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Program: WALLAP Version 6.05 Revision A45.B58.R49 | Job No.

Licensed from GEOSOLVE | Made by : VN
Data filename/Run ID: ZONE G |
ZONE G | Date:26-04-2022
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Units: kN,m

Stratum Elevation of ------------------ Soil types -------------------
no. top of stratum Active side Passive side
1 15.08 1 FILL 1 FILL
2 13.58 2 CI/CH 2 CI/CH
3 9.08 3 CI/CH 3 CI/CH
4 4.08 4 CI/CH 4 CI/CH
5 -0.92 5 CI/CH 5 CI/CH

Bulk Young's At rest Consol Active Passive
-- Soil type -- density Modulus coeff. state. limit limit Cohesion
No. Description kN/m3 Eh,kN/m2 Ko NC/OC Ka Kp kN/m2
(Datum elev.) (dEh/dy ) (dKo/dy) ( Nu ) ( Kac ) ( Kpc ) ( dc/dy )
1 FILL 17.00 7000 0.531 OC 0.361 2.770
(0.300) (0.000) ( 0.000)
2 CI/CH 17.60 26400 1.000 OC 1.000 1.000 91.00u
(0.490) (2.000) ( 2.000)
3 CI/CH 17.60 39600 1.000 OC 1.000 1.000 130.0u
(0.490) (2.000) ( 2.000)
4 CI/CH 17.60 50400 1.000 OC 1.000 1.000 169.0u
(0.490) (2.000) ( 2.000)
5 CI/CH 17.60 60000 1.000 OC 1.000 1.000 243.0u
(0.490) (2.000) ( 2.000)

Additional soil parameters associated with Ka and Kp

--- parameters for Ka --- --- parameters for Kp ---
Soil Wall Back- Soil Wall Back-
------- Soil type ------- friction adhesion fill friction adhesion fill
No. Description angle coeff. angle angle coeff. angle
1 FILL 28.00 0.000 0.00 28.00 0.000 0.00
2 CI/CH 0.00 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.000 0.00
3 CI/CH 0.00 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.000 0.00
4 CI/CH 0.00 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.000 0.00
5 CI/CH 0.00 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.000 0.00


Density of water = 10.00 kN/m3
Active side Passive side
Initial water table elevation 0.08 0.08

Automatic water pressure balancing at toe of wall : No

Type of structure = Soldier Pile Wall
Soldier Pile width = 0.22 m
Soldier Pile spacing = 1.50 m
Passive mobilisation factor = 3.00 m
Elevation of toe of wall = -1.92
Maximum finite element length = 1.00 m
Youngs modulus of wall E = 2.1000E+08 kN/m2
Moment of inertia of wall I = 6.1400E-04 m4/m run
E.I = 128940 kN.m2/m run
Yield Moment of wall = Not defined
Strut/ X-section Inclin Pre-
anchor Strut area Youngs Free -ation stress Tension
no. Elev. spacing of strut modulus length (degs) /strut allowed
m sq.m kN/m2 m kN
1 13.58 9.00 0.031200 2.100E+08 8.40 0.00 0 No
2 9.08 9.00 0.037600 2.100E+08 8.40 0.00 0 No

Surch Distance Length Width Surcharge Equiv. Partial
-arge from parallel perpend. ----- kN/m2 ----- soil factor/
no. Elev. wall to wall to wall Near edge Far edge type Category
1 15.08 0.50(A) 50.00 20.00 24.00 = N/A N/A

