Kara Knox Writing Lesson
Kara Knox Writing Lesson
Kara Knox Writing Lesson
Central Focus Describe the important Proper formation of letters and things
understandings and core you see in the sky during the day.
concepts that you want
students to develop over
the course of the
segment/lesson. What
are they going to
summative assessment
might not be a part of
this lesson..
Other Resources:
‘We Do’ (Guided We Do (Guided We Do: Students sound out the chosen word
Practice – Practice): During this to identify letter sounds
Describe Activity) part of the lesson, the
teacher and students are
Estimated time to thinking aloud together.
complete ‘We
Do’’:_______ Differentiation “We Grouping of students:
Structure (whole Do”:
class, ❏ Grouping of
collaborative, students: What Differentiation: Enrichment and
individual, etc): opportunities do Remediation:
______ students have to
independently or Accommodations and Modifications:
together? How
are these groups
designed to
increase mastery
of objective?
Differentiation ❏ Differentiation
(Enrichment and - Enrichment
remediation): and
Tailoring Remediation:
instruction to meet What
individual needs; opportunities do
differentiating the students need to
content, process, strengthen their
and/or product. understanding of
Consider cultural the strategy or
diversity, gifted, skill presented?
❏ Accommodatio
Accommodation(s ns and
)- A change that Modifications:
helps a student What
overcome or work accommodation
around the s and
disability: modifications do
you have to
Modification(s)- A make for ELL,
change in what is SPED, 504, and
being taught or struggling
students? How
what is expected will these
from the student: accommodation
s and
Remember, an modifications
accommodation is support mastery
not lowering of the objective?
expectations or
teaching below Questioning “We Do”: Questions: What sound do we hear? What
grade level What type of questions letter is that? Let’s clap it out
content/objectives. can you ask students to
overcome their
ESL Strategies mistakes? What
Document misconceptions do you Plan for calling on students
anticipate students Pulling sticks
ESL Strategies might have? (Using
Matrix Bloom’s Taxonomy or
Costa’s Levels of
Thinking, plan some
questions you will ask
Closing - Check Write your Closure Launch Frame: What are some things we
for using the Planning a see in the daytime?
Understanding Discussion Framework:
(Describe the Eliciting, Orienting Questions
activity): How will Launch Frame What sound do we hear? What letter is
the lesson end and ❏ Opening that?
bridge to learning statement and Conclusion Frame
for the future? question to get In the daytime we can see things like the
What do you want the discussion sun, clouds, kites, butterflies, and
to reiterate to started rainbows! I wonder what we can see at
students? Based on (Example, “We nighttime!
the pacing of the have been
lesson and learning how to
feedback from add fractions in
students, did they this activity.
master the What was an
objective? Make important key in
sure to revisit adding the
objectives. fractions that
helped you?
What have we
been learning
about today?”)
Eliciting, Orienting
Questions to ask
During the Discussion
❏ What eliciting,
probing, and
questions will
you ask during
the discussion?
Conclusion Frame
❏ Closing
about what
they learned in
the lesson and
what they will
be working on
next. (Example
- “We have
been adding
fractions in
this activity -
In our next
activity, we are
going to
continue this
work…. or
Tomorrow, we
will begin