English For Academic and Professional Purposes (EAPP) Q1/Q3-Module 2 Academic Text Structure
English For Academic and Professional Purposes (EAPP) Q1/Q3-Module 2 Academic Text Structure
English For Academic and Professional Purposes (EAPP) Q1/Q3-Module 2 Academic Text Structure
Q1/Q3-Module 2
Academic Text Structure
At the end of this module, you are expected to:
1. define academic texts;
2. determine text structure of an academic text; and
3. explain the components of the three-part essay structure.
What I Know
To check what you already know about our new topic/ lesson, answer the pre-
test below.
Directions: Read each item carefully. Choose the letter of the best answer, and
write it on a separate sheet of paper.
1. What part of the academic text usually states the thesis statement?
a. Introduction b. Body c. Conclusion
2. Which of the following texts are considered as formal texts?
a. Novels b. Academic texts c. Literary Texts
3. Which of the following is the proper structure of an Academic text?
a. Introduction, Thesis statement, Conclusion
b. Introduction, Body, Arguments
c. Introduction, Body, Conclusion
4. What part of academic text includes the paper’s argument and supporting
idea and details?
a. Introduction b. Body c. Conclusion
5. It is the part of the academic text that functions as a restatement of the
main arguments and facts presented in the text.
a. Introduction b. Body c. Conclusion
What’s In
Let us recall your knowledge about the previous lesson and try to link it to
our new topic by answering the short drill below.
What’s New
Text structure refers to the way an author arranges information in his writing.
Text structure provides the format and enables writers to organize their thoughts
as they write. It also helps the reader in a way that it provides a structure in which
information can be found and understood while it is being read.
Structure is an important feature of academic writing. A well-structured text
enables the reader to follow the argument and navigate the text. In academic
writing, a clear structure and a logical flow are imperative to a cohesive text.
Meaning is actually mapped onto the structure of language.
While most pieces of non- academic texts follow the same or similar
general organizational patterns, different academic texts can have different text
structures. An academic text may present a main idea and then details, a cause
and then its effects, an effect and the causes, two different views of a topic, etc.
Therefore, it is important that you can recognize common text structures found in
academic texts.
In this module, you can learn how to determine the way an author arranges
information in his writing. Also, this helps you understand meaning and gather
information while reading the text and consequently provides ideas that enable
you to organize your thoughts as you write your own.
What Is It
What is an Academic Text?
Academic text is defined as critical, objective, specialized texts
written by experts or professionals in a given field using formal language. This
means that academic texts are based on facts with solid basis. Academic writing,
therefore, is generally quite formal, objective (impersonal) and technical. It is
formal by avoiding casual or conversational language, such as contractions or
informal vocabulary. It is impersonal and objective by avoiding direct reference to
people or feelings, and instead emphasizing objects, facts and ideas. It is
technical by using vocabulary specific to the discipline. To be a good academic
writer, you will need to learn the specific styles and structures for your discipline,
as well as for each individual writing task. Some examples of academic writing
are as follow: Literary Analysis, Research Paper, Dissertation or thesis,
textbooks, academic journal articles.
Academic writing is a particular style used in formal essays and other
assessments for the course. It requires formal language, a logical structure and is
What’s More
Directions: Indicate using a check mark () if you would agree to the
following statements about Academic text and its structure. Write your answers in
a separate sheet of paper.
_____1. Academic texts can use first person point-of-view and include one’s
emotional attachment to the topic.
_____2. An academic text should clearly state its thesis, argument or proposition.
_____3. An academic text does not necessarily need to include a list of
What I Can Do
Directions: Write an essay/article about Covid-19 pandemic that we are
experiencing today using the three-part essay structure of an academic text.
Write your essay/article in a separate sheet of paper.
Scoring Rubrics:
Criteria 1 2 3 4 Score
The essay is The essay is The essay is
The essay
focused on focused on the focused,
Focus/ Main topic topic and purposeful,
addresses topic
Point and includes includes and reflects
and includes
few loosely relevant ideas clear insight
irrelevant ideas
related ideas and ideas
Supports main Supports main main
Provides little or point with some point with point with
Support no support for underdeveloped developed well
the main point reasons and/or reasons and/or developed
examples examples reasons
Organization Effectively
& Format organizes
Little or no Some
(Paragraphs, Organizes ideas
organization of organization of
Transitions) ideas to build to build a
ideas to build ideas to build
an argument logical,
an argument an argument
Effective and
creative use
Language Little or no use of
Use, of elements of Some use of Appropriate use elements of
Style & style elements of of elements of style to
Conventions Many errors in style style enhance
(Sentence grammar, Contains Uses correct meaning
structure, word spelling, and frequent errors grammar, Uses correct
choice, punctuation, in grammar, spelling, and grammar,
grammar, makes reader’s spelling, and punctuation spelling,
spelling, comprehension punctuation with few errors punctuation
punctuation) difficult throughout
with very few
on with
Sufficient language
experimentatio and usage to
experimentatio Very little
n with language enhance
Originality n experimentation
and usage to concepts
(Expression of nor to enhance
enhance Applies
the theme in a enhancement concepts
concepts higher order
creative way) of concepts Does not exhibit
Applies basic thinking
No adherence creativity
creative skills to and creative
to the theme
relay ideas skills
to relay
Post Test
Directions: Read each item carefully. Choose the letter of the best answer
and write it on a separate sheet of paper.
Answer Key