

A more detailed structure of the Apply AgileSafe use case is presented in Figure 2,
following the UML use case notation.
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Figure 2 A detailed diagram of Apply AgileSafe use case


For the use cases shown in the following figures we apply the naming convention
that each use case is unambiguously identified by the identifier AS.P<n>, where n is a
natural number.
The use cases presented in the Figure 2 are the core processes of AgileSafe method. In
order to apply AgileSafe in a Project, the User should initialize the use cases in the
following order:
AS.P.1 Analyse the Project
AS.P.6 Assert Conformance
AS.P.9 Choose practices
AS.P.7 Apply practices.
Further explanation of their application is presented in the data flow diagram of Figure
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Figure 3 Data flow diagram of Apply AgileSafe use case


In the dataflow diagram of Figure 3, the User first analyses the project (AS.P.1)
which results in AS.A.3 Project Characteristics. These characteristics are then added
(AS.P.8) to the AS.A.2 Practices Knowledge Base. The Practices Knowledge Base provides input
to the AS.P.3 Select practices process which presents to the User as AS.A.13 Suggested
Practices Set. From these suggested practices the User can AS.P.9 Choose practices for his
AS.A.6 Project Practices Set. And the resulting Project Practices Set is being implemented in
the software development process (AS.P.7 Apply Practices).
AS.A.5 Practices Compliance Arguments should be adapted (AS.P.4), depending on
the AS.A.6 PPS, into AS.A.8 Project Practices Compliance Arguments. Based on them, the
AS.A.10 Project Compliance Arguments are prepared (AS.P.5) and they are the end products
of the method allowing the User to AS.P.6 Assert conformance, using the evidence prepared
during the AS.P.7 Apply practices process.

The artefacts used in AgileSafe have been organised into three categories:
• Input – the artefacts, which are supplied by the user and are the main
variables in the method
• Method framework – the artefacts maintained by the method
• Output – the artefacts prepared as a direct result of AgileSafe application
The specific elements of a detailed diagram of Apply AgileSafe use case (Figure
2) are described in the tables below.
Table 3.
AS.A.2 Practices Knowledge Base
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AS.A.2 Practices Knowledge Base

Type Method framework

Description A knowledge base of software development and
management practices, both agile and disciplined, created for
the needs of projects that use AgileSafe.


Table 4.
AS.A.9 Project Compliance Argument Pattern

AS.A.9 Project Compliance Argument Pattern

Type Method framework

Description A template for developing AS.A.10 Project Compliance

Argument, the main argument to be used for monitoring
conformance with a given standard.

Table 5.
AS.A.3 Project characteristics

AS.A.3 Project characteristics

Type Method framework

Description The characteristics, which contain sufficient knowledge to
decide on the most suitable software development practices for
the project.

Table 6.
AS.A.6 Project Practices Set

AS.A.6 Project Practices Set

Type Output

Description The resulting custom set of software development practices for

a given project.

Table 7.
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AS.A.8 Project Practices Compliance Argument

AS.A.8 Project Practices Compliance Argument

Type Output

Description A tailored version of AS.A.5 Practices Compliance Argument

containing only practices relevant to a given project.


Table 8.
AS.A.10 Project Compliance Argument

AS.A.10 Project Compliance Argument

Type Output

Description The main argument to be used for monitoring conformance with

a given standard. Contains the evidence produced in the
process of AS.P.7 Applying practices presented in the AS.A.8
Project Practices Compliance Argument for the given project.

Table 9.
AS.A.11 Project

AS.A.11 Project

Type Input
Description The software development project which is a subject to the
AgileSafe practices selection and safety monitoring.

Table 10.
AS.A.13 Suggested Project Practices Set

AS.A.13 Suggested Project Practices Set

Type Output

Description The list of practices suggested by the method algorithms for the
given project.
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Table 11.
AS.P.1 Analyse the project

AS.P.1 Analyse the project

Description Investigating the project characteristics.
Steps 1. Identify the project that will be deployed throughout the
2. Gather all the available information about the project,
concentrating on the standards the project needs to comply with
and the circumstances in which the project will be developed.
3. Document the gathered information using the AS.A.3 Project
characteristics form.


Table 12.
AS.P.3 Select practices

AS.P.3 Select practices

Description Selecting the most suitable practices for a given project.
Steps 1. The AS.A.3 Project characteristics for a given project are
presented as input for the method practices selection algorithm.
2. [OPTIONAL] If you wish to introduce a new Practice to the
AS.A.2 Practices Knowledge Base, follow the AS.P.3.1 Update Practices
sub process.
3. The practices selection algorithm analyses the AS.A.3 Project
characteristics and as a result an AS.A.13 Suggested Practices Set is

Table 13.
AS.P.4 Generate Project Practices Compliance Argument

AS.P.4 Generate Project Practices Compliance Argument

Description Customizing the appropriate AS.A.5 Practices Compliance Argument
to the needs of a given project. This process should be carried out
for each standard the project is expected to conform with.
Steps 1. Select the appropriate AS.A.5 Practices Compliance Argument,
depending on the standard you want to conform with.
2. Narrow down the list of practices in the AS.A.5 Practices
Compliance Argument to those selected for the AS.A.6 Project
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Practices Set.
3. Based on AS.A.7 Project Practices Compliance Pattern and the
edited AS.A.5 Practices Compliance Argument prepare the AS.A.8
Project Practices Compliance Argument.


Table 14.
AS.P.5 Prepare Project Compliance Argument

AS.P.5 Prepare Project Compliance Argument

Description Developing an AS.A.10 Project Compliance Argument, which will
demonstrate project’s conformance with a specific standard. This
process should be carried out for each standard the project is
expected to conform with
Steps 1. Select the appropriate AS.A.8 Project Practices Compliance
2. Based on the AS.A.8 Project Practices Compliance Argument, for
each standard demand adapt the structure as indicated in the
AS.A.9 Project Compliance Pattern. The evidence nodes should be
prepared but left empty at this stage.

Table 15.
AS.P.6 Assert conformance

AS.P.6 Assert conformance

Description Monitoring conformance using AS.A.10 Project Compliance
Steps 1. Collect the artefacts from the project development as they are
2. Fill the AS.A.10 Project Compliance Argument with required
AS.A.12 Evidence as it is being collected.
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3. Update the AS.A.10 Project Compliance Argument if required

along the process.

Table 16.
AS.P.7 Apply practices

AS.P.8 Add to the Knowledge Base

Description Adding an artefact to the AS.A.2 Practices Knowledge Base
Steps 1. Enter the information into the AS.A.2 Practices Knowledge Base
2. Use a reasoner to immerse the information


Table 17 AS.P.9 Choose practices

AS.P.9 Choose Practices

Description Deciding which of the practices from AS.A.13 Suggested Practices
Set will be implemented in the AS.A.11 Project
Steps 1. Based on the method suggestions and your own experience
decide upon a list of practices that will be used during the
deployment of the project.

4.1.2. Use case: Improve AgileSafe

A more detailed overview of the Improve AgileSafe use case is presented in Figure
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Figure 4 A detailed diagram of Improve AgileSafe use case

In order to improve AgileSafe, the User can update the AS.A.2 Practices Knowledge
Base with new practices. User follows the AS.P.3.1 Update practices process and the new
practice can be added (AS.P.8 Add to the Knowledge Base) to the existing resources.
A further explanation of the Improve AgileSafe use case is shown in the data flow
diagram in the Figure 5.


Figure 5 Data flow diagram of Improve AgileSafe use case

User introduces (AS.P.3.1 Update practices) the AS.A.12 New Practice or edits the
information about a Practice, based on the AS.A.1 Regulation needs, by filling in the AS.A.14
Practice Description. In the next step the practice is added (AS.P.8 Add to the Knowledge
Base) to the AS.A.2 Practices Knowledge Base.
User can also AS.P.2 Develop or Update Practices Compliance Argument for a given
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AS.A.1 Regulation, based on the AS.A.4 Practices Compliance Argument Pattern and using the
Practices from the AS.A.2 Practices Knowledge Base.
The specific elements of a detailed diagram of Improve AgileSafe use case are
described in the tables below (description of the assets already presented in section
4.1.1 are not repeated):
Table 18.
AS.A.1 Regulation

AS.A.1 Regulation

Type Input

Description An applicable standard (ISO, IEC etc.), guideline or other

source of regulatory demands.


Table 19.
AS.A.12 New Practice

AS.A.12 New Practice

Type Input

Description A software development practice that might be relevant to the

requirements of regulations and standards.

Table 20.
AS.A.14 Practice description

AS.A.14 Practice description

Type Method framework

Description A representation of the AS.A.12 New Practice in a form, in which
it can be added to the AS.A.2 Practices Knowledge Base.

Table 21.
AS.A.4 Practices Compliance Argument Pattern

AS.A.4 Practices Compliance Argument Pattern

Type Method framework

Description A single template for developing AS.A.5 Practices Compliance


Table 22.
AS.A.5 Practices Compliance Argument

AS.A.5 Practices Compliance Argument

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Type Output
Description An argument that is developed based on AS.A.4 Practices
Compliance Pattern, a given regulation and applicable practices
from AS.A.2 Practices Knowledge Base.


Table 23.
AS.P.3.1 Update practices

AS.P.3.1 Update practices

Description Editing or adding new practices to the AS.A.2 Practices Knowledge
Steps 1. Make sure that the practice you are willing to add has not yet
been introduced to the AS.A.2 Practices Knowledge Base. If it does,
edit the information you wish to change
2. Complete or edit the AS.A.14 Practice description with
information about the practice. The more thorough the description,
the better the future suggestions.
3. Add the practice in the AS.A.2 Practices Knowledge Base

Table 24.
AS.P.2 Develop/Update Practices Compliance Argument

AS.P.2 Develop/Update Practices Compliance Argument

Description Creating or editing an AS.A.5 Practices Compliance Argument for a
given standard.
Steps 1. [IF Develop] Prepare a structure for AS.A.5 Practices Compliance
Argument based on a chosen standard and AS.A.4 Practices
Compliance Pattern.
2. Decide, which practices from the AS.A.2 Practices Knowledge
Base are able to answer the particular requirements of the structure
and update the information about these practices in the AS.A.2
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Practices Knowledge Base.

3. Arrange the Practices into the AS.A.5 Practices Compliance


Figure 6 presents a complete data flow diagram of AgileSafe, including both Apply
AgileSafe and Improve AgileSafe use cases:

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Figure 6: Data flow diagram of AgileSafe method


Application of the AS.P.7 Apply practices process shown in the Figure 6 results in
software and other artefacts which are the evidence that can be referred to form the
AS.A.10 Project Compliance Argument.


AgileSafe method does not recommend any particular software development

process model by default. The choice of process model might stem from the resulting
Project Practices Set and is the responsibility of the User. Thus, AgileSafe has been
designed to be adaptable to most process models, be it lightweight or more disciplined.
If the User wishes to base his or her decision which process model to deploy on the
Project Practices Set, the AgileSafe processes performed up to the obtaining this artefact
(AS.P.1 Analyse the project, AS.P.2 Develop/Update AgileSafe Practices Compliance Argument
and AS.P.3 Select practices) are performed without being rooted in any process model.
Upon deciding which model to implement, these processes can be retroactively assigned
to specific phases.
In the Table 25 below, a list of AgileSafe processes is collated with the examples
of process models’ phases, in which given Agile Safe process might be executed. For
the demonstration purposes, a V-model and Scrum model have been chosen.

Table 25. AgileSafe processes in software development model’s context

Process model phases

AgileSafe process V-model Scrum
AS.P.1 Analyse the project System Requirements Product Backlog Planning
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Analysis or with modification i.e.

Sprint 0

AS.P.2 Develop/Update System Requirements Product Backlog Planning

AgileSafe Practices Analysis or with modification i.e.
Compliance Argument Sprint 0

AS.P.3 Select practices System Requirements Product Backlog Planning

Analysis or with modification i.e.
Sprint 0


AS.P.4 Generate Software Requirements Product Backlog Planning

AgileSafe Project Analysis or with modification i.e.
Practices Compliance Sprint 0
AS.P.5 Prepare Project Software Requirements Product Backlog Planning
Compliance Argument Analysis or with modification i.e.
Sprint 0

AS.P.6 Assert Testing and Evaluation Sprint, Sprint Review

AS.P.7 Apply practices Coding and Testing Sprint


The processes of AgileSafe are currently supported by two specialist tools:

a. NOR-STA Argevide (Argevide, 2017)
It is a software solution for managing conformance with regulations using
assurance arguments. It has been based on a research project called NOR-STA
(NOR-STA, 2012) and Trust-IT (Górski, 2005; Górski et al., 2005; Górski, 2007)
methodology, both developed by Gdańsk University of Technology.
It will be described in more detail in further chapters.
NOR-STA tool has been used for preparing AgileSafe Assurance Arguments Set
patterns, as well as for developing all of the assurance arguments in the
evaluation process.
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It is recommended to use NOR-STA in the following AgileSafe processes: AS.P.2

Develop/Update AgileSafe Practices Compliance Argument, AS.P.4 Generate AgileSafe
Project Practices Compliance Argument, AS.P.5 Prepare Project Compliance Argument,
AS.P.6 Assert conformance.
b. Protégé (Musen, 2015)
It is a free and open-source tool for ontologies management, developed by
Stanford Center for Biomedical Informatics Research.
In AgileSafe it has been used for creating and editing AS.A.2 Practices Knowledge
Base ontology and SWRL rules.
Protégé has been chosen because of its support of the newest versions of OWL
and SWRL as well as for its user-friendly interface. As the AgileSafe method is
not directed to the OWL professionals, editing and using the AS.A.2 Practices


Knowledge Base need to be as intuitive and clear as possible. Compared to other

available free ontology editors, i.e. The NeOn Toolkit and Vitro, it provided a more
suitable graphic interface for this project.
It is recommended to use Protégé with Pellet reasoner in the following AgileSafe
processes: AS.P.9 Choose practices, AS.P.8 Add to the Knowledge Base.
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The AgileSafe AS.P.3 Select Practices process has two main aspects it takes into
Select Practices

Project characteristics Regulatory Compliance

It analyses the Project in these two aspects and in the end compares the resulting
recommendations and collates an approach with appropriate practices.


In order to introduce agile practices into a software development project, safety-

critical or not, it is crucial to know the characteristics of the project. The first step of
AgileSafe is to AS.P.1 Analyse the project and as a result gain a knowledge of AS.A.3 Project
These characteristics have to be relevant to the AS.P.3 Select practices algorithm,
which suggests how agile this particular project can be. The algorithm uses the
classification proposed by Scott W. Ambler for scaling agile (Ambler, 2010) which is
illustrated in Figure 7. This classification focuses on context of the project. As Kruchten
noted in (Kruchten, 2011), the context is vital in deciding how agile the software
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development and management in a given project can be. Ambler’s scaling factors
represent a broad spectrum of circumstances, both company and project related.


Figure 7: Potential scaling factors for software development (Ambler, 2010)

In AgileSafe the Regulatory Compliance factor of Amber’s classification is omitted

at this stage because the method provides a different and more sophisticated
mechanism in the AS.P.3 Select practices process to cope with this aspect. The remaining
seven factors are represented in the AS.A.2 Practices Knowledge Base as Factors. Each
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Factor can be evaluated in a 5-point scale [A, B. C, D, E] meaning:

1. Team Size (based on Ambler’s survey (Ambler, 2012))
(What is the number of developers working in the project?)
A – Under 10 developers; B – From 10 to 50 developers; C – From 50 to 100
developers; D – 100’s of developers; E – 1000’s of developers
2. Geographical Distribution (based on Ambler’s survey (Ambler, 2012)) (Where are
the team members located physically?)
A – Co-located; B – Same building; C – Within driving distance; D – some working
from home; E – Globally distributed
3. Domain Complexity
(How complicated is the target domain of the product?)
A – Straightforward; B - Predictable; C – Quickly changing; D – Complicated; E –


4. Organisational Distribution
(What is the affiliation of the people working in the project, how is the work
A – Collaborative; B – Different teams; C – Different departments; D – Different
partner companies; E – Contractual
5. Technical Complexity
(How complicates is the technological side of the project?)
A – Homogenous; B - Multiple technology; C – New technology; D -
System/embedded solutions; E – Heterogeneous/Legacy
6. Organisational Complexity
(What are the structures of the company, how are they managed?)
A – Flexible, intuitive; B – Flexible, structured; C – Stable, evolutionary; D –
Stable, planned; E – Rigid
7. Enterprise Discipline
(What lies in the centre of attention of the company management?)
A – Project focus; B – Mostly project focused; C – Balanced; D – Mostly enterprise
focused; E – Enterprise focus

In AS.A.2 Knowledge Base these scales are used for both, assessing AS.A.3 Project
Characteristics and Practices Capability within given factor. These elements will be
described in more detail in further sections.


Additionally, the AS.A.2 Practices Knowledge Base stores information about software
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development disciplines with which Practices can be predominantly connected. The

disciplines are based on the OpenUP (OpenUP, 2012) disciplines because of their
potential applicability to more agile practices. The disciplines are as followed:
1. Architecture
A discipline focused on preparing a vision of software architecture.
2. Deployment
A discipline in which most of the solution planning and deploying takes place.
3. Development
A discipline dedicated to designing and implementing “a technical solution”
(OpenUP, 2012)
4. Environment
A discipline aimed at preparing and managing project infrastructure and


5. Project Management
A discipline focused on managing and supporting the team while working
efficiently on a solution.
6. Requirements
A discipline tackling with activities aimed at specifying and managing
7. Test
A discipline aimed at analysing and evaluating the technical solution.

This classification is used to group the recommended practices in the AS.A.6

Project Practices Set. The aim is to support the user’s decisions concerning the final
selection from the practices proposed by AgileSafe.


The first step of AgileSafe is to AS.P.1 Analyse the project. A User gathers available
information about the project and based on this information evaluates the project against
the seven Factors and thus compose its AS.A.3 Project Characteristics.
Table 26 presents the form used for composing AS.A.3 Project
Table 26.Project Characteristics Analysis

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Characteristics Factor Values
Team size A – Under 10 developers; B – From 10 to
50 developers; C – From 50 to 100
developers; D – 100’s of developers; E –
1000’s of developers
Geographical A – Co-located; B – Same building; C –
Distribution Some working from home; D – Within
driving distance; E – Globally distributed
Domain Complexity A – Straightforward; B - Predictable; C –
Quickly changing; D – Complicated; E –


Organisational A – Collaborative; B – Different teams; C

Distribution – Different departments; D – Different
partner companies; E – Contractual
Technical Complexity A – Homogenous; B - Multiple
technology; C – New technology; D -
System/embedded solutions; E –
Organisational A – Flexible, intuitive; B – Flexible,
Complexity structured; C – Stable, evolutionary; D –
Stable, planned; E – Rigid
Enterprise Discipline A – Project focus; B – Mostly project
focused; C – Balanced; D – Mostly
enterprise focused; E – Enterprise focus;

Id – an identifier of the project
Name – a short term describing the project
Description – a characterisation of the project, its domain, purpose, client etc.
Regulatory Requirements – a list of standards, guidelines etc. with which the
project need to be compliant
Characteristics – for each factor, a list of predefined circumstances, which
characterises the project best (one or more, for each factor)

The information about the AS.A.3 Project Characteristics is then stored in the AS.A.2
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Practices Knowledge Base.

