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Researchers: Parents Signature

Janet R. Magno __________________

Herowin Ugay __________________

Jelen Bilag __________________

Michelle de Castro __________________



Background of the Study

In our daily lives, discipline must possess each one of us especially for the

younger ones, learners of today. Learners have been sent to school to learn

things that will be soon applied to daily living. They are not just learning things

about schooling but also the proper way of living. One of this is budgeting money.

Budgeting is very important to us especially the learners. But, many fail because

of some reasons and uncertainties in life that leads to improper way of managing

money that may cause problems on academic performances of learners. The

problem also lies on the spending behavior of an individual. Thus, discipline is

needed to practice proper way of budgeting.

According to Washington (2009), being at school helps a learner learn

how to deal with others, set goals and get things done. Those are important skills

that a learner should learn. And, being at school helps every learner about things

on how to live in everyday life including budgeting.

In life, everything changes because nothing is constant. Just like the

spending behavior of students today and before. According to Neill Valentine

D’Silva (2008) in his article about college spending habits, students are getting

more and more into consumerism every day. Students who used to live away

from their home, there are too much of brand awareness and increase the
chances of students buying things that they don’t need leaving mass media a

factor. Indeed, consumer spending behavior is strongly influenced by the factors

such as personal, cultural, psychological, social and economic condition.

Demographic characteristics such as income, age, marital status, occupations,

etc. would have direct relationship to consumer behavior (Chetsada Noknoi


In addition, the promotional savings, sweepstake contests, ease of

payments, etc. would motivate consumers to spend more, which directly affect

their spending behavior.

Since budgeting allows you to create a spending plan for your money, it

ensures that you will always have enough money for the things you need and the

things that are important to you. Following a budget or spending plan will also

keep you out of debt or help you work your way out of debt if you are currently in


Once you create your first budget, begin to use it and get a good feel for

how it can keep your finances on track, you may want to map out your spending

plan. A personal budget is an excellent way to bring order to household finance.

Budgeting requires discipline and long-term commitment, but it keeps the

incoming and outgoing money clearly marked and organized so it is easy to tell

how well the household is doing. Budgeting takes work, a deep understanding

and patience that is all you need to succeed in life.

As cited, those who are financially knowledgeable are much more likely to

have planned (Lusardi, 2008). Understanding financial literacy is of critical

importance for policymakers; it can aid those who wish to devise effective

financial decision programs targeted at young people (Lusardi, Mitchell & Curto,

2009; Lusardi & Mitchell, 2009; Lusardi, 2008).

Some subjects taken in Accountancy, Business and Management were

all about money, business and management that include budgeting. Thus,

teachers in Aringay National High School must be able to teach their students

properly especially in budgeting matters. Many fail in budgeting money especially

learners for some reason. That’s why the researchers were encouraged to

determine the budgeting practices and its effect on academic performance of

grade 12 senior high learners at Aringay National High School for the School

Year 2018-2019.

Statement of the problem

This research study aims to determine the budgeting practices of Grade

12 ABM Senior High Students at Aringay National High School on how these

affect their academic performances at school.

Further, this study seeks to answer the following questions:

1. What is the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of:

A. General Point Average (GPA)

B. Monthly Family Income

C. How much are their daily allowances?

2. What are the factors that affect budgeting practices of Grade 12 ABM

Senior High Students?

3. What are the effects of budgeting practices to academic performance of

Grade 12 ABM Senior High Students?

4. Is there a significant relationship between the factors affecting the

budgeting practices to academic performance of Grade 12 ABM Senior High


5. Is there a significant relationship between the effects of budgeting

practices to academic performance of Grade 12 ABM Senior High Students?


There is no significant relationship between the factors affecting the

budgeting practices to academic performance of Grade 12 ABM Senior High


There is no significant relationship between the effects of budgeting

practices to academic performance of Grade 12 ABM Senior High Students.

Scope and Delimitation

The main purpose of this study is to know the budgeting practices of Grade

12 ABM Senior High Students and how these affect their academic


The study was conducted to the Grade 12 ABM Senior High learners of

Aringay National High School, school year 2018-2019.

The study was conducted through a survey method by the use of

questionnaires. Each respondents of this study will be given questionnaire to


The ninety two (92) respondents of this study is determined through simple

random sampling and the list of respondents of this study was selected

systematically by the researchers.

