Ethio Telecom South West Regional Office Building, Jimma

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Ethio Telecom South West Regional Office Building, Jimma

Unit Rate Before

Item No. Unit Qty Amount



1.1 Clear off site to remove top soil to an average depth of 200mm from NGL. M2 2,339.59 15.00 35,093.85

Temporary Piling Work (Shoring Work) for protection of deep excavation, full design, work
1.2 methodologies, location of shoring, design, drawings and specification are to be submitted by the M 205.00 14,500.00 2,972,500.00
Contractor and to be approved by the consultant or engineer.
Bulk ( Deep possibly mechanical excavation) excavation for Mat in ordinary soil to reduce level to
1.3 the specified depth on the drawing or as instructed by the Engineer up to an average depth of 9m M3 20,054.00 125.00 2,506,750.00
under site clearing.
Bulk ( Deep possibly mechanical excavation) excavation for Mat in Hard soil to reduce level to the
1.4 specified depth on the drawing or as instructed by the Engineer up to an average depth of 9m under M3 2,006.00 450.00 902,700.00
site clearing.
Back fill using selected material from quary, compacted in layers , each layer not exceeding 200mm
1.5 -
and compaction level to 95% modified AASHTO density.
1.5.1 Back fill around Foundation with selected material. M3 1,002.68 250.00 250,670.00
1.5.2 Back fill with selected material between mat beams. M3 1,296.00 250.00 324,000.00

Load and cart away surplus excavated material away from the project site in waste area in compliance
1.6 M3 21,056.36 100.00 2,105,636.00
all adminstrative and enviromental regulation of the project region and the law of the Country.
250mm thick basaltic or equivalent stone hard core well rolled, consolidate & blinded with crushed
1.7 M2 2,000.00 150.00 300,000.00

TOTAL CARRIED TO SUMMARY ........................ 9,397,349.85


2.1 100 mm blinding concrete quality C-15, with minimum cement content of 200 kg /m3, of concrete:

a) Under mat. M2 2,228.19 400.00 891,276.00


Reinforced concrete quality C-25, with minimum of 360 kg of OPC type cement/m3 filled in to form
2.3 -
work and vibrated around rod reinforcement. (Formwork and reinforcement measured separately).
a) In 100mm thick basement slab. M2 2,046.00 400.00 818,400.00
b) In 200mm thick basement slab. M2 1,667.00 800.00 1,333,600.00
c) In 150mm thick ground floor slab. M2 1,637.00 600.00 982,200.00
d) In mat Beam M3 395.00 4,000.00 1,580,000.00
e) In basement Beam M3 75.00 4,000.00 300,000.00
f) In ground floor Beam M3 88.00 4,000.00 352,000.00
g) In ramp Beam M3 62.00 4,000.00 248,000.00
h) In ramp slab M2 556.00 4,000.00 2,224,000.00
i) In staircase and landing M3 17.00 4,000.00 68,000.00
Reinforced concrete quality C-30 , with minimum of 400 kg of OPC type cement/m3 filled in to
2.4 form work and vibrated around rod reinforcement. (Formwork and reinforcement measured -
a) In 400mm thick mat slab. M3 891.27 4,000.00 3,565,080.00
b) In Basement Columns M3 126.00 4,000.00 504,000.00
c) In Shear Wall for lift shaft M3 23.00 4,000.00 92,000.00
d) In RC Retaining Wall M3 320.00 4,000.00 1,280,000.00
2.5 Provide, cut and fix in position sawn structural wood or steel formwork which ever is appropriate; -

a) To 400mm thick mat slab M2 78.00 250.00 19,500.00

b) To Basment columns M2 935.00 250.00 233,750.00
c) To mat Beams M2 790.00 250.00 197,500.00
d) To Basment Beams M2 654.00 250.00 163,500.00
e) To Ground floor Beams M2 763.00 250.00 190,750.00
f) To 200mm thick basement slab. M2 1,667.00 250.00 416,750.00

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Ethio Telecom South West Regional Office Building, Jimma

Unit Rate Before

Item No. Unit Qty Amount
g) In 150mm thick ground floor slab. M2 1,637.00 250.00 409,250.00
h) To ramp Beams M2 254.00 250.00 63,500.00
i) To ramp slab M2 26.00 250.00 6,500.00
j) To staircase and landing M2 87.00 250.00 21,750.00
k) To Shear Wall for lift shaft M2 185.00 250.00 46,250.00
l) To RC Retaining Wall M2 2,561.00 250.00 640,250.00
Mild steel reinforcement according to structural drawings. Price includes cutting, bending, placing in
2.6 -
position,tying wire and concrete spacers.
a) Dia 6 mm plain bar kg 38.00 -
b) Dia 8 mm deformed bar kg 12,586.00 38.00 478,268.00
c) Dia 10 mm deformed bar kg 27,489.00 38.00 1,044,582.00
d) Dia 12 mm deformed bar kg 52,281.00 38.00 1,986,678.00
e) Dia 14 mm deformed bar kg 978.00 38.00 37,164.00
f) Dia 16 mm deformed bar kg 38,876.00 38.00 1,477,288.00
g) Dia 20mm deformed bar kg 117,746.00 38.00 4,474,348.00
f) Dia. 24mm deformed bar kg 40,670.00 38.00 1,545,460.00
g) Dia. 28mm deformed bar kg 46,000.00 3.80 174,800.00

2.7 10x100mm Styrofoam expansion joint filler. Ml 362.00 80.00 28,960.00

TOTAL CARRIED TO SUMMARY ........................ 27,895,354.00


Class B,150mm thick HCB(hollow concrete blocks) internal wall,bedded in cement mortar (1:3). For
3.10 m2 765.60 450.00 344,520.00
Cavity wall around the concrete wall
Supply , prepare and apply portland cement plaster to internal and external wall, where indicated in
4.10 m2 765.60 150.00 114,840.00
the drawings
Supply and fix 500x500mm metal doors made of LTZ profiles and 4mm thick metal sheet for
5.10 No 30.00 800.00 24,000.00
cleaning purposes where necessasry

Supply and apply approved quality bituminous damp proof for basement area. The material used for
coating shall consist of asphaltic bitumen, suitably fluxed, with added mineral where it is necessary to
stabilize the asphaltic bitumen and reduce the risk of extrusion. The material shall have a softening
6.10 - -
point when determined by the ring and ball test of not less than 70oC. and not more than 93oC and all
works are done according to the material data sheet submitted by the manufacturer with 10 years
Guarantee and a professional sub contractor specialized with damp proofing work.

Supply, lay and connect diameter 75mm uPVC pipe (PN 6) for waste water drainage around the
cavity wall and all other places necessary of the standard BS 5255 with minimum wall thickness of
7.10 ml 62.00 350.00 21,700.00
2.0 mm, and qualifying International standards. Complete with all the necessary accessories including
strainers where necessary.

Total Summary for Sub structure Birr 37,797,763.85



Reinforced concrete quality C-25,with minimu of 360 kg of OPC type cement/m3 filled in to form
work and vibrated around rod reinforcement (Formwork and reinforcement measured separately)

a) In Floor beams M3 526.00 4,500.00 2,367,000.00

b) In Staircase and landing M3 153.00 4,500.00 688,500.00
c) In 150mm solid slab. M2 7,612.00 800.00 6,089,600.00
d) In Roof beams. M3 39.00 4,500.00 175,500.00

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Ethio Telecom South West Regional Office Building, Jimma

Unit Rate Before

Item No. Unit Qty Amount

Reinforced concrete quality C-30 ,with minimum of 400 kg of OPC type cement/m3 filled in to form
1.2 -
work and vibrated around rod reinforcement. (Formwork and reinforcement measured separately).

a) In elevation columns M3 408.01 4,500.00 1,836,045.00

b) In RC shear wall for lift shaft M3 224.10 4,500.00 1,008,450.00
c) In RC Wall M3 64.00 4,500.00 288,000.00

1.3 Provide, cut and fix in position sawn structural wood or steel formwork which ever is appropriate; -

a) In elevation columns M2 2,536.00 275.00 697,400.00

b) In beams M2 4,562.00 275.00 1,254,550.00
c) In roof beam M2 472.00 275.00 129,800.00
d) In 150mm thick solid slab. M2 7,612.00 275.00 2,093,300.00
e) In Stair Case M2 522.00 275.00 143,550.00
f) In RC Retaining Wall M2 650.00 275.00 178,750.00
Steel reinforcement according to structural drawings including cutting, bending, tying wires &
1.3 -
placing in position.
a) Dia. 6 mm deformed bar(plain bar) kg -
b) Dia. 8 mm deformed bar kg 8,650.00 38.00 328,700.00
c) Dia. 10 mm deformed bar kg 100,953.00 38.00 3,836,214.00
d) Dia. 12 mm deformed bar kg 79,007.00 38.00 3,002,266.00
e) Dia. 14 mm deformed bar kg 7,119.00 3.80 27,052.20
f) Dia. 16 mm deformed bar kg 24,567.00 38.00 933,546.00
g) Dia. 20mm deformed bar kg 67,767.00 38.00 2,575,146.00
f) Dia. 24mm deformed bar kg 52,134.00 38.00 1,981,092.00

TOTAL CARRIED TO SUMMARY ........................ 29,634,461.20

2.Block Work

2.1 Class B, 200mm thick SCB( solid concrete blocks) wall , bedded in cement mortar (1:3). M2 4,128.00 500.00 2,064,000.00

2.2 Class B,100mm thick HCB(hollow concrete blocks) internal wall,bedded in cement mortar (1:3). M2 1,203.00 400.00 481,200.00

2.3 250 mm thick double brickwall with 1:3 mortar and finally left for pointing. M2 1,900.00 45.00 85,500.00

TOTAL CARRIED TO SUMMARY ........................ 2,630,700.00

3. Aluminium and Composite Panel Work

Supply and fix anodized aluminum door and window profiles of 1.6 mm thickness as per the
following specifications: AA 6063, Norm EN 573-3/ EN 755-2/ EN 755 & EN 12020; tensile
strength 215 N/mm2; thickness of anodizing layer 15-20 micro meter. Accessories: handles, door
3.1 closer, arms, locks; Italian GIESSE & German Dorma or equivalent. Price for tinted glass 6mm
glazing, with appropriate structural silcon will be measured separately. The Contractor shall submit
samples of the materials and window door schedules including structural frame detail drawings with
the specifications.

a) 7 Pc: W-1 (60-60)cm M2 3.00 3,800.00 11,400.00

b) 40 Pc:W-2 (80-80)cm M2 26.00 3,800.00 98,800.00
c) 11 Pc:W-3 (100-100)cm M2 11.00 3,800.00 41,800.00
d)10 Pc:W-4( 120-120)cm M2 15.00 3,800.00 57,000.00
e)9 Pc: W-5 (140-140)cm M2 18.00 3,800.00 68,400.00
f) 1 Pc:W-5 '(70-140)cm M2 1.00 3,800.00 3,800.00
g)12 Pc: W-6 (180-180)cm M2 39.00 3,800.00 148,200.00
h)32 Pc: D-1 (80x270)cm M2 78.00 3,800.00 296,400.00
i)50 Pc: D-2 (90x270)cm M2 122.00 3,800.00 463,600.00
j) 6 Pc: D-3 (170x270)cm M2 28.00 3,800.00 106,400.00
k) 43 Pc:D-4 (150x270)cm M2 175.00 3,800.00 665,000.00
l) 2 Pc:D-4' (150x270)cm M2 9.00 3,800.00 34,200.00
m)72 Pc: D-5 (70x210)cm M2 121.00 3,800.00 459,800.00
n)3Pc: D-1' (80x270)cm M2 7.00 3,800.00 26,600.00
o)3Pc: D-2' (100x270)cm M3 25.00 3,800.00 95,000.00
Supply and fix stair case hand rail made of 30x50mm aluminium balustrades, diam of 50mm
3.2 Horizontal members all as per the detail drawing.Price shall include fixing accessories and other Ml 1,710.00 380.00 649,800.00
necessary works.

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Ethio Telecom South West Regional Office Building, Jimma

Unit Rate Before

Item No. Unit Qty Amount
Curtain Wall -

Curtain wall shall have strong mullions (Vertical window divider) to withstand wind pressure and
shall be anchored to reinforced concrete slab by means of appropriate anchoring device with
contraction allowance slots. Shall have edge covers, skirting and cornice at connection to floor slabs.
Top and bottom of curtain walls above the roof shall be covered with aluminium coping and flashing
3.3 M2 535.00 4,000.00 2,140,000.00
including the concrete parapet.It shall be also self-cleaning high performance solar control and low-
emissivity glass. it should be dual coated glass( thermal insulation) self-cleaning on-line coating with
photo-catalytic and hydrophilic properties and superior off-line solar control and low emissivity
coating, with light transmittance, high light reflectance. The price shall include all accesseries.

Interior Aluminum Framed Glass Partition

Supply and fix high quality single glazed with aluminum frame interior glass partition as per detail
drawing. It has to be sound insulated up to 42db. Vertical joints shall be lined with silicone or
3.4 transparent seals. The price shall include Aluminum frames with minimum profile thickness of 1.6mm M2 4,115.00 3,500.00 14,402,500.00
& approved section frame size, 6mm glass and all other fixing accessories. The material quality
should be approved by the Engineer

TOTAL CARRIED TO SUMMARY ........................ 19,768,700.00


Supply, prepare and apply Portland cement plaster to internal wall, Column surfaces,Stair soffit, and
ceiling surfaces where indicated on the drawings and in accordance with the technical specifications.
The proportioning of the first two coats (Base Coats) shall be as indicated on the specs. Portland
Cement Shall comply with the requirements of ASTM C 150, Type I. Sand Aggregates for Base
Coats shall comply with the requirements of ASTM C 897.