In a similar manner information is stored about every Practice’s “sweet spot” for
each Factor. This information is gathered during AS.P.3.1 Adding New Practice process.
When a user enters the AS.P.3 Select practices process, the AS.A.3 Project
Characteristics are established and the AS.A.2 Practices Knowledge Base is considered
complete for the needs of the AS.A.11 Project, the guidance process can begin.
The algorithm AS.AL.1 for the guidance based on AS.A.3 Project characteristics, used
in AS.P.3 Select practices, is presented in the Figure 8, using the Z-notation (Spivey, 1992).


Figure 8 AS.AL.1 Algorithm for Practices suggestions based on the Project Characteristics

The hasCapability relation depicts at what values of a given factor a practice

works best, as indicated in AS.A.14 Practice Description. The worksWithin relation depicts
the AS.A.3 Project characteristics (values of each factor) for a given project. More
information about implementation of the presented relations can be found in Section 6.
The output of the algorithm is then subject to AS.AL.3 Algorithm for Suggested
Practice Set.


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Due to the importance of the regulatory aspect of the projects the AgileSafe
method is addressed to, the Regulatory Compliance is considered separately to the other
Project Characteristics. The AS.AL.2 algorithm presented in the Figure 9 illustrates how
the Regulatory Compliance is analysed in the AS.P.3 Select practices process.


Figure 9 AS.AL.2 Algorithm for Practices suggestions based on the Regulatory Compliance

The fulfilsRegulation relation depicts for which regulations a given practice can
provide evidence, as indicated in AS.A.14 Practice Description. The requiresRegulation
relation depicts the regulations required by the project, as indicated in the AS.A.3 Project
characteristics. More information about implementation of the presented relations can be
found in Section 6.
The output of the algorithm is then subject to AS.AL.3 Algorithm for Suggested
Practice Set.


An AS.A.13 Suggested Practices Set is a set of practices, which have a potential to

respond to the Project’s needs when it comes to introducing the new hybrid approach.
The suggestion of the AS.AL.3 algorithm is based on the algorithms presented in the
previous paragraphs in the manner presented in the Figure 10:
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Figure 10 AS.AL.3 Algorithm for Suggested Project Practices Set

The resulting set of Practices is then a subject to User evaluation. The User can decide
which of the suggested practices she/he decides to implement in the new hybrid
approach. The resulting AS.A.6 Project Practices Set is then used to build a customised set
of AgileSafe assurance arguments.
The AS.AL.1, AS.AL.2 and AS.AL.3 algorithms presented in this chapter are
implemented in the AS.A.2 Knowledge Base in the form of rules and will be presented in
more detail in the following Section 6.
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The intention behind AS.A.2 Practices Knowledge Base is to assemble practices for
software development projects, which can provide a base for the custom-made
approach. Additionally, the AS.A.2 Practices Knowledge Base stores information about the
elements vital to the AS.P.3 Select Practices process such as Project Characteristics as well
as the rules, which determine the suggested AS.A.13 Suggested Practices Set.


In order to illustrate the AS.A.2 Practices Knowledge Base structure, in the diagram
below (Figure 11) associations represent properties and classes represent concepts of
the AgileSafe practices world. Class attributes in the diagram represent data properties,
which should be specified for each individual of a given concept in the knowledge base.
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Figure 11: AgileSafe Knowledge Base class diagram

The details of the model of Figure 11 are explained in the following tables.


Data properties in the AS.A.2 Practices Knowledge Base:

Table 27.


Description Holds the name of a concept.

Table 28.


Description Stores a more elaborated characterisation of a concept.

Table 29.


Description Indicates an order number or letter (or a combination of both)

of a specific concept (i.e. Regulatory_Requirement) position in
the Regulation, for example: “7.1”, “9a” etc.

Concepts in the AgileSafe knowledge base:

Table 30.
AS.KB.1 Practice

AS.KB.1 Practice
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Description A software development practice.

Data properties hasName; hasDescription


Table 31.
AS.KB.2 Discipline

AS.KB.2 Discipline

Description Holds information about software development Disciplines. A

practice can be connected with one or more of disciplines.
The individuals of this concept are predefined in the Knowledge
1. Architecture (hasName Architecture)
2. Deployment (hasName Deployment)
3. Development (hasName Development)
4. Environment (hasName Environment)
5. Project Management (hasName ProjectManagement)
6. Requirements (hasName Requirements)
7. Test (hasName Test)
Data properties hasName

Table 32.
AS.KB.3 Regulatory Requirement

AS.KB.3 Regulatory_Requirement

Description A regulatory requirement derived from a specific Regulation. It

is a statement in the Regulation, which articulates some form
of demand that needs to be met in order to gain conformance,
for example: “4.4.a. A sequence of situations along with
resulting hazard should be recorded”, where “4.4.a” should be
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held in the hasId property, “A sequence of situations along with

resulting hazard should be recorded” in the hasName property
and any additional information, if indicated in the Regulation,
goes to the hasDescription property.
Data properties hasName; hasId; hasDescription


Table 33.
AS.KB.4 Factor

AS.KB.4 Factor

Description Concepts representing Factors, whose values are represented

in Factor Capabilities, are used in the AS.P.3 Select Practices
Each Practice has a Capability connected with each
The individuals of this concept are predefined in the
Knowledge Base:
1. Team Size (hasName TeamSize)
2. Geographical Distribution (hasName
3. Domain Complexity (hasName DomainComplexity)
4. Organisational Distribution (hasName
5. Technical Complexity (hasName TechnicalComplexity)
6. Organisational Complexity (hasName
7. Enterprise Discipline (hasName Enterprise Discipline)
Data properties hasName

Table 34.
AS.KB.5 Factor_Capability
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AS.KB.5 Factor_Capability

Description The Practice’s “sweet spot” for a given Factor. These are the
values in which the Practice works best within given Factor. For
example, “From 10 to 50 developers” (connected with Factor
Team Size). This text will be stored in the hasName property.
Data properties hasName


Table 35.
AS.KB.6 General Practice

AS.KB.6 General_Practice

Description A Claim from the AS.A.5 Practices Compliance Argument

concerning an approach or activity, which sums up a general
goal of a group of Practices, of which given Practice is a part.
Each Practice can be mentioned under many General
Practices, for many standards.
Data properties hasName

Table 36.
AS.KB.7 Project

AS.KB.7 Project

Description Holds information about the AS.A.11 Project for which the AS.A.13
Suggested Practices Set is prepared.
Data hasName; hasDescription

Table 37.
AS.KB.8 Fact

AS.KB.8 Fact

Description An element of AgileSafe assurance arguments, which states

the Practice’s ability to answer the specific Regulatory
Requirement demand, for example “Hazard Stories describe
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sequences of cause and effect for hazardous situations, in a

natural language”. The text of the Fact statement is written in
the hasName property.
Data properties hasName

Table 38.
AS.KB.9 Regulation

AS.KB.9 Regulation

Description A source of requirements concerning safety or other aspect of

the project or product, for example a standard, guideline,
directive etc.
Data properties hasName


The properties in the AgileSafe knowledge base:

Table 39.
AS.KB.10 fulfilsRegulation

AS.KB.10 fulfilsRegulation

Description A given Practice can fulfil demands of a given Regulatory

Usage Practice fulfilsRegulation Regulatory_requirement

Table 40.
AS.KB. hasCapability

AS.KB.11 hasCapability

Description A given Practice works best (hasCapability) within given values

for a given Factor.
Usage Practice hasCapability Factor_Capability

Table 41.
AS.KB. hasPracticeFactorSuggestion

AS.KB.12 hasPracticeFactorSuggestion

Description A property connecting Project with a Practice suggested based

on the Project Characteristics
Usage Project hasPracticeFactorSuggestion Practice

Table 42.
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AS.KB.13 hasPracticeRegulationSuggestion

AS.KB.13 hasPracticeRegulationSuggestion

Description A property connecting Project with a Practice that fulfils a given

Regulatory_Requirement within which the Project
Usage Project hasPracticeRegulationSuggestion Practice


Table 43.
AS.KB.14 hasPracticeSuggestion

AS.KB.14 hasPracticeSuggestion

Description A property connecting a Project with a Practice that is

suggested to match Project needs of both Project
Characteristics (hasPracticeFactorSuggestion) and Regulatory
Requirements (hasPracticeRegulationSuggestion). These
Practices form a AS.A.13 Suggested Practices Set.
Usage Project hasPracticeSuggestion Practice

Table 44.
AS.KB.15 isUsedWithin

AS.KB.15 isUsedWithin

Description A property connecting Practice with Disciplines, within which it

is usually used.
Usage Practice isUsedWithin Discipline

Table 45.
AS.KB.16 worksWithin

AS.KB.16 worksWithin

Description A property connecting Project with its Project Characteristics

values for each factor.
Usage Project worksWithin Factor_Capability
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Table 46.
AS.KB.17 requiresRegulation

AS.KB.17 requiresRegulation

Description A property connecting Project with its Regulatory

Usage Project requiresRegulation Regulatory_requirement


Table 47.
AS.KB.18 hasPractice

AS.KB.18 hasPractice

Description A property, which connects Project with a Practice that has

been chosen for AS.A.6 Project Practices Set for this specific
Usage Project hasPractice Practice

Table 48.
AS.KB.19 hasFactorValue

AS.KB.19 hasFactorValue

Description Each Factor can take specific values from the predefined
Usage Factor_Capability hasFactorValue Factor

Table 49.
AS.KB.20 actsWithin

AS.KB.20 actsWithin

Description In the AgileSafe assurance cases Practices are grouped into

AS.KB.6 General practices.
Usage Practice actsWithin General_practice

Table 50.
AS.KB.21 fulfilsGroup
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AS.KB.21 fulfilsGroup

Description Groups of Practices are placed in the appropriate nodes of the

AgileSafe assurance arguments for each Regulation.
Usage General_practice fulfilsGroup Regulatory_reguirement

Table 51.
AS.KB.22 detailsRequirement

AS.KB.22 detailsRequirement

Description Forms the sub requirement of a specific

Usage Regulatory_requirement detailsRequirement


Table 52.
AS.KB.23 detailsRegulation

AS.KB.23 detailsRegulation

Description Connects the Regulatory_requirement with its source

Usage Regulatory_requirement detailsRegulation Regulation


The implementation of the AS.A.2 Practices Knowledge Base uses a distinction

between the world of OWL Concepts and the world of Semantic Web Rule Language
(SWRL) Rules (SWRL, 2004). The chosen reasoner - Pellet (Pellet, 2011) supports both

6.2.1. SWRL Rules

Due to the fact that OWL cannot express all of the AgileSafe relations, additional
SWRL rules needed to be introduced for the more complex reasoning. This mainly
concerns limitations in representation of property chains and relations between
individuals in OWL. Following a recommended good practice in implementing ontologies,
two approaches (DL and SWRL) are kept in separate base ontologies and then imported
into one AS.A.2 Practices Knowledge Base.
The rules expressed in SWRL in AS.A.2 Practices Knowledge Base are presented in
the screenshot from Protégé tool (Figure 12):
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Figure 12 SWRL Rules in AgileSafe Knowledge Base (screen from Protege)

In the tables below, detailed descriptions of these rules are given:

Table 53.
AS.KB.S.1 hasTeamSizeSuggestion

AS.KB.S.1 hasTeamSizeSuggestion

SWRL hasFactorValue(?FC, TeamSize) ^ hasCapability(?Pract,

?FC) ^ worksWithin(?Proj, ?FC) ->
hasTeamSizeSuggestion(?Proj, ?Pract)
Variables ?FC – an individual of Factor Capability concept;
?Pract – an individual of Practice concept;
?Proj – an individual of Project concept.
Description For a Factor TeamSize, if Practice’s range of preferable values
contains at least one of the values that the Project works within,
the Practice is suggested for a given project within TeamSize

Table 54.
AS.KB.S.2 hasGeographicalDistributionSuggestion

AS.KB.S.2 hasGeographicalDistributionSuggestion

SWRL hasFactorValue(?FC, GeographicalDistribution) ^

hasCapability(?Pract, ?FC) ^ worksWithin(?Proj, ?FC) ->
hasGeographicalDistributionSuggestion(?Proj, ?Pract)
Variables ?FC – an individual of Factor Capability concept;
?Pract – an individual of Practice concept;
?Proj – an individual of Project concept.
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Description For a Factor Geographical Distribution, if Practice’s range of

preferable values contains at least one of the values that the
Project works within, the Practice is suggested for a given
project within Geographical Distribution Factor.

Table 55.
AS.KB.S.3 hasDomainComplexitySuggestion

AS.KB.S.3 hasDomainComplexitySuggestion

SWRL hasFactorValue(?FC, DomainComplexity) ^

hasCapability(?Pract, ?FC) ^ worksWithin(?Proj, ?FC) ->
hasDomainComplexitySuggestion(?Proj, ?Pract)
Variables ?FC – an individual of Factor Capability concept;


?Pract – an individual of Practice concept;

?Proj – an individual of Project concept.
Description For a Factor Domain Complexity, if Practice’s range of
preferable values contains at least one of the values that the
Project works within, the Practice is suggested for a given
project within Domain Complexity Factor.

Table 56.
AS.KB.S.4 hasOrganisationalDistributionSuggestion

AS.KB.S.4 hasOrganisationalDistributionSuggestion

SWRL hasFactorValue(?FC, OrganisationalDistribution) ^

hasCapability(?Pract, ?FC) ^ worksWithin(?Proj, ?FC) ->
hasOrganisationalDistributionSuggestion(?Proj, ?Pract)
Variables ?FC – an individual of Factor Capability concept;
?Pract – an individual of Practice concept;
?Proj – an individual of Project concept.
Description For a Factor Organisational Distribution, if Practice’s range of
preferable values contains at least one of the values that the
Project works within, the Practice is suggested for a given
project within Organisational Distribution Factor.

Table 57.
AS.KB.S.4 hasTechnicalComplexitySuggestion

AS.KB.S.4 hasTechnicalComplexitySuggestion
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SWRL hasFactorValue(?FC, TechnicalComplexity) ^

hasCapability(?Pract, ?FC) ^ worksWithin(?Proj, ?FC) ->
hasTechnicalComplexitySuggestion(?Proj, ?Pract)
Variables ?FC – an individual of Factor Capability concept;
?Pract – an individual of Practice concept;
?Proj – an individual of Project concept.
Description For a Factor Technical Complexity, if Practice’s range of
preferable values contains at least one of the values that the
Project works within, the Practice is suggested for a given
project within Technical Complexity Factor.


Table 58.
AS.KB.S.4 hasOrganisationalComplexitySuggestion

AS.KB.S.4 hasOrganisationalComplexitySuggestion

SWRL hasFactorValue(?FC, OrganisationalComplexity) ^

hasCapability(?Pract, ?FC) ^ worksWithin(?Proj, ?FC) ->
hasOrganisationalComplexitySuggestion(?Proj, ?Pract)
Variables ?FC – an individual of Factor Capability concept;
?Pract – an individual of Practice concept;
?Proj – an individual of Project concept.
Description For a Factor Organisational Complexity, if Practice’s range of
preferable values contains at least one of the values that the
Project works within, the Practice is suggested for a given
project within Organisational Complexity Factor.

Table 59.
AS.KB.S.4 hasEnterpriseDisciplineSuggestion

AS.KB.S.4 hasEnterpriseDisciplineSuggestion

SWRL hasFactorValue(?FC, EnterpriseDiscipline) ^

hasCapability(?Pract, ?FC) ^ worksWithin(?Proj, ?FC) ->
hasEnterpriseDisciplineSuggestion(?Proj, ?Pract)
Variables ?FC – an individual of Factor Capability concept;
?Pract – an individual of Practice concept;
?Proj – an individual of Project concept.
Description For a Factor Enterprise Discipline, if Practice’s range of
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preferable values contains at least one of the values that the

Project works within, the Practice is suggested for a given
project within Enterprise Discipline Factor.

Table 60.
AS.KB.S.4 hasPracticeFactorSuggestion

AS.KB.S.4 hasPracticeFactorSuggestion

SWRL hasTeamSizeSuggestion(?Proj, ?Pract) ^

hasGeographicalDistributionSuggestion(?Proj, ?Pract) ^
hasDomainComplexitySuggestion(?Proj, ?Pract) ^
hasOrganisationalDistributionSuggestion(?Proj, ?Pract) ^
hasTechnicalComplexitySuggestion(?Proj, ?Pract) ^


hasOrganisationalComplexitySuggestion(?Proj, ?Pract) ^
hasEnterpriseDisciplineSuggestion(?Proj, ?Pract) ->
hasPracticeFactorSuggestion(?Proj, ?Pract)
Variables ?Pract – an individual of Practice concept;
?Proj – an individual of Project concept.
Description If the Project has at least one suggestion within each Factor for
a given Practice, then the Practice is suggested for this Project.

Table 61.
AS.KB.S.4 hasPracticeRegulationSuggestion

AS.KB.S.4 hasPracticeRegulationSuggestion

SWRL requiresRegulation(?x, ?y) ^ fulfillsRegulation(?z, ?y) ->

hasPracticeRegulationSuggestion(?x, ?z)
Variables ?x – an individual of Project concept;
?y – an individual of Regulation Requirement;
?z – an individual of Practice concept.
Description If the Project’s Regulation Requirement is met by a given
Practice, then the Practice is suggested for this Project within
Regulation Suggestion.

Table 62.
AS.KB.S.4 hasPracticeSuggestion

AS.KB.S.4 hasPracticeSuggestion
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SWRL hasPracticeFactorSuggestion(?x, ?y) ^

hasPracticeRegulationSuggestion(?x, ?y) ->
hasPracticeSuggestion(?x, ?y)
Variables ?x – an individual of Project concept;
?y – an individual of Practice concept.
Description If a given Practice is suggested for the Project both from the
Project Characteristics and Regulation points, it is considered
as a Practice Suggestion for the Project.


6.2.2. SWRL Queries

To obtain suggestions from the AS.A.2 Practices Knowledge Base, the User needs to
execute DL queries in the Protégé tool.
In order to obtain an AS.A.13 Suggested Practices Set for a specific Project, a
following DL query should be executed, making sure that “Instances” checkbox is ticked
- that means that instances of the Practice concept will be included in the result:

inverse (hasPracticeSuggestion) value <Name of the Project instance>

The resulting list of Practices form the AS.A.13 Suggested Practices Set.