Importance of the study

The study was conducted to find out the budgeting practices and spending

behavior of Grade 12 ABM Senior High learners at Aringay National High School

and how these affect their academic performances at school.

The result or the outcome of this research is beneficial to the school,

parents, students and researchers.

School. The school who are nurturing the skills and abilities of the students

through the teachers was benefited. Thinking of the fact that student are very

poor in terms of budgeting practices. This research helped the student to proper

manage their money and help them back in school and bring back their interest

in budgeting.

Parents. This will benefit parents for this will serve as their guide in

parenting their children. And this will help them arouse their awareness for the

budgeting practices of their kids. They have to teach their kids on how to spend

their pocket money or allowance in a meaningful sense. And that's the learning or

benefit they can get through this research study.

Students. This study will benefit every learner. This will serve as their guide

in life and this will help them establish a vibrant sense of monetary habits for the

future. The learning’s they can get in this study would help them make it much

easier to value money when they are closer to entering the real world for earning

their reputation along with money. This will help them face and be ready for the

financial matters of the future and to know the role and benefits of budgeting.

Researchers. Based on the fact that researchers belong to the group of

senior high learners, this study will help them arouse their awareness in life in

terms of budgeting. This will also give them answer to why others may fail in

budgeting and why others spend too much from their allowances.
Theoretical Framework

Line-Item Budgeting:

Henry believes that line-item budgeting is the traditional form of budget

making. At the beginning of the twentieth century this system or technique was

followed and was also popular. It is called the traditional system. “A line-item

budget is simply the allocation of resources according to the cost of each object

of expenditure”. The purpose of the line-item budget is to estimate the cost of a

scheme or project and the expected benefit. It is simply based on the

fundamental principle of economics.

Before sanctioning money the bureaucrats must be sure that the benefit of

the project must surpass the cost. The line-item budgeting also emphasises

several other aspects of public administration such as skilled accountancy, the

cost of the project, the estimated benefit. It is also related to incremental policy-

making process, responsibility of the management and farsightedness of

planning. All these complicated issues are involved.

Though the line-item budgeting is the traditional form and it was practised

in ancient times, it is claimed that even in the twenty-first century its existence or

practice does not surprise us at all. The bureaucrats meticulously scan the

various items of budget on the basis of cost-benefit principles. They want to be

sure that the costs need not be excessive, that is some benefits shall be
achieved. It is said that line-item budgeting is quite common and based on

rationality. In the second half of the last century the rational choice theory was

developed on the basis of cost-benefit approach. Needless to say that this theory

earned popularity among academicians.

There are certain advantages and disadvantages of the line item

budgeting. Some are stated below. The line-item budgeting is based on logic,

reason, and basic principles of economics. When a section of public

administration is going to spend a certain amount of money it must be sure that

some benefits will be obtained.

Performance of Budgeting:

Henry defines performance budget in the following way : Performance

budgeting is a system of resource allocation that organises the budget document

by operations and programmes and links performance levels of those operations

and programmes with specific budget amounts. Performance budgeting covers

more administrative activities than had the traditional line-item budget. In the

performance budget both the input and output are duly and cautiously

considered. In the performance budgeting the management not only considers

the accounting of the budget, but also skills and activities were stressed equally.

The performance budgeting is different from line-item budgeting. In the

latter system the administrator is chiefly concerned with the input-related issues

or questions. Cost occupies the most important position. But in the performance

budgeting “an administrator was pushed into asking not only input related
questions, but output related questions as well” Under performance budgeting a

programme is launched and after this the results of the programme were duly

considered. In this system there are various committees or sections which

estimate both the input and output.

The performance budgeting claims that there is a close relationship

between policy and performance. The matter may briefly be explained in this

way. The public servants adopt policies and it is also their duty to evaluate them.

This performance in public administration is a continuous process. Since

government officers have “certain amount of” accountability they will have to give

explanations of their activities. So the civil servants are to explain for the failure

of the policy they adopted.

An important aspect of performance budget is it aims at justice. This type

of budgeting ensures, at least to some extent, that public money is not

laundered. Its supporters claim that the persons in charge of making policy and

executing it are to give explanation for any lapses. In other words, the

performance budgeting aims at ensuring the proper utilisation of money.