Apply three coats of plastering in cement mortar (1:3) up to fine finish. Price shall include pre-
cleaning, groove work as per the design for exterior walls, edge plastering, post cleaning and at the
joints of block walls and concrete surfaces it shall be racked to form key/shall use crack protection
wire mesh to make flush as per the selection of the Engineer and all preparation work of the surface.

a) To internal wall surface M2 7,019.00 200.00 1,403,800.00

b) To external wall surface . M2 4,128.00 200.00 825,600.00
c) To exposed columns, beams and to slab soffit M2 1,032.00 200.00 206,400.00
d) To stair soffit M2 258.00 200.00 51,600.00

TOTAL CARRIED TO SUMMARY ........................ 2,487,400.00


Supply and fix RAK or equivalent 200 x 300 x 8mm ceramic wall cladding for toilet areas only, of
matching color to floor, stuck to wall with cement screed backing as may be required/ approved and
5.1 grouting with white cement wash / filler to a height of 210 cm. Price shall include white cement, all M2 901.00 900.00 810,900.00
other necessary works to make the work complete, and rod anchors to backing. Color and pattern
according to architect's approval.

Best quality non- slippery 600x600x10mm Porcelain floor tiles of approved type and color as per the
approval of the Engineer, laying with 2-3mm spacer ,final joint grouting with filler and with mortar
5.2 baking. Color and the entire work shall be as per the Engineer's approval. Porcelain sizes laying M2 5,078.00 900.00 4,570,200.00
pattern drawings shall be submitted for approval before laying the tiles and screed will be measured

Supply and fix RAK or equivalent 300x300x8mm thick best quality non- slippery of approved type
of ceramic tile flooring for all the corridors and rooms on and including 42 mm cement screed 1:3
5.3 backing, laying with 2-3mm spacer, one week curing of the flooring and final joint grouting with M2 46.00 800.00 36,800.00
white cement. Color and the entire work shall be as per the Engineer approval. Layout drawings shall
be submitted for approval before laying the tiles.

Supply and fix 400 x 400 x 15mm thick imported type granite or equivalent bedded on cement sand
mortar 1:3 for wall and floor finish. Price include polishing and grouting with matching colour, any
5.4 M2 1,258.00 2,200.00 2,767,600.00
type of adhesive as requiered, 35mm thick cement mortar backing/ screed and white cement grouting.
Layout drawings shall be submitted for approval by the Engineer before manufacturing and laying.

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Ethio Telecom South West Regional Office Building, Jimma

Unit Rate Before

Item No. Unit Qty Amount

5.6 Supply and fix 100*20mm porcelen tile skirting in cement sand mortar mix (1:3) backing Ml 579.98 250.00 144,995.00
5.7 Supply and fix 100*10mm Ceramic tile skirting in cement sand mortar mix (1:3) backing Ml 366.00 250.00 91,500.00
Supply and fix 100*20mm granite tile skirting in cement sand mortar mix (1:3) backing where there
5.8 Ml 720.00 350.00 252,000.00
is granite floor tiles.
Supply and fix Multicolor Marble tread and Verendah corner edges of size 340x30mm with 20mm
5.9 thick cement sand mortar backing. Price shall include chamfering and all other necessary works to Ml 412.00 650.00 267,800.00
make the work complete.
5.10 Ditto but, risers of size 165x20mm as per the design drawing. Ml 347.00 500.00 173,500.00

Marble chips made of fine marble gravel mixed with approved type colored pigments, wel polished
(mirror polish - not less than 5 times) to the requiered final finish level as approved complete with all
5.11 cement sand mix. Price shall include 5mm thick glass separator at approved spacing distance by the M2 3,700.00 700.00 2,590,000.00
Consultant. Marble frames will be measured separtely and the marble chips area for payment is the net
area after deduction the area covered by marble frames.

Supply and fix 400 x 400 x 2mm thick white marble tile bedded on cement sand mortar 1:3 for floor
5.12 finish. Price include polishing and grouting with matching colour, white cement grouting . Layout m2 2,800.00 700.00 1,960,000.00
drawings shall be submitted for approval by the Engineer before manufacturing and laying.
Construct Decorated with pattern and approved type colored cement tiles of 40x40x6cm
size on top of the leveled surface. Price shall include transportation of the product from the
5.13 site in the compound, mortar grouting between the tiles, red ash bedding 40 cm compacted M2 110.00 550.00 60,500.00
selected fill. The material and work methodology shall be approved by the Engineer.
strictly follow the pattern of walk way form architectural drawing.

Supply and install Armstrong Suspended ceiling with aluminium panel all the neccesary
accesories. The Engineer shall approve to fixing points before any fixings are made.
Hangers shall be suspended only from the main structure.
Descriptions of ceilings shall be deemed to include: hangers, suspension systems, ceiling
panels and plaster finish where specified, as well as positioning of diffusers and light
fittings, as required for setting out ceilings to layouts approved by the Architect and for
5.13 M2 1,816.00 750.00 1,362,000.00
modifications to standard suspension systems as necessary to work around any air-
conditioning ducts or pipes or light fittings. (Sub-grid is optional
. Unit price shall include all works required for the preparatoion and installation of the
material including scaffolding for installation. Precise and levelled as per the design,
careful installation workmanship free of any finger prints and dusts is mandatory.
Measurement for payment is based on actual true length measured area of the ceiling.

Space frame made of galvanized powder coated circular steel section to be sub-contracted to a
specialized contractor/supplier, the specalized contractor/supplier shall have sound experience in
design manufacturing, supply and installation of space truss. The space truss arrangement shall
bascically comply with the basic architectural design, The space truss joints shall be ball and socket
5.14 type and member of the space truss shall be circular. The sub-contractor shall submit the design report M2 270.00 2,500.00 675,000.00
and structural analysis for approval of the Engineer before manufactruring and Supply. The Design
and manufacturing shall satisfy all Known international codes. The contractor shall submit a minimum
of 10 years Guarantee for the space truss. Price includes all accessories,necessary preparatory and
scaffolding works.

TOTAL CARRIED TO SUMMARY .......................... 15,762,795.00

6.1 6mm thick non reflective clear glass glazed to metal beads and approved quality putty. M2 4,768.00 650.00 3,099,200.00

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Ethio Telecom South West Regional Office Building, Jimma

Unit Rate Before

Item No. Unit Qty Amount

10 mm thick structural glass with spider connection. Price includes all works including installation
and all necessary supporting structures such as Structural glass frames and space frame made from
galvanized and powder coated circular hollow sections. Joints shall be sealed with structural silicone
all as per the detail drawing and technical specification(0936).The contractor must provide design as
6.2 well as a workshop drawing before proceeding of installation and also the structural glass shall also M2 280.00 100.00 28,000.00
be self-cleaning high performance solar control and low-emissivity glass. it should be dual coated
glass( thermal insulation) self-cleaning on-line coating with photo-catalytic and hydrophilic properties
and superior off-line solar control and low emissivity coating, with light transmittance, high light

TOTAL CARRIED TO SUMMARY .......................... 3,127,200.00


Apply three coats of approved quality plastic paint. Price shall include pre-cleaning and preparation
of surfaces.

a) To all internal wall surface. M2 7,601.00 45.00 342,045.00

b) To exposed beams,columns and To slab soffit / ceilings. M2 1,032.00 45.00 46,440.00
Apply Granite Paint according to the given detail drawing and the contractor must provide method of
7.2 application for approval of the Engineer. Price includes all nessacary works to get the final best M2 4,128.00 650.00 2,683,200.00
texture and color.
Apply Satin Paint for the external walls. The paint must give weather protection when surface are in
7.3 good condition before application. The weatherProof paint film is mould resistant to minimise M2 3,500.00 350.00 1,225,000.00
staining and flexible to resist cracking.

TOTAL CARRIED TO SUMMARY .......................... 4,296,685.00


Supply and plant grass of approved type on concrete slab, price includes fertile top soil, granular fill
8.1 M2 384.00 450.00 172,800.00
and proper dranige system installation all as per the detail drawings.

TOTAL CARRIED TO SUMMARY .......................... 172,800.00



9.1 Stop valves of nominal size
a. 25mm diameter No 2.00 300.00 600.00
b. 32mm diameter No 28.00 400.00 11,200.00
c. 40mm diameter No 1.00 420.00 420.00
d. 50mm diameter No 1.00 430.00 430.00
e. 63mm diameter No 1.00 450.00 450.00
9.2 Angle valves of 20mm nominal size No 169.00 800.00 135,200.00
9.3 PPR PN-20 pipes -
a. 20mm external lm 70.00 230.00 16,100.00
b. 25mm external lm 54.00 280.00 15,120.00
c. 32mm external lm 110.00 300.00 33,000.00
d. 40mm external lm 12.00 320.00 3,840.00
e. 50mm external lm 30.00 350.00 10,500.00
f. 63mm external lm 46.00 420.00 19,320.00
PPR pipes with HDPE cover for UV protection -
g. 32mm external lm 30.00 320.00 9,600.00
h. 40mm external lm 10.00 350.00 3,500.00
I. 50mm external lm 10.00 420.00 4,200.00
j. 63mm external lm 10.00 500.00 5,000.00
k. 75mm external lm 68.00 520.00 35,360.00
9.4 Surface Pumps for lifting water to roof cisterns pc 2.00 95,000.00 190,000.00

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Ethio Telecom South West Regional Office Building, Jimma

Unit Rate Before

Item No. Unit Qty Amount
9.5 Roof mounted Water tank- GRP 2*2*2m No 2.00 300,000.00 600,000.00
9.6 Domestic Water Reservoir- GRP 3*3*2m No 2.00 500,000.00 1,000,000.00
9.7 Waste pipes -
9.7.1 up pipes of diameter -
a. 50mm lm 160.00 300.00 48,000.00
b. 75mm lm 110.00 350.00 38,500.00
c. 110mm lm 320.00 400.00 128,000.00
d. 160mm lm 90.00 450.00 40,500.00
9.7.2 for down pipes (including fctory made strainer at down pipe inlet) & storm water drainage -
a. 110 mm diameter lm 50.00 400.00 20,000.00
b. 160 mm diameter lm 620.00 450.00 279,000.00
9.8 Electrical water heater -
a. Capacity : 50 liter No 1.00 5,000.00 5,000.00
b. Capacity : 80 liter No 1.00 6,000.00 6,000.00
Section 02 0011 PLUMBING FIXTURES -
9.9 Hand wash basins -
9.9.1 Counter mounted wash basins set 68.00 6,500.00 442,000.00
9.9.2 Wall mounted wash basins set 38.00 55.00 2,090.00
9.10 WC -
9.10.1 water closet with low level flushing cistern Set 54.00 6,000.00 324,000.00
9.10.2 water closets for physically challenged users Set 18.00 10,000.00 180,000.00
9.11 Kitchen sinks -
a) kitchen sinks, single bowl Set 1.00 3,500.00 3,500.00
b) kitchen sinks, double bowl Set 1.00 5,000.00 5,000.00
Urinals -
9.12 Urinal bowl from white vitreous china Set 19.00 3,500.00 66,500.00
Floor Waste Gullies -
9.13 Floor Waste Gullies No 18.00 600.00 10,800.00
9.14 Vent caps -
a. 75mm diameter No 3.00 650.00 1,950.00
b. 110mm diameter No 2.00 750.00 1,500.00
Section 02 0013 TOILET ACCESSORIES -
9.15 toilet paper holder No 72.00 2,000.00 144,000.00
9.16 crystal glass mirrors No 69.00 2,000.00 138,000.00
9.17 soap holder No 18.00 2,000.00 36,000.00
9.18 Automatic soap dispenser No 18.00 2,000.00 36,000.00
9.19 Automatic hand dryer No 18.00 2,000.00 36,000.00
9.20 GS Pipes -
dia. 75 mm ml 22.00 350.00 7,700.00
dia. 65 mm ml 5.00 350.00 1,750.00
9.21 Hoses, nozzles and valves set 9.00 25,000.00 225,000.00
9.22 Fire Water Reservoir- GRP 4*4*2m No 1.00 500,000.00 500,000.00
9.23 Fire pumps set Set 1.00 150,000.00 150,000.00

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Ethio Telecom South West Regional Office Building, Jimma

Unit Rate Before

Item No. Unit Qty Amount
9.24 Crystalline water proofing system for basement floor and wall, including lift pit m2 3,200.00 500.00 1,600,000.00

9.25 Cementicious water proofing system for wet rooms and roof cover with tile finish m2 2,610.00 35.00 91,350.00
Section 04 003 APP MODIFIED

9.26 a) APP modified bituminous membrane system applicable for roof gardening m2 950.00 400.00 380,000.00
b) APP modified bituminous membrane system applicable below Mat slab and upon concrete
m3 2,900.00 425.00 1,232,500.00
retaining walls
Total Carried To Summary -
9.27 HDPE100 PN-16 pipes -
a. Dia. 25 mm lm 2.00 250.00 500.00
b. Dia. 50 mm lm 90.00 300.00 27,000.00
c. Dia. 75 mm lm 50.00 350.00 17,500.00
a. Dia. 25 mm No 1.00 500.00 500.00
b. Dia. 50 mm No 1.00 500.00 500.00
Water tap, Diameter 20mm No 1.00 550.00 550.00
uPVC, 160 mm diameter lm 8.00 540.00 4,320.00
Circular RC manhole -
a. Dia 600mm, average depth of 800mm Nº 2.00 10,000.00 20,000.00
b. Dia 800mm, average depth of 1,400mm Nº 1.00 12,000.00 12,000.00
9.30 RC catch pit of size -
600x800mm, 900mm average depth Nº 3.00 25,000.00 75,000.00
9.31 RC storm drain of 400mm diameter lm 100.00 25,000.00 2,500,000.00
Section 05 001 Settling Tank -
9.32 RC settling tank lsm 1.00 100,000.00 100,000.00
Section 05 002 Packaged Wastewater Treatment Plant -
9.33 Packaged wastewater treatment plant lsm 1.00 14,000,000.00 14,000,000.00

Supply, fix test and commission Calpeda or equivalent approved quality submersible water
pumpsfrom subsurface drainage sump to road side ditch as per the manufacturer's instruction and
drawing shown. Price shall include all the necessary valves ( one -way and stop valves ), water
hammer arrestor, common base plate, automatic level control switches to start/off & to protect pumps
from dry running and control panel. the price shall include all the necessary accessories required for
proper operation of the system but not specified or shown on the drawing.