There might be some company-specific practices already in place, practices that

come from experience and that have already proved their value. The AS.A.2 Practices
Knowledge Base allows users to introduce their own practices into the already existing set.
In addition, software development methodologies evolve constantly and the AS.A.2
Practices Knowledge Base might need to be periodically updated just to stay relevant and
of real value.
In order to add a new practice to the AS.A.2 Practices Knowledge Base a User
completes an AS.A.14 Practice Description with information about the new practice:
Table 63. AS.A.14 Practice Description template

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Discipline Architecture Yes / No
Deployment Yes / No
Development Yes / No
Environment Yes / No
Project Management Yes / No
Requirements Yes / No
Test Yes / No
Capability Factor Values
Team Size A – Under 10 developers; B – From 10 to
50 developers; C – From 50 to 100
developers; D – 100’s of developers; E –
1000’s of developers


Geographical Distribution A – Co-located; B – Same building; C –

Some working from home; D – Within
driving distance; E – Globally distributed
Domain Complexity A – Straightforward; B - Predictable; C –
Quickly changing; D – Complicated; E –
Organisational A – Collaborative; B – Different teams; C
Distribution – Different departments; D – Different
partner companies; E – Contractual
Technical Complexity A – Homogenous; B - Multiple technology;
C – New technology; D -
System/embedded solutions; E –
Organisational A – Flexible, intuitive; B – Flexible,
Complexity structured; C – Stable, evolutionary; D –
Stable, planned; E – Rigid
Enterprise Discipline A – Project focus; B – Mostly project
focused; C – Balanced; D – Mostly
enterprise focused; E – Enterprise focus;
Used in: Name of the Regulation General Practice Fact
and regulatory
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Id – an identifier of the practice
Name – a short term describing the practice
Description – a characterisation of the activities, artefacts etc. that form the
Discipline – a list of disciplines within which the practice operates (one or more)
Capability – for each factor, a list of predefined circumstances in which the
practice works best (one or more, for each factor)


Used in – a link to the Regulatory Requirement that the Practice (under General
Practice) complies with. The Fact is the statement of the Practice’s contribution to the
An example of a completed description of a practice from AS.A.2 Practices
Knowledge Base (excerpt):
Table 64.Hazard Stories description

Id 1
Name Hazard Stories
Description Hazard stories are scenarios for possible safety violations,
written in natural language much like User Stories.
Procedure: Hazard Stories should be created at the planning
stage and supplemented through the whole project development
process. User Stories or Product Backlog features should be prepared
before the Hazard Stories in order to outline the main objectives of the
system. Methods for creating Hazard Stories can be similar to the
methods known from writing User Stories; brainstorming should be
useful. The team can assign roles, including “the devil’s advocate”.
Where applicable Hazard Story should be linked to User
Stories/Features it can violate or have impact on. This means that
User Stories/Features ought to include non-functional requirements,
especially safety-related. Based on this, priorities should be given to
each Hazard Story – priorities can be taken straight from the linked
User Stories/Features which means that the more important User
Story/Feature it disrupts is, the more distress it can cause and should
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be dealt with sooner. They can provide a starting point for the safety
related tests.
Discipline Architecture No
Deployment No
Development No
Environment No
Project Management Yes
Requirements Yes
Test Yes
Capability Factor Values
Team Size A – Under 10 developers; B – From 10
to 50 developers;


Geographical Distribution A – Co-located; B – Same building; C –

Some working from home;
Domain Complexity C – Quickly changing; D –
Complicated; E – Intricate/Emerging
Organisational A – Collaborative; B – Different teams;
Technical Complexity A – Homogenous; B - Multiple
technology; C – New technology; D -
System/embedded solutions; E –
Organisational A – Flexible, intuitive; B – Flexible,
Complexity structured; C – Stable, evolutionary;
Enterprise Discipline A – Project focus; B – Mostly project
focused; C – Balanced; D – Mostly
enterprise focused; E – Enterprise
Used in: Name of the Regulation General Practice Fact
and regulatory
ISO 14971 / 4.4.a. A A sequence of Hazard stories
sequence of situations hazardous describe
along with resulting situations can be sequences of
hazard should be recorded using cause and effect for
recorded stories written in hazardous
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natural language situations in a

natural language
ISO 14971 / 4.4.b Risk Risk can be Hazards stories
associated with each assessed in can be managed in
hazard should be kanban style format a kanban way and
estimated and recorded as an annotation to carry an additional
each hazard annotation with
description information on
associated risk
IEC 62304 / 7.1.5 [IF A sequence of Hazard stories
Class B, C] Document hazardous describe
sequences of events situations can be sequences of


recorded using cause and effect for

stories written in hazardous
natural language situations in a
natural language

The information collected in this form is then transferred to the AS.A.2 Practices
Knowledge Base. In order to do that, in the present implementation the User uses the
Protégé tool. As the first step, the User adds a new instance and sets its name (see
Figure 13).
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Figure 13 Adding new Practice in Protege tool - New instance

In the next step, the User specifies Factor Capabilities for the NewPractice by
adding new Object property assertions in the Property assertions tab (see Figure 14).


Figure 14 Adding new Practice in Protege tool - Object property assertions

On the left hand side of the new Object property assertions window the User
gives a property name, hasCapability in this case, and follows with an individual name
from the FactorCapability class, on the right hand side. The individuals specifying the
capabilities for each Factor are already implemented in the AS.A.2 Practices Knowledge
Base and their names reflect their connections to the Factor Capability values in the
following manner: <NameOfTheFactor_OrderLetter_NameOfTheValue>.
This action needs to be repeated for all of the values for this Practice, for each
Next, the User adds Data property assertions – hasName and hasDescription (see
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Figure 15).


Figure 15 Adding new Practice in Protege tool - Data property assertions

In order to be fully incorporated into the AS.AL.2 and AS.AL.3 suggestion

algorithms, the new Practice should also be connected with some Regulatory
Requirements. In order to present them in the AS.A.2 Practices Knowledge Base, the User
adds Data property assertions with property name fulfillsRegulation and values
according to the Regulatory Requirements that the Practice is able to respond to (this is
illustrated in Figure 16).
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Figure 16 Adding new Practice in Protege tool - Regulatory requirements


A Practice added with such information can be then used by the AS.AL.3
suggestion algorithm.


The result of the AS.AL.3 algorithm is the AS.A.13 Suggested Practices Set. As
explained in previous sections, it contains a list of Practices that might be suitable for a
given Project, based on its AS.A.3 Project Characteristics and regulatory requirements. This
list though is not ready to be implemented in the Project as it is. Depending on the
Project, this list may contain several Practices that concern the same aspect of software
development or produce similar artefacts, making them redundant. A User makes the
final choice which Practices should be used in a given Project and thus create the AS.A.6
Project Practices Set. These chosen Practices are then used to build AS.A.8 Project Practices
Compliance Argument and their artefacts fill the AS.A.10 Project Compliance Argument.
In order to help the User to make the best choice we propose the following
1. Each Practice is connected with one of the specified Project development
disciplines. It is recommended to check whether all of the disciplines are
sufficiently covered in the resulting Project Practices Set.
2. The User should be careful when rejecting Practices from AS.A.13 Suggested
Practices Set, which might result in loosing potential conformance
3. Each Practice has a Description field, which carries information about the details
of its application, so the User should analyse and compare which of the Practices
seem more suitable for this specific Project.
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When releasing a piece of safety-critical software, the company responsible for it

needs to be able to prove its safety in its target environment. Proving in this context
means being able to convince the licencing bodies as well as the potential users that the
software is acceptably safe and will not cause harm. In order to do that a sufficient
evidence to back claims about safety should be presented. This is where assurance
arguments can be of great use.

7.1.1. Trust-IT

In this research assurance arguments patterns are used to guide the software
developers in building explicit and incremental assurance arguments in parallel with the
software development project. The patterns are derived from the relevant standards,
regulations and guidelines. They follow the Trust-IT approach of applying argument
structures to support application of standards (NOR-STA, 2012; Cyra, Górski, 2011a), in
particular for the medical domain (Górski, Jarzębowicz, Miler, 2012).
Trust-IT (Górski, 2005; Górski et al., 2005; Górski, 2007) is an approach to
promoting trust by presenting in the cyberspace ‘live’ arguments integrated with the
supporting evidence and providing means for assessing and visualizing the compelling
power of the arguments. Evidence is a document in any form: text, graphics, image, web
page, video, audio etc. which is used to demonstrate the facts referred to in the
argument. Integrating an argument with supporting evidence helps to make it more
convincing. Trust-IT introduces a model of an argument, a graphical language for
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expressing arguments and a technique for integrating arguments with the evidence. It
also offers a general-purpose argument appraisal mechanism based on Dempster-
Shafer belief functions (Sentez K., Ferson S., 2002) among others and the corresponding
mechanism of visualisation of the argument compelling power (Cyra, Górski, 2011b).
Trust-IT arguments were already applied to analyse safety, privacy and security issues
of personalized health and lifestyle-oriented services (Górski, Jarzębowicz, Miler, 2008),
monitoring of environmental risks (ERM, 2009) and support of standards conformance
(Cyra, Górski, 2011a; Górski, Jarzębowicz, Miler, 2012). Trust-IT is offered to its users
by means of software services deployed in accordance with the SaaS (Software-as-a-
Service) cloud-computing model. The approach is generic and can be applied in any
context were evidence-based argumentation brings added value to decision making
processes and disputes.


Figure 17: The structure of the arguments used in AgileSafe (Argevide, 2017)

The structure of the arguments used in AgileSafe, following the Trust-IT

approach, is presented in Figure 17. The postulates about safety are expressed in the
Claim nodes and if needed Sub-claims. In order to defend these postulates an
Argumentation strategy is used and it can be further justified by expressing its Rationale.
The Argumentation strategy is then referring to Facts, Assumptions and/or more specific
sub-Claims. The Facts and Assumptions are demonstrated by evidence which is linked
to them by means of references.
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A generic assurance argument structure is presented in the TCL notation in

Figure 18.

Figure 18: The assurance argument tree structure (Argevide, 2017)


7.1.2. Demonstrating conformance with assurance cases

Since 2005 the idea of safety assurance cases has been analysed in depth by
both FDA and Software Engineering Institute (SEI) (Weinstock and Goodenough, 2009).
This partnership resulted in series of documents presenting potential uses of assurance
cases in FDA certification process (Weinstock and Goodenough, 2009), (Food and Drug
Administration, 2014). With FDA currently recommending the use of assurance
arguments in order to present compliance with safety regulations this method is gaining
more and more recognition. On the other hand, as the Health Foundation report
(Bloomfield, Chozos and Cleland, 2012) states, there is little experience in the industry
when it comes to the preparation of assurance cases. A need for special training and
developing new methodologies in the matter is emerging. Templates and methods
facilitating the use of arguments which the manufacturers can relate to can be of great
Another important step towards popularisation of assurance arguments was the
introduction of tools allowing users to create and maintain the arguments in a user-
friendly manner. The popular tools, such as Adelard SafetyCase Editor (ASCE) (Emmet
and Cleland, 2002) and Astah GSN (, 2017), are graphical editors allowing
more intuitive operations on assurance cases. Other tools, such as AdvoCATE (Denney,
Pai and Pohl, 2012), function as plug-ins or toolsets based on development
environments i.e. Eclipse. While such tools provide substantial support for building cases
using GSN notation, another tool called NOR-STA Argevide (Argevide, 2017) seems to
provide a more advanced solution. It tackles several issues, not covered by the
previously mentioned tools. Most interesting features from the AgileSafe point of view
are support for argument reuse, sharing arguments (teamwork), practical evidence
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management and sophisticated argument assessment (Górski et al., 2014).

In order to increase usability of the AgileSafe method NOR-STA Argevide tool
has been chosen for managing the AgileSafe arguments set.

Another important matter is the question of confidence put in the assurance case
itself. If the assurance case is to be the mean to validate trust, we need to trust the
assurance case as well. The question of how to assess validity of an assurance case is
increasingly attracting attention of the researchers (Bloomfield, Bishop, 2010),
(Weinstock, Goodenough and Klein, 2013), (Hawkins et al., 2011), (Cyra and Gorski,



In order to support separate certification processes, in AgileSafe the assurance

arguments are developed separately for each applicable standard. The structure of these
arguments is based on the standard structure.
In 2005 Kromholz and Ankrum (Kromholz Ankrum, 2005) conducted an
experiment in which they tried to represent three different standards (ISO/IEC
15408:1999, RTCA/DO-178B and ISO 14971) in the form of assurance cases and
analysed their applicability. They noticed that with some care, standards requirements
can be represented in such form and this fact presented potential benefits, such as better
organisation of the evidence, a structure for presenting conformance and overall clarity.
They recognized impediments and challenges as well, including some difficulties using
the Goal Structure Notation (GSN) and Adelard Safety Claims Arguments Data (ASCAD)
notations chosen for the experiment as well as imperfect representation of the cases in
the Adelard SafetyCase Editor (ASCE) tool they chose. In this research we attempted to
reduce these obstacles by using the more advanced Trust-IT approach and Argevide
services, which allow more intuitive and thorough representation.

7.2.1. Assurance arguments and agile practices

The main advantages of using assurance arguments for monitoring conformance

in AgileSafe are:
A. Support for incremental certification
The concept of incremental certification has already been researched, as
the need for a more flexible stance on certification process has become an
increasingly common concern. It is mainly due to Agile approach’s rise in
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popularity but also due to potential optimization of cost and time (Paige,
Charalambous, Ge, Brooke, 2008), (Elmqvist et al., 2008), (Ge, Paige,
McDermid, 2010). The idea is that a system might be certified modularly, which
would also allow easier re-certification in the event of change in the system, in
which case only the affected modules should be re-certified. Assurance
arguments are vital part of such modular process and modular safety cases have
been the state-of-the-art in incremental certification research (Trapp, Schneider
and Liggesmeyer, 2013), i.e. they have been used by the Industrial Avionics
Working Group (IAWG) in the approach enabling modular and incremental
certification (Banner et. al.,2007), they have been a base for the ISO 61508 Open
Certification scheme (Faller and Goble, 2007). We assume that AgileSafe
assurance arguments can be adapted to modular certification in the future, if it


becomes widely acknowledged by the certifying bodies. However, it is worth

noting that incremental approach to certification is not completely at odds with
current guidelines.
B. Reusability of parts or whole cases
The organised structure of assurance arguments allows reusing the
arguments in other projects, provided the main idea behind the structure stays
the same. The scope of reuse depends on the specific cases but for the standard-
based cases it can be significant. Although the workload dedicated to developing
such cases can be initially high, depending on similarities between systems they
can be reused up to some level, for each project needing compliance with a given
standard. It can decrease in total the amount of time spent on documentation,
which is an important issue while following an agile approach.
C. Intuitive and logical representation as opposed to elaborated documents
The organisation of evidence provided by assurance arguments allows
greater control over what exactly is needed for compliance with a standard and
whether or not the necessary evidence is produced while following chosen
practices. It can reduce the redundant documentation as well as support better
use of the evidence material provided during the development process. What is
more, such clear argumentation standing behind each of the needed evidence
can serve as good motivation and explanation for the team working on the project
why they need to follow some specific practices or produce particular artefacts.


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AS.A.5 Practices Compliance Argument is an argument, which is developed

separately for each relevant regulation or standard. Its structure is based on the
requirements included in such document. To make such argument uniform, it follows the
AS.A.4 Practices Compliance Pattern, as shown in Figure 19.


Figure 19 Practices Compliance Assurance Argument and its Pattern

The patterns for assurance arguments hold the information about the
organization of an argument and provide a structure for creating specific arguments.
They are generic and focus on the conformance of practices from AS.A.2 Practices
Knowledge Base with particular regulatory requirements. For each requirement, it
proposes an argumentation strategy and the range of software engineering practices
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used for collecting evidence demonstrating the compliance. It also contains explicit
justification that the argumentation strategy is adequate on the condition that the
evidence is collected and integrated with the argument. A list of claims concerning
different types of practices, which may contribute to satisfying the requirement is
presented, each claim postulating the potential of a given practice to generate the
evidence needed to demonstrate compliance.

Below the AS.A.4 Practices Compliance Argument Pattern is presented using a GSN
notation (Figure 20)


Figure 20: Presentation of Practices Compliance Argument Pattern in GSN notation

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Figure 21 below presents a structure of AS.A.4 Practices Compliance Argument

Pattern shown in Figure 21, following Trust-IT approach in NOR-STA tool:

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Figure 21: Practices Compliance Argument Pattern presented in NOR-STA tool

The pattern shown in Figure 21 requires that for each specific regulatory
requirement (G2 in Figure 21), there is an explicit argumentation strategy: S2 Argument
by artefacts providing evidence for compliance with the specific regulatory requirement.
It is followed by the justification: J2 Each of the following types of artefacts provide
enough evidence to support the compliance with a given regulatory requirement. The
argumentation strategy S2 is supported by claims concerning different types of practices
(G3 and G4 in Figure 21). Each such claim is justified by its own argumentation strategy
(S3 for G3 and S4 for G4) which then refer to the specific facts (G5 and G6 for S3, and
G7 and G8 for S4). These facts are demonstrated by the evidence collected directly from
the descriptions of the related practices
The pattern as presented in Figure 21 can be used while building a AS.A.5 Practices
Compliance Argument which refers to a specific standard and a specific set of practices.
Figure 22 illustrate the top-level structure of the AS.A.5 Practices Compliance Argument for
an excerpt of ISO 14971 standard (the requirements: 4.4 Risk Analysis: Estimation of
the risks for each hazardous situation).
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Figure 22: Fragment of Practices Compliance Argument for ISO 14971 presented using GSN notation

Figure 23 illustrates further decomposition of the ISO 14971 requirement 4.4a A

sequence of situations along with resulting hazard should be recorded specifically with
reference to a set practices {Hazard stories, ZHA, FMEA}.

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Figure 23: Fragment of Practices Compliance Argument for ISO 14971 4.4a presented in GSN notation

Figure 24 presents the argument of Figure 23 expressed with the help of NOR-
STA tool.

Figure 24: Fragment of Practices Compliance Argument for ISO 14971 4.4a presented in NOR-STA tool

Provided that the AS.A.2 Practices Knowledge Base remains unchanged, the AS.A.5
Practices Compliance Argument once prepared, can be reused by many software
development projects which aim to be compliant with a given standard.
If the AS.A.2 Practices Knowledge Base gets modified (for instance, to accommodate
new Practices or to include a new standard to the scope of AgileSafe) the AS.A.5 Practices
Compliance Arguments need to be reviewed and updated accordingly. However,
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assuming that after some time the AS.A.2 Practices Knowledge Base gets ‘saturated’ and
the frequency of such changes decreases, the AS.A.5 Practices Compliance Arguments
become stable reusable elements supporting application of AgileSafe in many projects
with the reference to many standards.


AS.A.8 Project Practices Compliance Argument is an AS.A.5 Practices Compliance

Argument adapted to a specific Project and is determined by the AS.A.6 Project Practices
Set specific to this project. The AS.A.8 Project Practices Compliance Argument refers only to
the practices used in the project along with the description of evidence they are providing,
as presented in the Figure 25.


Figure 25 Project Practices Compliance Argument in the context

The structure is similar to the Practices Compliance Argument.

Below in the Figure 26 is shown an example of AS.A.8 Project Practices Compliance
Argument for an excerpt of ISO 14971 standard– 4.4 Risk Analysis: Estimation of the
risk(s) for each hazardous situation – 4.4a A sequence of situations along with resulting
hazard should be recorded.
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Figure 26: An excerpt of Project Practices Compliance Argument for SO 14971 standard– 4.4 Risk
Analysis: Estimation of the risk(s) for each hazardous situation – 4.4a presented in NOR-STA tool


At this stage of tool support for the method, the User has to delete or hide
manually the Practices from the AS.A.5 Practices Compliance Argument that do not apply to
the Project and that are not included in its AS.A.6 Project Practices Set in order to create
AS.A.8 Project Practices Compliance Argument.

It is possible that some nodes of the regulatory requirements will be left without
connection to any Practice from the AS.A.13 Suggested Practices Set. The reason for this
may be that:
a) The AS.A.2 Practices Knowledge Base lacks a Practice that could provide an
Evidence for this particular Regulatory Requirement,
b) The Practices have not been fully analysed over their ability to respond to this
particular regulatory requirement
c) The regulatory requirement is formulated in such a vague manner that it is not
possible to connect it to any software development practice.

In this case, the User should analyse the regulatory requirements which are not
covered by the AS.A.13 Suggested Practices Set and supplement the set with the needed
Practices, adding them to the final AS.A.6 Project Practices Set and preferably to the AS.A.2
Practices Knowledge Base as well, for the future projects.