If performance is the criterion of budgeting there is little scope of any

inefficiency and wastage of public money. Because in it the persons in charge of

execution of policy must give explanations of failure.


The American public administrators were always in the lookout for new

and more effective methods of budgeting and planning. Programming-Budgeting

is such a technique. The Planning-Programming-Budgeting is also known as

Planning Programming-Budgeting-System (or PPBS). According to Henry, “it is a

system of resource allocation designed to improve government efficiency and

effectiveness by establishing long range planning goals, analysing the costs and

benefits of alternative programmes that would meet these goals and articulating

programmes as budgetary and legislative proposals and long term projections”.

A cursory glance at the definition reveals that compared with two other

processes of budgeting this PPBS is far improved. It proceeds logically and

systematically in the preparation of budgeting. Before making any budget it

makes a detailed planning about how resources are to be allocated among

different sectors. Both planning and programming work almost simultaneously.

The objectives of any programme are at the same time decided. The cost of

every programme is also verified and judged in the background of benefit.

Naturally the cost-benefit approach automatically comes to the picture.

The PPB is not an ordinary method of budgeting; it is highly complicated

and its implementation requires a host of experts-technicians, specialists,

experienced administrators, economic analysts etc. The planning and program-

ming is a comprehensive issue and any lackadaisical approach to any important

matter or project may be very harmful. Hence there is seriousness in the entire


This seriousness is due to the fact that the PPB is not only concerned with

the input-output of any programme but also the effects and alternatives. Many
budgeting systems select only cost-benefit aspects of any project. But PPB

wants to enter into the depth of the whole system-budgeting and its numerous


When a particular programme is finally selected a question remains to be

answered- whether it had any alternative. The PPB does not give scope to raise

such a question. Before launching a programme it seriously analyses all the

aspects and after that a final decision is taken. An important aspect of PPB is it

leaves no stone unturned before taking a final decision about a project or


Conceptual Framework

This research study was focus on the budgeting practices and spending

behavior of Grade 12 ABM Senior High learners at Aringay National High School

on how these affects the academic performances.

Independent Variable

Budgeting practices of Academic performance

Dependent Variable
Grade 12 ABM Senior of Grade 12 ABM
High Learners Senior High learners

The conceptual paradigm above shows the dependent and independent

variable of this study. The independent variable consist the budgeting practices
of Grade 12 ABM Senior High learners that may also connect to their spending

behavior. Budgeting is a plan for spending your money for a particular purpose.

On the other hand, the dependent variable consist the academic performance of

Grade 12 ABM Senior High learners at Aringay National High School.

Definition of terms

Academic Performance. The extent to which student, teacher or institution has

achieved their short or long-term educational goals

Behavior. It is the way which someone behaves or conducts oneself especially

on spending and budgeting practices.

Beneficial. It is a good result or an outcome that will give benefits in our daily


Budgeting. It is a process of dividing or allocating money for a particular purpose

from a budget.

Demographic. It includes the profile of specific group of people (Grade 12 SHS)

that may affect their spending and budgeting practices.

Instrumentation.  Refers to the tools or means by which investigators attempt to

measure variables or items of interest in the data-collection process.

Practitioners.  A person engaged in the practice of

a profession, occupation, etc.

Randomly. A process of selection in which each item of a

set has an equal probability of being chosen.

Spending. The way you spend or allocate the money that you have in buying

goods or services.
Spending plan. It is a road map that serves as your guide in spending. It is

similar to a budget, helps outline where income is earned and expenses are




This chapter discusses the research design, data sources, instrumentation

and data collection, data analysis, statistical tools and categorization of data.

Research Design

This study used survey research design. According to Check & Schutt

(2012), survey research is defined as the collection of information from a sample

of individuals through their responses to questions. This type of research allows

for a variety of methods to recruit participants, collect data, and utilize various

methods of instrumentation. Survey research can use quantitative research

strategies (e.g., using questionnaires with numerically rated items), qualitative

research strategies (e.g., using open-ended questions), or both strategies (i.e.,

mixed methods). As it is often used to describe and explore human behavior,

surveys are therefore frequently used in social and psychological research

(Singleton & Straits, 2009).

