Q&A Practice Test Ansci

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Practice Test in Animal Science

1. An established group of fowls by breeding and possess distinctive traits

A. Type
B. Strain
C. Breed
D. Variety

2. Estrogen is the female hormone secreted by the ovarian follicle, it is involved in the
following functions except:
A. Stimulation of duct growth in the mammary gland
B. Initiation of sexual receptivity
C. Regulation of secretion of luteinizing hormone
D. Promotion of the lobulolalveolar growth in the mammary gland

3. This structure is considered as site of exchange between blood and interstitial fluid that
surrounds all cells
A. Lymph
B. Alveoli
C. Glomerulus
D. Capillaries

4. The average heat period of gilts and sows

A. 2-5 days
B. 1-3 days
C. 7-10 days
D. 1-2 days

5. This swine is known to be the “red power” among purebred hogs

A. Pietrain
B. Hampshire
C. Landrace
D. Duroc

6. The function of all genes are the following except:

A. Control the function of other (structural) genes
B. Copy or replicate itself
C. Store and transmit genetic information
D. Undergo mutation

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Practice Test in Animal Science

7. Weight shrinkage of ruminants during transport and marketing is

A. 5-10%
B. 10-15%
C. 15-20%
D. 20-30%

8. All of these are monogastric except:

A. Bos indicus
B. Sus scrofa
C. Meleagris gallopavo
D. Equuz caballo

9. This is done by riding the back or pressing the loin or back of the gilt or sow
A. Haunch pressure test
B. Semen-on-snout test
C. Riding the back test
D. Teaser method

10. These teeth are absent in horse and cattle

A. Canine teeth
B. Molar teeth
C. Milk teeth
D. Incisor teeth

11. Structural and functional units of the kidney

A. Alveoli
B. Nephron
C. Glomerulus
D. Nephrite

12. Average gestation period in sows

A. 114 days
B. 148 days
C. 283 days
D. 316 days

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Practice Test in Animal Science

13. When a gene suppresses the expression of its allele, the former is called the dominant
gene while the latter is referred to as the _____ gene.
A. Homozygous
B. Recessive
C. Regulator
D. Structural

14. Common disease in swine also known as classical swine fever where vaccination
program is usually instituted in a pig farm
A. Hog cholera
B. Parvo virus
C. Pseudo rabies
D. Leptospirosis

15. Surgical operation during which the primary organs are removed
A. Artificial insemination
B. Slaughtering
C. Vasectomy
D. Castration

16. Which among the following is not an egg-type chicken

A. Babcock
B. Cornish
C. Shaver
D. Hisex

17. In young ruminants, what is the structure that causes milk to bypass the rumen and
reticulum and pass through the omasum directly to the abomasum?
A. Esophageal sphincter
B. Ruminoreticular groove
C. Esophageal groove
D. Ruminal pillar

18. When the animal sneeze or cough, the reflex center involved in these reactions is the:
A. Cerebrum
B. Hypothalamus
C. Cerebellum
D. Medulla oblongata

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Practice Test in Animal Science

19. The cheapest and most essential nutrient

A. Proteins
B. Water
C. Minerals
D. Energy

20. The percentage crude protein for a brood sow ration

A. 14
B. 15
C. 18
D. 13

21. An animal where both testicles failed to descend to the scrotal sac
A. Cryptorchid
B. Duorchid
C. Monorchid
D. Anestrus

22. Outer layer of the extra-embryonic membranes which is in contact with the maternal
uterine tissues
A. Allantois
B. Amnion
C. Chorion
D. Placenta

23. Which of the following accessory sex glands in male is absent in tom?
A. Seminal vesicles
B. Cowper’s gland
C. Prostate gland
D. Bulbourethral gland

24. _________ is the notation used to refer to the heterogametic sex chromosomes of a

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Practice Test in Animal Science

25. This practice is given to replacement gilts 7-10 days before breeding to promote
ovulation rate
A. Reconditioning
B. Flushing
C. Deworming
D. Feeding

