SAAB Tank Rada G3 Service Manual Part 1

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Third edition
Copyright © June 1997
Saab Marine Electronics AB
Service Manual

The contents, descriptions and specifications within this

manual are subject to change without notice. Saab Marine
Electronics AB accepts no responsibility for any errors that
may appear in this manual.
As each Saab TankRadar system is specially designed for
each delivery, the contents and illustrations in this manual
may differ from your system.

Guide to this manual

If there is a problem with you Saab TankRadar system, start
by reading the chapter 9 for information on how to find the
problem and how to fix it.
If you are not familiar with the Saab TankRadar system, read
chapter 1 to get an overview. If you need more information,
read the Technical Description, included in the "As-built
drawings and user's manual"-binder.
Use the index at the back of the manual to find the page with
the information you are looking for.

Complete service information

If your Saab TankRadar G3 is complemented with Saab
TankRadar MaC cargo control system including the Substa-
tion for handling of control input and output signals, there is
an additional Service Manual for these parts.
In this case the service information is divided in two parts:
• Consult this Saab TankRadar G3 Service Manual for
information on the Saab TankRadar G3.
• Consult the Service Manual for Saab TankRadar MaC
for information related to the control system's Substa-
tion and Redundancy Switch Box.
Information on how to operate the Saab TankRadar system
If you need information about the operation of the Work
Station or the Backup Display of the Level Unit, read the
Operating Manual included in the "As-built drawings and
user's manual"-binder.

Information about technical data of the Saab TankRadar system

If you need to look at the technical specifications of the Saab
TankRadar system, please read the Technical Description
included in the "As-built drawings and user's manual"-

Third edition, June 1997
Service Manual

Overview of Contents
Guide to this manual ............................................................................... 2
1 General Description of Saab TankRadar ...................................... 10
2 General Information....................................................................... 13
3 Work Station................................................................................... 15
4 I/O Box ............................................................................................. 55
5 Level Unit ........................................................................................ 59
6 Transmitters .................................................................................... 74
7 Temperature Sensors (Option) ..................................................... 83
8 Tank Display Unit (Option)............................................................ 86
9 Fault Finding on the Saab TankRadar System ............................. 88
10 Spare Parts .................................................................................... 103
11 Recycling of Saab TankRadar ....................................................... 104
12 Saab Marine Service Agents ........................................................ 105
Index ...................................................................................................... 107

Third edition, June 1997
Service Manual

Complete Table of Contents

Guide to this manual ............................................................................... 2
Complete service information ........................................................................... 2
Information on how to operate the Saab TankRadar system.......................... 2
Information about technical data of the Saab TankRadar system .................. 2
Abbreviations and Denominations: .................................................................... 9
1 General Description of Saab TankRadar ...................................... 10
1.1 Radar Principle ...................................................................................... 12
2 General Information....................................................................... 13
2.1 Safety ..................................................................................................... 13
3 Work Station ................................................................................... 15
3.1 Description of the Work Station’s Cabinet ........................................ 16
3.2 Replacing the Work Station’s Hard Disk ............................................ 16
3.3 Replacing a Work Station .................................................................... 16
3.4 Replacing a Board in the Work Station .............................................. 17
3.5 Screen Settings of the Work Station Monitor ................................... 18
3.6 Loading Software to a Work Station .................................................. 18
3.6.1 Install Program on Hard Disk of Work Station ........................... 18
3.6.2 Install Database and Pictures on Hard Disk of Work Station ... 18
3.7 The Service Windows of the Work Station Software ....................... 19
3.8 Level Unit – Version Summary and Database Status........................ 20
3.9 Level Unit – Transmitter Data ............................................................. 20
3.10 Level Unit – Temperature Data ........................................................... 26
3.11 Level Unit – IG Pressure Data ............................................................. 28
3.12 Level Unit – Extra Sensor Data ........................................................... 29
3.13 Level Unit – Trim/List Data .................................................................. 30
3.14 Level Unit – LCM 1 and 2 Status ......................................................... 31
3.15 Level Unit – LCI Status ........................................................................ 33
3.16 Level Unit – LI Status ........................................................................... 35
3.17 Level Unit – Backup and Local Display ............................................... 36
3.18 Level Unit – LCI Com Ports ................................................................ 38
3.19 Level Unit – Relays ................................................................................ 39
3.20 Level Unit – Work Station Communication ...................................... 40
3.21 Level Unit – Any Register..................................................................... 41
3.22 Level Unit – LCI, LCM Version ............................................................. 43
3.23 Level Unit – Load Program .................................................................. 44
3.24 Level Unit – Up/Download Database .................................................. 45

Third edition, June 1997
Service Manual

3.25 Level Unit – TX Service ....................................................................... 46

3.26 Level Unit – Scan Tank ......................................................................... 47
3.27 Level Unit – Restart LCI, LCM ............................................................ 47
3.28 Level Unit – IG Press Zero Adjust ....................................................... 48
3.29 Disconnect LU ...................................................................................... 49
3.30 The Communication-Window ............................................................ 49
3.31 The I/O-Window ................................................................................... 50
3.32 Install/Backup-Window ........................................................................ 51
3.32.1 Backup Copies of the Database and Pictures .............................. 51
3.32.2 Install Database and Pictures ........................................................ 52
3.32.3 Installing New Program to the Work Station .............................. 52
3.32.4 Saving a Log-file to a Diskette ....................................................... 52
3.33 Service Log-Window ............................................................................ 53
3.34 Process Debugger, Interface Editor, PictCopy, Shell ......................... 54
4 I/O Box ............................................................................................. 55
4.1 The Motherboard of the I/O Box ........................................................ 56
4.1.1 Watch Dog LED ............................................................................... 56
4.1.2 Communication LEDs .................................................................... 57
4.1.3 Power LED ....................................................................................... 57
4.1.4 Relays ................................................................................................ 57
4.1.5 Power Setting ................................................................................... 57
4.2 RS-232 Interface Board ........................................................................ 57
4.3 RS 485 Interface Board ........................................................................ 57
4.4 SIOX Interface Board ........................................................................... 58
4.5 PRS Interface Board ............................................................................. 58
5 Level Unit ........................................................................................ 59
5.1 Description of the Level Unit .............................................................. 59
5.2 Information Flow within the Level Unit ............................................. 60
5.3 Restarting the Level Unit ..................................................................... 61
5.4 Description of the Calculation Unit .................................................... 61
5.5 Signal Board, LCS ................................................................................. 62
5.5.1 Replacing a LCS ............................................................................... 62
5.6 Processor Memory Board, LCM .......................................................... 62
5.6.1 Replacing the LCM ......................................................................... 62
5.7 Interface Board, LCI ............................................................................. 63
5.7.1 Troubleshooting the LCI................................................................. 63
5.7.2 Replacing the LCI ............................................................................ 64
5.8 Trim/List Unit, LT ................................................................................. 65
5.8.1 Replacing the Trim/List Unit ........................................................ 65
5.8.2 Adjusting the Trim/List Unit ........................................................ 66

Third edition, June 1997
Service Manual

5.9 Backup Display, LCB ............................................................................. 68

5.9.1 Replacing the Backup Display ...................................................... 68
5.9.2 Description of the Service Frames ................................................ 68
5.9.3 Unit Frame ....................................................................................... 68
5.9.4 Local Display Frame ....................................................................... 69
5.9.5 Register Frame ................................................................................. 69
5.9.6 FiltDist Frame .................................................................................. 69
5.9.7 Amplitude Frame ............................................................................ 70
5.10 Transmitter Interface, LI ...................................................................... 70
5.10.1 Cabling .............................................................................................. 70
5.10.2 Configuration of the Transmitter Interfaces ................................ 70
5.10.3 Power supply to the Transmitter Interface .................................. 71
5.10.4 Ground Failure Indication ............................................................. 71
5.10.5 Addressing the Transmitter Interface ........................................... 71
5.10.6 The Analog/Digital/Power Board (LIA)..................................... 71
5.10.7 The Zener Barrier Board (LIZ) ....................................................... 72
5.10.8 Removing a Transmitter Interface (LI) ......................................... 72
5.10.9 Replacing a LIZ or a LIA ................................................................ 72
5.10.10 Replacing a Transmitter Interface (LI).......................................... 73
5.11 Power Block ........................................................................................... 73
5.11.1 Fuses in the Power Block ............................................................... 73
5.11.2 Replacing the Power Block ............................................................ 73
6 Transmitters .................................................................................... 74
6.1 Replacing an Electronic Box ................................................................ 75
6.2 Transmitter Test Cable ......................................................................... 77
6.3 Cleaning the Antenna ........................................................................... 78
6.3.1 Cleaning the Parabolic Antenna ................................................... 78
6.3.2 Brush cleaning the Parabolic Antenna ......................................... 78
6.3.3 Cleaning by Hand ........................................................................... 79
6.3.4 Cleaning the Cone Antenna ........................................................... 79
6.4 Inert Gas Pressure Sensor (Option) ................................................... 80
6.4.1 Cleaning the Inert Gas Pressure Sensor ....................................... 81
6.4.2 Replacing the Inert Gas Pressure Sensor ..................................... 81
6.4.3 Zero Pressure Calibration of IG Pressure Sensor ........................ 81
6.5 Dismounting of Antenna Feeder of the Parabolic Antenna ............. 82
6.5.1 Disassembly ..................................................................................... 82
6.5.2 Reassembly: ...................................................................................... 82
7 Temperature Sensors (Option) ..................................................... 83
7.1 Checking a Temperature Sensor ......................................................... 83
7.2 Replacing a Faulty Temperature Sensor ............................................. 85
8 Tank Display Unit (Option)............................................................ 86
8.1 Replacing a Tank Display Unit.............................................................. 86
8.2 Checking the Tank Display Power Supply Unit .................................. 87

