Lesson 1 Introduction To Contemporary Arts
Lesson 1 Introduction To Contemporary Arts
Lesson 1 Introduction To Contemporary Arts
- Everyone is an artist. - This is seen in the prehistoric visual artwork like the
cave drawings and other artifacts.
What is Art?
Visual Arts: Fine Arts
- Have you ever wondered what art is?
o Graphic Art
o Calligraphy Art
o Architecture
o Assemblage
o Installation
o Collage
o Performance Art
o Conceptual Art
o Textile
o Furniture
o Earthenware
o Metal Craft
o Interior Design
Why Do Artists Create Art?
1. Recognition
2. Worship
3. Impulse
4. Self-expression
Prof. Felipe M. De Leon
- Creating art can help you express yourself. o Art is not made for art’s sake but instead made
with considerations with other factors.
- Teaches you to distinguish and understand the
individual differences. o It is Holistic in nature.
- Helps us to develop our decision and problem-solving o Everybody is an artist and given an equal chance
skills. to contribute and participate.
- Helps us to realize that there are many ways of o Freedom in technique and the use of mediums.
dealing and solving an obstacle.
o Art makes use of the available resources.
- Helps us realize that there is more than one correct
solution to a problem. o The creative process is given more importance
rather than the finished work.
o Highly Expressive
o Polychromatic
Slice of Life
By: Larry Alcala - Filipino art has an inclination to fill up space with forms
and ornamentations, this is said to be rooted in the
expressiveness of the Filipinos.
Statue of Liberty
Ivory Carvings
Animated Movies
Rhythmic Patterns
Activity #1
Stained Glass
Wood Bench