26. Ideal temperature in the brooder area for newly born piglets
A. 30-32 °C
B. 38-40 °C
C. 33-35 °C
D. 26 °C

27. A practice in solid feeding sucklings where feeds are place in an area out of reach by the
A. Creep
B. Solid
C. Wet
D. Dry

28. Process of heating milk at 63°C for 30 mins to destroy any harmful organisms while
causing minimal changes in the composition, flavor and nutritive value of the milk
A. Sterilization
B. Sanitation
C. Boiling
D. Pasteurization

29. The feed containing more than 18% crude fiber when dry
A. Concentrate
B. Grass
C. Roughage
D. Legume

30. Fresh forage cuts feed animals tethered or kept in sheds

A. Roughage
B. Soilage
C. Silage
D. Fresh roughage

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Practice Test in Animal Science

31. Structure responsible for producing the inner and outer shell membranes of the egg
A. Isthmus
B. Vagina
C. Magnum
D. Uterus

32. An organism which is egg-transmitted causing Chronic Respiratory Disease in poultry

especially chicken and turkey
A. Pasteurella multocida
B. S. Pullorum
C. Mycoplasma gallinarum
D. Bacillus anthracis

33. Which of the following statements does not describe the differences and similarities of
muscle cells of the body
A. All muscle cells are capable of the undergoing hypertrophy
B. Both skeletal and visceral muscles are striated
C. All muscles are capable of contraction or shortening of cell
D. Cardiac and visceral muscles are involuntary in action

34. During panting, there is an increase in ventilator rate but reduced tidal volume because
the increase in air movement is primarily in the upper airways that are not sites of gas
exchange. These airways are called:
A. Physiologic dead space
B. Atmospheric dead space
C. Lung dead space
D. Anatomic dead space

35. Type of roofing recommended for swine buildings

A. Monitor
B. Semi-monitor
C. Gable
D. Gothic

36. Hormone responsible for broodiness in hen?

A. Prolactin
B. Progesterone
C. Estrogen
D. Oxytocin
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Practice Test in Animal Science

37. Hormone responsible for the development of sperms in the seminiferous tubules
A. Luteinizing hormone
B. Testosterone
C. Follicle stimulating hormone
D. Adrenocorticotrophic hormone

38. Hormone that stimulates glycogen breakdown and gluconeogenesis in the liver
A. Insulin
B. Glucagon
C. Epinephrine
D. Estradiol

39. The following reproductive biotechnologies may be used to manipulate the reproductive
process in cattle, carabaos, horses and goats except:
A. In vitro fertilization
B. Embryo transfer
C. Oocyte culture
D. None of the above

40. Hardy Weinberg Law states that __________ frequencies remain constant from
generation to generation provided that the population is large, mating is random, and
that there is no migration, mutation, and selection
A. Gene and genotypic
B. Gene and phenotypic
C. Genotypic and phenotypic
D. Genetic

41. Buffalo with chevron at the ventral side of the neck

A. Dairy buffalo
B. Riverine buffalo
C. Swamp buffalo
D. Murrah buffalo

42. Another term for stocking rate

A. Growth rate
B. Carrying capacity
C. Initial rate
D. Stock yard

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Practice Test in Animal Science

43. Two most popular native vegetation in the Philippines

A. Cogon and paragrass
B. Paragrass and stargrass
C. Cogon and bagokbok
D. Bagokbok and paragrass

44. A feed conversion ratio of 1.9 means

A. The animal ate 1 kg feed to produce 1.9 kg of gain
B. Total feed intake of the broiler is 1.9 kg
C. The broiler ate 1.9 kg feed to produce 1 kg gain
D. The broiler is 1.9 kg

45. Hormone responsible for the rupture of fully grown follicles in the ovary
A. Progesterone
B. Luteinizing hormone
C. Estrogen
D. Follicle stimulating hormone

46. The height where automatic waterers for grower pigs is placed
A. 10-12 cm from the floor
B. 14-16 cm from the floor
C. 18-20 cm from the floor
D. 22-24 cm from the floor