Third edition, June 1997
Service Manual

9 Fault Finding on the Saab TankRadar System ............................. 88

Abbreviations used in the fault finding chart: .......................................... 88
9.1 SysFail and Warning Messages Shown on the Work Station ........... 88
9.1.1 SysFail message: Level Unit SysFail. ....................................... 88
9.1.2 SysFail message: Level Unit Communication Failed. ........... 88
9.1.3 SysFail message: Level Unit Power Failure. ........................... 89
9.1.4 SysFail message: Level Unit LI Communication Failed. ...... 89
9.1.5 SysFail message: I/O Box Communication Failed. ............... 89
9.1.6 Warning message: Level Unit Ground Failure. ...................... 89
9.1.7 Warning message: Level Unit Memory Failure. .................... 90
9.1.8 Warning message: Level Unit Restarted. ................................ 90
9.1.9 Warning message: Master Communication Failed. ............... 90
9.1.10 Warning message: LevelDatic Communication Failed. ........ 90
9.1.11 Warning message: SIOX Communication Failed. .................. 91
9.1.12 Warning message: PRS Communication Failed. .................... 91
9.2 Other Messages Shown on the Work Station .................................... 91
handling is off and pictures are not updated. Please wait
until system restart. .................................................................... 91
Network Error or Master Work Station not running. Please
wait until connection established............................................. 91
9.3 Channels with status CFAIL, ERROR or INVAL ................................ 92
9.3.1 CFAIL status on one Transmitter.............................................. 92
9.3.2 CFAIL status on five Transmitters............................................ 92
9.3.3 ERROR status on one Transmitter, but not CFAIL status ..... 92
9.3.4 Warning “Clean antenna on tank XXX” .................................. 93
9.3.5 All warnings associated with one tank shown on Work Sta-
tion ................................................................................................ 93
9.3.6 ERROR status on one temperature sensor .............................. 93
9.3.7 INVAL status on average temperature .................................... 93
9.3.8 ERROR status on one IG pressure sensor ............................... 93
9.4 Work Station ......................................................................................... 93
9.4.1 Work Station screen blank. ........................................................ 93
9.4.2 Work Station monitor image located incorrectly, distorted or
discolored. ................................................................................... 94
9.4.3 No new windows can be opened on the Work Station or
Work Station cannot be started................................................. 94
9.4.4 Light Pen is not functioning...................................................... 94
9.5 Level Unit .............................................................................................. 94
9.5.1 Backup Display is blank. ........................................................... 94
9.5.2 No response when pressing the keys on the Backup Display’s
keyboard. ..................................................................................... 94
9.5.3 Watch Dog LED on LCI board is on (the lowest LED) .......... 94
9.5.4 Backup Display shows “No flash program” .......................... 94

Third edition, June 1997
Service Manual

9.6 Transmitters .......................................................................................... 95

9.6.1 Ullage indication not updated close to empty tank. ............. 95
9.7 Local Display ......................................................................................... 95
9.7.1 Local Display blank .................................................................... 95
9.8 Temperature Measurement................................................................. 95
9.8.1 Incorrect temperature values on one tank .............................. 95
9.9 Inert Gas Pressure Measurement ....................................................... 95
9.9.1 Incorrect reading of the IG pressure ........................................ 95
9.9.2 Indicated inert gas pressure always the same ........................ 96
9.10 Tank Display Unit .................................................................................. 96
9.10.1 Display on TDU not working. .................................................. 96
9.11 Portable Readout System: ................................................................... 96
9.11.1 Indication of communication error (CERR) on PRU. ............ 96
9.11.2 No voice communication between walkie-talkie and base
radio (PRS). .................................................................................. 96
9.11.3 No display on PRU..................................................................... 96
9.12 Draft measurement .............................................................................. 97
9.12.1 Draft measurement incorrect .................................................... 97
9.13 Load Calculator .................................................................................... 97
9.13.1 Values displayed on TankRadar and load calculator differ.. 97
9.14 Finding Cause of Ground Failure Warning ......................................... 98
9.14.1 Ground Failure – Transmitter Interface ....................................... 98
9.14.2 Ground Failure – Transmitter Cable ............................................. 98
9.14.3 Ground Failure – Temperature Sensors ....................................... 98
9.14.4 Ground Failure – IG Pressure Sensor ........................................... 99
9.14.5 Ground Failure – Extra Temperature Sensors ............................. 99
9.14.6 Ground Failure – Local Display .................................................... 99
9.14.7 Ground Failure – Wire Terminals ............................................... 100
9.14.8 Checking a Cable for Ground Failure ........................................ 100
9.14.9 Checking a Wire Terminal for Ground Failure ......................... 100
9.15 Comparing Ullages ............................................................................. 101
10 Spare Parts .................................................................................... 103
10.1 Standard Spare Parts Set, 9150065-981 ........................................... 103
10.2 Extended Spare Parts Set, 9150065-982 ........................................... 103
10.3 Complete Spare Parts Set, 9150065-983 .......................................... 103
11 Recycling of Saab TankRadar ....................................................... 104
12 Saab Marine Service Agents ........................................................ 105
Index ...................................................................................................... 107

Third edition, June 1997
Service Manual

Abbreviations and Denominations:

The following abbreviations are used in this manual:
LC - Calculation Unit
LCB - Backup Display
LCI - Interface Board
LCM - Processor Memory Board
LCP - Calculation Unit Power Supply
LCS - Signal Board
LI - Transmitter Interface
LIA - Analog/Digital/Power Board
LIZ - Zener Barrier Board
LP - Power Block
LU - Level Unit
TX - Transmitter
WS - Work Station.

Third edition, June 1997
Service Manual

1 General Description of Saab TankRadar

Saab TankRadar is made up mainly by the following parts:
• Transmitters
• Level Unit
• Work Station.
These units are shown in figure 1-1 below.
All Saab TankRadar Marine transmitters are intrinsically
safe, providing a number of benefits for the operator. There is
a high degree of safety built into the system. Since its impos-
sible for electrical faults to cause an igniting spark, the equip-
ment can be serviced at any time, even though the ship is in

Load Work
calculator Station
Help Exit all Help Exit all
Wed Aug 24 20:05:30 1994 Wed Aug 24 20:05:30 1994
Saab TankRadar Saab TankRadar
Setup Group Trend Alarm Setup Group Trend Alarm
Window Overview Window Overview

Cargo System Fore Cargo System Fore

Back Exit Back Exit


Ullage Ullage Ullage Ullage Ullage Ullage
Ullage Ullage
5.630 m 8.502 m 1.559 m 5.630 m 8.502 m 1.559 m
1.956 m 1.956 m
0.00 m/h 0.00 m/h 0.00 m/h 0.00 m/h 0.00 m/h 0.00 m/h
0.00 m/h 0.00 m/h

T=19.1 T=19.1 T=19.1 T=19.1 T=19.1 T=19.1

T=19.1 T=19.1

T=18.7 T=18.7 T=18.7 T=18.7 T=18.7 T=18.7

T=18.7 T=18.7

P P P P T=18.6 T=18.6 T=18.6 P P P P T=18.6 T=18.6 T=18.6

T=18.6 T=18.6
T.avg T.avg T.avg T.avg T.avg T.avg
T.avg 18.8 C T.avg 18.8 C
18.8 C 18.8 C 18.8 C 18.8 C 18.8 C 18.8 C



24 bar 20 bar 23 bar 24 bar 20 bar 23 bar

26 bar 26 bar

Accept BuzzerStop Accept BuzzerStop

m 2...more m 2...more
1,837 (2,000) 1,837 (2,000)
Alarm Hi.Hi CT 6 Ullage Alarm Hi.Hi CT 6 Ullage

Portable Portable Ship host

Readout Readout computer I/O Optional
Unit System system Box Work
Base Radio Stations in
Tank Level Printer
Display Unit
7 8 9 0

4 5 6 M

1 2 3 ENT CLE

To Saab TankRadar MaC

Electro %









Overfill and
60 60 60 60
40 L 40 L 40 L 40 L

level gauging high level

20 R 20 R 20 R 20 R

0 0 0 0

system alarm
m m m m

(ballast etc.) system in/outputs
98% 98% 98%
Pt 1 Ct 1 St 1
95% 95% 95%

98% 98% 98%
Pt 2 Ct 2 St 2
95% 95% 95%
98% 98% 98%
Pt 3 Ct 3 St 3
95% 95% 95%


Cone Antenna
Transmitter Parabolic Antenna
with IG Pressure Transmitter with
Sensor Local
IG Pressure Display

Temperature Temperature
Sensors Sensors

Figure 1-1 shows the TankRadar system with a number of the available options.