In AgileSafe, there are two categories of assurance arguments: (1) for

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development process assurance and (2) for assurance using the process artefacts, as
shown in Figure 27.

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Figure 27 Project Compliance Argument in its context

While the concept of using assurance arguments for demonstrating conformity to

the standards has already been discussed earlier in this chapter, introducing an
additional level of process assurance argument is a more innovative concept. Both AS.A.5
Practices Compliance Argument/AS.A.4 Pattern and AS.A.8 Project Practices Compliance
Argument are part of this level.
The main incentives for introducing this additional level are:
A. Traceability of the practices used in the process
While creating a hybrid approach it is important to be able to control the
scope of the practices. It is even more important in the safety-critical domain,
where replacing a practice with a new one can result in changes in evidence
collected for certification. As such situation can cause inconsistency, an
additional system of control in needed. In AgileSafe arguments, Practices are
organized along with evidence they produce, according to their potential to
conform to a given standard demand.
B. Supplementary conformance material
In general, Agile practices provide less documents and potential evidence
than the disciplined ones. Therefore, it is important to collect and organize the
available evidence as efficiently as possible. AgileSafe provides the additional
assurance for the practices used in the process, as a part of the planning and
management phase. For each evidence demonstrating the fulfilment of a specific
standard requirement, there is a supplementary explanation justifying the choice
of the evidence.
What is more, the set of AgileSafe assurance arguments provides a
structure for the development process, which is often required by the certifying
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C. Reusability between projects
Separating the AgileSafe assurance arguments into three arguments
allows the user to reuse the higher-level arguments (mainly AS.A.5 Practices
Compliance Arguments and AS.A.8 Project Practices Compliance Arguments) in other
projects, which need to comply with a given standard (AS.A.5 Practices Compliance
Arguments) or even follow the same or similar methodology (AS.A.8 Project Practices
Compliance Arguments).
AS.A.10 Project Compliance Argument is an assurance argument where the
evidence is supplied by the artefacts of the actual project development. It is structured
around a particular standard and is used to collect the required product related evidence
to demonstrate conformance with given standard. Each Practice has evidence that is


expected to be collected during application of this Practice. The evidence should be an

effect of AS.P.7 Apply practices process.
The evidence is stored in the files, which are then linked with appropriate Link
nodes in the argument structure.
A structure of AS.A.9 Project Compliance Argument Pattern is presented in the Figure

Figure 28 Project Compliance Argument Pattern presented in NOR-STA tool

Figure 29 shows an example of AS.A.10 Project Compliance Argument for an excerpt

of ISO 14971 standard– 4.4 Risk Analysis: Estimation of the risk(s) for each hazardous
situation – 4.4a A sequence of situations along with resulting hazard should be recorded.
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Figure 29: An example of Project Compliance Argument for an excerpt of ISO 14971 standard– 4.4 Risk
Analysis: Estimation of the risk(s) for each hazardous situation – 4.4a presented in NOR-STA tool


In disciplined methodologies the process of monitoring conformance is rather

monolithic and usually conducted by a designated team of analysts. Adapting this
process to a more agile approach would mean changing this concept and incorporating
different techniques that would allow the monitoring to be efficient and harmonious with
a more lightweight project development.
One of the main characteristics of agile approach is incremental development,
therefore the process of monitoring conformance in a hybrid method should reflect this
idea as well.


The main element of monitoring conformance with chosen standards in AgileSafe

is the set of assurance arguments. They were planned with the idea of incremental
approach in mind.
First of all, assurance case’s format allows incremental collection of evidence
throughout the process. The structure chosen for AgileSafe arguments enables user to
add the collected evidence as it is produced.
Secondly, the traceability of the process and of the conformance allows user to
adapt the Practices and evidence. It is easier to make changes to the process, to improve
procedures and quality of the work systematically when traceability of project practices
along with their artefacts is provided.
The diagram below presents the processes of AgileSafe, which tackle the
monitoring of conformance for each given standard (Figure 30).

Figure 30: Monitoring Conformance processes in AgileSafe

Most of these processes (AS.P.3, AS.P.4 and AS.P.5) are expected to be complete
before the actual development stage (in Sprint 0, Planning stage or else). These are the
processes aimed at preparing assurance arguments.
The core of processes, which allow conformance monitoring, is AS.P.6 Assert
Conformance. It takes place in parallel with development activities. The User by following
practices from AS.A.6 Project Practices Set should be able to obtain the evidence planned
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in AS.A.8 Project Practices Compliance Argument and place it in appropriate evidence nodes
of the AS.A.10 Project Compliance Argument.
The collected evidence along with the reasoning behind it is subject to
assessment of conformity with a given standard. This activity can be performed by an
assessor. In AgileSafe it means that she/he analyses the AS.A.8 Project Practices
Compliance Argument and AS.A.10 Project Compliance Argument for a given standard,
assessing the collected evidence. She/he can use the argument appraisal mechanism
as well to determine the strength of the argument, as a feedback for the team.
The assessed arguments can be used in the process of attestation. The certifying
body can be presented with organised evidence for Project conformance as well as the
additional evidence for the Practices used in the development process.


Once the certificate of conformance has been granted, the conformity can be
maintained by continuing the work with AgileSafe Assurance Argument set and updating
it as needed.
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In order to evaluate AgilSafe, the Goal-Question-Metric (GQM) method (Van

Solingen, Berghout, 1999) has been followed.


Based on the thesis of this doctoral research, two Goals have been declared:
(G1) Analyse whether the proposed method supports introduction of agile
practices into a software development process while still maintaining the
compliance with the software assurance requirements imposed by the
application domain.
(G2) Analyse whether the proposed method makes it possible to reduce the effort
devoted to software development processes in safety related projects.

With regard to these goals, the following research questions have been stated:
(Q1) What is the potential impact of introducing agile practice to a safety-critical
software development process?
(Q2) Is AgileSafe method capable of reducing the negative impact agile practices
might have on the safety-critical software development process?
(Q3) Does the method suggest practices which are relevant to a project and its
(Q4) Does the method support the safety assurance aspect of a project while
introducing new practices?
(Q5) Do an introduction of agile practices into a software development process
carry a potential benefit of reducing effort needed for a project?
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(Q6) Does AgileSafe method allow for an introduction of agile practices that can
potentially reduce the effort needed for a project?

In order to find the answers for these questions, the following metrics were collected:
(M1) A list of reported benefits and problems for the introduction of agile practices -
based on data from the literature concerning applying agile practices to safety-
critical software development collected in Section 2 and Section 3.
(M2) Risk assessment for introduction of Scrum and eXtreme Programming practices
to a safety-critical development process - based on data concerning a perceived
impact agile practices might have on a safety-critical development process
collected in Section 8.2


(M3) The number of additional practices needed for risk mitigation when introducing
Scrum and eXtreme Programming practices - based on data concerning a
perceived impact agile practices might have on a safety-critical development
process collected in Section 8.2
(M4) The coverage of the Agile assurance arguments for ISO 14971 by the practices
suggested in a case study - based on data concerning applicability of main
elements of AgileSafe method in software development projects in a controlled
limited environment collected in Section 8.3
(M5) The assessment of the New Practice template by the SafeScrum experts – based
on the theoretical assessment of AgileSafe by the experts collected in Section
(M6) The list of agile practices currently used in two industry safety-critical projects –
based on the theoretical assessment of AgileSafe by the experts collected in
Section 8.5
(M7) The list of the most valuable aspects of AgileSafe method – based on the
theoretical assessment of AgileSafe by the experts collected in Section 8.5
(M8) The list of the most troublesome aspects of AgileSafe method – based on the
theoretical assessment of AgileSafe by the experts collected in Section 8.5
(M9) The relation between the number of Suggested Practices (AS.A.13) and the number
of Project Practices (AS.A.6) – based on data collected in Section 8.4
(M10) The coverage of the AgileSafe assurance arguments for ISO 14971 by the
GlucoMet AS.A.6 Project Practices Set – based on data collected in Section 8.4

The relations between specific goals, questions and measures are illustrated in Figure
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Figure 31 The GQM structure for AgileSafe evaluation

In the following paragraphs the evaluation process is described and data

concerning metric M1 – M10 are presented and analysed.


The domain of medical safety-critical software has been developing at an

unprecedented speed over the past years. In addition to supplying hospitals and
providing solutions for medical staff it now brings a wide variety of e-health technologies,
including personal medical equipment and devices. In order to not be left behind and to
reach bigger and more diverse customer groups, medical companies look for new
software development processes to reduce costs, accelerate time to market and improve
product quality. For this reason, we have decided to use that domain for our case study.

8.2.1. The case study objectives

The main goal of this case study was to compile a checklist of hazards as well as
risk estimates for incorporating agile practices into safety-critical project development,
based on risk analysis provided by the participants. Moreover, participants' suggestions
for additional risk mitigation practices were investigated and reviewed as a valuable
insight when preparing the model for agile practices application in safety-critical software
The participants were not expected to provide analysis on the expert level. They
obviously based on their limited knowledge and their own working experience when
completing the tasks. What was aimed for was an overview of opinions of young software
engineers, their concerns regarding adapting agile practices into safety-critical software
environment as well as their views on possible solutions and compromises. It was
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possible to determine which practices caused most uneasiness and distrust thus which
practices should be revised in order to make them more compliant with safety standards.
This experience helped in building better relations with prospective stakeholders.
The case study was carried out from March to the end of May 2012. It involved a
group of 36 participants (students of the last semester of MSc course in software
engineering). All participants had attended courses on plan-driven and agile
methodologies and on high integrity systems. 67% of them had already been part-time
employees in software companies and most had some prior experience with agile
practices. During the case study, the participants worked in teams of 2-3.
While planning the case study the Goal-Question-Metrics (GQM) methodology
was followed. The objective of the study was to investigate the participants’ perception
of the risks introduced by the agile practices and to collect their opinions on how these
risks could be mitigated (A.G).


We have decomposed this goal into the following research questions:

(A.Q1) If and how the agile practices contribute to software hazards?
(A.Q2) Which agile practices are perceived as carrying most risk?
(A.Q3) How can the risks be mitigated?
The answers to these questions help in devising a checklist of hazards as well as
risk estimates and the suggestions for additional risk mitigation practices for
incorporating agile practices into safety-critical software development and will be
reflected in the related software assurance argument patterns. In relation to the above
questions, we selected the following metrics:
(A.M1) A complete list of agile practices associated with Scrum (Schwaber,
Beedle, 2001) and eXtreme Programming (eXtreme Programming, 1999)
(A.M2) A list of hazard scenarios explaining how the application of agile practices
contributes to software hazards;
(A.M3) An assessment of risk connected with each enlisted agile practice;
(A.M4) A list of agile practices, which carry the highest risk;
(A.M5) A list of additional risk mitigation practices.
The participants were given a description of a fictional medical software company
MediSoft along with a characterization of their flagship product – an insulin infusion
pump. The device parameters were based on Animas One-Touch Ping pump (Animas
Insulin Pumps, 2012). MediSoft wants to decide whether selected agile practices are
suitable for their safety-critical projects. For this purpose, the groups were asked to
assess the applicability of Scrum or alternatively eXtreme Programming to the insulin
infusion pump software development project. For each group, its assignment consisted
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of the three tasks described in Section 8.2.2. Upon completion of the tasks we organized
a workshop during which the participants were discussing their ideas, summarizing the
results and concluding their work.

8.2.2. The case study domain description

We devised a fictional company called MediSoft and specified its operational

activity as producing software for insulin infusion pumps. After observing an increasing
role of agile methodologies, the company’s management team became interested in the
possible benefits that might be gained by utilizing such methodologies in their workplace.
As a way to investigate the effects of the introduction of agile approaches into software
development, MediSoft chose to carry out a pilot project whose aim is to prepare
software for an insulin infusion pump. They would like to employ eXtreme Programming
and Scrum methodologies.


The participants were divided into 12 project groups, each group consisting of 3
members. Every group was given a short description of MediSoft company as well as
product specification for standard infusion pump.
An insulin pump is a device for patients with diabetes who need to control their
blood sugar level by administrating insulin. The pump is attached to the patient’s body
along with a small container filled with insulin. At the proper times, small and precisely
calculated amounts of insulin are released from the container into the patient’s
bloodstream. It helps to keep blood glucose levels steady between meals and during

Figure 32 A context diagram of the insulin pump

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The insulin pump description used in the project is based on the Animas
OneTouch Ping, a real pump available on market (Animas Insulin Pumps, 2012).

8.2.3. Participants’ tasks

The case study has been divided into three tasks. After completing each task, the
participants sent in the results using Moodle course management system.
Task 1. Based on a documentation of the insulin pump and their own knowledge
participants prepare a list of hazards connected with such a device. During a process of
the domain analysis they are encouraged to use hazard identification techniques, like
Preliminary Hazard Analysis and HAZOP adapted for this case. What is more,
participants should identify and map how system hazards are related to development
process hazards by building hazard scenarios documented as Fault Trees (FTA
diagrams in MS Visio).


Task 2. Participants prepare a risk analysis for the introduction of agile

methodologies (half of the groups for Scrum and the other half for eXtreme
Programming) to a project developing the software for insulin pump. A support tool used
in this task is called Designsafe (Designsafe, 2012) and it provides a platform for
identifying and assessing project risks. Students are given framework project files and
work on their analysis based on the content provided in these projects. Each file contains
a set of project development phases and tasks according to the given methodology.
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Figure 33 A tree of Scrum process stages along with tasks and possible impediments

The tree shown in Figure 33 A tree of Scrum process stages along with tasks and
possible impediments consists of process stages (i.e. Planning) and tasks connected
with each stage (i.e. management, Product Backlog etc.). Each task is associated with
a set of typical impediments that may appear in the project during their realisation (for
instance, management -> chaos and the lack of agreement in the team).
Based on the fault trees prepared in Task 1 participants analyse the connection
between project development related impediments and the identified hazards. If the


trees prepared earlier by the team do not suggest the path between development
process and the insulin pump hazards, they should be reworked in order to fully explain
why each hazard is connected with given process impediment. The list of process
impediments is very basic and should be extended where needed.
The next step is a risk analysis for the hazards and the hazard-impediment paths
prepared using Designsafe tool. Severity should refer to the insulin pump hazard while
Probability should refer to the whole hazard-impediment path.
An example of such a risk analysis is given below:

Table 65: An example of a simple hazard analysis (based on Designsafe layout)

Name Insulin overdose

Description The pump infuses a too high dosage of insulin due to insulin
overflow or air pressure in lines.
Users All
Connected Product Backlog/Requirements Managements, Risk management,
Tasks Technical analysis, Dose calculation algorithm design,
Implementation, User Interface project, User’s guide preparation
Cause Faulty dose calculation algorithm, wrong requirements analysis,
error in the implementation, misleading user interface or manual,
database error
Severity Catastrophic
Probability Likely
Risk Level High
Reduce Risk Extensive testing, up-front technical analysis, good contact with
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the client representative, regular iterations, testing user interface

and manual with real patients and doctors

Task 3. The participants present a list of additional practices that would mitigate
the risks found in Task 2 and that could be used as an extension to the agile methodology
they have been working with.


Table 66: A template for the additional practices description

NNo. Name of the practice

Description A description of the proposed practice – what activities it
includes, how should they be performed, by whom, at what
stages of project.
Related hazards Which hazards (from your risk analysis) the practice is
expected to have influence on.
Expected influence What is the expected result of implementing the practice, in
what way it could reduce the risk, to what extent.
Agility/discipline How the practice will affect the agility of the methodology
balance ie. will it require some alterations in project roles or
additional project stages etc.

Upon completion of the tasks the participants present their ideas during a
workshop, discussing their opinions on how incorporating agile practices into safety-
critical projects can affect the project risk and in what manner they can be supplemented
in order to be more compliant with safety standards.

8.2.4. The results: Hazards and hazard scenarios

In total the participants have identified 124 hazards connected with the insulin
infusion pump. Those hazards reflected different levels of detail and often represented
synonymous situations. Overall, they could be grouped into 9 categories:
(1) User errors (adjusted dose, incorrect configuration, etc.).
(2) Error in measuring the level of insulin or sugar
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(3) Physical / hardware errors

(4) Missing or incorrectly administered insulin doses
(5) Lack of measurement of insulin or sugar within a prescribed period
(6) Errors in alert system (sugar level, the needle slip, discharging, etc.)
(7) Unauthorized use of the device via radio waves
(8) Interruption of system normal activity
(9) Incorrect display of data.
The hazards were analysed by developing FTA diagrams and were anchored in
the software development process if it was justified. The artefacts of this task were
collected with respect to metric A.M2.


Figure 34: An example FTA analysis

8.2.5. The results: Risk analysis and assessment

The assessment of the hazards in relation to the agile process related

impediments was performed using the Designsafe tool. The results of risk assessment
were collected as metric A.M3. Figure 35 and Figure 34 present the distribution of risk
levels assigned to the process impediment – hazard pairs, for Scrum and for eXtreme
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Figure 35: Risk assessment results for Scrum


Figure 36: Risk assessment results for eXtreme Programming

Results for Scrum.

For the process impediment - hazard relationship (of type many-to-many) the
groups considered 337 hazard-impediment pairs. Some of these 337 pairs were
duplicated; nevertheless, they were treated separately if the groups assessed the
corresponding Risk Level differently.
For the pairs associated with high risk, the following software development
process stages along with their impediments were pointed most frequently (Scrum part
of the A.M4 metric):
(1) Product Backlog - incorrect identification of requirements
(2) Sprints Plan - incomplete identification of requirements
(3) general decisions concerning technology and architecture - lack of
architecture plan and crucial implementation decisions
(4) general decisions concerning technology and architecture - incomplete
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architecture plan and lacking crucial implementation decisions

(5) providing the requirements (client) - incorrect identification of requirements (6)
providing the requirements (client) - incomplete identification of requirements
(7) Sprint implementation - incomplete set of tests
(8) product release - large number of detected errors.
As shown in Figure 35, 50% of the pairs were associated with high risk, 26% with
medium risk, 14% with low risk while 10% were associated with negligible risk.

Results for eXtreme Programming.

Overall, the groups working with eXtreme Programming distinguished 669
hazard-impediment pairs. Out of these, 60% pairs were assessed with high risk, 25%
with medium risk, 12% with low risk and 3% with negligible risk (see Figure 36)


The following process stages along with their impediments were assessed with
high risk most frequently (eXtreme Programming part of the A.M4 metric):
(1) User Stories - incomplete identification of requirements
(2) Prototyping - too general plan for architecture and methods of implementing
(3) Release scope: functionalities from previous iteration - large load on errors
from the previous iteration
(4) Tests preparation - incomplete test plan
(5) Unit tests - low test coverage
(6) Acceptance tests - low test coverage
(7) Implementation of the product at the customer premise - large number of
detected errors
(8) Product release - large number of detected errors.

