Sample Lesson Plan 7-8

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Name Date Week Lesson # 8

Lesson type Functions, Writing Level Elementary Lesson length 45 minutes # of Ss (for tutor) 12
Main aim Appropriate lesson
By the end of the lesson, students will be better able to use future forms to write about their dreams and desires for the
future. This will be achieved by: reading a model, focusing on and practicing useful functional language for this task,, YES
allowing plenty of preparation time in class, writing a short application form for TV show and focusing on useful language
emerging as a result of this task.

Sub aim
Students will also develop fluency skills related to the topic of applying to go on a TV programme. They will achieve this by
having discussions during the lead-in and highlighting the target language stages.

LANGUAGE ANALYSIS (delete as applicable) Sufficient language

vocabulary / grammar / submitted
Language to clarify YES

For systems lessons, list target language you will clarify

For skills lessons, list vocab that you will pre-teach
List all handouts and other materials you will use in the lesson and on all photocopies that you give to Ss



This lesson is AT standard for this stage of the course

(tutor signature)

I have read and understood this feedback. I have asked my tutor about anything that is unclear.
(trainee signature)
Problems (timing, grouping, instructions, topics, etc – NOT language) Solutions
Include at least 3, specific to the stages and activities in this lesson Include one solution for each problem

 The level of Vietnamese used during the peer editing  Remind learners before activities about the benefits of using
task may be high. only English even for this peer editing task. Ask ICQs before the
task. Scaffold tasks well so students won’t feel the need to
revert to using Vietnamese.

 Display visuals of the seating arrangement. Assign each student

 Students may take a lot of time to form groups for the a number and direct students to the correct area. Get students
final task. to confirm their number before moving.

 Set a strict time limit for students to adhere to. Monitor and
remind students of the time they have remaining. Instruct
 Students may take too long to brainstorm their ideas
students that they don’t need to use full sentences when
during the preparation stage.
brainstorming, only useful words and ideas. Ask ICQs.

 Allow students to discuss their ideas in pairs before the

 Students may struggle to create sentences for the
preparation stage. Make the preparation task a collaborative
writing productive task.
one to facilitate more ideas for when students need to work

 Give students a task to do while listening to their peers.

 Students may not listen to their peers when they’re Students give their peers a score out of five based on content
presenting their work. and language of the presentations.

 During the publishing of students’ work stage where  Instruct students to close their eyes and raise their hand for
students’ vote for their favourite pieces of writing, some their favourite piece of writing.
students may feel embarrassed if their work isn’t

Aims Approaches
What action points from previous lesson(s) are you working on? What is your strategy to improve in each of these areas?

 Allocating sufficient time for content and language  Manage the timing of each stage effectively.
feedback at the end of the productive task. (TP6)
 Continue to include the use of gestures, physical actions such
 Using effective pronunciation techniques (TP6) as clapping and clicking to convey word stress effectively.

 Ensure that students look at me while we are drilling the target

 Focusing on speech rather than the written form of the language rather than the written form. Use PowerPoint
target language when drilling. (TP6) animations to cover the written form while we drill.

 Reducing time spent on teacher-fronted stages. (TP7)  Incorporating activities to encourage student interaction, using
guided discovery tasks, collaborative brainstorming and peer
editing of writing pieces.

(5 T-Ss-T Lead in: (1)

minutes S-S -Generate interest in the T displays visuals related to the topic of TV
) topic. programmes on the board
-Activate schemata T sets the task for Ss to work in pairs and
discuss the pictures.
“What types of TV programmes do you
like? Why?”
T ICQs on time and interaction pattern.
Ss talk about the pictures.
T conducts whole class feedback.

T displays visuals of the TV show Survivor
and elicits from students what the TV show
may be about.
“What do you think this TV show is about?”
T sets up the context and uses elicitation.

Using visuals and questions, T elicits the key

details about the show below:
A group of people must survive on an island.
They have to find food and water, build
fires, cook their own food and complete
The last person to leave is the winner and
wins $1 million dollars!
This TV show is coming to Vietnam. Do
you want to take part?”

5 T-Ss-T Gist Reading T states the first reading task.

minutes S -develop Ss reading for “Read the text below and find out what type
S-S gist of the text and to of TV programme it describes”
provide context for the T ICQS
TL “Do we need to understand every word?”
No- Just read quickly for the answer.

Ss read text, find the answer and T conducts

feedback on the answer.

Second reading task:

“Read the text below. Read the form below
and discuss the questions with a partner. “

1. What type of person do they want on

Survivor Vietnam?
2. How much can you win?
3. What do you have to do?

