PC04 DMRC Ceg DBR 001 R0
PC04 DMRC Ceg DBR 001 R0
PC04 DMRC Ceg DBR 001 R0
"Part Design
and Construction of Elevated Viaduct, elevated ramp at Mithapur &
Patliputra and seven stations viz Danapur, Saguna More, RPS More, Patliputra,
Mithapur, Ramkrishna Nagar & Jaganpura Station (Excluding Architectural Finishing &
PEB works) in Corridor-1 of Phase-I of Patna MRTS".
Montecarlo Limited
Montecarlo Kouse Sondhu Bhavan Road, Bodakdev,
CEG Tower, B11G Malviya Industrial Area Malviya
Nagar, Jaipur – 302017, Rajasthan, INDIA
Tel: +91 141 2751801, 802, 803 ; Fax: 2751806
email: hqjpr@cegindia.com ; url: www.cegindia.com
PC-04: Part Design and Construction of Elevated Viaduct, elevated ramp at Mithapur & Patliputra and seven stations viz Danapur, Saguna More, RPS More, Patliputra,
Mithapur, Ramkrishna Nagar &Jaganpura Station (Excluding Architectural Finishing & PEB works) in Corridor-1 of Phase-I of Patna MRTS
1 Background ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 4
2 Project Scope ................................................................................................................................................................................................... 4
2.1 General Arrangement ................................................................................................................................................................................ 4
2.2 Design Requirement .................................................................................................................................................................................. 7
3 Design Basis ..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 7
3.1 Clearances .................................................................................................................................................................................................. 7
3.1.1 Clearance for Road Traffic............................................................................................................................................................... 7
3.1.2 Clearance for Rolling Stock of Patna Metro .................................................................................................................................... 8
3.2 Design Life of Structures ............................................................................................................................................................................ 8
3.3 Choice of Structural Configuration ............................................................................................................................................................. 9
3.4 Sub-soil Condition ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 9
3.5 Construction Methodology ......................................................................................................................................................................... 9
3.5.1 Foundations ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 9
3.5.2 Substructure................................................................................................................................................................................... 10
3.5.3 Bearings ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 10
3.5.4 Superstructure ............................................................................................................................................................................... 10
3.6 Material Parameters ................................................................................................................................................................................. 10
3.6.1 Cement .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 11
3.6.2 Concrete ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 11
3.6.3 Reinforcement Steel ...................................................................................................................................................................... 13
3.6.4 Pre-stressingSteel ......................................................................................................................................................................... 14
4 Loads .............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 14
4.1 Dead Loads .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 14
4.2 Superimposed Dead Load ....................................................................................................................................................................... 14
4.3 Imposed (Crowd) Live Load ..................................................................................................................................................................... 18
4.4 Live Loads ................................................................................................................................................................................................ 19
Vertical Train Live Load ................................................................................................................................................................................ 19
Coefficient of Dynamic Impact ....................................................................................................................................................... 20
Footpath Live load ......................................................................................................................................................................... 20
Braking& traction forces................................................................................................................................................................. 21
Centrifugal Forces due to curvature of Superstructure ................................................................................................................. 21
Racking Force ................................................................................................................................................................................ 22
4.5 Earthquake Loads (EQ) ........................................................................................................................................................................... 22
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PC-04: Part Design and Construction of Elevated Viaduct, elevated ramp at Mithapur & Patliputra and seven stations viz Danapur, Saguna More, RPS More, Patliputra,
Mithapur, Ramkrishna Nagar &Jaganpura Station (Excluding Architectural Finishing & PEB works) in Corridor-1 of Phase-I of Patna MRTS
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PC-04: Part Design and Construction of Elevated Viaduct, elevated ramp at Mithapur & Patliputra and seven stations viz Danapur, Saguna More, RPS More, Patliputra,
Mithapur, Ramkrishna Nagar &Jaganpura Station (Excluding Architectural Finishing & PEB works) in Corridor-1 of Phase-I of Patna MRTS
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PC-04: Part Design and Construction of Elevated Viaduct, elevated ramp at Mithapur & Patliputra and seven stations viz Danapur, Saguna More, RPS More, Patliputra,
Mithapur, Ramkrishna Nagar &Jaganpura Station (Excluding Architectural Finishing & PEB works) in Corridor-1 of Phase-I of Patna MRTS
1 Background
The Patna Metro Rail Corporation (PMRC) has decided to construct elevated metro viaduct and stations for phase-I in
collaboration withDMRC, under different packages. M/s Montecarlo Limited has been awarded with the construction of
elevated metro viaduct and seven elevated stations as below:
Contract No. PC-04: Part Design and Construction of Elevated Viaduct, elevated ramp at Mithapur & Patliputra and
seven stations viz Danapur, Saguna More, RPS More, Patliputra, Mithapur, Ramkrishna Nagar & Jaganpura Station
(Excluding Architectural Finishing & PEB works) in Corridor-1 of Phase-I of Patna MRTS
M/s Montecarlo Limited has appointed M/s CONSULTING ENGINEERS GROUP LIMITED as consultant for detailed
design for this project.
