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Self-Evaluation: English For Academic and Professional Purposes For Grade 12

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Name: ______________________________________ Year and Section: _____________________________

(Evaluate your first performance task using the rubrics below.)

Performance Task to evaluate: Writing a Position Paper

Criteria 4 3 2 1
Introduction Hooks the Hooks the Does not hook the No introduction
audience, and audience but audience and does
states the issue doesn’t have a not have a clear
with clear stand clear stand. stand.
Body Has at least 3 or Has only 1-2 Has arguments No arguments
more arguments arguments with with no supporting
with each supported evidences.
supported with evidences.
Counter- Has counter- Has counter- Has counter- No counter-
argument argument argument argument with no argument and does
supported with supported with supporting not refute
evidence and a evidence but evidence and no opposing view.
supported doesn’t have a supported
argument to refutesupported argument to refute
the opposing view.argument to refute the opposing view.
the opposing view.
Conclusion Clearly states States the paper’s Does not state the No conclusion
paper’s key points key points but paper’s key points
and emphasizes does not state the and does not state
the position position/stand. the position/stand.
Title It has a very clear There are few The title does not No title
title that clearly errors in the title in reflect to the
fits the whole terms of grammar whole essay.
essay. structure
Grammar, Has no error in Has the maximum Has the maximum Has several errors
spelling, grammar, spelling, of 10 errors in of 20 errors in in grammar,
indention, margin indention, margin grammar, spelling, grammar, spelling, spelling, indention,
and punctuations and punctuations indention, margin indention, margin margin and
and punctuations and punctuations punctuations
Work Cited Has at least 8 With only 7 or Only few works No work cited
works cited written below works cited cited with
according to MLA and with few incorrect MLA
format errors in the Format
Punctuality Submitted on or 1-3 days late 4-6 days late Late for 7 days or
before the deadline more
Plus Factor There is a clear The stand of the There is no clear Some ideas are
stand and all ideas author is evident stand of the author copy-paste with no
are very organized but ideas are not so and has very few credit of the
from beginning to organized and has paragraphs. author.
end with at least 6 fewer paragraphs.
Total Points:
Strengths of your work:

What needs to be improved?

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