Rubrics For Research Final Output

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CATEGORIES Exceeds Standard Meets Standard Nearly Meet Standard Does Not Meet Standard No Evidence Score
(10) (8) (7) (5) (3)
Title Page Title Evidence of four Evidence of 3 Evidence of 2 or less Absent
Authors’ Name,
Date, Neatly finished-no
Correct format
Thesis Statement Clearly and concisely states Clearly states the States the paper’s Incomplete and/or Absent, no
the paper’s purpose in a paper’s purpose in a purpose in a single unfocused. evidence
single sentence, which is single sentence. sentence.
engaging, and thought
Introduction The introduction is The introduction states The introduction states There is no clear Absent, no
engaging, states the main the main topic and the main topic but does introduction or main evidence
topic and previews the previews the structure not adequately preview topic and the structure
structure of the paper. of the paper. the structure of the of the paper is missing.
Review of Comprehensive literature Complete literature Partially complete and Incomplete or Absent, no
Related review. Includes current review with sound somewhat disorganized. disorganized. Includes an evidence
Literature and landmark literature organization. Includes Includes few non- inappropriate number of
highly relevant to the topic. very few nonrefereed refereed sources. nonrefereed sources.
Establishes an advanced sources and provides Establishes a basic Fails to establish an
theoretical framework current research theoretical framework appropriate theoretical
(including motivational relevant to the field and (including motivational framework (including
theories) for the research the topic. Establishes a theories) for the motivational theories)
topic. sound and proficient research topic. for the research topic.
theoretical framework Demonstrates a basic
(including motivational understanding of
theories) for the appropriate citation
research topic. format, but requires
significant revision.
Method Well written, detailed Moderately well written Partial description of Incomplete and little Absent, no
description of methods. and mostly complete methods which appear description of methods. evidence
Methods are highly description of methods. to be appropriate and Methods appear
appropriate for this type of Methods appear sound, related to purpose and inappropriate or
project and are directly appropriate and related research questions. unrelated to purpose
linked to the purpose and to purpose and research Data analysis appears and research questions.
research questions. Data questions. Data analysis appropriate for the Data analysis is
analysis is highly is appropriate for the research but needs incomplete and
appropriate for the research but needs significant refinement. inappropriate.
research and needs little or some refinement.
no refinement.
Body Each paragraph has Each paragraph has Each paragraph lacks Each paragraph fails to Absent, no
thoughtful supporting sufficient supporting supporting detail develop the main idea. evidence
detail sentences that detail sentences that sentences.
develop the main idea. develop the main idea.
Organization Writer demonstrates logical Paragraph development Logical organization; No evidence of structure Absent, no
Structural and subtle sequencing of present but not organization of ideas or organization. evidence
Development of ideas through well- perfected. not fully developed.
the Idea developed paragraphs;
transitions are used to
enhance organization.
Mechanics No errors in punctuation, Almost no errors in Many errors in Numerous and Absent, no
capitalization and spelling. punctuation, punctuation, distracting errors in evidence
capitalization and capitalization and punctuation,
spelling. spelling. capitalization and
Citation All cited works, both text Some cited works, both Few cited works, both Absent Absent, no
and visual, are done in the text and visual, are text and visual, are evidence
correct format with no done in the correct done in the correct
errors. format. Inconsistencies format.
Bibliography Done in the correct format Done in the correct Done in the correct Done in the correct Absent or the
with no errors. Includes format with few errors. format with some format with many errors. only sites are
more than 25 major . Includes 20 major errors. Includes 15 Includes 10 major internet sites.
references (e.g. science references (e.g. science major references (e.g. references (e.g. science
journal articles, books, but journal articles, books, science journal articles, journal articles, books,
no more than 5 internet but no more than 5 books, but no more but no more than
sites. Periodicals available internet sites. than 5 internet sites. 5internet sites.
on-line are not considered Periodicals available on- Periodicals available on- Periodicals available on-
internet sites) line are not considered line are not considered line are not considered
internet). internet). internet sites.)
*5 points deduction for every day of late submission.

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