This report outlines the general arrangement proposed for the metro stations, the design parameters and methodology to
be adopted for the detailed design of the station buildings. It sets out the design criteria to be adopted in the design of
stations in order to ensure consistency in layout, form and system wide identity. The type, shape and size of the structural
elements are taken in accordance with the drawings provided as part of the tender documents.
2 Project Scope
The broad scope of project is 6.29km. of elevated metro viaduct from Danapur to Jaganpura, which include 7 elevated
stations (Danapur, Saguna More, RPS More, Patliputra, Mithapur, Ramkrishna Nagar & Jaganpura Station), also there is
underground stretch in between Patliputra to Mithapurbut this underground stretch is not in the scope whereas the
elevated ramps for connecting elevated stretch to underground stretch is in the scope hence two ramps one near
Mithapur and other near Patliputra is in scope.
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PC-04: Part Design and Construction of Elevated Viaduct, elevated ramp at Mithapur & Patliputra and seven stations viz Danapur, Saguna More, RPS More, Patliputra,
Mithapur, Ramkrishna Nagar &Jaganpura Station (Excluding Architectural Finishing & PEB works) in Corridor-1 of Phase-I of Patna MRTS
14.5m 15m 16m 16.5m 17.5m 18m 20.5m Length of
1 Danapur 2 5 1 140
2 Sagunamor 2 3 4 138
3 RPS Mor 2 3 4 138
4 Patliputra 2 2 6 189
5 Mithapur 2 3 4 140
6 Nagar 2 3 4 140
7 Jaganpura 2 3 4 140
The elevated stations are accommodated in the single central pier with pier arms for the full width of the stations. There
are two pier arms at two different levels for the stations, one at the viaduct/platform level and the other at the concourse
Typical cross section of the station building is shown in the figure below:
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PC-04: Part Design and Construction of Elevated Viaduct, elevated ramp at Mithapur & Patliputra and seven stations viz Danapur, Saguna More, RPS More, Patliputra,
Mithapur, Ramkrishna Nagar &Jaganpura Station (Excluding Architectural Finishing & PEB works) in Corridor-1 of Phase-I of Patna MRTS
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PC-04: Part Design and Construction of Elevated Viaduct, elevated ramp at Mithapur & Patliputra and seven stations viz Danapur, Saguna More, RPS More, Patliputra,
Mithapur, Ramkrishna Nagar &Jaganpura Station (Excluding Architectural Finishing & PEB works) in Corridor-1 of Phase-I of Patna MRTS
3 Design Basis
The design criteria mentioned in this report mentions the minimum standards, which form the basis for design of various
structural components of the Station Building only. For viaduct portion, separate report of design basis is to be referred.
Design and loading requirements for the structures are as per Design Criteria as part of the tender documents by the
DMRC and also in accordance with the relevant standards.
Structures, where Metro Live loads are not applicable, the design of Plain and Reinforced Concrete structures will
generally be governed by IRS:CBC, however, inference which are not cleared in the IRS:CBC may be referred from IS
456, pre-stressed concrete structures shall generally be governed by IS : 1343, Steel structures design shall generally be
governed IS :800. Seismic design shall be governed as per IRS Seismic Code2017.
3.1 Clearances
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PC-04: Part Design and Construction of Elevated Viaduct, elevated ramp at Mithapur & Patliputra and seven stations viz Danapur, Saguna More, RPS More, Patliputra,
Mithapur, Ramkrishna Nagar &Jaganpura Station (Excluding Architectural Finishing & PEB works) in Corridor-1 of Phase-I of Patna MRTS
As per relevant IRC, minimum 5.5m at 0.25m from pier shaft outer line.
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PC-04: Part Design and Construction of Elevated Viaduct, elevated ramp at Mithapur & Patliputra and seven stations viz Danapur, Saguna More, RPS More, Patliputra,
Mithapur, Ramkrishna Nagar &Jaganpura Station (Excluding Architectural Finishing & PEB works) in Corridor-1 of Phase-I of Patna MRTS
joints will have a design life of 10 years while pot bearing (if adopted) will have a design life of 25years.
3.5.1 Foundations
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PC-04: Part Design and Construction of Elevated Viaduct, elevated ramp at Mithapur & Patliputra and seven stations viz Danapur, Saguna More, RPS More, Patliputra,
Mithapur, Ramkrishna Nagar &Jaganpura Station (Excluding Architectural Finishing & PEB works) in Corridor-1 of Phase-I of Patna MRTS
Pile foundations or open foundation is adopted based on the geotechnical investigation. For pile foundation bored cast-in-
situ piles of 1200mm diameter are cast up to the required founding level. Pile cap is cast on the pile group, leaving dowel
bars for pier column. Pier locations where rocky stratum is available at a shallow depth, open foundation will be
suggested instead of pile, ensuring the feasibility of construction of open footing at site. Open foundation may be
suggested for columns supporting the entry and exit structural members of stations.
