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(1) The systematic study of matter is called

(a) Matter (b) Science (c) Art (d) None of the above.
2) Anything that has mass and occupies space is called
(a) Science (b) Weight (c) Matter (d) Commerce
3) In scientific studies, classification means
(a) guessing (b) observing (c) recording (d) sorting
4) _____ is the first process in scientific approach towards problem solving
(a) Hypothesis (b) Recording (c) Diagnosis (d) Theory
5) The systematic study of anything that has mass and occupies space is called
(a) Recording (b) Observation (c) Hypothesis (d) Science
6) The following are non-living except one
(a) Fried egg (b) a skinned dog (c) a butchered cattle (d) a fresh egg
7) The following are characteristics of living things except
(a) Nutrition (b) Growth (c) Hibernation (d) Death
8) Scientific guess is called
(a) Hypothesis (b) Experiment (c) Thinking (d) Brainstorming
9) _______is a science that studies the development and production of drugs and vaccines
(a) Astronomy (b) Botany (c) Pharmacology (d) Microbiology
10) ___________ is the study that deals with living things
(a) Physics (b) Biology (c) Agriculture (d) None of the above
11) ___________ is the study of scientific knowledge in the development and the use of tools
and machines.
(a) Geography (b) Introductory Technology (c) Agriculture (d) Chemistry
12) Integrated science include _________ and _________.
(a) Geography and Physics (b) Pure Science and Health science
(c) Applied science and pure science (d) Astronomy and Zoology
13) The orderly arrangement of knowledge used to study living and non-living things in our
environment is ______________.
(a) Science (b) Agriculture (c) Matter (d) Research
14) _____ confirms if the hypothesis is true or false.
(a) Conclusion (b) Theory (c) Diagnosis (d) Recording
15) _____ involves putting down all necessary information about the study.
(a) Diagnosis (b) Generalization (c) Recording (d) Law
16) Law is a scientific method called _____.
(a) Applied science (b) Accepted hypothesis (c) Approved theory
(d) Registered method.
17) What sense will a blind man need to save himself from mistakenly drinking kerosene in
place of water.
(a) tasting and hearing (b) smelling and tasting (c) hearing and feeling
(d) seeing and smelling
18) A plant differs from an animal because a plant ________.
(a) respires (b) makes its own food (c) reproduces (d) grows
19) Living things can be classified into
(a) Plants and water (b) animals and plants (c) gas and liquid (d) sheep and pen

20) _________ movement occur in plants.
(a) Active (b) Passive (c) Bending (d) All of the above
21) Living organisms that can manufacture their own food are referred to as
(a) heterotrophs (b) carnivores (c) autotrophs (d) herbivores
22) Which of the following are not organs of locomotion?
(a) feathers (b) feet (c) fins (d) hairs
23) The process by which air is actively taken in and out of the body is called
(a) Anaerobic (b) breathing (c) burning (d) Excretion
24) The oxidation of food substances to release energy is
(a) Excretion (b) Respiration (c) Digestion (d) Irritability
25) The following are excretory products except
(a) Urine (b) Faeces (c) Sweat (d) Carbon dioxide
26) The excretory organ of a plant is
(a) stomata (b) liver (c) Epidermis (d) Contractile vacuole
27) Growth in the living organisms include all of the following processes except
(a) increase in dry weight (b) reversible increase in size
(c) irreversible increase in length (d) increase in the number of cell
28) The process of passing out undigested food through the anus is
(a) Egestion (b) Excretion (c) Respiration (d) Digestion
29) Growth and development are not affected by which one of the following factors?
(a) food (b) heredity (c) nationality (d) good rest
30) Any change in external and internal environment of a living organism is
(a) irritability (b) neurone (c) respond (d) stimulus
31) The ability of a living organism to give birth to their young ones alive for continuity of life is
(a) respiration (b) stimulus (c) excretion (d) reproduction
32) The mode of nutrition in which organisms are capable of manufacturing their own food is
(a) Autotrophic (b) Chemotropic (c) Heterotrophic (d) Chlorophyll
34) The urine is stored in the _______.
(a) Urinary bladder (b) Gall bladder (c) Wind pipe (d) Stomach
35) _______ is the process by which green plants manufacture their food in the presence of
(a) Photosynthesis (b) Photolysis (c) Conservation (d) Pollination
36) The organisms that feed on dead decayed materials are _______.
(a) Epiphytes (b) Saprophytes (c) Parasites (d) Holozoic
37) The mode of reproduction that involves only a single parent is called
(a) sexual reproduction (b) single reproduction
(c) asexual reproduction (d) copulation
38) Gametes is also called ______.
(a) Bad cells (b) Sex cells (c) Somatic cells (d) Mesophyll
39) C6H12O6 is a chemical formula for
(a) maltose (b) glycogen (c) glucose (d) none of the above
40) The ability of an organism to fight over limited resources is called ______.
(a) Movement (b) Death (c) Competition (d) Adaptation
41) Offspring is also called
(a) children (b) sibling (c) progeny (d) none of the above
42) Which of these animals give birth to its young ones alive?