Electric Driven Submersible Pump

Capacity : Discharge = 6 l/s
@ 12 meters total head
Efficiency , h >= 70% No 1.00 150,000.00 150,000.00

Construct rectangular reinforced concrete sub surface drainage sump on location as shown on the
drawing all as per the detail drawing. The sump shall have 200mm thick C-25 RC base slab and wall
9.35 Ls 1.00 100,000.00 100,000.00
all as per the detail drawing. The cost shall include excavation, 200mm selected material below the
bottom slab, 50mm lean concrete, and any incidental work there too

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Ethio Telecom South West Regional Office Building, Jimma

Unit Rate Before

Item No. Unit Qty Amount

Supply and install semi perforated or slotted 300mm upvc pipe for subsurface drainage as shown on
the drawing. The pipe shall be laid on 15cm thick sand bed . 75% of the trench depth shall be filled
9.36 with 04-05 aggregate and shall be binneded with geotextile menbrane to separate it from the other lm 63.00 450.00 28,350.00
layer , the remaining 25% of the depth shall be filled with 02 size aggregate, geotextile membrane and
any incidental work there too required to complete the work

Supply and lay 50x50cm selected material of 0.4mm aggregate below mat for collecting water to the
9.37 lm 315.00 450.00 141,750.00
perforated pipes. Price includes 0.4mm aggregate and approved type Geotextile material.
Total Carried To Summary 25,452,450.00


Main board shall be type tested

All electrical materials shall be third party certified

10.1 Floor mounted main distribution board MDB

with lockable door, earthing lead cable terminal,
connectors and all the necessary accessories
consisting of:-

1pc main air circuit breaker of 1250A, 3-ph Icu = 50KA

3pcs MCCB of 400A, 3-ph Icu = 35KA
2pcs MCB of 200A, 3-ph Icu = 25KA
2pcs MCB of 80A, 3-ph Icu = 16KA
3pcsof current transformer of 1600/5A
3pcs of Ammeter range of 0-1600A
1pc of voltmeter range 500V with selector switch
1pc of frequency and power factor meter
1 pc of active power metering
1pc of reactive power metering
1pc of surge arrester of 40KA

With copper bus bar of 1600A and 25 % reserve space

and complete accessories for bus bar connection Nº 1.00 450,000.00 450,000.00
10.2 Ditto but for SDB-MECH consisting of -
1pc main MCCB of 400A, 3-ph Icu = 10KA -
1pc MCB of 250A, 3-ph Icu = 10KA -
1pc MCB of 160A, 3-ph Icu = 10KA -
3pcs MCB of 50A, 3-ph Icu = 10KA -
3pcs MCB of 20A, 1-ph Icu = 6KA -
With all necessary contactors,relays,indicators and -
other necessary accessories.With bus bar -
of 500A and 25 %reserve space Nº 1.00 187,500.00 187,500.00
10.3 Flush mounted sub distribution board SDB-1B -
with lockable door, earthing lead cable terminal, -
connectors and all the necessary accessories -
consisting of:- -
1pc main MCB of 50A, 3-ph Icu = 6KA -
1pc MCB of 25A, 3-ph Icu = 10KA -
8pcs MCB of 16A, 1-ph Icu = 6KA -
9pcs MCB of 10A, 1-ph Icu = 6KA -
With bus bar of 63 A and 25 % reserve space Nº 1.00 27,930.00 27,930.00
10.4 Flush mounted sub distribution board SDB-2B -
with lockable door, earthing lead cable terminal, -
connectors and all the necessary accessories -
consisting of:- -
1pc main MCB of 50A, 3-ph Icu = 6KA -
1pc MCB of 25A, 3-ph Icu = 10KA -
7pcs MCB of 16A, 1-ph Icu = 6KA -
8pcs MCB of 10A, 1-ph Icu = 6KA -

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Ethio Telecom South West Regional Office Building, Jimma

Unit Rate Before

Item No. Unit Qty Amount
With bus bar of 63 A and 25 % reserve space Nº 1.00 13,435.00 13,435.00
10.5 Ditto but for SDB-GL consisting of -
1pc main MCB of 40A, 3-ph Icu = 10KA -
11pcs MCB of 16A, 1-ph Icu = 6KA -
9pcs MCB of 10A, 1-ph Icu = 6KA -
With bus bar of 63A and 25 % reserve space Nº 1.00 14,025.00 14,025.00
10.6 Ditto but for SDB-GL/UPS consisting of -
1pc main MCB of 50A, 3-ph Icu = 10KA -
20pcs MCB of 16A, 1-ph Icu = 6KA -
With bus bar of 63A and 25 %reserve space Nº 1.00 14,025.00 14,025.00
10.7 Ditto but for SDB-GR consisting of -
1pc main MCB of 40A, 3-ph Icu = 10KA -
12pcs MCB of 16A, 1-ph Icu = 6KA -
12pcs MCB of 10A, 1-ph Icu = 6KA -
With bus bar of 63A and 25 % reserve space Nº 1.00 15,015.00 15,015.00
10.8 Ditto but for SDB-GR/UPS consisting of -
1pc main MCB of 32A, 3-ph Icu = 10KA -
15pcs MCB of 16A, 1-ph Icu = 6KA -
With bus bar of 63A and 25 %reserve space Nº 1.00 12,292.50 12,292.50
10.9 Ditto but for SDB-1FL consisting of -
1pc main MCB of 32A, 3-ph Icu = 10KA -
6pcs MCB of 16A, 1-ph Icu = 6KA -
9pcs MCB of 10A, 1-ph Icu = 6KA -
With bus bar of 63A and 25 % reserve space Nº 1.00 12,292.00 12,292.00
10.10 Ditto but for SDB-1FL/UPS consisting of -
1pc main MCB of 32A, 3-ph Icu = 10KA -
16pcs MCB of 16A, 1-ph Icu = 6KA -
With bus bar of 63A and 25 %reserve space Nº 1.00 12,540.00 12,540.00
10.11 Ditto but for SDB-1FR consisting of -
1pc main MCB of 40A, 3-ph Icu = 10KA -
4pcs MCB of 16A, 1-ph Icu = 6KA -
4pcs MCB of 10A, 1-ph Icu = 6KA -
With bus bar of 63A and 25 % reserve space Nº 1.00 10,560.00 10,560.00
10.12 Ditto but for SDB-1FR/UPS consisting of -
1pc main MCB of 32A, 3-ph Icu = 10KA -
12pcs MCB of 16A, 1-ph Icu = 6KA -
With bus bar of 63A and 25 %reserve space Nº 1.00 11,550.00 11,550.00
10.13 Ditto but for SDB-2FL consisting of -
1pc main MCB of 32A, 3-ph Icu = 10KA -
7pcs MCB of 16A, 1-ph Icu = 6KA -
6pcs MCB of 10A, 1-ph Icu = 6KA -
With bus bar of 63A and 25 % reserve space Nº 1.00 11,798.00 11,798.00
10.14 Ditto but for SDB-2FL/UPS consisting of -
1pc main MCB of 32A, 3-ph Icu = 10KA -
13pcs MCB of 16A, 1-ph Icu = 6KA -

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Ethio Telecom South West Regional Office Building, Jimma

Unit Rate Before

Item No. Unit Qty Amount
With bus bar of 63A and 25 %reserve space Nº 1.00 11,798.00 11,798.00
10.15 Ditto but for SDB-2FR consisting of -
1pc main MCB of 40A, 3-ph Icu = 10KA -
6pcs MCB of 16A, 1-ph Icu = 6KA -
7pcs MCB of 10A, 1-ph Icu = 6KA -
With bus bar of 63A and 25 % reserve space Nº 1.00 12,293.00 12,293.00
10.16 Ditto but for SDB-2FR/UPS consisting of -
1pc main MCB of 32A, 3-ph Icu = 10KA -
10pcs MCB of 16A, 1-ph Icu = 6KA -
With bus bar of 63A and 25 %reserve space Nº 1.00 10,560.00 10,560.00
10.17 Ditto but for SDB-KIT consisting of -
1pc main MCB of 50A, 3-ph Icu = 10KA -
2pcs MCB of 25A, 3-ph Icu = 10KA -
1pc MCB of 25A, 1-ph Icu = 6KA -
3pcs MCB of 20A, 1-ph Icu = 6KA -
4pcs MCB of 16A, 1-ph Icu = 6KA -
4pcs MCB of 10A, 1-ph Icu = 6KA -
With bus bar of 63A and 25 %reserve space Nº 1.00 13,860.00 13,860.00
10.18 Ditto but for SDB-3FL consisting of -
1pc main MCB of 32A, 3-ph Icu = 10KA -
8pcs MCB of 16A, 1-ph Icu = 6KA -
4pcs MCB of 10A, 1-ph Icu = 6KA -
With bus bar of 63A and 25 % reserve space Nº 1.00 11,550.00 11,550.00
10.19 Ditto but for SDB-3FL/UPS consisting of -
1pc main MCB of 50A, 3-ph Icu = 10KA -
22pcs MCB of 16A, 1-ph Icu = 6KA -
With bus bar of 63A and 25 %reserve space Nº 1.00 14,520.00 14,520.00
10.20 Ditto but for SDB-3FR consisting of -
1pc main MCB of 32A, 3-ph Icu = 10KA -
4pcs MCB of 16A, 1-ph Icu = 6KA -
8pcs MCB of 10A, 1-ph Icu = 6KA -
With bus bar of 63A and 25 % reserve space Nº 1.00 11,550.00 11,550.00
10.21 Ditto but for SDB-3FR/UPS consisting of -
1pc main MCB of 32A, 3-ph Icu = 10KA -
12pcs MCB of 16A, 1-ph Icu = 6KA -
With bus bar of 63A and 25 %reserve space Nº 1.00 11,550.00 11,550.00
10.22 Ditto but for SDB-4FL consisting of -
1pc main MCB of 40A, 3-ph Icu = 10KA -
11pcs MCB of 16A, 1-ph Icu = 6KA -
13pcs MCB of 10A, 1-ph Icu = 6KA -
With bus bar of 63A and 25 % reserve space Nº 1.00 15,015.00 15,015.00
10.23 Ditto but for SDB-4FL/UPS consisting of -
1pc main MCB of 50A, 3-ph Icu = 10KA -
26pcs MCB of 16A, 1-ph Icu = 6KA -
With bus bar of 63A and 25 %reserve space Nº 1.00 15,510.00 15,510.00

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Ethio Telecom South West Regional Office Building, Jimma

Unit Rate Before

Item No. Unit Qty Amount
10.24 Ditto but for SDB-5FL consisting of -
1pc main MCB of 32A, 3-ph Icu = 10KA -
5pcs MCB of 16A, 1-ph Icu = 6KA -
8pcs MCB of 10A, 1-ph Icu = 6KA -
With bus bar of 63A and 25 % reserve space Nº 1.00 11,797.50 11,797.50
10.25 Ditto but for SDB-5FL/UPS consisting of -
1pc main MCB of 32A, 3-ph Icu = 10KA -
16pcs MCB of 16A, 1-ph Icu = 6KA -
With bus bar of 63A and 25 %reserve space Nº 1.00 12,540.00 12,540.00
10.26 Ditto but for SDB-5FR consisting of -
1pc main MCB of 32A, 3-ph Icu = 10KA -
8pcs MCB of 16A, 1-ph Icu = 6KA -
8pcs MCB of 10A, 1-ph Icu = 6KA -
With bus bar of 63A and 25 % reserve space Nº 1.00 12,540.00 12,540.00
10.27 Ditto but for SDB-3FR/UPS consisting of -
1pc main MCB of 32A, 3-ph Icu = 10KA -
10pcs MCB of 16A, 1-ph Icu = 6KA -
With bus bar of 63A and 25 %reserve space Nº 1.00 10,560.00 10,560.00
10.28 Ditto but for SDB-6FL consisting of -
1pc main MCB of 32A, 3-ph Icu = 10KA -
4pcs MCB of 16A, 1-ph Icu = 6KA -
8pcs MCB of 10A, 1-ph Icu = 6KA -
With bus bar of 63A and 25 % reserve space Nº 1.00 11,550.00 11,550.00
10.29 Ditto but for SDB-6FL/UPS consisting of -
1pc main MCB of 32A, 3-ph Icu = 10KA -
12pcs MCB of 16A, 1-ph Icu = 6KA -
With bus bar of 63A and 25 %reserve space Nº 1.00 11,550.00 11,550.00
10.30 Ditto but for SDB-6FR consisting of -
1pc main MCB of 32A, 3-ph Icu = 10KA -
6pcs MCB of 16A, 1-ph Icu = 6KA -
6pcs MCB of 10A, 1-ph Icu = 6KA -
With bus bar of 63A and 25 % reserve space Nº 1.00 11,500.00 11,500.00
10.31 Ditto but for SDB-6FR/UPS consisting of -
1pc main MCB of 32A, 3-ph Icu = 10KA -
7pcs MCB of 16A, 1-ph Icu = 6KA -
With bus bar of 63A and 25 %reserve space Nº 1.00 9,818.00 9,818.00
10.32 Ditto but for SDB-CYNM consisting of -
1pc main MCB of 50A, 3-ph Icu = 10KA -
12pcs MCB of 16A, 1-ph Icu = 6KA -
17pcs MCB of 10A, 1-ph Icu = 6KA -
With bus bar of 63A and 25 % reserve space Nº 1.00 17,243.00 17,243.00
10.33 Ditto but for SDB-7F consisting of -
1pc main MCB of 32A, 3-ph Icu = 10KA -
7pcs MCB of 16A, 1-ph Icu = 6KA -
4pcs MCB of 10A, 1-ph Icu = 6KA -