3.5.2 Substructure
Pier columns are cast from top of pile cap or open foundation up to bottom of pier cap. Subsequently, precast pier caps
are lifted and installed over the piers and stressed.
3.5.3 Bearings
Considering the span configuration and safety aspects of the structural system (in normal and seismic condition), it is
proposed to adopt elastomeric bearings placed underneath the U-girder / I-Girder for transfer of vertical forces and a
reaction block (protruding above the pier head) for transfer of in-plane forces. Elastomeric bearings shall be designed in
accordance with EN 1337 Part I and Part III. Design of POT-PTFE bearings shall be as per IRC: 83 Part-III. Clause & of IRS CBC should be followed for considering replacement of bearings.
3.5.4 Superstructure
The construction of superstructure as envisaged in the detailed design phase is briefly explained in the following steps.
Pre-tensioned U-girders, Post-tensioned / PSC I-girders are cast at casting yard and transported to site.
Pre-cast/pre-fabricated girders are to be transported to site and lifted and erected with cranes to place it over the
bearings (temporary/permanent) installed over the piercap.
Form work for in-situ cross-beam/slab is erected and cast for station with post-tensioned I girders or composite spans.
Also, precast or participatory shuttering option instead of cast-in-situ slab may also be used if required.
The construction methodology for the stations will be finalized with the contractor and the same shall be presented in the
detailed design/drawings for the stations.
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PC-04: Part Design and Construction of Elevated Viaduct, elevated ramp at Mithapur & Patliputra and seven stations viz Danapur, Saguna More, RPS More, Patliputra,
Mithapur, Ramkrishna Nagar &Jaganpura Station (Excluding Architectural Finishing & PEB works) in Corridor-1 of Phase-I of Patna MRTS
The design parameters for various materials adopted in the project such as concrete, reinforcing steel and pre-stressing
steel are as per IRS: CBC.
3.6.1 Cement
For plain and reinforced concrete structures, and pre-stressed concrete structures, cement shall be used as per clause in
3.6.2 Concrete
PCC M20 20 25
For Non-track structure in station
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PC-04: Part Design and Construction of Elevated Viaduct, elevated ramp at Mithapur & Patliputra and seven stations viz Danapur, Saguna More, RPS More, Patliputra,
Mithapur, Ramkrishna Nagar &Jaganpura Station (Excluding Architectural Finishing & PEB works) in Corridor-1 of Phase-I of Patna MRTS Density
The densities of concrete are as below:
Pre-stressed Concrete: 25kN/m3
Reinforced Concrete 25kN/m3
Plain Concrete: 25kN/m3
Wet Concrete 26 kN/m3
For density of strands and all other materials, the densities shall be considered as per IS Codes.
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PC-04: Part Design and Construction of Elevated Viaduct, elevated ramp at Mithapur & Patliputra and seven stations viz Danapur, Saguna More, RPS More, Patliputra,
Mithapur, Ramkrishna Nagar &Jaganpura Station (Excluding Architectural Finishing & PEB works) in Corridor-1 of Phase-I of Patna MRTS
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PC-04: Part Design and Construction of Elevated Viaduct, elevated ramp at Mithapur & Patliputra and seven stations viz Danapur, Saguna More, RPS More, Patliputra,
Mithapur, Ramkrishna Nagar &Jaganpura Station (Excluding Architectural Finishing & PEB works) in Corridor-1 of Phase-I of Patna MRTS
3.6.4 Pre-stressingSteel Pre-tensionStrands/Post-tensionstrands
As per Cl. 5.6.1 of IS: 1343. Young’s Modulus
As per Cl. 5.6 of IS: 1343., the modulus of elasticity shall be taken as E = 1.95 x 105 MPa. OtherParameters
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PC-04: Part Design and Construction of Elevated Viaduct, elevated ramp at Mithapur & Patliputra and seven stations viz Danapur, Saguna More, RPS More, Patliputra,
Mithapur, Ramkrishna Nagar &Jaganpura Station (Excluding Architectural Finishing & PEB works) in Corridor-1 of Phase-I of Patna MRTS
NOTE:The wall loads will be taken based on actual location shown in architectural
architectural drawings. External wall load/glazing
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PC-04: Part Design and Construction of Elevated Viaduct, elevated ramp at Mithapur & Patliputra and seven stations viz Danapur, Saguna More, RPS More, Patliputra,
Mithapur, Ramkrishna Nagar &Jaganpura Station (Excluding Architectural Finishing & PEB works) in Corridor-1 of Phase-I of Patna MRTS
load will be taken as per details provided in architectural drawings. It is proposed to take 230mm thick brick wall with
20mm thick plaster on either side with a unit weight of 20 kN/m3.
