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CVG4142 – Structural dynamics

ASSIGNMENT# 3 Solution

1) An offshore structure, fixed at the bottom, is subjected to an oscillatory wave

motion which produces a harmonic force F(t) with an amplitude F0 = 27.5 kips and a
period T = 8 sec. Considering that the offshore structure is a 1 DOF system with a
concentrate mass at the top of m = 220,000 lb, damping ratio  = 5% and natural
period Tn = 4 sec, determine its steady-state response using the gain function.

2) Using the Normal Mode Method determine the eigenvalues and eigenvectors for the
system shown in the figure bellow if m1 = 5 kg, m2 = 2.5 kg and k1 = 100 N/m, k2
= 250 N/m.
CVG4142 – Structural dynamics
CVG4142 – Structural dynamics
CVG4142 – Structural dynamics
CVG4142 – Structural dynamics

3) The two-storey building shown in figure below has very stiff floor slabs relative to the
supporting columns (k1=k2=4 ×10 N/m). Using the Normal Mode Method calculate the
natural frequencies and the mode shapes. Represent graphically the two mode shapes.
CVG4142 – Structural dynamics
CVG4142 – Structural dynamics

4) Consider the systems and force as represented in the figure below and by using the modal
analysis determine modal mass and modal stiffness and the steady state response of the
system. The natural vibration frequencies and modes of this system are given as follows:
CVG4142 – Structural dynamics
CVG4142 – Structural dynamics

5] For the building shown in Fig. 3. with mass m, spring constant k and damping coefficient c, determine the
frequency response function H(w) and the impulse response h(t) of the relative displacement (x1-x0)
corresponding to the acceleration excitation x0 (t ) . The equation of motion is given as:
y  2n y   2 n y   x0 .
CVG4142 – Structural dynamics
CVG4142 – Structural dynamics
CVG4142 – Structural dynamics

6] Consider a cantilever beam shown with bending stiffness El constant through the beam and the lumped
masses of mL/3 located at every L/3 distance along the beam, as shown in the figure below. The influence
coefficients for deflection are given below. Considering the frequency equation (matrix) determine the natural
circular frequencies  and the mode shapes . Draw the mode shapes of the beam.
L3 10 L3
f11  f12  f 21  mL / 6
4 EI 96 EI L/3

8L3 14 L3
f13  f 31  f 22  mL / 6

96 EI 192 EI L/3

7 L3 L3
f 23  f 32  f 33  mL / 6

192 EI 96 EI L/3

- If one of the natural frequencies  will result in a negative value, please replace it with 3.53
CVG4142 – Structural dynamics
CVG4142 – Structural dynamics

Draw Mode Shape

Since error probability was so high in this problem, due to potential arithmetic errors, I
graded based on if you applied the correct method. Points were taken off if mode shapes were
not drawn or interpreted properly.

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