Third edition, June 1997
Service Manual

The Saab TankRadar system is the main part of the Saab

Cargo Control system which includes the following optional
• Cargo control functions with Saab TankRadar MaC
• Ballast level gauging and draft gauging with the
LevelDatic system
• Overfill and high level alarm system with Omicron
• Load calculation with Kockumation’s LoadMaster
The Work Station is used by the operator for monitoring of
tank ullages, temperatures, inert gas pressures and all the
Figure 1-2. Parabolic other data that is handled by the Saab TankRadar. The Work
Antenna Station does the alarm handling of the measured values. The
Work Station communicates with other systems, such as load
calculators and electro-pneumatic level gauging systems (for
ballast etc.) and supervises the Transmitter and Level Unit
The Level Unit contains terminals for the intrinsically safe
connection of the Transmitters. It contains the electronics
used for processing the signals from the Transmitters, for
calculating the tank parameters, such as trim/list corrected
ullage, and for communicating with the Work Station.
The Transmitters measure the distance to the product surface
using a continuous radar signal. The Transmitters have an
Electronic Box that generates and processes the radar signal.
There are two types of Transmitters, one standard type with
Figure 1-3. Cone Antenna a high performance Parabolic Antenna and another with a
Cone Antenna.
Optional equipment for each tank, such as temperature
sensors, inert gas pressure sensor or the Local Display, is
connected to a wire terminal inside the transmitter housing.
The inert gas pressure sensor is placed inside the transmitter
housing. The Local Display can display ullage, average tem-
perature and inert gas pressure of the tanks.

Third edition, June 1997
Service Manual

1.1 Radar Principle

The radar transmitter on top of the tank emits microwaves
directed by an antenna towards the surface of the tank con-
tent. The echo from the surface is picked up by the antenna
again, and the difference in frequency between the transmit-
ted and the reflected signal is directly proportional to the
measured distance, i.e. the ullage indication.
The radar waves are not affected by the atmosphere inside
the tank - aggressive chemicals, thick, sticky liquids or any
other tank media can be measured without restrictions.
The ideal condition for ullage measurement is a stable cargo
surface perpendicular to the radar beam.
Trim or list, foam and waves on the cargo surface and bottom
sludge weakens the radar echo. However, the radar echo is
usually strong enough for reliable measurements.
But in exceptional cases the radar echo can be lost during
turbulent loading/discharging, or with strong trim/list
angles, or when measuring close to the tank bottom.

Figure 1-4. An inclined cargo Figure 1-5. Waves on the

level weakens the radar echo. surface give a scattered and
Trim/list angles of more than + weakened echo signal. Turbu-
3° can lead to error in the lent loading and discharging,
ullage measurement. especially close to empty tank,
can lead to error in the ullage

Third edition, June 1997
Service Manual

2 General Information
Note: If TankRadar system needs to be switched off, check with
officer in charge that it is OK to interrupt the operation of the

2.1 Safety
When connecting equipment in hazardous areas, certain
requirements must be fulfilled to provide protection against
explosion . There are requirements both for the equipment in
the hazardous area on deck and for the associated equipment
in non-hazardous area.
The Saab TankRadar system is intrinsically safe and meets
the requirements of all the major classification societies. The
Transmitters and deck units connected to them, have the
following safety approval code:
• EEx ia IIC T4 according to EN50014 and EN 50020
(European Norm)
All other optional equipment such as Portable Readout Sys-
tem, separate high level alarm system, supplied by Saab
Marine Electronics, placed in hazardous areas, is also intrin-
sically safe and meets the requirements of all the major clas-
sification societies.
Intrinsic safety is based on the principle of restricting electri-
cal energy available in hazardous-area circuits, so that any
sparks or hot surfaces, that may occur as a result of electrical
faults in components, are too weak to cause ignition. To
accomplish this, zener diodes and current limiting resistors
in the Level Unit restrict the maximum voltages and currents
into the Transmitters.
Intrinsic safety is the only technique accepted for Zone 0
hazardous areas. It is also safe for the crew or the service
personnel and it allows the equipment to be maintained
while the ship is in operation.
For trouble shooting and repair work of intrinsically safe
equipment or associated equipment, the following rules need
to be strictly followed:
- Working permit
- Use only original spare parts from Saab Marine Elec-
tronics. Any replacement with non-recognized spare
parts will jeopardize the intrinsic safety.

Third edition, June 1997
Service Manual

- Use only a certified battery operated multimeter.

- Disconnection of live units in hazardous area is al-
lowed. However, when replacing for example an Elec-
tronic Box, it is recommended to disconnect its wiring
in the safe area (in the Level Unit).

Third edition, June 1997
Service Manual

3 Work Station

Help Exit all

Wed Aug 24 20:05:30 1994
Saab TankRadar
Setup Group Trend Alarm
Window Overview

Cargo System Fore

Back Exit


Ullage Ullage Ullage
5.630 m 8.502 m 1.559 m
1.956 m
0.00 m/h 0.00 m/h 0.00 m/h
0.00 m/h

T=19.1 T=19.1 T=19.1


T=18.7 T=18.7 T=18.7


P P P P T=18.6 T=18.6 T=18.6

T.avg T.avg T.avg
T.avg 18.8 C
18.8 C 18.8 C 18.8 C



24 bar 20 bar 23 bar

26 bar

Alarm Hi.Hi CT 6 Ullage 1,837 (2,000) m 2...more

Accept BuzzerStop
Optional wooden box for
PC when located under

Figure 3-1 shows the Work Station.

The Work Station is operated with a light pen. With the light
pen, the operator just points directly on the screen to activate
various functions. For input of, for example alarm limits, a
keyboard is included.
There is an on-line Help-function, providing direct access to
relevant help texts.
As an option, a number of Work Stations can be placed in
different locations and connected in a network, sharing data
and processing power with each other.
New software can be downloaded from the Work Station to
the various units in Saab TankRadar. The Work Station is also
used for on board configuration and service of the Transmit-
ters, the Level Unit and the Work Station itself.
The Work Station-software runs under the real-time operat-
ing system QNX.
The operation of the Work Station is described in the Operat-
ing Manual. However, the Service part of the Work Station
software is described in this manual in chapter 3.7.

Third edition, June 1997
Service Manual

3.1 Description of the Work Station’s Cabinet

Caution: Always turn the Work Station PC off before removing
any cables at the back of the PC.
Note: On the inside of the Work Station there are parts that are
sensitive to static electricity. Be careful not to expose any of the
components inside to static electricity. Always ground yourself by
using a grounding wrist band or by touching something that is
grounded, before touching any of the components inside the Work
See maker’s manual (Hewlett-Packard) for description of the
Work Station PC. This is enclosed in the Saab TankRadar G3
manual binder.
The principle connection of the Work Station is shown on the
drawing “Work Station Connection - Principle Diagram” in
the “As-built drawings and user’s manual”-binder.

3.2 Replacing the Work Station’s Hard Disk

See chapters 9.2.1 and 9.2.5 in fault finding section for infor-
mation on when to change the hard disk of the Work Station.
Remove the Work Station
1. Turn the power off.
2. Disconnect the mains lead.
3. Remove the PC from the ruggedizing kit.
4. See maker’s manual (Hewlett-Packard) for detailed
information on how to replace the hard disk.
3.3 Replacing a Work Station
Replace the Work Station either with a spare one or by re-
placing a master Work Station with a slave, if more than one
Work Station is included in the system. See fault finding
chapters 9.2.1 and 9.2.2 for more information on when it
might be necessary to replace the Work Station.
1. Remove all the connectors from both the slave and the
master Work Station.
2. On both Work Stations – remove the monitor as well as
front and top cover following the instructions in chap-
ter 3.2.1 above.
3. Remove all optional boards (normally the Serial Inter-
face Board and the Network Board) and place them in
the new Work Station or Slave Work Station. Make a
note of the ethernet address printed on the Network
4. Replace the covers and replace the monitor.