Note: A = Active side, P = Passive side

Construction Stage description
stage no. --------------------------------------------------------
1 Apply surcharge no.1 at elevation 15.08
2 Excavate to elevation 14.08 on PASSIVE side
3 Excavate to elevation 13.08 on PASSIVE side
4 Install strut or anchor no.1 at elevation 13.58
5 Excavate to elevation 12.08 on PASSIVE side
6 Excavate to elevation 11.08 on PASSIVE side
7 Excavate to elevation 10.08 on PASSIVE side
8 Excavate to elevation 9.08 on PASSIVE side
9 Excavate to elevation 8.58 on PASSIVE side
10 Install strut or anchor no.2 at elevation 9.08
11 Excavate to elevation 7.58 on PASSIVE side
12 Excavate to elevation 6.58 on PASSIVE side
13 Excavate to elevation 5.58 on PASSIVE side
14 Excavate to elevation 4.58 on PASSIVE side
15 Excavate to elevation 3.58 on PASSIVE side
16 Excavate to elevation 3.08 on PASSIVE side


Stability analysis:
Method of analysis - Strength Factor method
Factor on soil strength for calculating wall depth = 1.40

Parameters for undrained strata:

Minimum equivalent fluid density = 0.00 kN/m3
Maximum depth of water filled tension crack = 0.00 m

Bending moment and displacement calculation:

Method - 2-D finite element model
Open Tension Crack analysis? - No
Soil arching modelled? - No
Non-linear Modulus Parameter (L) = 0 m

Boundary conditions:
Length of wall (normal to plane of analysis) = 100.00 m

Width of excavation on active side of wall = 50.00 m

Width of excavation on passive side of wall = 18.00 m

Distance to rigid boundary on active side = 50.00 m

Distance to rigid boundary on passive side = 9.00 m
Elevation of rigid lower boundary = -10.00

Lower rigid boundary at elevation -10.00 - Rough

Rigid boundary on active side - Rough
Rigid boundary on passive side - Smooth
Wall / soil interface - Rough

Stage ------ Stage description ----------- ------- Output options -------

no. Displacement Active, Graph.
Bending mom. Passive output
Shear force pressures
1 Apply surcharge no.1 at elev. 15.08 Yes Yes Yes
2 Excav. to elev. 14.08 on PASSIVE side No No No
3 Excav. to elev. 13.08 on PASSIVE side No No No
4 Install strut no.1 at elev. 13.58 No No No
5 Excav. to elev. 12.08 on PASSIVE side No No No
6 Excav. to elev. 11.08 on PASSIVE side No No No
7 Excav. to elev. 10.08 on PASSIVE side No No No
8 Excav. to elev. 9.08 on PASSIVE side No No No
9 Excav. to elev. 8.58 on PASSIVE side No No No
10 Install strut no.2 at elev. 9.08 No No No
11 Excav. to elev. 7.58 on PASSIVE side No No No
12 Excav. to elev. 6.58 on PASSIVE side No No No
13 Excav. to elev. 5.58 on PASSIVE side No No No
14 Excav. to elev. 4.58 on PASSIVE side No No No
15 Excav. to elev. 3.58 on PASSIVE side No No No
16 Excav. to elev. 3.08 on PASSIVE side No No No
* Summary output Yes - Yes

Program WALLAP - Copyright (C) 2013 by DL Borin, distributed by GEOSOLVE

69 Rodenhurst Road, London SW4, UK. Tel: +44 20 8674 7251
Program: WALLAP Version 6.05 Revision A45.B58.R49 | Job No.
Licensed from GEOSOLVE | Made by : VN
Data filename/Run ID: ZONE G |
ZONE G | Date:26-04-2022
Please modify / add | Checked :
Units: kN,m
Program: WALLAP Version 6.05 Revision A45.B58.R49 | Job No.
Licensed from GEOSOLVE | Made by : VN
Data filename/Run ID: ZONE G |
ZONE G | Date:26-04-2022
Please modify / add | Checked :
Units: kN,m
Summary of results