47. The range of environmental temperature within which the animal does not have to
adapt to the environment
A. Critical temperature
B. Comfort zone
C. Body temperature
D. Subnormal temperature

48. This is done to prevent/minimize possible tail biting during growing-finishing stage
A. Cleaning
B. Needle teeth
C. Ear notching
D. Tail docking

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Practice Test in Animal Science

49. Measurement of feed consumption by animal in the pasture

A. Animal unit
B. Kilogram
C. Grams per body weight
D. Dry matter

50. Pigment derived from the feed produces the yellow color of the skin and shanks in
A. Hemoglobin
B. Xanthophylls
C. Chlorophylls
D. Methionine

51. Muscovy duck is officially known as

A. Anas platyrhychos
B. Cairina moschata
C. Anser anser
D. Coturnix coturnix

52. Series of functional and structural changes undergone by a spermatid to become a

A. Mitosis
B. Spermiogenesis
C. Acrosome reaction
D. Spermatogenesis

53. What VFA is the major source of glucose and glycogen in the ruminant?
A. Butyric acid
B. Acetic acid
C. Propionic acid
D. Lactic acid

54. Which of the following secretions is involved in the neutralization of the chyme from the
A. Amylase
B. Lipase
C. Proteases
D. Bicarbonates

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Practice Test in Animal Science

55. Exposure to extreme environmental heat will elicit a response from its body. Which is
not a physiologic response of the animal’s body?
A. Increase in evaporation loss like sweating and panting
B. There will be vasodilation
C. There will be vasoconstriction
D. All of the above

56. Superiority of crossbred offspring over the average of the purebred parents
A. Close breeding
B. Hybrid vigor
C. Inbred
D. Line breeding

57. Swine with very thin back fat among the breeds
A. Pietrain
B. Hampshire
C. Landrace
D. Duroc

58. Length of estrus period in cattle

A. 30 hours
B. 21 hours
C. 18 hours
D. 24 hours

59. Muscle that retracts the testicles against the body to protect it from excessive cold
A. Bulbocavernous muscle
B. Retractor
C. Cremaster
D. Urethral muscle

60. Process by which the germinal cells divide to produce haploid cells each carrying only
one-half of the genetic complement of the individual
A. Fertilization
B. Gametogenesis
C. Meiosis
D. Mitosis

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Practice Test in Animal Science

61. Feed ingredient derived from sugar cane milling used to enhance the palatability of the
formulated ration
A. Molasses
B. Oil
C. Fish meal
D. All

62. This is done to prevent nutritional anemia among sucklings

A. Injection iron preparation
B. Providing clean soil
C. Supplying iron paste
D. All

63. Group of eggs laid by hen for successive number of days

A. Clutch
B. Collection
C. Fertile eggs
D. Nest

64. Secretion of the gizzard which coats the lining membrane and forms the grinding pads
A. Gastric juice
B. Koilin
C. Hydrochloric acid
D. Amylase

65. Broiler chicken originated from crossing these two breeds of the chicken
A. Brahmas and Cochin
B. Cornish and Rhode Island Red
C. Cornish and White Rock
D. White Rock and Rhode Island Red

66. If Holstein Friesian is mated with a Red Sindhi, the resulting offspring is a/an
A. Crossbred
B. Upgraded
C. Inbred
D. None of the above

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Practice Test in Animal Science

67. Protein that greatly influences the tenderness of the muscle after cooking
A. Collagen
B. Reticulin
C. Elastin
D. Myosin

68. Process of wrapping beef carcass with cheese cloth soaked in lukewarm water
A. Chilling
B. Scalding
C. Shrouding
D. Evisceration

69. Which of the following wholesale cuts of beef contains the sternum
A. Chuck
B. Ribs
C. Brisket
D. Loin

70. The keel bone is the

A. Clavicle
B. “wish bone”
C. Pygostyle
D. Sternum

71. Milk is not rich in this mineral

A. Iron
B. Calcium
C. Zinc
D. Fructose

72. Use of old newspaper as bedding during brooding is to

A. Serve as litter to absorb moisture of manure
B. Teach birds how to recognize pictures
C. Improve walking stance of chicks
D. Conserve heat for brooding as insulator