Third edition, June 1997
Service Manual

5. Connect all connectors (that were previously connected

to the master) to the new master Work Station.
6. Start the new master Work Station.
7. Install program according to the instructions in chapter
3.6. During the installation, select this Work Station as
the master.
8. Install database according instructions in chapter 3.32.
9. Restart the Work Station by pressing the Reset-button
on the front.
If you have made a slave Work Station become a master,
follow the steps below to configure it as a master Work Sta-
10. Open the Work Stations-window in the Configure part
of the Work Station software. Make a note of the
ethernet addresses.
11. Exchange the ethernet addresses between the master
and the slave Work Stations. Check that the address
corresponds with the note you made in step 3 above.
12. Restart the Work Station by pressing the Reset-button
on the front.
3.4 Replacing a Board in the Work Station
There are one or more boards, such as Light Pen Interface
Board, Serial Interface Board, Network Board, placed in the
Work Station. If you need to replace any of these boards,
follow the instructions below.
1. Remove the Work Station from its ruggedizing kit. For
opening the Work Station PC, follow the instructions in
the maker’s manual (Hewlett-Packard) enclosed in the
Saab TankRadar G3 manual binder.
2. Remove the faulty board’s connectors at the back of the
Work Station. Remove the faulty board. In some cases it
might be necessary to remove more than one board to
reach the faulty board.
3. Replace it with a new board. Connect cables to the
boards. If you are replacing a Network Board, make a
note of the ethernet address printed on it.
4. Mount cover of the Work Station.
5. Mount the Work Station on its ruggedizing kit and
connect monitor and other peripheral units.
6. If you have replaced a Network Board, open the Work
Stations-window in the Configure part of the Work
Station software.
7. Enter the ethernet address of the new board.
8. Restart the Work Station by pressing the Reset-button
on the front.

Third edition, June 1997
Service Manual

3.5 Screen Settings of the Work Station Monitor

There are a number of controls below the monitor’s screen.
Whenever the picture on the screen looks distorted or incor-
rect, changing the screen settings may produce a better pic-
See maker’s manual (Hewlett-Packard) in the Saab TankRa-
dar G3 manual binder for information on the monitor con-

3.6 Loading Software to a Work Station

Follow the instructions below to install new software onto
the hard disk of the Work Station. This needs to be done, for
example, if the hard disk has been replaced.
The software consists of three parts: program, database and
pictures. This is complemented with your own backup copy
of database and pictures.
The program is stored on diskettes that are stored on board.
The first diskette is a boot-diskette which means that the PC
can be started on that diskette.
If any other diskette is in the drive when powered on, the
operator will be notified to remove it.

3.6.1 Install Program on Hard Disk of Work Station

1. Slide the Boot-diskette into the disk drive of the Work
2. Restart the Work Station by pressing the Reset button
on the front of the PC. The Work Station will now re-
start on the Boot-diskette in the disk drive.
3. Follow the instructions on the screen to install the new
4. When the installation is finished the Work Station will
restart using the new program.
3.6.2 Install Database and Pictures on Hard Disk of
Work Station
Database and pictures are stored on a diskette. At the deliv-
ery of the TankRadar system, a diskette with files for data-
base and pictures is included. As you make changes to your
system you should make backup copies of your database and
pictures. See chapter 3.32.
Follow the instructions in chapter 3.32 to install database or
pictures onto the hard disk of the Work Station.

Third edition, June 1997
Service Manual

3.7 The Service Windows of the Work Station Software

A number of the actions in the fault finding section at the end
of this manual suggest operations done on the Work Station.
The Service functions are protected by passwords. The Cap-
tain-password is required when:
- installing or backing up database and software in the
Service part of the Work Station software,
- downloading or uploading database to Level Unit or
Work Station in the Service part of the Work Station
- adjusting IG pressure to zero in the Service part of the
Work Station software,
- disconnecting a channel,
- changing the Operator-password.
All other functions in the Service part of the Work Station
software require the Service-password. Contact Saab Marine
Electronics or one of the service agents to receive the Service-
password. See list of service agents in chapter 12.
Hit the Window-button at the top of the Work Station screen.
Hit the Service-item on the menu to open the Service sub-
menu. See figure 3-2.
In the service windows, the dynamic data and database
values are in separate boxes. Most of the data in the database
boxes can be changed. Where there is data that can be
changed (shown as underscored), there are two buttons;

Figure 3-2 shows the

Service menu and sub-

Third edition, June 1997
Service Manual

Undo and Save. Any data that is changed in these windows

is stored according to the settings in the destination part of
the Level Unit-window described below. The Undo-button
will change an entry, but only if it has not been saved. Once
you press the Save-button you cannot undo the entry (unless
you enter the previous value and press save again).

3.8 Level Unit – Version Summary and Database Status

This window shows the version and status of the databases
and programs in the LCI and LCMs. You can also see if one
or two LCMs are used.
There are status boxes for the different programs as well as
the dates for the last changes of the database in the Level
This information can be useful if you need to contact Saab
Marine Electronics or one of the service agents.

3.9 Level Unit – Transmitter Data

[Window/Level Unit/Register/Tank Data/Transmitter]

The Transmitter Data-window shows the dynamic data from

a Transmitter, as well as the Transmitter’s status. The various
tank distances stored in the database are displayed in this
window. You can change these values in this window. It is
also possible to set the Level Unit to a one-tank measurement
mode, see chapters 3.25 and 3.14. It is also possible to restart
the transmitter by hitting the Restart Tank-button.

Third edition, June 1997
Service Manual

Note: When setting the Level Unit into one-tank measurement

mode, there is no measurement on the other tanks.
Select a new tank by hitting the Tank-button or by hitting the
up or down arrow keys.
The tank number is the internal number in the TankRadar
system and is useful when setting the addresses on the op-
tional Tank Display Units, see chapter 8.1. It is also the num-
ber that is used when communicating with other systems
such as load calculators or ship host computers.
The tank address corresponds to the terminal on the Trans-
mitter Interface to which the Transmitter is connected. Tank
addresses 1-15 are connected to LI 1, addresses 16-30 to LI 2,
31-45 to LI 3 and 46-60 to LI 4.
The tank address is usually the same as the tank number.
However, they do not need not be the same.
The dynamic data is status or data that is continuously being
measured and presented. These values can not be changed
by the operator.
• Ullage is the distance from the TankRadar reference
point down to the surface of the product in the tank.
Innage is the distance from the bottom up to the surface
of the product.
• Level rate is the rate at which the surface of the product
moves as the tank is loaded or discharged. Positive
values indicate that the surface moves upwards.

Third edition, June 1997
Service Manual

• Distance is the distance from a separate ullage plug,

included, to the surface of the product in the tank. It is
the ullage plus the A-distance and is T/L-corrected.
• Filter center is the location of the center of the measur-
ing filter during the last sweep. This value is normally
very close to the ullage value. It can differ when the
surface is close to the bottom of the tank or close to a
disturbing echo.
• Time stamp is a counter that shows that the transmitter
is operating.
• T/L corr cog shows the correction value used to adjust
the ullage value from the TankRadar reference point to
a trim and list corrected value at the center of gravity in
the tank. The centre of gravity is in this case the center
of gravity of the product’s surface (COF) when it is at
the 98% filling (volume) in the tank.
• T/L corr plug is the trim and list corrected ullage at a
separate ullage plug (same as A-measure).
• Ampl prefilt is the amplitude of the incoming signal
from the transmitter before it has passed any filters.
• Ampl postfilt is the amplitude of the filtered signal.
This is normally the strength of the surface echo. Read
the Amplitude postfilt when using the Transmitter Test
Cable, see chapter 6.2.
• Noice threshold. Any echoes with amplitudes less than
the noice threshold do not interfere with the measure-
ment. This value is set to 350 mV as default. A normal
echo from an oil surface has an amplitude (Ampl
postfilt) of approximately 1500 to 2500 mV.
• Com err freq. Shows the frequency of communication
errors. Its value should be less than 10 (%/10). A larger
value could be an indication of, for example bad wiring.
The system should have been running for at least 15
minutes before this value shows a reliable figure. A true
indication of the communication performance is avail-
able after a few hours operation.
The Transmitter status are shown as check boxes.
• TX comfail indicates that the transmitter is not commu-
nicating. This produces an alarm on the alarm row.
• TX failure. No echo has been found. The transmitter is
ordered to wait for a minute, then it starts searching
again. The ullage values displayed are the last valid
values. The ullage is not updated as long as TX failure
is checked.

