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 There has never been a time in the history like this when What makes modern art and

n art and contemporary art different from

the arts are enjoying a popular following in the various each other?
regions of the country. The arts are within the reach of •Perhaps the main distinction between modern art and
everyone. Every day, your senses are being treated to an contemporary art is the time period in which they have
array of new and fascinating delights. You encounter art existed.
forms that were unknown decades ago. Before you know •Modern Art slowly waned in the middle to late 20th century
it, exciting times have brought forth a new breed of art when postmodernism came to light.
that is just as thrilling – the contemporary arts. •Postmodernism then gave birth to what we know now as
 The art is a fraction of a bigger branch of discipline: contemporary art. This art exists up to this day, and no one
The Humanities. knows when a new period will arrive to veil contemporary art
 HUMANITIES - refers to the study of the human in its shadow.
experience – how people process and record their However, many believe that contemporary art is more socially
thoughts, beliefs and longings. It also deals with the
expression of the internal world of a person, a world
where everything is subjective
 SCIENCES deal with the object study of the external
world – what we see in it and all processes that happen
within it.

 The integration of different disciplines is common in art,

conscious than modern art because more social issues have

been realized in the recent decades.
 Examples of the most popular contemporary subjects
are feminism, globalization, migration, and
environmental concerns.
specifically in contemporary art where diversity and An example of contemporary art is Delotavo’s painting shown
eclecticism are encouraged. In contemporary art, below. What do you think is the social issue addressed in this
conforming to artistic norms is no longer significant. painting?

-is the art that springs out the present – day events and passions
of the society. It is the newest form of art, amusing people
from the middle to the late 20th century up to this very minute.
-It provides instances for people to reflect and respond to
contemporary social concerns and issues pertinent to
themselves and to the world.
-It is a combination of mixed styles, materials, techniques and
concepts that challenges tradition.
-It has gone into the mainstream and into the communities.
-It has become a collaborative process and the audience plays
an active role in reacting and constructing meaning about the
work of art.
WHY IS IT GOOD TO STUDY CONTEMPORARY What also makes contemporary art different from modern art
ARTS? and other art periods is its never ending originality.
-It is good to study contemporary arts because you are
surrounded by art in our everyday life, in mass media, and
even in social media.
- However, itINTEGRATIV
is not enough to see or hear them. You have to
understand what E they
ARTmean and how they affect your life.
-You have to ask yourself if everything that you see and hear is
good for you.
-Therefore, you have to learn to sift through the diverse sights •In contemporary art, not only movements can be integrated
and sounds to find out their worth. into an artwork. Even seemingly different art categories can be
-You have to discriminate between good and bad art, for what melded together to produce an integrated or combined art.
is truly beautiful is in knowing the arts. •This “crossbreeding” in the contemporary scene has resulted
 Contemporary works of art are the means through in a hybrid art called integrative art. These art forms are
which the artists of today communicate their interactive and multi-disciplinary in nature, that is, consisting
sentiments. of ideas and practices from different branches of learning – the
•The definition of the words “contemporary” and “modern” is outcome, being the unity of separate areas of learning.
even the same.
•Earlier, we have mentioned the integration of science and  In science, it is the process of analysis and synthesis.
humanities – two different disciplines – in a buildings’ Pablo Picasso innovated this style in the early 1900s.
architecture. This is an example of integrative art. Another  This is Pila sa Bigas (Study), 1972 mixed media on
example is a unique presentation of three great Filipino artists board 36” x 69” (91 cm x 175 cm)
coming from three distinct disciplines – dance, music, and  The paintings of the National Artist Vicente Manansala
song – performing under one roof at the Cultural Center of the belong to this category.
Philippines (CCP) in Manila. 4.NON OBJECTIVISM- The fourth style is non
•They are Lisa Macuja – Elizalde, prima ballerina; Cecil Licad, objectivism wherein there is totally no
international classical pianist; and Lea Salonga, international subject at all
singer and musical actress. They combined their talents to – just an interplay of pure elements like
produce a rare performance. The program was called the line, shape, or color, and so on.
Legends and the Classics. -A good example of non-objectivism is
•There are many manifestations of integrative art in our society this painting by Roberto Chabet.
nowadays. You just have to have a keen eye to recognize what
in our world are samples of integrative art and what are not.