Survey research is the collection of data attained by asking individuals

questions either in person, on paper, by phone or online. Conducting surveys is

one form of primary research, which is the gathering data first-hand from its
source. The information collected may also be accessed subsequently by other

parties in secondary research.

More recently, survey research has developed into a rigorous approach

to research, with scientifically tested strategies detailing who to include

(representative sample), what and how to distribute (survey method), and when

to initiate the survey and follow up with non responders (reducing nonresponse

error), in order to ensure a high-quality research process and outcome. Currently,

the term "survey" can reflect a range of research aims, sampling and recruitment

strategies, data collection instruments, and methods of survey administration.

Survey research is a useful and legitimate approach to research that has

clear benefits in helping to describe and explore variables and constructs of

interest. Survey research, like all research, has the potential for a variety of

sources of error, but several strategies exist to reduce the potential for error.

Advanced practitioners aware of the potential sources of error and strategies to

improve survey research can better determine how and whether the conclusions

from a survey research study apply to practice.

Data Sources

Locale and Population of the Study

The study was conducted at Aringay National High School - Senior High

School, Municipality of Aringay, Province of La Union, during the school year

The respondents of this study involved ninety-two (92) systematically

picked Grade 12 ABM Senior High learners with the use of simple random


In getting the number of respondents, the Slovin's formula, n= N / (1+Ne 2)

is used where N= population size and e= error tolerance.

Table 1 shows the distribution of respondents of Grade 12 ABM Senior High learners at

Aringay National High School.

Strand Section Gender of selected No. of selected

learners learners (per

Male Female section)

Melamed 14 17 31

Kotler 13 17 30
Jabara 16 15 31

Total respondents 43 49 92

Instrumentation and Data Collection

The researchers made use of a constructed questionnaire as the main

data gathering tool for this study. There are five (5) parts of questionnaire used in

this study. The first part is the demographic profile, the second part are the

factors that affects the budgeting practices and academic performance of Grade

12 ABM Senior High learners. The third part is the effects of budgeting practices

to academic performance of Grade 12 ABM Senior High School. The fourth part
is the significant relationship between the factors affecting the budgeting

practices and the academic performance of Grade 12 ABM Senior High

Students. And, the fifth part is the significant relationship between the effects of

budgeting practices to academic performance of Grade 12 ABM Senior High


Data Analysis

The data gathered were organized, tallied, and presented in tables to ensure

accuracy and order, and for systematic analysis of the processed data.

Statistical Tools. In order to come up with a valid and reliable analysis and

interpretation of the data gathered, the researchers made use of frequency

counts, percentages and weighted means and ranking. These statistical

techniques were used to present the descriptive statistics of this study.

Categorization of Data

The demographic profile of Grade 12 ABM Senior High learners in terms

of (a) General Point Average (GPA), (b) Monthly Family Income and (c) daily

allowance of the Grade 12 learners were treated and analyzed through frequency

count and statistical percentage.

The factors that affects the budgeting practices and academic

performance of Grade 12 ABM Senior High Students was measured and

interpreted using the following relative values:

Numerical Values Statistical Limits Descriptive Ratings (DR)

5 4.21 - 5.00 Very Strongly Agree

4 3.41 - 4.20 Strongly Agree

3 2.61 - 3.40 Agree

2 1.81 - 2.60 Disagree

1 1.00 - 1.80 Strongly Disagree

The effects of budgeting practices to academic performance of Grade 12

ABM Senior High Students was measured and interpreted using the following

relative values:

Numerical Values Statistical Limits Descriptive Ratings (DR)

5 4.21 - 5.00 Very Strongly Agree

4 3.41 - 4.20 Strongly Agree

3 2.61 - 3.40 Agree

2 1.81 - 2.60 Disagree

1 1.00 - 1.80 Strongly Disagree

The significant relationship between the factors affecting the budgeting

practices and the academic performance of Grade 12 ABM Senior High Students

was treated with the coefficient with alpha-value at 0.05 degree of correlation.

The significant relationship between the effects of budgeting practices to

academic performance of Grade 12 ABM Senior High Students was treated with

the coefficient with alpha-value at 0.05 degree of correlation.

All computations were done manually by the researchers.