Third edition, June 1997
Service Manual

• TX ID switch on is checked when the button on the

Service Display is pressed or when positions 4 and 30
on WT500 on the transmitter has been jumpered.
• Corr plug inval is checked when the trim and list cor-
rection of the ullage cannot be done or when the calcu-
lation produces erroneous results. This holds true for
the Corr cog inval as well. This could be caused by
totally incorrect distances from the TankRadar Refer-
ence point to the tank’s reference point (center of grav-
ity or separate ullage plug).
• TX active is checked when the LCM board requests the
transmitter to measure. However, this checkbox does
not automatically mean that the transmitter is working.
• Searching. The transmitter has lost the echo but is
searching for it.
• TX com timeout. A temporary break in the communica-
tion with the transmitter. Does not cause an alarm. The
box can be checked for a short while. However if it
remains for some time, the TX sens fail status will go
on resulting in an alarm.
• TX test fail. The LCM tests each transmitter regularly.
The transmitter sends a known frequency equalling a
certain ullage. The LCM calculates the ullage from the
test frequency and compares with the expected ullage.
If this box is checked there is also an alarm.
Note: If the TX failure is checked but the TX comfail is not,
try exchanging the Electronic Box.
• Clean Antenna. If the strength of the tank signal is
slowly weakened over a long period of time, the Clean
Antenna box is checked. The effect of both trim and list
on the strength of the tank signal are taken into account.
Note: The Clean Antenna warning may come up if the cargo
has extremely low reflectivity, such as certain chemical prod-
A few of the database registers are shown in the window.
These registers can be changed and saved.
The tank distances displayed in the database box are ex-
plained in the Installation Manual, found in the "As-built
drawings and user's manual"-binder. The beam distances can
be used when there are disturbing objects in the tank. If
required, these distances are set by a service engineer when
the TankRadar system is commissioned. These beam dis-
tances should normally not be changed once the system has
been commissioned.

Third edition, June 1997
Service Manual

• The A- and B-distances are explained in the Installation

• The Beam 1-4 distances are used to filter out any dis-
turbing echoes in the tank, where Beam 1 is the lowest
in the tank. These values are programmed by a Saab
service engineer during the commissioning of the sys-
tem. They should not be changed.
• Trim dist plug, List dist plug, Trim dist cog and List
dist cog are used to define how the correction of the
measured ullage should be corrected for trim and list
angles. Check if correction is done to a separate ullage
plug or to the center of gravity of the tank, in the win-
dow “SETUP: Drafts, Trim and List”. The trim distance
is positive when the TankRadar reference point is fore
of the separate ullage plug or the center of gravity. The
list distance is positive when the TankRadar reference
point is to starboard of the separate ullage plug or the
center of gravity.
• Trim dist plug is the longitudinal distance from the
TankRadar reference point to a separate ullage plug. It
is also called the C-distance, see the Installation Manual
for more information.
• List dist plug is the transversal distance from the
TankRadar reference point to a separate ullage plug. It
is also called the E-distance, see the Installation Manual
for more information.
• Trim dist cog is the longitudinal distance from the
TankRadar reference point to the center of gravity of the
products surface at 98% filling (volume) of the tank
(COF). It is also called the C-distance, see the Installa-
tion Manual for more information.
• List dist cog is the transversal distance from the
TankRadar reference point to the center of gravity of the
products surface at 98% filling (volume) of the tank
(COF). It is also called the E-distance, see the Installa-
tion Manual for more information.
• TX type describes which type of antenna that is used on
the tank.
- 0 indicates a special antenna,
- 1 indicates that the Parabolic Antenna is used,
- 2 indicates that the Cone Antenna is used,
- XX indicates that the Fast Opening Parabolic Antenna
is used.
- XX indicates that the Draught Antenna is used.
• Spec inner length is a theoretical distance correction for
the distance from the microwave unit to the TankRadar

Third edition, June 1997
Service Manual

reference point. There is no need to enter a value here if

TX type is selected as 1 or 2.
• The Local Display Mode indicates which data the Local
Display should show.
- 0 switches the display off,
- 1 makes it show ullage continuously.
- 2 makes it toggle between ullage, average temperature
and inert gas pressure.
- 3 sets the display to show a value sent from the Work
Station. This feature is programmed prior to delivery of
the system. If no value has been defined, the feature is
not working.
- 4 sets the display to show ullage always in mm
- 5 sets the Local Display to show the tank address all
the time.
• FFT search. This indicates the method used to find the
echo when it has been lost. The FFT Search method is
set by the Saab service engineer when commissioning
the system. It should only be changed by a Saab service

Third edition, June 1997
Service Manual

3.10 Level Unit – Temperature Data

The Temperature Data-window shows the dynamic data and
the database values for the temperature measurement.

Select a new tank by hitting the Tank-button or by hitting the

up or down arrow keys.
The dynamic data box shows:
• Int temp. The internal temperature measured by a
sensor inside the Transmitter is displayed.
• Temp avg. The average temperature calculated as the
average of the values from the sensors that are im-
mersed in the liquid.
• Temp 1, 2 or 3. The value from each individual sensor is
The following status are shown:
Note: Temperature sensor number 1 is the lowest sensor. If only
two sensors are used, these will be number 1 and 2, with number 1
as the lowest.
• TX comfail indicates that the transmitter is not commu-
nicating. This produces an alarm on the alarm row.
• Int temp fail. The internal temperature measurement
has failed when the box is checked.
• Avg error. This box is checked if it was not possible to
calculate any average temperature. For example if there
is no temperature sensor in the liquid.
• Temp 1, 2 or 3 fail. This temperature sensor does not
produce an acceptable value.
• Int Temp valid. This box is checked when the internal
temperature sensor is producing an acceptable value.

Third edition, June 1997
Service Manual

• Temp 1, 2 or 3 in liq. This box is checked when this

temperature sensor is immersed in the liquid, when it
has stabilized and when the ullage value is valid.
The following database data are shown and can be changed:
• L3, L2 or L1 type/range. This value shows if it is a
three-wire or four-wire type sensor that is used. The
temperature range is also defined by this value. The
following values can be shown:
• 0 for no connected temperature sensor.
• 1 for four-wire sensor with temperature range 0 to
• 2 for four-wire sensor with temperature range -50 to
• 5 for three-wire sensor with temperature range 0 to
• 6 for three-wire sensor with temperature range -50 to
• H distance. The H distance is explained in the Installa-
tion Manual.
Any changes of the database values must be followed by
hitting the Save-button as well as restarting the transmitter
by hitting the Restart TX-button.

Third edition, June 1997
Service Manual

3.11 Level Unit – IG Pressure Data

The IG Pressure Data-window shows the dynamic data and

the database values for the IG pressure measurement.
Select a new tank by hitting the Tank-button or by hitting the
up or down arrow keys.
The dynamic data box shows:
• Pressure. The measured pressure.
The status boxes show:
• TX comfail indicates that the transmitter is not commu-
nicating. This produces an alarm on the alarm row.
• Press sens fail. The sensor is faulty. This status will also
be shown as an alarm.
• Press sens valid. This box is checked when the mea-
surement is working well.
• Ext. press alarm. The extreme pressure alarm status is
an alarm for rapid detection of changes in the IG pres-
sure. The alarm handling is done in the Transmitter,
and the alarm can therefore be displayed to the opera-
tor instantly.
The database box shows:
• Press sens type. The type of sensor can be set as:
- 0 for not connected sensor.
- 9 for ± 500 mbar type sensor.
• Pressure offset. The offset correction that has been
programmed for the sensor. The pressure offset is pro-
grammed by pressing the Service-button in the Level
Unit-window, see chapter 3.28 and 6.4.
• Ext alarm low and Ext alarm high. Set the high and low
alarm limits of the extreme pressure alarm.
Any changes of the database values must be followed by
hitting the Save-button as well as restarting the transmitter
by hitting the Restart TX-button.

Third edition, June 1997
Service Manual

3.12 Level Unit – Extra Sensor Data

The Extra Sensor Data-window shows the dynamic data and

the database values for the two extra temperature sensors
that can be connected to each transmitter.
Select a new tank by hitting the Tank-button or by hitting the
up or down arrow keys.
The dynamic data box shows:
• Sensor 4 and 5. The temperature measured by the
sensors are displayed in 1/10 of degrees.
The following status are shown:
• TX comfail indicates that the transmitter is not commu-
nicating. This produces an alarm on the alarm row.
• Sensor 4 or 5 fail. The temperature sensor has failed
when its box is checked. This status will also be shown
as an alarm.
The following database data are shown and can be changed:
• Sensor 4 and 5 type. This value shows if it is a three-
wire or four-wire type sensor that is used. The tempera-
ture range is also defined by this value. The following
values can be shown:
• 0. No connected temperature sensor.
• 1. Four-wire sensor. Temperature range 0 to +100°C.
• 2. Four-wire sensor. Temperature range -50 to +250°C.
• 5. Three-wire sensor. Temperature range 0 to +100°C.
• 6. Three-wire sensor. Temperature range -50 to
• Sensor 4 or 5 offset. An offset can be set for each sensor
Any changes of the database values must be followed by
hitting the Save-button as well as restarting the transmitter
by hitting the Restart TX-button.