STABILITY ANALYSIS of Soldier Pile Wall according to Strength Factor method

Factor of safety on soil strength

FoS for toe Toe elev. for

elev. = -1.92 FoS = 1.400
--------------- -------------
Stage --- G.L. --- Strut Factor Moment Toe Wall
No. Act. Pass. Elev. of equilib. elev. Penetr
Safety at elev. -ation
1 15.08 15.08 Cant. Conditions not suitable for FoS calc.
2 15.08 14.08 Cant. 9.994 -0.62 12.70 1.38
3 15.08 13.08 Cant. 6.848 -0.62 11.63 1.45
4 15.08 13.08 No analysis at this stage
5 15.08 12.08 13.58 Conditions not suitable for FoS calc.
6 15.08 11.08 13.58 Conditions not suitable for FoS calc.
7 15.08 10.08 13.58 Conditions not suitable for FoS calc.
8 15.08 9.08 13.58 Conditions not suitable for FoS calc.
9 15.08 8.58 13.58 Conditions not suitable for FoS calc.
10 15.08 8.58 No analysis at this stage
All remaining stages have more than one strut - FoS calculation n/a
Program: WALLAP Version 6.05 Revision A45.B58.R49 | Job No.
Licensed from GEOSOLVE | Made by : VN
Data filename/Run ID: ZONE G |
ZONE G | Date:26-04-2022
Please modify / add | Checked :
Units: kN,m
Summary of results


Analysis options
Soldier Pile width = 0.22m; spacing = 1.50m
Passive mobilisation factor = 3.000
Length of wall perpendicular to section = 100.00m
2-D finite element model. Soil arching not modelled.
Soil deformations are elastic until the active or passive limit is reached

Rigid boundaries: Active side 50.00 from wall Rough boundary

Passive side 9.00 from wall Smooth boundary
Lower rigid boundary at elevation -10.00 Rough boundary

Bending moment, shear force and displacement envelopes

Node Y Displacement Bending moment Shear force
no. coord maximum minimum maximum minimum maximum minimum
m m kN.m/m kN.m/m kN/m kN/m
1 15.08 0.009 0.000 0.0 -0.0 0.0 0.0
2 14.08 0.009 0.000 2.9 0.0 14.0 0.0
3 13.58 0.010 0.000 14.0 0.0 33.7 -165.3
4 13.08 0.013 0.000 11.4 -54.4 18.4 -113.7
5 12.08 0.017 0.000 4.7 -133.0 13.0 -55.1
6 11.08 0.020 0.000 0.0 -167.9 40.3 -18.0
7 10.08 0.023 0.000 1.2 -167.7 118.2 0.0
8 9.08 0.026 0.000 135.6 -125.0 214.2 -232.5
9 8.58 0.027 0.000 31.2 -96.5 85.3 -183.2
10 7.58 0.031 0.000 5.1 -125.3 55.6 -100.0
11 6.58 0.033 0.000 1.6 -168.6 58.7 -49.1
12 5.58 0.034 0.000 0.0 -194.3 73.8 -12.3
13 4.58 0.034 0.000 0.0 -188.2 96.1 0.0
14 4.08 0.034 0.000 0.4 -169.1 80.3 0.0
15 3.58 0.033 0.000 2.7 -144.9 93.2 -1.0
16 3.08 0.032 0.000 2.2 -108.4 91.2 -7.4
17 2.54 0.030 0.000 1.0 -70.0 56.8 -10.7
18 2.00 0.028 0.000 0.0 -47.1 31.7 -11.2
19 1.04 0.025 0.000 0.0 -35.3 10.9 -4.9
20 0.08 0.021 0.000 0.0 -29.4 15.6 0.0
21 -0.92 0.017 0.000 0.0 -10.0 29.8 0.0
22 -1.92 0.014 0.000 0.0 -0.0 12.3 0.0
23 -2.17 0.012 0.000 0.0 0.0 0.4 0.0
24 -6.08 0.006 0.000 0.0 0.0 7.1 0.0
25 -10.00 0.000 0.000 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Run ID. ZONE G | Sheet No.
ZONE G | Date:26-04-2022
Please modify / add | Checked :
Summary of results (continued)

