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Espina, Karl Christian F.

NSTP 100


Week 1: What are your expectations to the NSTP course?

My expectations to the NSTP course is that it will be full of activities relating to civic education
and defense preparedness. I expect to finish this course with better knowledge about disaster
preparations and probably also develop my civic consciousness.

Week 2: What is the significance of NSTP Law in student training?

NSTP Law's significance in student training instils a sense of patriotism for our nation in our
youth. It also teaches them to be socially conscious and responsible individual community
members. The NSTP Law also instils duty and responsibility to students, with the mindset of
being available in times of need of the country.

Week 3: What is the importance of having set of values in our society?

Beliefs express our sense of right and wrong. They are helping us to grow and improve
ourselves. They are helping us build the future that we want. A representation of our beliefs is
the choices we make every day. Values can be contagious; many others would, too, children, if
you follow them. Hopefully, more practice from all of us will leave the world a better place for
future generations.

Week 4: What is your role or contribution in our community’s national security?

My role and contribution to the community’s national security is to recognize the importance of
the youth in nation-building, instilling patriotism and nationalism in them, and promoting their
engagement in public and civic affairs would undoubtedly prepare and encourage them to
participate and productively engage in debates and activities on important issues such as
constitutional reform. Aside from being an active member of society, young people also must
create lasting peace. Because of their experience in developing personal honesty, discipline,
and open-mindedness, they are vital players in peace - building.

Week 5: What can you contribute in creating awareness with regard to environmental
Take the bus, carpool, walk or ride your bike instead of commuting to work or school to cut
down on greenhouse gas emissions. If not for your house, then maybe for a community center,
consider investing in suitable technologies such as clean power (solar or wind). This
encourages a shift towards sustainable and renewable energy.

Week 6: What are the ways you can help protect the environment (individual, community
and global)
Buy items that are reusable, such as bottles of glass, reusable bags, and reusable cups. Stop
purchasing things such as paper towels, water bottles, and plastic bags that are disposable.
Start composting and recycling, which will help reduce the production of our waste. We all, not
just the government, must contribute. We are all still trying to do it more quickly. But it would
probably help if we first start thinking about our convenience and the climate for any action we
do. So, the transformation needs to come in the way that people begin to think about it. We are
probably all developing a few items that will improve the world.

Week 7: What is your role or contribution in our country’s Disaster Risk Reduction and
Management (DRRM) plan.
My role in contributing to the country’s Disaster Risk Reduction and Management plan is abiding
by the plan given to us by the government and, also spreading the plan given by the DRRM. To
contribute to our country’s DRRM plan, one must be able to have a thought of prevention. My
role as a citizen of my country is to be able to avoid disaster situations, so as a responsible
situation I will be applying the 3 R’s in my day-to-day principle as a citizen, that being the
Reduce, Reuse and Recycle principle. With this, I will be able to help contribute to the country’s
disaster risk reduction management plan.

Week 9: What is your role or contribution in the fight against substance misuse and
My role in contributing to the fight against substance misuse and abuse is to have a rational
thought on decision making. My biggest role is contentment for thyself, and not being influenced
by substances that can ruin my life. Another role and contribution in mind, is to help spread
awareness of the result of these substances. In my generation, social media has become a
platform to the youth to spread awareness and, also learn from other people’s experiences. So,
a role and contribution in mind is to help spread awareness.


Week 1:

Week 2:
a. With regards to the NSTP Law and the current situation the world is going through, I think that
I will only be able to cope up with the new normal by exercising the NSTP Law by my principles.
Even though most of the people are indoors and mostly staying all day inside their homes, I
think that the NSTP Law still applies even though we are in our homes, and with the knowledge
passed by the NSTP Law, people will be more aware and alert of times of emergency. So, I can
say that the NSTP Law would not be a diminishing factor even during the time of the pandemic.

b. With the Citizenship Training, I will be able to cope up with the new normal through rethinking
on how to use devices on transitioning to visual learning environment. With the advancement of
technology and the takeover of the social media era we are able, to learn from just watching
through our screens. So, I think it won’t be that difficult for the new norm to learn the citizenship
training, all we need is adjustment and complete understanding.

Week 3:
1. If I were to choose 3 Filipino characteristics that I possess and value, firstly I would choose
pride, I can confirm and agree with my characteristic of having pride for myself. As Filipinos, we
are mostly degraded for being a third world country, and that’s why the “Filipino Pride” became
a household name. Whenever we have a Filipino representative representing the country
internationally, we take pride of what they do. And I think I can say that I am a part of that.
Another characteristic that I possess that really helps the society to become a better place is
my charismatic characteristic, my charismatic characteristic depicts my confidence and my
ability to convince and persuade others of my beliefs and statements. So, I think that
charismatic characteristic in very important for a Filipino. Lastly, the characteristic that I possess
and value, that I want to share to others is my ability to have a strong resiliency. I think each
Filipinos should have this characteristic within their blood to learn through get through tough
times and think positively.

Week 4
-The ROTC graduates can contribute to national security by providing their service to the
country in times of needed.
-The ROTC graduates can apply their health and physical training when the country will
undergo crisis.
-The ROTC graduates can be a soldier when the country will undergo crisis.

Week 5
Every individual can help to make the planet a less polluted and environmentally friendly city,
and these efforts are by sharing in the form of images, videos, and campaign ads on popular
social media sites such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.

Week 6
On a quarantine situation, to protect the environment we must still practice proper segregation
or the 3 R’s Reduce, Reuse and Recycle. Staying at home all day and for months, trash will pile
up before we throw them away to the dump site. So, the to protect the environment from bad
elements, we must learn how to properly segregate our trashes.

Week 7
For my family to be ready in such catastrophe or disaster, we must be able to pile up our
resources before these events start to cluster. We also prepared emergency kits such as,
emergency light, medical equipment and, also saved the important hotlines when in need of
assistance from emergency tactical teams. For us to improve in those type of situations, we
listen to emergency tactical team advises in those type of situations and also listening to my
NSTP class.

Week 8
- I learned how to properly wrap my head with a bandage and also covering the right spots
when in need of treatment.
- I learned how important this lesson is for NSTP students, since one day we will be needing
these techniques and skill to be able to help and survive.
- I also learned how to be a help to other individuals when it comes to these types of situation.
Week 9
- I suggest the government to have more in dep teachings of the effects of the drugs. I suggest
for them to provide more campaigns where there will be professionals siting the effects of
malicious drugs.
- I suggest the government to create more rehabilitation sites for many more individuals to
rehabilitate from malicious drugs.
- I suggest the government to focus more on the leaders of malicious drug operations, rather
than the drug pushers from the streets.

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