8.2.6. The results: Risk mitigation practices

This task resulted in lists of risk mitigation practices. These results were collected
as metric A.M5. The most commonly proposed practices included:
(1) Introducing an expert knowledge into the project
(2) Extensive testing (i.e. enhanced acceptance tests, Test Driven Development)
(3) Introducing safety standards
(4) Improving quality assurance in relation to the artefacts different than the code
(e.g. improving User Stories quality)
(5) Keeping high coding standards.
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8.2.7. Limitations and validity

While the results of the study brought interesting and valuable knowledge to this
research, there were some limitations and possible threats to validity present.
First of all, the group selected for this study consisted of students, which have a
limited experience and knowledge of the issue. However, as suggested in the paper from
2016 (Stalhane and Malm, 2016), people with very little experience in safety analysis
can perform just as well as the experts during the risk identification.
The number of participants was 36, which is a limited sample when it comes to
definitive conclusions. For resources limitations we had to accept this number as
sufficient to get a generic overview of the young software engineers’ perspective on the


8.2.8. Conclusions

The case study was concluded by the workshop, which took place on 24th of May
Based on the A.M4 metric, we tried to understand better why in the
methodologies which flagship feature is incremental approach to the requirements, a
change or a mistake in Product/Scrum Backlog or User Stories can have, according to
the study, such detrimental effect on the end product. The discussion revealed that in
the opinion of participants a flexible approach to change in requirements could narrow
the scope and undermine rigor and discipline needed from the safety viewpoint.
One could expect to see higher risk associated with the team collaboration
impediments, as interpersonal relations are crucial in agile projects. By contrast, the
participants felt that agile practices, if implemented, effectively remove extreme cases of
interpersonal problems.
The study revealed differences in the participants‘ perception of Scrum and
eXtreme Programming, which is illustrated by the results of Task 2. While assessing
Scrum, the highest risk was perceived in project management practices, whereas for
eXtreme Programming the implementation and in particular coding practices were those
seen as associated with the highest risk.
The participants were cautious when it comes to introducing agile methodologies
into safety-critical projects. They concluded that neither Scrum nor eXtreme
Programming were suitable for such projects in their strict form. The best way to meet
safety-critical requirements would be to combine agile practices of different approaches
(for instance, adding Test Driven Development tools or Pair Programming to Scrum) and
to add risk management practices known from more disciplined approaches.
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The above findings from the case study allowed an evaluation of the incentives,
which led to the formulation of the PhD thesis. The results showed that although the use
of selected agile methods in the safety-critical project might leave some areas of safety
management insufficiently catered for, the idea of agility in such projects might be
beneficial when used in conjunction with some more disciplined practices.
In the results collected as metric A.M5, using safety standards and some support
from expert knowledge were pointed out as ones of the activities that might help improve
the safety of agile methods.
Based on the collected data, the evaluation metric M2 was derived from A.M3
metric as well as metric M3 from A.M5 metric.



In order to gain more experience with the AgileSafe at the early stages of the
method, a case study has been conducted. A Goal Question Metric method has been
used to assess the study.

8.3.1. Case study description

The goal (B.G) was to use AgileSafe to incorporate selected risk management
practices into an agile project with safety requirements. The project was conducted by a
group of students of Informatics and lasted for 2 semesters, from February 2015 till
January 2016.
The project focused on health-related mobile applications. Of particular interest
was how to follow the FDA guidelines being recently issued (Food and Drug
Administration, 2015).
The project team cooperated with a software development studio Bright
Inventions (Bright Inventions, 2017) who offered technical support. The task presented
to the students was to implement an iBeacon (iBeacon, 2017) based clinic appointment
& queue management system for iOS. Main features of the application were as follows:
- appointment reminders,
- queue management,
- patient arrival detection,
- detection of patient's entrance to the consulting room,
- safe handling of the patient's documentation,
- automatic update of documentation,
- navigation facilitation.
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Three students with work experience in iOS were assigned for this project, which
was called DocBeacon which was also the name of the resulting product. Figure 37
presents an excerpt from the Product Backlog.

Figure 37 An excerpt from the Product Backlog for Doc Beacon (Miszczyszyn and Naliwajek, 2016)


DocBeacon was supposed to integrate with Apple Watch, the device that contains
four sensors, which monitor heart rate and an accelerometer (Apple, 2015). The data
stored in the application were classified as confidential. Because of the health monitoring
aspect, DocBeacon could be placed somewhere between fitness-tracking/wellness-
related applications and the applications used for diagnosis, treatment and prevention.
As such, it might be in a “subset of mobile apps that are the focus of FDA’s regulatory
oversight” (Food and Drug Administration, 2015).
With this case study we hoped to answer the following questions:
(B.Q1) Can an agile project development process be complemented with risk
management practices and still maintain its agility?
(B.Q2) Could this project be compliant with ISO 14971 while using the proposed
set of practices?
In order to find these answers the following metrics have been collected:
(B.M1) Project Documentation
(B.M2) Opinions of the team members
(B.M3) AgileSafe assurance arguments for ISO 14971
Taking into consideration both, relatively short time for the project and the
student’s profile we decided not to involve them into the planning phase. It means that
the students were given the AS.A.6 Project Practices Set, without participating in the
preparation of the assurance cases. The AS.P.6 Assert Conformance process also was not
the students’ responsibility.
ISO 14971 has been selected as the reference for Regulatory Requirements and
all the prepared assurance cases were based on this standard.
Table 67 DocBeacon Project Analysis
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Id 1
Name DocBeacon
Description The product is a full-featured system supporting work of medical
clinics. There are two main problems addressed and solved by this
project. The first one is really earthbound: queues. Many medical
clinics allow for online signup, yet clients are compelled to confirm
their presence at the registration desk right before the visit. This
usually means waiting in a long queue. This is particularly a problem
during rush hours such as before 9 am or after 5 pm.
DocBeacon solves this issue through automating the whole
process by connecting beacons in the medical clinic and iOS


devices in clients’ pockets. This simple idea and seamless

implementation allow for „no hassle” experience for the users.
The second issue with medical clinics is the reliability of patients’
medical history interview. People are often confused about what
and when is exactly happening to them. They exaggerate or, even
worse, ignore some symptoms, which makes doctors’ work to
identify health problems often a very painful experience. This
product tries to fix that. DocBeacon utilizes HealthKit API which
makes medical reports and interviews much more reliable and
partially independent from patients’ sensations and emotions.
Potential users of the product: All people and all medical clinics
around the world! For starters, we target only iOS users, but the
iBeacon technology used allows for communication with all kinds of
different devices.
Regulatory ISO 14971
Characteristics Factor Values
Team Size A – Under 10 developers;
Geographical D – Within driving distance;
Domain Complexity C – Quickly changing; D – Complicated
Organisational A – Collaborative;
Technical Complexity B - Multiple technology; C – New
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technology; D - System/embedded
Organisational B – Flexible, structured;
Enterprise Discipline A – Project focus;

In the next step, without the students’ participation, a selection of 20 risk

management and software engineering practices was prepared, including the agile and
agile based practices. The source for these practices were both the agile and disciplined
methods guides (Schwaber, Beedle, 2001; eXtreme Programming, 1999; Boehm,
Turner, 2003; BABOK, 2015) as well as two additional practices developed by the author
of this thesis: Hazard Stories and Risk Backlog (Łukasiewicz, 2017). Then, based on the


AS.A.4 Practices Compliance Pattern, an AS.A.5 Practices Compliance Argument for ISO 14971
was prepared, using the 20 practices. Below is given an excerpt of this AS.A.5 related to
the ISO 14971 requirements: 4.4 Risk Analysis: Estimation of the risk(s) for each
hazardous situation – 4.4a A sequence of situations along with resulting hazard should
be recorded (Figure 38 DocBeacon Practices Compliance Argument for an excerpt of
ISO 14971).

Figure 38 DocBeacon Practices Compliance Argument for an excerpt of ISO 14971

Based on the AS.A.3 Project characteristics and Practices Compliance Argument for
ISO 14971 with the 20 chosen Practices, an AS.A.6 Project Practices Set was compiled.
The Practices were selected with the four risk management phases in mind (ISO 14971,
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1. Risk Analysis
In this project risk identification will be carried out through Hazard Stories/Scenarios.
This term is proposed here to describe extended Risk Statements, similar to User
Stories in their lifecycle. Core of such stories can be determined by using techniques
like Condition-Consequence , If-Then, What/Why, 5 Whys etc. Example: “As a result
of <definite cause>, <uncertain event> may occur, which would lead to <effect on
objective(s)>” (Hillson, 2009)
Hazard Stories should be identified through brainstorming engaging the whole team.


2. Risk Evaluation
Hazards identified in the previous step will be analysed in the form of a Risk Backlog
– a lightweight form of Risk Register. Each Hazard Story should be evaluated using
a Risk Matrix.
Whole team should be engaged in the Risk Evaluation activity. Owner of the Risk
Backlog is the Team along with Product Owner.
For each hazard a strategy should be chosen. A template for Risk Backlog is
presented in the Figure 39:

Id. Hazard Risk Priority Strategy Owner Product State

Story Probability Backlog



Figure 39 Risk Backlog template

3. Risk Control & Residual Risk Evaluation

Risk Backlog will be maintained throughout the project development and updated
incrementally. Risk Backlog should be a part of the Sprint Planning as well as Sprint
Reviews discussions and should be kept up to date.
Any residual risk should be evaluated after each meeting, assessing its level.

4. Post production information

During the final review Risk Backlog should be evaluated and analysed.
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One of the practices suggested for use in the project was creating Hazard Stories
– the stories that would describe potential risks in an agile way, following the User Stories
style, but focused on hazards.
The students were then advised on the practices they should implement in their
project, based on the AS.A.6 Project Practices Set.
Parallel to the above activities an AS.A.8 Project Practices Compliance Argument for
ISO 14971 was prepared. In Figure 40 an excerpt from this argument, containing Hazard
Stories, is presented:


Figure 40 DocBeacon Project Practices Compliance Argument for an excerpt of ISO 14971

Subsequently, an AS.A.10 Project Compliance Argument for ISO 14971 was built
(Figure 41).

Figure 41 DocBeacon Project Compliance Argument for an excerpt of ISO 14971 standard

As the majority of practices chosen for the project were Scrum-based the
students began with planning their work according to this method. In addition to the well-
known practices, they were asked to perform the risk management activities, among
them the aforementioned hazard stories. Below is an example of a hazard story from the
project prepared by the students (Miszczyszyn and Naliwajek, 2016):
“As a result of user light-heartedness, phone may be lost, which would lead to
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possible unauthorized access to the app, if the app isn’t secured (for example with a pin
The artefacts collected during the project were used as evidence in the AS.A.10
Project Compliance Argument.

8.3.2. Results

The case study eventually finished at the end of February 2016. We have
followed the steps of the AgileSafe, except from the AS.AL.1, AS.AL.2 and AS.AL.3
algorithms, which were not fully developed at this stage of research. The artefacts of
AgileSafe were prepared accordingly as specified in the method. All the metrics were
collected as planned. A complete set of AgileSafe assurance cases was prepared for


ISO 14971 standard. The product was presented to Bright Inventions and accepted as a
proof of concept application.
Regarding B.Q1, taking into consideration the collected metrics, the conclusion
is that the DocBeacon project managed to keep the agility of software development while
applying the selected risk management practices.
When it comes to B.Q2, the answer is less certain. While the selected practices
in the AS.A.6 Project Practices Set brought a significant level of risk management, they
would need to be supported with a few more disciplined practices as well in order to fully
comply with ISO 14971, as could be observed in the prepared assurance cases. That
being said, the academic character of the project as well as time available and the team
size of three people, were the vital constraints for introducing a more complex approach
in this case.
All in all, the team perceived the suggested practices as suitable and satisfactorily
agile for this kind of small project.
The resulting software development process was assessed by the participants
as intuitive and convenient.
Based on the B.M3 metric, the evaluation metric M4 was determined. The
practices suggested to the participant were able to cover 75% of the ISO 14971
requirements. This has shown the need to develop an algorithm for AgileSafe method,
which would focus on standard compliance.

8.3.3. Limitations and validity

When conducting the study, we were aware of the limitations and threats to
validity such setting could introduce.
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First of all, the developers involved in the study were all students with a limited
experience. Nevertheless, this threat was tackled by engaging the students with some
experience in the industry projects, who had been working part time in the companies
during their studies.
The time appointed for this project was restricted by the course time-boxes. For
this reason, the author of this thesis herself performed some of the activities suggested
by the method. It decreased the students’ interaction with the method but allowed more
feature to be evaluated. It was the trade-off we decided to accept.


The goal (C.G) of this case study was to evaluate the processes of the method
from AS.P.1 Analyse project to AS.P.5 Prepare Project Compliance Argument process. The
chosen method for evaluation was GQM. The following questions were formed:


(C.Q1) Does the AS.AL.3 Algorithm for AS.A.13 Suggested Project Practices Set in the
AS.A.2 Practices Knowledge Base suggest a set of Practices (AS.A.13 Suggested
Practices Set) that seem reasonable and potentially applicable to the Project?
(C.Q2) Are the guidelines provided to the User in the Section 5.5 coherent and
sufficient for transitioning from AS.A.13 Suggested Practices Set to the AS.A.6 Project
Practices Set?
(C.Q3) Can the AS.A.5 Practices Compliance Argument be constructed for the variety
of Practices from the AS.A.2 Practices Knowledge Base, organizing them in Claims
and Facts about their potential compliance?
(C.Q4) Do the processes operate smoothly without any gaps and errors?

The metrics chosen for this case study were as follows:

(C.M1) The completed AS.A.3 Project Characteristics for the analysed project
(C.M2) The set of AgileSafe Assurance Arguments
(C.M3) The list of Practices in AS.A.13 Suggested Practices Set
(C.M4) The list of Practices in AS.A.6 Project Practices Set

8.4.1. Collection of Practices in the AgileSafe Knowledge Base

In order to calibrate the method, the AS.A.2 Practices Knowledge Base has been
populated with a set of 50 chosen software development practices, ranging from the
flagship agile practices to the disciplined, high ceremony ones.
The motivations behind the choice of these practices were as follows:
1. The Practices in the calibrating set should be diverse, coming from both Agile
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and disciplined approaches. Aim for the ratio between agile and disciplined
practices was between 2:3 and 3:2. The exact ratio is difficult to determine due
to the lack of a defined line between agility and discipline in some cases.
2. The sources of these Practices should be diverse, for both Agile and disciplined
approaches. It meant different Agile methodologies (i.e. Scrum, eXtereme
Programming), some hybrid propositions (i.e. Hazard Stories, SafeScrum
practices) and various disciplined approaches (i.e. risk management methods,
PRINCE 2, BABOK (BABOK: A Guide to the Business Analysis Body of
Knowledge, Volume 3, 2015))
3. The calibrating set should contain a number of risk related practices, both agile
and traditional, due to the evaluation activities, which concern risk management
The practices were added using an Excel spread sheet import to Protégé tool.


The 50 Practices have been also analysed with respect to their ability to provide
necessary evidence for regulatory requirements. The standard chosen for a calibration
of the method and mapped into the AS.A.2 Practices Knowledge Base was ISO 14971:2007.
In order to obtain valuable results with such limited collection, the 50 Practices were
carefully chosen with this particular standard in mind. Naturally, other standards can also
be added and mapped to the Knowledge Base, either in the future research or by the User
using Protégé tool.

The list of these 50 Practices can be found in the (AgileSafe, 2018). This basic
collection has been used in the evaluation process.

8.4.2. The case study

This case study has been carried out for a fictional Project called GlucoMet. It
was based on the project presented to students during the Student’s Assessment Case
Study (section 8.2) as well as the remarks presented in (Chen et al., 2014) and (Zhang,
Jones and Klonoff, 2010).

AS.P.1 Analyse the Project:

The GlucoMet project concerns developing continuous glucose monitoring-
enabled insulin pump system. It has been analysed and its AS.A.3 Project Characteristics
have been described in the Table 68, with respect to the C.M1 metric.

Table 68.Project Characteristics Analysis – GlucoMet

Id 1
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Name GlucoMet
Description Continuous glucose monitoring-enabled insulin pump system
Regulatory ISO 14971
Characteristics Factor Values
Team Size B – From 10 to 50 developers;
Geographical Distribution B – Same building;
Domain Complexity D – Complicated;
Organisational B – Different teams;
Technical Complexity B - Multiple technology; D -
System/embedded solutions;


Organisational B – Flexible, structured;

Enterprise Discipline A – Project focus;

The AS.A.3 Project characteristics values were chosen for their potential to respond
well both to agile and disciplined practices. It is undoubtedly a safety-critical project,
operating in a complicated domain but at the same time the size of the team, distribution
and complexity of the organization open the possibility to introduce some agility.

AS.P.2 Develop/Update AgileSafe Practices Compliance Argument

The AS.A.5 Practices Compliance Argument for ISO 14971 has been updated and
extended to correspond with the state of the AS.A.2 Practices Knowledge Base and its 50
Practices. Most of these collected Practices were connected in some way with risk
management, they were added to the AS.A.2 Practices Knowledge Base with this particular
standard in mind and therefore most were suitable for ISO 14971 conformance. An
excerpt from the AS.A.5 Practices Compliance Argument for ISO 14971 is presented in the
Figure 42.
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Figure 42 An excerpt of Practices Compliance Argument for ISO 14971 in NOR-STA tool

Three of the regulatory requirements at the most detailed level were not covered
at all by the Practices from the AS.A.2 Practices Knowledge Base: 3.3.a The personnel


should have appropriate qualification and records of this shall be maintained; 4.1.c
Additionally the documentation of the risk analysis shall include identification of the
person(s) and organization who carried out the risk analysis; 9.b The system should
collect and review available information about similar devices. None of the Practices from
the AS.A.2 Practices Knowledge Base could provide sufficient evidence for these
requirements. Nevertheless, these requirements can be easily covered by adding simple
activities in the AS.A.8 Project Practices Compliance Argument. These results were collected
as the evaluation metric M10.

AS.P.3 Select Practices

In the first step, the GlucoMet Project has been added to the AS.A.2 Practices
Knowledge Base (an instance of a Project concept, GlucoMet_Proj1) and its AS.A.3 Project
Characteristics have been defined by adding corresponding properties, using Protégé tool.
At the moment of the Evaluation the AS.A.2 Practices Knowledge Base consisted of
50 software development and risk management Practices, which were used as a
calibration for the method. The state of the AS.A.2 Practices Knowledge Base was satisfying
for this kind of project. It has been important to operate on a collection of Practices, which
would be relevant to the analysed context.
Once the Project instance has been established, with all the Factor values, the
suggestion algorithm has been used to determine the AS.A.13 Suggested Practices Set for
GlucoMet Project. A following DL expression was used:

inverse (hasPracticeSuggestion) value GlucoMet_Proj1

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As a result, a list of 33 Practices has been suggested (C.M3 metric).


Figure 43 A screen from Protege tool with the Suggested Practices Set

The number of Suggested Practices reflects the risk orientation of the set of
Practices collected in the AS.A.2 Practices Knowledge Base.
In addition to the traditional, disciplined risk management Practices, some agile
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and hybrid Practices were suggested as well.

The AS.A.13 Suggested Practices Set was further analysed in order to develop the
AS.A.6 Project Practices Set. The objectives for the final choice of Practices were as follows:
1. Favouring agile and hybrid Practices.
2. Following the advice given to Users in the Section 6.4

In the decision process a crucial aspect was also the character of the project,
meaning a close relation with hardware.
As a result, the AS.A.6 Project Practices Set consisted of 20 Practices (metric C.M4),
covering all of the Disciplines and keeping the Requirements coverage from the AS.A.5


Practices Compliance Argument. Thus, the metric M9 could be established as well, as 33

Practices in AS.A.13 Suggested Practices Set to 20 Practices in AS.A.6 Project Practices Set.
The information about AS.A.6 Project Practices Set was subsequently added to the
AS.A.2 Practices Knowledge Base. The list of the Practices is presented in the Figure 44.

Figure 44 A screen from Protege tool with the Project Practices Set

AS.P.4 Generate AgileSafe Project Practices Compliance Argument

Based on the AS.A.6 Project Practices Set and AS.A.5 Practices Compliance Argument,
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a AS.A.8 Project Practices Compliance Argument was built.