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Ethio Telecom South West Regional Office Building, Jimma

Unit Rate Before

Item No. Unit Qty Amount
With bus bar of 63A and 25 % reserve space Nº 1.00 13,302.00 13,302.00
10.34 Ditto but for SDB-8F consisting of -
1pc main MCB of 32A, 3-ph Icu = 10KA -
6pcs MCB of 16A, 1-ph Icu = 6KA -
2pcs MCB of 20A, 1-ph Icu = 6KA -
2pcs MCB of 10A, 1-ph Icu = 6KA -
With bus bar of 63A and 25 % reserve space Nº 1.00 11,055.00 11,055.00
10.35 Ditto but for SDB-PUMP ,consisting of -
1pc main MCB of 63A, 3-ph Icu = 10KA -
1pc MCB of 50A, 3-ph Icu = 10KA -
2pcs MCB of 25A, 3-ph Icu = 10KA -
Coupled with 2 pcs 25A,3ph contactors,overload relays -
2pcs MCB of 6A, 1-ph Icu = 6KA -
With bus bar of 80A and 25 %reserve space Nº 7.00 14,610.00 102,270.00
Light points -
10.36 Light points in thermoplastic conduit of 13mm fed -
by PVC conductor of color coded -
and lablled Nº 1,196.00 59.00 70,564.00
Switch ( Legrand or Gewiss) -
10.37 Single pole Nº 74.00 175.00 12,950.00
10.38 Double pole Nº 59.00 222.00 13,098.00
10.39 Two way Nº 4.00 232.96 931.84
10.40 Intermediate Nº 2.00 250.00 500.00
10.41 Thumbler switch made of metal, 18pcs,1p,16A isolators Nº 1.00 5,307.00 5,307.00
10.42 Thumbler switch made of metal, 10pcs,1p,16A isolators Nº 2.00 5,043.00 10,086.00
10.43 Presence detector switch system consisting of 9 ,360°, -
PIR IP 41 legrand motion sensors with cables, connectors, -
controllers and all the necessary accessories to make the Nº 1.00 45,000.00 45,000.00
system complete -
10.44 Presence detector switch system consisting of 1,360°, -
PIR IP 41 legrand lighting management sensors with cables, -
connectors,controllers and all the necessary accessories -
to make the system complete Nº 14.00 38,000.00 532,000.00
Switchs ( Legrand or Gewiss) to be mounted on -
Aluminium Partitions -
10.45 Single pole Nº 5.00 654.00 3,270.00
10.46 Double pole Nº 70.00 721.00 50,470.00
Socket Out Let -
10.47 16 A /230 V 2p+e Socket outlet in conduit of dia. 16mm -
fed by PVC conductor of color coded -
and labeled Nº 706.00 635.00 448,310.00
10.48 Ditto but for stove 20A, 1ph fed by in -
dia. 19mm and on/off switch Nº 7.00 687.00 4,809.00
10.49 Ditto but for injera metad 25A, 1ph fed by in -
dia. 19mm and on/off switch Nº 2.00 784.00 1,568.00
10.50 Ditto but for Stove 25A, 3ph fed by in -
dia. 32mm and on/off switch Nº 2.00 790.00 1,580.00

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Ethio Telecom South West Regional Office Building, Jimma

Unit Rate Before

Item No. Unit Qty Amount
10.51 Power to coffee m/c fed by PVC sheated cable -
of in RPP dia. 29mm Nº 1.00 718.00 718.00
10.52 Ditto but for pump 25A, 3ph fed by 5x4 in -
dia. 32mm and with on/off switch Nº 3.00 778.00 2,334.00
10.53 Ditto but for submersible pump 20A, 3ph fed by 5x4 - in dia. 32mm and with on/off switch Nº 1.00 778.00 778.00
Floor Box -
10.54 IP66,IK08,Floor box consisting of 3 shucko socket -
outlets and 3 RJ-45 outlets for flush installation with -
floor tiles Nº 32.00 7,776.00 248,832.00
Extraover (Shucko Legrand,Gewiss or Sheneider) -
For flush mounting with detachable frames on Aluminium trukings -
10.55 16 A Nº 180.00 210.00 37,800.00
10.56 16 A Twin (Green or Red) Nº 264.00 237.00 62,568.00
Extraover(Shucko Legrand,Gewiss or Sheneider) -
For flush mounting with detachable frames -
10.57 16 A Nº 72.00 175.00 12,600.00
10.58 16 A Twin Green/Red Nº 166.00 182.00 30,212.00
10.59 16 A Twin Nº 24.00 182.00 4,368.00
10.60 20A, 1ph with on-off switch Nº 7.00 786.00 5,502.00
10.61 25A for injera metad, 1ph with on-off switch Nº 2.00 786.00 1,572.00
10.62 25A, 1ph with surface on/off switch Nº 1.00 786.00 786.00
Alumnium Trunking -
10.63 Shneider Altira or Legrand DLP two compartment -
alumium trunkings, 50x130mm,with connecting it with -
the building earthing system with appropriate connectors -
and with all the necessary accessories ml 480.00 22,000.00 10,560,000.00
Type of light fittings -

10.64 SPMC226EPMB200 W with G24 2x26W lamp & clear glass Nº 95.00 4,350.00 413,250.00
10.65 Disano 784 compact with FLC 2x18D/E CELL lamp Nº 128.00 4,050.00 518,400.00
10.66 Disano 777 confort CEL-F with F1 4x 18 W/840 lamp Nº 220.00 525.00 115,500.00
10.67 RZB 901423.002+ 1x13W LED Nº 143.00 1,500.00 214,500.00
10.68 RZB 901399.002+ 1x7.5W LED Nº 126.00 2,500.00 315,000.00
10.69 RZB 311570.004+ 60W LED Nº 250.00 7,500.00 1,875,000.00

10.70 RZB 401000.002 +2x4W LED Nº 36.00 3,000.00 108,000.00

10.71 RZB 901345.002+ 1x8.7W LED Nº 40.00 2,650.00 106,000.00
10.72 Modus PL22+42W LED Nº 150.00 4,542.00 681,300.00
10.73 Modus QPMIX+ 49W LED Nº 743.00 4,225.00 3,139,175.00
10.74 Modus HVL1MKO+ 56W LED Nº 80.00 4,600.00 368,000.00
10.75 RZB 581587.002+ 7x4W LED Nº 20.00 3,460.00 69,200.00
10.76 Modus VL11MCC+ 22W LED Nº 102.00 5,148.00 525,096.00
10.77 RZB 311570.004+ 60W LED Nº 4.00 3,887.00 15,548.00

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Ethio Telecom South West Regional Office Building, Jimma

Unit Rate Before

Item No. Unit Qty Amount
10.78 RZB 901315.002+ 34W LED Nº 96.00 2,588.00 248,448.00
10.79 RZB 311695.002+ 12x7.4W LED Nº 9.00 2,800.00 25,200.00
10.80 RZB 911153.002+ 28W LED Nº 10.00 4,800.00 48,000.00
10.81 RZB 661419.004.002+ 2x1.1W LED Nº 20.00 4,062.00 81,240.00
10.82 Legrand S8 emergency luminar with 8w lamp for wall Nº 22.00 6,750.00 148,500.00
surface mounting -
10.83 Disano Clima 1204+70W SON-T on top of 3m galvanized -
steel pole with anchor bolts and appropriate foundations Nº 4.00 9,450.00 37,800.00
Power cables NYY, 0.6/1KV -
In cable duct, PVC Conduits(Where pvc -
conduits measured elsewhere) -
10.84 5x10 ml 360.00 285.00 102,600.00
10.85 3x70/35+35 ml 50.00 1,235.00 61,750.00
10.86 3x120/70+70 ml 50.00 1,713.00 85,650.00
10.87 4(3x150/70+70 ( tentative ) ml 30.00 2,075.00 62,250.00
10.88 3x185/95+95 sq. mm ml 175.00 215.00 37,625.00
10.89 3x300/150 +150 sq. mm ml 250.00 715.00 178,750.00
Bus Bar System -
- suitable for 400V,3ph,50 Hz installation -
- Fully certified to corresponding IEC and BSEN standards -
- Fully certified to corresponding IEC and BSEN standards -
- Made of copper,in light weight aluminium housing -
- Tap of outlets and units with MCBs every 333mm -
- IP 4X -
- with all the necessary accessories,junctions,angles for -
wall and under slab installation -
- For riser bus bars, it should be with fire barriers,Icu=25KA, -
tapp off units with MCCBs, block bar every 9m -
10.90 40A,3ph,5 bar ml 30.00 7,525.00 225,750.00
10.91 63A,3ph,5 bar ml 30.00 9,676.00 290,280.00
10.92 80A,3ph,5 bar ml 30.00 10,250.00 307,500.00
10.93 160A,3ph,5 bar ml 18.00 12,925.00 232,650.00
10.94 250A,3ph,5 bar ml 15.00 14,735.00 221,025.00
10.95 400A,3ph,5 bar ml 15.00 22,400.00 336,000.00
PVC Conduits -
10.96 diameter 50 mm ml 80.00 190.00 15,200.00
10.97 diameter 110 mm ml 150.00 345.00 51,750.00

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Ethio Telecom South West Regional Office Building, Jimma

Unit Rate Before

Item No. Unit Qty Amount
General -
for the undermentioned tel and data systems -
- All submittals shall include adequate descriptive literature,catalog cuts, -
shop drawings and other data necessary for the engineer to ascertain -
that the proposed equipment and materials comply with specification -
requirments of the system -
- The manufacturers shall regularly and presently produce ,as one of specified for -
the manufacturer's principal products ,the equipment and material -
specified for the systems, and shall have manufactured the item for at least -
three years .manufacturer shall be regularly engaged in the -
production of such items , for which the replacement parts shall -
be available -
- All system accessories which are not specified and necessary -
for good performance of the systems shall be included -
Telephone System -
The system shall be tested as per ETC standard and -
All system cables shall be labled in all rooms and terminal -
blocks and complete analysis of lableing shall be submitted -
to the client for future reference -
Extra Telephone and Data outlets (legrand or Shnieder) -
68.00 Twin RJ 45 CAT 6A ,8 contact out lets -
for flush mounting with labeling Nº 119.00 568.10 67,603.90
Extra Telephone and Data outlets (legrand or Shnieder) -
For flush mounting with detachable frames on Aluminium trukings -
69.00 Twin RJ 45 CAT 6A ,8 contact out lets -
for flush mounting with labeling Nº 278.00 568.10 157,931.80
Telephone distribution cables -
70.00 300 pairs CAT 3 UTP telephone cable in PVC dia. 110mm -
or equivalent pair as ETC Standard ( tentative) mt 30.00 760.00 22,800.00
71.00 30 pairs CAT 3 UTP telephone cable in PVC dia. 50mm -
or equivalent pair as ETC Standard mt 410.00 650.00 266,500.00
Data System -
Horizontal cabling -
72.00 RJ 45 Cat 6A 8 contact data socket out let points for -
flush mounting in thermoplastic conduit of 25 mm -
fed by standard 2xCAT 6A UTP data cable -
Ethernet with RJ 45 connector -
plug to be fixed on patch panel data -
transfer rate of min.1GBs and the necessary -
accessories to make the system complete. Nº 234.00 1,000.00 234,000.00
Back bone cabling -
73.00 Back bone fiber cabling and points for flush mounting -
in thermoplastic conduit of 25mm with appropriate type -
junction box fed by standard multimode category -
OM3 legrand fiber optic cable with standard -
connector plug to be fixed on patch panel/switch/ hub -
data transfer rate of 10Gbs and the necessary -
accessories to make the system complete. mt 410.00 460.00 188,600.00

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Ethio Telecom South West Regional Office Building, Jimma

Unit Rate Before

Item No. Unit Qty Amount
Data Cables patch panels -
74.00 Main patch panel, three 144 port 3U RJ 45 CAT 6, -
8 contacts,corresponding 8 schouko socket outlet power -
supply unit with power plug and pivoting 33U cabinet with -
rack for floor mounting , knock-out holes for cable entrance -
and conduit connection, ventilation ports ,patch cords,3m -
and six telephone patch panels 1U fitted with 4 units of -
12 Ports 25% reserve space for hubs and switches,with fiber to -
copper converter, Power over ethernet(Poe) power supply, -
all the necessary accessories to make the system complete. Nº 1.00 125,000.00 125,000.00
75.00 72 port 3U RJ 45 CAT 6A, 8 contacts patch panel with -
corresponding 8 schouko socket outlet power supply unit -
with power plug and pivoting 12U cabinet with rack for -
wall mounting , knock-out holes for cable entrance -
and conduit connection, ventilation ports ,patch cords 3m, -
telephone patch panels 1U fitted with 4 units of 12 Ports -
and 25% reserve space for hubs and switches, -
with fiber to copper converter, all the necessary -
accessories to make the system complete Nº 19.00 106,000.00 2,014,000.00
MATV System -
76.00 TV points in thermoplastic conduit -
of 19 mm with standard RG6 coaxial cable for -
flush mounting up to roof Nº 4.00 672.00 2,688.00
77.00 Master antenna TV system for entertainment purpose -
with broad band AM/FM antenna and 2 dish( for -

Arab sat and DSTV)with higher capacity available on Market, antenna mast,Preamplifiers,line,head
end and distribution amplifiers,UHF/VHF converters,modulators,filiters,attenuators splitter/tapoff/
mixer with complete analysis made on signal level,cable,splitter,insertion,isolation losses and signal ls 1.00 520,000.00 520,000.00
level in dB at outeach lets,with latest technologies,coupler for satellite and terrestrial TV
network,recent technology decoders,encoders for four flats sand all the necessary accessories.