(a) Lizard (b) Pigeon (c) Tilapia (d) Rat
43) Herbivorous animal feed on
(a) decayed matter (b) flesh only (c) plant and animal (d) plants only
44) Urine is excreted by the
(a) bladder (b) kidney (c) liver (d) lung
45) _____ is the removal of water in form of vapour from the surface of a leaf.
(a) Percolation (b) Precipitation (c) Transpiration (d) Condensation
46. Lizards and snakes are generally called
(a) amphibians (b) reptiles (c) mammals (d) pisces
50. The two types of venation in leaves are _______
(a) parallel and net (b) parallel and round (c) spiral and net
(d) parallel and spiral.
51. Which of the following is found in both plant and animal cells
(a) cell wall (b) chloroplast (c) nucleus (d) glycogen
52. Which of the following parts of the cell is referred to as the ‘power house’
(a) nucleus (b) mitochondria (c) cell wall (d) cell membrane
53. Which of these organisms possesses shell
(a) periwinkle (b) earthworm (c) cockroach
(d) none of the above
54. Animals that live both in water and on land are referred to as
(a) mammals (b) vertebrates (c) amphibians (d) aves
55. All except one is a non-flowering plant
(a) fern (b) moss (c) algae (d) hibiscus
56. Which of the following is an example of gymnosperm?
(a) Maize (b) pine (c) apple (d) pawpaw
57. The reproductive organ of a plant is
(a) stigma (b) stamen (c) flower (d) petals
58. The living materials in a cell is
(a) cell wall (b) cytoplasm (c) mitochondria (d) protoplasm
59. _______ are made up of cells
(a) organisms (b) structure (c) Materials (d) Tissue
60. The basic unit of life is _________
(a) tissue (b) organ (c) cell (d) system
61. The _______ contains some cellular structures called organelles
(a) protoplasm (b) cytoplasm (c) photoplasm (d) organism
62. The protoplasm is enclosed in a _______
(a) plasma membrane (b) shell membrane (c) cerebral membrane (d) Ribosome
63. The protoplasm is made up of __________ and ________
(a) cytoplasm and photoplasm (b) chloroplast ad nucleus
(c) nucleus and cytoplasm (d) Golgi bodies and cytoplasm
64. Which of the following best illustrate the organization of life
(a) cells – tissues – organs – system
(b) cells – tissues – organs – system
(c) cells – tissues – system – tissues
(d) cells – system – organs – tissues
65. Plants store excess glucose as

