Radio Broadcast Rubrics

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Radio Broadcast

Media and Information Literacy

Norhaya L. Batawan

Group Name: ________________________________________

CATEGORY 8 6 4 2
Speaks Clearly Speaks clearly and Speaks clearly and Speaks clearly and Does NOT speak
distinctly all of the distinctly all of the distinctly most of the clearly and distinctly
time and time but time and most of the time
mispronounces no mispronounces 1 or mispronounces no AND/OR
words. more words. words. mispronounces more
than 1 word.

Point of View— Broadcast Establishes a The purpose is It was difficult to

Purpose establishes a purpose at the somewhat clear but figure out the
purpose at the beginning, but many aspects of the purpose of the
beginning and occasionally broadcast seem only broadcast.
maintains that focus wanders from that slightly related.

Content- All content Most of the content The content is Content is typically
Accuracy throughout the is accurate but there generally accurate, confusing or
broadcast is is one piece of but one piece of contains more than
accurate. There are information that information is clearly one factual error.
no factual errors. might be inaccurate. flawed or inaccurate.

Content- All content listed in Most (99-90%) of the Many (89-75%) of Fewer than 75% of
Inclusion the project content in the project the content items in the content items in
description is description is the project the project
included. included. description are description are
included. included.

Content-Clarity All content is clear Most (99-90%) of the Much (89-75%) of Fewer than 75% of
and informative. content is clear and the content is clear the content is clear
informative. and informative. and informative.

Originality Broadcast shows Broadcast shows Broadcast shows an Broadcast is a

considerable some originality and attempt at originality rehash of other
originality and inventiveness. The and inventiveness on people's ideas
inventiveness. The content and ideas 1-2 cards. and/or graphics and
content and ideas are presented in an shows very little
are presented in a interesting way. attempt at original
unique and thought.
interesting way.
Effectiveness Broadcast includes Broadcast includes Broadcast is missing Broadcast is lacking
all material needed most material more than two key several key elements
to gain a comfortable needed to gain a elements. It would and has inaccuracies
understanding of the comfortable make an incomplete that make it a poor
topic. It is a highly understanding of the presentation. presentatio
effective material but is
presentation. lacking one or two
key elements. It is an

1. The format for broadcast copy/script writing shall be used.
2. Each group shall be given a minimum time of 7 minutes and a maximum of 10 minutes
presentation in English.
3. All materials including the infomercials shall be prepared on the spot. Infomercial shall not be
pre-recorded and be aired live.
4. Each group shall prepare 2 copies of the script: one copy for use in its presentation during the
radio broadcast and the other copy to be submitted to the instructor for preference.


1. The order of presentation shall be done by drawing lots.

2. The instructor shall flash the green card for the start of presentation
3. The teacher will serve as timekeeper for each group to monitor the amount of over/under time
a group makes.
4. A yellow card shall flash to signal the end of the broadcast.
5. The audience may watch/listen provided they maintain the silence for the whole duration of the


30% - Content (application of broadcast and journalism principles presentation of news items.)
30% - Time Management
30% - Delivery (Projection, modulation, confidence, uniqueness, flow and creativity of presentation)
10% - impact

Check the facts

Check the news is suitable and appropriate for your audience

What was the main point of the story?

Have the 5 Ws and 1H been answered?

What do you need to change the script?

Read the news naturally, clearly, and don’t rush

Pause between each news story so it is clear where one ends and the next one begins

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