For the regulatory requirements, which were not covered in the AS.A.5 Practices
Compliance Argument, some additional activities were presented.
Moreover, the argument was arranged to correspond with the intended use of the
Practice and its artefacts in this specific Project.
An excerpt of this argument is presented in the Figure 45.


Figure 45 An excerpt of Project Practices Compliance Argument for ISO 14971 in NOR-STA tool

AS.P.5 Prepare Project Compliance Argument

In the next step, a AS.A.10 Project Compliance Argument was prepared, based on
the AS.A.8 Project Practices Compliance Argument and with accordance to AS.A.9 Project
Compliance Pattern.
An excerpt of this argument is presented in the Figure 46.
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Figure 46 An excerpt of Project Compliance Argument for ISO 14971 in NOR-STA tool

In further processes of AgileSafe method the evidence should be collected and

placed in the appropriate nodes of the AS.A.10 Project Compliance Argument. The argument
should be audited.


Both AS.A.8 Project Practices Compliance Argument and AS.A.10 Project Compliance
Argument could be then used to present the assessor Project’s compliance with ISO
14971 standard. The assessor might use the Assessment feature in NOR-STA Argevide
tool to assess the provided evidence (Figure 47).

Figure 47: The Asssessment feature in NOR-STA tool for Project Compliance Argument

All of the arguments were collected with respect to the M2 metric.

8.4.3. Conclusions

The AS.A.13 Suggested Practices Set for the Project was relevant to the AS.A.3 Project
Characteristics and the Practices seemed applicable to the Project, which forms an
answer to the question C.Q1. What is more, in relation to the C.Q2 question, the
guidelines for the transition between AS.A.13 Suggested Practices Set to the AS.A.6 Project
Practices Set were useful, albeit it was helpful to know how much of the agility a User want
to introduce.
Due to the targeted character of the calibrating set, most of the Practices from
the AS.A.2 Practices Knowledge Base were arranged into the AS.A.5 Practices Compliance
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Argument and they were arranged into the structure without problems (question C.Q3).
That being said, a thorough reflection and analysis of the Practices is crucial for the
To sum up and answer question C.Q4, the transitions between subsequent
processes were smooth and continuous.

8.4.4. Limitations and validity

The main limitation and possible threat to validity is the fact, that the author
herself performed the study. It means that the results might not be generalized so easily
to potential users of the method. This choice was dictated by the limitations coming from
the tool solutions used at this stage of the method, especially the knowledge base part.


In order to avoid potential distortions of the results coming from the tool skills, such
decision was taken.
Obviously, for better results, the method should be implemented in a real-life
project, which is in scope of the future research plans.


Next step of the evaluation process was aimed at gathering opinion of the experts
and practitioners in the field of project management, software development
methodologies and safety-critical systems, about the AgileSafe.
This step was divided into the following categories:
• Interview with the authors of a hybrid agile method for safety-critical projects,
SafeScrum (Mycklebust, Stålhane and Hanssen, 2016)
• Interview with practitioners from a safety-critical software company Autronica
(Autronica Fire and Security AS, 2017)
• Interviews with experts - the questionnaire
They represented different points of view, which are relevant for the method: the
process engineering, the industry and the safety assessment.

8.5.1. SafeScrum

The goal of this step was to obtain opinions on the AgileSafe method from the
perspective of IT process-engineering specialists.
The specialists involved in this step of evaluation were two of the authors of a
hybrid agile method for safety-critical projects called SafeScrum (Mycklebust, Stålhane
and Hanssen, 2016).
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SafeScrum is a method based on Scrum with added roles and Practices for safety
management and compliance with relevant standards. The overview of the method’s
process is presented in the Figure 48.


Figure 48 Scrum's role in safety critical software development (Mycklebust, Stålhane and Hanssen, 2016).

SafeScrum has been developed in SINTEF (SINTEF, 2017) with cooperation of

Norwegian University of Science and Technology.
There were several meetings held between SafeScrum team and AgileSafe
author, in 21-24 March 2017 and 4-8 September 2017.
The main participants of the meetings were:
• Thor Myklebust (SINTEF)
• Geir Kjetil Hanssen (SINTEF)
• Katarzyna Łukasiewicz (Gdańsk University of Technology)

During these meetings the AgileSafe method was presented in detail to the SafeScrum
authors, along with the tools used in the process. The presentation was followed with
discussions on the possible adoption of elements of AgileSafe method as a framework
for SafeScrum and the potential uses of AgileSafe.
The conclusions most relevant to the evaluation of AgileSafe were as follows:
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1. The SafeScrum authors assessed the AS.A.14 Practice description template

and the way it is represented in the AS.A.2 Practices Knowledge Base. They
found the chosen Characteristics and their Values relevant and the
opinion has been noted as metric M5.
2. They agreed on introducing SafeScrum Practices to the AS.A.2 Practices
Knowledge Base and to use them in further evaluation of the method
(Figure 49).


Figure 49 Introduction of SafeScrum practices to AgileSafe Knowledge Base

3. The assessment of SafeScrum Practices using AgileSafe AS.A.14 Practice

description were consulted with the authors and as such, they can be
regarded as verified Practice descriptions in Knowledge Base. An example of
a SafeScrum Practice description is given in Table 69: SafeScrum Backlog
Splitting .
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Table 69: SafeScrum Backlog Splitting Practice description

Id 28
Name SafeScrum Backlog splitting
Description “In SafeScrum, all requirements are split into safety critical
requirements and other requirements and inserted into separate
product backlogs. Alternatively, the safety requirements are tagged.
Adding a second backlog is an extension of the original Scrum process
and is needed to separate the frequently changed functional
requirements from the more stable safety requirements. With two
backlogs we can keep track of how each item in the functional product
backlog relates to the items in the safety product backlog, i.e. which
safety requirements that are affected by which functional
requirements. This can be done by using simple cross-references in


the two backlogs and can also be supported with an explanation of

how the requirements are related if this is needed to fully understand
a requirement. The staffing of the Sprint team and the duration of the
sprint (30 days is common), together with the estimates of each item
decides which items that can be selected for development. Sometimes
also e.g. the Safety responsible or the RAMS responsible takes part
in the selection of which items have to be prioritized. “
Discipline Architecture No
Deployment No
Development Yes
Environment No
Project Management Yes
Requirements Yes
Test No
Capability Factor Values
Team Size A – Under 10 developers; B – From 10 to
50 developers; C – From 50 to 100
developers; D – 100’s of developers;
Geographical Distribution A – Co-located; B – Same building; C –
Some working from home; D – Within
driving distance; E – Globally distributed
Domain Complexity A – Straightforward; B - Predictable; C –
Quickly changing; D – Complicated; E –
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Organisational A – Collaborative; B – Different teams; C

Distribution – Different departments; D – Different
partner companies; E – Contractual
Technical Complexity A – Homogenous; B - Multiple technology;
C – New technology; D -
System/embedded solutions;
Organisational A – Flexible, intuitive; B – Flexible,
Complexity structured; C – Stable, evolutionary; D –
Stable, planned;
Enterprise Discipline A – Project focus; B – Mostly project
focused; C – Balanced; D – Mostly
enterprise focused;


Used in: Name of the Regulation General Practice Fact

and regulatory
ISO 14971 / 3.1.b The Identified risk can SafeScrum
process shall include risk be maintained and Backlog Splitting
evaluation evaluated in a practice generates
separate backlog a separate backlog
form for analysis and
evaluation of risk

Overall, the method was very well received, with much interest. The most
valuable element of the method, from SafeScrum team point of view, was the set of
AgileSafe assurance arguments as a mean to monitor safety as well as to present better
the Evidence and conformance with a standard to the assessors.

8.5.2. Autronica

Autronica Fire and Security is an international company based in Trondheim in

Norway, producing fire and gas safety solutions (Autronica Fire and Security AS, 2017).
The company has become interested in revising their software development processes
and inspired by their project managers they have begun their cooperation with SINTEF
and SafeScrum group in order to introduce some agility in their teams.
The goal of the interview was to establish what might be the industry’s attitude
towards AgileSafe. As a safety-critical company with an interest in agile approach,
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Autronica might be treated as a target of the AgileSafe method.

The interview took place at 22 March 2017 at the Autronica premises in
Trondheim, Norway and lasted for about two hours.
The case study concerns two of Autronica projects: Autrosafe and AutroMaster.
Each of the developers represented one of these projects. Both projects are safety-
critical and need to be compliant with specific standards and norms.
They have implemented some agile SafeScrum practices in their projects and
have been working on their hybrid agile process for 4 years at the time of writing.
People attending the meeting:
• Katarzyna Łukasiewicz (Gdańsk University of Technology)
• Thor Myklebust (SINTEF)
• Two Autronica Project managers/developers


In the course of the meeting the attendants were at first presented the outline of
AgileSafe, including a live presentation of assurance arguments in NOR-STA Argevide
tool and were allowed to ask questions about the method in order to fully comprehend it.
Secondly, the attendants from Autronica were asked three questions, one by one
and answered them collaboratively in a brainstorm manner. Katarzyna Łukasiewicz was
responsible for recording the answers.
The questions along with their answers are presented below:
1. What were the incentives for introducing agile practices into the company?
What problems did you wish to solve?
Both developers have been in favour of using more agile approach in
safety-critical software development. Their experience both from previous
projects and the current ones led them to some reflections and the need for
change in the existing approach. The main problems they both observed in the
more disciplined, plan-driven approach were:
a. Need for shorter, day-to-day goals rather than big tasks that might take
months to accomplish
b. Documentation load in the disciplined approach for safety-critical
software. In their opinion developers should be able to focus on writing
the code rather than writing the documents. They observed that a lot of
the documents could be obtained from the tools they have been using.
c. Need for more frequent releases and shorter time for introducing changes
in the system. They noticed that the actual changes in products are
cheaper and faster than they used to be because systems rely
increasingly on software thus the changes are made mainly in the
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software part rather than the hardware. The whole process could be
faster, and the guidance did not take this into consideration. What is more,
in their opinion delivering updates faster, in the agile way, is actually safer
because sometimes the changes may solve some potentially fatal errors
and as such they should be released as quickly as possible.
d. Difficulties in managing co-located teams with disciplined approach. They
noticed that agile practices tackled the problem of globally distributed
teams in much better way, introducing modern and practical solutions
along with the tools enabling remote cooperation.
e. Need for more manageable approach to traceability that would allow
keeping the information with less documentation around it.


2. Which agile practices do you currently use in your projects?

a. Stand-ups
b. Sprint Planning
c. Sprint Reviews
d. Sprint Retrospectives
f. Safety Manuals
g. Code reviews
h. Issue reviews
i. Quality Assurance Role (SafeScrum)
j. Peer reviews
k. RAMS Engineer (SafeScrum)
l. Backlog Refinement (SafeScrum)
m. Automatic tests – one of the projects, the second one is an older project
with manual tests load

3. Do you think that AgileSafe might be a useful approach to introducing agile

practices in the safety-critical industry? Which parts of the method do you
find most interesting and potentially useful?
The developers found the AgileSafe method interesting and some of the
elements they found applicable and potentially helpful in their company. In their
opinion the most beneficial aspects of AgileSafe are:
a. As a whole it may be good initial help for developing the process, a new
one or updated.
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b. It may serve as tool for visualising the need for specific practices to the
team – developers can see in what way their work is needed for the
c. Convincing the management or other bodies involved in the project that
the more agile approach might work and satisfy the necessary safety
d. Good way to organise the evidence, to make sure you’re are collecting
the right things.
e. Developers might get the broader perspective and distance themselves
from the code to see the bigger picture.
f. The AS.A.2 Practices Knowledge Base is a good idea, even more if it can be
shared in the agile community.


g. The method could be well used by the SafeScrum RAMS Engineer- the
person responsible for reliability, availability, maintainability and safety.

The answers for the question number 2 has been collected with respect to the
metric M6 and the answers for the question 3 were collected as part of the metric M7.
Finally, the two Project Managers were asked to perform the analysis of their
projects, based on the AgileSafe template:
Table 70.Autronica Autrosafe Project Analysis

Id Autro.1
Name Autrosafe
Description Fire detection system
Regulatory IEC 61508, EN54-2, UL, SOLAS, National Standards
Project Factor Values
Team Size A – Under 10 developers;
Geographical E – Globally distributed
Domain Complexity D – Complicated;
Organisational C – Different departments;
Technical Complexity D - System/embedded solutions;
Organisational E – Rigid
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Enterprise Discipline A – Project focus;

Table 71.Autronica AutroMaster Project Analysis

Id Autro.2
Name AutroMaster
Description Referred to as a “top system”, AutroMaster is a graphical user
interface mainly used for maintaining, configuring and controlling our
fire detection systems.
Regulatory IEC 61508, EN54-2, UL, SOLAS, National Standards


Project Factor Values

Team Size A – Under 10 developers;
Geographical Distribution E – Globally distributed
Domain Complexity D – Complicated;
Organisational C – Different departments;
Technical Complexity B - Multiple technology;
Organisational E – Rigid
Enterprise Discipline B – Mostly project focused;

The AgileSafe template for AS.A.3 Project Characteristics was assessed as clear
and relevant to these two Autronica projects.
All in all, the method has been received positively, with much interest. What is
important, the company expressed interest in future cooperation as well.

8.5.3. Questionnaire for the experts

In order to evaluate the potential consequences of AgileSafe method application

in the industry, an indirect method of an interview has been selected. The goal was to
investigate the potential applicability from a perspective of experts in the software
development methods and safety aspects. The process consisted of the following steps:
1. Determine a group of the experts.
2. Contact the experts.
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3. Present the AgileSafe method in person to the experts, for better understanding.
4. Collect the feedback from the experts.
In the process, a list of five European experts was prepared. It included both
academics and practitioners, with experience in applying software development methods
in the safety-critical industry as well as a member of the IEC standard committee. These
experts were contacted and presented the method in person.
In order to perform Step 4, a questionnaire was prepared. It was distributed in
electronic form of an editable PDF file. In the course of the interviewing process, five
questionnaires were sent back with the answers.
Below are presented the questions from the questionnaire along with the
summary of provided answers:


1. The aim of AgileSafe method is to provide safety-critical software

companies with a solution allowing them to incorporate agile practices into their software
development process while still maintaining the compliance with the software assurance
requirements imposed by the application domain. How do you rate relevancy of this
objective to the safety-critical industry?
All respondents recognized the relevancy of the objective of AgileSafe
method as high and very high, pointing out that with rise of agile methods this is a current
problem in the safety-critical industry.

2. In your opinion, are the characteristics used in AgileSafe to describe

Project and Practices in the knowledge base suitable for suggesting a set of practices
that would be helpful during the definition of a customised, more agile, software
development process?
The Project Characteristics were assessed as suitable, albeit with
suggestions for improvement. The suggestions included: not allowing the size of the
team to exceed 20 people, clarifying the terms and metrics used and including the
starting level/experience in agility.

3. Do you think that the form of representation of regulatory requirements

proposed in the AgileSafe method can provide the necessary means for monitoring and
supporting the conformance with safety requirements?
The use of assurance arguments in AgileSafe was regarded as well
suited, enabling a more structured representation of the regulatory requirements,
although one respondent suggested that it might depend on the assessor as well.
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4. Do you think that AgileSafe method might be successfully adopted within

the safety-critical industry?
Most of the respondents concluded that yes, it can and one stated that it
is difficult to say as it depends on the relationship with the companies and their
willingness to cooperate. The respondents noted that the scale of success would depend
on the personnel involved from the User side as well as the quality of the Knowledge Base
and its Practices.

5. What do you perceive as the main potential benefits of introducing

AgileSafe method to a project?
The main potential benefits recognized by the respondents were: encouraging
compliance driven evidence, increasing motivation and satisfaction of the project team,


better understanding of the impact of agile practices on safety/security, improving safety

case, increasing the probability of assessor acceptance and ensuring the time and cost

6. What issues do you see as potentially problematic while implementing the

method in a project?
The concerns raised by the respondents included: redundancy in AS.A.13
Suggested Practices Set, limited number of Practices and AS.A.5 Practices Compliance
Arguments ready to use at this stage, the need to engage management, combining the
tools to work together, the fact that human factor might fail as well as the perception of
the initial workload.

7. Do you have any additional comments?

One respondent suggested that it might be beneficial to the method to
share with larger public both the Knowledge Base and the AS.A.5 Practices Compliance
Argument in order to gain the feedback and assessments of claims and facts. This way
the method can be “taught” and improved. Another respondent mentioned the need to
develop the method further with closer cooperation with key stakeholders for better fit
with the industry. The need for a demonstrative example was also mentioned, by another

To sum up, the experts’ opinion was positive. They recognized the value of
AgileSafe approach to the industry and acknowledged potential benefits. What is more,
they made some remarks on features that they would like to see improved and suggested
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the directions for future research.

8.5.4. Limitations and validity

Some threats to validity may be raised. The number of experts questioned in this
study is as low as 5, which was dictated by the quality imperative, nevertheless gives a
limited sample of the opinions experts in the domain may present. What is more, the
choice of the experts for this study might have been biased, as well as the responses
themselves because the method was presented first by the author personally in all cases.
This kind of personal approach might have an impact in some way. However, all of the
experts taking part in the study are well-respected researchers and practitioners and as
such their answers could be treated as reliable.


The answers in this questionnaire formed the basis for the evaluation metrics M7
and M8.


The results of the evaluation were as follows:

(Q1) What is the potential impact of introducing agile practice to a safety-critical
software development process?
The metric M1 revealed that there are substantial benefits that might be
expected from introducing certain agile practices to a safety-critical
software development, with reduction of cost, reduction of time-to-market
and enhancements in quality being frequently mentioned in the reports. The
potentially negative aspects of applying agile practices included incomplete
risk management and unsatisfying documentation as evidence in the
conformance processes. The metric M2 confirmed these worries by
showing that 55% of the Scrum and eXtreme Programming practices
combined were assessed as carrying high risk when implemented in safety-
critical software projects. That being said, this risk could be reduced by
introducing additional practices, as indicated in the metric M3.
Based on the metric M1, M2 and M3 we can conclude that the prospect of
potential benefits stemming from the introduction of agile practice to a
safety-critical software development is a valid incentive for doing so,
although the risk that such introduction might carry should be tacled by
introducing additional safety-oriented practices.
(Q2) Is AgileSafe method capable of reducing the negative impact agile practices
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might have on the safety-critical software development process?