This chapter presents, discusses and interprets the findings of the study

entitled Budgeting Practices: Its effect to Academic Performance of Grade 12

ABM Senior High Learners at Aringay National High School.

Demographic Profile of Respondents

Table 2 Academic Performance of Grade 12 ABM learners

GPA Frequency Percentage

91-95 13 14.13
86-90 26 28.26
81-85 20 21.74
75-80 33 35.87
Total 92 100

Table 2 shows the academic performance grade12 ABM learners. IT can

be gleaned from the table that 35.87% with a frequency of 33 has an average of
81-85 while 14.13% with the frequency of 13 has an average of 91-95.

Table 3. Profile on Parents Occupation of Grade 12 ABM learners

Variable Frequency Percentage



Housewife 74 80.54
Sales Lady 3 3.26

Street Vendor 5 5.43

OFW 6 6.42

Factory Worker 1 1.09

Nurse 2 2.17

Teacher 1 1.09

Total: 92 100


Construction Worker 29 31.52

Carpenter 9 9.78

Tricycle/Jeepney/Bus Driver 16 17.39

Street Vendor 2 2.17

Landscaper 1 1.09

Helper 1 1.09

Farmer 7 7.61

Fisherman 5 5.43

Meat Butcher 1 1.09

Warehouse Man 1 1.09

Factory Worker 1 1.09

Security Guard 2 2.17

Seaman/Sailor 1 1.09

Casino Dealer 1 1.09

None 12 13.04
Total: 92 100

Table 3 presents the profile on parent occupation of Grade 12 ABM


Based on the table above, it can be gleaned that most mothers of Grade 12 ABM

learners are housewife or they do not have work at all to support the financial

needs of the family. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, moms are doing

a disproportionate amount of household chores. In 2016, on an average day, 85

percent of women did household activities such as "housework, cooking, lawn

care, or financial and other household management”. Furthermore, 49 percent of

women did laundry and cleaning, and 68 percent of women did food preparation

or cleanup. These statistics don't lie; women are still doing the bulk of household

chores while also working full-time outside the house. According to the studies

also, the percentage of American households with dual-career couples rose from

34 percent in 1975 to 47.7 percent in 2014. Still, numerous studies have shown

that women still take on the bulk of the housework.

On the other hand, most fathers of Grade 12 ABM learners are working as

construction worker that earned 31.52% and 17.39% are working as

tricycle/jeepney/ bus driver. Looking at the mere fact that poor family background

suffers a lot to get a more decent job. According to studies that fathers who were

university graduates have higher chances to get a decent job.

However, 13.04% of them do not have work. Looking at the mere fact that

most mothers today tend to work to support the needs of the family and the

fathers are staying at home to look for their children. This happens because of
some reasons. According to Leygerman (2017), today, more moms work outside

the home than they did in previous generations. Still, and while dads contribute to

household chores and are more involved parents than ever before, moms are

burdened with the majority of the household work and child rearing

responsibilities in addition to their full-time jobs. In other words, being a working

mom is still harder than being a working dad. Because moms are still considered

the primary caretakers of their children.

Table 4. Profile on Economic Status (Monthly Family Income) of Grade 12

ABM learners

Monthly Family Income Frequency Percentage


Php 20,001 and above 6 6.52

Php 15,001-20,000 4 4.35

Php 10,001-15,000 15 16.30

Php 5,001-10,000 46 50

Php 5,000 and below 21 22.83

Total: 92 100

Table 4 shows the profile on economic status (monthly family income) of

Grade 12 ABM learners.

Based on the economic status of the learners gathered in the survey, most

of the learners belong in the lower class. Their family has a family income of Php

5,001 to 10,000 that earned a 50% in the table. It reveals that their monthly
income can support the daily needs of the family. But because of inflation their

family’s monthly income is still not enough. Based on some research studies the

inflation and jobs of parents has a big effect in financing the family’s needs

especially in providing allowances of their children in sending to school.

It can also be seen in the table that 22.83% has a family income of Php

5,000 and below, 16.30% has a family income of Php 10,001 to 15,000, 6.52%

has a family income of Php 20,001 and above, and 4.35% has a family income of

Php 15,001 to 20,000.