S.No. Element
1 Plinth 34.0 kN/m
2 Rail+Pads (All 4) 3.0 kN/m
3 Cables 0.7 kN/m
4 Cable trays# 0.1 kN/m
5 Deck drainage concrete (Avg. thk. 62.5mm) 2.4 kN/m
6 Misc (OHE Mast, Signalling , etc.)
Miscl. 4.0 kN/m
7 Solar Panel (wherever applicable) 30kg/sqm
8 Noise Barrier (wherever applicable) 2.0 kN/m
9 PT Pipe Line
PTM 6.0 kN/m
10 Cable trough with cover 7.4 kN/m
*Parapet/Railing weight shall be calculated as per actual. The load due to parapet/railing shall be considered as fixed
type and load factor applicable for dead load shall be consider for this component.
component. All other SIDL shall be considered as
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PC-04: Part Design and Construction of Elevated Viaduct, elevated ramp at Mithapur & Patliputra and seven stations viz Danapur, Saguna More, RPS More, Patliputra,
Mithapur, Ramkrishna Nagar &Jaganpura Station (Excluding Architectural Finishing & PEB works) in Corridor-1 of Phase-I of Patna MRTS
## In case of cross-over, actual track weight including plinths shall be considered for design.
** Values are minimum load to be considered in design. Actual loads will be calculated on the basis of equipment &
machinery which have to be installed at detail design stage. The concentrated load of 40kN for ASS/UPS room and 20kN
for other technical room shall also be considered in design.
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PC-04: Part Design and Construction of Elevated Viaduct, elevated ramp at Mithapur & Patliputra and seven stations viz Danapur, Saguna More, RPS More, Patliputra,
Mithapur, Ramkrishna Nagar &Jaganpura Station (Excluding Architectural Finishing & PEB works) in Corridor-1 of Phase-I of Patna MRTS
a) The walls loading will be taken based on actual location shown in architectural drawings. External wall load/glazing
load will be taken as per details provided in architectural drawings. It is proposed to take 230 mm thick brick wall with
20 mm thick plaster on either side. However, the same shall not be taken less than 2.4 kN/m2.
Above loads intensities are minimum loads to be considered in design, Actual load may be higher as per detailed
architectural drawings.
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PC-04: Part Design and Construction of Elevated Viaduct, elevated ramp at Mithapur & Patliputra and seven stations viz Danapur, Saguna More, RPS More, Patliputra,
Mithapur, Ramkrishna Nagar &Jaganpura Station (Excluding Architectural Finishing & PEB works) in Corridor-1 of Phase-I of Patna MRTS
**Actual loads will be calculated on the basis of equipment and machinery which have to be installed at the detailed
design stage.
Floor slabs shall be designed for the distributed load as shown in the table here above. The floor slab is also to be
checked, in critical locations, using the concentrated loads listed in the above table for possible local internal forces
exceeding those produced by the normal
normal distributed loads e.g. cantilevers, punching shear in slabs and all other locations
sensitive to concentrated loads. The concentrated loads are to be applied in positions which produce maximum stresses
and where deflection is the main criteria, they should be placed in positions that produce maximum deflection.
Concentrated loads and uniformly distributed loads are taken into account independently.
Dispersal of concentrated loads is at a spread-to-depth ratio of 1 horizontally to 1 vertically through concrete and 0.75
horizontally to 1 vertically for other surfacing.
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PC-04: Part Design and Construction of Elevated Viaduct, elevated ramp at Mithapur & Patliputra and seven stations viz Danapur, Saguna More, RPS More, Patliputra,
Mithapur, Ramkrishna Nagar &Jaganpura Station (Excluding Architectural Finishing & PEB works) in Corridor-1 of Phase-I of Patna MRTS
L = 22100 (Length of a car) a =2250 (Overhang)
b = 2500 (Wheel base in a bogie)
c = 12600 (Distance between Axle-2 and Axle-3 in the car)
Maximum number of successive cars is 6.
Moving load analysis shall be carried out in order to estimate maximum longitudinal force, maximum shear and maximum
Substructure will be checked for one track loaded condition as well as both tracks loaded condition (Single span as well
as both span loaded conditions). However, for any other configuration (Axle load and axle spacing) of modern Rolling
Stock including maintenance, machinery, crane etc., shall be within the loading envelope of present live load
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PC-04: Part Design and Construction of Elevated Viaduct, elevated ramp at Mithapur & Patliputra and seven stations viz Danapur, Saguna More, RPS More, Patliputra,
Mithapur, Ramkrishna Nagar &Jaganpura Station (Excluding Architectural Finishing & PEB works) in Corridor-1 of Phase-I of Patna MRTS
considered with carriageway live load without impact, this load will not be critical for any design
design except the parapet. It is
ensured in service that no movement of trains will take place on both tracks when live load is there on the footpath.
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PC-04: Part Design and Construction of Elevated Viaduct, elevated ramp at Mithapur & Patliputra and seven stations viz Danapur, Saguna More, RPS More, Patliputra,
Mithapur, Ramkrishna Nagar &Jaganpura Station (Excluding Architectural Finishing & PEB works) in Corridor-1 of Phase-I of Patna MRTS
Racking Force
The horizontal transverse loading due to racking specified in IRS-Bridge Rules Clause-2.9 is applicable to design of
lateral bracing.