73. The following is a consequence of inbreeding except

A. Exposure of undesirable recessive gene combinations
B. Hybrid vigor
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Practice Test in Animal Science

C. Inbreeding depression
D. A and C only

74. Upgrade developed between Jala-jala native pig and Berkshire

A. Diani
B. Kaman
C. Berla
D. Berkjala

75. Feeding method in sow done to prevent the animal from becoming too fat
A. Restricted
B. Controlled
C. Full
D. A and B

76. If a dry sow was inseminated in April 29, what is her expected farrowing date?
A. Aug 25
B. July 21
C. Aug 21
D. July 25

77. Broiler starter ration should contain _____protein?

A. 19%
B. 15%
C. 25%
D. 17%

78. Vaccine administered to day-old chicks at the hatchery

A. NCD vaccine
B. IBD vaccine
C. Marek’s disease vaccine
D. Brooder pneumonia vaccine

79. Small piglets are prone to this condition

A. Anorexia
B. Hyperthermia
C. Hypothermia
D. Hypoxia

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Practice Test in Animal Science

80. A good parent stock should produce an offspring that has an average daily gain equal or
higher than:
A. 750 g
B. 700 g
C. 550 g
D. 650 g

81. An indispensable amino acid

A. Cystine
B. Alanine
C. Tyrosine
D. Lysine

82. Gumboro disease is also known as

A. Avian pest
B. Infectious bursal disease
C. Fowl pox
D. Marek’s disease

83. The chromosome number of carabao

A. 2n=38
B. 2n=48
C. 2n=54
D. 2n=60

84. Excess skin hanging from the lower jaw of turkey

A. Bean
B. Snood
C. Comb
D. Caruncles

85. Normal breathing is referred to as

A. Eupnea
B. Dyspnea
C. Polypnea
D. Hyperpnea

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Practice Test in Animal Science

86. Method of crossing wherein the first generation are mated with parents
A. Back cross
B. Upgrade
C. Criss-cross
D. Cross breeding

87. Annual egg production of native chicken

A. 50-60 eggs
B. 200-240 eggs
C. 100-150 eggs
D. 260-280 eggs

88. Conjugated protein in the blood that binds with oxygen

A. Myoglobin
B. Hemoglobin
C. Immunoglobulin
D. Transferrin

89. Hormone for milk ejection in a lactating mammary gland

A. Prolactin
B. Calcitonin
C. Oxytocin
D. Epinephrine

90. Site of implantation of fertilized ovum in livestock

A. Oviduct
B. Uterus
C. Cervix
D. Vagina

91. The number of chromosome in swine

A. 30 pairs
B. 19 pairs
C. 27 pairs
D. None

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92. A description of the characteristic of an individual or the observable manifestation of

the traits in possess
A. Genotype
B. Phenotype
C. Heredity
D. Genetics

93. Microscopic examination that measures viability of sperms in the semen

A. Sperm morphological test
B. Semen density test
C. Semen motility test
D. Sperm evaluation test

94. Unsexed female chicken

A. Capon
B. Poulard
C. Pullet
D. Poult

95. Incubation period of quails

A. 16-18 days
B. 26-28 days
C. 30-34 days
D. 45-50 days

96. Cassava contains this substance that makes the taste bitter in some varieties
A. Prussic acid
B. Tannin
C. Anti-trypsin factor
D. Mimosine

97. Feed additives in diet of piglets used to decrease the stomach pH

A. Acidifiers
B. Buffers
C. Pellet binders
D. Emulsifying agents

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98. Whole plant that is cut and dried to about 15% moisture
A. Hay
B. Silage
C. Straw
D. Green forage

99. Animal with poor sense of taste

A. Cattle
B. Chicken
C. Horse
D. Swine

100. Most practical way to feed broilers

A. Ad libitum
B. Restricted
C. Skip-a-day
D. Phase feeding

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