1. SPACE- Can be defined as a void, an emptiness which can
either be positive or negative.
-Is any person, animal, thing or issue that is described or  Positive space – refers to a space enclosed in a shape.
represented in a work.  Negative space – denotes the opposite
 In other art forms, space can be referred to as an
It usually generates the question, “What is it?” because people interval or pause. In literature, it is the pause between
expect to see or hear subjects that they can recognize or are words, whereas in music, it is the interval between notes.
familiar to them 2. LINE-Is the extension of a point, a short or long mark
Subject is different from theme or content (substance) drawn or carved on a surface.
 It is an implied path suggesting –
THEM a.Direction: vertical, horizontal, diagonal
E b.Character: jagged, curved series of dots or broken lines.
3. SHAPE AND FORM -When the ends of a line meet, they
-Is the recurring idea or element in a work of art. form a shape.
-It refers to the ideas, thoughts, and feelings of the artist. -Can be described as a figure separate from its surrounding
Everything under the sun is considered a subject in the arts – area or background. It can be geometric (angular) or organic
from the simplest idea (e.g. happiness) or an object (e.g. wine (curvy). Shape is two dimensional
bottle) to the most complicated ones, like philosophical Form – slightly similar to shap.
thoughts or dreamscapes  It is an enclosed line; a figure separates from its
background. This is three dimensional.
 In visual design, artworks with subjects that are  Probably the most striking art element that catches the
recognizable are called REALISTIC, eye.
REPRESENTATIONAL, OR OBJECTIVE ART.  Created by visible wavelengths of light caught in prism.
 Those that are NOT RECOGNIZABLE are  Mixture of organic or synthetic substances called
NONREPRESENTATIONAL OR NONOBJECTIVE pigments, used as paints or dye.
ART.  Varies from dull to bright, depending on its intensity.
 Can also have different meanings, depending on one’s
 Creates a mood or tone, such as:
RED for passion, red, anger or love
BLUE for peace, nobility, sadness
YELLOW for gaiety, innocence, or jealousy
1. REALISM-The subject is done the way it actually looks
 An example of this is the painting of Araceli Dans 5. VALUE
 This is Calado series, 1993 watercolor on paper 15" x •In visual arts, this is the degree of
22" (38 cm x 56 cm) lightness and darkness of a color.
2. DISTORTION- The artist uses his or her imagination and •In music, it’s called a pitch, which is
alters the subject according to his or her desire. the highness or lowness of a tone.
 A stylized work is a form of •Like color, value suggests an
distortion like Norma Belleza’s atmosphere or mood, also found in other art forms (e.g. strong
painting. contrast suggests a strong emotional response, especially in
 This is Family Series, 2017 writing).
Oil on Canvas (12x16) 6. TEXTURE
•Is the surface of an artwork.
3. ABSTRACTION- The third is abstraction wherein the artist
breaks apart a subject and rearranges it in a different manner.
•Can be actual or tactile, meaning, it can really be felt by 6. MOVEMENT - It is a way to convey feelings and emotions.
touch; or it can be simulated or illusory, which means it can 7. EMPHASIS AND SUBORDINATION
only be seen, not felt. -Emphasis is the principle that give importance or dominance
to a unit or an area.
PRINCIPLES OF -Subordination which give less importance to a unit or area.
- the surface of an artwork.
- contains the subject matter that carries the message of the
DESIGN work.
-Is the overall structure of an art form. It is a plan for order. 10. CONTEXT
-It is the means by which artists indicate and demonstrate the - Putting something in context means clarifying a word or a
ideas and feelings they wish to convey. subject by describing the relevant circumstances surrounding
-The principles of design are also called the organization of the it.
elements. They help people make sense of the environment, at 2 KINDS OF CONTEXT
the same time, make it aesthetically pleasing and interesting. PRIMARY CONTEXT SECONDARY CONTEXT
- personal type, for it - refers to the place and
1. HARMONY - This refers to the wholeness of the design the
concerns the sentiments period in which the
pleasing arrangement of parts, and the
arrangement between parts of a of the artist- his beliefs, artist has made his
composition, resulting in a united values, interest, attitude work: the social,
whole. and emotions. political, and economic
environment he is in.

•Pertains to the assortment or diversity of a work of art.
•Variations are produced so that the
monotony and uniformity in the
environment are prevented.

•Slightly contrary to variety is the
rhythm or beat.
 It is the regular,
repeated pattern in
the elements of art. It is
the flow, or feeling of
movement achieve
by the
distribution of visual
units or sound units in
5. PROPORTION •Element in the work of art should have a
relationship with one another. This relationship is called

6. BALANCE •Pertains to the even distribution of weight. It is

the principle that deals with equality. In art there are two types
of balance: Formal balance and informal balance.


- refers to the two sides - refers to the two sides
that and identical to not identical to each
each other. other yet equal in visual

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