Third edition, June 1997
Service Manual

3.13 Level Unit – Trim/List Data

The Trim/List Data-window shows the measured trim and

list angles. They are displayed as 1/100 of degrees.
The source of the trim and list values are shown in the Ship
measures-window in the Configure-part of the software.
Open the Ship measures-window by hitting the Window-key
and selecting Configure. Then hit the Picture-button and
select Calculation and Ship data.
The dynamic data box is divided into three parts for LCI,
LCM 1 and LCM 2. The LCM 1 and 2 read trim and list val-
ues produced by the Trim/List Unit mounted in the Level
Unit cabinet. The LCI receives its trim and list values from
draft sensors, separate inclinometer, from external communi-
cation or if it is manually entered.
The status boxes show.
• Trim or list sens fail. The sensor in question is faulty.
• Trim or list manual. This box is checked if manual
values for trim and list have been entered.
In the database box the following is shown and can be
• LT sensor type. Enter 0 if no trim and list sensor is
connected. Enter a 1 if the standard Trim/List Unit is
• Trim or list offset. If you find that the trim/list values
displayed by TankRadar are not correct, their offset can
be programmed in the database box. The offset is
shown in 1/100 degrees angle. For example, enter 5 to
set a 0.05° offset.

Third edition, June 1997
Service Manual

• LU Orient. This shows in which direction the Level

Unit cabinet has been placed on board.
0 - front of LU faces to port.
1 - front of LU faces starboard.
2 - front of LU faces fore
3 - front of LU faces aft.
Any changes of the database values must be followed by
hitting the Save-button.

3.14 Level Unit – LCM 1 and 2 Status

Use these windows to check the status of the Processor

Memory Board, LCM. As there can be one or two LCM, there
are two windows: LCM 1 Status and LCM 2 Status. To check
if there is one or two LCM in the system, see the window
LCI, LCM Version, see chapter 3.22.
If there are two LCM in the system, check LCM mode to find
out which one is active. The active LCM is also shown in the
LCI Status-window described below. See chapter 5.4 for more
information on when to use one or two LCM and LCS.
The dynamic data box shows:
• LCM Mode. Mode 0 is shown when the board is run-
ning the boot software. 1 is shown when it is resting,
waiting for the LCI to order it to start measuring. 2
shows that it is running on its flash program.
Note: If the mode is shown as 0 for a longer period of
time, the flash program is probably corrupt in some
way. Load new LCM software from the Load Program-
window, see chapter 3.23.
Note: If there is only one LCM and it shows mode 1, there is
probably something wrong with the LCI or the communica-
tion between LCI and LCM.

Third edition, June 1997
Service Manual

• Test running. The LCM asks the LCS for a test signal
which is processed and compared with an expected test
result. It should show 14949±10 when it is OK. If it is
not OK, there will be a LCS failure alarm.
• Sweep counter. The sweep counter indicates that the
LCM is working. It count ordered sweeps. Check that
the sweep counter is counting to see that the board is
operating. Check also the Sweep error LCM-status box
in the LCI Status-window described below.
• Schedule status. Shows the setting in the Transmitter
Service window. 0 is the normal mode. A 1 means that
every second sweep is done on one of the tanks and the
other sweeps are done on the other tanks. 2 means that
this is the only transmitter that is measuring. The tank
is selected and the schedule mode is set in the Transmit-
ter Service-window. However, in the Transmitter Data it
is possible to select mode 0 or 2 for a selected tank.
• Service status and Service code. Both of these values
can be used by the Saab service engineers. They are of
no use to the crew on board the ship.
• LCS status. Shows the status of the LCS. 0 means that
the LCS is OK, while a 1 indicates that the LCS test
The LCM system and memory status boxes show:
• Def DB loaded. The checksum of the database is calcu-
lated at startup. If there is some error, the default data-
base is loaded and this box is checked. When this box is
checked, a warning appears on the Work Station. See
also chapter 9.1.7.
If this box is checked, download database from Work
Station to LCM. The Level Unit restarts automatically
when the downloading is finished.
Restart the Level Unit (see chapter 5.3), to see that
default database has been loaded. If the Def DB loaded-
box is still checked after restart, the memory on the
LCM board is faulty and the board needs to be re-
placed. See also chapter 9.1.7.
• LCM RAM error, LCM Flash error, LCM EEPROM
error and LCM EXTRAM error. Each time the LCM
restarts, the memories are checked. None of these boxes
should be checked. If any of these boxes are checked,
exchange the LCM.
The database window shows:
• Prio scheme. A 0 means that each tank is measured one
after the other. However with a 1, the tanks that have

Third edition, June 1997
Service Manual

moving surfaces are measured more often. This func-

tion can be useful if there are many tanks, and some of
them have large level rates when loading or discharg-
3.15 Level Unit – LCI Status

This window shows the status of the LCI. If you suspect that
there is some problem with an LCM, this window provides
some good information.
The following information is shown in this window:
• Wdog reset cnt. This is a counter that counts the num-
ber of times the watchdog has triggered since the last
time the Level Unit was powered on. The watchdog is a
part of the hardware that triggers a reset if the software
gets “stuck”. If it does, the watch dog causes the soft-
ware to restart. This indication should normally be very
low. If there are frequent restarts of the system and this
counter shows large values, there may be a problem
with the LCI. Try exchanging it.
• Service status and Service code. Both of these values
can be used by the Saab service engineers. They are of
no use to the crew on board the ship.
The LCM status box shows the status of the communication
between the LCM and LCI:
• MTA error LCM 1 or 2. Indication of service message
failure between LCI and LCM. If there is an error so
that this box becomes checked, the Level Unit will try to
restart itself. A message will be displayed “Level Unit

Third edition, June 1997
Service Manual

• Sweep err LCM 1 or 2. This is an indication that the

LCM is not measuring normally. The sweep counter on
the LCM is supervised. If there is no change in 10 sec-
onds this box becomes checked. See also chapter 3.14. A
message will be displayed “Level Unit restarted”.
The Active LCM box shows which LCM that is being used.
In case there are two LCMs configured in the redundancy
mode, this box indicates which of the LCMs that is in use.
The LCI status box shows the status of the LCI:
• Sys fail. The Sys fail causes a Level Unit sys fail alarm.
It can be caused by:
- LI power failure,
- LI communication failure,
- No active LCM,
- Error status set in LCM Status-window, see chapter
The LCI mem status shows the result of memory checks on
the LCI. Both boot and flash memories are continuously
• LCI RAM error. Indicates memory failure of the RAM.
• LCI boot error. Indicates memory failure for the boot
• LCI flash error. Indicates memory failure for the flash
• LCI DB error. Indicates an error in the database.
• Default DB loaded. If the checksum of the database is
incorrect at startup, this box is checked. The box will be
checked until the next time the LCI (or Level Unit) is
restarted or the database is changed.

Third edition, June 1997
Service Manual

3.16 Level Unit – LI Status

This window shows the individual status of up to four Trans-

mitter Interfaces (LI).
This window is useful when you are looking for a ground
failure. It is easy to detect which Transmitter Interface (LI)
that has ground failure. See also chapter 9.1.6 and 9.14.
The status boxes show:
• LI +15V fail and LI -15V fail show if there is any prob-
lem with the power supply to the LIs. If any of these are
checked, check the Power Block. See chapter 9.1.3.
• LI ground fail. This check box indicates which LI that is
causing a ground failure alarm.
• LI comfail. If there is any problem with the communi-
cation to the LI, this is shown in the LI comfail check
The database shows:
• LI handler. The Database box shows which LI that is
connected to which LCM. 0 indicates that the LI is not
used. 1 indicates the it is connected to LCM 1 and 2
indicates that it is connected to LCM 2.

Third edition, June 1997
Service Manual

3.17 Level Unit – Backup and Local Display

This window is used only when special units and special

scalings have been programmed into the system at factory
before delivery.
A better way to change presentation units and change pre-
sentation of trim/list correction is in the Setup-window,
opened from the Work Station’s base window. See Operating
Manual for more information.
However, it is possible to change units and trim/list correc-
tion, for the Backup Display and the Local Displays, from the
Backup and Local Display-window. You must make the same
changes in both windows. At restart of the system, both these
databases will be set to the same values anyway.
Set units according to the following:
0 = meter and meter/hour
1 = feet and feet/hour
0 = °C (degrees Celsius)
1 = °F (degrees Fahrenheit)
0 = mbar (millibar)
1 = PSI (pound per square inch)
Trim/list correction:
0 = Uncorrected ullage is displayed

Third edition, June 1997
Service Manual

1 = Correction to the tank’s reference point (Plug)

2 = Correction to the tank’s center of gravity (COG)
It is also possible to use two sets (1 or 2) of customized units
for each parameter. These can be scaled from the raw data
into the new units using the scale constants A, B and C. The
scaling is done according to the formula:
data (in custom units) = (raw data * A) / B + C.
You can also set the number of decimals to be presented on
the displays.