Sound System -
Public Address Points -
138.00 Sound system points in medium duty thermoplastic conduit of -
dia. 16mm fed by Pvc insulated ,Al-screened and PVC -
sheathed and of 1.5 sqmm, 2 pair copper wire -
as shown on the drawings, including junction boxes -
and all other fixing accessories No 6.00 683.00 4,098.00
Speaker -
78.00 -Column Loud Speakers -
-To high standard for office buildings -
-Frequency response as per entairtainment buildings -
-Temperature between 60 degree centigrade -
-power rating 400w AES,1600W Peak -
-Shall be provided with mounting bracket suitable -
for office buildings -
-compactdual 10"subwoofer,Interm MS-400S -
or equivalent No 3.00 7,176.00 21,528.00
79.00 Interm CDR-01 SD recorder or multi source player -
or equivalent Nº 1.00 73,000.00 73,000.00
80.00 Interm CSP-4.8 digital sound processor -
or equivalent Nº 1.00 71,462.00 71,462.00
81.00 Interm V2-2000 professional power amplifier -
or equivalent Nº 1.00 38,000.00 38,000.00
82.00 Table top microphone. Nº 2.00 138,000.00 276,000.00
83.00 Hand held dynamic microphone with stand. Nº 3.00 25,000.00 75,000.00
84.00 Wireless microphone with transmiter necessary Nº 3.00 15,250.00 45,750.00
accessories. -

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Unit Rate Before

Item No. Unit Qty Amount
85.00 33U Rack with lockable door to accommodate the -
players, mixing amplifier and accessories. Nº 1.00 80,500.00 80,500.00
Fire Detection System -
Install the approved type addressable fire detection -
system with standards suitable for Acadamicl buildings and -
complying BSEN54 and the following system equipments -
with its minimum standard satisfied and personnel -
having 3years experience in the installation and -
maintenance of addressable fire detection systems. -
Addressable Fire alarm control panel -
86.00 Supply and install SIEMENS or equivalent fire alarm control -
panel with the following specification -
- Addressable -
- Shall provide power to Visual indictors and sounders -
2 detection loops -
-Input power 220VAC, 50 Hz, 3amp -
-Capable of networked connection -
-With automatic Day/Night sensitivity adjustment -
-Programmable internal hard ware and output circuits -
-Accessories for out put connection for telephone circuit -
sealed battery capable of supply to all equipments for -
at least 24V/7Hr. -
-Trouble acknowledge and alarm silence switch -
-Manual acknowledge functions -
-Addressable signaling line circuit -
-Addressable detector line circuit -
-LED indicators -
-Compatible devices -
-Module construction with surface mounting enclosure -
with standard mounting height for desk top. -
-Alarm relays, fault relays,2 auxiliary programmable relays -
-Working temperature and humidity shall be suitable -
for the region -
-LPCB approved -
All the necessary accessories and facilities -
(functions) as per the BSNE 54 standards to
make the system complete No 1.00 197,340.00 197,340.00
Detectors -
Suitable for region working temperature -
Addressable -
Suitable for academic area and aesthetically good -
Type ionization, smoke detectors -
Consisting of all the necessary accessories -
Sounders, Visual indicators and manual -
pull stations -
- Shall have standard light and sound out put -
suitable for acadamic area -
-The sounder and visual indicator shall be integrated units -
Addressable -
-Suitable for surface mounting and aesthetically good -
-Loop wired type -
-With selectable tones,intermittent or continous -
-Suitable for direct connection with the loop -
of detectors -
-With alarm signal of red light -
-Consisting of all the necessary accessories -
Cabling -
-As per IEC 331,IEC 332-1,IEC 332-3,IEC 1034, -
IEC 754-1 -
-With copper conductor -
-Fire resistant -
-Flame retardant -
-Color coded and suitable for addressable system -
-Consisting of all the necessary accessories -

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Unit Rate Before

Item No. Unit Qty Amount
Smoke detectors ,manual call and alarm -
indicating points -
87.00 Smoke detector & alarm indicating points in -
thermoplastic conduit of minimum dia.of 19mm -
fed by standard fire alarm signal carrying fire -
resistant conductor of, LPCB approved ,color -
coded and labeled with all the necessary junction boxes -
as per the national fire code standards or -
BS EN-54 No 187.00 1,868.00 349,316.00
Smoke detectors -
88.00 SIEMENS or equivalent LPCB approved ionization smoke -
detectors with beacon, XENON Lamp for surface mounting -
& all the necessary accessories No 143.00 4,784.00 684,112.00
Heat detectors -
89.00 SIEMENS or equivalent LPCB approved heat detectors with -
beacon, XENON Lamp for surface mounting & all the -
necessary accessories No 6.00 4,900.00 29,400.00
Sounders and Visual indicators -
90.00 SIEMENS or equivalent LPCB approved visual and audible -
fire alarm indicators with the amplifiers. strobe intensity for each -
zones with all the necessary accessories to make the -
system complete. No 20.00 6,279.00 125,580.00
Manual call Points -
91.00 SIEMENS or equivalent LPCB approved manual call points -
with all the necessary accessories for surface mounting No 18.00 4,784.00 86,112.00
Closed camera television system -
with detail specification attached -
equipment supplied, installed,connected, -
tested and commissioned , complete all as specified -
92.00 Bosch or equivalent 32" high resolution color monitor No 2.00 25,415.00 50,830.00
93.00 Bosch or equivalent indoor ceiling surface dome type -
IP camera,2 megapixels, day and night HD camera -
price to include mounts,mounting brackets, with Iris -
lens of dia 3.6mm including other necessary accessories No 33.00 81,500.00 2,689,500.00
94.00 Network video recorder,compatible with VMS,suitable -
for 24 cameras with po wer overethernet (PoE) -
management software, with simoultaneous live,record, -
play back,extraction and remote access. No 2.00 124,200.00 248,400.00
95.00 CCTV video points only in thermoplastic -
conduit of minimum diameter of 32mm as shown -
on the drawings fed by CAT 6A data cables -
, including junction boxes with covers, -
and pulling guy wires inside conduits No 33.00 823.00 27,159.00
96.00 Softwares,documentation,instructions of owner's staff, Ls 1.00 42,800.00 42,800.00
Automatic Hand Dryer -
97.00 Supply and install 220V/50HZ automatic hand dryer -
with heating temperature of 40-60 degree Celsius -
with dynamical balanced centrifugal fan of multiple -
metalic vanes, fire retardant,high gloss finsh plastic -
cover and mounting base,infrared sensors complete with -
all the accessories . No 18.00 7,325.00 131,850.00

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Unit Rate Before

Item No. Unit Qty Amount
ABB,APC or approved type parallel operated UPS 2x80KW (160KW) , dust proof,efficiency >95%
3in/3out with 10min back up time battery ,with 10 years guarantee for the bypass switch ,power factor
98.00 ≥0.99,THD max 3% for battery, surge protection, maintenance nonlinear loads, crest factor 3:1max Nº 3.00 122,900.00 368,700.00
for non linear load,harmonic filter ,parallel connection through the top all complete accessories
connection facility , with minimum of 3 years warranty for factory faults

Lift -
Supply and fix OTIS,HYUNDAI,MITSUBISHI or approved type passenger lift as per the following
99 -
detail specification.
Standard -
ISO 7465:2001,EN-81,BS ,ANSI,JIS,ISO 9001, ES 3158:2006,ES 3159:2006 , latest editions of
BS/EN or ES and others,the contractor should submit technical quality certificate for the lift and lift -
The lift should meet the following -
-Electromagnetic compatibility -
- Electromagnetic immunity -
-Electrical Safety -
- Electronic equipment for use in power facilities: -
Shaft size :-2000x1800mm -
Function:-Passenger Lift -
Control:-Electric traction type -
Type:-Gearless, with coated steel belts & permanent magnet synchronous motor -
Rated Load : 800Kg,8 Persons -
Rated speed :-1.75m/sec -
Number of stops :-10 in One line -
car door type:-VVVF center opening -
Floor :- 2B+ G +8 -
No entrance :- one(1) @ 0 degree -
Car Enclosure and door finishes -
Floor -Vinyl composition tile /wear resistant rubber -
Wall -1.5mm thick hair line finish Stainless Steel -
Accessories- hand rails two sides stainless steel -
Interior face of doors -1.5mm thick Hair line finish Stainless steel -
Ceilings- 1.5mm thick Hair line finish Stainless Steel panels -
Hoist way doors and frame finishes -
Frame -1.5mm thick Stainless Steel, Hair line finish -
Exterior face of door- 1.5mm thick Hair line finish Stainless Steel -
Special operation and control -
-Car light -
-Alarm buzzer -
-Chime going to sound present audio able indication -
indication control -
-Hoist way access switches -
-Inter phone to communicate with machine room -
-Emergency exit in the ceiling -
-Over load indicator -
-Extended door open button -
-Expediting of door close -
-Emergency Landing -
-Flickering hall lantern -
-Door Nodging feature -
-Multi beam lampda 3D infrared door sensor -
-Main Floor Parking -
-Rest Signal Light -
-Emergency bell -
-Forced Landing -
-Automatic Bypass -
-LED Light -
-Automatic rescue device /back up when power fails/ -

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Unit Rate Before

Item No. Unit Qty Amount
Passenger controls -
-Digital car position and direction control -
-Digital landing position and direction indicator -
on all floors -
-Lift movement control -
-Wait/Stop push button -
Elevator operation -
Duplex full collective control operation -
Power Supply -
-400volts AC 50HZ 3 ph -
Lighting Supply -
-230v,50Hz ,1ph -
Ventilation -
-Car ventilation with built in automatic fan in the ceiling -
Disable -
-Add brail tactile for all emergency buttons -
-Automatic rescue device / back up when -
power fails -
Shaft Information -
-Shall take and consider appropriate standards for -
the shaft and machine room size before manufacturing . -
and prepare working drawing referring to the arctectrural -
and structural for submission with the technical specification. -
Submit for approval complete upto date lift -
specification of the above items including guide rails, -
reinforcement bar buffer,duty ,prewiring ,conduiting/ -
trunking and other required and necessary specification -
with working drawing referring to existing building from -
at least 3 lift suppliers having a minimum of 5 years -
lift manufacturing ,design, installation -
and maintenance. Nº 2.00 3,762,000.00 7,524,000.00
Lightning Preventer System -
100 Air terminator ( Taper pointed air rod with multiple point) -
4m long mast with base ,clamp and support all complete Nº 1.00 14,000.00 14,000.00
101 25x3 mm copper tape mt 150.00 1,200.00 180,000.00
102 Bare copper wire mt 15.00 1,950.00 29,250.00
103 Test point Nº 3.00 1,386.00 4,158.00
104 Earthing copper dia. 16 mm, L = 2400mm Nº 3.00 1,470.00 4,410.00
Solar Panel -
105 - High efficiency Polycrystline with service life -
more than 25 years -
-Mitsubishi,Shnider orequivalent -
- Number of cells 50 -
-Maximum power rating STC 180W -
-Voc=30.4V,Isc=8.03A,Vmp=24.2V,Imp=7.45A Nº 22.00 230,000.00 5,060,000.00
Battery -
106 -12V DC maintenance free GEL Battery -
-With 12 years floating design life -
-miimum 5 years warrenty -
-Deep Cycle -
-250 AH Nº 20.00 460,000.00 9,200,000.00
Solar Charge Controller -

