BSBOPS502 Task 1

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Short Answer Questions
● The purpose of this task is to assess your knowledge relating to managing operational
● You must answer all thirteen (13) questions. Where applicable, a guide to the length of
your response for each question is provided next to each question.

● You must complete this task by the due date set by your trainer and assessor.

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● You will need access to the following resources to complete this task:

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o LearnerGuideandclassnotes

o Computer with MS Office Suite (or similar) and internet access.
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● You must provide your responses in your own words. You can refer to the Learner
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Guide or other sources, but you are not allowed to copy sentences and/or paragraphs
directly from these sources. If your responses are found to have been copied directly

from the learner guide or other sources, your result for this task will be Not Satisfactory.
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● You will complete this task at home in your own time.

● You must submit evidence as per the ‘Evidence Submission Checklist’ by the due
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1. Explain (in 20 to 40 words each) the purpose of a Strategic Plan and an
Operational Plan, and the role of an Operational Plan in achieving the
organisation’s objectives (in 30 to 40 words).
● Strategic Plan
It is an analytical process which examines the micro and macro environment of business. The
process is used to define the company’s vision, ambitions, and set priorities to make a route that
will lead the company towards its ultimate goal.

● Operational Plan
The purpose of the Operational Plan is to provide organisation personnel with a clear picture of
their tasks and responsibilities in line with the goals and objectives contained within the
Strategic Plan.

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2. Outline the four (4) types of information that is usually included in an Operational

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● what - the strategies and tasks that must be undertaken
● who - the persons who have responsibility of each of the strategies/tasks

● when - the timelines in which strategies/tasks must be completed

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● how much - the amount of financial resources provided to complete each strategy/task
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3. Explain a typical process for developing an operational plan (in 20 to 30 words).

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The typical process for developing an operational plan begins with clear objectives, outlining the
activities to be delivered, quality standards, defining key targets and key performance indicators,
developing the risk management plan, listing Staffing and resource (including budget)

requirements, set implementation timetables and a process for monitoring progress.


4. Explain the purpose of a budget (in 50 to 60 words).

The purpose of a budget is to plan, organize, track, and improve your financial situation. In other
words, from controlling your spending to consistently saving and investing a portion of your
income, a budget helps you stay on course in pursuit of your long-term financial goals.
5. Explain a typical budgeting process (in 80 to 100 words).

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The budgeting process usually begins when managers receive top management’s forecasts and
marketing project objectives for the coming year, along-with a time-table stating when budgets
must be completed. The forecasts and objectives provided by the top management represent
guidelines within which departments budgets are prepared.

Usually, the work on budgeting begins with the task of estimating sales because the total activity
of a firm depends on the sales. Preparation of sales estimate demands assessment of the
existing market situation and projection of one’s ideas as to what would be the market position
in the ensuing period for which the budget is proposed. Several internal as well as external
factors are taken into consideration.

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6. Explain the purpose of key performance indicators (in 20 to 30 words).

KPIs can help you understand if your company is on the right track for success—and if it’s not,

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where to focus your attention. The aim of any KPI is to bring about improvement and identify

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areas where KPI goals are not being met.
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7. Outline four (4) approaches to developing key performance indicators.

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● Determine strategic objectives

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● Define success
● Decide on measurement
● Write SMART KPIs
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8. Discuss the concept of a balanced scorecard as an alternative approach to


measuring business performance through key performance indicators (in 50 to 60


The whole concept of key performance indicators and a balanced scorecard is to align workers’
performance with the long-term strategic objectives of the company.

There are four basic viewpoints or perspectives to take with the KPI balanced scorecard:
● Financial perspective
● Customer perspective
● Internal process perspective

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● The learning and growth or innovation perspective

9. Explain the concept of benchmarking as a way of assessing business

performance (in 40 to 50 words).
Benchmarking involves looking outside a business to examine how others achieve a high level
of performance and the processes they use to maintain success. Benchmarking should not be a
one-time exercise, but rather an integral component of your business’ plan to close the
performance gap and maintain practices that will help the business grow and thrive.

10. Provide a definition of a PCBU (in 50 to 60 words) and outline their key

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responsibilities (at least 6).

A person conducting a business or undertaking (PCBU) has a primary duty of care to ensure the

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health and safety of workers while they are at work in the business or undertaking and others

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who may be affected by the carrying out of work, such as visitors.
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● provision and maintenance of a safe work environment;
● provision and maintenance of safe plant and structures;

● provision and maintenance of safe systems of work;

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● safe use, handling and storage of plant, structures and substances;

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● provision of any instruction, training, information and supervision;

● monitoring of workers health and conditions at the workplace and
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11. Outline the aim and scope of the Fair Work Act 2009 (in 30 to 40 words).
Fair Work Act 2009 aims to set out the rights and responsibilities of employees, employers and

employee organisations in relation to that employment. The scope includes:


● Employee entitlements and protections

● National Employment Standards (NES)
● Modern Awards and Enterprise Agreements

12. Explain how consultation process is helpful in the development and monitoring of

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the operational plan (in 40 to 60 words)
Consultation during this stage will help assess how well the plan is working and help determine
the need for further action, possible changes and improvements to plans. Different forms of
consultation at this stage could involve: establishing focus groups and holding plan-
effectiveness workshops; participants could be plan implementers, compliance staff and
external users such as planners, commissioners or technical experts

13. Outline at least three (3) consumer rights/protections provided to consumers

under the Australian Consumer Law
● Consumer guarantees - when you buy products and services they come with automatic
guarantees that they will work and do what you asked for

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● Repair, replace, refund - If a product or service you buy fails to meet a consumer

guarantee, you have the right to ask for a repair, replacement or refund under the

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Australian Consumer Law.


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Cancelling a service - you have certain rights to cancel a service.
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