(a) cellulose (b) glucogen (c) glycogen (d) starch
66. Animals that feed only on plants are called
(a) cannibals (b) carnivores (c) omnivores (d) herbivores
67. Most plants are green in colour due to the presence of
(a) cell wall (b) chloroplast (c) cytoplasm (d) nucleus
68. Which of these scientists is referred to as the father of cell?
(a) Charles Darwin (b) Gregor Mendel (c) Robert Hooke (d) Camillo Golgi
69. Carbon dioxide is removed from the atmosphere by
(a) chemosynthesis (b) evaporation (c) photosynthesis (d) precipitation
70. The term ‘cotyledon’ refers to
(a) seedless plants (b) seed leaves (c) bryophytes (d) epiphytes
71. The female organ of a flower is
(a) stigma (b) carpel (c) stamen (d) ovule
72. The cell structure responsible for protein synthesis is
(a) ribosome (b) nucleus (c) centriole (d) vacuole
73. ________ contains the cytoplasm and the nucleus.
(a) Golgi apparatus (b) Protoplasm (c) Photoplasm (d) Cell membrane
74. All of the following factors affect growth except
(a) Heredity (b) Exercise (c) Environment (d) Weight
75. Orange is an example of
(a) Gymnosperms (b) Angiosperms (c) Non-flowering plants
(d) Cryptogams
76. Asexual reproduction involves ____ organism(s).
(a) 2 (b) 3 (c) 1 (d) None of the above
77. Flowering plants are divided into _______ and ______.
(a) angiosperms and gymnosperms
(b) monocotyledon plants and dicotyledon plants
(c) cryptogams and green plants
(d) gymnosperms and dicotyledon plants
78. All cell activities are controlled by the
(a) Mitochondrion (b) Ribosome (c) Nucleus (d) Protoplasm
79. All but one of the following is a terrestrial organism.
(a) Fish (b) Snake (c) Pigeon (d) Rat
80. _______ is not a process involved in water cycle.
(a) Precipitation (b) Termination (c) Evaporation (d) Condensation
81. A common feature in both plant and animal cells is presence of
(a) Chloroplast (b) Centriole (c) Cell membrane (d) Cellulose cell wall
82. Animals which breathe with lungs and lay eggs except
(a) Snakes (b) Frogs (c) Eagles (d) Lions
83. _______ is the respiratory organ of a fish.
(a) Lung (b) Liver (c) Fins (d) Gills
84. Gymnosperms do not produce flowers, instead they have _______
(a) seed (b) fruit (c) cones (d) cotyledon
85. ______ functions as a storage organ in a cell.
(a) Chloroplast (b) Vacuoles (c) Ribosome (d) Nucleus
86. Deficiency of vitamin D results in ______.

(a) Scurvy (b) rickets
(c) Night blindness (d) kwashiorkor
87. What is the study of the supply of adequate and correct foods to satisfy the body’s requirement?
(a) Growth (b) Nutrition (c) Excretion (d) Respiration
88. Sanitation is concerned with
(a) Environmental and public health.
(b) Public health only.
(c) Environment and private health.
(d) Environmental health only.
89. Protein deficiency causes
(a) Diabetes (b) Kwashiorkor (c) Rickets (d) Scurvy
90. Sources of carbohydrate include the following except
(a) Groundnut (b) Corn (c) Millet (d) Cocoyam
91. The science of preserving and improving health is called ______.
(a) personal health (b) balanced diet
(c) hygiene (d) health
92. The function of carbohydrate in the body is to
(a) build the body (b) protect the body
(c) keep the body healthy (d) provide energy
93. The acid present in fats and oils is ______ acid.
(a) Amino (b) fatty (c) palmitic (d) lactic
94. Scurvy can be prevented by taking food containing
(a) Vitamin A (b) Vitamin B
(c) Vitamin C (d) Vitamin E
95. Meat, dry fish, soya beans and groundnuts are very rich in
(a) Carbohydrate (b) protein
(c) fats and oils (d) minerals salts
96. Without constant supply of water the body cells can die because of ______
(a) starvation (b) dehydration
(c) malnutrition (d) underfeed
97. Carbohydrates contain the following chemical contents except
(a) carbon (b) sulphur (c) hydrogen (d) oxygen
98. The process of separating refuse according to their property is called
(a) refuse collection (b) refuse sorting
(c) refuse disposal (d) refuse parking
99. The release of harmful substances into the environment is called
(a) Sanitation (b) Pollination
(c) Environmental pollution (d) Territorial pollution
100. All of the following are human activities affecting environmental balance except
(a) farming (b) transportation
(c) manufacturing (d) none of the above
101. The following are features of reptiles except the presence of _______.
(a) flagella (b) kidneys (c) limbs (d) lungs
102. The diet that contains all the six classes of food in the right proportion is called
(a) Complete diet (b) Balanced diet (c) Full diet (d) Standard diet
103. ___________ is anything that has mass and can occupy space. (a) Science (b) Matter