Maximum and minimum bending moment and shear force at each stage
Stage --------- Bending moment -------- ---------- Shear force ----------
no. maximum elev. minimum elev. maximum elev. minimum elev.
kN.m/m kN.m/m kN/m kN/m
1 1.1 13.58 -8.4 11.08 5.5 -0.92 -5.8 13.08
2 7.1 13.58 -10.3 11.08 9.9 -0.92 -8.5 13.08
3 11.4 13.08 -11.7 0.08 18.4 13.08 -7.0 2.00
4 No calculation at this stage
5 8.1 13.58 -29.3 12.08 19.7 -0.92 -41.9 13.58
6 9.2 13.58 -70.2 12.08 38.2 11.08 -79.1 13.58
7 10.9 13.58 -121.8 11.08 63.2 10.08 -118.3 13.58
8 12.5 13.58 -154.7 11.08 90.7 9.08 -148.9 13.58
9 13.5 13.58 -167.9 11.08 85.3 8.58 -164.9 13.58
10 No calculation at this stage
11 13.7 13.58 -157.5 11.08 87.4 9.08 -165.3 13.58
12 13.8 13.58 -143.1 11.08 115.9 9.08 -163.5 13.58
13 21.5 9.08 -149.6 6.58 146.1 9.08 -161.5 13.58
14 69.8 9.08 -170.0 5.58 174.1 9.08 -185.7 9.08
15 114.4 9.08 -190.8 5.58 201.1 9.08 -217.8 9.08
16 135.6 9.08 -194.3 5.58 214.2 9.08 -232.5 9.08

Maximum and minimum displacement at each stage

Stage -------- Displacement --------- Stage description
no. maximum elev. minimum elev. -----------------
m m
1 0.002 10.08 0.000 15.08 Apply surcharge no.1 at elev. 15.08
2 0.004 15.08 0.000 15.08 Excav. to elev. 14.08 on PASSIVE side
3 0.009 15.08 0.000 15.08 Excav. to elev. 13.08 on PASSIVE side
4 No calculation at this stage Install strut no.1 at elev. 13.58
5 0.009 12.08 0.000 15.08 Excav. to elev. 12.08 on PASSIVE side
6 0.011 11.08 0.000 15.08 Excav. to elev. 11.08 on PASSIVE side
7 0.015 10.08 0.000 15.08 Excav. to elev. 10.08 on PASSIVE side
8 0.019 9.08 0.000 15.08 Excav. to elev. 9.08 on PASSIVE side
9 0.021 9.08 0.000 15.08 Excav. to elev. 8.58 on PASSIVE side
10 No calculation at this stage Install strut no.2 at elev. 9.08
11 0.023 8.58 0.000 15.08 Excav. to elev. 7.58 on PASSIVE side
12 0.025 7.58 0.000 15.08 Excav. to elev. 6.58 on PASSIVE side
13 0.027 6.58 0.000 15.08 Excav. to elev. 5.58 on PASSIVE side
14 0.030 5.58 0.000 15.08 Excav. to elev. 4.58 on PASSIVE side
15 0.033 5.58 0.000 15.08 Excav. to elev. 3.58 on PASSIVE side
16 0.034 5.58 0.000 15.08 Excav. to elev. 3.08 on PASSIVE side
Run ID. ZONE G | Sheet No.
ZONE G | Date:26-04-2022
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Summary of results (continued)

Strut forces at each stage (horizontal components)

Stage --- Strut no. 1 --- --- Strut no. 2 ---

no. at elev. 13.58 at elev. 9.08
kN/m run kN/strut kN/m run kN/strut
5 55.70 501.27 --- ---
6 96.64 869.80 --- ---
7 141.60 1274.42 --- ---
8 177.75 1599.73 --- ---
9 197.05 1773.47 --- ---
11 198.05 1782.45 113.71 1023.37
12 196.66 1769.91 211.95 1907.52
13 194.85 1753.65 293.55 2641.96
14 193.41 1740.65 359.86 3238.71
15 192.41 1731.67 418.82 3769.40
16 192.07 1728.64 446.72 4020.51

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