Earthquake design shall follow the seismic requirement of IS: 1893 (Part1)
Sa/g = normalized pseudo spectral acceleration for corresponding to relevant damping of load resisting elements
(pier/columns) depending upon the fundamental period of vibrationT
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PC-04: Part Design and Construction of Elevated Viaduct, elevated ramp at Mithapur & Patliputra and seven stations viz Danapur, Saguna More, RPS More, Patliputra,
Mithapur, Ramkrishna Nagar &Jaganpura Station (Excluding Architectural Finishing & PEB works) in Corridor-1 of Phase-I of Patna MRTS
Table 3-11: Response Reduction Factor (as per Table 3 of IRS Seismic Code 2017)
Component R
Superstructure 2.0
(i) Reinforced concrete piers (Cantilever type, wall type) 3.0
(ii) Reinforced Concrete framed construction in piers (Column of RCC bents,
RCC Single pier)
(iii) Integral frame 4.0
Bearing (Elastomeric, Pot, Roller-Rocker) 2.0
Connectors and Stoppers 1.0
Foundations (Well, Piles or Open) 2.0
Design seismic force resultants in all three orthogonal directions are combined as per clause
7.2 of IRS Seismic Code 2017.
± r1 ± 0.3 r2 ± 0.3 r3
±0.3r1 ± r2 ±0.3r2
±0.3r1 ± 0.3r2 ±r3
Where, r1, r2 and r3 are force resultant due to full design seismic force in longitudinal, transverse and vertical directions,
respectively. For zone III force resultant in vertical direction need not to be taken as per IRC guidelines.
Reinforcement required for seismic forces will be carried throughout the length of pier and any additional reinforcement
due to serviceability requirement may be curtailed.
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PC-04: Part Design and Construction of Elevated Viaduct, elevated ramp at Mithapur & Patliputra and seven stations viz Danapur, Saguna More, RPS More, Patliputra,
Mithapur, Ramkrishna Nagar &Jaganpura Station (Excluding Architectural Finishing & PEB works) in Corridor-1 of Phase-I of Patna MRTS
Drift Limitations
The storey drift in the building shall satisfy the drift limitation specified in IS: 1893
Wind Loads (longitudinal & transverse) shall be calculated as stated in IS 875: Part 3. Wind loads will be calculated in
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PC-04: Part Design and Construction of Elevated Viaduct, elevated ramp at Mithapur & Patliputra and seven stations viz Danapur, Saguna More, RPS More, Patliputra,
Mithapur, Ramkrishna Nagar &Jaganpura Station (Excluding Architectural Finishing & PEB works) in Corridor-1 of Phase-I of Patna MRTS
Based on the above, Design wind pressure at height z, (Pz) = 0.6 x Vz x Vz Cl. 7.2 Design wind pressure, Pd = Pz * Kd
* Ka *Kc
Ka = area averaging factor = 0.8 Table 4 (for contributory area > 100 m2) Kc = combination factor =0.9
As per Cl. 19.5 of IS: 456. Temperature gradient shall be considered as per CL. 215 of IRC-6, if applicable.
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PC-04: Part Design and Construction of Elevated Viaduct, elevated ramp at Mithapur & Patliputra and seven stations viz Danapur, Saguna More, RPS More, Patliputra,
Mithapur, Ramkrishna Nagar &Jaganpura Station (Excluding Architectural Finishing & PEB works) in Corridor-1 of Phase-I of Patna MRTS
Overall Temperature(OT)
The loads shall be considered as per Clause-2.6 of IRS-Bridge Rules and Clause-215 of IRC:
6. Temperature variation of + 33°C will be considered details of which are given below Maximum Temperature
Temperature variation as per clause 215.2 of IRC 6 will be = (46.6-(1.4)/2+10=+32.6°C say 33OC.
The provision given in § 215.4 of IRC 6, shall be considered to compute effect of differential temperature gradient in
absence of any provisions in IRS code. The differential gradient
gradient of temperature along depth of superstructure has been
reproduced below for ready reference. Short term modulus of elasticity as per Table given under clause 5.1 of DBR shall
be used to calculate the effects.
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PC-04: Part Design and Construction of Elevated Viaduct, elevated ramp at Mithapur & Patliputra and seven stations viz Danapur, Saguna More, RPS More, Patliputra,
Mithapur, Ramkrishna Nagar &Jaganpura Station (Excluding Architectural Finishing & PEB works) in Corridor-1 of Phase-I of Patna MRTS
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PC-04: Part Design and Construction of Elevated Viaduct, elevated ramp at Mithapur & Patliputra and seven stations viz Danapur, Saguna More, RPS More, Patliputra,
Mithapur, Ramkrishna Nagar &Jaganpura Station (Excluding Architectural Finishing & PEB works) in Corridor-1 of Phase-I of Patna MRTS
Note: For purpose of these calculations no reduction shall be made for presence of track plinths.