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Unit Rate Before

Item No. Unit Qty Amount
107 -60A/24V -
-Xantarex C-60 orequivalent -
-With function of anti charge and anti discharge -
-With automatic on and off Nº 4.00 162,000.00 648,000.00
Inverter -
108 -Mitsubishi,Legrand,Shnider PV inverter or orequivalent -
-2500VA,24VDC/230AC -
-IP=65 -
-miimum 5 years warrenty -
-10 years service life Nº 1.00 96,000.00 96,000.00
Generator -
Approved type standard diesel generating set comprizeses of diesel engine. AC brushless altenator
109 and prewired control panel. The engine and alternator are coupled by means of flexible coupling and -
are mounted on steel shock absorving base frame.
Technical data -
Rating -
Stand by power 400 KVA -
Power factor 0.8 lagging -
Voltage (5% adjustable) 400volts -
Operation altitude :2600 meter -
Frequency 50HZ -
Ambient temperature 40ºC -
Over load capacity 10% for 1hr in 12 hrs. -
turbo engine with intercooler -
water cooled -
Control panel -
Skid mounted control panel comprise of:- -
Circuit breaker of suitable rating comprising/having -
Under voltage release -
Over current protection -
Short circuit protection -
Voltmeter -
Voltmeter selector switch -
Ammeter selector switch -
Frequency meter -
Current transformers of suitable ratio -
Set of single pole MCBs -
Trip relay (for thermal sensor) -
Set of control fuses -
Set of indications lamps -
Gen CB"ON" -
Generator tripped/off -
Over crank -
Low oil pressure (with protection) -
High coolant temperature (with protection) -
Over speed (with protection) -
Lube oil pressure gauge -
Battery charging ammeter -
Run Hour counter meter -
Engine control module -
-12-24V electric starting system including heavy duty dry charged battery pack -
-Antivibration pad between engine /alternator and -
-Silencer kit 2m flexiable pipe and flanges -
-Base mounted daily fuel tank for 8hr full load -
operation complete with essential accessories comprising filiter,breather feed and return lines dial
type content gauge
Key start switch -
-1250A automatic transfer switch which is based on motorized circuit breaker and all the necessary

-Operation and maintenace manuals ,spare parts catalougs circuit diagram and test report with
foundation as per the manufacturers recommendation and protection mesh including roofing
-5000 litre diesel oil storage tank made of steel No 1.00 3,547,000.00 3,547,000.00
Man hole -
110 60 x 60 x 60 cm double break Nº 4.00 7,000.00 28,000.00

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Unit Rate Before

Item No. Unit Qty Amount
Grounding -
111 50 x 50 x 50 cm single brick inspection pit with the -
cover top inscribed "Earthing" as per the detail -
drawing Nº 2.00 6,460.00 12,920.00
112 1 x 150 bare copper wire m 40.00 3,462.00 138,480.00
113 Diameter 16mm and 240cm long copper rod Nº 2.00 2,350.00 4,700.00

TOTAL TO SUMMARY………………BIRR 60,393,823.54

10 Mechanical Installation

Toilet Ventilation system

1 Exhaust fans

Supply, install, test and commission backward curved centrigugal box type exhaust fan for toilets as
shown on the drawing complete with anti vibration mount ,flexible duct connector, supporting
structures and other necessary acessories to make the system functional.

The exhaust fan shall be European manufactured as per recognized codes & standardes and to be
approved by submitting catalogues before installation.

Price shall also include all necessary control system & electric wiring /where not specified in the
electrical design/ and all necessary accessories for the proper functioning of the system.

The contractor shall verify the final required fans total pressure based on the selected/purchased
dampers, grills and actual duct layouts ...etc.

Ref :T-EXF
Type: belt driven backward curved box fan
Capacity = 2725 lt/s
Exteranl Static presure= 250 Pa
Approximate reqired power =2.2kw
power supply : 400v/3ph/50HZ No 1.00 204,568.65 204,568.65
2 Air Distributing Equipment -
2 Exhaust Air ceilling Diffuser -

Supply, install, test and commission ceilling mounted four way type exhaust ceilling diffuser(frame
made of high quality extruded Aluminum profile with standard flange width ) as shown on the -
drawing complete with plenum box,short flexible duct and all necessary fixing accessoreis.

All Exahust ceilling diffusers and accessories shall be manufactured as per recognized
codes,standardes & technical specification and full fill the requirments specified in the technical -
specification & shall meet the purpose.

The contractor shall submitt the necessary cataloge sand get approval before purchasing items. -
Ref: ECD -
Type : Air Master/Beta or equivalent -
Capacity - 25 L/s -
Neck Size : 150x150mmxmm -
Color as per the architect prefence No 109.00 141.70 15,445.30
2 Exhaust Air louver -

Supply, install, test and commission duct mounted exhaust air louver with bird screen (frame made
of high quality extruded Aluminum profile with standard flange width ) as shown on the drawing -
complete with plenum box, and other fixing accessoreis.
All louvers and accessories shall be manufactured as per recognized codes,standardes & technical
specification and full fill the requirments specified in the technical specification & shall meet the -

The contractor shall submitt the necessary cataloge and get approval before purchasing items. -
Ref: EAL-2 -
Type : Air Master/Beta or equivalent -
Capacity - 2725 l/s -
Neck Size : 1200x800mmxmm -
Color as per the architect prefence No 11.00 13,500.00 148,500.00

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Unit Rate Before

Item No. Unit Qty Amount
2 Volume Control Damper ( VCD ) -
Supply,install ,test & commission oppposed blade rectangular volume control damper or circular
volume control damper ( frame made of 1.2mm thick galvanised steel sheet ) for exhaust air ducting -
system as shown on the drawing complete with all fixing acessories.
All dampers and accessories shall be manufactured as per recognized codes,standardes & technical
specification and full fill the requirments specified in the technical specification & shall meet the -

The contractor shall submitt the necessary cataloge and get approval before purchasing items. -
2.3.1 Rectangular VCD -
Size :150x150mmxmm/VCD No 9.00 4,466.96 40,202.64
200x150mmxmm/VCD No 9.00 4,722.22 42,499.98
250x200mmxmm/VCD No 9.00 4,940.00 44,460.00
2.3.2 Circular Volume control damper -
Size : Dia100mm/VCD No 73.00 4,550.00 332,150.00
3 Duct Works -
Supply, install ,test and commision galvanised steel sheet for exhaust air ducting system as shown
on the drawing complete with connecting standard flanges, gasket,silcons, fittings ( like elbows, tees, -
reducers), flexible ducts,hangar and supporting system.
All joints shall be sealed properly with approved sealing materials. , leakage testing and balncing
works shall be as per SMACNA and ASHRAE standards. Unit price shall include all the necessary -
fixing acessories to make the system functional.
1mm thick EAD -
1050x400mmxmm LM 6.00 6,786.00 40,716.00
0.8mm thick EAD -
650x350mmxmm LM 14.00 3,200.00 44,800.00
750x350mmxmm LM 4.00 4,576.00 18,304.00
800x500mmxmm LM 4.00 5,577.00 22,308.00
850x350mmxmm LM 4.00 5,148.00 20,592.00
850x400mmxmm LM 14.00 3,960.00 55,440.00
950x400mmxmm LM 14.00 4,455.00 62,370.00
0.6mm thick EAD -
150x150mmxmm LM 88.00 1,131.00 99,528.00
175x150mmxmm LM 18.00 1,224.60 22,042.80
200x150mmxmm LM 25.00 1,319.50 32,987.50
250x150mmxmm LM 28.00 1,508.00 42,224.00
250x200mmxmm LM 18.50 1,696.50 31,385.25
300x250mmxmm LM 4.00 2,073.50 8,294.00
450x300mmxmm LM 4.00 2,827.50 11,310.00
600x300mmxmm LM 4.00 3,393.00 13,572.00
Kitchen ventilation system -
1 Exhaust fans -

Supply, install, test and commission backward curved direct drive box fan for kitchen exhaust air
system as shown on the drawing complete with anti vibration mount ,high temperature flexible duct -
connector, supporting structures and other necessary acessories to make the system functional.

The kithcen exhaust fan shall be European manufactured as per recognized codes & standardes and
to be approved by submitting catalogues.

Price shall also include all necessary control system & electric wiring /where not specified in the
electrical design/ and all necessary accessories for the proper functioning of the system.

The contractor shall verify the final required fan total pressure based on the selected/purchased
grease filters, sound dampers, grills, actual duct layouts & etc.
Ref :K-EXF -
Type: Direct drive centrifugal fan -
Capacity = 625 lt/s -
Exteranl Static presure= 225 Pa -
Approximate reqired power =0.37kw -
power supply : 230v/1ph/50HZ No 1.00 96,267.60 96,267.60

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Unit Rate Before

Item No. Unit Qty Amount
2 Air Distributing Equipment -
2 Fresh Air & Exhaust air louver -
Supply, install, test and commission wall/duct mounted fresh/exhaust air louver with bird screen
(frame made of high quality extruded Aluminum profile with standard flange width ) as shown on the -
drawing complete with plenum box, and other fixing accessoreis.
All louvers and accessories shall be manufactured as per recognized codes,standardes & technical
specification and full fill the requirments specified in the technical specification & shall meet the -

The contractor shall submitt the necessary cataloge and get approval before purchasing items. -
2.1.1 Fresh Air Louver -
Ref: FAL-6 -
Type : Air Master/Beta or equivalent -
Capacity- 530 L/s -
Neck Size : 650x650mmxmm -
Colour as per the architect prefence No. 1.00 11,050.00 11,050.00
2.1.2 Exhaust air louver -
Ref: EAL-1 -
Type : Air Master/Beta or equivalent -
Capacity - 625 L/s -
Neck Size : 650x650mmxmm -
Colour as per the architect prefence No. 1.00 11,050.00 11,050.00
3 Duct Works -

Supply, install ,test and commision 1mm thick galvanised steel sheet for kitchen exhaust air
ducting system as shown on the drawing complete with connecting standard flanges, gasket,silcons, -
fittings ( like elbows, tees, reducers), flexible ducts, hangar and supporting system.

All joints shall be sealed properly with approved sealing materials. , leakage testing and balncing
works shall be as per SMACNA and ASHRAE standards. Unit price shall include all the necessary -
fixing acessories to make the system functional.
400x200mmxmm LM 4.00 2,808.00 11,232.00
4 Kitchen Hood -
Supply and install polished stainlesss steel Island type kitchen hood for exhaust ventilation systme of
kithcen as shown on the drawing complete with the following acessories
Water proof lighting -
washable oil/grease filter -
condensate drain hole -
support and hanger -
unit price shall include all necessary items to make the system functional -
Size :1500x1000 x600 mm( LxWxH) No 1.00 98,020.00 98,020.00
General Summary
Basment 1&2 car park ventilation system -
1 Fans -
1 Fresh Air Supply & Exhaust fans -

Supply, install, test and commission backward curved centrigugal belt driven fans with VFD motors
for fresh air supply and exhaust air ducting system of basment 1& 2 system as shown on the drawing
complete with anti vibration mount ,flexible duct connector, supporting structures and other
necessary acessories to make the system functional.

The VFD Fresh air and exhaust fans shall be European manufactured as per recognized codes &
standardes and controller shall be designed by the supplier which interlocks the fresh air fan,the
exhaust air fan and the besment jet fans for minmimum and maximum operation according to the
carbonmonoxode sensors setting located in the car park. .

Price shall also include all necessary control system & electric wiring /where not specified in the
electrical design/ and all necessary accessories for the proper functioning of the system.

Contractor shall submit controller design and fan cataloges and get apprpval before installation. -

The contractor shall verify the final required fans total pressure based on the selected/purchased
filters, sound dampers, grills, actual duct layouts & etc.
1.1.1 Ref :B-FAF -
Type:Belt driven backward curved centrifgual fan with VFD and to be integrated with B-EXF and
circullation jet fans in the bsament1&2
Capacity = 11,050 lt/s -
Exteranl Static presure=250 Pa -
Approximate reqired power =5.2kw -
power supply : 400v/3ph/50HZ No 1.00 715,139.75 715,139.75

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Unit Rate Before

Item No. Unit Qty Amount
1.1.2 Ref :B-EXF -
Type:Belt driven backward curved centrifgual fan with VFD. -
Capacity = 13,000 lt/s -
Exteranl Static presure= 330 Pa -
Approximate reqired power = 8.2kw -
power supply : 400v/3ph/50HZ No 1.00 845,520.00 845,520.00
1 Jet Fan -

Supply,install,test& commission tube axial jet fans for basment 1& 2 for air mxing purpose and to be
controlled by corbonmonxode senser located near to each fan.The VFD fresh air supply,VFD exhaust
fans and the jet fan shall be interlocked with each other as shown on the drawing complete with all
necessary acessories to make the system functional .

Contractor shall submit controller design for interlocking the jet fan ,the fresh air fan, the exhaust air
fan and the corbonmonoxide senser located in the basment for minimum and maximum air flow -
according to the corbon monoxide senser setting .
Contractor shall submit cataloges and get apprpval before installation. -
Jet fan price shall include the controller price and corbonmonoxide senser price and aothe necessary
acessories to make the system complete.
Ref :JF -
Type: tube axial Jet fan -
Air flow =1190/600 lt/s -
Thurust 21/6 N -
Approximate reqired power =0.75/0.15 kw -
power supply : 400v/3ph/50HZ No 4.00 292,500.00 1,170,000.00
2 Air Distributing Equipment -
2 Supply and exhaust Air Grille -

Supply, install, test and commission wall mounted supply linear bar grille (SLBG -1) frame made of
high quality extruded Aluminum profile with standard flange width as shown in the drawing complete -
with insullated plenum box and all necessary fixing accessoreis. color as per the architect prefernce .

All supply & exhaust air grilles and accessories shall be manufactured as per recognized codes,
standardes & technical specification and full fill the requirments specified in the technical -
specification & shall meet the purpose.