Table 5. Profile on Daily Allowance of Grade 12 ABM learners

Daily Allowance Frequency Percentage (%)

Php 90 and above 17 18.48

Php 80 5 5.43

Php 70 24 26.09

Php 60 17 18.48

Php 50 and below 29 31.52

Total: 92 100

As presented in the table 5, the profile on daily allowances of Grade 12

ABM learners.

Based on the table, it can be seen that most of the Grade 12 ABM

learners has an allowance amounting Php 50 and below with a percentage of

31.53% and Php 70 with a percentage of 26.09%. It reveals that most learners

have an enough allowance given by their parents. However, because of the

needs at school and because of the sudden increase of goods this is still not
enough. And it affects their budgeting practices that will soon affect their

academic performance at school. Findings of previous research shows that there

are many socio-economic factors such as high cost of institutes, parents are not

interested to educate their children instead they want their children to work and


It can also be seen in the table that 18.48% has an allowance of Php 90 and

above and Php 60, 5.43% of the respondents have an allowance of Php 80.

Table 6. Factors that Affects Budgeting Practices of Grade 12 ABM Senior

High Students

Factors that Affects Budgeting Frequency Weighted Rank

Counts Mean

Buying required academic 324 3.52 1

materials (Xerox copies and
printing materials) with high
Having lots of assignments 318 3.46 2
and projects at school.
Having only enough allowance. 312 3.39 3
Sudden increase of goods 308 3.35 4
available at school canteen.
Requirements from school 302 3.28 5
activities with high costs.
Improper spending behavior. 274 2.98 6.5
Increased in the 274 2.98 6.5
transportation fee.
Having low amount of 273 2.97 8
Buying unnecessary things. 267 2.90 9
Buying load for social medias. 266 2.89 10

Buying new trendy stuffs from

allowance. 263 286 11

In table 6 it can be comprehended the factors that affect the budgeting

practices of Grade 12 ABM leaners. Computed along their weighted means and

described with their ratings.

Based on the result of the survey, the possible factor that most Grade 12

ABM learners affect their budgeting practices is buying academic materials such

as Xerox copies and printed materials with high costs. With this, it only dictates

that required material for academic purposes stresses learners for this are not

only affects their budgeting practices but also their academic performance. This

is in corroboration in the study of Sander (2012) that financial worries affects

students’ academic performance as well as spending decision of many

Americans. Moreover, the National Survey of Student Engagement (2012)

revealed that more than third of seniors and more than quarter of freshmen did

not purchase required academic materials because of its cost. Both group said

that they are worried about having enough money everyday expenses.
Table 7. Effects of Budgeting Practices to Academic Performance of Grade

12 ABM Senior High Students

Effects of Budgeting Practices to Frequency Weighted Rank

Academic Performance Counts Mean

I can be able to pass projects on 313 3.40 1

I can be able to buy necessary 309 3.36 2
school requirements.
I can be able to have high 291 3.16 3
concentration at school.
I can be able to get high grades. 285 3.10 4
Lessen time for students in reading 277 3.01 5
Lack of time in reviewing notes of 253 2.75 6
Failure of students to have social 250 2.72 7
I became bored during class 248 2.70 8
Poor study habits of students. 245 2.66 9
I can’t be able to attend class. 241 2.62 10

Table 7 represents the effects of budgeting to academic performance of

Grade 12 Senior High Students. Computed along their weighted means and

described with their ratings.

Based on the result from the data gathered, the most possible effect of

budgeting practices is the ability to pass projects on time. With this result, it only

indicates that Grade 12 ABM learners properly spend their money in a good way

and they maintain good performance academically at school. It also indicates

that they have the awareness on how to allocate their allowance properly. Based

also on the previous findings that respondent of this study belongs in the lower

class. This is parallel in the study of Onyancha (2015). According to her study, if

the parents’ socioeconomic status is higher, the students’ academic performance

is higher too; while if the parents’ socioeconomic status is lower, the academic

achievement of student will be poor.

Table 8. Significant Relationship of Factors Affecting Budgeting Practices

Vs. Academic Performance

Variable Correlation Conclusion Tc Conclusion Decision

Coefficient on r
Factors 0.66 Between 0 8.33 Significant Rejected
Budgeting and 1
Practices Vs.
T = 1.987; df = 90, 0.05

The table 8 shows the significant relationship between the factors that

affects budgeting to academic performance of Grade 12 ABM learners.

