Well Control Manual: Chapter 5 - Well Killing Procedures
Well Control Manual: Chapter 5 - Well Killing Procedures
Well Control Manual: Chapter 5 - Well Killing Procedures
Table of Contents
Current Revision: April 2013 5-1 5 Edition
Previous Revision: May 2010
Drilling & Workover VOLUME II
Constant bottomhole pressure is maintained by pumping at a constant kill speed and using
the drillpipe and casing pressure gauges to monitor the bottomhole pressure. The surface
pressures on both gauges are adjusted by manipulation of the drilling choke orifice size.
The constant bottomhole pressure method offers several advantages. It allows the person
controlling the kick to observe or to calculate pressures throughout the system. It provides
the minimum pressure needed to balance the reservoir pressure, which lessens the
chances for a second fluid influx, yet holds surface pressures low enough to prevent
formation breakdown and lost circulation.
All methods discussed in this guide, except for volumetric control, require circulation to
remove the influx and kill the well. In each case, efforts are made to maintain a constant
bottomhole pressure by adjusting the combination of surface and hydrostatic pressures. As
discussed in Chapter 1, Section 1.6, when circulating through a well, bottomhole pressure
is increased due to annular friction and is expressed as equivalent circulating density
(ECD). As the value of equivalent circulating density (ECD) is very difficult to calculate and
can vary greatly from one situation to another, the effect of equivalent circulating density
(ECD) is not taken into account in any of the methods. The point to remember is that
equivalent circulating density (ECD) will be in effect when performing these methods, thus
holding more back-pressure than required:
Figure 5.1 shows the cross section of two vertical tubes of the same size connected at the
base by a horizontal tube. When a fluid of uniform density is added to the system, the
levels will equalize in columns A and B. This assembly is often referred to as a U-tube
because its shape resembles the letter U. The U-tube is a convenient way to represent
conditions in the wellbore with drillpipe in the hole. The inside of the drillpipe can be
represented by column A and the annulus by column B. The opening at the base of the U
can be thought of as the opening through the nozzles in the bit. The pressure at the bottom
Current Revision: April 2013 5-2 5 Edition
Previous Revision: May 2010
Drilling & Workover VOLUME II
of column A is equal to the pressure at the bottom of column B, which can be thought of as
the bottomhole pressure.
Figure 1.1
Simple U-Tube Analogy
Two equations, provided earlier, are needed to understand and explain the concept
of the U-tube. These are shown again below.
In all U-tubes where the fluid levels are static, the bottomhole pressure generated by
column A is equal to the bottomhole pressure generated by column B. This
relationship is stated mathematically as:
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is equal to
is equal to
Bottomhole Pressure
U-tubes are rather boring when the same density fluid fills both columns. In this
instance, the hydrostatic pressure and surface pressure of both columns are equal.
Such is the case when a bit is run to the bottom of the hole and the drillpipe and
annulus are filled with the same weight drilling mud. The fluid levels remain static at
the top of the well, the surface pressure on both the casing and drillpipe side is zero,
and the hydrostatic pressure on the drillpipe side is equal to the hydrostatic pressure
on the casing side.
U-tubes get very interesting when fluids of different densities occupy both columns.
In these instances, both the hydrostatic pressure and surface pressure of both
columns are likely to be different. Such is the case when a kick is taken with the bit
on bottom. The well kicked because the bottomhole pressure was greater than the
hydrostatic pressure generated by the mud in the well. When the well is shut in, the
well stops flowing, and the amount of pressure under-balance is reflected as a
surface pressure on the drillpipe gauge. However, the fluid in the annulus is no
longer composed of drilling mud alone; it also includes lighter weight formation fluid,
which reduces the total hydrostatic pressure in the annulus. Therefore, the annulus
side is more under-balanced than the drillpipe side, so the resultant shut-in casing
pressure is higher than the shut-in drillpipe pressure. This effect is shown in Figure
In Figure 1.2, a 10,000 ft. well with 75 pcf mud has penetrated an over pressured
sand with a reservoir pressure of 5,740 psi and taken a 30 bbl kick. Since the
hydrostatic head of the 75 pcf mud is only 5,250 psi (10,000' x 75 pcf x 0.007 =
5,250 psi), the drillpipe is under-balanced by 490 psi which is reflected on the shut-in
drillpipe gauge and at the top of column A of the U-tube. The hydrostatic pressure on
the annulus side is equal to the sum of the hydrostatic pressure of the mud in the
annulus and the hydrostatic pressure of the gas in the annulus. Since 30 barrels of
annular mud has been displaced by the lighter weight gas, there is less total
hydrostatic pressure in the annulus than in the drillpipe. The hydrostatic pressure
generated by 30 barrels of mud is 140 psi more than the hydrostatic pressure
generated by 30 barrels of gas in this wellbore configuration. Therefore, the shut-in
casing pressure and the pressure at the top of column B is 140 psi higher than the
value indicated on the drillpipe gauge.