The contractor shall submitt the necessary cataloge and get approval before purchasing items. -
2.1.1 supply air grille -
Ref: SAG-1 -
Type : Air Master/Beta or equivalent -
Capacity- 1105 L/s -
Neck Size : 900x500mmxmm -
Colour as per the architect prefence No. 30.00 7,150.00 214,500.00
2.1.2 Exhaust Air Grille -
Ref: RAG-1 -
Type : Air Master/Beta or equivalent -
Capacity- 1083 L/s -
Neck Size : 500x500mmxmm -
Colour as per the architect prefence No 22.00 6,305.00 138,710.00
2 Fresh air and exahust Air Louver -

Supply, install, test and commission duct mounted fresh air/or exhaust air louver with bird screen
(frame made of high quality extruded Aluminum profile with standard flange width ) as shown on the -
drawing complete with plenum box, and other fixing accessoreis.

All louvers and accessories shall be manufactured as per recognized codes,standardes & technical
specification and full fill the requirments specified in the technical specification & shall meet the -

The contractor shall submitt the necessary cataloge and get approval before purchasing items. -
2.2.1 Fresh Air louver -
Ref: FAL-7 -
Type : Air Master/Beta or equivalent -
Capacity - 11,050 L/s -
Neck Size : 2000x800mmxmm -
Colour as per the architect prefence No 10.00 22.00 220.00

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Unit Rate Before

Item No. Unit Qty Amount
2.2.2 Exhaust air louver -
Ref: EAL-3 -
Type : Air Master/Beta or equivalent -
Capacity - 13,000 L/s -
Neck Size : 2000x800mmxmm -
Colour as per the architect prefence No 10.00 22.00 220.00
2 Volume Control Damper ( VCD ) -
Supply,install ,test & commission oppposed blade rectangular volume control damper ( frame made
of 1.2mm thick galvanised steel sheet ) for exhaust air ducting system as shown on the drawing -
complete with all fixing acessories.
All dampers and accessories shall be manufactured as per recognized codes,standardes & technical
specification and full fill the requirments specified in the technical specification & shall meet the -

The contractor shall submitt the necessary cataloge and get approval before purchasing items. -
2.3.1 VCD for Fresh air duct -
Size : 1150x600mmxmm /VCD No 2.00 5,200.00 10,400.00
2.3.2 VCD for Exhaust air duct -
Size : 1150x600mmxmm /VCD No 2.00 5,200.00 10,400.00
3 Duct Works -

Supply, install ,test and commision galvanised steel sheet for fresh airsupply and exhaust air ducting
system as shown on the drawing complete with connecting standard flanges, gasket,silcons, fittings ( -
like elbows, tees, reducers), flexible ducts,hangar and supporting system.

All joints shall be sealed properly with approved sealing materials. , leakage testing and balncing
works shall be as per SMACNA and ASHRAE standards. Unit price shall include all the necessary -
fixing acessories to make the system functional.
3 Fresh Air Duct (FAD) -
1mm thick -
1450x800mmxmm LM 45.00 10,530.00 473,850.00
1150x600mmxmm LM 22.00 8,417.50 185,185.00
0.8mm thick -
800x800mmxmm LM 6.00 6,864.00 41,184.00
3 Exhaust Air Duct -
1mm thick -
1450x800mmxmm LM 50.00 10,822.50 541,125.00
1150x600mmxmm LM 24.00 8,417.50 202,020.00
0.8mm thick -
800x800mmxmm LM 6.00 6,864.00 41,184.00
General Summary
Server Room -
1 Precission close control AC unit -

Supply ,install, test and commission splite type close control air conditioning equipment for server
room consisting of scroll compressor , evaporator, outdoor air cooled condensing unit complete with -
all accessories electric heating coil and appropriate humidifier.

Type- floor standing precission type close control unit -

Function- cool ,heat ,humidify and dihumidify -
Air flow direction- frontal air discharge at floor level and return from top. -
Acessories -
* Refrigerating lines including: copper pipes for liquid and suction lines ,fittings,suction line
insullation,external pipe cladding and other necesaary fixing clamps and supports.
* Drain line piping systems including armored pvc hose and pipe clamps -
* Cover for out door unit with all suporting structures -
* PLC( programable logic controller ) with digital display unit and room thermostat and control unit
to be integrated with FM-200 fire alrm control system
* protection facilities - HP/LP cotout ,overload temperature sensor alarm and fan delay relay devices. -
Total Cooling capacity-17.5kw at 35 Co
Sensible cooling capacity =16.5kw -
Heating capacity - 6kw (with electric heater) -
power input :400v/3ph/50HZ No 1.00 1,112,280.00 1,112,280.00

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Ethio Telecom South West Regional Office Building, Jimma

Unit Rate Before

Item No. Unit Qty Amount
Multipurpose Hall -
1 Cooling Equipment -
Packged roof top units (PRTU) -
Supply, install, test and commission weather proof packged roof top air conditioning unit for multi-
porpose hall as shown on the drawing complete with fully hermetic scroll compressor with crank case
heater, low noise condensor fan, evaporater, belt driven centrifugal evprator fan and standard Al/Cu
The Unit shall have horizontal discharge supply and return with an economizer up to 25% fresh air
and propeller type power exhaust fan to be integrated with the outside fresh air supply motorised -

The Unit shall be equiped with all type of the safety devices for compressor overloade protection,low
and high pressure protection,evaporator freeze protection, and compressor reverse rotation protection.

Note :The contractor shall verify the external static pressure of the evaporator fan based on the final
location of the PRTU and get approval from the consultant before purchasing the equipment .
Ref: PRTU -
Brand: Carrier/Traine/York … or Equivalnet. -
Total cooling Capacity - 120Kw @35OC -
Sensible cooling capacitry - 95 kw -
Total Supply Air Flow- 6900 L/s -
Fresh air quantity =1500 L/S -
Exteranl Static presure- 500 Pa ( to be verified by the contractor ) -
Refrigerant type- R-410A -
Aproximate power required=50kw -
power supply 400/3Ph/50HZ No. 2.00 1,253.00 2,506.00
2 Air Distributing Equipment -
2 Supply & return linear bar grille -
Supply, install, test and commission wall mounted supply/return linear bar grille frame made of
high quality extruded Aluminum profile with standard flange width as shown in the drawing complete
with insullated plenum box and all necessary fixing accessoreis. color shall be as per the architect
prefernce .
All supply & return linear bar grilles and accessories shall be manufactured as per recognized codes,
standardes & technical specification and full fill the requirments specified in the technical -
specification & shall meet the purpose.

The contractor shall submitt the necessary cataloge sand get approval before purchasing items. -
2.1.1 Supply linear bar grille -
Ref: SLBG-1 -
Type : Air Master/Beta or equivalent -
Capacity- 575 L/s -
Neck Size : 1000x250mmxmm -
Colour as per the architect prefence No. 3.00 13,650.00 40,950.00
Ref: SLBG-2 -
Type : Air Master/Beta or equivalent -
Capacity- 1150 L/s -
Neck Size : 1500x250mmxmm -
Colour as per the architect prefence No. 3.00 16,250.00 48,750.00
2.1.2 Return linear bar grille -
Ref: RLBG-1 -
Type : Air Master/Beta or equivalent -
Capacity- 575 L/s -
Neck Size : 1000x250mmxmm -
Colour as per the architect prefence No 2.00 13,650.00 27,300.00
2 Supply & Return ceilling diffuser -
Supply, install, test and commission ceilling mounted four way type supply/exhaust ceilling
diffuser(frame made of high quality extruded Aluminum profile with standard flange width ) as
shown on the drawing complete with plenum box,short flexible duct and all necessary fixing
All supply & return ceilling diffusers and accessories shall be manufactured as per recognized codes,
standardes & technical specification and full fill the requirments specified in the technical -
specification & shall meet the purpose.

The contractor shall submitt the necessary cataloge and get approval before purchasing items. -

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Unit Rate Before

Item No. Unit Qty Amount
2.2.1 Supply ceilling diffuser ( ACD4+D) -
Ref: SCD-2 -
Type : Air Master/Beta or equivalent -
Capacity- 287.5L/s -
Neck Size : 450x450mmxmm -
Colour as per the architect prefence No 6.00 6,175.00 37,050.00
2.2.2 Return ceilling diffuser (ACD4) -
Ref: RCD-2 -
Type : Air Master/Beta or equivalent -
Capacity- 540 L/s -
Neck Size : 400x450mmxmm No 10.00 6,175.00 61,750.00
Colour as per the architect prefence -
2 Volume Control Damper ( VCD ) -
Supply and install oppposed blade rectangular manual volume control damper frame made of
1.2mm thick galvanised steel sheet for fresh air, supply air ,return air and exhaust air ducting -
system as shown on the drawing complete with all fixing acessories.
All dampers and accessories shall be manufactured as per recognized codes,standardes & technical
specification and full fill the requirments specified in the technical specification & shall meet the -

The contractor shall submitt the necessary cataloge and get approval before purchasing items. -
2.3.1 For supply air duct -
Size : 550x500mmxmm /VCD No 1.00 4,815.00 4,815.00
800x300mmxmm/VCD No 2.00 5,200.00 10,400.00
800x600mmxmm/VCD No 2.00 5,850.00 11,700.00
2.3.2 For return air duct -
Size : 550x350mmxmm /VCD No 2.00 4,875.00 9,750.00
800x600mmxmm/VCD No 2.00 5,850.00 11,700.00
3 Duct Works -

Supply, install ,test and commision galvanised steel sheet for fresh air,supply air ,return air and
exhaust air ducting system as shown on the drawing complete with connecting standard flanges, -
gasket,silcons, fittings ( like elbows, tees, reducers), flexible ducts,hangar and supporting system.

All joints shall be sealed properly with approved sealing materials. , leakage testing and balncing
works shall be as per SMACNA and ASHRAE standards. Unit price shall include all the necessary -
fixing acessories to make the system functional.
3 A. Supply Air Duct (FAD) -
1mm thick -
1200x700mmxmm LM 3.00 8,892.00 26,676.00
0.8mm thick -
800x300mmxmm LM 31.00 4,719.00 146,289.00
800x450mmxmm LM 5.00 5,362.50 26,812.50
800x600mmxmm LM 14.00 6,006.00 84,084.00
0.6mm thick -
300x250mmxmm LM 5.00 2,073.50 10,367.50
400x300mmxmm LM 8.00 2,639.00 21,112.00
500x250mmxmm LM 2.00 2,827.50 5,655.00
500x350mmxmm LM 5.00 3,204.50 16,022.50
500x400mmxmm LM 5.00 3,393.00 16,965.00
500x500mmxmm LM 5.00 3,770.00 18,850.00
550x500mmxmm LM 5.00 3,958.50 19,792.50
3 B. return Air Duct (RAD) -
1mm thick -
1200x700mmxmm LM 5.00 9,139.00 45,695.00
0.8mm thick -
650x500mmxmm LM 11.00 4,933.50 54,268.50
750x500mmxmm LM 5.00 5,362.50 26,812.50
800x600mmxmm LM 14.00 6,006.00 84,084.00
0.6mm thick -
400x350mmxmm LM 19.00 2,827.50 53,722.50
550x350mmxmm LM 5.00 3,393.00 16,965.00
550x450mmxmm LM 10.00 3,770.00 37,700.00

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Ethio Telecom South West Regional Office Building, Jimma

Unit Rate Before

Item No. Unit Qty Amount
Supply and install 0.4 mm thick Aluminum cladding to exposed supply & return ducts including full
3 sealing of all joints m2 150.00 845.00

Supply and install 50mm thick 48 kg / m3 density Fiber glass Insulation for extrenal supply and
return ducting system as shown on the drawing complete with all fixing acessories.
3 m2 150.00 650.00
Supply and install 25mm thick Fiber glass Insulation 24 kg / m3 density for internal supply & riser 114,075.00
4 ducting system complete with all fixing accessores. m2 195.00 585.00
GF Shops, O&M room & Traing rooms -
1 cooling Equimpmet & Fans -
1 Chiller -

Supply, install, test and commission packaged type air cooled liquid chiller for outdoor installation
on roof slab as shown on the drawing complete with integrated hydronic module dual pump ,
hermetic scroll compressor, evaporaor, low noise condensor fan ,auto-adavtive microprosessor -
controller and operating with HFC-407C refrigerant which has no effect on the ozone layer. chiller
shall be installed on on special antivaibration foundation with apropriate spring or antivibration pad.

The hydronic mudule system shall be equiped with dual water pumps, Isolating valves, water flow
control valves,water flow switch,automatic air vent,expansion tank, safety valves,LWT sensor,RWT
sensor, pressure gauge, temperature gauge, flexible connection, screen filter strainer, and other
acessories to make the system complete.
Make up water system complete with fiber glass tank,electronic actuated valve,pumps,check valve,
isolating valves, strainer… etc shall be included.
Chemical dossing system shall be included for water softening and treatment purpose. -
Pump Head to be calculated by the contractor before selecting the integrated hydronic module. -
Price shall include all necessary accessories to make the system complete and functional. -
Ref : CH -
Brand: Carrier/Traine/York … or Equivalnet. -
Cooling Capacity=155kw@35OC ambient temp. -
Water Flow =7.6 lt/s -
Evaporator leaving water temp.(LWT) =7oC -
Evaporator Entering water temp.(RWT) =12oC -
Refrigerant -R-407C -
Aproximate power required=85kw -
Power supply = 400V/3ph/50Hz No 1.00 1,520,012.00 1,520,012.00
1 Fan coil Unit( FCU) -

Supply,install,test and commission high static duct connected chilled water fan coil units as shown on
the drawing complete with isolating valves/1pcs/ ,double regulating valve/1pcs/,3way motorised
valve/1pcs/,flexible connector/2pcs/, test points /2pcs/ ,drain valve/1pcs/,condensate drain pan, wall -
mounted programable thermostat, control panel, power cables, control cables, spring vibration isolator
,suporting structure and other necessary accessories to make the system complete and functional.