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PC-04: Part Design and Construction of Elevated Viaduct, elevated ramp at Mithapur & Patliputra and seven stations viz Danapur, Saguna More, RPS More, Patliputra,
Mithapur, Ramkrishna Nagar &Jaganpura Station (Excluding Architectural Finishing & PEB works) in Corridor-1 of Phase-I of Patna MRTS
Maximum additional stresses in rail in tension as well as compression on account of rail-structure interaction.
Maximum vertical deflection of the girder at ends.
Software and general methodology will be used for carrying out rail-structure interaction analysis. Representative stretches
will be chosen for carrying out the rail-structure interaction analysis.
The checks shall be performed for break in rail continuity due to unusual conditions, fractures or for maintenance purposes.
RDSO Guidelines for carrying out RSI studies shall be referred. LWR forces shall be considered in appropriate load
combination as per IRS: CBC.
Temperature range will be calculated based on Manual of Instructions on Long Welded Rails, 1996 and are as follows,
For Patna region
The range of rail temperature at station, T = 54 The annual mean rail
temperature, tm =31
Maximum temperature tmax = (tm+T/2) = (31 + 54/2) = + 58 CMinimum temperature tmin =
(tm- T/2) = (31-54/2) = 4 C As per clause 1.11 of LWRmanual,
Destressing temperature (td1) = tm+10c = 41C
Destressing temperature (td2) = tm-10c = 21 C
Temperatureonrail, = (tmax – td2) and (tmin –td1)
= (58 - 21) and (4 -41) = 37 and -37 C
Temperature on U girder is calculated as per IRC 6:2017.
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PC-04: Part Design and Construction of Elevated Viaduct, elevated ramp at Mithapur & Patliputra and seven stations viz Danapur, Saguna More, RPS More, Patliputra,
Mithapur, Ramkrishna Nagar &Jaganpura Station (Excluding Architectural Finishing & PEB works) in Corridor-1 of Phase-I of Patna MRTS
Sacramento derailment criteria will be used for U-girders. This criterion corresponds to the application of 40% of one coach
weight applied horizontally as 3m long uniform impact load on the U girder top flange.
For ULS and stability check, loading shall be proportioned as per maximum axle load.
This derailment load corresponds to ULS load. For SLS combination 5 of IRS: CBC, a co- efficient equal to 1/1.75 shall be
applied to the derailment load (Clause 6.9 of Tender Documents Vol. 4 - ODS – Viaduct).
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PC-04: Part Design and Construction of Elevated Viaduct, elevated ramp at Mithapur & Patliputra and seven stations viz Danapur, Saguna More, RPS More, Patliputra,
Mithapur, Ramkrishna Nagar &Jaganpura Station (Excluding Architectural Finishing & PEB works) in Corridor-1 of Phase-I of Patna MRTS
be of friction type. These buffers will be designed to have stopping performance based on mass of fully loaded train and
its declaration to avoid damage to the train or buffer. Viaduct elements need to be designed for such Buffer load. The
exact Buffer loads need to be interfaced and ascertained during the detailed design.
In the design of structures or part of structures below ground level, such as retaining walls and underground pump room/
water tanks etc. the pressure exerted by soil or water or both shall be duly accounted for. When a portion or whole of the
soil is below the free water surface, the lateral earth pressure shall be evaluated for weight of soil diminished by buoyancy
and the full hydrostatic pressure. (As per IS: 875-part 5).
All foundation slabs / footings subjected to water pressure shall be designed to resist a uniformly distributed uplift equal to
the full hydrostatic pressure. Checking of overturning of foundation under submerged condition shall be done considering
buoyant weight offoundation.
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PC-04: Part Design and Construction of Elevated Viaduct, elevated ramp at Mithapur & Patliputra and seven stations viz Danapur, Saguna More, RPS More, Patliputra,
Mithapur, Ramkrishna Nagar &Jaganpura Station (Excluding Architectural Finishing & PEB works) in Corridor-1 of Phase-I of Patna MRTS
5 Load Combinations
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PC-04: Part Design and Construction of Elevated Viaduct, elevated ramp at Mithapur & Patliputra and seven stations viz Danapur, Saguna More, RPS More, Patliputra,
Mithapur, Ramkrishna Nagar &Jaganpura Station (Excluding Architectural Finishing & PEB works) in Corridor-1 of Phase-I of Patna MRTS
Combination 2: The load to be considered are the loads in combination 1, together with those due to wind/earthquake,
and where erection is being considered temporary erection loads.
Combination 5: Dead load, superimposed dead load, together with derailment loads.