Third edition, June 1997
Service Manual

3.18 Level Unit – LCI Com Ports

Communication port 1 is usually used for the communica-

tion with the Work Station and port 2 is used for a Service
If there is any problem with the communication between the
Level Unit and the Work Station, check that the values are:
Protocol = 0
Baud = 19200 bps
Databits = 8 bits
Stopbits = 1 bit
Parity = 110 (where 110=none, 111=odd and
Check also the Serial Communication-window in the con-
figuration part of the Work Station software for communica-
tion settings for the Work Station’s serial port to the Level
Note: The information in this window should normally not be
changed. Once the system has been commissioned, the communica-
tion parameters have been checked and the communication has been
established, there is no need to change this parameters.
Note: If there is no contact between the LCI and the Work Station,
check the setting of the LCI com ports on the Backup Display on the
Level Unit. See the Operating Manual for information about the
Backup Display.

Third edition, June 1997
Service Manual

3.19 Level Unit – Relays

In the status box in this window the status of the relays in the
Power Block of the Level Unit are shown. These will show
the same status as the Sysfail and Power fail in the LCI status
window described in chapter 3.15. The External pressure
alarm relay will be activated when the this alarm is active.
See chapter 3.11 for more information.
Note: The Sysfail and Power fail relays are normally on. This
means that when the system is working, the relays are activated
and consequently off. During a black out, for example, these relays
go on.
In the TankRadar systems that have a Work Station, the
relays in the I/O Box are used instead of the ones in the
Level Unit. See also chapter 5.11 and 4.1.4.
In the database box it is possible to manually set the two
auxiliary relays in the Power Block. Enter a “1” and hit the
Save-button to activate the relay.
If the relays in the Level Unit are used for System Failure,
Power Failure and Extreme Pressure Alarm indication, these
warnings can be reset by hitting the buttons at the bottom of
the window. Use the Abort-button if there would be any
problem when hitting the Reset-buttons.
Note: It is only the relays that are reset, the alarms may still be
active. This is useful for example when you need to quiet a siren
that is connected to one of the relays.

Third edition, June 1997
Service Manual

3.20 Level Unit – Work Station Communication

This window shows the load on the communication between

the Work Station and the Level Unit. It also shows if the
communication is working by counting the number of trans-
actions and responses. You can reset these counters by hitting
the Reset counters-button.
Note: If there is no communication at all the pointer instrument
will show 100 % load. The pointer instrument measures the free
capacity on the communication. Consequently, if there is no com-
munication, there will be no free capacity.

Third edition, June 1997
Service Manual

3.21 Level Unit – Any Register

In this window you can view any of the registers in the

LCMs or the LCI. There are two types of registers, the dy-
namic registers and the database registers. There are four
buttons to select LCI or LCM and to select dynamic or data-
base registers. Hit one of these buttons.
The normally used registers are shown in the windows de-
scribed in this chapter 3. It is only for extraordinary service
actions that you would need to go directly to the register and
change data.
You can select if you want to see the registers in hexadecimal
or in decimal form. Normally decimal form is best.
Enter at which register you want the displayed list to start at
and how many registers you want to see (max 15 at a time).
Then hit the Read-button to display the registers you have

Third edition, June 1997
Service Manual

Database registers can be changed. Type in a new value and

hit the Save-button.
Note: You must be sure that you are changing the correct register,
as many of the registers lack a descriptor.
A list of a few of the database registers of the LCI is included
Reg no. Name Description
00 Port_1_protocol To Work Station
01 Port_1_baudrate To Work Station
02 Port_1_databits To Work Station
03 Port_1_stop bits To Work Station
04 Port_1_parity To Work Station
05 Port_2_protocol To Service PC
06 Port_2_baudrate To Service PC
07 Port_2_databits To Service PC
08 Port_2_stop bits To Service PC
09 Port_2_parity To Service PC
10 LU_setup 0=fast update, 1= redundance
11 Relay_4_control 0=off, 1=on
12 Relay_5_control 0=off, 1=on
20 LCB_TrimList_corr 0=off, 1=on
21 LCB_ullage_unit 0=m, 1=feet
22 LCB_temp_unit 0=°C, 1=°F
23 LCB_press_unit 0=mbar, 1=PSI
50 LI_1_handler 0=none, 1=LCM1, 2=LCM2
51 LI_2_handler 0=none, 1=LCM1, 2=LCM2
52 LI_3_handler 0=none, 1=LCM1, 2=LCM2
53 LI_4_handler 0=none, 1=LCM1, 2=LCM2
100 Number of tanks
101 Display shutdown timeout in seconds

Third edition, June 1997
Service Manual

3.22 Level Unit – LCI, LCM Version

In this window you can see the version of the programs in

the LCI and LCMs. You can also see if one or two LCMs are
This information can be useful if you need to contact Saab
Marine Electronics or a service agent.

Third edition, June 1997
Service Manual

3.23 Level Unit – Load Program

Hit the Service-button to open this window. This window

can be used to load new programs into the LCMs and LCI.
The new program can be downloaded from a diskette.
Note: Make sure the new program is compatible with the Work
Station software. If unsure, please contact Saab Marine Electronics
for advice.
Insert the diskette with the program into the diskette drive of
the Work Station. Hit one of the three buttons to indicate if
you want to download a program to LCM 1, LCM 2 or LCI.
Hit the Filename-button to find the file containing the pro-
gram. Hit the Down load-button once you are satisfied with
the settings. The progress of the downloading is shown in a
bargraph at the bottom of the window. There is an Abort-key.
However, once the file has started to download, the original
program is lost. Therefore if you abort, you must still down
load a new software.

Third edition, June 1997
Service Manual

3.24 Level Unit – Up/Download Database

Hit the Service-button to open this window. Use this window

to copy database from one memory to another. It is possible
to download database from the Work Station to the LCMs
and the LCI. It is also possible to upload database from these
boards to the Work Station.
This window is useful when you have replaced either an
LCM, LCI or a hard disk in the Work Station.
Note: As the TankRadar system is commissioned, a number of
parameters may be changed in the system. These changes are stored
in the database. The database will therefore differ from the default
database that was installed at delivery of the system.

Third edition, June 1997
Service Manual

3.25 Level Unit – TX Service

The test functions for TX simulation and LCS simulation can

be used if a tank has the TX Failure check box marked.
When setting the signal source to TX Simulation, a tank
signal will be sent from the Transmitter to the Level Unit.
The LCS Simulation generates a signal from within the Level
The simulation signal represents a “Distance” about half the
B-distance if TX Type and Specific Inner Length are set to
zero and the Pipe and Vapor Correction are not used. Note
that the simulated “Distance” is not precisely defined.
If both TX- and LCS Simulations give a “distance”, but the
TX Failure check box is still marked, the reason for fault can
• hardware fault in the Transmitter’s Electronic Box,
• dirty, damaged or misaligned antenna,
• the Electronic Box is not correctly mounted on the
antenna feeder or
• there are no echoes to find within the defined range.
If only LCS-Simulation produces a “distance”, the reason for
fault may be:
• a hardware fault in the Transmitter’s Electronic Box or
in a Transmitter Interface (LI) or
• faulty cabling between Transmitter - Transmitter Inter-
face - LCS Board.

Third edition, June 1997
Service Manual

If not even LCS Simulation gives a “distance”, the reason for

fault is likely to be located on the LCS Board.

3.26 Level Unit – Scan Tank

The scan tank function is used when there is a need to view
the radar echoes inside the tank. This function is used during
the commissioning of the system. A Saab service engineer
will use this window to measure and save a curve of the
signal strength throughout the tank.
The function of the Scan Tank-window is not described in
this manual since it is not used during normal service of the
system. The results need to be evaluated by an experienced
Saab service engineer.

3.27 Level Unit – Restart LCI, LCM

Use this window to restart the LCI or the LCMs. Restarting
the LCI also causes both the LCM and the transmitters to
restart. Restarting the LCM also causes the transmitters to

Third edition, June 1997
Service Manual

3.28 Level Unit – IG Press Zero Adjust

Select this window when the IG pressure sensors need to be

adjusted. Select the tank that needs to be adjusted.
Note: When the IG pressure sensor is adjusted for zero pressure it
is very important that the pressure inside the tank is equal to the
pressure outside the tank. The tank must be opened. See also chap-
ter 6.4. Permission from officer in charge must be obtained before
the tank is opened.
Follow the instructions below when calibrating the IG pres-
sure sensor for zero difference in tank pressure and atmo-
spheric pressure.
1. Make sure that the tank or tanks that you intend to
calibrate are open and that there is not a strong wind
affecting the measurement.
2. Check that none of the check boxes for TX Comfail,
Press Sens Fail or Ext Press Alarm are marked for any of
the tanks you intend to adjust.
3. Open the IG Press Zero Adjust-window on the Work
4. Select the tank you intend to calibrate.
5. Hit the button “Zero adjust this sensor”.
6. Watch new value in the white database box.
7. Hit the Save-button.
8. Continue with another tank from step 1 above or exit
the window.
Note: If you intend to hit the Zero adjust all tanks-button, make
sure that ALL tanks have atmospheric pressure inside. Otherwise
you might ruin a previously correct calibration on some tanks.