1.2.1 Ref : FCU-1 -

Brand: Carrier/Traine/York … or Equivalnet. -
Total cooling capacity =4.4Kw -
sensible cooling capacity= 3.5 kw -
Water flow = 0.4 lt/s -
Air Flow =283 lt/s -
External static pressure = 50 Pa -
Aproximate power required=0.2kw -
power supply 230v/1Ph/50HZ No. 1.00 75,920.00 75,920.00
1.2.2 Ref : FCU-2 -
Brand: Carrier/Traine/York … or Equivalnet. -
Total cooling capacity = 9.3Kw -
sensible cooling capacity= 7.3 kw -
Water flow = 0.4 lt/s -
Air Flow =470 lt/s -
External static pressure = 50 pa -
Aproximate power required=0.2kw -
power supply 230v/1Ph/50HZ No. 13.00 10,752.00 139,776.00

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Unit Rate Before

Item No. Unit Qty Amount
1.2.3 Ref : FCU-3 -
Brand: Carrier/Traine/York … or Equivalnet. -
Total cooling capacity = 12.3Kw -
sensible cooling capacity= 9.5 kw -
Water flow =0.53 lt/s -
Air Flow =566 lt/s -
External static pressure = 50 pa -
Aproximate power required=0.2kw -
power supply 230v/1Ph/50HZ No. 14.00 10,752.00 150,528.00
1.2.4 Ref: FCU-4 -
Brand: Carrier/Traine/York … or Equivalnet. -
Total cooling capacity = 13.7Kw -
sensible cooling capacity= 10.5 kw -
Water flow = 0.59 lt/s -
Air Flow =660 lt/s -
External static pressure = 50 pa -
Aproximate power required=0.2kw -
power supply 230v/1Ph/50HZ No. 8.00 132,730.00 1,061,840.00
1 Fresh Air Supply Fans -
Supply, install, test and commission backward curved direct drive centrigugal fan for fresh air
supply air system as shown on the drawing complete with anti vibration mount , flexible duct -
connector, supporting structures ...etc.
All supply fans shall be European manufactured as per recognized codes & standardes and to be
approved by submitting catalogues.

Price shall also include all necessary control system & electric wiring /where not specified in the
electrical design/ and all necessary accessories for the proper functioning of the system.

The contractor shall verify the final required fans total pressure based on the selected/purchased
filters, dampers, grills & actual duct layouts...etc.
1.3.1 Ref :FAF-1 -
Type:Box type Inline centrifugal fan -
Capacity = 90 lt/s -
Exteranl Static presure= 50 Pa -
Approximate reqired power =0.06kw -
power supply : 230v/1ph/50HZ No 1.00 7,150.00 7,150.00
1.3.2 Ref :FAF-2 -
Type:Box type Inline centrifugal fan -
Capacity = 120 lt/s -
Exteranl Static presure= 50 Pa -
Approximate reqired power =0.078kw -
power supply : 230v/1ph/50HZ No 1.00 7,150.00 7,150.00
1.3.3 Ref :FAF-3 -
Type:Box type Inline centrifugal fan -
Capacity = 150 lt/s -
Exteranl Static presure= 80 Pa -
Approximate reqired power =0.18Kw -
power supply : 230v/1ph/50HZ No 1.00 8,320.00 8,320.00
1.3.4 Ref :FAF-4 -
Type:Box type Inline centrifugal fan -
Capacity = 200 lt/s -
Exteranl Static presure= 65 Pa -
Approximate reqired power =0.12kw -
power supply : 230v/1ph/50HZ No 1.00 11,050.00 11,050.00
1.3.5 Ref :FAF-5 -
Type:Box type Inline centrifugal fan -
Capacity = 250 lt/s -
Exteranl Static presure= 85 Pa -
Approximate reqired power =0.3kw -
power supply : 230v/1ph/50HZ No 1.00 16,250.00 16,250.00
1.3.6 Ref :FAF-6 -
Type:Box type Inline centrifugal fan -
Capacity = 250 lt/s -
Exteranl Static presure= 105 Pa -
Approximate reqired power =0.3kw -
power supply : 230v/1ph/50HZ No 1.00 16,705.00 16,705.00

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Ethio Telecom South West Regional Office Building, Jimma

Unit Rate Before

Item No. Unit Qty Amount
2 Air Distributing Equipment -
2 Supply & Return ceilling diffuser -
Supply, install, test and commission ceilling mounted four way type supply & exhaust ceilling
diffuser (frame made of high quality extruded Aluminum profile with standard flange width ) as
shown on the drawing complete with plenum box,short flexible duct and all necessary fixing
All supply & return ceilling diffusers and accessories shall be manufactured as per recognized
codes,standardes & technical specification and full fill the requirments specified in the technical -
specification & shall meet the purpose.

The contractor shall submitt the necessary cataloge sand get approval before purchasing items. -
Color shall be as per the architect prefernce . -
2.1.1 Supply ceilling diffuser(ACD4+D) - Ref: SCD -1 -
Type : Air Master/Beta or equivalent -
Capacity- 141.5 L/s -
Neck Size : 300x300mmxmm -
Colour as per the architect prefence No 2.00 6,305.00 12,610.00
- Ref: SCD -1 -
Type : Air Master/Beta or equivalent -
Capacity- 220 L/s -
Neck Size : 450x450mmxmm -
Colour as per the architect prefence No 37.00 6,760.00 250,120.00
2.1.2 Return ceilling diffuser(ACD4) - Ref: RCD -1 -
Type : Air Master/Beta or equivalent -
Capacity- 220 L/s -
Neck Size : 300x300mmxmm -
Colour as per the architect prefence No 2.00 6,305.00 12,610.00
- Ref: RCD -2 -
Type : Air Master/Beta or equivalent -
Capacity- 220 L/s -
Neck Size : 450x450mmxmm -
Colour as per the architect prefence No 37.00 6,305.00 233,285.00
2 Fresh Air louver -
Supply, install, test and commission duct/wall mounted fresh air louver with bird screen (frame
made of high quality extruded Aluminum profile with standard flange width ) as shown on the -
drawing complete with plenum box, and other fixing accessoreis.
All louvers and accessories shall be manufactured as per recognized codes,standardes & technical
specification and full fill the requirments specified in the technical specification & shall meet the -

The contractor shall submitt the necessary cataloge sand get approval before purchasing items. -
2.2.1 Ref: FAL-1 -
Type : Air Master/Beta or equivalent -
Capacity - 90 L/s -
Neck Size : 300x200mmxmm -
Colour as per the architect prefence No 1.00 9,750.00 9,750.00
2.2.2 Ref: FAL-2 -
Type : Air Master/Beta or equivalent -
Capacity - 120 L/s -
Neck Size : 300x300mmxmm -
Colour as per the architect prefence No 1.00 6,305.00 6,305.00
Ref: FAL-3 -
Type : Air Master/Beta or equivalent -
Capacity - 150 L/s -
Neck Size : 400x300mmxmm -
Colour as per the architect prefence No 1.00 6,760.00 6,760.00
Ref: FAL-4 -
Type : Air Master/Beta or equivalent -
Capacity - 200 L/s -
Neck Size : 400x400mmxmm -
Colour as per the architect prefence No 1.00 8,655.00 8,655.00

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Unit Rate Before

Item No. Unit Qty Amount
Ref: FAL-5 -
Type : Air Master/Beta or equivalent -
Capacity - 250 L/s -
Neck Size : 500x400mmxmm -
Colour as per the architect prefence No 2.00 6,305.00 12,610.00
2 Volume Control Damper ( VCD ) -
Supply,install,test and commission oppposed blade rectangular manual volume control damper
frame made of 1.2mm thick galvanised steel sheet for outside fresh air supply & supply air ducting -
system as shown on the drawing complete with all fixing acessories.
All dampers and accessories shall be manufactured as per recognized codes,standardes & technical
specification and full fill the requirments specified in the technical specification & shall meet the -

The contractor shall submitt the necessary cataloge sand get approval before purchasing items. -
2.3.1 For Fresh air duct -
Size : 150x150mmxmm /VCD No 12.00 4,160.00 49,920.00
2.3.2 For supply air duct -
Size : 250x200mmxmm /VCD No 2.00 4,485.00 8,970.00
Size : 250x250mmxmm /VCD No 13.00 4,485.00 58,305.00
Size : 300x200mmxmm /VCD No 1.00 4,745.00 4,745.00
3 Duct Works -

Supply, install ,test and commision galvanised steel sheet for outside fresh air,supply air ducting
system as shown on the drawing complete with connecting standard flanges, gasket, silcons, fittings ( -
like elbows, tees, reducers), flexible ducts,hangar and supporting system.

All joints shall be sealed properly with approved sealing materials. , leakage testing and balancing
works shall be as per SMACNA and ASHRAE standards. Unit price shall include all the necessary -
fixing acessories to make the system functional.
3 A. Fresh Air Duct (FAD) -
0.6mm thick -
150x150mmxmm LM 38.00 1,131.00 42,978.00
200x150mmxmm LM 3.00 1,319.50 3,958.50
200x200mmxmm LM 18.00 1,508.00 27,144.00
225x150mmxmm LM 18.00 1,413.10 25,435.80
250x150mmxmm LM 2.00 1,508.00 3,016.00
250x200mmxmm LM 10.00 1,696.50 16,965.00
275x200mmxmm LM 5.00 895.38 4,476.90
300x150mmxmm LM 5.00 1,696.50 8,482.50
300x200mmxmm LM 12.00 1,885.00 22,620.00
325x200mmxmm LM 12.00 1,522.50 18,270.00
3 B. Supply Air Duct (SAD ) -
0.6mm thick -
200x200mmxmm LM 2.00 1,508.00 3,016.00

250x200mmxmm LM 3.00 1,696.50 5,089.50

250x250mmxmm LM 74.00 1,895.00 140,230.00

300x250mmxmm LM 24.00 2,073.50 49,764.00

350x200mmxmm LM 3.00 2,073.50 6,220.50

450x250mmxmm 71,253.00
LM 27.00 2,639.00
500x250mmxmm LM 9.00 2,827.50 25,447.50
550x250mmxmm LM 21.00 3,016.00 63,336.00
Supply and install 25mm thick Fiber glass Insulation 24 kg / m3 density for internal supply air ducting 122,850.00
4 system complete with all fixing accessores. m2 210.00 585.00
4 Chilled water Pipes & Valves -

Supply and install ABS DURA pipe for supply and return chilled water circulation piping system as
shown on the drawing complete with pipe fittings (elbows,tees,reducer ), hangar and suppots.all pipe -
fittings shall be black forged steel of the same quality and weight as the pipes.

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Unit Rate Before

Item No. Unit Qty Amount
4.1.1 With 25mm thick k-flex insuliation for internal piping system. -
Dia : DN20 mm LM 15.00 829.80 12,447.00

Dia : DN25 mm LM 84.00 1,067.74 89,690.16

Dia : DN32 mm LM 166.00 1,175.95 195,207.70

Dia : DN40 mm 133,087.50

LM 105.00 1,267.50
Dia : DN50 mm LM 76.00 1,430.00 108,680.00

Dia : DN65 mm 124,800.00

LM 64.00 1,950.00
Dia : DN80 mm LM 38.00 2,080.00 79,040.00
with 50mm thick k-flex insullation and 0.4mm thick aluminum cladding including necessary
4.1.2 adhesives and accessories.
Dia : DN80 mm LM 33.00 2,990.00 98,670.00
Supply and install 25mm thick k-flex chilled water pipe insullation system as shwon on the drawing
4 complete with all necessary adhessives and acessories
Dia : DN20 mm LM 15.00 195.00 2,925.00

Dia : DN25 mm LM 84.00 240.50 20,202.00

Dia : DN32 mm LM 166.00 273.00 45,318.00

Dia : DN40 mm LM 105.00 292.00 30,660.00

Dia : DN50 mm LM 76.00 455.00 34,580.00

Dia : DN65 mm LM 64.00 546.00 34,944.00
Dia : DN80 mm LM 38.00 715.00 27,170.00
Supply,install test and commission isolation and balancing valves to each floor as shown on the
4 drawings complete with fixing acessories
Isolating valves(IV) -
Dia : DN50mm No. 1.00 3,250.00 3,250.00
Dia : DN65mm No. 2.00 3,900.00 7,800.00
Balancing valves(DRV) -
Dia : DN50mm No. 1.00 4,550.00 4,550.00
Dia : DN65mm No. 2.00 4,550.00 9,100.00
5 Condensate drain line -
Supply and install uPVC condensate drain pipe as
where shown on the drawing, complete with all necessary accessories & 25mm insulation.
Dia: 20mm LM 39.00 357.50 13,942.50
Dia: 25mm LM 60.00 377.00 22,620.00
Dia: 32mm LM 51.00 422.50 21,547.50
Dia: 40mm LM 25.00 455.00 11,375.00

TOTAL TO SUMMARY………………BIRR 14,081,632.53

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