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Figure 1.2
Example of U-Tube Effect
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After the kick fluid has cleared the choke, the well can be shut in. At this time, shut-in
drillpipe and casing pressures will be the same, assuming all of the influx has been
removed and mud hydrostatic is the same inside the drillpipe and the annulus. The original
shut-in drillpipe pressure is converted to an equivalent density at the bit, and the mud
density is increased accordingly.
Any time a well under pressure is circulated, the start-up and shutdown procedures are
critical and should be done with exceptional care. Whenever the pump speed is increased
or decreased (including start-up and shutdown) the casing pressure must be held constant
at the value it had immediately before the pump speed change was initiated. This ensures
that bottomhole pressure remains constant. This procedure is valid because casing
pressure should be the same whether the well is closed-in or being pumped. However, the
drillpipe pressure must vary depending upon the circulating pressure loss in the system,
which is a function of the pump speed. The casing pressure cannot be held constant for
very long though due to the changing height of the influx caused by the irregular annulus
and gas expansion.
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Drilling & Workover VOLUME II
Table 1.1
Sample Drillpipe Pressure Schedule for the Engineer's Method
Once the kill mud reaches the bit, the drillpipe pressure should be held constant until kill
mud reaches the surface. Bottomhole pressure will be equal to, or slightly greater than
formation pressure throughout the procedure as long as pump rate is maintained at the
predetermined rate.
If the kick contains gas, it will expand in the annulus, under controlled conditions, as it
nears the surface. Therefore, an increase in casing pressure and pit volume should be
expected. However, the drillpipe pressure and pump rate must be held at the
predetermined level.
As with the Driller’s Method, any time a well under pressure is circulated, the start-up and
shutdown procedures are critical and should be done with exceptional care. A prior
paragraph on this topic warrants repeating here. Whenever the pump speed is
increased or decreased, (including start-up and shutdown) the casing pressure must
be held constant at the value it had immediately before the pump speed change was
initiated. This ensures that bottomhole pressure remains constant. This procedure is valid
because casing pressure should be the same whether the well is closed-in or being
pumped. However, the drillpipe pressure must vary depending upon the circulating
pressure loss in the system, which is a function of the pump speed. The casing pressure
cannot be held constant for very long though due to the changing height of the influx
caused by the irregular annulus and gas expansion.
Figures 1.3 and 1.4 illustrate a gas kick being circulated to the surface using both the
Driller’s and the Engineer’s Methods. Observing both figures, it is noted that when the gas
bubble reaches the casing shoe the Driller’s Method results in a surface casing pressure
Current Revision: April 2013 5-7 5 Edition
Previous Revision: May 2010
Drilling & Workover VOLUME II
which is higher than the initial casing pressure, whereas the Engineer’s Method is less. In
the Driller’s Method, the hydrostatic pressure in the annulus is reduced as the gas bubble
expands while being circulated out of the well. The bottomhole pressure is being held
constant; therefore, the surface casing pressure must increase. Since the hydrostatic
pressure above the shoe is the same as it was when the well was initially shut in, as long
as the bubble is below the shoe, the pressure at the shoe will be increased an amount
equal to the increase in the surface casing pressure plus any circulating friction generated
in the annulus above the shoe. This increase in pressure could be sufficient to cause a
formation breakdown at the shoe. Consequently, the maximum pressure at the casing
shoe occurs when the top of the bubble reaches the shoe if the Driller’s Method is
Conversely, when the Engineer’s Method is used, the maximum pressure at the shoe
will generally occur when the kill mud reaches the bit.
Figure 1.3
Removing Gas Influx with the Driller's Method
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Drilling & Workover VOLUME II
Figure 1.4
Removing Gas Influx with the Engineer's Method
1) When the kick volume fills the well above the shoe.
2) When a small kick volume does not increase the casing pressure as it rises
into a larger annular area at the top of the collars by the time kill mud reaches
the bit.