As per Cl. 11.3.3 of IRS CBC, pre-stress shall be multiplied by 0.87 when the pre-stress increases the section capacity
against shear and by 1.15 when it decreases the capacity. It should be noted that temperature load case is never
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PC-04: Part Design and Construction of Elevated Viaduct, elevated ramp at Mithapur & Patliputra and seven stations viz Danapur, Saguna More, RPS More, Patliputra,
Mithapur, Ramkrishna Nagar &Jaganpura Station (Excluding Architectural Finishing & PEB works) in Corridor-1 of Phase-I of Patna MRTS
combined with seismic/wind loading. In the above combinations Live Load includes dynamic effects, forces due to
curvature if any, longitudinal forces, braking forces and forces on footpath and parapet.
The derailment load corresponds to ULS load. For SLS combination 5 above, a co-efficient equal to 1/1.75 shall be
applied to the derailment load.
Combination I Combination Combination Combination Combination
Load Description II III IV V
o UL
1 Dead Load 1.2 1 1 1.2 1 1 1.2 1 1 1.25 1 1 2 1 1
5 5 5 5
2 SIDL (Fixed) 1.2 1 1 1.2 1 1 1.2 1 1 1.25 1 1 2 1 1
5 5 5 5
3 SIDL (Variable) 2 1.2 1 2 1. 1 2 1. 1 2 1. 1 2 1 1
2 2 2
4 Live Load 1.7 1.1 1 1.4 1 1 1.4 1 1 - - - - - -
5 Centrifugal Force 1.7 1.1 1 1.4 1 1 1.4 1 1 - - - - - -
6 Braking & Traction Force 1.7 1.1 1 1.4 1 1 1.4 1 1 - - - - - -
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PC-04: Part Design and Construction of Elevated Viaduct, elevated ramp at Mithapur & Patliputra and seven stations viz Danapur, Saguna More, RPS More, Patliputra,
Mithapur, Ramkrishna Nagar &Jaganpura Station (Excluding Architectural Finishing & PEB works) in Corridor-1 of Phase-I of Patna MRTS
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PC-04: Part Design and Construction of Elevated Viaduct, elevated ramp at Mithapur & Patliputra and seven stations viz Danapur, Saguna More, RPS More, Patliputra,
Mithapur, Ramkrishna Nagar &Jaganpura Station (Excluding Architectural Finishing & PEB works) in Corridor-1 of Phase-I of Patna MRTS
U-girder superstructure.
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PC-04: Part Design and Construction of Elevated Viaduct, elevated ramp at Mithapur & Patliputra and seven stations viz Danapur, Saguna More, RPS More, Patliputra,
Mithapur, Ramkrishna Nagar &Jaganpura Station (Excluding Architectural Finishing & PEB works) in Corridor-1 of Phase-I of Patna MRTS
pre-stress and bending moment due to self- weight will be within the permissible stresses as given in IRS -CBC.
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PC-04: Part Design and Construction of Elevated Viaduct, elevated ramp at Mithapur & Patliputra and seven stations viz Danapur, Saguna More, RPS More, Patliputra,
Mithapur, Ramkrishna Nagar &Jaganpura Station (Excluding Architectural Finishing & PEB works) in Corridor-1 of Phase-I of Patna MRTS
1.2 m diameter bored cast-in-situ piles shall be considered for foundation of piers. Spacing between the
the piles shall be not less than 2.5 times
the diameter when founded on rock. Spacing between the piles shall be not less than 3 times the diameter when founded on Soil. However,
the respective geotechnical report corresponding to a particular pier location will govern the maximum pile centre to centre spacing. This may
be concluded only during detail design of the foundation.
The vertical capacity of the pile shall be based on static formula given in IS: 2911 (part-1/ section-2). The lateral load carrying capacity of pile
shall be evaluated as per IS: 2911 (part1/ section-2) by limiting the lateral deflection to 1% of pile diameter at its tip considering it as fixed
headed pile under normal conditions.
Initial load tests shall be conducted first to determine the safe vertical and lateral loads. The safe load shall be the least of load (a) arrived at
from the initial load test and (b) calculated safe load based on static formula. Initial load tests shall be conducted on the basis of IS- 2911 part
4. The working load on pile for vertical and horizontal loads shall be checked by conducting routine tests during construction.
Permissible increase in stresses for seismic load combinations shall be as per standards.
For the geotechnical pile capacity verification, only un-factored load combination will be considered for viaduct portion. This deflection
limitation shall not be applicable in load combinations with seismic combinations.
Computation of bending moment along the length of pile due to lateral forces acting at the pile cap level shall be calculated as per
methodology given in IS:2911 (PartI/Sec.2).
In seismic calculation, bottom of the pier is considered as fixed and further analysis and calculations are done as per IRS Seismic Code 2017.
The top of pile cap shall be kept about 500mm below the existing ground level and weight of the earth cover will be applied on top of pile cap
when unfavorable. The earth cover on pile cap for any favorable effect (stability, soil horizontal capacity) will be neglected.
The structural design of the pile and pile cap shall be as per IRS CBC.