(c) Solid (d) Liquefaction
104. Matter is classified into ___________, ___________ and ___________ based on composition
105. Which of the following is easily compressible (a) solid (b) gases (c) liquid

(d) none of the above

106. The point at which liquids starts changing into gases due to increased temperature
is called
(a) Boiling point(b) Freezing point (c) Cooking point (d) Frying point
107. Which of the following has a fixed shape (a) Liquid (b) Gases (c) Solid
(d) None
108. Gases possess the highest kinetic energy (a) True (b) False
109. The process that involves the change of gas directly to solid is called (a) deposition
(b) sublimation (c) Evaporation (d) Distillation
110. The boiling point of pure water is _______________ (a) 100 0C (b) 2000C (c) 3000C
(d) 5000C
111. The conversion of solid to gas without passing through the liquid state is called?
(a) Boiling (b)Melting (c) Sublimation (d) Evaporation
112. The state of matter with the highest kinetic energy is_____________ (a) Solid
(b) Liquid (c) gaseous (d) none of the above.
113. The state of matter are (a) liquid, gas, particles (b) water, gas, solid
(c)water, solid, gas (d) liquid, solid, gas
114. Liquid has a ____________ volume.
(a) fixed (b) indefinite (c) solid (d) none of the above
115. ____________ is the process whereby liquid particles closer to the surface acquire enough
kinetic energy and escape into the atmosphere to become gas.
(a) sublimation (b) Boiling (c) Evaporation (d) Expansion
116. The temperature at which a solid changes to liquid is called
(a) melting point (b) boiling point (c) sublimation point (d) freezing point
116. Which of the following state of matter have loosely packed particles
(a) Solid (b) gas (c) Methylated spirit (d) liquid
117. The process of adding chemical such as chlorine to water to kill germs is called
(a) Chlorination (b) chromatography (c) Filtration (d) Distillation
118. Which is the best source of drinking water from the following (a) well (b) river (c) stream
(d) Rain
119. The causative organism for cholera is called _____________ (a)Vibrio cholerae (b) Salmonella
Typhi (c) Escherichia Coli (d) Trypanosome Spp
120. Vibrio Cholera is the causative organism for (a) Typhoid (b) Malaria (c) Gonorrhoea
(d) none of the above
121. The formation of flocs due to addition of coagulating agent to water is called
(a) Flocculation (b) Formation (c) Cleaning (d) flocs form
122. The process of separating insoluble solids from water is called (a) sieving (b) filtration
(c) Distillation (d) Fractional Distillation
123. Which of these minerals prevents tooth decay
(a) Nitrogen (b) Chlorine (c) Fluorine (d) Iodine
124. Water borne-disease are diseases that are caused by
(a) water (b) air (c) food (d) contaminated food (e) contaminated water
125. The system of the body that helps in protecting us against diseases is called
(a) Fielding system (b) immune system (c) prevention system (d) none of the above

126. The resistance a body has against sicknesses is known as
(a) Immune system (b) Immunity (c) Inoculation (d) Vaccination
127. The process of injecting antibodies into the blood stream to protect the person against
disease is (a) Vaccination (b) inoculation (c) narcotics (d) none of the above
128. Which of the following antibodies which neutralise poisons produced by foreign micro-
organisms in the body. ?

