At Merienda - Individual Activity

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AT MERIENDA by Maryanne Moll

Learning Activity 2

List the names of all the characters who are not members of the family, and describe
their role in the story. The first names have been listed for you.

1. Itas
- family maid
- makes the perfect scrambled eggs in bita’s family.
- old crone that took care of annie’s seven aunts and uncles.

2. Joventino
- family servant
- a very tall and straight, very thin, and old and pale, like a phantasm.

3. Sally
- family maid
- currently the one that makes bita’s family latik.
- lived with Bita’s son Dindo and his wife Gilda in malinao.

4. Massing
- family maid
- before sally it was massing that had been in bita’s family kitchen, making latik since
Bita’s children were still little.

5. Syria
- family maid
- before massing it was Syria making latik for bita’s family

Symbols and Silences. Often, the characters say things but mean something else.
Identify who said the words below and what the characters are actually thinking of.
Note:Copy the given table below and provide your answers in your created google

Speaker The words Thoughts

Bita Clean the cobwebs Bita was referring to the
cobwebs (is a spider webs
that are typically found
in a abandoned spaces) in
her house she was talking
to joventino one of their
family servant even if it’s
a dark corner bita will
still see the cobwebs in
any corner.
Eden Nonoy ko, Nonoy ko! Annie’s mom was
referring to her younger
brother who died when it
was baby it is annie’s
only male sibling but
passed away.
Bita Before you marry, you It is bita’s statement
should open your eyes talking to bunny, just
wide, because marriage like in the intro of the
is the time to close them. story there are stories
can be told a thousand
times, just like in getting
married we should before
you get married all of us
must open our eyes wide
to know things just like
what happened to bita
when they got married by
bito bita already closed
her eyes because of some
reason one of those are
bitos womanizing bitas
closed her eyes on this
topic you cannot see bita
complain about that
seems that to her it
doesn’t exist because
that is marriage but if
you’re just like annie
that stronger enough to
fight for their wrings
especially when it comes
to womens rigths fight if
you know you’re right.
Annie The photographs are in Only the people in the
sepia, the color of secrets photographs knew the
and regret. real color of the cloths
they were wearing when
the photographs were
taken. There were no
blues, no reds, no yellows.
Nobody wore bright orange
lipstick in sepia
photographs, and no one
had pimples, or wore
crumpled dresses, or had
on runny nylons. The sepia
enveloped the eternal
moment in an opaque
dimness, much like the
subterfuge of memory.
It is referring in the
hacienda mical bical when
bitos womanizing happens.
it is usual for the
haciendero to get their
maids pregnants that time.
Annie I wanted her to She was at that time about to
summon… But there travel to Manila in a few days
for chemotherapy. I saw her as
different, not cold, bright with
the passion to battle a disease
that had a death wish on her. I
wasn’t particularly close to her
but I stayed beside her the
whole time, trusting, hoping for
her to say or do something,
anything, that would take this
pointless calm, this strange
unearned normalcy, away. I
wanted her to summon all the
demons of pain and grief and
despair to breathe down fire
and ruffle the hairs and skirts of
all those people eating ibos and
palitaw and balisoso and suman
sa latik amid the flowers. But
there wasn’t even any breeze.
Not a leaf stirred.

Annie is talking about one of

her cousin candy that had a
cancer she says that she wanted
candy to summon the pain coz
just like bita candy don’t like to
show to any body her struggles
and pain annie wants candy to
be stronger to summon all of
her pain.
Annie wasn’t even a breeze. Not She was at that time about to
a leaf stirred. travel to Manila in a few days
for chemotherapy. I saw her as
different, not cold, bright with
the passion to battle a disease
that had a death wish on her. I
wasn’t particularly close to her
but I stayed beside her the
whole time, trusting, hoping for
her to say or do something,
anything, that would take this
pointless calm, this strange
unearned normalcy, away. I
wanted her to summon all the
demons of pain and grief and
despair to breathe down fire
and ruffle the hairs and skirts of
all those people eating ibos and
palitaw and balisoso and suman
sa latik amid the flowers. But
there wasn’t even any breeze.
Not a leaf stirred.

Jannie wants candy to summon

all the pain but candy didn’t coz
just like bita she want it to be
by herself.
Annie’s husband The life that I give you is “No,” my husband said to me
bad? when I asked him if I could take
a job. “But I can’t live like this,”
I answered back, though careful
to keep my voice low. “This life
that I give you is bad?” I kept
quiet. Nothing that I could have
told him at that moment would
have been something that was
totally new to him. “I need to
get out of the house. Just a
part-time teaching job. Please,”
I said. I tried not to sound too
pleading. I wanted to preserve a
certain dignity through it all.

Just like any typical men annie’s

husband want her just to stay at
home and just do a women
things nut annie’ s keeps
arguing to her husband about
that topic so her husband ended
in that question even though
annie wants to says that her
husband is a worst one she
cannot says it at that time.
Annie We are women of silence After all those years that the
and carbohydrates. smell of food wafted through
our non-discussions and our
trifling conversations, we have
become our own most essential
sustenance. We are women of
silence and carbohydrates.

Here it comes the feminist

criticism showcasing modern
maria clara when we talk about
maria clara it talks about how
she dress and the way she acts
and the way she do her part as
a women but in modern maria
clara all of the womens now are
have the rights to do things that
can men do but about that
statement of annie she doesn’t
care anymore about her getting
fat because she is now free she
doesn’t care anymore coz annie
is a woman of empowerment
for herself.

Practice Task 3

Answer the question below using your own words. (10 pts.)
Your answer must be written in one paragraph only with 30 to 40 words.

Criteria: CONTENT – 5

+What makes the story, At Merienda, feminist and why?

It was annie she’s a optimistic empowered women and a modern Maria Clara that’s now
free on anything, in the past years women cannot live without their men but annie is
strong to face a new life without her husband.

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