3) Any time the top of the bubble reaches the shoe before the kill mud reaches
the bit.
The introduction of kill mud into the annulus through the bit increases the hydrostatic
pressure. In order to maintain constant bottomhole pressure, the surface pressure must be
reduced; therefore, the pressure at the shoe is reduced.
In both methods, once the top of the bubble reaches the shoe, the shoe pressure is
decreased until the bottom of the bubble rises above the shoe. Once the bottom portion of
the bubble rises above the shoe, the shoe pressure remains constant with the Driller's
Method but continues to decline until the kill mud reaches the shoe with the Engineer's
Method (provided bottomhole pressure is constant). Therefore, the pressure at the shoe
when using the Engineer’s Method will always be less than or equal to the shoe pressure
when using the Driller’s Method.
A summary of the advantages and disadvantages of both methods is provided in Table 1.2.
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Previous Revision: May 2010
Drilling & Workover VOLUME II
Table 1.2
Kill Method Comparison
This method is used when the pumps are inoperative or when the drillpipe is either
out of the hole, plugged, or has a hole in it. This is not a kill method but simply a
method of controlling bottomhole and surface casing pressures as the gas
migrates up the hole. The gas is allowed to expand as it migrates up the hole. A
(relatively) constant bottomhole pressure is maintained by bleeding off mud with an
equivalent hydrostatic head equal to the rise in pressure caused by the migrating
gas. The basis of the method is equating pit volume change and annulus pressure.
This procedure is discussed in detail later in this volume.
It is important to realize that the formation will continue to flow until the combined
effect of the new kill mud, of light weight mud, and low choke pressure all balance
the formation pressure. Formations with high permeability cannot be effectively
killed by this method; the influx will exceed that controllable by even the maximum
rate used to circulate out the kick. The corresponding reduction of hydrostatic
pressure will prevent the killing of the well and possibly cause loss of the hole.
Numerical analysis of the Darcy Equation indicates that this method is of
questionable value where formation permeabilities are greater than 200
millidarcys. This method should not be used when there is uncertainty about
formation permeability, and is therefore, not generally recommended.
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Previous Revision: May 2010
Drilling & Workover VOLUME II
6.3 Bullheading
If normal well killing techniques with conventional circulation are not possible
or will result in critical well control conditions, bullheading may be considered
as a useful method to improve the situation. Mud/influx are displaced/squeezed
back downhole into the weakest exposed open hole formation.
Bullheading is not a routine well control method. In many cases, it will be doubtful
whether the well can be killed by squeezing back the influx into the formation and
lost circulation may be induced by bullheading kill weight fluid immediately below the
shoe into the formation. The method should in most cases be considered only as a
last resort.
Prior to Bullheading
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Drilling & Workover VOLUME II
- A check valve is recommended between the pumping unit and the well to
act as a failsafe valve in the event surface equipment should fail during the
procedure. If possible, the cementing unit should be used for better
control and adequate pressure rating.
- Large mud volume and LCM pills should be available in case major losses
are experienced during the operation.
An underground blowout occurs when the formation fluid from one zone flows into another
(see Figure 1.5). The most common cause is the breakdown of a weak formation during a
kick, either at the instant the BOPs are closed or while heavy mud is being circulated to kill
the kick. This is common when drilling below uncased, depleted formations.
The method of killing an underground blowout depends on many factors. Stuck drill pipe
will complicate the situation. If an underground blowout is even suspected, the first thing
that should be done is to locate the zones kicking and taking fluid. This can normally be
done with a temperature survey inside the drill pipe.
If the drill pipe is free, normally its end is near the zone that is kicking, usually at the bottom
of the hole. Sometimes circulating a very heavy mud pill between the two zones can shut
off the flow. The pill’s volume should exceed the hole volume between the two zones. It is
sometimes desirable to simultaneously pump mud down the annulus.
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Drilling & Workover VOLUME II
Figure 1.5
Underground Blowout
The barite plug consists of barite, water and lignosulfonate, and caustic soda. The
lignosulfonate deflocculates the slurry and allows settling of the barite to form a
plug in the wellbore. The caustic soda provides a high pH (10-11) environment for
the lignosulfonate to be effective.
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Drilling & Workover VOLUME II
Slurry volumes will depend on the open hole interval and severity of the kick.
Typical volumes range from 40 bbls to 400 bbls.
Figure 1.6
Underground Blowout Operation
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