Third edition, June 1997
Service Manual

3.29 Disconnect LU
Use this function when there is a need to change the LU-
database in the Work Station when there is no communica-
tion with the Level Unit.
When you select Disconnect LU on the Service Menu, the
question “Continue without communication with Level
Unit? OK or Cancel” will be displayed.

3.30 The Communication-Window

Select Communication from the Service-menu to open the

Communication-window. This window shows the communi-
cation on the serial ports to the I/O Box.
Select which serial port to view by hitting the Serial port
activity-button. A list is displayed with the available ports.
Communication data such as baud rate, parity bits, data bits
and stop bit is shown in the white box in the window.
There are also two indicators showing send and receive
activity. These are similar to the LEDs on the Interface boards
in the I/O Box, see chapter 4. However, in the half-duplex
setting, the Send-LED on the Interface boards echoes all the
received information. It can therefore be quite difficult to see
if the board is really sending anything other than the ques-
tions it is receiving. In this window, the Send-indicator does
not echo the received signals. Therefore, when the Send-
indicator blinks, the interface board is really transmitting

Third edition, June 1997
Service Manual

The RS-485 Interface Board can be set to half or full duplex,

using jumpers. In this window it is easy to check the setting
of the jumpers. See chapters 9.4 and 4.3.
Hit the Communication Log-button and select the communi-
cation you want to view. The Communication Log-window
shows the communication parameters as well as the mes-
sages that are communicated.
You can disregard the information in the Mode-box. The
information about the Auto RTS is only used by the Saab
Marine service engineers or the service agents.

3.31 The I/O-Window

The I/O-window shows the raw values of the signals in and

out of the terminals of, for example, the I/O Box and SIOX
modules. Hit the Terminals-button to select which terminal
you want to look at.
Hit the Terminals-button to show a list of the available termi-
nals. Select one of the shown terminals.
The Scale-button shows the scalings available for showing
the raw values as current or voltage.

Third edition, June 1997
Service Manual

The value for digital inputs or outputs is shown as either 0 or

1. For digital outputs, it is possible to change the value and
hit the Save-button to see that the output is working. Some-
times detection of the output is easier if the Blink selection is
set to 1. The output (for example relay) will change back and
forth between active and inactive.
The value for analog inputs or outputs is shown in unscaled
units. The maximum and minimum values for the terminal
are shown and cannot be changed. These values could, for
example, be the unscaled raw values from a SIOX-system.
The check boxes show if the terminal has been set to be inac-
tive or if it has been given a high priority.

3.32 Install/Backup-Window

Use this window to make a backup copy of pictures and

database or to install new software. We recommend that you
make two backup copies of database and pictures every six
months. Store one copy in a safe place together with program
diskettes. Send one copy to Saab Marine Electronics for
storage on network servers. In this way the database and
pictures of your system will always be up to date. When
communicating with Saab Marine, this updated information
will be of great help when fault finding, changing pictures or
in any other way updating the system.

3.32.1 Backup Copies of the Database and Pictures

Follow the instructions below when making backup copies of
the database and pictures:
Note: When there is a network of Work Stations, backup must be
made from the Master Work Station.
1. Slide an empty DOS-formatted diskette into the dis-
kette drive.
2. Open the Install/Backup-window.
3. Hit the Backup-button. A menu is opened.

Third edition, June 1997
Service Manual

4. Select Backup All. A message is displayed on the screen

and the files are copied onto the diskette. Follow any
instructions on the screen.
3.32.2 Install Database and Pictures
Follow the instructions below if you need to install new or
backup copies of pictures and/or database on the Work
If you are uncertain of which files are stored on the diskette,
hit the View-button to view the files on the diskette.
Note: When there is a network of Work Stations, install must be
made on each Work Station in the network.
1. Slide the diskette with database and pictures into the
diskette drive.
2. Open the Install/Backup-window.
3. Hit the Install-button.
4. Select Install All from the menu.
5. A message is displayed. The files are copied from the
diskette onto the hard disk of the Work Station. Follow
any instructions on the screen.
6. Restart the Work Station.
7. Open the Up/Download Database-window described
in chapter 3.24 and download the database to the LCM
or LCMs.
3.32.3 Installing New Program to the Work Station
You may receive a diskette with a new version of the pro-
gram for the Work Station. In such a case follow the steps
below to install the new program:
1. Slide the diskette with the new program into the dis-
kette drive.
2. Open the Install/Backup-window.
3. Hit the Install-button.
4. Select Install All from the menu.
5. A message is displayed. The program is copied from the
diskette onto the hard disk of the Work Station.
6. Restart the Work Station.
3.32.4 Saving a Log-file to a Diskette
In the Group-window it is possible to log values to a file.
These files are possible to copy to a diskette. This could be
useful when fault finding the system. Follow the instruction
below to copy a log file to a diskette:
1. Insert a DOS formatted diskette into drive A.
2. Hit the Backup-button.

Third edition, June 1997
Service Manual

3. Select “Backup one file”.

4. Select the log file you want to save. Its name has an
extension “.log”. These are normally placed in the
directory acu/tmp.
5. Order the copying to start.
3.33 Service Log-Window
Select Service Log from the Service-menu to open the Service Log-window. It
is used when there is a need to store measured data for a later analysis. The
log software regularly stores time, channel status and channel value into a
log file. The log file is named “dl<mm><dd><hh>.log” where <mm> is the
month (01-12), <dd> is the the day (01-31) and <hh> is the hour (00-23). If the
log is restarted within the same hour the previous log was started, previous
log data is lost. The log file can be copied onto a DOS-diskette, see Backup

The Service Log-window is used to setup the logging of the measured values.
Sample time The time between the logged samples. It can be set to
between 10 and 99999 seconds.
Max samples in The maximum number of entries in
one file the log file before a new log file is created (typically 20
#channels Number of channels to be logged, between 0 and 20.
Tag Channel tag with seven characters. For example
“CT01ULL” for ullage of first tank or “CT01RAT” for
level rate of first tank.
Sign A √-sign indicates that the channel can have positive
and negative values, such as level rate.

Third edition, June 1997
Service Manual

AMP Active A √-sign indicates that the the AMP channel for echo
amplitude exists. Check the box to create AMP channels
if they are not active, then restart the Work Station.
Log running Indicates that the log is running.
Log stopped Indicates that the log is not running.
Start/Stop Use this button to start or stop the log.
Save Setup and Use this button to save the changes
Restart Log and restart the log.
Backup The Backup-function saves a compressed archive file
(more than 10 times compressed) file with filename
(acu.pax) that contains the log files (dl*.log), the soft-
ware supervisor logfiles (syscon*.log, wdog*.log), and a
listing of all the files in the log directory (dlinfo.log).
The Backup-function copies the compressed archive to a
DOS-diskette. It makes sure that the archive fits onto a
diskette. All logs that are a maximum 12 weeks old are
copied. However, if they do not fit onto a diskette, only
the most recent logs will be copied. For decompression
and analysis of a service log, contact the Service Depart-
ment at Saab Marine Electronics.

3.34 Process Debugger, Interface Editor, PictCopy, Shell

These selections are normally not used on board. They can be
used by Saab Marine service engineers or service agents
visiting your ship.

Third edition, June 1997
Service Manual

4 I/O Box
The I/O box is used to interface various equipment to the
Work Station including the Level Unit. The I/O Box is made
up of a motherboard with power supply, relays and connec-
tors for seven Interface Boards.
The I/O Box is connected either to an 8-channel serial inter-
face board in the Work Station or to the Com 1 and Com 2
ports. One of these channels is used for watch dog and relay
output control. The other seven channels are wired to seven
connectors on the motherboard. Of these seven channels, one
Figure 4-1 shows the I/O is used for connection of the Level Unit.
The Interface Boards are used for connecting equipment such
as host computer, load calculator, ballast level gauging sys-
tem and Tank Display Units.
Via a SIOX Interface Board, a wide range of analog and digi-
tal inputs and outputs can be connected via field bus distrib-
uted I/O modules.

8 x RS 232 (or 2 * RS232)

I/O Box
SysFail (Std.)
Common Alarm (Std.)
Aux 1
Aux 2
Aux 3 Configurable
Aux 4 options
Aux 5
Aux 6

Level Unit (Standard)

Tank Display Units
SIOX field bus
Load calculator Optional
Ship host computer units
Ballast level gauging system
Portable Readout System

Figure 4-2 shows the I/O Box with various optional equipment
connected to it (board locations can differ).

Third edition, June 1997

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