Lintel Beam Span-9.15m

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ULS Design of Lintel Beam (200mmx700mm)

Clear Span Lc = 9.15 m

Bearing B = 0.5 m
So, effective span L = 9.65 m
Width of beam b = 0.2 m
Depth of beam D = 0.7 m
Block work height h = 2.3 m
Block work density = 20 KN/m3

Self weight of beam w1 = 3.5 KN/m

Block work weight w2 = 9.2 KN/m
Total unfactored UDL on beam w = 12.7 KN/m
Unfactored Bending moment M = wL^2/8
= 147.8 KN-m
Unfactored shear V = 58.1 KN

Load factor, LF = 1.5

Hence, factored moment, Mu = 221.7 KNm
Factored shear = 87.2 KN

1.0 Design for Main Reinf.

Designing top and bottom reinf. for maximum moment

Mu = = 221.7 KNm
Clear Cover to reinf. nc = 30 mm
Dia of stirrups/link Lbar = 10 mm
Grade of Concrete fck = 35 N/mm2
Grade of Main Reinf. fy = 500 N/mm2
Grade of shear reinf fy = 415 N/mm2
Width of secion b = 200 mm
Dia of spacer bar s = 0 mm
Depth of section D = 700 mm

Effective Depth d = D-nc-Lbar-dia/2

dia = Long. Bar Diameter in mm

assuming dia = 25 mm

d = 647.5 mm

Limiting Moment Mu, lim = 0.36*xumax/d*(1 - 0.42*xumax/d)*fck*b*d2

Mu, lim /fckbd2 = 0.133 (Ref:SP-16 Table-C)

Hence Mu,lim = 390.32757 KNm

As Mu is less tha Mu,lim , section shall be designed as singly reinf. Section(ref Appendix G, IS 456-2000)

Mu = 0.87*fy*Ast*d*(1 - Ast*fy/b*d*fck)

K Factor: K=Mu/bd2 = 0.53

%b of area of steel req pt rqd = 50*fck*(1-SQRT(1-4.6*K/fck))/fy

= 0.12 %

As rqd = pt rqd x bx d/100

= 173 mm2

As,min = 0.12x bxD/100

168 mm2

Hence req As As rqd = 173.38 mm2

Provide 25 dia 2 nos in first layer
0 dia 0 nos in second layer
0 dia 0 nos in third layer
As Prov = 982 mm2 OK

Pt pro = 0.76 %

2.0 Design for Shear Reinf.

fck = 35 N/mm2
fy = 415 N/mm2
pt,pro = 0.76 % (From above section 1.0 Main reinf. Design)
Section Properties
D = 700 mm
b = 200 mm
d = 647.5 mm (From above section 1.0 Main reinf. Design)
Vu=Fs = 87.2 KN

Therefore, tv = Vu/bd
= 0.67 N/mm2

shear strength of Section for given fck, pt (as per book Pillai and Menon and IS 456)
Factor,β = 5
Depth factor, k = 1.00
tc = 0.60 N/mm2

Shear Capacity of section

Vuc = tc*b*d
= 77 KN Shear R/F required

consideridng vertical spacing of stirrups (Sv) & No of legs in a cross section (n)
Sv = 150 mm

Diameter of stirrup
dia = 10 mm

Shear steel required = Max of (Asv min, (Vu-Vuc)/(0.87fy)/(d/Sv)

(Vu-Vuc)/(0.87fy)/(d/Sv)) = 6.3 mm2
Asv min = 33 mm2

Therefore, Req shear reinf = 33 mm2

considering n = 2 nos n is number of legs

Asv provided = n x area of dia
= 157 mm2 OK

Deflection Check

unfactored UDL w = 12.7 N/mm

Modulus of elasticity, Ec = 14790 N/mm2 (Long term Ec= E/2, E= 5000*fck^0.5)
Moment of inertia of beam,I = 5.7E+09 mm4
Deflection = (5/384)wL^4/EI (for Fixed end beam)
17.0 mm OK
Allowable deflection = L/350 or 20mm
= 20.0 mm

Crack width Check

Pl refer Annex-1 for crack width check

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