Ss complete task.
Ss check their answers in pairs.
Feedback: T nominates ss to read their
answers. .

6 T-Ss-T Vocabulary clarification- T clarifies lexis from the text.

minutes S-S to clarify any unknown 1. ‘competitive’ (adj)
lexis from the text and 2. ‘outgoing’ (adj)
which may be useful for 3. ‘contestant’(noun)
the final writing task
1. Does this describe somebody who tries
very hard to be better than others?(yes)
Does a person like this want to win?(yes)

2. Does a person like this enjoy meeting

other people?(yes)
Does a person like this stay at home
watching movies all day?(no)
Is a person like this friendly?(yes)

3. Is this someone who takes part in a

Show students a picture of a contestant and
TV show host and ask them to identify the

Personalise the sentence by asking students

who in the class is competitive and outgoing,
and get students to make sentences using
the words.
Drill the sentences chorally, to groups to
Highlight stress using physical movements
like clapping and clicking.
Use a backchaining drill if the sentences are
too long.

3 T-Ss-T Noticing examples of the T states the task.

minutes S TL(Highlighting) “Three people gave the following reasons
S-S -to give students the for being on Survivor Vietnam. Who do you
opportunity to notice the think the programme makers will choose?
language in context. Discuss with a partner.”

Ha Anh: “I hope to win Survivor Vietnam

and give the money to a friend who needs an
expensive operation.”

Bao Nam: “I want to go on Survivor

Vietnam because I’m really good-looking.
The camera loves me!”

Linh: “I’d love to meet new people and have

new experiences.’

T demonstrates an example with students.

T ICQs the task.
Ss complete task.
T monitors.
Pairs compare their answers to other groups.
Feedback: T calls on individual students to
explain their choices.

7 T-Ss-T Language Focus / MFP (Meaning)

minutes S-S Clarification: to clarify T boards the three marker sentences from
the meaning, form and the above activity.
pronunciation of the
target language. “I hope to win Survivor Vietnam and give
the money to a friend who needs an
expensive operation.”
“Is this sentence describing an action in the
future?” (Yes)
“Is this sentence describing a dream for the
future?” (Yes)

T boards form and elicits the correct
response from Ss.

Subject + hope(s) + infinitive

“I ______ ____ ____ Survivor Vietnam.”

Subject + want(s) +infinitive

“I _____ ___ ____ on Survivor Vietnam.

I + would (I’d) + like + infinitive

“ I _______ ____ ___ _____ new people
and have new experiences.’


T provides a model of the marker sentence.

T uses physical actions such as clicking and
clapping to highlight stress.
Ss repeat chorally, in groups and
T highlights weak forms in the sentence.
Ss practice the other two marker sentences
in pairs and identify the correct stress.
Extension task- if Ss have difficulty T
conducts backchaining drill.

5 T-Ss Preparation Time: T boards template as an example.

minutes Ss-Ss writing T instructs Ss to work in pairs or a group of
To give Ss a chance to three.
prepare T sets task: “Why do you want to be on
before launching into the Survivor Vietnam? “(Be creative)
task. Discuss your ideas.
Ss use the template to brainstorm their ideas.

6 T-Ss Writing Task: T presents template as a model.

minutes Ss-Ss To develop writing Example:
S-T fluency in relation to Chris:
writing. I want to go on Survivor Vietnam because
I’d like to be rich.
I’d like to meet new people from Vietnam
and learn new skills on the island.
I hope to win one billion VND because I’d
like to buy a new Ducati motorbike and
some nice jewellery for my girlfriend.

T sets task for Ss to work individually.

T ICQs on interaction pattern and time limit.
Ss complete their work within six minutes.
T monitors and makes a note of persistent
errors and also examples of good language
usage for the feedback stage.

3 T-Ss Peer editing(flexi stage): T sets task

minutes S-S to allow students to T asks students to read their partners’ work
provide content and and complete a rubric assessing the content
language feedback to of their writing and the language usage.
each other. T demonstrates the task with a boarded
Ss respond with their feedback on their
peers’ work.

3 T-S Publishing: to provide T displays some work from Ss and sticks

minutes S-S quick feedback on the them on the board.
task(results/outcomes)an Ss complete a gallery walk and vote on their
d for Ss to be motivated favourite.
by sharing.

2 T-Ss-T Language Feedback: to T boards example of good language

minutes give delayed feedback structures shown during the task.
(error correction and T gives praise on particularly useful
praise) on any language language structures or vocabulary used.
component of the lesson.) T elicits corrections on sentences containing
errors which arose during the writing task.

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