(a) Lysin (b) Anti toxin (c) Agglutinin (d) Precipitin

129. Which of the following can be sexually transmitted

(a) Chlamydia (b) cough (c) malaria (d) typhoid
130. STI can be prevented (a) True (b) False
131. AIDs can be transferred from pregnant women to their offspring (a) True (b) False
133. Disease that cannot be easily passed from one person to another is ___________.
(a) infectious disease (b) non – infectious disease (c) terminal diseas (d) all of the above
134. Malaria is gotten through which of the following vector
(a) Female anopheles mosquito (b) Tsetse fly (c) Black fly (d) Housefly
135 Plasmodium parasite is responsible for which of the following
(a) Typhoid (b) Malaria (c) Sleeping sickness (d) Leprosy
136. The life cycle of a mosquito is completed in ___________ days
(a) 31 days (b) 21 days (c) 41 days (d) 51 days
137. River blindness is caused by which of the following
(a) Housefly (b) Tsetse fly (c) Mosquitoes (d) Blackfly
138. Which of the following is a breeding ground for mosquitoes
(a) Trees (b) Stagnant water (c) Fast flooding water (d) Bush
140. The vector for filariasis is
(a) Black fly (b) Culex mosquito (c) Aedes mosquitoes (d) Tsetse fly
141. Yellow fever is caused by which of the following mosquitoes
(a) Female anopheles’ mosquito (b) Culex mosquito
(c) Aedes mosquito (d) None of the above.
143. The following are examples of matter except
(a) Air (b) Light (c) Sand (d) Table (e) Torch
144. Which of the following non-metals is used for the production of disinfectant?
(a) Carbon (b) Chlorine (c) Nitrogen (d) Oxygen (e) Sulphur
145. Which of the following measures cannot be used to control pollution?
(a) Conservative use of chemicals
(b) Indiscriminate waste disposal
(c) Proper legislation (d) Proper sewage disposal(e) Recycling of waste materials
146. Which of these can be contacted through drinking of dirty water?
(a) Chickenpox (b) Dysentery (c) Measles (d) Polio (d) Tuberculosis
147. A good method of disposing refuse in villages and town is by throwing them_____________
(a) inside pits to form compost (b) on the streets at night (c) into nearby bushes (d) into
uncompleted buildings
148. An effective way of preventing guinea worm infestation is ______________
(a) deworming of the infected person (b) taking safe drinking water (c) vaccination of the
individual (d) eating balance diet
149. Which of the following is an example of a non-communicable disease?
(a) Eczema (b) Leprosy (c) Scabies (d) Smallpox (e) Typhoid
150. The vector responsible for the spread of dysentery is
(a) Aphid (b) Blackfly (c) Mosquito (d) Housefly (e) Firefly

151. A substance formed by the combination of atoms of different elements chemically combined
together is known as a/an
(a) atom (b) chemical (c) compound (d) Crystal (e) Mixture
152. Diseases can be prevented through the following ways except
(a) Choice of life partner (b) Education (c) Sanitation
(d) Immunization (e) Tourism
153. Which of the following is not a vector of disease?
(a) Blackfly (b) Bugs (c) Butterfly (d) Housefly (e) Tse-tse fly
154. The following are sexually transmitted diseases except
(a) AIDS (b) Cholera (c) Gonorrhoea(d) chlamydia (e) Syphilis

156. The symptom of syphilis is

(a) appearance of sores on the sex organs. (b) discharge from the sex organs
(c) inability to fight sickness (d) painful urination (e) severe weight loss
157. HIV can be prevented through the following except
(a) avoiding pre-marital sex
(b) avoiding the idea of sharing razor blades
(c) covering cuts and wounds with waterproof plaster
(d) transfusion of uninfected blood
(e) using sterilized skin-piercing instrument
158. The immunization given at birth is known as _______________ vaccine.
(a) B.C.G (b) DTP (c) Measles (d) Polio (e) Small Pox
159. Which of the following is transmitted through sexual contact alone?
(a) Cholera (b) Gonorrhoea (c) Malaria (d) Syphilis (e) Tuberculosis
160. Contaminated food causes the following symptoms to the body except
(a) Frequent stooling (b) stomach upset (c) vomiting
(d) weakness (e) poor sight
161. The following are non-communicable diseases except
(a) colour blindness (b) goitre (c) Haemophilia
(d) Kwashiorkor (e) Leprosy
162. The vector that transmits the parasite which causes river blindness is
(a) Black fly (b) Bug(c) Housefly (d) Mosquito (e) Tsetse fly
163. The following methods can be used to control vectors except
(a) good sanitation (b) destroying where they lay eggs
(c) feeding them (d) use of insecticides
164. The best source of drinking water is
(a) pipe-borne water (b) well (c) stream (d) pond
165. Solids are hard because their particles (a). Are closely packed together
(b) are randomly scattered (c). are so far apart (d). take the shape the
shape of their containers.
166. The process whereby water is changed to steam is known as (a) boiling (b)
condensation (c) evaporation (d) sublimation
167. The malaria parasite that is carried by female anopheles mosquito is
(a) Plasmodium (b) trypanosome (c) flame cell (d) vibrio cholera
168. The life cycle of the tsetse fly has all the four stages of egg, larvae,_____________ and adult.
(a) pupa (b) egg (c) imago (d) adult
169. ______________ are animals that carry germs which cause diseases from one person to another
(a) insects (b) virus (c)parasite (d) vector
170. Which of the following chemicals can be used in the treatment of water?
(a) sodium hydroxide (b) potash alum (c) hydrochloric (d) magnesium oxide

