Victim Language
Victim Language
Victim Language
Victims Compare Themselves Unfavorably to Creators Seek Help from Those More Skilled
Others I need help in this course, so I’m going to get a
I’ll never do as well as so-and-so, S/he’s a tutor or go to the tutoring center.
Victims Blame Creators Accept Responsibility
The tests are ridiculous. I got an F because the I got an F on the test because I didn’t read the
professor didn’t even give us a review and tested assignments carefully and I waited until the last
us on things we didn’t even go over in class. minute to study. From now on I’ll take detailed
notes and study in advance.
Victims Predict Defeat and Give Up Creators Think Positively and Look for a Better
I’ll probably fail. There’s nothing I can do. I Choice
can’t…I have to…I should….I quit I’ll find a way. There’s always something I can do.
I can….I choose to…I will….I’ll keep going