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PC-04: Part Design and Construction of Elevated Viaduct, elevated ramp at Mithapur & Patliputra and seven stations viz Danapur, Saguna More, RPS More, Patliputra,
Mithapur, Ramkrishna Nagar &Jaganpura Station (Excluding Architectural Finishing & PEB works) in Corridor-1 of Phase-I of Patna MRTS
Increase in allowable stresses for Wind and Seismic load combinations are taken as per Cl.
6.7.1 of IRS Bridge Substructure and Foundation Code.
ɛm= strain at the level where cracking is being considereɛm = ɛ1-[(3.8bt *h(a'-dc)/(ɛs*As*(h-dc))]*[1-Mq/Mg]
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PC-04: Part Design and Construction of Elevated Viaduct, elevated ramp at Mithapur & Patliputra and seven stations viz Danapur, Saguna More, RPS More, Patliputra,
Mithapur, Ramkrishna Nagar &Jaganpura Station (Excluding Architectural Finishing & PEB works) in Corridor-1 of Phase-I of Patna MRTS
a' = distance from compression face and point where crack is being calculated
h =height of the section
dc = depth of the concrete in compression
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PC-04: Part Design and Construction of Elevated Viaduct, elevated ramp at Mithapur & Patliputra and seven stations viz Danapur, Saguna More, RPS More, Patliputra,
Mithapur, Ramkrishna Nagar &Jaganpura Station (Excluding Architectural Finishing & PEB works) in Corridor-1 of Phase-I of Patna MRTS
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PC-04: Part Design and Construction of Elevated Viaduct, elevated ramp at Mithapur & Patliputra and seven stations viz Danapur, Saguna More, RPS More, Patliputra,
Mithapur, Ramkrishna Nagar &Jaganpura Station (Excluding Architectural Finishing & PEB works) in Corridor-1 of Phase-I of Patna MRTS
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PC-04: Part Design and Construction of Elevated Viaduct, elevated ramp at Mithapur & Patliputra and seven stations viz Danapur, Saguna More, RPS More, Patliputra,
Mithapur, Ramkrishna Nagar &Jaganpura Station (Excluding Architectural Finishing & PEB works) in Corridor-1 of Phase-I of Patna MRTS
IS: 456 Plain and reinforced concrete –code of practice IS: 800 Code of practice for General
Construction in Steel
IS: 875 Code of practice for Design Loads Parts 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5 (Other than Earthquake)
IS: 1080 Design & construction of shallow foundations in soils (other than raft, ring and shell) IS: 1343 Code of practice for Pre-stressed
concrete- based essentially on CP- 110
IS: 1364 Hexagon Head Bolts, Screws & Nuts of product grades A & B Part 1 (size range M1:6 to M64)
IS: 13920 Ductile detailing of reinforced concrete structures subjected to seismic forces IS: 1489 Specification for Portland pozzolana
cement (Fly ash based)
IS: 1786 High strength deformed steel bars and wires for concrete reinforcement IS: 1893 Criteria for Earthquake Resistant
Design of structures
IS: 1904 Design and construction of foundations in soils: general requirements. IS: 1905 Code of practice for structural use of
unreinforced masonry
IS: 2062 Specifications for weldable Structural steel
IS: 2502 Code of Practice for Bending and Fixing of Bars for Concrete Reinforcement IS 2911 Design & construction of Pile
foundations Part 1 Concrete Piles
Section 2 Bored Cast-in-situ piles (with amendments)
IS 2911 Design & construction of Pile foundations Part
Part 4 Load test on piles IS: 2950 Design and construction of raft
IS: 3935 Code of Practice for Composite Construction
IS: 4326 Code of practice for Earthquake resistant design and construction of Buildings IS: 4923 Hollow steel sections for structural
use – specification
IS: 8009 Calculation of settlements of shallow foundations
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PC-04: Part Design and Construction of Elevated Viaduct, elevated ramp at Mithapur & Patliputra and seven stations viz Danapur, Saguna More, RPS More, Patliputra,
Mithapur, Ramkrishna Nagar &Jaganpura Station (Excluding Architectural Finishing & PEB works) in Corridor-1 of Phase-I of Patna MRTS
IS: 8112 Specifications for 43 grade ordinary Portland cement IS: 9103 Specifications of Concrete
IS: 11384 Code of practice for Composite Construction in Structural
Structural Steel and Concrete IS: 12070 Code of practice for Design and
construction of Shallow Foundations on Rocks IS: 12269 Specification for 53 grade ordinary Portland cement
IS: 14268 Uncoated Stress Relieved Low relaxation Seven-ply Strands for pre-stressed concrete
IS: 14593 Design and Construction of Bored Cast-in-Situ Piles Founded on Rocks
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PC-04: Part Design and Construction of Elevated Viaduct, elevated ramp at Mithapur & Patliputra and seven stations viz Danapur, Saguna More, RPS More, Patliputra,
Mithapur, Ramkrishna Nagar &Jaganpura Station (Excluding Architectural Finishing & PEB works) in Corridor-1 of Phase-I of Patna MRTS
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