Lesson 1 Introduction To Contemporary Arts

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LESSON 1 INTRODUCTION TO CONTEMPORARY painting or sculpture, producing works to be

ARTS appreciated primarily for their beauty or emotional

power. (The Art of Renaissance)

Contemporary Arts - Works produced by human creative skill and

- Art made today by living artists.
- Subjects of study primarily concerned with the
- Through their work, many contemporary artists processes and products of human creativity and social
explore personal or cultural identity, offer critiques of life, such as languages, literature, and history (as
social and institutional structures, or even attempt to contrasted with scientific or technical subjects)
redefine art itself.
- A tool for communication
Two types of Arts:
- Offers us a chance to learn and understand artists and
1. Visual Arts the regions where they belong through their works.

2. Performing Arts - One of the earliest basic forms of communication.

- Everyone is an artist. - This is seen in the prehistoric visual artwork like the
cave drawings and other artifacts.

- Folk songs and rituals.

Questions About Art

Why do people create art? Why do people make

songs? Perform dances? Draw?

- It’s not even necessary for humans like food and


But what makes us or drives us to create and


What is Art?
Visual Arts: Fine Arts
- Have you ever wondered what art is?

- Is it only about paintings and sculpture found in the o Drawing

museums? Jingles we hear in commercials? Or those
decorations on our food? o Painting

- The expression or application of human creative skill o Sculpture

and imagination, typically in a visual form such as
o Print

o Graphic Art

o Calligraphy Art

o Architecture

The Scream By:

Edward Munch Starry Night By: Van Gogh

Visual Arts: Contemporary Art Form

o Assemblage

o Installation

o Collage

o Performance Art

Cry of Balintawak o Digital Art

By: Carlos “Botong” V. Francisco
o Land Art

o Conceptual Art

Visual Arts: Decorative Arts

o Textile

o Glassware Oscar A. Floirendo

"Self Portrait Too..."
o Jewellery

o Furniture

o Earthenware

o Metal Craft

o Interior Design
Why Do Artists Create Art?

1. Recognition

2. Worship

3. Impulse

4. Self-expression
Prof. Felipe M. De Leon

Why Study Art? - Filipino Integral Arts Attributes:

- Creating art can help you express yourself. o Art is not made for art’s sake but instead made
with considerations with other factors.
- Teaches you to distinguish and understand the
individual differences. o It is Holistic in nature.

- It makes us more sensitive to others. o A part of everyday life.

- Helps us to develop our decision and problem-solving o Everybody is an artist and given an equal chance
skills. to contribute and participate.

- Helps us to realize that there are many ways of o Freedom in technique and the use of mediums.
dealing and solving an obstacle.
o Art makes use of the available resources.
- Helps us realize that there is more than one correct
solution to a problem. o The creative process is given more importance
rather than the finished work.

Art and the Filipino

- Filipinos are very social people and this is reflected in

their art, more especially in their traditional art.

- The heart of the Philippine contemporary art is an

example of an integral art which is essentially
communal and unitive in nature. This means that arts
are often created and conceived by artists with
consideration to the society and community they live
in. Green Peace Phil
Whale Exhibit

Hapag Ng Pag Asa

By: Joey Velasco
Filipino Art Tendencies
- There are several characteristic tendencies in
Philippine Art:

o Broadest Aspect Technique

o Multiple Focal Points

o Highly Expressive

o Polychromatic

o Maximalism Highly Expressive

o Multifunctional - Filipinos are more emphatic, spontaneous, and

emotional. This tendency holds especially true for the
o Rhythmic patterns performing arts, where Filipinos excel. In the Visual
arts, this is carried over through the colourful artworks

Broadest Aspect Technique

Moro Moro
- Filipino artworks often try to show the many sides of (fight of Muslims and Christians)
an object, depicting how Filipinos think it looks rather
than how it is actually seen.

Hapag Ng Pag Asa

By: Joey Velasco


Multiple Focal Points

- Many artists use multiple focal points in their

composition in efforts to try to represent the
sentiments of the different members of society.

Slice of Life
By: Larry Alcala - Filipino art has an inclination to fill up space with forms
and ornamentations, this is said to be rooted in the
expressiveness of the Filipinos.

- Fill up spaces completely.

Wedding gown

Statue of Liberty



Ivory Carvings

Animated Movies

- Creating works that have various uses strengthen the

sense of community with people of different
fascination and requirements.

Rhythmic Patterns

- One of the most recognizable tendencies of the

Filipino Art is the stylized and measured organization
of patterns and forms.

Activity #1

Great Pyramid of Giza

Stained Glass


Wood Bench

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