Zone G
Zone G
Zone G
Stratum Elevation of ------------------ Soil types -------------------
no. top of stratum Active side Passive side
1 15.08 1 FILL 1 FILL
2 13.58 2 CI/CH 2 CI/CH
3 9.08 3 CI/CH 3 CI/CH
4 4.08 4 CI/CH 4 CI/CH
5 -0.92 5 CI/CH 5 CI/CH
Bulk Young's At rest Consol Active Passive
-- Soil type -- density Modulus coeff. state. limit limit Cohesion
No. Description kN/m3 Eh,kN/m2 Ko NC/OC Ka Kp kN/m2
(Datum elev.) (dEh/dy ) (dKo/dy) ( Nu ) ( Kac ) ( Kpc ) ( dc/dy )
1 FILL 17.00 7000 0.531 OC 0.361 2.770
(0.300) (0.000) ( 0.000)
2 CI/CH 17.60 26400 1.000 OC 1.000 1.000 91.00u
(0.490) (2.000) ( 2.000)
3 CI/CH 17.60 39600 1.000 OC 1.000 1.000 130.0u
(0.490) (2.000) ( 2.000)
4 CI/CH 17.60 50400 1.000 OC 1.000 1.000 169.0u
(0.490) (2.000) ( 2.000)
5 CI/CH 17.60 60000 1.000 OC 1.000 1.000 243.0u
(0.490) (2.000) ( 2.000)
Type of structure = Soldier Pile Wall
Soldier Pile width = 0.22 m
Soldier Pile spacing = 1.50 m
Passive mobilisation factor = 3.00 m
Elevation of toe of wall = -1.92
Maximum finite element length = 1.00 m
Youngs modulus of wall E = 2.1000E+08 kN/m2
Moment of inertia of wall I = 6.1400E-04 m4/m run
E.I = 128940 kN.m2/m run
Yield Moment of wall = Not defined
Strut/ X-section Inclin Pre-
anchor Strut area Youngs Free -ation stress Tension
no. Elev. spacing of strut modulus length (degs) /strut allowed
m sq.m kN/m2 m kN
1 13.58 9.00 0.031200 2.100E+08 8.40 0.00 0 No
2 9.08 9.00 0.037600 2.100E+08 8.40 0.00 0 No
Surch Distance Length Width Surcharge Equiv. Partial
-arge from parallel perpend. ----- kN/m2 ----- soil factor/
no. Elev. wall to wall to wall Near edge Far edge type Category
1 15.08 0.50(A) 50.00 20.00 24.00 = N/A N/A
Construction Stage description
stage no. --------------------------------------------------------
1 Apply surcharge no.1 at elevation 15.08
2 Excavate to elevation 14.08 on PASSIVE side
3 Excavate to elevation 13.08 on PASSIVE side
4 Install strut or anchor no.1 at elevation 13.58
5 Excavate to elevation 12.08 on PASSIVE side
6 Excavate to elevation 11.08 on PASSIVE side
7 Excavate to elevation 10.08 on PASSIVE side
8 Excavate to elevation 9.08 on PASSIVE side
9 Excavate to elevation 8.58 on PASSIVE side
10 Install strut or anchor no.2 at elevation 9.08
11 Excavate to elevation 7.58 on PASSIVE side
12 Excavate to elevation 6.58 on PASSIVE side
13 Excavate to elevation 5.58 on PASSIVE side
14 Excavate to elevation 4.58 on PASSIVE side
15 Excavate to elevation 3.58 on PASSIVE side
16 Excavate to elevation 3.08 on PASSIVE side
Stability analysis:
Method of analysis - Strength Factor method
Factor on soil strength for calculating wall depth = 1.40
Boundary conditions:
Length of wall (normal to plane of analysis) = 100.00 m
Maximum and minimum bending moment and shear force at each stage
Stage --------- Bending moment -------- ---------- Shear force ----------
no. maximum elev. minimum elev. maximum elev. minimum elev.
kN.m/m kN.m/m kN/m kN/m
1 1.1 13.58 -8.4 11.08 5.5 -0.92 -5.8 13.08
2 7.1 13.58 -10.3 11.08 9.9 -0.92 -8.5 13.08
3 11.4 13.08 -11.7 0.08 18.4 13.08 -7.0 2.00
4 No calculation at this stage
5 8.1 13.58 -29.3 12.08 19.7 -0.92 -41.9 13.58
6 9.2 13.58 -70.2 12.08 38.2 11.08 -79.1 13.58
7 10.9 13.58 -121.8 11.08 63.2 10.08 -118.3 13.58
8 12.5 13.58 -154.7 11.08 90.7 9.08 -148.9 13.58
9 13.5 13.58 -167.9 11.08 85.3 8.58 -164.9 13.58
10 No calculation at this stage
11 13.7 13.58 -157.5 11.08 87.4 9.08 -165.3 13.58
12 13.8 13.58 -143.1 11.08 115.9 9.08 -163.5 13.58
13 21.5 9.08 -149.6 6.58 146.1 9.08 -161.5 13.58
14 69.8 9.08 -170.0 5.58 174.1 9.08 -185.7 9.08
15 114.4 9.08 -190.8 5.58 201.1 9.08 -217.8 9.08
16 135.6 9.08 -194.3 5.58 214.2 9.08 -232.5 9.08