171. Children can be immunized against polio through the ________________
(a) hand (b) leg (c) mouth (d) neck
172. Children can be immunized against these disease except
(a) poliomyelitis (b) measles (c) tuberculosis (d) malaria
173. We can conserve our natural water bodies by
(a) dumping of refuse into water bodies (b) dumping of untreated sewage into the water
bodies (c) using chemical for fish(d)not dumping untreated sewage into the water bodies
174. A disease that can be passed from one person to person is called
(a) curable (b) communicable (c) local
(d) small pox (e) environmental
175. The name given to the type of vaccine used to prevent poliomyelitis is
(a) BCG (b) tetanus toxoid (c) Oral polio
(d) anti-rabbies (e) Anti tetanus
176. In which state of matter do the particles move freely?
(a) solid (b) liquid (c) gas (d) solid and gas
177. Which of the following illustrate complete metamorphosis
(a) adult larva pupa egg
(b) egg larva pupa aduit
(c) egg nymph larva adult
(d) egg pupa adult larva

179. Which of the following undergoes an incomplete metamorphosis?

(a) Black fly (b) House fly (c) Tse-tse fly (d) Butterfly (e) Mosquito
180. ___________ is any substance other than food that can affect the structure or function of living
(a) Drug (b) Food (c) Drinks (d) None of the above
181. The excessive or persistent use of a drug without the doctor’s permission is called ___________
182. Which of the following is not a cause of drug abuse
(a) Peer influence (b) Curiosity (c) Lack of self-confidence (d) Religious
184. Which of the following causes you to hallucinate?
(a) Tranquilizers (b) Sedative (c) Hallucinogen (d) Narcotic
185. Cocaine is gotten from ___________
(a) Papaversomniferum (b) Erythroxylon coca(c) Morphine (d) Codeine
186. Which of the following agency is responsible for arresting drug vendors and drug lords
(a) NAFDAC (b) APCON (c) NDLEA (d) None of the above
187. The following drugs could be obtained from plants except
(a) cocaine (b) marijuana (c) valium (d) opium
188. One of these is not a side effect of drugs.
(a) to save live (b) make individual overactive
(c) lead to violent behavior (d) headache
189. Two examples of stimulants are
(a) caffeine and cocaine (b) fish and meat (c) lithium and iron
(d) vitamins and worms
190. Substances taken medically for physiological set up of the body is called
(a) drugs (b) food (c) juice (d) mineral
191. All of these drugs can be gotten from plants except
(a) Marijuana (b) heroine (c) valium (d) opium
192. Drugs can be classified into the following except

(a) Hallucinogen (b) sedatives (c) cigarettes (d) narcotics
193. Which of these drugs taken by a patient helps to reduce stress?
(a) Analgesics (b) sedatives (c) antibiotics (d) narcotics
194. Alcohol misuse can cause cirrhosis of one of the main organs of the body, which organ is it
(a) liver (b) heart (c) kidney (d) lung
195. The medical use of valium is to
(a) cause dizziness (b) increase the heartbeat (c) treat ulcer
(d) reduce tension and modify one’s emotional state
196. The group of drugs used to relax the central nervous system and induce sleep are called
(a)narcotics (b)stimulants (c)sedatives (d) hallucinogens


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