The factors and academic performance had a correlation coefficient value

of 0.66 with tabulated t- value of 1.987 that is less than with the t-value of 8.33.

This means that its hypothesis is rejected. Therefore, there is a significance

relationship between the factors that affects the budgeting to academic

performance of Grade 12 ABM learners.

These findings are in relation to some previous studies. According to the

study of City of Malabon University (2017) that it is important that it is important

to have factors to determine the level of academic performance, one is


Table 9. Significant Relationship of the Effects of Budgeting Practices Vs. Academic


Variable Correlation Conclusion Tc Conclusion Decision

Coefficient on r
Effects of 0.98 Between 0 46.72 Significant Rejected
Practices Vs. and 1

T = 1.987; df = 90, 0.05

The table 9 presents the significance relationship between the effects of

the budgeting practices to academic performance of Grade 12 ABM learners.

The factors and academic performance had a correlation coefficient value

of 0.98 with tabulated t- value of 1.987 that is less than with the t-value of 46.72.

This means that its hypothesis is rejected. Therefore, there is a significant

relationship between the effects of the budgeting practices to academic

performance of Grade 12 ABM learners.

This finding is in correlation with the previous studies. According also to

the study of City of Malabon University (2017), the effects of budgeting is caused
by the socioeconomic situation of the family that has made a great effect to

academic performance of learner



This chapter presents the summary of findings made, the conclusions

drawn and the recommendations advanced as a result of the study conducted at

Aringay National High School.


This study assessed the budgeting practices and its effect to the academic

performance of Grade 12 ABM Senior High Students, Aringay District, Division of

La Union during the school year 2018-2019.

This study involved 92 learners and the researchers made use of survey-

questionnaire as the main data gathering tool of the study. Frequency counts,

percentages, rankings and averaged weighted means were used in this study to

quantify and qualify the data gathered.

Major Findings

The following were the important findings of the study:

1. Most of the mothers of the learners were housewife with an average of 70

with a percentage of 76.19%. Most of the fathers of the learners were

working as construction workers with an average of 29 with a percentage

of 31.52%. Majority of the monthly family income of learners amounted to

Php 5,001 to 10,000 with a percentage of 50%. Most of the learners of

Aringay National High School have an allowance amounting to Php 50

and below (31.52%).

2. The main factor that affects budgeting among learners is buying required

academic materials such as Xerox copies and printed materials with high


3. The effect of budgeting to academic performance of learners evidenced

mostly by their passing of projects on time.

4. There is a significant relationship between the factors that affects

budgeting to academic performance of Grade 12 ABM Senior High

Students of Aringay National High School.

5. There is a significant relationship between the effects of budgeting to

academic performance of Grade 12 ABM Senior High Students of Aringay

National High School.


Based on the findings of this study, the following conclusions derived:

1. Grade 12 ABM Senior High Students at Aringay National High School

belongs to low class and has a good academic performance.

2. Buying required materials are the main factors of budgeting among

learners. This means that most of their allowance was allocated in buying

required materials.

3. Grade 12 ABM learners at Aringay National High School can pass their

projects on time and this only means that learners from Grade 12 ABM
budget their money in a right way. Learners from Grade 12 ABM buys only

what is important or needed from their allowance.

4. Factors that affect budgeting and effects of budgeting has a significant

relationship to the academic performance of learners. So whatever the

factor and effect of budgeting it affects the academic performance of

learners, either negative or positive.


Based on the conclusion derived, the following recommendations are


1. Parents must teach their children on how to budget or allocate the given

allowance they have.

2. Parents must guide their children especially in budgeting expenses as

they grow.

3. Teachers must also give advices to their class to increase their awareness

in budgeting.

4. Learners must create a budget and look for a ways to save money.

5. Learners must also create a savings account for their future life,

emergencies and large expenses.

6. Learners must buy first what is needed than their wants.


Lusardi (2008)
Understanding and Evaluating Survey Research
Julie Ponto, PhD, APRN, AGCNS-BC, AOCNS®

Dina Leygerman (2017)
Rachel Gillett (2018)

Washington (2009)

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