In the metric M3 it was indicated that a tailored composition of some
software development practices might reduce the negative impact that the
introduction of agile practices might have on the process. It can be
assumed that AgileSafe method, by suggesting appropriate practices in
addition to the agile practices, might reduce such negative impact. In the
metric M7 the potential of AgileSafe to support risk management activities
was indicated as one of its benefits, as well as the support in the process
of selecting practices for the software development process. At the same
time, in the metric M8 the criticism did not concern the ability of AgileSafe
to reduce the potential negative impact of agile practices.
(Q3) Does the method suggest practices which are relevant to a project and its


The metric M5 was positive about the form of presenting practices in the
Knowledge Base. Taking into consideration metric M6, the list of practices
currently used in these industry projects might have been as well suggested
by the AgileSafe algorithms. While the metric M7 shows that there is a
potential in AgileSafe of suggesting relevant and appropriate practices, the
metric M8 also indicates some issues with the suggestions being only as
sound as the Practices stored in the Knowledge Base. This makes
AgileSafe dependent on the human factor. Nevertheless, the metric M9
collected in a controlled environment, presents the ability of AgileSafe to
produce a satisfying outcome.
(Q4) Does the method support the safety assurance aspect of a project when
introducing new practices?
At first, the metric M4 showed that the AgileSafe in its older version needed
vital improvements when it comes to suggesting the practices that might
respond to the needs of the standards, although the assurance argument
representation felt correct. Metric M10, collected with the AgileSafe in its
current form, shows that the safety assurance aspect is well catered for by
the method’s algorithms and the introduction of new practices, with some
input from the user, can be well managed using AgileSafe method.
(Q5) Do an introduction of agile practices into a software development process
carry a potential benefit of reducing effort needed for a project?
Based on metric M1 the introduction of agile methods can reduce the
overall effort needed for a project, reducing the cost and time-to-market. It
was also confirmed in the M6 metric. The practices being used in two
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industry projects were chosen, among other reasons, for their potential to
reduce the effort.
(Q6) Does AgileSafe method allow for an introduction of agile practices that can
potentially reduce the effort needed for a project?
The metric M7 shows that AgileSafe might support the effectiveness and
quality of work within the team. It also shows it supports the introduction of
agile practices to a safety-critical project. As indicated in the answer to Q5,
assuming that agile practices enable effort reduction, the method allows the
introduction of such practices. While in the metric M8 the initial workload
devoted to the method itself was mentioned, it does not affect in a negative
way the practices themselves and their ability to reduce effort.


The sources of the data for specific metrics are presented in the Figure 50.

Figure 50 Metrics with their data sources

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The decision on which software development practices to implement in a project

can decide about the ultimate success of the project. Introduction of the AgileSafe
method for practices selection has been an attempt to increase the chances of selecting
the most beneficial practices for the safety-critical projects.


The main achievement of the research is the development of AgileSafe method

for selecting software development practices and monitoring conformance. The main
innovations of the AgileSafe method are:
1. A comprehensible framework for practices selection in the critical
software domain, from the definition of the Project to its finishing phase
and assessment.
2. Application of the concept of evidence-based argumentation to represent
the safety requirements imposed by the relevant standards and
regulations and introduction of a three-level structure of assurance
arguments to support conformance achieving and monitoring (AS.A.5
Practices Compliance Argument, AS.A.8 Project Practices Compliance
Argument, AS.A.10 Project Compliance Argument and their patterns).
3. Specification of the AS.A.2 Practices Knowledge Base and the related
reasoning algorithms supporting selection of the Practices for a given
Project (AS.AL.3)
To validate the proposed AgileSafe method, in the course of the research, three
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case studies (Case Study A, Case Study B and Case Study C, presented in Section 8)
have been conducted. The results of these case studies have been partially published
in (Górski and Łukasiewicz, 2012a, 2012b, 2013; Łukasiewicz, 2017; Łukasiewicz and
Górski, 2018).
In the course of the case studies some new agile practices related to risk
management have been discovered, one of the already has been introduced to the set
of recommended practices of the SafeScrum methodology (Hanssen, G. K., Stålhane,
T., Myklebust, T., 2018).
The research and resulting AgileSafe method have already generated a
considerable interest in the industry. This resulted in a grant from Polish-Norwegian
Research Programme for bilateral relations and an ongoing cooperation with a research
team in SINTEF Trondheim. The author of this thesis has been an active member of the
agile in safety community and has been asked to join the programme committee of the


Agile Development of Safety-Critical Software (ASCS) 2018 workshop, held as a part of

the Agile Alliance XP 2018 conference. The author is also a programme committee
member of the International Conference on Lean and Agile Software Development in
2017 and 2018.


The following strategy to demonstrate the thesis has been adopted:

1. Based on literary studies, justify that introduction of agile practices results in
cost reduction and acceleration of manufacturing processes.
2. Propose a method (AgileSafe) of introducing agile practices to safety-critical
software development while maintaining the ability to demonstrate safety.
3. Evaluate the method by case studies and expert assessments.

The evaluation of AgileSafe was performed following the GQM (Goal, Question,
Metrics) approach. The goals of evaluation were following;
(G1) Analyse whether the proposed method supports introduction of agile
practices into a software development process while still maintaining the
compliance with the software assurance requirements imposed by the
application domain.
This goal has been reached by answering questions Q1, Q2, Q3
and Q4. Based on them we can conclude that AgileSafe supports
introduction of agile practices into a software development process while
still maintaining the compliance with the software assurance requirements.
(G2) Analyse whether the proposed method makes it possible to reduce the effort
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devoted to software development processes in safety related projects.

This goal has been demonstrated by answering questions Q5 and
Q6. From these we can conclude that agile practices can reduce the effort
needed for a project and AgileSafe, by supporting an introduction of such
practices, makes it possible to reduce the effort devoted to software
development processes in safety related projects.

It forms the basis of a conviction that the thesis of this research:

The proposed method makes it possible to reduce the effort devoted to
software development processes in safety related projects, without compromising
the requirements of applicable norms and standards.

Has been proved.



The thesis of this research has been evaluated based on the series of studies
described in detail in the Section 8. The validity of the separate studies has been
discussed in the corresponding chapters presenting each of the study. In this chapter,
the overall validity of proving the thesis will be addressed.
As mentioned in the previous chapter, the reasoning behind the applied
evaluation approach was that, if agile practices can reduce the effort needed for a
project, then AgileSafe method by supporting an introduction of such practices supports
the reduction of effort as well. There may be some limitations and possible threats to
validity when implementing this reasoning.
This way of indirect evaluation does not bring the same solid evidence as a direct
evaluation performed in a real-life project, with measurable effects in effort reduction (i.e.
a comparative study). Nevertheless, the indirect evaluation was chosen for the following
- Time constraints related with doctoral research
The implementation of the method in a real-life project and collecting the
needed metrics might take a few years, which would exceed the time that
could be formally devoted to the doctoral research. Nevertheless, this is one
of the goals for the future work.
- The safety-critical nature of application domain
The organizations that develop safety-critical software are cautious when
introducing new methods and rightly so. However, this causes difficulties with
finding a partner for evaluation. In this research, we found a partner in
Norway, willing to evaluate the method, but firstly on a theoretical level
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(Section 8.5.2) with a possibility to broaden the cooperation. Nevertheless,

this kind of negotiations is time consuming and, as mentioned in the previous
paragraph, the time constraints allowed only for that first step to be included
in the doctoral thesis.
Nevertheless, the interest in AgileSafe already generated in the research and
industrial community is a good prognostic for a possibility of its application in a full-scale
real-life software development project in a critical domain.



The research on the AgileSafe method and ideas presented in it is to be

continued. Areas of future work might include:
• An online tool for handling AS.A.2 Practices Knowledge Base and AS.P.3 Select
practices more easily, without the use of specific languages or tools
• Sharing with community the AS.A.2 Practices Knowledge Base and collect the
Practices from other sources to increase the number of available Practices
• An evaluation of the method in a real-life safety-critical project
• Develop better and faster ways to connect the AS.A.6 Project Practices Set with
NOR-STA tool (i.e. XML exports and imports), in order to automate the process
of connecting the Practices from the AS.A.2 Practices Knowledge Base with the
arguments in NOR-STA.
• Working on a broader base of pre-defined AS.A.5 Practices Compliance Arguments
for a larger number of standards
• Getting experts’ opinions on AS.A.5 Practices Compliance Arguments with NOR-STA
appraisal mechanisms and using it to “teach” the AgileSafe method
• Adapting AgileSafe for security domain – the directions for this have been
outlined in (Górski and Łukasiewicz, 2017) and are currently continued in a
master’s thesis project
• Applying AgileSafe in a real-life project and direct measurement of the benefits
resulting from the method.
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A.1 Wprowadzenie
Nadrzędnym celem procesów wytwórczych w projekcie informatycznym jest
dostarczenie oprogramowania wysokiej jakości, które zadowoliłoby klienta i przyniosłoby
satysfakcjonujące dochody. Na sukces projektu wpływa wiele czynników, a jednym z
kluczowych wydaje się być właściwy wybór metody wytwarzania oprogramowania.
Metody wytwarzania oprogramowania oferują wytyczne dotyczące stosowania
określonych działań i aktywności oraz sposobu organizowania ich w jednolity proces
wytwórczy. Obecnie dostępnych jest wiele metod, od zdyscyplinowanych, sterowanych
planem i zorientowanych na proces po bardziej elastyczne, zorientowane na ludzi,
zwinne podejścia.
Metody sterowane planem, jak sama nazwa wskazuje, koncentrują się na
aspektach planowania procesów wytwórczych. Przykłady takich metodyk to model
kaskadowy i SW-CMM (Software Engineering Institute, 1993). Na drugim końcu
spektrum znajdują się zwinne metodyki. W Manifeście Agile (Agile Manifesto, 2001),
który opisuje zasady stojące za tą grupą metodyk, podkreślono, że to działające
oprogramowanie, współpraca i elastyczność w reagowaniu na zmiany są cenione
bardziej niż dokumentacja, procesy i plany. Scrum (Schwaber, Beedle, 2001) i eXtreme
Programming (eXtreme Programming, 1999) są przykładami takich metodyk.
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Pomiędzy tymi dwiema skrajnościami można zidentyfikować metody hybrydowe.

Traktują one wszystkie metodyki jako zbiór praktyk, działań i wytycznych, wybierając
elementy potencjalnie korzystne, zarówno wśród praktyk podejścia zdyscyplinowanego,
jak i zwinnego, łącząc je następnie w innowacyjny sposób.
Powszechnie przyjmuje się, że nie istnieje jedna, idealna metodyka pasująca do
wszystkich rodzajów projektów informatycznych (Brooks, 1987). Zarówno elastyczne,
jak i oparte na planach podejścia mają swoje mocne i słabe strony, w zależności od
dziedziny i cech danego projektu.
Dziedzina, dla której dedykowany będzie dany system, jest ważnym czynnikiem
wpływającym na decyzję o wyborze metody wytwarzania oprogramowania dla danego
projektu. Niektóre dziedziny, takie jak dziedziny systemów o wymaganiach krytycznych
względem bezpieczeństwa, są obarczone tak specyficznymi ograniczeniami i
wymaganiami, że mają kluczowy wpływ na to, z jakich metod wytwarzania

oprogramowania można korzystać. Systemy o wymaganiach krytycznych względem
bezpieczeństwa to systemy, "których awaria może zagrozić życiu ludzkiemu,
doprowadzić do znaczącej straty finansowej lub spowodować znaczne szkody w
środowisku" (Knight, 2002). Takie systemy można znaleźć w transporcie, ochronie
zdrowia, przemyśle energetycznym i wielu innych dziedzinach, w których pewne
kluczowe zadania są przenoszone na rozwiązania technologiczne. Potencjalne szkody
w przypadku nieprawidłowego działania systemu mogą mieć znaczący wpływ na jego
środowisko i otoczenie. Z tego powodu systemy o wymaganiach krytycznych względem
bezpieczeństwa podlegają wielu przepisom i normom, które określają w jaki sposób
należy zadbać o to, aby ostateczne oprogramowanie było bezpieczne. Niektóre
standardy regulują również proces rozwoju i definiują jego niezbędne działania i
W ostatnich latach rosnąca konkurencja na rynku IT miała również wpływ na
systemy związane z bezpieczeństwem. Dzięki powszechnemu stosowaniu elementów
oprogramowania, na przykład w samochodach lub samolotach, każdy jest dziś
potencjalnym użytkownikiem oprogramowania o znaczeniu krytycznym dla
bezpieczeństwa, co naturalnie zmieniło perspektywę firm oferujących takie
oprogramowanie. Na przykład, jeśli chodzi o firmy produkujące oprogramowanie
medyczne, przeszły one od wspierania jedynie szpitali i lekarzy do dostarczania usług w
zakresie spersonalizowanych rozwiązań w dziedzinie e-zdrowia bezpośrednio dla
pacjentów. Kluczowe stało się oferowanie lepszego oprogramowania, bardziej
atrakcyjnego dla użytkownika, przy utrzymaniu kosztów tak niskich, jak to tylko możliwe,
w celu konkurowania na tym szybko zmieniającym się i dynamicznie rosnącym rynku. W
związku z tym istnieje duże zapotrzebowanie na zwiększenie wydajności procesów
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wytwarzania oprogramowania (pod względem nakładu pracy i czasu), przy

jednoczesnym przestrzeganiu wymogów bezpieczeństwa narzuconych przez
odpowiednie normy i przepisy.

A.2 Cel i teza rozprawy

Celem badań opisanych w niniejszej pracy było opracowanie podejścia mającego
na celu ułatwienie wprowadzenia bardziej elastycznego podejścia do procesu
wytwarzania oprogramowania, zależnego od cech projektu, przy zachowaniu zgodności
z wymaganymi standardami i przepisami bezpieczeństwa. Przedstawiona w tej pracy
metoda AgileSafe jest głównym rezultatem tych badań.

Teza pracy została sformułowana następująco:
Zaproponowana metoda umożliwia istotne obniżenie nakładów na
wytwarzanie oprogramowania w projektach związanych z bezpieczeństwem, bez
naruszania wymagań wynikających z norm i standardów dotyczących
zapewniania bezpieczeństwa.

A.3 Zastosowane podejście badawcze

Badania przedstawione w tej rozprawie obejmowały następujące kroki:
Krok I. Analiza zalecanych i obecnie stosowanych (rygorystycznych) praktyk
tworzenia oprogramowania dla systemów o wymaganiach krytycznych względem
Krok II. Analiza zalecanych i obecnie stosowanych zwinnych praktyk w zakresie
wytwarzania oprogramowania i ich wpływu na wydajność procesów wytwórczych
Krok III. Analiza ograniczeń wynikających z obecnych regulacji i standardów
związanych z domeną oprogramowania o wymaganiach krytycznych względem
bezpieczeństwa (ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem urządzeń medycznych)
Krok IV. Opracowanie nowego, hybrydowego podejścia - metody AgileSafe -
która jest głównym wynikiem tych badań.
Krok V. Identyfikacja drogą eksperymentu, tych zwinnych praktyk, które mogłyby
być włączone w zakres proponowanej metody.
Krok VI. Opracowanie i integracja narzędzi wspierających AgileSafe w celu
zademonstrowania metody.
Krok VII. Wybór kryteriów oceny proponowanej metody.
Krok VIII. Ocena AgileSafe - według studiów przypadków i ankiet z udziałem
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A.4 Dziedzina problemowa

W celu zapewnienia bezpieczeństwa działania systemu w jego docelowym
środowisku, troska o jego bezpieczeństwo powinna zacząć się już w procesie
wytwarzania. System powinien być analizowany pod kątem potencjalnego ryzyka, które
rozumiane jest jako "możliwość utraty, uszkodzenia lub niekorzystnej sytuacji" w
zakresie wytwarzania oprogramowania, jak i eksploatacji w jego docelowym otoczeniu
(Miler i Górski, 2001).
Niemniej jednak, obecnie szacuje się, że błędy oprogramowania są źródłem
około 25% zdarzeń niepożądanych (Jones, Górski, 2017) zarejestrowanych w
amerykańskiej bazie danych Manufacturer and User facility Device Experience (MAUDE,

2017). Warto wspomnieć także o znanych wypadkach, w wyniku których wielu ludzi
straciło życie lub odniosło ciężki uszczerbek na zdrowiu właśnie w wyniku wadliwego
działania oprogramowania, takich jak awaria systemu ostrzegania w Airbus A340-642
(AAIB, 2005), błędne działanie akcelerometru w Boeing 777-200 (ATSB, 2005) lub
tragiczne w skutkach błędy obliczeniowe przy radioterapii maszyną Therac-25 (Leveson,
Rynek oprogramowania krytycznego dla bezpieczeństwa najprawdopodobniej
będzie rozwijał się w przyszłości, wraz ze spadkiem kosztów sprzętu i rozwojem nowych
możliwości oferowanych przez oprogramowanie (Knight, 2002). W związku z tym,
znaczenie rozwiązań zapewniających bezpieczeństwo, będzie rosło, zwłaszcza że czas
wydania produktu oraz koszty odgrywają coraz ważniejszą rolę w tej dziedzinie.
Podczas gdy metody sterowane planem dowiodły swojej wartości i przydatności
w projektach o kluczowym znaczeniu dla bezpieczeństwa, przy rozwijającym się rynku
oprogramowania ostatnich kilku lat, podejście to jest wystawiane na próbę (Ge, Paige,
McDermid, 2010). Rosnąca konkurencja, stale zmieniające się technologie i bardziej
zróżnicowane grupy klientów zmieniły oczekiwania wobec metod wytwarzania
oprogramowania. Potrzeba dostarczenia systemów o odpowiedniej jakości, szybciej i
przy niższych kosztach w porównaniu do konkurentów sprawiły, że zaczęto
poszukiwać alternatywnych rozwiązań (Petersen, Wohlin, 2010).
W odpowiedzi na te potrzeby, metodyki zwinne oferują praktyki ceniące bliską
relację z klientami, pozwalające na bardziej swobodne podejście do dokumentacji i
zapewniające elastyczny cykl życia w oparciu o krótkie iteracje (Abrahamsson et al.,
2002). Pomyślnie wdrożone, zwinne praktyki mogą potencjalnie obniżyć koszty
produkcji, jak również czas wprowadzenia produktu na rynek (Drobka, Noftz, Raghu,
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2004; Lindvall et al., 2004)

Według raportu CHAOS (Standish Group, 2015) z lat 2011-2015, projekty, w
których zastosowano metody zwinne, w 39% zakończyły się powodzeniem. Dla
porównania, tylko 11% projektów realizowanych zgodnie z podejściem kaskadowym
można było uznać za ukończone z sukcesem. Co więcej, tylko 9% zwinnych projektów
zakończyło się niepowodzeniem, podczas gdy projekty kaskadowe zawiodły w 29%
VersionOne w swoim 10 raporcie State of Agile przedstawia zalety zwinności, na
podstawie 3 880 zebranych odpowiedzi od swoich respondentów (VersionOne, 2016).
W odniesieniu do naszych badań, najciekawsze były wyniki dotyczące redukcji nakładu
pracy: 85% respondentów zauważyło wzrost produktywności zespołu, 80% krótszy czas
wejścia na rynek i 79% poprawę jakości oprogramowania, gdy wprowadzili zwinność w
swoich projektach.

Wobec takiego potencjału, jakie prezentują metodyki zwinne, zaczęły pojawiać
się metody proponujące integrację praktyk metodyk zwinnych do procesów wytwórczych
oprogramowania o wymaganiach krytycznych względem bezpieczeństwa. W 2009 roku
Weiguo i Xiaomin (Weiguo, Xiaomin, 2009) zaprezentowali podejście oparte na
zwinności, odpowiednie dla projektów urządzeń medycznych zgodnych z FDA.
Podejście zostało ograniczone do konkretnej dziedziny, dlatego trudno je uznać za
uniwersalne rozwiązanie. Innym interesującym podejściem jest model AV (McHugh,
McCaffery and Coady, 2014), łączący tradycyjny model V ze Scrum i koncentrujący się
na oprogramowaniu medycznym oraz na standardzie IEC 62304. Podczas, gdy model
AV przedstawia obiecujące rozwiązanie, jego potencjalne zastosowania są ograniczone
i jako takie nie mogą być powszechnie zalecane.
Bardziej ogólne i praktyczne rozwiązanie zaproponowała grupa badawcza z
SINTEF (SINTEF, 2017) oraz Norweskiego Uniwersytetu Nauki i Technologii
(Norwegian University of Science and Technology, 2017). Zaproponowali oni metodę
SafeScrum (Mycklebust, Stålhane and Hanssen, 2016), która koncentruje się na
dostosowaniu Scruma do rozwoju oprogramowania o znaczeniu krytycznym dla
bezpieczeństwa. Metoda ta zapewnia dobrze zbadany zestaw praktyk, chociaż aspekt
dowodzenia zgodności z wymaganiami dotyczącymi bezpieczeństwa jest wciąż w
trakcie rozwoju.
Więcej na temat powiązanych prac i badań można przeczytać w rozdziale 3
niniejszej pracy.
Chociaż omówione modele adaptowania zwinnych praktyk do projektów
krytycznych z punktu widzenia bezpieczeństwa są cennymi źródłami wiedzy, nadal
istnieje potrzeba opracowania łatwiejszego w użyciu i dokładnego zestawu wytycznych
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dla projektów o krytycznych wymaganiach względem bezpieczeństwa, które chciałyby

dostosować zwinne metodyki do swoich potrzeb. Metoda AgileSafe, będąca wynikiem
tych badań doktoranckich, jest próbą dostarczenia takiego rozwiązania, bardziej
uniwersalnego niż analizowane podejścia i jednocześnie umożliwiającego zapewnienie
bezpieczeństwa i efektywności procesu.

A.5 Metoda AgileSafe

Większość działań związanych z metodą AgileSafe odbywa się na etapie
planowania projektu. Dodatkowe obciążenie pracą na etapie wytwarzania jest
ograniczone do minimum i koncentruje się na wymaganiach standardów, a także
praktykach wprowadzonych do projektu. Większość elementów metody, po jej

przygotowaniu, może być ponownie wykorzystana lub dostosowana później do innych
Istnieją dwa główne przypadki użycia AgileSafe. Pierwszym i podstawowym jest
Zastosowanie AgileSafe, czyli uzyskanie porady na temat procesu tworzenia
oprogramowania, z sugestiami, które praktyki zastosować i jak zapewnić zgodność z
wybranymi standardami. Drugim sposobem jest Udoskonalenie metody poprzez
aktualizację wiedzy przechowywanej w metodzie, dostarczając informacji zwrotnych i
danych o nowych praktykach.
Schemat użycia AgileSafe na wysokim poziomie przedstawiono na Rysunku 1 w
rozdziale 4.1 niniejszej pracy.

A.5.1 Zastosowanie AgileSafe

Informacje o projekcie oraz o kontekście regulacyjnym ograniczającym projekt i
jego produkt są danymi wejściowymi do metody. Użytkownik musi określić
charakterystykę projektu i regulacje, którym projekt podlega. Na ich podstawie
użytkownik prowadzony jest przez dwa główne procesy AgileSafe: proces, który
sugeruje praktyki programistyczne, które mogą być zastosowane w projekcie, oraz
proces, w którego efekcie powstaje zestaw argumentów wiarygodności odpowiadający
regulacjom zawartym w ograniczeniach wejściowych.
Pierwszy krok przypadku Zastosowanie AgileSafe to analiza cech
charakteryzujących projekt. W tym procesie użytkownik powinien zebrać informacje o
projekcie, które są następnie wykorzystywane jako dane wejściowe do kolejnych kroków
AgileSafe. W celu określenia charakterystyki projektu, AgileSafe stosuje podejście do
skalowania podejścia zwinnego, przedstawione przez Scotta W. Amblera (Ambler,
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2010). Jak zauważył Kruchten w (Kruchten, 2011), kontekst jest kluczowy w

decydowaniu o tym, jak zwinny może być proces wytwarzania oprogramowania i
zarządzanie nim w danym projekcie. Skalowalne czynniki Amblera reprezentują szerokie
spektrum okoliczności, zarówno związanych z firmą, jak i projektem.
Czynniki opisane przez Amblera zostały rozbudowane o skale ocen na potrzeby
metody AgileSafe. Każdy czynnik może być oceniony w 5-punktowej skali.
1. Rozmiar zespołu (na podstawie badania Amblera (Ambler, 2012))
(Liczba programistów pracujących w projekcie)
A - Mniej niż 10 programistów; B - Od 10 do 50 programistów; C - Od 50 do 100
programistów; D - 100 programistów; E-1000 programistów

2. Dystrybucja geograficzna zespołu (na podstawie ankiety Amblera (Ambler, 2012))
(Gdzie są fizycznie zlokalizowani członkowie zespołu?)
A – To samo pomieszczenie; B - Ten sam budynek; C - W odległości dojazdu
samochodem; D - Niektórzy pracują w domu; E - Globalnie rozdystrybuowani
3. Złożoność dziedziny produktu
(Jak skomplikowana jest docelowa domena produktu?)
A - Prosta; B - Przewidywalna; C - Szybko się zmienia; D - Skomplikowana; E -
Skomplikowana / rozwijana
4. Dystrybucja organizacyjna
(Jaka jest przynależność osób pracujących w projekcie, jak zorganizowana jest praca?)
A – Wspólna praca; B - Różne zespoły; C - Różne działy; D - Różne firmy partnerskie; E
- Kontraktowi
5. Złożoność techniczna
(Jak skomplikowana jest strona technologiczna projektu?)
A - Homogeniczny; B - Wiele technologii; C - Nowa technologia; D - Rozwiązania
systemowe / wbudowane; E - Heterogeniczny / starszy
6. Złożoność organizacyjna
(Jakie są struktury firmy, w jaki sposób są zarządzane?)
A - Elastyczna, intuicyjna; B - Elastyczna, uporządkowana; C - Stabilna, ewolucyjna; D -
Stabilna, zaplanowana; E - Sztywna
7. Dyscyplina przedsiębiorstwa
(Co leży w centrum uwagi kierownictwa firmy?)
A – Skoncentrowana na projekcie; B - Głównie skoncentrowana na projekcie; C -
Zrównoważona; D - Głównie skoncentrowana na przedsiębiorstwie; E - Skoncentrowana
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na przedsiębiorstwie
W AgileSafe wbudowana została baza wiedzy, która zapewnia dopasowanie
odpowiednich zwinnych praktyk do charakterystyki projektu. Algorytmy, które sugerują
praktyki dla użytkownika są zaimplementowane w bazie wiedzy w postaci reguł SWRL
(SWRL, 2004). Dlatego też, charakterystyka projektu musi zostać dodana do bazy
wiedzy, w celu uzyskania sugestii dotyczących praktyk odpowiednich dla tego projektu.
Aby zapewnić, że wymogi bezpieczeństwa określone w odpowiednich
regulacjach zostały wbudowane w projekt, AgileSafe wykorzystuje argumenty
wiarygodności. Główną ideą jest zapewnienie argumentów wiarygodności dla procesu
wytwarzania oprogramowania, jak również dla samego produktu końcowego. Podczas
gdy ten ostatni służy do wykazania zgodności produktu z daną normą lub standardem,
pierwszy ma na celu wykazanie, że wybrane praktyki wytwarzania oprogramowania
zapewniają wystarczający poziom bezpieczeństwa dla powstałego produktu. Dzięki

temu połączonemu podejściu użytkownik może zapewnić, że wybrane praktyki są
odpowiednie dla konkretnego projektu, z jego wymaganiami bezpieczeństwa nałożonymi
przez wymagane normy i standardy.
Wzorce argumentów wiarygodności bazują na odpowiednich normach,
standardach i wytycznych. Oparte są o podejście Trust-IT (NOR-STA, 2017), (Cyra,
Górski, 2011), (Górski, Jarzębowicz, Miler, 2012). Aby ułatwić korzystanie z AgileSafe,
w metodzie zostało wykorzystane narzędzie NOR-STA Argevide (Argevide, 2017),
służące do zarządzania zestawem argumentów AgileSafe.
Wszystkie argumenty w metodzie opracowywane są osobno dla każdego
obowiązującego standardu w celu obsługi oddzielnych procesów certyfikacji i są oparte
na strukturze danego standardu Istnieją trzy typy argumentów wiarygodności w
AgileSafe: Argumenty zgodności praktyk, Argument zgodności praktyk projektu i
Argument zgodności projektu. Pierwsze dwa koncentrują się na praktykach wytwarzania
oprogramowania, które są w stanie wytworzyć niezbędny materiał zgodności, zaś ostatni
przedstawia argumentację opartą na faktycznie zebranych artefaktach projektu.
Rysunek przedstawiający relację między argumentami, wraz z rozszerzonym opisem
można znaleźć w rozdziale 7 niniejszej pracy.

A.5.2 Udoskonalenie AgileSafe

W celu dalszego ulepszenia metody i dokładniejszego dopasowania jej do
potrzeb użytkownika, wiedza przechowywana w metodzie powinna być regularnie
weryfikowana i aktualizowana.
Użytkownik może wprowadzić nowe praktyki programistyczne do puli praktyk, z
których wybierane są sugerowane praktyki. W tym celu użytkownik powinien dodać nową
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praktykę lub uaktualnić już istniejącą w bazie wiedzy metody. Można je również dodać
do argumentów wiarygodności AgileSafe.
Użytkownik może także uaktualnić listę standardów wspieranych przez
argumenty wiarygodności.

Więcej szczegółowych informacji na temat przypadków użycia oraz procesów i

artefaktów metody AgileSafe można znaleźć w rozdziale 4 niniejszej pracy.

A.6 Walidacja metody

W celu oceny AgilSafe zastosowano metodę Cel-Pytanie-Metryka (Goal-
Question-Metric) (Van Solingen, Berghout, 1999).

Na podstawie tezy tej rozprawy doktorskiej zadeklarowano dwa cele:
(G1) Analiza proponowanej metody pod kątem wspierania wprowadzenia
zwinnych praktyk do procesu wytwarzania oprogramowania, zachowując
jednocześnie zgodność z wymaganiami dotyczącymi bezpieczeństwa
narzuconymi przez dziedzinę projektu.
(G2) Analiza proponowanej metody pod kątem wpływu na zmniejszenie
nakładów poświęconych na proces wytwarzania oprogramowania w projektach
związanych z bezpieczeństwem.
W odniesieniu do tych celów określono następujące pytania badawcze:
(Q1) Jaki jest potencjalny wpływ wprowadzenia zwinnych praktyk na proces
wytwarzania oprogramowania o krytycznym znaczeniu dla bezpieczeństwa?
(Q2) Czy metoda AgileSafe może zmniejszyć negatywny wpływ zwinnych praktyk
na proces wytwarzania oprogramowania krytycznego dla bezpieczeństwa?
(Q3) Czy metoda sugeruje praktyki, które mają odniesienie do projektu i jego
(Q4) Czy metoda ta wspiera aspekt zapewniania bezpieczeństwa projektu
podczas wprowadzania nowych praktyk?
(Q5) Czy wprowadzenie zwinnych praktyk do procesu wytwarzania
oprogramowania przynosi potencjalnie korzyść w postaci zmniejszenia nakładów
związanych z projektem?
(Q6) Czy metoda AgileSafe pozwala na wprowadzenie zwinnych praktyk, które
mogą potencjalnie zmniejszyć nakłady potrzebne do projektu?
Aby znaleźć odpowiedzi na te pytania, zebrano następujące metryki:
(M1) Lista korzyści i problemów związanych z wprowadzeniem zwinnych praktyk
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- w oparciu o dane z literatury dotyczące stosowania zwinnych praktyk w rozwoju

oprogramowania krytycznego dla bezpieczeństwa, zebranego w rozdziałach 2 i
3 niniejszej pracy.
(M2) Ocena ryzyka dotycząca wprowadzenia praktyk Scrum i eXtreme
Programming do wytwarzania oprogramowania krytycznego dla bezpieczeństwa
- w oparciu o dane dotyczące postrzeganego wpływu praktyk zwinnych na
procesy wytwórcze oprogramowania krytycznego dla bezpieczeństwa, zebrane
w rozdziale 8.2 niniejszej pracy.
(M3) Lista dodatkowych praktyk potrzebnych do ograniczenia ryzyka przy
wprowadzaniu praktyk Scrum i eXtreme Programming - w oparciu o dane
dotyczące postrzeganego wpływu praktyk zwinnych na procesy wytwórcze
oprogramowania krytycznego dla bezpieczeństwa, zebrane w rozdziale 8.2
niniejszej pracy.

(M4) Pokrycie argumentów wiarygodności AgileSafe dla standardu ISO 14971
przez praktyki sugerowane w studium przypadku - w oparciu o dane dotyczące
stosowalności głównych elementów metody AgileSafe w projektach związanych
z bezpieczeństwem, w kontrolowanym i ograniczonym środowisku, zebrane w
rozdziale 8.3 niniejszej pracy.
(M5) Ocena szablonu dodawania nowej praktyki przez ekspertów SafeScrum - w
oparciu o teoretyczne oceny AgileSafe przez ekspertów, zebrane w rozdziale 8.5
niniejszej pracy
(M6) Lista zwinnych praktyk stosowanych obecnie w dwóch branżowych
projektach o krytycznym znaczeniu dla bezpieczeństwa - w oparciu o teoretyczną
ocenę AgileSafe przeprowadzoną przez ekspertów, opisaną w rozdziale 8.5
niniejszej pracy
(M7) Lista najbardziej wartościowych aspektów metody AgileSafe - na podstawie
ocen AgileSafe przez ekspertów, zgromadzonych w rozdziale 8.5 niniejszej pracy
(M8) Lista najbardziej kłopotliwych aspektów metody AgileSafe - w oparciu o
oceny AgileSafe przez ekspertów, zebranych w rozdziale 8.5 niniejszej pracy
(M9) Związek między liczbą sugerowanych praktyk (AS.A.13) a liczbą praktyk
projektowych (AS.A.6) - na podstawie danych zebranych w rozdziale 8.4
niniejszej pracy
(M10) Pokrycie argumentów wiarygodności AgileSafe dla standardu ISO 14971
przez zestaw praktyk dla projektu GlucoMet - na podstawie danych zebranych w
rozdziale 8.4 niniejszej pracy
Cel G.1 został osiągnięty poprzez udzielenie odpowiedzi na pytania Q1, Q2, Q3
i Q4. Na ich podstawie możemy wywnioskować, że AgileSafe wspiera wprowadzanie
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zwinnych praktyk w proces tworzenia oprogramowania, zachowując jednocześnie

zgodność z wymaganiami dotyczącymi zapewnienia oprogramowania.
Cel G.2 został osiągnięty poprzez odpowiedź na pytania Q5 i Q6. Na tej
podstawie możemy stwierdzić, że zwinne praktyki mogą zredukować nakłady potrzebne
do projektu, a AgileSafe, wspierając wprowadzenie takich praktyk, umożliwia
zmniejszenie nakładów poświęconych procesom wytwarzania oprogramowania w
projektach związanych z bezpieczeństwem.
Stanowi to podstawę do przekonania, że teza tej pracy:
Zaproponowana metoda umożliwia istotne obniżenie nakładów na
wytwarzanie oprogramowania w projektach związanych z bezpieczeństwem, bez
naruszania wymagań wynikających z norm i standardów dotyczących
zapewniania bezpieczeństwa.
została udowodniona.

A.7 Wkład rozprawy w rozwój dziedziny
Głównym osiągnięciem badań związanych z niniejszą pracą doktorską jest
opracowanie metody do wyboru praktyk programistycznych i monitorowania zgodności,
nazwanej AgileSafe. Główne innowacyjne elementy AgileSafe to:
1. Framework wspomagający dobór praktyk programistycznych w projektach o
wymaganiach krytycznych względem bezpieczeństwa, od definicji projektu po fazę
końcową i ocenę wiarygodności.
2. Zastosowanie koncepcji argumentacji opartej na dowodach do
reprezentowania wymagań bezpieczeństwa narzuconych przez odpowiednie normy i
standardy oraz wprowadzenie trzypoziomowej struktury argumentów wiarygodności w
celu wsparcia osiągania i monitorowania zgodności (Argument zgodności praktyk,
Argument zgodności praktyk projektu, Argument zgodności projektu i ich wzorce).
3. Specyfikacja bazy wiedzy i związanych z nią algorytmów wnioskowania,
wspierających dobór praktyk dla danego projektu
Aby zweryfikować proponowaną metodę AgileSafe, w trakcie badań
przeprowadzono trzy studia przypadku:
Case Study A
Głównym celem tego studium przypadku było sporządzenie listy
kontrolnej zagrożeń, a także oceny ryzyka dla włączenia zwinnych praktyk w
procesy wytwórcze projektów o krytycznym znaczeniu dla bezpieczeństwa, w
oparciu o analizę ryzyka dostarczoną przez uczestników. Ponadto, sugestie
uczestników dotyczące dodatkowych praktyk ograniczających potencjalne
ryzyko zostały zbadane i uznane za cenne podczas przygotowywania metody
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Case Study B
Celem tego studium było wykorzystanie AgileSafe do włączenia
wybranych praktyk zarządzania ryzykiem do zwinnego projekt z wymaganiami
dotyczącymi bezpieczeństwa. Projekt był prowadzony przez grupę studentów
informatyki i trwał 2 semestry, od lutego 2015 do stycznia 2016.
Projekt skupiał się na rozwoju aplikacji mobilnej związanej ze zdrowiem.
Szczególnie interesujące było to, w jaki sposób mogłoby wyglądać wdrożenie
wytycznych FDA, które zostały niedawno wydane (Food and Drug Administration,
Zespół projektu współpracował ze studiem programistycznym Bright
Inventions (Bright Inventions, 2017), które zaoferowało wsparcie techniczne.

Zadanie studentów polegało na zaimplementowaniu systemu zarządzania
wizytami i kolejkami w przychodni, przy użyciu iBeacon (iBeacon, 2017) na iOS.
Case Study C
Celem tego studium przypadku była ocena procesów metody AgileSafe,
od Analizy projektu do Przygotowania Argumentu zgodności projektu.
To studium przypadku zostało przeprowadzone dla fikcyjnego projektu o
nazwie GlucoMet. Oparto go na projekcie przedstawionym uczniom podczas
studenckiego studium przypadku (rozdział 8.2) oraz uwag przedstawionych w
(Chen i in., 2014) oraz (Zhang, Jones i Klonoff, 2010). Projekt GlucoMet dotyczył
oprogramowania dla pomp insulinowych z funkcją monitorowania glukozy.

Szczegóły dotyczące wspomnianych studium przypadku zostały przedstawione

w rozdziale 8 niniejszej pracy. Ich wyniki zostały częściowo opublikowane w (Górski i
Łukasiewicz, 2012a, 2012b, 2013, Łukasiewicz, 2017, Łukasiewicz i Górski, 2018).
W trakcie studium przypadku Case Study B odkryto nowe praktyki Agile związane
z zarządzaniem ryzykiem, jedna z nich został już wprowadzona do zestawu zalecanych
praktyk metodyki SafeScrum (Hanssen, Stålhane, Myklebust, 2018).
Badania i wynikająca z nich metoda AgileSafe już wzbudziły duże
zainteresowanie w branży. W rezultacie uzyskano dotację z Polsko-Norweskiego
Programu Badawczego na stosunki dwustronne i stałą współpracę z zespołem
badawczym w SINTEF Trondheim. Autorka tej pracy została poproszona o dołączenie
do komitetu programowego warsztatów Agile Development of Safety-Critical Software
(ASCS) 2018, które odbyły się w ramach konferencji Agile Alliance XP 2018. Autorka
była także członkiem komitetu programowego Międzynarodowej Konferencji na temat
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Lean and Agile Software Development w 2017 i 2018 roku.

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